The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, May 22, 1924, Image 1

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LEADING SEMI-WEEKLY OF NORTHEAST GEORGIA VOLUME 53. ANNUAL ADDRESS TO WOMAN’S CLUB MRS. BAGWELL Four years of service as President of the Lawrenceville Woman’s Club have been completed. It has been four years of development, achieve ment, happiness, for all who have carried forward the program of ad vancement which has put our club among the women's organizations working for the betterment of life. As president, it has been my privi lege to serve the Woman’s Club, with the exception of the time of my ill ness with my entire strength. Always, it has been my» pleasure to respond to every call for advice or aid and I have felt that the loyal, ty and cooperation of the members of the club and the beautiful spirit of sacrifice always shown in our un dertakings were my inspirations. The entertainment or the Ninth District of Federation of Women’s Clubs, will bring to a climax the strenous work of the past year and I am sure will place our club before the eyes of the whole state of Geor gia. Our membership has increased each year and we feel that we have had apart in helping the Kiwanis Chib carry on its splendid work, by our spirit of cooperation. We have the distinction of moth ering the only Junior Club in the Ninth District, which is being spon sored by Mrs. T. A. Smith, one of our club members. A beautiful avenue of trees is one of our best gifts to the town, and when we view the beautiful new school building we like to feel that we helped to put across the bond is sue that made it possible. A rest room in the central section of town Is maintained by this club, which has meant so much to the traveling public. Tallulah Falls school, the Federa tion's own child, and which is locat ed in the Ninth District, has had a large support from us, having sent SIOO.OO, besides a supply of beauti ful towels only very recently. The library in our own school was given $35.00 and a $25.00 set of books, besides many other volumes. Our chib room in tbe Kiwanis building is being equipped. It has been our pleasure to pre seat many out of town speakers, and we have appreciated and found use for much.home talent. Our ministers always being so gracious to respond to our calls in our various programs, on Literature, Music, Health, Home Economics, Education, Library Ex tension, Forestry, etc. The Elson Art Exhibit, which was partly sponsored by our club, was an inspiration to the town. A hand some picture, a copy of the Rheians cathedral, will be presented to the school library as a result of this ex hibit. Our music has been unusually in spiring, the study of American mu sic and the operalogue, “II Trova tore,” being two of the most import ant features of this year’s work. An annual Chrysanthemum Show is one of our achievements, creating an interest in beautiful flowers. Tree planting has been stressed and large numbers have been plant ed, it being our desire and ambition to make this tbe ‘‘Crepe-Myrtle-Dog wood City.” Many trees in our town that have a historical significance in the town’s history are being preserv ed. Having recognhuad for a long time that the Press was a thing that made the wheels go round” we have made use of our county papers, through the courtesy of both editors, to broadcast the work that we are do ing. Many write-ups have appeared from time to time on the Club page of the Atlanta Constitution as well Bryan Pays Tribute To This Newspaper ■—— — — — — — V/m. Jennings Bryan says he would rather speak to the Ameri can people tnrcvgh Autocaster Aews Service then through any other medium, becmuseurt rwhea Uo small torn, aid country folk*. Tnis newspaper is served exclusive ly i n this town by Autocsster Serv- The News-Hera j.d I 'iWJA THE CRAWL IS the PACE THAT KILLS MOUNT MORIAH. Hoschton, Ga., May 20.—Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Feagins spent the day with her sister, Mrs. Frank Luna way, near Buford, Sunday. We are sorry to say that Mr. Lent Harrison is very sick at this writing. Mr. Bert Davis and family attend ed a birthday dinner at his mother’s at Buford Sunday. The singing given by Mrs. Charlie Luther Sunday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patrick spent the night with her parents Sunday. Mrs. Alice Holman spent a while with Mrs. Harrison Sunday after noon. BEAVER RUIN. Norcross, Ga., R. 1, May 19. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bolton, of Nor cross, visited Mrs. Cordelia Nash Sunday. Miss Allie Mae Warbington is vis iting friends and relatives in At lanta. A. R. Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Long and Mrs. Brand, of Atlanta, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sanford Sunday. The buggy in which Robert Nash and Jewell Ball were riding Sunday night turned over but fortunately neither one was injured. Jim Phillips, of Atlanta, spent the week end. with home folk. Mr. Meredith Lindsey spent,a few days last week with his son, Clyde Lindsey, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis, of Pleas ant Hill, visited Mrs. G. L. Mills Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Armour Kelley, of Atlanta, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Richardson. The singing given Sunday night by Mr. Leo Hopkins was well attend ed and enjoyed by all present. Miss Wilsie Warbington called on Miss Belle Sanford Sunday after noon. Mrs. Leverett, of south Georgia, is on an extended visit at her daugh ter’s, Mrs. J. F. Warbington. SEND US YOUR JOB WORK as others of our capitol city. A prize for best publicity work in the Ninth district was won by our efficient chairman, Miss Peeples. Georgia Products Week, made state wide by Ex-Gov. Hardwick, was a success in Gwinnett county and was sponsored in Lawrenceville by our club, your president being chairman. Better Homes Week, a nation wide movement, was a splendid success, your president being appointed by Sec. Hoover. No prize was won, but a lovely note of appreciation and commenda tion having been received from hte editor of the Delineator. The club sponsored the movement for Children Founder’s Roll, which was a success, there being 34 en rolled. I could still tell you many things we’ve done but time forbids and I would like to present the Ninth Dis trict Club program to yon. We especially urge every member to do what they can to make this meeting a success, and to spread the news of the clubs Fine Art Exhibit, which means anything done with the hand. As for the last time as president of the club, I would like again to express my sincere appreciation of favors and friendships from the best people in the world, the P. T. A.’s, Junior Club, Kiwanis Club, Mayor and Council. In giving into the hands of my successor I pledge to her the same loyalty and spirit of cooperation that has characterized the spirit of the club during my presidency, and I know that the eternal debt of ma turity to childhood and youth shall surely be paid if we continue to give our intelligent thought and pull to gether. “Still we build on Life’s ways, On the wrecks of yesterdays Knowing ever that we stand In the hollow of God’s hand.” LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1924. SENATE PASSES THE BONUS BILL Washington. May 19.—The senate [today overrode President Coolidge’s veto of the soldier bonus bill. The vote was 59 to 20 to overthrow the veto. The measure now automatically be comes law, the house heving taken similar action. Several republican organization leaders joined with a strong demo cratic line-up in upsetting thfc veto on a vote which was in doubt until the last minute. This was two more than the neces sary two-thirds’ majority. Last Minute Rally. President Coolidge himself made an eleventh hour effort to stem the tide of support for the bill. He summoned the seven republicans favoring it to the white house, but was unable to swing over enough votes to accom plish its defeat. Thirty republicans, 27 democrats and two farmer-labor senators voted to override the veto. Seventeen re publicans and nine democrats voted to sustain the president. The bill provides for paid-up 20- year endowment insurance policies for veterans and cash payments to those not entitled to more than SSO in adjusted service credit. The senate upheld President Har ding’s vet of the soldier bonus bill in 1922 by a vote of 44 to 28, four less than the required two-thirds major ity. Twenty-four of the senators who then voted aganst the bill or w r ere paired against it are present in con gress now. The present bill passed the senate recently by a vote of 67 to 17. The veto of President Coolidge was over idden by the bouse Saturday, 318 to 78, or 52 votes more than tne re quired majority. MEETING WOMAN'S CLUB. The Woman’s Club met Wednes-. day afternoqn in the school audito rium at 4 o’clock. