The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, August 28, 1924, Page page Two, Image 2

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page Two The News-Herald Published every at JO4 South Clayton Street, Lawrenceviile, Georgia. $1 50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. D. M. BYRD, Editor V. L. HAGOOD News Editor and General Manager J. L. COMFORT, Supt. Df final Organ Gwinnett County, City of Lawrencerille, U. S. Court, Northern District of Georgia. Entered at the Post Office at Law renceville, Georgia, as Second Class Mail Matter, under the act of Con gress of March 3rd, 1879. Cotton picking time is near There is much s peculat : cn over the labor proolem among the fann ers as to securing a sufficiency of labor t 6 pick .ho cotton crop. The crop this year :s far in excess of that last year and labo- is extremely short. Many of the negroes have gone to other sections of the cour ' try and it is said that white labor is scarce. However, it is true that the farmer with the help of the mem bers of his family has made the crop and now it is up to htem to gather it. It can be done and with much less expen.A? than by hired labor. The negro is a liability rather than an asset to the farmer. In days gonei by when the negro had to be fed and carried for the entire year, the farmer made little from his farm, but now with the negro gone, what has been made has come from the labor of the white families. It is an improved condition and one which will prove profitable to the average farmer. The farmer who has lived at home and carried on his farm operations without hired labor has something to show for his year’s work. The de parture of the negro was a blessing for the agricultural interests of the .south. ,The farmer who depended upon the negro never gained thdre iy. The farmer who remained at home and earned his livnig and did his own wofk is the man who is in dependent now and will remain so. A better day is here for us all and the era of prosperity is dawning .upon us. TPATRIOTISM IN IHE ROUCH. General Calles, president-elect of Mexico, who will assume the reins of government in December, before sailing for Europe gave to New York something of a new vision of the Norih American republic, bringing home irather pointedly the difference brtween iwdfticians and patriots. Seejmrily the -fundamental differ ence between the rebel and the pa triot is the difference between suc cess or failure if' we may rely on world judgment from time immemo rial, running the gamut from Le tter and Trotsky through our own George Washington and back into the ages. Colles is essentially a pa triot—for Mexico. He likes the .United States an<J appreciates its marvelous accomplishments, but he is for Mexico, and he sounded his Veyndte when he stated as his con ■ victien that “the Indian must not be exploited.'' The Indian ir. Mexico —and he is -there by the •hundred thousand— wofes ‘for ten cents a day. Time was when he worked for three cents a day. Calles, who has much of Indian blood in his vains, worked for three cents a day. He never wore a pair of shoes until he was sixteen years of age. He has passed through the mill Because ijf their sim plicity, and superior points of mechanical construction, Dedco- Lig+it Water systems give more years of de pendable pumping ser vice at lower cost than can be obtained in any other way. See us now Ni for details and terms. (delcolight) G. M. LISENBEE Lawrenceville, G*. CONSTIPATION g must be avoided, or torpid liver, biliousness.indication •ml kmo pains result. • • • EmtJ to to**, rtoro mgkly cleansing CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS Ibnr S' m>ou.t or nauroaf—2Sc Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a "’.o down" <ondi (uon will notice that Catarrh bother* thorn much more than when they are In good health. Thia fact prove# that while Catarrh la a local disease, it is greatly influenced by < institutional condttiona. HAUL'S CATARRH MhIDICXNfc. con •iets of an Ointment which Qdlckly Relieve* by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which aaaist* In ImprovUifi the General Health Bold by <iJuß tor uveridl-eara / J. Cheany Sc C 0.,. Toledo, Ohio. of