The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, March 31, 1924, Image 1

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TWICE-A-WEEK VOLUME 53. EXPECT ARREST IN GIRLS CASt Atlanta, Ga.—Hinting that ar rests in connection with her disap pearance wepe imminent And almost certain, city dectectives Saturday afternoon pushed the investigation into the strange case of Miss Louise Atkinson, 16, of 239 West Third Street, who returned home Satur day morning as quietly as she left it after being the object of a state wide search for more than a week. Detectives Campbell and Simmons hurried to the girl’s home as soon 1 as her return was confirmed and questioned her regarding her disap pearance. She told them that she had gone to Lakemont, Ga., as a govern ess and had not been allowed to communicate with her relatives until Saturday morning. While her clothes were a litde the worse for wear and her hat, that a week ago was so chic, seemed crum pled and old, the girl herself showed no signs of stress or strain from her alleged enforced absence. “I went to Lakemont as a gover ness for two small children,” the girl told her sister, Mrs. J. W. Knott, with whom she makes her homo, and later repeated the story to the de tectives. The people I went with, whose names I stiil don’t know, wouldn't let me write home. Satur day morning I insisted that they bring me home, however, and they agreed to <k> that.” hen asked if she intended to re turn to Lakemont to continue :r> the position she shook her head dubious ly ad declared she did not know. “You certainly asre not,” her sis ter interposed. Miss Atkinson is the daughter of D. C. Atkinson, former Chief of Po lice in Buford Ga. CARD OF THANKS. I wish to express my apprecia tion to the people of Gwinnett coun ty in honoring me with such splen did vote in my recent race for Tax Collector. I assure you that I am very grate ful and hope that I may tome time be rn a position .favor you. Respectfully, HAROLD J. CAMPBELL. FROM KOPE TAYLOR. To My Friends of-Gwinnett County: I wish to thank you very kindly for your liberal support that you gave me in my race for superintendent of Schools, and the school boys and girls who are interested in my success. I feel that I owe you a ddbt of gratitude even 'more than I can ever repay- Also here is best wishes to all. Respectfully, K. E. TAYLOR. * ED. BOWEN . THANKS FRIENDS To the Voters of Gwinssett County: I thank you, both the ladies and gentlemen, o ft your support given me inm y successful race so tax re ceiver, and 1 sure do fee) grateful to the little children for the ikind words spoken in my behalf. I also thank the good people for taking care of me during the night during my can vass of the county. I shall treasure no ill will towards those who voted against me. I shall endeavor (to give the people a courteous and awomadt ing adminstration of the duties of the office. •" Thanking you ah, R. ED. BOWEN. • SUWANEE, ROUTE 1. i March 29.—Lots of the farmers in this section are hue>y preparing for another crop. Miss Loy Whitlock, of Suwanee, is spending this week end with Miss es Lamer and Georgia Stomecypher. Mr, Cleveland Monday has return ed home after spending a week with his mother in Gumming. Misses Fannie B. and Johnnie Lee Moore had as their guests one day this week Mias Hazel Stomeey pher and Miss Loy Whitlock. The pound supper given by Miss es Fannia B, and Johnnie Lee Moore Tuesday night was highly enjoyed by a large crowd. Mr. J. B- Ledford’s folks are sick with the measles. Mr. A. M. Baxter, has installed a loud speaker on his radio. Mr. Arbin Roberts had the misfor tune to lose his house by fire Thurs day. Mr. John Bailey spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. Mack Moore. , Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Baxter and daughter, of Atlanta, spent Thurs day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Baxter. , The Suwanee school children are well pleased with their new teacher, Prof. Herrring, of Grayson. The Ne ws-Heraj ,n WHERE SH ** ’. WE GET *aKt X SH POTATOES? _ Seed Irish potatoes from almost any section of the country well apapted to the crop may be planted in Georgia with good hesults so long as a disease free, prolific strain of good variety has been sleeted. The Georgia Experiment Station has, for a number of years grown Irish potatoes, the seeds tubers of which came from several different sections of this country as well as from Canada. The data, as a whole, indicates very clearly that the kind and amountof disease infliction car ried in the seed tubers has a greater influence on the yield than does the section of the country in which the seed potatoes were grown. A few examples are here given for one year which was very unfavor able for Irish potatoes. Maryland, Irish cobbler, certified seed, 78 bushles per acre. Virginia, Irish Cobbler, second crop seed, 43. Maine, Irish Cobbler, 62. .Maine, Bliqs, 47. Arkansas, Bliss, certified seed, 47 Virginia, Bliss, second crop seed, 27. The following year was more fav arable to Irish potatoes, as indicated by the following yields from dif ferent sections: Wisconsin, Bliss, certified seed, 120 bushels per acre. Canada, Bliss, 103 bushels acre. Georgia, Irish Cobbler, 116 bush els per acre. Virginia, "Irish Cobbler, 115 bu shels per acre. Canada, Irish Cobbler 116 bushels per acre. Georgia, Green Mountain. 