Newspaper Page Text
Dacula, Ga.. R. and Mrs.
Xitre St. John, of Alabama, were
visitors in this section last week.
Mrs. Kate Mahaffey and son and
daughters, Lewell, Lorraine and
Henrv. went to Pleasant Hill to the
celebration and . on to. Stone Moun
tain Saturday.
Mrs. Lorraine Whitworth is teach
ing a music class at her. mother s
Mrs. Kate Mahaffey. • •
Mr. H. P. Reed lost one of his
mules one day last week.
Suwanee, Ga.. Aug. 1-- Lhe
gils’ sewing club went to Tallulah
Falls on the excursion Sunday on a
picnic. Mrs. Jennie Mae Rhodes was
chaperone. Everybody had a grand
time. Those going were Misses An
nie Lynn de Vore, Crysta Farmer,
Foy Whitlock, Ophelia Brogdc-n, Al
pha Jinks, Vivian Little, Aldora An
derson, Margaret Poole, and Mary
Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker and
daughters, Fay and Fannie Lou, and
Miss Whitley, of Winder, spent Sun
day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. R-
A. Whitlock.
Miss Aldora Anderson, of Atlan
ta; Misses Mary Elliott and Mar
garet Poole, of Franklin, N. C., are
visiting Mrs. Jennie Mae Rhodes.
Mr. and Mrs. V. D! Buice and
children visited Mr. and Mrs. Walk
er of Toccoa, Sunday.
Mrs. Eula Farmer and daughter,
Crysta, were in Atlanta Monday on
Mr. 0. R. Whitlock and Misses
Tamer and Georgia Stonecypher
were in Suwanee Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pierce and
little daughter, Betty Kay, of Elber
ton, also Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh
Pierce, of Carlisle, S. C., were the
guests of their parents, Dr. and
Mrs. N. H. Pierce, Sunday.
Mr. Henry A. Mewborn, Miss
Vivian Bivens, of Indianapolis, In
diana, and Mrs. M. U. Smith, Miss
Mary Martin, of Atlanta, were the
guests of Dr. M. W. Jinks and fam
ily Sunday.
Lilbum, Ga., R. 1, Aug. 12.—The
revival meeting will begin here Fri
day. We want every member, or
those who have been members, of
Corinth church to be present Sun
day. Every preacher who has been
pastor of this church to be present
for we are going to have homecom
ing day.
Miss Jewell Gouge, Mr. Grady
Gouge spent Saturday night below
Grayson with Miss Willie and Mr.
Wallace Gouge. *
They painted Corinth church on
the inside last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Brownlee an
nounce the birth of a baby girl,
August 9th._
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brownlee, of
Atlanta, and Mr. Homer ferownlee,
of this place spent Sunday after
noon with Miss Juanita Juhan.
Misses Corinne and Mamie Sex
ton spent Saturday night with Miss
Zors Nash near Union.
Misses Irene Rawlins and Myr
tice Jones, of tAlanta, were at Sun
day school last Sunday at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lance near
Grayson spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Waters.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Garner spent
last Sunday at East Point.
The Nortons had a reunion at Mr.
E. E. Norton’s last Thursday.
Lawrenceville, R. 3, Aug. 12.
The friends of Elmo Merritt en
joyed the birthday dinner he gave
them Friday, he being six years old.
Those present were Masters Claud
Du{ ton, Emory Cecil and Ruby Doss,
an 4 George Vernon^
Miss Ruth, Wilkerson has returned
hoife after pending a week in At
Mr. Bill and Mr. Early Dutton
spent a while Tuesday with their
cousins, Charlie and Quill Dutton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Doss and
daughter Effie, shopped in Law
renceville Wednesday.
The people of this community
cleaned off Mt. Zion cemetery Wed
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. W’ilkcrson
spent Monday afternoon with their
son near Five Forks.
Miss Myrtice Dutton is spending
this week with her brother near
Meeting will start at this place
Saturday, August 16.
Messrs. Paul Bennett, Alec Doss,
Bill Dutton and Alton Haney at
tended meeting at Yellow River Sun
day night.
baby » |/
HOME? \T l ' V _y "" !!