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. L. E. Smith, followed by singing, “Ameri ca the Beautiful.” Mr. Smith also gave a talk on “Mothers in Lifcera dmre” which was very much enjOVed. Plans for the meeting of the 9th District of Women’s Clubs to be held here the 27th and 28tto of May were perfected and committees for the different purposes appointed. The club went into the election of new officers for the coming year but we are not prepared to publish them just now. Mrs. G. K. Bagwell, our retiring president, who for the past four years has been so untiring in her efforts and who has made the club i most eficfient leader, her an nual address w-hich will be published n this paper elsewhere. The club has grown and prospered mder her leadership and we are hop ing to continue in our growth dur g the coming year. HARRIS HAS WON $90,000 FOR FIGHT ON BOLL WEEVIL Washington.—With the approval Tuesday by the senate appropria tions committee of the amendment of Senator Harris, of Georgia, for $50,000 additional to study the pro cesses for the manufacture of cal cium arsenate and other poisons to be used for the extermination and prevention of the cotton boll weevil, the total amount of $90,000 has been seeured by Senator Harris for fight ing the boll weevil in appropriations for the next fiscal year on amend ments added in the senate to the house bills. He secured $15,000 for for the arsenic deposit investiga tion by the geological survey, and $25,000 for the poison gas experi ments by the chemical warfare ser vice. WEBBVILLE. Lawrenceville, R. 8, May 19. A large crowd from here spent Sun day at Mt. Zion and enjoyed the day. Miss Mary Dutton and brother, Felton, spent Saturday night with Miss Ruby Barrett and brother, Jes sie. Mr. Jim Davis attends Sunday school at Rocky Branch Sunday. Mrs. L. D. Barrett and children spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson, of Oakland. Mr. Emmett Doby attended preaching at Mt. Zion Saturday night. NOTICE. All parties not having settled for their fertilizers are requested to call at once and make settlement, those desiring to pay cash must do so, or settle at usual fall price. 5[ 19[24 G W. CLOWER. SUWANEE. Suwanee, Ga., May 20, 1924. Suwanee High School commence ment exercises were held Sunday at the first Baptist church. Misses Lou etta Reid and Lillie Mae Reese gave sp'endid readings af f er wh'ch a chor. uc was sung by the class The com mencement serr cn was dc’ verod b; Prof. L. F. Forcing, of Grayson, in the presence o* & large audience. It vas enjoyed oy all. Miss Dorothy Buice, o‘ Buford, spent Friday >vgnt with .-liss lin ts elle Whitio }. Miss Reca Davis, of Atlanta, svient the W:ck end with he* r. .vher, Mrs. Minnie Mi S 3 \ nssit J'eese sp r. JV. in Atl.i •» Misses Hazel and Tamer Stonecy pher spent Saturday night and Sun day with Miss Loy Whitlock. Misses Louette, Ruby and Lillie Mae Reid, Eula Mae Wallace and Mr. J. T. O’Rouke attended the sing ing at Old Field Sunday afternoon. Mr. Loyd Bullock motored to At lanta Sunday. A large crowd enjoyed the play given by the school children at the school house Friday night. Messrs. Victor Hagood and J. L. Comfort, of Lawrenceville, were in Suwanee on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Adding ton, of Athens, are spending a while with the latter’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pierce. I. O. O. F. Lawrenceville Lodge I. O. O. F. No. 21 will hold their regular meet . ing Monday evening, May 26. at 8:30, when work in the second de gree will be conferred. All brethren requested to be pres ent. Visiting brethren cordially in vited to meet with us. J. F. ATKINSON, N. G., M. R. HALE, Sec. GEORGIA WfEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Georgia has over 150 cotton mills and a total of over 3,250,000 spindles. Atlanta—-Jlefcnut acreage in south west this to be largest in history. Dalton—Amerjcan Thread Company awards contracts for mill buildings. Macon—Cornerstone laid for con struction of new county court house. Fort Valley—Sidewalks being paved throughout residence