The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, May 12, 1924, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two The News-Herald Lawrenceville* Georgia Published Monday and Thursday $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. D. M. BYRD, Editor V. L. HAGOOD New. Editor and General Manager J. L. COMFORT, Supt. Official Organ Gwinnett County, City of Lawrenceville, U. S. Court, Northern District of Georgia. Entered at the Post Office at Law renceville, Georgia, as Second Class Mail Matter, under the act of Con gress of March 3rd, 18 1 3. FARM LANDS AS AN INVEST MENT. There is more idle farm lands this year in this section than there has been in several years. However this condition should not be taken as dis couraging to the agricultural inter ests. The acreage being cultivated will be properly worked and the pro duction will yield mote per acre than has been the case in the past. Over planting has been one of the troubles with the fanner. It is better to plant fifty acres of cotton and properly dust ard work it out than to plant one hundred acres to feed the boll weevil. However, this is no time to glow despondent over the outlook. Farm kinds are coming back and withii the next two or three years land will be selling on the market at a great advance 11 pt'.'C over that of today. It is as sure to regain normalcy as time lasts and the man who can hold his land or the man who has the money to purchase Tam ’ands at the present pries, v'.' becon e wealthy on the margui of profits which are bound to come within a short time. Now is the time to buy farm lards. Watch the pre diction—you will not regret making the investment. Georgia farm lands are a safe and sound investment; you will make no mistake in plant ing your money in agricultural pur suits. Buy while you can—later the price of farm lands will soar and you will .never see them as cheap again. HOW TO HELP THE TOWN Not a dollar of the money unnec cessarily spent away from home will help pay your taxes, build up your town, make your community better, or increase the value of your land. Every dollar you spend at home helps do these things. i.TJre towns, full of live advertisers, are holding their business. Good business means growth and prosperi ty in the small town, just as it does in the cities. If you keep your town booming outside competition will fail. If young men and women stay on the farm or in the home towns it will be because of the opportunities they will have. They will not have these in the dead burgs. If you want your customers to read the home paper instead of a mail order catalog, put some of your own bargains in it. OUR FALLIBLE EDITORS. I have just read some of the trou bles editors pet into by mistakes, usually placed on the typos or ma chines. How’s this one, which I per petrated accidentally while linotyp ing for the Dawson (Ga.) News: I was “setting up” a news story of a meeting of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy in which the sentence “after a social half hour, a short business session was held.” A typographical error occurred in the sentence, and in making the cor rection I failed to read the correc tion. All of the older linotyper. know how flinSsy the channel en trance partitions were on the old model machines, and an “1” miscar ried into the “d” channel. The result was: “After a social half hour, a short business session was hell.” All because the U. D. C’s. had a rather warm argument over some proposi tion before the chapter, I got credit before the chapter, I got credit for for making the error intentionally 1 didn’t. Very truly, FRANK THOMPSON, Monroe Advertiser, Forsyth, Ga. NOTICE. I, J. E. Grant, hereby notify Clark, Press and Charlie Allen and their families not to bring or hire anyone to bring their invalid sister, Jane, to my house and leave on my front porch. J. E. GRANT, 319 Stewart Ave., ml2p Atlanta, Ga. Ife*- and Second Haad Fords. H. P. Stiff hfotor Co. Cash or credit Make Your Home Brighter with DELCO LIGHT PRODUCTS Bectric Plants Washing Machines Water Systems V DELCO UGHT COMPANY , /*** Ask. forDetjils Trrms G. M LISENBEE Lav/’snccville, Ga. FOR MEN ONLY Editor’s Note—We kindly ask the ladies not to read this poetry. In or der for them to more easily comply with our request, we have set it up side down. Thank you. peaq .raq uo puß-js 0) peq eqs jj ‘Moqouios 41 jb p,aqs au>u>[ [ —peer Apea-ips s ( aqs uiood siqx 3ui -q;acj « 0} spiao uoj joSb.-a i;j ‘Aon •AOqS b jo puirj jsbo; aqj sja3 ops ji ‘Atoq -autos jno p puij p.aqs jaq jng 1/AOUSJ oj jou jqßno aqs Suiqjautos s ( jj ‘ubuioai p saujOM auiqjXuß s.aaaqj jj —Exchange. “She was not hard to please” is a common expression often heard in connection with this or that one who has changed from single life to that of wedded life. Here is an incident which might have local application, but we will not undertake to so ap ply it, but reproduce it for what it is worth: She was a pretty and ambitious girl and had studied the matrimonial problem to a nicety. “Yes, I suppose I shall wed even tually,” she said, “but the only kind of masculine nuisance that will suit me must be tall and dark, with clas sical features. He must be brave, yet gentle withal, he must be strong—a VOU NEED NOT FAIL. Fifty-two years ago Samuel W. Reyburn, multi-millionaire