A Saf* Liquid Treotmvnl For
Sick Fretful Babifi and Childrm
Bowel and TftlKing Troubles
No Opiates No Dope Sold by Druggists
TO ALL I. O. O. F.
The semi-annual convention of tiie
fifteenth division of Georgia Odd
Fellows will be held with Winder
lodge No. 81, Winder, on Wednesday,
August 20. All lodges of this divis
ion will be expected *o send a full
delegation of representatives Ar
rangements have been completed for
one of the largest conventions of
Odd Fellows ever held in the fif
tenth division. All visiting brothers
will receive a cordial welcome.
Division Deputy.
Snellville, Ga., Aug. 11.—Dr. and
Mrs. Ed Braswell, of Loganville,
were here Friday.
Mr. and Mrs G. F. Snell and
children, Miss Gladys Snell and Mr.
Edwin Snell have returned from a
trip to Ashville, N. C., where Mrs.
Snell visited her brother, Mr. Rob
ert Cofer, who is dangerously ill in
a hospital at Otine.
Mrs. Lula Johnson Garner and
daughter, Miss Vivian Gamer, of
Lilburn, were guests of Mr. and Mrs-
John Ford l§st week. y
Miss Rachel Whitworth spent last
week with relatives in Stone Moun
tain. - ’
Mrs. Sallie Aycoc)c v of Lithonia,
spent;. Sunday with, her sister, Mrs.
Whitworth, at the home of her son,
Mr. Albert. White.
Mrs. Hubert McGee and children,
Mary Elizabeth, and Hubert, Jr.,
and Miss Elizaljpth Campbell, witt
leave in a„ few days for a visit to
Columbus jvhere they will be %
guests of Mrs. McGee’s sister, Mrs.
Rex Lavender, and Miss Campbell’s
father, Mr. Claude Campbell.
Misses Rufie Grizzard, Nell Har
ris and Johnnie Lee Ford spent Mon
day night the guests of Mrs. Bras
Mrs. Jesse Cofer, of Wenona, and
daughter, Mrs. S. G. Black of Tam
pa, Fid., and son, Mr. Ralph Cofer,
Atlanta, and Mrs. Clark Connor, Lo
ganville, spent Wednesday with Mr.
and Mrs. G. F. Snell.
Mr. Casper Nash, of Atlanta, and
Miss Exer Johnson were quietly
married Sunday afternoon at the
home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Johnson, Rev. J. P. Mc-
Connell officiating.
Misses Nelle Harris and Rufie
Grizzard spent Tuesday in Law
renceville the gueets *of Miss Jean
nett Harris.
Protracted services began at the
Methodist church Sunday night.
Mrs. L. P. Greene and children
spent Sunday the guests of relatives
near Monroe.
Mr. J. J. Jones who has been se
riously ill for several days with
heart dropsy, is growing weaker and
his demise is expected at any time.
Mrs. Amma Cooper-Brand-Fow
ler, of Alabama, was the guest of
her daughter, Mrs. Bose Byrd, last
week. Mrs. Fowler will be remem
bered as the daughter of ?fr. and
Mrs. Wash Cooper.
Mrs. W. R. Moore and son, Mr.
eVrner Moore, Stone Mountain, and
Mr. and Mrs. Mack iMtchell, of
Mountain iVew, were recent guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whitworth.
Mrs. Maxon Collins, of near De
catur, is on a visit to her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Knight.
Mr. White, of Griffin, was here
last week in the interest of the \V.
O. W. lodge.
Mrs. James Sawyer and little
granddaughter, Elise, spent Tues
day with her daughter, Mrs. J. A.
Hannah, near Stone Mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whitworth
went to Atlanta Monday to have an
examination made of Mr. Whit
worth’s eyes.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Matthews
and Mr. and Mrs. Lint Phillips, of
Ingleside, attended service.s at the
Methodist church Sunday night.
Prof, and Mrs. L. P. Greene went
to Atlanta Monday.
After Every Meal
It’s the longest-lasting
confection you can buy
-and it’s a help to di
gestion and a cleanser
for the mouth
and teeth.
