The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, March 10, 1885, Image 3

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JXmIbCH 10 - '’"'""/h I’ttbfisht >' filioii ■" f,IIOWiD(S 1)lllllkB Ca “ bb mkhv. x. Job Print free. j peed*. chmeo I*’ 1 *’ poc’j* 3 ’ !ce Coart Fi Fa s. ' M Court Summons dlord Lieos, fßr Not®® - it for Title*, Bow/mtors D*k\*. mil .ta« ttiftl o-rJobDe ' i, couip'ele, and all or Job Printing will receive ~t e atteniion. Send ns : )srs when you ueed any shortstops. BEl) here ask there by a herat-b max. jail is nearly empty. coming--SornH iuie. nn g will soon be over. H chickens will soon be Ja) last was a regular old bT. j,pga," is the boss sneezer burg. subscription list is rapidly sing. D up your fruit trees before p rises. deiing is now being carried lively rate. r “toe weary plowman homo plods his way." borse-iwapper >vas in hi B last week. pie should be very careful re this month, ioats ere not all killed. The sowing is slightly damaged. Itoncounty will again voie fence question at an early are glad to note that our ary is in a flourishing condi og-figbt creavd consider- i sritenient last Saturday even visions are on the rise—from le-walk to the avernge farm 8 always lock brighter it) ring they get sweet with the uis. rrencfeville can boast of four ■ tty fish-pounds as there is j state. was painful to Dote how >" some of the “boys’' made elves during court, riband Jury is stiring up iscreants. Truly the way of ansgresaor is hard. • fi. J. Lowery, of Atlanta, j tenappomted permanent re- 1 fortlie firm of Herrin & k ) Presbyterian church gave inner s last week, [trotted thirty or thirty five dollars, j vrencevi!le was represented inauguration, in the 11 of Col. W E Simmons. J. Born, has made en improvement on his prem whitewashing and the >ng of a new brick smoke i 6 beautifr.l and accomplished ■ 8 Mary and Maggie Robin "bo have been i pending some *itb their brothers in Atlanta burned home. Terrell graduated in 18 a clever gen. lei nan, and \ lCt ,ol 'bim as a physician, r MeUodisi friends last Tues * ,t!H reLc h dinner, in Col. law office. \\<t are °°* e ii was a financial eg. Raders should not fail to e advertisement of Mess n Stone Moun “bits weeks paper. If you i 6e< au ytbing in their line ®*°consult them. Oakley, h ftß severed his •any ll W ' l k > zz ard Oil m "' Our citizens remem Om tiae baritone sin’ ol d * rbta ° d m»nin >»ft 6 bas kept a iMhemos. abject r 0 or 20 years. Re_ I' and a soil for D °ur next court will ere —Wa, ton News. ' 1» iLj h S c °oghf S'eepless Hbe of a„° P n^er trouble* you. te ie, lr r 8(:Wr y Tectoral, l 'oo2 B ’ 11 wi11 «*>th tha oiid mi, ’®! a y the ihlLnima ,i! o" tLe heeded repose •kiiuy !° Vtr ’ ‘ P f ®dily heat the H t • ’ Mns. and give you W 6 18ve been blessed with plen ty of horse drovers this week. Next to a circus, a negro with a banjo is the biggest thing extant \\ aiver anu Mori gage notes, the latest form for sale cheap at this office. Josh Coffee has lor his fine pointer pup, and n„w he mournful ly sings, “Can any»one tell nao where dotdnwgry jg gone." Lige Brown has turned granger It is truly surprising to hear the graceful ethics he uses while pull ing the “hell-cord’over his Texas pony. A Florida paiier sta es i ha/ a colony consisting of an editor, a doctor, a druggist, a book agen’, and o hers, propose emigra ing from Washington Ga.. to Sumpter county, Florida. That community has our heartfelt sympathy If you are suffering from a sense of extreme weariness, try one bot tle of Ayer’s Saraaparilly. It will cost you but one dollar, and will do you incalculable good. It will do away with that tired feeling, and give yon new life and energy. Ayer's Hair Vigor stimulates the hair cells to healthy ac.ioD, and promotes a vigoious growth. It coniaines all that can bo supplied to make ilie natural hair beautiful and abundant; keeps the scalp free 1 from dandruff, prevents the hair from becoming dry and harsh, and makes it flexible and glossy. the blood is loaded with impurities,and moves sluggishly in the veins, an alterative is needed, ns this condition of the vital fluid cannot last