The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, March 24, 1885, Image 3

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'ferVS'ETT rn^JUh M* RCg 24^^- Jr ‘ p**,uher blASKN. flowing blaxks can be , „ ,| JO UK3ALD Job Print loan %■! Deeds. Subpoenas. justice Court b i J a a. justice Conn Summons’ Landlord Liens, \\iuvn' Notes goods for fitiei, JUminisfr’itors Deeds. ! o r Job Do mttaient is compete, an,l alt or ?l lo r Job Printing will receive isJUtc attention. Semi us JurorJers when yOU need any thin i ■n-nm-TT. PROHIBITION again. yin Ewt-B’- P ease allow me >mce to make an appeal. The ,L is near at hand when the voters of Gwinnett county shall have an opportunity of voting for oragamst prohibition. T'relasr legislature, through our faithful BD j efficient representative, V\ . It Tool, placed the question be fore us-sin H prohibition in Owiun e/f county * Now we •re caileu upon t > make the decis is Bat little has boon said abou‘ it througu the press It w bu ll surprising and painful to see iomlligeuce, such us Messrs. Jack souajd //opkius possess, bitterly opposed to its adoption. 7’hey wodd draw tae public mind from the real issue by trying »o show up ihe act delective. It is evi dent enough that tueir real m . tiveis to retain the hellish stuff for their own throats, and for elec ■ioueering capital in ihe future. As has already been .asked, how can a business d a promises noth in® out destruction to property, life pud soul be too closely re stricted. Such as the above men tioned gentlemen say, “Let it alone aud it will let you alone.' Did it let a oue Eugene Beok's wife and sister-in-law, and ihou sands of such cases ? Don’t pretend. Dc n’t say you are in favor of sobriety and good morals and then exert yourself in opposition to prohibition. Be rensouubie. He ctiaritabie. If it is any self-denial to you to vote whisky out of your reach, are you not willing to deny yourself that much for the sake ol those made destitute by it who ate praying fervently o God to be released from its grasp and effects ? To all lovers at good morals, good society and good govern ment: Rally to the prohibition bunnei and go to the polls on the 10th proximo and cast your ballots for freedom from whisky, aud the right. Shame on him who would vote against prohibition for tua sake of popularity. i’lte church: On you de t ends much in this movement. You have prayed for the weak p'aces strengthened aml she was e places built up. Now is ihe time to res ilizt, ma great measure, the an swer to your prayers. God so - bid that a single man who pro fesses to be a disciple of Christ stiouid vo e for the retention of wbbky m Gwinnett county. The strongest agent that Satan has ever employed to capture souis for turn is whisky. Tue sgeat ihat lias dsstroyed t e most property ail over this land is wlhsky. Seven-eighths of the crimes commuted are traceable, directly or indirectly, to wbisky. lu the name of all we hold dear iudsacrtd, let us battle for the right and adopt prohibition in bmunett, Pkohibitionist. PLUCK and muscle. WHat *T has PON2 FOK TWO WELL KNOWN MEN Just after the late unpleasant uesn, there re urned to Hall cjul »yourg man broken down in' health and foitune, alter serving four year s in that Moody conflict. Inspired witti a laudable ambition L regain <Le waste, tlie ravages of Wur I'ufl m ide, lie set to woi k j witk something akin to super human pluck he p ursued Me even Jfiuor of lis way. Year after year 6 M iy, luit aeli one bring ng U| o reward of honest toi i. I'hw young imii hud commenced fle manufacture of wagons and uggies in small wav, his and one pifmi es wcs/ j (i tiuesvilie, on , Lthet’s f;aru. It was not very 011 t5 before his bus nt-s had to such p.muo.ioiiS lie was Compelled to so l< a better loea 'on, and larger qt,alters, decor ' n 6'y he moved his shop toFiow- Ltauch on the liichmond and , Vl^e r! 'L road, and associated *klt haii auo her young mail full ® etermimuion ulJl i eoi ,l These * J P'Uug meu set to work witti cowed zeal and to-day their «• and work are known all ° Ver I ’Borgia. dolt PU iß^ tof Bi « Wa11 & m,., ’ 11 or ery Branch Ga , man »ho UreU hmds of vehicles ii.j u e tt overtisement appears in *l<o‘n U °' If any of our readers thvv 1 Utfe< l aoy.hing in their line tLem f UIJ Lstier tnan write it ti u .