Wrlgley’s means
benefit as well as
in its
Incline to full feellngafter eat*
lng, gassy pains, constipation
XelitvtJ mJ JigrttuK is tproced by
Cl panting and comforting . only 25c
Norcross, Ga. —Our esteemed fel
low townman, C. P. Lively, confed
erate veteran and one of, if not the
oldest member of Camp L. P. Thom
as, was honored with a birthdav din
ner last week at home in celebration
of his 84th anniversary with just
the homefolk present.
Majof Dewitt Jones,, U. S. A.,
stationed at Washington, wife and,
young son, Beverly, have been visit
ing Mrs. Homer V. Jones here, she
accompanying them on their home
ward trip as far as Ashville for a
few days stay there.
Major Thomas H. Jones, whose
wife and little Homer are already
here, will be joined by Major De
witt Jones, he having been changed
from New York to Fortress Monroe.
Major Clifford Jones, eldest of
the three brothers, only children of
the late Homer V. and Mrs. Jones,
doubtless will show up later on.
Rather remarkable, three boys in
one family attain the rank of Maj
or. They of course, grew up at Nor
The Anne Winn chapter 0. E. S.
(Lawrenceville),.will be honored by
the attendance at campmeeting next
Sunday of their highest grand of
ficers, Miss Mamie Johnson, Augus
ta, Grand Worthy Matron; Mrs. Ju
lie Turner, Atlanta, Associate'Grand
Worthy Matron; Mrs. Sallip McEl
roy, Norcross,. Grand Conductress
0. E. S. of Georgia.
Everybody who is * interested in
Trinity cemetery meet Tuesday. Au
gust 19th, for the purpose of clean
ing off the grounds.
At Training Camp.
Officer of the Day—The Pberty
of the- camp is denied all for the
Rear Rank Voice—Gimme liberty
or gimme death.
Officer—Who said that?
Another voice—Patrick Henry.
Norcross, Ga., R. 1, Aug. 11.—
Horace Craft has been visiting rela
tives at Oakland.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nash, of At
lanta, spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. W\ R. Duncan.
Mrs. M. H. Cash and children, of
Hulbert, Ark., and Mrs. W. I. Ross
and small daughter, of East Point,
Ga., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Among those from this place who
attended the Cash reunion Sunday
were Mr. ana Mrs. Clarence War
bington and sister, Miss Wilse War
Dr. N. J. Guthrie and wife, of
Norcross, spent a while with Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Lindsey Sunday af
Mrs. Lester Allison aijd small
daughter have returned to Gaines
ville after spending some time with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc-
Daniel. She was accompanied home
by her brother, Mr. Alton McDaniel.
Mrs. Leverett, of Toccoa, and
grandson, Mr. Marion Brown, of
Crawfordville, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Warbington.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cash, after
spending a week with Mr, and Mrs.
J B. Sanford and other relatives,
have returned to Memphis, Tenn.
Mrs. Ethel Nash, of Atlanta, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ade Adams.
Funeral Director*
Embalmer, License N’o. 832
Day Phone 16
Night Phone 24-W
; Old Folks’
j Ailments
I**l began taking Black-
Draught over fifty year* ago
| and my experience with it
latretches over a good long
time,” say* Mr. Joe A. Blake
| more, a Civil War veteran
| and former Virginian, who is
j now a prominent citizen of
I Floyd, Texas. "It is the best
j laxative I know of for old
! people. . . A good many years
ago, in Virginia, I used to
| get bilious and I found that
I * 1
fTM J /.) 1
I was the best and quickest ra- |
| lief I cobid get. Since I came I
, to Texas I have these bilious !
I attacks every now and than— I
I a man will get bilious any- j
, where, you know—and I find !
I that a little Black-Draught I
| aoon straightens me out. j
I After a few doses, in little er J
no time I’m all right again.” I
| Thedford’a Black-Draught |
j is a purely vegetable liver ■
J medicine, used in Ameriea fer J
I over aighty yean. It acts an |
I the stomach, liver and bowels I
! in a gentle, natural way, as- J
I slating digestion and nliev- |
I big constipation. Said every- I
, when.
E-152 I
for the liver
Beware of imitations. Demand
the genuine in 10c and 35c pack
age# bearing above trade mark.
In the District Court of the Unit
ed States, For the Northern District
of Georgia. In re:
J.Herschel Thompson, Bankrupt. No.