long without sermons resu ts. There is nothing better than Ayer’s Sarsaparilla to purity the blood, and impart energy to the system. GENERAL PRESENT MENTS. march term, 1885. We, the Grand Jury, at the close of our erm of service, make the following presentments of matter? given us’iE charge by His Honor, Judge Hutchins,and those brought to our attention by the Bo icitor G< neral. We have examined the books of the Ordinary’s office, and find them neariy and correctly kept, and ve take pleasure in stating tnat he is prompt, efficient and at tentive to his duties as au officer. As the law requires all dealers in spirituous liquors, to register their uames in his office, we have thought proper to give the names and location of those who have complied with the law in this par licular. They are as follows : Bedford L. Patterson, W. J. Brown, and V A Garrison, Law-* renceville; J. A. Higgins, Dear Buford; R. C. Brc ck, Mechanics ville, Jett A Adams, Martin’s di fric ; W M. Tutton, Sugar Hill ; G. VV. Rutledge, Rock Bridge, A. G. Carroll, Berkshire; J. L. Knight, Haybins Ne Lave examined all the Dock* ets and books of rec rd required to be kept by the Clerk of Saperi o< - Cour>, and find everything con netted with his office neat and correct, demonstrating to us that w 9 have a Clerk who is fully ac quainted with his dutieF, and takes pride in discharging them faithfully and efficiently. VVt found Mr. Spence. Chair man and Clerk of the Board of Coun‘y Commissioners, ready wt th his books and rt cerds, and seemtd to take pleasure in sub mitting them for examination. They are aeatiy and correctly kept, in good style, and give lull explanations of all the business transacted by the Board. We find orders and amounts drawn by the Commissioners on the Treasurer since Sept. 2, 1884, to be as follows, General County Fund, $1,433 66 Pauper “ 815 84 Bridge “ 112 90 New' Court House “ 8 887 10 Making a total of, $11,249 50 For the information of those who would like to know, we give the amounts drawn by the mem bers of the board, for the year 1884, for services as commission ers, as folllows: Mr Hopkins drew s2l; Mr. Bennett, $26; Mr. Britt, $18; Mr. Cloud, $22; Mr. Jepeuce $42, as commissionei and SIOO as clerk. Makings iota’of $229, which is the total amount paid as salaries io those officers, for that year. To many of our people, this will be a surprise, not tbit it is so much, but/hat it is so little, for the services rendered. We have ex mined the books of account of our former Treasurer, R. N. Itobioson, and find that they were neatly and correctly kept. We find that tbe»e was in his bauds at the last examination. September 2d, 1684. $ 8.407 54 Received from all sour ces up to January, 24,1885, 16153 26 Making a total of, 24 560 79 ; Paid out cn proper vouchers inclu ding commissions for recotding and paying out, 11.308 49 Paid t.) W. E. Brown, present treasurer, 13.252 JO Tot » l - 24.560 79 Present Treasurer, W. E. Brown received from R. N. Robinson, former treasurer, $13,252 30 Received from all sour ces since, to date. 832 80 Tot>/ - 14.085 10 Paid out on proper vouchets in cluding commissions for 1.703 10 Balance on hand, 12 382 00 The books of the present Treas urer, W. E. Brown, are also neat and correct. We recommend that the County commissioners pass an order to return to R. N Robinson, Throe Dollars, improp erly paid over to his successor. W e have examined the hooks and records of the former sheriff, j J. M. Patterson, and those of the present incumbent, W. P. Cosby, and find them up to the require ments of the law, and we take pleasure in commending them ns 1 faithful and competent official. We find the Tax Receiver’s di gee t neatly and correctly kept, re - , fleeting ci edit on our former Re , ceiver. We have also examined the records and aocounts of our for mer collector, J. 0. Lowery, and find that he makes everything bal ance up, even to one c.nt. TFe recommend him for faithfulness id the d scharge of duly. We find that the taxable prop erty for 1883 was, $ 3.023.332 00 And that for 1884 it was. 3.048.323 00 We find the Jail properly Kept by our efficient sheriff, Mr