banker and president of the Associated Dry Goods Corporation of New York, which controls eight huge department stores doing an SBO,- 000,000 business annually, was born in abject poverty on a tiny farm in Fnirplay, Hot Springs County, Aricansr3. Taken from a make shift school when he was eight, Sam started his career by selling popcorn, berries, fruits and nuts to waiting passengers at the railroad station. Between trains he sold butter, eggs and fruits to neigh bors. His profits supported the whole family of six, his father’s earnings from the farm being small. When he was 12 he had twenty boys working for him as salesmen. That year his mother died and HOME SWEET HOME Oscar Loses Another Argument by Terrv J Gilkison AUTOCASTER EH? WELL IT WILL/ I BOUGHT IT AND ITS GOING TO HAN 6 RIGHT UP THERE OH THE WALy MEMORIES lion among men, but a knight among ladies.’ She didn’t have either Bill or Bob in mind. That evening a bow legged lath framed youth, wearing checked trousers and smoking a cigarette that smelt worse than a burning boot, rattled on the door and the girl knocked four tumblers and a cut glass fruit dish off the side board in her haste to get to him. BEGIN USING POISON WHEN 20 WEEVILS TO ACRE APPEAR By Keeton Arnett New Orleans, La., April 28.—While a thorough investigation of young cotton plants by farmers to determine the proper time for pre-square pois oning is urged it is not considered necessary that every plant on every acre in a field be examined. By se lecting several rows in various parts of the field for examination it is be lieved that the degree of infestation can be determined with sufficient ac curacy. However, a most minute examina tion of the plants in these rows should be made and to do this it will be necessary for the farmer to get down on his knees and look over every por tion of the plant. This operation should be repeated daily until it is de termined that there are as many as twenty boll weevils to the acre. Poisoning should begin at this stage. Equal effect has been obtained with calcium arsenate in dust form and the Sam’s father moved to Magnet Cove, Ark., where the boy was hired out as a cotton picker. A year later he took a job at 75 cents a day iq a sawmill in the neighboring town of Becker, earned his board and lodging by rising at 4, milking the cows, build ing the fire and cooking the lodg ing house breakfast. But he saved SIC c. month out o, a total wage of $19.50, and banked it When ho v/ac 22, Reyburn was admitted to the Bar. He took a job in a real estate office at SSO, and at the end of one year had saved $156. At the end of another year he had saved $1,500 and opened a law office. But the real estate, banking and “gen eral store” office had grown. He con centrated on the banking end of it and increased deposits from $30.-' OH/OLUeZ LOOK WHAT I DROUGHT HOME / SOMETHING PRETTY FOR. \ THE HOUSE/ ( well' j we'll see ABOUT THAT > A FINE PIECE OF ART TO HANG IN THE LIVING ROOMS j -ONE FIRvT CLASS <5E COffo HAND FRAMED MOTTO FOR V *3ALE CHEAP-INQUIRE / OSCAR PIPP / v 5?? if ysM THE NEWS HERALD, L>wrane<rrflU. G*tn*t» calcium arsenate - molasses mixture at this stage, according to the re ports of state experiment stations, but farmers should not confuse the recom mendation for use of the liquid mix ture in the pre-square stage with the recommendations for late season pois oning. Calcium arsenate in dust form only is found to be the most effective after squares have formed. At this stage calcium arsenate may be applied either by cotton dusting machines or may be shaken on the plonts from a bag. The mixture, which should be composed of one pound of calcium "arsenate, one gallon of molasses and one gallon of water, may be applied to the tips of the jKnts where the weevils feed by sprinkling a few drops from a home mrdc mop. About one gallon of cue mixture should be used to the « Further rmatlon on Lol we;vr <■< ntrol may be obtained from the county agent, state college of agi'ic 1: or the National 801 l We-,v.i Ci ntrol Association, New Orleans, i&. NOTICE. Through an error in the r ruing R(tm in Washington quite t number of addressed envelopes were mailed in which should have been asserted :• list of Farmers Bulletins. Tr.c<» wW received these will be fur mi r “ 1 the Cst if they will notify me, as there : s m other means now by whim 1 ean get these names. Sincerely, THOS. M. HELL. HADLEY 000 to $225,000 in one year’s time. As a result of his remarkable management, the little makeshift combination business became, in 1902, the Union Trust Co., and Reyburn was elected president. In 1903 tho deposits v/ere over $1,000,000, and Reyburn wrs t>" financial leader of Little Rock. _ 1905 he was elected president of the Little Rock Clearing House Association, and in 1908 was made head of he Arkansas Bankers’ Association. In 1914 came the fa mous John Ciaflin department store crash in New York. Rey burn was Sent fer-- WHAT? THAT OLD FASHIONED FRAMED MOTTO" I SHOULD SAY not/ Hb iuiih flasks/ 'eonrx 527, * SSok COOH TIN6 THE “EEA-tt* IN A CAgPET BEATER. BARGAINS IN FARM TOOLS 1 P. & 0. I. H. C. Combine Planter worth $25.00, at $12.50 1 Ledbetter Combination Planter worth $25.00 at $12.50 Cutaway Harrows at $25.00 to $35.00 I. H. C. Riding Cultivators worth $75.00 at $40.00 I. H. C. Walking P. & O. Cultivators worth $40.00 at ! $20.00 1 No. 1 Primrose Cream Separator worth SBO.OO at $50.00 Many Other Bargains GENERAL IMPLEMENT CO. Lawrenceville, Ga. P.LJ 'Br * Msr* i W/'/>, jj Out of every 100 chicks hatched, 50% ordinarily die. It is the ex perience of poultry raisers who use Purina Chick Star tena that they raise 95%. It is the most perfect baby chick ration ob tainable and is sold on a positive guarantee of double developement or money back. PHARR & GARNER Phone 144 ’- . ' Hi-!