10117. In Bankruptcy.
A petition for discharge having
been filed in conformity with law
by above-named • bankrupt, and the
Court having ordered that the hear
ing upon said petition be had on
Sept. 20, 1924, at ten o’clock A. M.,
at the United States District Court
room, in the city of' ATLANTA,
Qeorgia, notice is hereby given to all
creditors 1 and othVr persons "firi in
terest to appear* at said time and
place* and show cause, if any they
have, why the prayer- ofl the bank
rupt for discharge should not be
O. C. FULLER, Clerk.
W: L. NIX, Atty.
GEORGIA, Gwinnett County.
Will be sold before the courthouse
door of said county in Lawrence
ville on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember, 1924, at public outcry with
n the legal hours of sale to the
highest and best bidder for cash, the
following described property, to
All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the sth
land district of Gwinnett county,
containing eighty (80) acres, more
or less, and bounded as follows: On
the north by lands of F. E. Eth
ridge, on the by lands of H A.
Nix, on the south by lands of J. P.
McConnell, on the west by lands of
S. G. Ethridge.
Levied on and to be sold as the
property of C. O. Kilgore to satisfy
a f fa isued by J. T. Simpson, tax
collector, for taxes of $25.00 for
the year 1922, $25.00 for the year
1923, interest and costs.
Levy made by J. M. Hewatt, L. C.,
and turned over to me for adver
tisement and sale
This 7th day of August, 1924.
E. S. GARNER,. Sheriff.
GEORGIA, Gwinnett County.
Will be sold before the courthouse
doOf" of said county at Lawrence
ville on the frst Tuesday in Sep
tember, 1924, at public outcry with
n the legal hours of sale to the
highest and best bidder for cash, the
following described property, to
All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being, h the sth
land district of Gwinnett county,
containing forty (40) acres, more
or less, and bounded as follows:
On the east by .lands of G. W.
Pharr and F. E. Ethridge, cn the
south by lands of C. M. Moore, on
the west by lands of the Loveless
estate, on the north by lands cf E.
B. Seay.
Levied on and to be sold as the
property of Joe Loveless to satisfy
a fi fa issued by J. T. Simpson, tax
collector, for taxes of $35.65 for the
year 1922, $35.65 for the year 1923,
interest and costs.
Levy made by J. M.. Hewatt, L. C.,
and turned over to me for adver
tisement and sale.
Ths 7th day of August, 1924.
E. S. GARNER, Sheriff.
GEORGIA, Gwinnett County.
Will be sold before the courthouse
door of said county at Lawrence
ville on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember, 1924, at public outcry with
in the legal hours of sale to the
highest and best bidder for cash, the
following described property, to
All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the sth
land district of Gwinnett county,
contaning fifty more or less,
and bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of C. Surry, on the
south by lands of W. O. Dews, on
the east by lands of Elice Wilbanks
and on the west by lands of C. H.
Leved on and to be sold as the
property ofrC. M. Davis to satisfy
a fi fa issued by J. T. Simpson, tax
collector, for taxes of $26.00 for
the year 1922, $26.00 for the year
1923, interest and costs.
Lervy made by J. M. Hewatt, L. C.,
and turned over to me for adyer
tisement and sale.
This 7th day of August, 1924.
E. S. GARNER, Sheriff. •
GEORGIA, Gwinnett County:
Will be sold before the courthouse
door in said county in the City of
Lawrenceville within the legal hours
of sale to the highest and host bid
der for cash on the first Tuesday in
September, 1924, the following des
cribed property, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in the sixth land
district of Gwinnett county, Geor
gia, and being part of land lot No.
213 and bounded as follows:
Beginning on the original land
line which runs north and south at
a point near Luke New’s at corner
of lands of John Stapp, Luke New
an;d Duncan and running at right
angles west 135 rods to corner in
creek; thence southerly direction
down creek 85 rods to public load;
thence east along said public road
and original land line 35 % rods to
branch; thence up the branch 41
rods to rock comer of John V. Bol
ton; thence varying slightly north
ward and running 10 rods to rock
comer on road; thenee along said
public road 20 rods; thence along
settlement road 8 rods to public
,road; thence along public road 24%
rods to beginning point. Said tract
of land containing 51 acres, more
or less.