suffering end want. The net of j his giving—for Calles has lived a red blooded life—is hie election as the head of his nation—and the net for the people will probably be an administration solely for Mexico. Calles plainly means that he will not permit the Mexicans to work for ten cents a day to fill the coffers of Wall Street. If he were an Ameri can patriot and not a Mexican pa triot, instead of saying the Mexican shall not work from sunrise to sun down and receive only ten cents for his labor, he would probably ay the American working man shall not re ceive fourteen dollars a day ar.J loaf half of his time. A real patriot can do much to make living costs beara ble. COLLINS HILL. Lawrenceviile, R. 1. Aug. 22. Misses Mary and Ruth Brown had as their guests Sunday afternoon Misses Vernje and AYynelle Roper. Ruth and Avrella Banister. Miss Agnes Banister has returned home after spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. Lula Lyon, in At lanta. Miss Mary Brown spent last week with Miss Ruby Barrett near Rocky Branch. Miss Francis Taylor spent Tues day evening with Miss Lavern Mack in. Mrs. Mary Taylor spent afternoon with Mrs. Florence Col lins. v LEVEL CREEK. Buford, Ga., R. 4, Aug. 24.- —One of the social events of the season was the watermelon cutting at the beautiful home of Miss Marell Sim 3 given in honor of Misses Herrington and Gilbert of Lawrenceviile. Those enjoying Miss Sims hospitality were Misses Lillie Mae and Guy Mvrtice Reese, Rebecca Byrd, Mary Brog don, Lucille Kennedy, Messrs. J. T. O’Rourke, Rowe Ed Brogdon, Frank Byrd and Ed Reese. Mr. N. 0. Brogdon and family mo tored to Gainesville Sunday to visit the former’s nephew, Laus Sear 3 who is under treatment for appen dicitis. W'e trust the tittle fellow will sbon recover. Mrs. J. L. Kennedy spent Satui* day and Sunday in Sheltonville as the guest of relatives there. A birthday dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Pa den Sunday in honor of the former’s birthday. At noon a bounteous din ner was served and in the afternoon a watermelon cutting was enjoyed under the beautiful big oaks on the lawn. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Paden and children, Mr. and Mrs John Paden and children of Buford, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hig gins, Mr. and Mrs. G. H Higgins, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hamilton and children, of Suwanee, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Maltbie Sun day, Mrs. Minnie Shelnutt and daugh ter, <of Atlanta, were the guesfs of the former’s sister Miss Cora Moora, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. N. O. Brogdon had as her as her guests Saturday evening Miss es Clem and Fannie Lou O'Rourke, Mr. J. T. O’Rourke and Mrs. Ada Wades and son Dean, of Alabama. dwncp Utmost Driving Confidence SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER DOBBINS BRIDGE. Duluth. Ga., R. 1, Aug. 20.—Miss Minnie and Miss Alline Scrugg spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Georgia Camp. Miss Mary Reese, Miss Ellen Baugh spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Camp. Meeting started here Friday n;ght the 22nd. Mr. Henry Reese spent Thursday night #vith Mr. J. C. Higgins at Du luth, Ga. Mrs. McKerley, Mrs. Latham vis ited Mrs. Georgia Camp Tuesday af ternoon. PEACHTREE CITY. Norcross, Ga., R. 2, Aug. 19. The protracted meeting closed at Bethel church Sunday after a week’s revival. Rev. Jim Young and Rev. Lee conducted the services. Little Miss Irene Weathers had the misfortune to, break her arm last week. Mr. Ray Holbrook, of Asheville, N. C., is on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Holbrooks. Mrs. Oma of Ellenwood, is spending a while with her brother, Mr. C. M. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Royal!,, of Buford, and Mr. ahd Mrs. Arve Hig gins, of Duluth, sperft Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Weathers. Mr. and Mrs. Colonel Martin, of Atlanta, spent the week end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrsil When better automobiles ana built, Buick will build them Driving a Ford is so simple, and requires so little effort that you are free to de vote all your attention to the problems of traffic. There is a sense of confi dence in driving a Ford, impossible with any more complicated motor car. Detroit. Mkhigan TH* mnH-HflttP, UnwiidK Ounfc Buick Bodies and Buick Chassis arc designecLas a single unit.cftaf is whyßuick cars are so roomy gnd comfortable. J, J. BAGGETT 1 LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA J. J. Maloney. Adkinson, of Atlanta, spent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Amy Hewiatt. Mrs. Eunice Jenkins and children, of Mapleton, are visiting her par ents, Mr and Mrs. J. G. Ne.ii. Misses Lola and Lillian Ray have returned home after having spent several days very pleasantly with Misses Alma and Nancy Raney, of Dillard. .Tefever New Lefever Nitro- Special only $29.00 v Well finished, considering ■L the pries. Built to shoot Ik. right and stand aa much use as the niost e *p en3ive ? un * Mostdur ablalocltever tori i. put in a gun -k —fifAt lock j fired over times. Kv.-ry guA proof-N .stwl in * x -Hi. rdiz* <1 • nly M gt m »’• g.i jx 'l 1 !J-g;i Mm tvitfi 14 in. st.o«k and abmif - 7 4 r in. drop. A Lefever won the world's championship j at. the Olympic games in [>>rulon. Leaver has stood for service and durability foe over 50 years. LEFEVER ARMS CO. ■ BOX A ITHACA. N. V. | GOODS ARE ARRIVING WE MUST HAVE ROOM • Every train brings in more goods to Saul’s store. Mr. Saul is now in New fork buying heavily for the coming winter and the goods must be unpacked and put away as they arrive. We must have room for these goods, in structions have been issued to sell anything in the present stock at greatly reduced prices in order to clean out. Thousands of dollars worth of first class merchandise, goods you greatly need, are marked at slashing prices. Come and buy what you need now. No time to bother with quoting prices; come and see for yourself. We have the goods and the * prices are absolutely the lowest to be found; come see for yourself. H. R. SAUL The Clothier EXCURSION TO ATLANTA, GEORGIA AND RETURN THURSDAY, SEPT. 4,1924 f Via SEABOARD Following round-trip fares will apply from points named to Atlanta: * \ Charlotte, N. C., $7.00 Abbeville, S. C. $3.30 Monroe, N. C $6 00 ' Calhoun Falls, S. C. - $3.30 Waxhaw, N. C $6.00 Elberton, Ga. $3.00 Chester, S. C. $5.00 Comer, Ga $3.00 Carlisle, S. C $4.50 Athens, Ga $2.50 Clinton, S. C. $4 00 < Winder, Ga. $2.00 Greenwood, S. C. - $3.50 Lawrenceville, Ga. - $1.50 Corresponding low fares from other intermediate points. Tickets on sale for all repular trains, scheduled to stop at regular agency stations, on Thursday, Sept. 4, 1924. Returning, tickets will be good on all trains up and including No. 12, leaving At lanta 8:00 P. M., (Central Time), Sept. 7, 1924, for points at which trains ate scheduled to stop. For tickets, reservations or further information, apply to nearest Ticket Agent, or C. G. LaHatte, Fred Geissler, Trav. Pa**’r. Agent. S. A. L., A*st. Pas#'r. Traf. Mgr. S. A. L., Atlanta, Ga, Atlanta, Ga. No Extra Cost for Wheels @AE,(L®®KI ©M-EWB® ©@is®§ THE ORIGINAL LOW-PRESSURE TIRES ' SIMS GARAGE ' AMERICA SHOULD PRODUCE ITS*OWN RUBBER Lawrenceville If You Buy a Set ©S firestone Full-Size Balloons WITH every set of Firestone BaHoon Gum-Dipped Cord Tires, we give you a complete set of Firestone Changeover Wheels. A liberal allowance will be made for your v old tires. This is a special inducement for immediately equipping your car with Balloon Gum-Dipped Cords and getting the addfd comfort, safety and economy these wonderful tires give. You will get the advantage of increased tire mileage—decreased gasoline consumption— and lower car upkeep, proved by 5,300,000 miles of carefully checked service tests and the actual experience of over 100,000 car owners. Balloon Gun>-Dipped Cords allow you to drive at higher speeds over the rough stretches without danger or discomfort. They expand the usefulness of your car day by day and add many months to its life. . Motorist* everywhere are getting Balloons NOW —as a short cut to lower car operation and increased service. Bring in your car today —we will make changeover promptly at sur prisingly low cost. » THURSDAY, AUGUST M.