Cos by, and in as good condition as it is possible for it to be, owing to its peculiar construction. The prisoners are as comforteble a? it is possible to make them in such a building. We recommend that as soon as the financial condition of the county will authorize it, that the proper authorities, have built a new Jail, that will be more 1 | comfortable io prisoners, and coramensuraff with t' e require ments of civilization We hav», examined the tbecouA Hoase now in course of erecrion and express ourselves pleas ed with the plan of the bui.ding it is large and commodious and and will, vben completed be an ornament to tbs county that hei people should, and we believe, will, be proud of Mr. Spence one of the com mis sioners is entitled to credit lor his vgilance in superintending the building, we are credibly in formed that much if not all his rime there,' is given with out fee or reward, A committee from this body visited the Poor House during •ur session, we find that there are eight inmates, who express them pleased with /he treatment they recieve from Mr. Mrs Haslet, who are in charge. Meals are served three tun s a day prepared by Mrs. V/aslet. Provisions are kept,'.and prepared, seperate from the family. Tne buildings ueed some reaairs, to which we call tb e attention of the prope 1 authori ties. We examined the Dockets of Justice of the Peace and Notaries Public and find them, generally, neatly and correctly kept, we have marked a few unimportant errors In one .r two instances the crim inal and rival Dockets are kept in the same book which should no’ be done. We wtomend that Charles McKinmy be appointed ./Votary Public, f r the 405 Diet. G M and that William K. Brad ford be appointed to that office for the 4 78th Dial. G. M. and tha/ J. T. McElvuny be appointed for the 1295 Diet O M. The R'lads of the County are lepoited in about as good condi tion as they could well be made at this season, after so much cold and rainy weather. The more they are worked in such weather /he worse they get, heme werec comend ihe Road Commissioners to have all the roads well worked in the summer and the fall, regard less of the sitting of the court. Good roads are the life of a coun try and evidences of advanced civ ilization. And we need them us much when there is no court, as wnen there is. We recommend that a bridge be built across the South Mulbery in Cain’s disirict; on the Monroe ; and Gainesville road. We have examined toe books and accounts of the County 1 School Commissioner, and find hem Lea ly and correctly kept. Col T. E. Winn submitted bis report in wri/iug »o this body, and wc attach it as part of these pre sentments, marked, “Exhibit A.” H. P. GUESS <£ Co. 2M[ arb 1 e Works. —Manufacturer- and Dealers in IT ILIAN AND RUTLAND J/ARBLF. MONUMENTS, BOX TO.WBS, HA'AD, AND FOOT STONES AKE UNDERTAKER Church Street. Stone Mountain, (la. March 10, 85.-lv We toramend Col. Winn, as faith ful and worthy His books of ac counts show that lie received in 1884. From J. C, Lowery, $ 3 S7B 45 “ Poll Tax ?o date. 2 500 00 “ Estrav fund. 52 00 “ Balance on hand, 13 11 Total. fi 443 56 Paid to leachers, 5.974 21 “ Com. office real, etc., 330 75 Bab on hand March, 3, 1885, 138 60 Total, 6.443 56 The legislature, in 1883, passed an Act to encourage private schools, by making ample provis ions for the teaching of public schools, in connection therewith. That act provides that pupils may attend the schorls at any time du ring the term, not to exceed 60 days. We recommend that the Board of Education adopt the provisions of that Act for this county. T’ne propositions of Hon, G. J, Orr, State School Commissioner, con'ained in his circular address ed to Grand Juries, and various State Officers, have engaged our attention and consideration. All facilities ftr educating the people should enlist the co-oper ation of the people in every legiti mate way that may be practicable. The commissioner asks of us that we recommend tue passage of the Bill now pending before the Leg islature, proposing to to increase the rate of taxation in the State, of one tenth ot one per cent, for school purposes. A bare