-° r ’ feruiti ) or call on them tlr place of business kmln Dt '° u ’ 8 Cl * ;iei -1 to the Proc- Itttii», U f he Governor Moaroe Johns,who (oo ni “ , AlltJ y Ilfako. this ®° DD J m 1882. Heat it. shout 6io rs. GATHERED HERE AND THERE BY HERALD MAN. Did you see the eclipse? hardens are still cold an d bar reu Plant your spring advertise ments I i dling wili soon succeed bird hunting. A\ u have never teen no back ward a spiing, •' ’I lie days and nights are now ciqualin length. John B'ats is making the Pied mont Pre is whoop. Conyers wdl soon build her a new Methodist church. •March hasboen a tine month for gardening—in South America. Some cf cur iishermeu have commenced io bai*. sucker holes. We regrel to learn ttmt Mr. T. S. ' arner, of Buford is still very Hi. There wi 1 be another eclipse of die sun on the Bth of Septem ber. Some of oar youug men seem to be very fond of “Lamb’ here of lute. Read he appointments of W. A Pledger, ihe negro orator in In lays issue. There is nothing diat will stir up a feeling at church ou as short notice us a A, a. Mr, W J Born, will soon add a new pool room to his already hand some residence- Several of the buys went fishing last Saturday, and brought I ack lishermau’s luck. Several very interesting and newsy communications crowded out of this issue. Our efficient ordinary had rath er an amusing experience the oth ei night. Ask him. Lawreneeville presented .he ap pearuuce of the wild, wild, lust Su nrday night. Wheat hus began to show a lit tle. It is thought that die yield will be a large one after all. Some of our weather prophets say tuut cattie will be faf on this year’s grass crop by Easter. Owing io sickness of the pastor, Rev. JL Iv Barre t, ihere was u» servicos at the Baptise church last Sunday. We regret to learn of the sick ness of Mr. Alrnand. Afope he will soon be restored to his wont ed health. The bald-headed man twitches nervously in contemplation of the approaching esiivities of tie house fly. Mr. C. H. Brand, and W. J. Brown, of this pace, left last Sat urday to attend ihe A'ew Orleans Exposition. Sunday was a raw day, aDd the wind felt as though it blew’ from the snow capped mountains of the Polar legions, It is quite en'-onraiiug after gardening ad dav, to find the ground covered with snow the next morning. The foliowieg sentence contains e/ery letter in ihe Bugliob alpha bet: ‘‘A quics nrown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Col. John Clay Smith ha-, rs* turi ed from the New Orleans Ex position. tie gives allowing da 8-jriptioji of hie trip. The Evans boys left for Atlanta -this morning i*. company with a deputy marshal to receive tneir discharge from prison •‘Clifford,’ a little six year old child of Neal Williams (col.) of this place, has boon mis ing since list Tuesday morning. The picnic red bug that was so promising a few days ago has dra wti in his horns and emigrated io more congenial climes. The regular Monday night meetings at the parsonage, we are glad to learn, continue, to grow in popular ty and interest. Squire A L Moore, while en deavoring to carry a 'arge s ick of wood, yesterday morning, fell and severely sprained bis back. We will not gef out any “big trade issue.” We try to make e /ery issue of our paper a trade issue. Do you see the point. One of our bright voung men wants io know why the title “Dr.’ is always placed iu “front of some peop'e’s names, and invariably “after,” bis. We are glad to note that Prof. MoClellaad, bis so far recovered from his recant attack of sickness, a- to resume Ids duties in the school room. “No, papa, / do not wish to mar ry tef,” observed one of out meek young 'a lies the other day. “What I want is a man who does not drink, moke, go out at night, gamble, bet, over ea> etc. In short a man who has no vices anti who is always good ’’ “My daughim," j said the good old uiau, “you are but a stranger in this world: Heav en is your home.'’ We understand th ,t Alaj. W E Simmons has leased the Jackson mill pond, foi a term of live years i and will go ex eorive/y i to the i carp business. wish him sue ces-. When you hear of a bit of news \ never hesitate to cull tbe news pa per man and tell him about it. He can't get hold of every thing in a community wirih printing with 1 out your assistance. He will thank you for it. W hih* in Gainesville the other day we called upon the uew whoie-a e tobacco firm cf Kilprat rick, lores A <’o. We weie in termed by these gentl mien that they intend to commence the manufacture of all grade* of cigars at a- early day. Thus the Queen City” grows in importance There is one deploraale fact, we would like locali the attention of the proper authorities and our re Hg ously inclined citizens to. It is this: There can be seen almost any dry a very intelligent looking white child begging a morsel to eat from the negro cabins around town. T’ois poor tii tie outcast is one of the mostdejeo able looking sights we hgve ever seen, even io die larger cities, and we appeal to those ii. authority iu her behalf , She should be cured for immedi ately, nefore her tender years arc* stained with degradation and shame. Heieisyour missionary ground .o» DULUTH. A little Rip Van Winkle nap accounts for no dots from this station, on the Air-Lire, last week. Two snows and an eclipse of the tun so far this uiontl. March is ahead. Wiggins had better prognosti cate a hide next dme. Guano agents are doing a good business just now—can’t say the farmers are. “Guo o our eoun-y comrnisio n eis awarded a contract, here lasi we, kto build a bridge,to a man for a sum less than the cost of ibe ma terial. Sheriff Cosby was in our burg yesterday. “Bud’ Spence is ready to swap i oxen again. He says he don't pro fess ’o he an adapt in anything 'but in swaping oxen and cross cut saws No marriages, no deaths, no sensation to chronicle LPs 1 week. # Duluth will have a saw-mill in opera’ion next week, success to to Mr New. There are iwo aepiran's for the posi-otfice at ibis place. A man living not far from Du tu'r, ii is said, drank two ounce b titles of laudanum the other day Since, he hits decided to recover. Let’s hear front, somebody on prohibition. Wonder what s be come of the Norcross correspond ent. //ope something will happen so I can iell it next week. News is awful ‘scase’’ I am requested to announce that Rev. J. H, Mashburn will preach a sermon on prohibition at Duluth church on first Sunday iu April. AH are cordially invited to hoar the Sermon. A large congre gation is expected. Elixis. Mr. Editor :—Piease admit a few remarks on a subject of gen* ! eral interest. The grand jury of this coiuty lately recomended ihat the board j of ectuca ion pass an order that all pupils, entitled by age, uu 1 under ! the tuition of licensed teachers, shall have the benefit of pro-rata j t-hares of the public, school fuuds | for sixty days anytime in the year, j Should the board so order, I think , all can see without arguments that it should do so soon and no tify patrons. Auburn Ga. March 18, 1885. X Y. Z. i OGANSVILLE. J’he fairints are busy Ed Floyd rises at 3 30 a. m. Our scliool is progressing finely. No mt ades aud everything moving i smoothly. ; How long wi'l old winter blow his icy breath into the face of smil ing spring 1 Dr. Robinson has tnrowu aside his saddlebags for awhile and may i now be seen stepping behind the plow, from early to ix‘,e. . Mr E. L. Braswell had a reun- I ion of his children and grand I children on last Monday. Six i children and twenty six grand children gathered under the hopb ab e roof of this old pa/riaroh on that day and partook of turkey and other good things, until “Uncle Beu” almost forgot, in the hour of peace and happiness, his past troubles aud brought forth Li usual number of “rip rip's." ,\f ter the din mr came the annual di - tribution of cotton among I” children He lias given his child ret. over» huudred bales of onttoi iu the last niue years. Mr. R. t'\ Si in in ou of tin* M. S E. Association is here taxi g met bers. Some of our best citizens have taken policies. Mr l* P Robertson of Texas, who has been visiting his bro.hor Hon. T J Robertson ar hero, has returned to his h* i* •. \ i New Orieaus. Our literary society is booming. We discussed at our last meeting tue great subject of woman suffer age, before a full house. The de baters showed considerable zeal oq both sides, but the champaions for woman suffrage h,,r.. off the laurels. . It haviug been some tim * since anydnng appeared from tld- place I seed in a few dotsgathi icd here and meie, although I long