Levied on and to be sold ac the
property of W. T. Simpson under a
fi fa issued from the Superior court
sot said county in favor of T s J. Al
len against W. T. Simpson. W. T.
dSimpson borrowed $2,000.00 from
M. B. Allen for which he gave hfs
promissory note to secure the pay--
ment of said note and made* a deed
to the above described property to
the said M. B. Allen. The note was
transferred and assigned by M. B.
Allen to Bank of Duluth and by
Bank of Duluth to T. J. Allen. Suit
was brought by T. J. Allen against
the said W. T. Simpson and a judg
ment recovered with a special lien
against said property. Mrs. Lula
Darracott, as administratrix of the
property which has been filed and
recorded in the Clerk’s Office of
said county for the purpose of levy
and sale as provided by law. Notice
given as provided by law.
This August 4, 1924.
Sheriff Gwinnett Co., Ga.
For Dismission From Administrator
, ship.
Georgia, Gwinnett County. Ordi
nary’s Office, August 4th, 1924.
Whereas, J. Loss Shadburn, exec
utro of the estate of W. B. Shad
burn, late of said county, deceased,
represents to the court in his peti
tion duly filed and recorded that he
ahs fully administered said estate
and seeks to be discharged there
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned to show cause, if any
they can, why said petition should
not be granted on the first Monday
in September 1924.
G. G. ROBINSON, Ordinary.' *
For Letters of Administration.
Georgia, Gwinnett County. Ordi
nary’s Office, August 4th, 1924.
Mrs. Blanche Mauldin, having in
proper form applied tno me for per
manent letters of administration on
the estate of Mrs. M. L. Dickens,
late of said county, deceased.
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned to show cause, if
any they can, why said petition
should not be granted on the first
Monday in September, 1924.
G. G. ROBINSON, Ordinary.
For Twelve Month’s Support.
Georgia, Gwinnett County. Ordi
nary’s Office, August 4th, 1924.
The appraisers appointed to ap
praise and set aside a year’s sup
port for Mrs. Lessie E. Holbrook,
widow of Carl Holbrook and Carl
Holbrook, Jr., minor child out of
the estate of Carl Holbrook, late of
said county, deceased, have filed
their report in this office.
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned to show cause, if
any they can, why said report should
not be approved on the first Mon
day in September, 1924.
G. G. ROBINSON, Ordinary.
For Leave To Sell Land.
Georgia, Gwinnett County, Ordi
nary’s Office, August 4th, 1924.
The petition of Hansel Smith, as
administrator of the estate of J. A.
Phagan, late of said county, de
ceased, shows that the real estate of
said deceased consists of lots Nos.
625 except two acres in the N. E.
corner owned by Wyly Benson, lying
in the 14th district of Forsyth coun
ty, Geqfgia, and all of lot No. 558
lying west of lot No. 725 except 5
acres off the N. W. corner owned
by the estate of Millie Beard, con
taining seventy-three (73) acres
more or less; and that for the pur
pose of paying debts and making
distribution among the heirs at law,
it is necessary to.„sell said property.
This is, therefore to cite all per
sons concerned to show cause, if
any they can, why said petition
should not be granted on the first
Monday in September, 1924.
G. G. ROBINSON, Ordinary.
For Leave To Sell Lead.
Georgia, 5 Gwinnett County,' Ordi
nary’s Of fee, August 4th, 1924.
The petition of W. T. Nash and
E. W. Davis as Executors of the es-
Ut« of Francis E. Dutton, deceased,
showeth that the real estate of said
deceased consists of “All that tract
or parcel of lend lying and being in
the fifth land district of said coun
ty, being parts of lots number ten
and eleven, and known as the Thom
as Johnson old home place, and
bounded as follows: On the north
and east by lands of J. A. Hutchins,
on the south by lands of W. R. Hut
chins, and cn the west by lands of
William Phillips. Also Mill Pond
place bounded by W. R. Hutchins
and B. A. Nash on the east and
south, A. J. Brownlee on the west,
and the home place on the north,
containing one hundred acres more
or less. And that for the purpose of
paying debts and making distribu
tion among the heirs at law, it is
necessary to sell said property.
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned to show cause, if any
they can, why said petition should
not be granted on the first Monday
in September, 1924.