section of city. Brunswick—Packing plant to be erected to eare for farm products and vegetables grown in Glynn county and on St. Simons Island. Rome —H. McCrary to put 100 acres in pine trees starting first reforesta tion work in Floyd county. Greensboro—Greene county portion of Augusta-Atlanta highway being placed in first class condition. Syvania—Plans under way for con struction of $45,000 school building. Thomaston State highway com mission awards contract for building 7.6 miles of road in Upson county. Knoxville—Survey work started for ex'ension of route No. 22 to county line. Barnesville 530,000 bond issue planned for improvement of water works and sewer system. Jesup—New owners of block 16 to cover property with modern brick buildings. Valdosta—Over sixty railroad traf fic men from various railroads con vent for conference with Sowega Melon Association to arrange for transportation of huge melon crop. Calhoun—Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis railway to construct SIB,OOO depot. Sardis—Vestal Lumber & Manufac turing Company to install machinery in new plant which will double present output. Atlanta Railroads assure peach growers ample supply of cars for movement of crop. Statesboro—Factory to be reno vated and machinery installed for es tablishment of modern packing plant. Stillmore —Stillmore Ice & Coal Company completes rebuilding local plant and installing machinery. Midville—Contract to be awarded for construction of bridge on Waynes boro-Swainsboro road. Sparta—Additional road in Han cock county to be improved with help of state and federal funds. Thomasville Campaign launched for construction of SIOO,OOO winter tourist hotel. Montezuma—Completion of peach by-products plants at Marshallville and Montezuma to be completed about June 15. Dawsonville —Editor Siler, of the Cosmopolite, is a good example of a live newspaper publisher. He is fur thering plans for development of near by water powers and natural springs in northern Gerogia. Southern farmers are planting 20 per cent more acreage to peanuts this year than in 1923; report shows in crease of 40 per cent for Georgia; Alabama, 35 per cent; South Carolina, 20 per cen; Florida, 9 per cent; and Texas, 5 per cent. Tennessee also will greatly increase its 1923 total of *14,000 acres. BAPTISTS WARN THEDEMOCRATS Atlanta, Ga., May 19.—Sounding a warning to the democratic party that the “solid south” will be broken and many southern states will swing into the republican column in the forth coming presidential election if a “wet” democratic candidate is nominated, the Southern Baptist Convention closed its sixty-ninth annual session here Saturday night with a ringing declaration of principles that encom passed not only the national political situation, but economic and civic prob lems now confronting the American people. The pronouncement, regarding the poltical outlook was contained in the report of the social service commis sion, presented by Dr. A. J. Barton, chairman of the commission af.d gen eral superintendent of Baptist mis sions in Missouri. The report was re ceived with applause and its reading was punctuated by “amens” from the thousands of messengers representing eighteen southern states. Its adoption was unanimous. Amplifying the report as it related to the presidential situation, Dr. Bar ton gave out the following statement: “Emphasizing the paragraph in the report of the commission on social service which deals with the question of the presidential year, I would give it as my mature and deliberate judg ment that the constituency of the Southern Baptist Convention of ten million people and other southern democrats will not support for the presidency a wet candidate. “If the democrats are at all wise, they will not nominate a wet. If they lominate a wet and the republicans a dry, it will inevitably mean that the solid south will be broken and a num ber of southern states will swing into the republican column. Warning to Democrats. “It has sometimes been said that you can always depend upon the dem ocrats to play the fool. They will certainly play the fool this time if they nominate a wet in the approach ing national convention." The presentation of the social ser vice commission-report was one of the outstanding events of' the ffiur-dav session, during the course oi which many matters of vital importance to the denomination were considered. The definite major accomplishments of the sixty-ninth meeting of the con vention may be briefly summarized as follows: Report Summarized. 