in >jori ty of our body decline to do so, while a large minority favor it. lie also asks that we recom mend /he passage of pending bill, taxing the dogs of iLe State, and the tax added to the public school fund. We are divided upun this question, but Dot a majority in its favor. The bill pending to appropriate one half of the rental of the West ern and Atlantic railroad to school fund, meets the unanimous favor of this grand jury, and we recom mend the passage of that bill. W 6 have examined and compar ed the list of voters, at the late three general elections held in the county, furnished to us by the clerk, as /he law requires, with the list of defaulting tax payers, furnishe by Mr. Lowery, former Tax collector, and we are pleased to report that only four peisor.s veted at any of these elections without having paid paid taxes. A number of Fellow citizens '■ have asked us to recommend the j establishment of a County Court. We have given to this question j as much consideration, as our lim jted time, and the press of other duties wou'd permit. While there are in our opinion some some valid reasons for such court. Such as relieving the ja.l of cases, where the unfortunate from poverty and waut of friends to bail them, and in some instances are kept through a series of months before their ca ses cotld be investiga ed, and oft en without proof of guilt. Such a court, we know, would lessen the labor of tbe Superior court, and shorten its sessions. But would the court be self-sastaining ? That is questionable. Under this view and in view of our present high i axes, and general financial em barrassments, we decline to re commend it, and refer the question to succeeding grand juries. Exibit “A.” Mr. Foreman and Gentlemen of the Gran Jur y—l submit to you my annual report asCounty -School Commisioner as the law lequires the same being for the yew 18- 84. We had 87 white Schools and 18 colored, making a total of 105. Tota. enrol linen'of t both acts 4.559 The increase from year to year of the number enrolled is abmt in the same proportion with the increase funds, so that about the same per cent is annual,y paid on teachers account. Total school fund re cieved from all sources, $ 6.443 56 Paul out to this •late, 6.304 96 Leaving, 138 t» 0 unpaid. 43 01 I have not yet bad a final set flemeiit witli the Tax Collec tor. [ herewith transmit a circular issued from the department of Education, directed “To the fudges of the Superior court, Brand Juries,' and ethers,to which your attention is especially direct ed. You will please take such definate action in relation thereto rs may seem best to you. Take ing into consideration the ('man cial corditionof tue county at ‘his time and also die needs of our school system. I will not ven ture an opinion us to what your body should do, but coming as you do from the great body ot ilia people and from the different sec lions ol /be county, I doubt not you will voice the sentiments of our people on this subject, bespectfully submitted. Thos E Winn, C. S Cb March 2nd iBBS. We thank H : s Honor Judge Hutchirs for the many courtesis shown, ns and for the very able and comprehensive charge aeliv ered to us. An Iwe request if it can be done, that a copy be furn ished the HEiALDand published, believing as we do that it contains more law and fewer words than our p?op!e could get elsewhere s To the Solicitor General E. T. Brown, we. return our thanks for courtesis showt’. ns during the ! term Our ba'iff Mt. Grier is also enti- j tied to our thanks tor his prompt attention to this body. We reco mend that he be paid two dollars per day for his services. We rec omend that these presentments be published in the Gwinnett Herald. Richard D. Winn Foreman. James W Wilson, A M Winn, Jasper W Flanagan, r eorge H Campbell, James P Brockman, David P Moor, John Carroll, James T Manard, P.iyton B Hutchins, David Etheridge, Johu King, James D. Hood. Abraham P Brooks, Samuel G Dyer, Andrew Garner, ■Tames, Hawthorn, Van I tavis, William E Brown, Marlin S Pool, James J Boss, James T McElvanv, Jus in G Harris, Ordered by the court that tue foregoing general presentments