124 bushels pre acre. The mosaic diease is one of the troublesome diseases of the Irish po tato. This disease is carried in the seed tubers and can be controlled only by selecting disease free plants in the field. The Red Bliss or Triumph, so commonly grown for the early crop is especially suscep tible to the mosaic disease. An in spection of the tubers does not dis close the presence of the disease, and growers have to depend upon the reliability of the seed growers and the dealers. In some states the growers, who make a specialty of growing disease free seed potatoes, have their fields inspected by cap able state officials who issue cer tificates to growers of disease free seed stock. Such seed potatoes are thus sold as certified stock which usually command a premium o v er ordinary or commercial seed pota ttoes. Certified seed potatoes do not always give larger yields than com mon seed stock, just as a registered dairy cow may not give more milk than a common grade cow. How ever, the certified seed potatoes will generally produce the best results. H. P. STUCKEY, Director. TWIN BOYS ARE BORN AMID THE BUSTLE OF FIVE POINTS Atlanta, Ga. —That grugling > whirlpool of humanity, Five Points, | served as the stage at noon Friday for something new under the sun when a pair of lusty twins were bom in an ambulance which was halt ed in this bustling center of traffic long enough for a physician to super inted the unique event. The twins were boys and were bora to Estelle Bryant, a negro woman, who was being taken from he home at 223 Rhodes Street to Grady Hospital wehen the “accident” happened. The Grady ambulance in charge of Drive H. H. King was speeding through the streets to the hospital when Dr. Herbert White ambulance physician, noted the condition of his patient and instructed the driver to halt forthwith. The ambulance paus ed in the heart of Atlanta’s traffic center and the twins were born. Two lustl yells signifiedtheir first greet ing to this old world of toil and trouble and as soon as their lungs were in working order the ambuance continued to the hospital, whehe all concerned are reported as doing well. In view of the tense conditions under which they were born, it has been suggested that the twins be named “Nip and Tuck,” or “Stop and Go.” Since Atlanta is always in the lead in unique events, the junior Chamber of Commerce pro bably will be urged to hold fitting ceremonies commemorating the event. WANTED GRANDFATHER’S LOVE LET TERS. Keep the letters and send me the envelopes with the stamps on them for my private collection. Will pay in propotion to their worth. 0. K. BOURGEOIS, P. 0. Box 6, Atlanta, Georgia a3c LAWRENCEVILLE, GEO RGIA, MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1924. BOY, TAKING BIBLE LITERALLY, CHOPS OFF HIS HAND Locust Grove, Ga.—Having fol lowed literal! thescriptural injuction that “if thyright hand offended thee, cut it off,” Herbert Little, 19 year old youth, Friday was recovering from his wound and the loss of blood at his home about three miles from here. He hacked at his arm nine times, he said, and when he came running to his parents late Wednesday night, his hand was hang' ing only by a thread of skin, and there was nothing for the doctors to do but finish the amputation. Althoughthe agony he was suffer ing was plainly written on his face as he revealed what he had done and he lost consciousness from loss of blood while the doctors were Working on his arm, at no time did he express any regret for what he had done, nor would he tell in what respect his hand had offended. He intimated that he might tell when he gets well. His parents, Mr and Mrs. H. H. Little, had not thought of the boy’s mind being affected before he cut off his hand, but it is now recalled that he had been acting in a peculiar recent rough weather he would not go anywhere without carrying his Bible along, and it is said that he sought to be alone, preferring soli tude along tile lonely roads to com painoship with his friends. The youth is in the eight grade at school. One of his uncles is ?heriff of the county, and his family is well known and highly esteemed in his community. STUMP ON FARM IS FUNERAL PYRE FOR AGED VETERAN Scnoia, Ga.