hesitat ed to do so, as tbe muses had not endowned my mind with any po litical thoughts and I feared that my prose would bo too harsh foi the delicate senses of some of youi Shakespearean con ribut r». BzTH. SUWANEE. There were seventy-live wagons iu lown Saturday, after guano. Five cases of meuiugiiis in lliis communi y within the lu-t four days. Spriug will not till her engage ment with us as early us usual, owing io the snow storms crowd ii g h D r out. Married—At die rriidence <>f Air. Wm. Shelly, on the 22J inst., by Rev. J. L. Johnson, M-. Thus, a. Harns, of this place, to Miss Gertrude Shelly, of Northampton, England. Slush. GAINESVILLE. Hardware, guns, pistols and cartridges, doois, sash, blinds, ag ricultural implements of every I description, buggy and wagon material, paten/ wheels, e‘c., rubber and leather belt ing. \ Ageuts for uil kinds of machinery, such as engines, saw mills, thresh ing machines, nail) rock, smutters, e/c., cane mills, evoporators, solid 'and chisel-tooth saws NNrie or ; cill on us for pi ices. Satis f; ction i guaranteed. Bf.ll & Appleby. raar24-tm Gainesville. (lu. <• •«*•<«*- ANNOUNCEMENTS. | W. A. Pledger, the colored man who did so much to .lurry prohibi tion in V‘hens, will speak oil pro hibition to the colored people at | the fallowing places: A Lawret.ceville Tuesday nig nr 7th Apiil. Suwannee Wednesday 11 a. in. Bth April. Norcross Wednes lay night Bth April. Lei all iuteres/ed in ptohib lion ; id in giving publicity to these ap poinunents. W A. Pauls A LITTLE GOLD WAS SPENT Mr. Z. 1. Jhrk, of /Llama Ga . in speaking of sHSO.COiu go d, de, sires to say to the readers of this paper, that the wbolsof the above amount was spent in a fruitless effort in finding reliel from a ter« ride Blood Poison uffeedug his body, limbs and nose—presenting | ugly ruuning ulcers, lie is now I sound aud well, having been cured ! by the mos. speedy aud wonderful ! remeday ever before known, and i any interes ed party who may need j a Biood Purifier will learn from | him that three bottles of B. B, B. I restored his appetite, healed all | ulcers, relieved his kidneys, and I added twenty-one pouds to his | weight iu thirty days. When a cold or other cius clieckß the operation of the see crefive organs, their natural heaiLiy I action should be restored by the j use of Ayer’s Pills,, and infiam na ! lory material thereby removed from the system Mach serious sickness and suffering might be prevented by thus promptly cor recting [hose slight derangements that, otherwise, often develop in to settled disease. Providing for the dead. —We dropped into John B. Brogdons es abhshuient last week aud Lund him busily engaged in enlarging his store by converting the loft nto a store room. He will add a new department to his business i He said he had h. re/of ore provid ;ed for the living but was now arranging for the dead. He will open a first class un lertaker’s es ’ tahblishmeut and with his arrang meats with the large manufactures will be prepired to offer Coffin* and Caskets and a general iue of undertaker’s goods a' lower prices than tuey have heretofore been : sold. He is now prepaied to sup ply the trade with any style, size , aud price desired. | Thete is n thing like interprim and Brogdon has —ts. An offer of SI,0(H) is mode to any chemist fiuddmg arsenic or other mineral poison in Smith’s Chill and Ftver Tonic, four bits 1 per bottle. For sa'e by Winn & Vaughan Lawreneeviile Ga. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the first blood medium to prove area! suc i cess, s'lil holds it piacb as first in j publicestimaiion, both at home and abroad, as shown by its mi raculous cures, and immensely in creased sales. ECZEMA l Iw *« ff led for nearly four :v. m, with eczema. The dm tor.