* Mjfmniifi - ''''li'i ulii-l'ii'' ■!:inii. liiiiii.iiWiliiMhiiW MBI j . 11 1,., J '■**?' t ! I ! $ htl i iff I ' \JJ ! J. J. BAGGETT LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD 1 HEM 1924 MODEL PERFECTION Cotton Duster Tested and Approved by the U. S. Department of Agriculture Through Dr. B. R. Coad, in charge Delta Laboratory, Tallulah, Louisiana Highest Award at Georgia State Exposition Macon, Ga., October, 1923 Manufactured By PERFECTION DUSTER COMPANY Home Office: Winder, Georgia For Sale By W. L. BROWN Lawrenceville, Ga. WED \ / S’:nee _'/ x introduction ' of itb 1024 models, ’ ?0:r: z*z- broken ao driction records it’s own, k.v tbe rr .inufocturo > \ motor / \ cars s' STpErWaS 5 CHICK ? HSTAPTEMAg WITH BUTTERMILK >. TO. STARTING a 1 chicks Lawrenceville. Ga. I! Ml ■ 11 I ii! \ pi'll V i||i! |, i|| ip{! m i h! I | ill MONDAY, MAY 12. 1924. Throughbred Barred Rock Eggs, $3.00 for fifteen. (Mrs.) tJ. L. EVUM, ts Lawrenceville, Ga. For high grade Fertilizers, Ni , trate of Soda, Sulphate of Ammo | nia and Calcium Arsenate, also Hill’s Mixture we can fill the order. Use nothing l.ut the best, for th re is no time now for experimenting. Call, write or Phone us. Prices right. mßc C R. WARE,—C. U. BORN. INDIGESTION causes hloaiing—gassy pains that crowd the heart—constipation. Always And rtlitf and comfort in CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS No griping—ir# nausea —only 25 cento SULPHUR CLEARS ROUGH. RED SKIN Face, Neck and Arm* Easily Made Smooth, Says Specialiet Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Mcntho- Sulphur, declares a noted skin special ist. Because of its germ destroying properties, this iulphur preparation be gins at once to soothe irritated skin and heal eruptions such as rash, pimples and ring worm. It seldom fails to remove the torment and disfigurement, and you do not have to wait for relief from embarrassment. Improvement quickly shows Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small jar of Rowle* Mentho-Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. Rub Rheumatic Pain From Aching Joints Rub Pain right out with small trial bottle of old “St. Jacobs Oil." Stop “dosing” Rheumatism. It's pain oniy; not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penertating “St. Jacobs Oil” right on the “tender syot,” and by the time you say Jack Robinson—out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. “St. Jacobs Oil” is a harmless rheu matism liniment which never disap points and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Limber up! Get a small trial bottle of old-time, honest “St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and in a mo ment. you'll be free from pains, aches am! stiffness. Don't suffer I Rub rheumatism away. TO DARKEN HAIR APPLY SAGE TEA Look Young! Bring Back It* Natural Color, Glom and Attractiveness Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beauti fully dark and luxuriant. Just a few applications will prove a revelation if your hair is fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur rec ipe at home, though,, is troublesome. An easier way is to get a bottle of Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound at any drug store all ready for use. This is the old-time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients. While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because it does it so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared, and, after an other application or two, your hair be comes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant. Drugs Excite the Kidneys, Drink Water Take Salts at First Sign of Bladder Irritation or Backache Ihe American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble because we often eat too much rich food. Our blood is filled with acids which the kidneys strive to filter out; they weaken from overwork, become sluggish, the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. Uhcn your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, -full of sediment, or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache, or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or if you have rheumatism when the weather is had, begin drink ing lots of good soft water and get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts, lake a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for years to help flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer are a source of irritation, thus often relieving blad der disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive; can not in jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink and belongs in even home. because riobody can make a mis take by having a good kidnev flushing any lime. Bv all means ha\;e your phy sician examine your kidneys at least twice a year.