—A charred stump with flames stilllicking their dying tongues toward the body of W. M. Odum, 85, Civil war veteran, served as a funeral pyre to the aged man here Friday. The body was found in a solitary spot in a field on his farm, where he had been burning grass in preparationfor spring plant ing. Members of the family stated he was exceedingly feeble, and ad vanced the theory that he fell across the stump and became unconuscious or that he was too feeble to rise as thefire closed about his body. He served in the Confederate army and was cited for bravery. Funeral services was held Saturday. He is survived by his widow and several children. Hi* and Second Hiad Fords. H. F. Stiff Motor Co. Cash or crod*' “HOUSE FLIES.” Flies should not be allowed to get on food that is to be eaten. They carry germs on their bodies and leave them wherever they light. They have possibly been on some unclean matter, and have very dangerous germs on their bodies. We should begin early in the spring to destroy the breeding places of flies, so that there will not be any unclean matter for them to live on, for flies live and breed in filth. Flies should not be allowed to get on the wastes from a sick person. They should be burned or disposed of in some way, for the flies will get germs on their legs and bodies and carry them to some \?eil person. Flies should be kept away from children, especially babies, for they will leave germs on the child’s hands and face. Not only will they leave dangerous disease germs, bat they are an annoyance to the child. In a day or two the eggs of the flies hatch into small white maggots and then in about a week they become adult flies. Flies are a great menace to the health during spring and summer. These little pests cause millions of deaths every year. Just how danger ous they are is not known to th 6 great majority of people who have not had the opportunity to learn about them. HATTIE BRAND. The above is a copy of a brief but instructive composition written by Hattie Brand, a shool girl of four teen, in the seventh grade, Braden school. This paper was not prepared in advance of the class. It was writ ten in a test and, of course, without book or notes or references. I submit this to be published be lieving that it will be an encourage ment to other children as well as to the writer, and that it will be in structive to the public in general. The house fly is one of the most cpmmon yet the least understood of all our pests.' ' Many people do not realize that it is one of the chief causes of the ifpread of typhoid, con sumption, dysentery and many other common diseases. H. H. BRITT, Teacher. GENEROUS COWS MUST GRAZE ON GOOD PASTURES Atlanta, Ga., Mar«h 27.—-The grow ing interest in dairying in Georgia which, livestock meti here say, is al ready resulting in an improvement of dairy stock and in the adding of dairy equipment on many farms, has em phasized the necessity for suitable and ample pOsturagff for the dairy stock. Good pastures are a necessity if the cows are to be given the chance they should have to produce rich milk abundantly, according to offi cials of the Georgia department of agriculture. The need for good pastures is urged by state agricultural depart ment officials in commenting on the incre&sed interest in dairying. Pasturage is a feature of dairying that should not be overlooked in the opinion of everts of the state de partment of agriculture. Cattle that are denied good grating ground are forced to nibble on such grasp as they can find, agricultural department offi cials say, cannot be expected to pay their way as well as cows that are grazed in fields where the grass is suitable and plentiful, where there is a good place for them to stand under. It is as necessary that dairy cows should have good pasturage as it is that they should have suitable shelter from severe weather in the winter time, department officials stated. The tickets will be restricted to five or more persons, with a final limit of twenty-one days, including the date of sale. The granting of home seekers rates to the southeast, in which other rail road lines are expected to participate, is expected to bring many settlers to the southeastern states during the coming summer and fall. Farmer’s Business Outlook Is Bettep Declaring that the holiness outlook for the farmer was never so good as it is today, Hon. J. J. J3rown, Geor gia’s commissioner of agriculture, to day pointed out some of the factors that lead to this opinion. Principal among these is the fact that hun dreds of thousands of people are now employed -in ■ the Various • industrial plants of the country, and that the last decade has witnessed an enor mous increase* in the number of workers. None of them are produc ing things to eat, the commissioner says, and since they must be fed the folk who p- .iduce the food should en joy a good