G. G. ROBINSON, Ordniary.
For Loava To Soil Load.
Georgia, Gwinnett County, Ordi
nary's Office, August 4th, 1924.
The petition of J. W. Pounds, ad
ministrator of the estate of S. H.
-Pounds, administrator of the estate
of S. H. Pounds, deceased, showeth
that the real estate of said deceas
ed, consists of the following des
cribed property:
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in the City of Law
renceville, said county and state,
fronting east on Stone Mountain
.street, the line being N. 17% de
grees E., commencing at a rock cor
ner at the southeast and running
eighty feet on said street to a rock
comer; thence northward 34 de
grees W. 250 feet to a rock corner;
thence south 32 degrees W. 200 feet
to a rock corner; thence south 63
degrees E. 250 feet to the southeast
corner. It is agreed that a twelve
foot alley be deeded to public utility
on the southeast side of said lot be
tween the same property and the lot
of George W. Pharr.
Also all that tract or parcel of
land lying and being on the south
side of the City of Lawrenceville,
beginning on the north side of the
Stone Mountain road, adjoining the
Almshouse land and running south
along the west side of said road 5.25
chains to a rock comer; thence
south 71 decrees W. 14.71 chains to
a stake; thence north 43% degrees
east 10.50 chains to a rock at fence
of County property; thence south 30
degrees E. 9.03 chains to a rock;
thence couth 41% degrees E. 4.20
chains to a stake near mouth of sew
er at beginning point; said tract
contains ten acres, and is bounded
on the north by Holland and the
county property; east by Holland
property and Stone Mountain road;
on the south by A. H. Holland; on
the west by A. H. Holland, the des
cription of the property is in con
formity with the sfotVety' of G. L.
Veal, county surveyor, made Janu
ary, 13, 1914.
~' V ’
Also all that tract or parcel of
land lying and being in the fifth
land district, part of iot No. 142 of
Gwinnett County, Georgia, contain
ing six and three-tenths acres, more
or less, and bounded as follows: On
the east by lands of S. H. Pounds;
on the south by Stone Mountain
public road; on the west by lands of
J. D. Carter; on. the north by other
lands of J. H. Britt. The north line
being 319 feet long, the east line
being 984 feet long, the south line
being 230 feet long, the west line
being 1070 feet long.
Also all that tract or parcel of
land lying and being in Gwinnett
county, Georgia, in the sth land dis
trict, and bounded as follows: on the
north by the lands of Lee Smith; on
the east by the lands of Jim Moore;
on the south by the lands of„W. P.
Ezzard, on the west by the Monroe
public road; containing twenty-six
and 95-100 (26.95) acres, more or
less, being the same land conveyed
to S. B. Gower by J. C. Flanigan
on Dec. 4, 1918, and recorded in
book 33, page 222, records of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of
Gwinnett County, Georgia. And that
for the purpose of paying debts and
making distribution among the heirs
at law, it is necessary to sell said
This, is therefore to cite all per
sons concerned to show cause, if any
they have, why said petition should
not be granted on the first Monday
in September, 1924.
G. G. ROBINSON, Ordinary.
Georgia, Gwinnett County:
Pursuant to an order from the
Court of Ordinary of said county
granted at the August term, 1924,
will be sold before the court house
door in the city of Lawrenceville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday ip. Septem
ber, 1924, between the legal hours
of sale to the highest and best bid
der th'e following described proper
ty, towit:
All that tract or parcel of land
known as part of the J. T. Baxter
laqds, parts of lots 211 and 194,
commencing at a rock corner on
south bank of Suwanee creek about
onei. hundred yards above the Bax
ter and Martin bridges, and running
down said creek to a rock comer on
the line of C. J. Williams, thence
AUGW ** **B
along.tbe line olrW. M. Cowart mmT
W. M. Wilson to a rock comer on
original line of W. M. Wilson and
Ed Sudderth, thence east along the
line of W. M. Wilson and Ed Sud
derth to a rock comer on the line of
A. M. Baxter and Ed Sudderth,
thence along a marked line running
northwest beginning point at a
rock corner on the creek, and bound
ed as follows: O n the norht by Su
wanee creek, west by lands of C. J.