1. Decision to launch a campaign this fall to raise $7,500,000 to finance denominational activities in 1925. 2. Pluns for an intensive effort to conclude the $75,000,000 campaign by January 1, 1925, and carry out the financial program of the five-year period now drawing to a close. 3. Approval of a religious pro gram giving greater recognition to rural churches, which constitute al most 90 per cent of the Southern Baptist Convention. 4. Placing of greater emphasis on evangelism. 5. Postponement of proposals to change the jurisdiction of certain gen eral boards. 6. Decision to continue negotia tions looking toward securing com plete ownership and control of George Washington university at Washing ton, D. C. The concluding session Saturday night was marked by a demonstration given Dr. George W. McDaniel, newly elected president of the convention, who delivered a brief address express ing his appreciation of the cordial co operation of the messengers in dis posing of the varied business matters, and pledging his best efforts to carry forward the work of the denomina tion. The presentation to the convention of several veteran ministers who have seen fifty years’ service for the Bap tist faith, was a feature of the last hour, which developed into a veritable love feast of cordiality and fraternal expression. Of its own volition, the resolutions committee, which had steadfastly re fused to approve various resolutions injecting the fundamentalist-modern ist controversy into the convention, brought in a resolution, which was unanimously adopted, naming a com mittee of seven Baptist leaders to con sider the advisability of formulating a statement of Baptist faith and doc trine for presentation at the 1925 meeting of the convention in Mem phis, Tenn. Committee Members. The members of this committee ave: Dr. E. Y. Mullins, I)r. L. R. Scarbor ough, Dr. C. P. Stealey, Dr. W. J. McGlothlin, Dr. S. M. Brown, Dr. E. C. Dargan and Dr. R. H. Pitt. Singing “Blest Be the Tie That Binds,” the messengers were dis missed at the conclusion of the night session. Drink Chero Cola In the Twist Bottles “The Real Quality-Drink" THiS THAT Hfm JEO6E SAYS * * work and win - vep, BUT WIN ANP THEN vou won't have to WORK, f i OZORA. Lawrenceville, R. 2, May 21. Rev. Mobley, of Buford, preached a good sermon at Ozora Sunday morn ing. Mr. McDaniel and Mis* Mary Yancey and Letha Cheek mptored to Atlanta Saturday. Misses Mae and Ruby Camp at tended the all day service at Mt. Zion Sunday. Mr. Gaines McMillian, of Atlan ta, and Misses Hermie and Vera Mc- Millian, of near Loganville, attend ed meeting here Sunday. Miss Mae and Jonah Cheek spent Saturday in Atlanta. Misses Mae and Ruby Camp and Gladys Townley attended the com mencement Tuesday night at Law renceville. There will be Sunday school at Ozora Sunday evening at 2 o’clock. BRADEN. Tucker, Ga., R. 1, May 21.—Mr. Harold Lanford, Mr. Willie Lanfard and Miss Laura Lanford attended the party given by Miss Evie Lou Arnold at Tucker last Saturday night. Misses Emma and Mamie Cun ningham and Mr. Claude Cunning ham motored to Norcross Saturday afternoon to see their aunt, Mrs. W. Ray. Mr. qnd Mrs. O. L. Baskettc, of Atlanta, were the guest* of the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Grant recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lanford, of Atlanta, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lanford Sunday. Mrs. H. W. Mills and Mr. Jack Stephens, of Atlanta, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Grant last Sunday. Miss Roddie Wells spent the week end with her sister in Atlanta, Mrs. W. H. Phillips. Miss Johnnie Grant was the guest of Miss Laura Lanford Monday night. Mr. and Mi’s. J. H. Lanford and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lanford motored down to sea their sister last Suit day, Mrs. E. G. Street, who is very ill. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Dickens and two small children, of Madison, Ga., were the guests of the latter’s par ents, Mr. F. M. Mansfield, and fam ily. OLD SUWANEE. Buford, Ga., R. 1, May 20.