business. Demand, Mr Brown shows, is cer tainly the basis for profitable busi ness of any kind, and there is no doubt, he points out, the number of people who are merely consumers and not producers in so far as food is concerned, is increasing at a rapid rate In all reason, therefore, Com nflksioner Brown, as well as other agricultural experts, say it looks as if the farmer’s business should con tinue. to grow more and more profit able. But, on the other hand, the com missioner says, one continually hears the complaint that the farmer is not getting the prices he should, and that he is having a hard time to make ends meet, and at best enjoying mere ly a competence and that he is far from reaching the pot of gold that lies at the end of the rainbow. And there is much foundation for these statements, Commissioner Brown says. In this connection he points to the value of marketing associations and as they are perfected the farmer will soon be able to get good prices for his products. MRS. L. h. JOHNSON DIED IN ATHENS WEDNESDAY The body of Sirs. L. K. Johnson, who died Wednesday in Athens, was sent to Grayson Thursday for funeral service and interment. The pall bear ers were Messrs. J. W. Caskey, Gray Hopkins, J. W. Jarrell, J. G. Haynes, j Cliff and C. D. Graham. Mrs. Johnson was buried at Chest- I nut Grove church at Grayson Thurs day afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Rev. S. J. Cartledge, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church of Athens, preached the funeral sermon. Mrs. Johnson is survived by her husband, cashier of the Athens branch of the Southern Bell Telephone Commpany; one little son, L. K., Jr.; her parehts, Mr. and Mrs. Thom as McLaughlin, of Mobile; a brother, Mr. Jimmie McLaughlin, of Mobile, and a sister, Mrs. Thornton Winter, of Mobile. PHILLIPS-YANCEY. Mr. J. Frank Phillips and Mrs. Lizzie Yancey were happily married on Thursday, March 27, by Rev. L. F. Herrir-g, of Grayson. The groom is a well known citizen who les’des in Cates district, while the bride was the widow of the late Andr* w Yancey, of Gc ;yson. Their many friends extend gjurmt ulatios and best wishes. LOSING CANDIDATES MUST LIST EXPENSE. McLENDON REVEALS Atlanta, Ga.—Every candidate for county office in the eighty one counties that held primaries on March 19 is required by law to file an itemized statement of his expend! tures within 20 days after the elect ion date, according to S. G. McLen don, secretary of state. The twenty day period will expire on April 8. In the belief that failure tv se cure a certificate of election iH the only penalty for Violation of the law, defeated candidates have been under the impression that it is not necessary for them to make reports of their expenditures, but this is not the case, Secretary McLendon sta ted. He pointed out the following paragraph, 671, in the criminal code of the state: “Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of section 92 of the civil code, on the subject of publishing a report of campaign expenses, shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor.” Section 92 of theci vil code pro vides that all candidates for county offices, including county and city judeship shall, within 20 days aft e the election in which they “are candidates, file with the clerk of the superior court of the county in which they made their races, com plet roportsof their campaign ex penditures. Candidates for judgeships and sd lieitorship in superior courts are required to file the reports with the clerks of all counties in their districts and also to publish the re ports in some newspaper of general circulation in the district Publi cation is not required of candidates forcounty offices. Section 850 of the criminal code requires superior court judges to make special charges regarding the publication of campaign expendi tures at the first session of the court following an election, Secretary Mc- Lendon stated. ‘CAMPAGNE’ AGENT SOUGHT IN ATHENS ON SWINDLE CHARGE Athens, Ga.—TwoAthenians at least (there may be others) are anx ous to find a “Mr. Hass,” who has S4OO belonging—or which did be long, to them. Mr. Haas, is wanted by the city and county law officials, having swindling by the two well known Athenians. Mr. Hass sold them S4OO worth of the rarest cham pagne. In fact it was so rare that the well known Athenians who bought it “slight unseen”are rearin’ now because it won’t come. The man suffers the heaviest loss as a result of the visit of Mr. Haas originally bought only SSO worth of champagne. Where he fell was in indorsing the check for $350 as accommodation to Mr. Haas. The check was turned down. Mr. Haas sold one Athenian, a well known member of the ycunger business set, $350 worth of cam pagne. After Mr. Haas left the Athenian decided he had been stung and ordered his