Williams, W. M. Cowart and W. M
‘ Wilson, south by lands of Ed Sud
derth, east by lands of A. M. Bax
ter, containing one hundred and
twenty (120) acres, more or less.
Terms, ten per cent cash, balance
payable December Ist, 1924.
This 4th day of August, 1924.
Administrator Estate of T. A.
Martin, deceased. 1
In the District Court of the Unit
ed States, Northern District of
Georgia, Northern Division.
Will be sold before the courthouse
door in the City of Lawrenceville,
Gwinnett county, Northern District
of Georgia, on the first Tuesday in
September, 1924, at public outcry,
within hte legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder, for cash, the follow
ing property, to-wit: 1-3 huller gin
outfit, 12 nich brush, 1 double box
press wth belt, tramper and belted
triplex pump, 1 bucket elevator and
conveyor, 1 cotton cleaner with belt
and pulleys, 1-50 H. P. electric mo
tor, together with all connections;,
fxtures and appliances, said personal
property being located and contain
ed in and upon the property known
as the Webb Gin House, located in
the town of Norcross, Gwinnett
county, Northern District of Geor
gia, at the northeast corner of’
Rakestraw street and the right-of
way of the Southern Railroad. Le
. vied on as the property of J. J.
Webb to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
the District Court of the United
States, Northern District of Geor
gia, Northern Division, in favor of
The Murray Co. vs. the said J. J.
Webb. Defendant ni possession not
ified as required by law.
This August 6, 1924. »
U. S. Marshall,, i
Northern District of Georgia. 1
GEORGIA, Gwinnett County: ' <
Under and by virtue of a power
of sale contained in a certain loan
deed executed by L. M. Nash to E,
W. Davis on the 13th day of Janu
ary, 1920, and recorded in the of
fice of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Gwinnett county, Georgia,
in book 28, page 625, n Feb. 20,
1920, said deed being made to se
cure a promissory note for the sum
of $2250.00 given by L. M. Nash to-
E. W. Davis dated Jan. 13, 1920,
and due on or before five years
from its date, the undersigned will
sell to the highest and best bidder'
for cash before the courthouse door
in the City of - Lawrenceville, said’
County, n the first Tuesday in Sep
tember, 1924, the following describ
ed property, towit:
All that tract or parcel of land,,
lying and being in the county of
Gwinnett, State of Georgia, i n the
sixth land district, containing 125
acres, more or less, bounded as fol
lows: On the north by the lands of
the Haynie Liddell estate; on the
east by the lands of W. N. Frank
lin; on the south by the lands of
Elisha Franklin and on the west by
the lands of J. L. Warbington, and
formerly known as the Flowers or
G. W. Hopknis home place, and be
ing the same land conveyed to L. M.
Nash by A. H. Simpson, as execu
tor of W. P. Simpson and Mrs. H. A.
Kent by deed dated January, 1920.
Default having been made in
the payment of the interest due on
said note secured by the said loan
deed by reason of the non-payment
ahnually of the interest due on said
note. Said note provides that upon
failure to pay interest annually
thereon, then said note at the option
of- the holder becime due and pay
able from the date of such default,
time being of the essence of the
contract. The only payments made
on said note are as follows: Feb. 2,
1921, $100.00; July 3, 1922,
$100.00; September 7, 1922, $10.00;
Oct. 16, 1922, $20.00; Nov. 6, 1922,
$100.00; Jan. 10, 1923, SBO.OO and
$15.00; June 14, 1923, $20.00; July
28, 1923, $10.00; Oct. 6, 1923,
$3.0.00; Nov. 24, 1923, $25.00;
March 19, 1924, SIO.OO, making the
total payments $550.00 which does
not pay in the interest due and un
der the powers contained in said
note and in said loan deed the en
tire indebtedness has been declared
Since the making of said note and
said loan deed, the said .L. M. Nash
has died and said property will be'
sold as the property of the estate
of L. M. Nash to'pay said indebted
ness together with all expenses of
this proceeding as provided in said
loan deed and the overplus, if any,
will be turned over to the estate of
L. ‘<M. Nash and a 'deed will be exe
cuted to the purchaser by the un
dersigned as authorized in said loan •
This August 2, 1924.