—Sun day school at 2:30 and preaching at 3:30 by our pastor, Rev. G. T. Hunt, at this place next Sunday. Mrs. Ellie Ethridge and children, of Atlanta, spent last week with her mother, Mrs. John Disspain. Miss Phcnnie Stonecypher, of Su wanee, was the week end guest of Miss Gertrude Hayes. Mrs. Lillie Braziul is seriously sick at this writing we are sorry to note. Miss Florine Davis spent Sunday with Miss Jessie Brogdon. Mr. John Reese and Mr. Larkin Hayes, of Atlanta, were the Sunday guests of Misses Phennie Stonecy pher and Gertrude Hayes. Mrs. C. E. Hayes is confined to her room with sore eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Parker, of Buford, spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Peppers. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roberts spent Friday night with Mrs. R. L. Sud derth. Mr. J. M. Bennett and daughter, Mrs. Eula Farmer, visited in this section Friday. The little nine months’ old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Brannan, of Shiloh, was buried at this place last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Braziel, of Atlanta, have been visiting his moth er, Mrs. Lillie Braziel. Those visiting Mr. G. E. Brogdon and family Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Roe Sears and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Brogdon, Mr. and Mrs. Bird Brogdon and family, Mrs. W. A. Brogdon, Mrs. G. M. Sudderth, Mrs. George Brogdon of. Buford, and Mr. Garnet Jackson of Jacksonville, Fla. ISSUED EVERY MONDAY and THURSDAY EDUCATORS TO MEET IN ATHENS WEEKJULYBTH Athens, Ga.—A most important conference of educators of Georgia will be held here July 8 during the University of Georgia Summer school, when, at the call of State Su peritendent N. H. Ballard, 400 or more teachers will meet. The first question to be discussed by the teachers attending the con ference will be the financing of state schools. On the same day local and county support of schools will be discussed by Judge Andrew J. Cobb, Judge R. B. Russell, Governor Clif ford Walker and others. Dr. A. E. Winship, of Boston, will discuss “Schools of Today and Tomorrow." Former State School Superintend ents Gann, Jree M. Pound M. L. Brittain and M. M. Larks als » *r'l ■-peak. On July 9 Judge '*■ A. Covingto:, Superintendent Lawton B. Evan.-, Daniel Gilson and ou ers will nit cuss “Bchool Administration." In the afternoon there will be a discussion of the certification of teachers led by Superintendent Bal lard and visiting state superintend ents who have inaugurated the state system of certification. There will be other programs on Monday, Thursday and Friday, ar ranged by the officials for the visi tors. Many exhibits of schoothouse plans, school equipment will be on display and opportunity will be given the delegates to visit regular classes of the summer school. Drink Chero Cola In the Twist Bottles “The Real Quality-Drink” PEACHTREE CITY. Norcross, Ga„ R. 2, May 20. Services at Bethlehem, the Primi tive Baptist church, were well at tended Sunday. Singing ia the old Sacred Harp before preselßng. At 11 o’clock preaching by the yadatr Rev. Hull, with foot washing and communion in the afternoon. Mrs. Pearl Martin has returned home after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Maloney. Mrs. Dora Gardner, of Deeatur, spent Friday with Mrs. Arminda Woodall. Mr. J. A. Maloney, of Macon, gave our town a short visit Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Weathers an nounce the birth of a girl on May 17 th. Mrs. Ruby Mumphries is recover ing from a severe spell of tonsUitis. Mr 3. C. H. Gardner and children, of Brookhaven, spent Friday with Mrs. C. M. Young. Mr, and Mrs. H. H. Corley, Miss Della Corley and Mrs. Louise Hol brook and little son, Carl, Jr., were Sunday visitors of the former's daughter, Mrs. W. H. Walace, of Atlanta. Miss Lola Ray, of Decatur, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ray. LOST Off Commerce Bus between Atlanta and Commerce on Monday, May 19th, 34x5 Fisk Cord Cas ing and tube on rim. Finder will leave at Smith’s Filling Station, Lawrenceville, and receive reward. m22p Speed Still His Charles Paddock, fastest sprint man the world has ever town, shows the form of old ta hw first Olympic tryouts, lutfwis ,ba shattered another mark, ■•■ inf him th« bolder of uiao world r* orda. • NUMBER 53.