bank to refuse to honor the check. In the meantime Mr. Haas sold SSO worth to another young citizen and through his in dorsement, cashed the $350 check. TEXAS AND KANSAS ARE TORN BY STORM Kansas City,—Loss of life and heavy property damage were caused by tornadoes that struck points in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas late Friday. Heavy rainfall was general. At Shawnee, Okla., eight persons are known to have been killed and scores injured. Relief measures there are well under way. Five persons were reported injur ed at Noble, Okla. At Goff, Kan., a boy was killed by lightning. Property damages estimated at thousands of dollars was done at Crisfield, Kan., where nearly every house in :he town was reported de stroyed by the wind. The Santa Fe station was wrecked and about thirty box cars lifted from the tracts. Several farm houses and bams were destroyed near Crisfield. At Vernon, Texas, four persons were injured and considerabye prop erty damagedone by the wincj storm. A sandstorm swept the Pan Handle section of Texas, with heavy rain from Amarillo to Childress Wire communication was disrupted in many sections of the southwest. W. L. NIX, Attorney at Law, Office ia New Tanner Building LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. j HOW ABOUT FEED CROPS FOR 1924? For more than a quarter of a century the writer has been able at the beginning of each year to can didly state, ‘“ftiis is one year when the farmer cannot afford to fail to grow all the feeds required to feed well all the livestock on the farm.” And we have said and written this plain truth, year after year, with a strengthened convicition of its sound ness as a basic principle in Southern farming. Feed is always scarce and high when the time comes around for making the next crop. There is no question about the soundness of the statement that it is best, because safest and most economical, for the Southern farmer to produce the feeds for his livestock, nor is there any ! question about the statement having been made often' enough for all to have heard it. But it is equally certain that many Southern farmers have not fully accepted this statement as facts. They have taken it in many cases as advice which they felt bound to reject. We are quite well aware of all these things that probably a repeti tion of the facts this season will have as little effect as during past years; but again we come forward with the “original” statement that “This is one year when no farmer can afford to fail to produce his own feeds,, especially the feeds for his work stock.” Why is it “especially im portant that we grow our feeds in 1924”? First because a large part of the South is short of feeds for making the crops in 1924, which means that these crops will be made aj a higher cost. Second, because ofthe present good price of cotton there will be an inclination to increase the cotton acreage, which will itself tend to reduce the acreage to feed crops. Third, a larger acreage to cotton and a smaller acreage to feed crops, or rather a larger crop ofcotton and a small crop of feeds, will tend to lower the price of cotton and m : crease the price of feeds, Fourth, it is more economical to grow the-feeds needed than to buy them, taking one year with another. The only case when this isnot true is when the farmer is a poor farmer, or an inefficient producer of feeds. But there are sometimes efficient cotton prodcurs who will challenge the accuracy of this fourth reason for feed production. They may be divided into two classes. The first, a very large class are very poor farmers so far as pro ducing feed is concerned. The other ciass, a very small one, are very ef ficient cotton producers. This class is very much smalller than those who think they belong to it generally be lieve. Most of those thiink they are such good cotton farmers that they can afford to buy feeds for work stockk with cottonm oney are great ly mistaken. If feeds were genearl ly cheap when cotton is high priced, theory would work out more frequ ently; but where feeds are not pro duced they are always high priced, and in the South when cotton is low priced, because of a large crop, feeds are generally higher priced because of a poor crop.—The Progressive Fanner. J. L. BROWN ESTATE BEQUEST OF $65,000 IS ACCEPTED BY TECH Atlanta, Ga.