be published in accordance with the recommendation of the Grand Jnry March 3rd 1885, X L //utchins, Judge, Western Circuit. E T Brown Solictor general A 'me extract from the minutes nf Gwinnett Supeiior Court,March | Term 1685. D. T. Gain Clerk NEW ADVERTISEMENTS To Our Frinda and Cua tom era Savannah Ga., Feb., 21st 1885, In order to protect you from being mislead by fraudulent lepre lntntaiions, we warn you /hat we ; save i o connection with any bouse in Stone Mountain, excepting that of our ageuts, A. J, VEAL & SON, Purties purchasing fertilizers re- J resented to be ihe old original BALDWIN GUANO, ; or to he ttie same goods under otb j er brands, are warned ihat they j are deceived, and ibat the old re l liable and genuine BALDWIN & Co. A MMONIAT EDDIS OLVED BONE, the sinie goods, diey have always used, can be bought at Slone Mountain, only from Messrs A J Veal & Son. Send them your or decs. Very Reap*c fully. BALDWIN A Co. LOVER’S LAMENT My (larlinu girl ijuitethiu hu# grown, Mile’# sallow unit very pale ; Mlie says «he don’t know what to do, And X fear her health will fail. Hut Love will llnd a remedy, i By foul if not fair mean# ; I’ll snatch her from the jaw# of i death, By giving her Smith’# Bile Bean#. Two hit# pet bottle. J, A, HUNT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NORCROSN, OA. Will practice in the Superior Courts amt courts of Ordinary of the coun ties of (iwiimett Hiul Milton, am] in the Justices' court of both counties. | Special ami prompt attention given | lo collect ins;. Feb 9-’B6-6ino. FOR SALE. I offer for sale a medium si*e horse mule, cheap for cash. Apply to J R. NOEL, Duluth, Oa. FORSALE The undersigned offers for sale a number of good horses Apply at once. MILES E. EWING Feb. 10 85, BURNHAMS IMPROVED STAND’D turbine Is the best const rited and finished, give bet ter percentage, n ore power ami Ts so I for less money per horse , power, than ano other Turbins in ttie world CaTN «w pamphlet scut free by BURNHAM, BROS., York. Fa. THE GEOICIA PACIFIC RAILWAY LOCAL TIME TABLE. i j-i a >. £ , gjj 5%'53 3 ?* J .'S’ 3 , :3'S S’? y. * s p STANK’ CKNTR I.TIMl: 3- « "3 M>i 1 o*jso‘ ! oK ; oo , K«IKJ M V. B a in pin ben e Arrive pm a in 7 lit 1 nil ....vtlunta 8 oobiki :234 30 . Howell, till :48 It 111 7 .13 448 Payton j 7 ;!8 II 16 j 7 30 1 58 ('nattahoochee,.. 7 35 « 30, 7 4tl 6 It! . .Concord, 724 15 Of] 7 53 5 22 .... Mableton 7 17 55* 800 36 .... A ustell,,’ 810 r, 85 8 08 5 47: Salt Springs, 7 04 520 8210 12 ... Houglasvill 0504 00 8340 46 ... i Liston 0 .17 443 i 0 50 ; 12 . ..Vlllla lllca 0 24 320 1067 43 .Temple (1 OH 352 j 0 27 k Bremen A 50 2 20 1 5119 03 .. Tallapoosa j 5 30 240 1008 931 i Muscadine, Ala 5101 80 I 8025 1004 .. Kdwnrdsville 501 2156 9042 1035!. lb llin 4 47 1225 , am 1056 1100 ....Davisville 4 35jU58 , 1104 1112' Choeoloeco, ,4 28|1143 1113 11201 DeArmauville... 420 1120 1 1125 1148!. ..Oxford, 4 lOj 105(1 1150 1150 . ..*Oxunnu 4 0711050 11 in 1200 1210 Anniston .1 47 1045 p m 1250! . .‘Berclalr .1 25 : 1000 22.5 |235'1 05 Kastuboga, 3 16 9 46 1252 1 33 ....Lincoln. 3 03 9 1H 00 1 55;.... Riverside 2 51 8 60 12 2 05! Seddon 2 40; 848 25 2 30 . Eden 3 88 8 26 143 2 50;.. .Took,s Springs... 2107 58 200 3 24 1 .. .Bromptou 2007 31 210 3 40;.. ,’lAieds, 40 715 2 45,4 30 .. .‘lcoildale 1 05 025 4 00 5 00 Arc Birin'gliam Lve. 1245 0 00 pm am pm pm 3 20p in Lveßil mingham Arc 1220 p m 10 20 Ait Meridian ! 5 20 a m ooiiini New Orleans 1000 pin 3 .'liiji m ... Jackson, 1035 p in 5 00am Vicksburg 8 (Ml pm Head Down ’Flag Hta’s Head L’p Westward —Connect at Oxanna I with ETV Sl G., and at Birming ham with C N O & T P and L A ; N. Eastward—Connect at Atlanta with RAD Ga R R Cent R It of GaETVAGWA A an i A A W P «R. I. Y. SAGE, Genl Supt. , L. S. BROWN, Genl Panu Agt LAW HENCE V/LLE R It A . \rrive Lawrenceeville,... .7:0 a m jyrive a Huwanee, 7:40 a m Suwannee .. 7-38 p m rrive Lawrenceviile... 8.22 ;i> m The rain leaving Lawre iceville at 7:00 a. in., makes close oonnee ion with the “Bolle rain" a Su wauee, arriving in Alann a 9:20 a. m. Returlng leaves Atlanta j 6:15 p m and arriviugat Lawi nice ville a 8:22 p. m. EDWIN BERKLEY Superintendent XORTO-EASrEKN RAILROAD. SXT PRINT EN DENT S Oi FICE, thens Ga. May 10th 188 4 On and after May 12th 1881, trains on this road will run av >l - : ' N<) 58 Leave Aihetis . 