—At a special meet ing of the board of trustees of the Georgia School of Technology Wed nesday in the offices of the president an offer of $65,000 from the estate of the late Mr. Julis L. Brown was accepted. At the samem eeting, also called to consider the erectionof a new gymnasium, it was decided to defer action for two months while the com mittee, composed of Frank Freeman. Chip Robert, G. M. Stout and Presi dent M. L. Brittain, made futher investigation, it being undecided whether to build thegymnasium or enlarge the seating capacity at Grant field. Mr. Juls L. Brown left the great er part of hiis interest in the Joseph E. Brown estate to the Georgia School of Technology, the bequest received Wednesday being in notes. In his will Mr. Brown stated "I do this because I believe Georgia Tech is doing more good than all the oib er Georgia colleges.” Former GovemorN. E. Harris, chairman o the board, presided, and other present were Colonel W. T Simmons, . H. Gleen, E. R. Black, Frank Freeman, N. P. Pratt, B. M. Grant, Clark Howell and President Brittain. SEND US YOUR JOB WORK. TWICE-A-WEEK HORSE SAVES STAR’S LIFE The love of animal for its' master Is a theme upon which poets, essayists and hedonists have written thousands of words. Usually such stories have long associations for their foundation. The pet is raised “from the cradle.” But here is a story from real life without that feature. It happened on five days’ “acquaintance.” For one of the elaborate scenes in “Merry-Go-Round”—that depicting the rout of Austrian Emperor’s body guard in which 1200 extras were en gaged—Norman Kerry, one of the stars, needed a blooded horse of the finest spirit. Mounted at the head of a vast column of men he was to lead the retreat, fighting every inch of way. A week previous to the making of this sequence, Kerry was at the Am bassador hotel in Los Angeles, and saw there a sorse which was a mag nificent brute of unusual intelligence.. He had to have that horse) Finding the owner he made arrangements to . get it. For five days he gave the animal a daily round of friendly training and "Friendship” developed at a rapid stride. The day'«! the big scene came. There was a slender* column of cavalry and a horde of infantry, coming from opposite direction and joining to pass through a narrow gate. The tumult of shouting and beating of hoofs was tremendous. In the midst of the flashing s etrne Kerry was crowded by a charging group of horsemen and fell—right beneath the hoofs of onrushing beasts! Cries from everyone who ‘taw the fall only added to the tumult. ' Director Rupert Julian and every worker around rushed through the squirming mass ocf tangled humanity as fast as crowded bodies ccvid be separated. By the time they arrived at tbe gate, thsr? was a etea/ space on every side of Kerry, Kerry was on his back on the ground. There was a little hh>cid on his face, but he la ugh ted. He might well smile, tm he was lying under Tamara*. The beast was standing with legs outstretched, rigid, covering the body r his rider. He had stopped in stantly and stood like granite while the great masses of men and horses had rushed by. Between legs Kerry had lain without moving. One swing ing hoof as a horse wheeled had struck his head, but the trot was slight. Tamarar was quivering, his nostrils distended, one leg bribed to the bone. “Good boy, Tammy,” said Kerry with a smile, as he lifted bnmtotf stiffly to his feet—but no one else smiled. Incidently this episode gives some idea of the magreificance of “Merry- Go-Round,” which comes to the Strand Theatre here on next Thurs day and Friday, April 3 and 4, for an engagement of two days. The Aus trian capital has been reproduced in. all its pre-war time splendor. There is a tender all-consuming love story running throughout. An unpsually fine cast of player enact the various roles WANTS GOVERNMENT TO TAKE OVER ROAD Statistics gathered from sta.e highway commissioners, chambers o. commerce, automobile cluhe, and others, have been compiled by Ban., head National Highway oifk.uaJs as ammunition in the campaign to have the road taken over by the nation, u> build its less improved portions and maintain it in perpetuity. The Bankhead National Highwa Associatrno, which has gathered tl - Association, which has gathered tl e leading citizens from each of tl ; thirteen states the highway tiaversi will go to Washington and urge ti passage of the measure. The Bankhead National Highw: has been recognized by the fedei government. The board of office who accompanied the trans-eontine tal military convoy which travers the road from Washington to S. Diego across the continent, Stated was the most feasible military rou •cross the country. Beginning at tl j zero milestone at Washington tl l road goes through thirteen states-, Virginia, North and South Garelin Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Te nessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texa . .New Mexico, Arizona, and Cahforni ending at San Diego. COME To hear Rev. W. Lee Cutts at tl First Baptist chyreh Wedncsda / evening. Brother Cutts is with ti j '“Auto Tour Speakers” and will ha. * an interesting and worthwhile me sage for all. Make plans to come ai t hear him. The service will he in the church auditorium WEBNESDA Z t evening at 8:00. > NUMBER 39.