8:00 a m Arrive at Lula 10:00 am “ “ Atlanta... 1:99 pm “ “ Tain. Falls.. 12:50 pin NO 51 Leave Athens 4:30 p m Arrive at Lula 7:00 p m Arrive Atlanta 11:30 p m NO 5t L’v. Talu. Falls 7:40 am “ Atlanta 8:40 a m Arrive at Lula 9:50 a m Arrive at Athens.... 1:30 p m NO 52 Leave Atlanta 4:40 p m Arrive ai Lula 7:40 p m Arrive at Athens 9:20 p m TALLULAH Falls Accommodation. L’v. Talu. Falls I 6:45 pm Ar. liab’n Wap. June. | 7:50 p m L’v. Rab’n Gap. June. | 8:30 p in Ar. Talu Falls | 9:30 p m Tallulah Falls accommodations will run on Wednesdays and Sat urdays. All other trains daily Sundays excepted. Connection made at Lula with passenger trains on Richmond & Danville Railroad, both east and west.— Tickets for sale at General office, j College ave., to all points, and in formation furnished with pleasure. M. SLVUGHER, Gen Pass Agent. H R BERNARD. Sup. 13 . WEEKS,SI The POLIUK GAZETTE will he mailed. Kecurcly wrapped, to any addres* in the United States for three month# n receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmas ters. agents and elubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICH Atilt K, FOX. Franklin Square, New York ■ m liOTSES FOR SALK Two gooi torses tor sale. Apply ut ones to veal, Cloud a oq EDT,STONE soluble guano MANUFACTURED BY CUB COVE tillll t 0„ In Misti, fa. I'AU) I P CAPITAL |*OO,OUO. JOHN CtftßßM, MAFTAOBI. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. 1 liis i»raml luis In on Before the public for years. Mini in (‘Very instance has given entire satisfaction. This season it will he offered cheaper than ever 380 Pounds OF (t()OI) LINT COTTON. PER TON. P..r sale l>v V AfTGIIA X & PENTECOST, Lawreneeville, Oa. ~ ■' "I LL...1 ' ,J» ATLANTA House Moving AN”) ® Raising Company Hduhch wiih Chimneys laisid or mcvfd with perfect safety/" O li PEASE A (’()., 107 Deca/nr street, Atlanta. Ga. AT Bed Rock. Merchants and Planters TAKE NOTICE! ! undersigned It is been appointed Temporary Re ceiver of the firm of HARKIN' and TURNER, bv Judge N. L. Hutchens, and will offer at once, the en tire stock, consisting of I )ry Good-, Roots, Shoes, Ilats, Notion, Jewelry, Hardware, Clothing, Groceries Etc. Ik'li $%%% flic goods are first class and fresh, and of the la test styles, and are to be sold strictly at first cost. Now is the time for Merchants, Planters and head <>( families, to buy goods cheap and save expenses. Ifyott need and anything, come and come at once, They must be sold by order of tbe Court. To Whomit May Concern Notice is hereby given that 1 nave been appointed Temporary Receiver, by Judge Hutchins, at the in stance ol the (Creditors of the firm of Herrin «£ Turtle", To collect all of the accounts, notes and other evi dence.-, of indebtedness of said firm. All persons indebted to said firm, are hereby noti fied lo come forward at once, and settle up. The mat teris in the bands of the Court, and the Debtors of said firm must act promptly, All claims not collected will be placed in suit C H HR AND, Temporary Receiver Jan 2( )-80-tf ATL NT. GK RGIA. —MANUFACTURERS OF Gossypium Phospho. THE GREAT C >RN ANI> COTTON FERTILIZER. A Special Manure for Southern Lauda aud Crops It contains ali /lie Elements of Plant Food in their Best Form. It has stood the Test of years, and is now regarded as one of i The Safest and Lest Fertiliser Is Fee. Thousands of Fur move in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee anl Fhiridr, and many of die most prominent Agrfcultural Clubs use it io whom we refer. It is one of the Highest grade fertilizers sold in Georgia. (See Agricultural Department Reports.) We in vite tes*s alongside the bast Fertilizers in use. We offer it low for : Cash, or m Tone for currency on Cotton. We are the original aud only manufacturers of Gossypium Phospho. its great success asd wonders popularity, has brought into the markets several immita lions. N ue genuine unless branded on each sack: “Manufac/uied a *\ < . » •G»,