-, :t first called if eiysise as [ was n t d by physicians. I wa ciu f iby Swift's Specific: F u-ed aho it 'hiity bottles and have nev ;<■( Icon troubled with it sin*e. I i Hv-ed to take it even after il ■ - iccoiat cdi d to me by others, ! loi some time—such was my prej -1 udice to the name of it ; but hav- j j iug tried it my-el. I n>w behove lii is the best blood purifier in a.l j :my knowledge. It did another | thing for uie. I had suffered j from piles foi many years. Since | taking this medicine I have been relieved, and believe it cured mo. It, H Jones C l tiisville, (iu. Aug. 25 M My duughtei, seven y<.uia old * h»s been afflicted with eczema for! ; two y«ars, and attcu trying other j Venn*.ties in vain, I gave her Swift's Np citie (S S. S.), and one and a half bottles cuied her sound and well. If is the best blood remedy m the country. Alas. AF. S- Judkins. Cedar own AFill, July 28, 1881. Tret 'ise on Blood and Skin Dit < iti-e mailed free. >h< Swift Specific Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta Ga. Many ptis< ns who do not per form manual labor suffer from Will!I of appetite, vertigo, dizzirn s« and ma y o her symptoms of dys-j j pepsia Take Sixuth’s Bile Beans j , for relief. Two bits per bottle ; For sale by Winn A Vaughan Law , i rcucevlle Ga, j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Jit Our Jt nuts aml Cas turners : I Savannah Ga., l eb., 21st 1885, 1 In order to protect you from; being mislead by fraudulent lepre j • httut'ilions, wo warn you fhai we save i o connection with any house m Stone Mountain, excepting that of our agents, A. J, VEAL & SON, Parties purchasing f(Utilizers re resenied to be ihe old original BALDWIN GUANO, or to be the same goods under oth er brands, tire warned that they are deceived, and that ihe old re iable and genuine BALDWIN A Co. AMMONIAT ED DIS OLVEI) BONE, the same goods, ihey have always use I, can be bought at Stone Mountain, only from Messrs A,J Veal A Son. Send them your or decs, Very Respt c fully. BALDWIN A Co. SPECIAL NOTICE, All persons lue the undersigned are requested to sertle by cash or note Otherwise claims will be 1 ut out for collection, B L Patterson, March 10th 1885—ft'- fsjem liifi* tterili ii Bullari f Perhaps that seems a high price , for it, considering how poor your | blood is, and how your whole sys tem is prostrated, debilitated, and I enfeebled. People have been heard to say, under such circumstances, that they would not give the toss of a copper for the choice between life and death. But when it comes ; to actually drawing near the grave, | a man naturally draws back, and I says he does no* "’ant to die. Life is very precious, even to a bro ken down man it is worth saving, One dollar will buy a bottle of Brown s Iron Bitters. That one dollar may start you on the road from misery to recover*/, A man must t ike a very mean view of himself who is not willing to invest that mu :h in making one serious effort to rescue himself from deadly debility, and C. Atep into the en joyment of solid health. Browns Iron Bitters vitalizes tue blood, tones the nerves, and rebuilds the system Its wc. 1 is well known. Invest that dollar i. a bottl: 8 f Ayer’s // ' rVigor , For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. original color, with the gloss and r'/c.s/i of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and ‘i.ddne ; often, though not always, aired by its use. Nothing can i store the hair where the follicles an lestroved, or tne glands atrophic el decayed. Hut such as 1 email tn be saved for usefulness by this tpplication. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness Free from those deleterious sub which make some prepara, lions damierous and injurious to 'he hair, the Vigor can only benefit hut not harm it. If wanted merely ‘hr a HAIR DRESSING, nothin'.' ise can he found so desir able. Containing neither oil nor iye, it does not soil while cam bric. ami yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. /■ n/•PAIt K D BY Dr. J. C, AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical ami Analytical Chemist*. *uu> nv acl i>iauci»i» tvtam iu.iut J, A, HtfNT, A 1 * 'HA.EV AT LAW, NOHCROSN, OA. Wilt praottce in the Superior Courts and emn t* o( Ordtiinr) of tliecuuti -1 u>s of (twiiuiett ami Milton, and in the .tuslices’ court of both counties. Special amt prompt attention given to enlleetilla. l*'eb-tt-'BS-enio. FOR SALE. T offer for sale a medium size horse mule, cheap for cash. Apply to J - R. NOEL, Duluth, Ga. FOR>ALE The undersigned otters for sale n number of go, d horses Apoiv at once. . .MILKS K. EWING Feb. 10 85 3 A feJf'Xew pnmplilet sent free by BURNHAM. LUOS. York. Pa. THE GEO Ct A PACIFIC RAILWAY. LOCAL TIME TABLE. No 1. N Orle a s Ex. d ly. No 3 aecorn inoda'n daily. a iu pru t.en e Arrive pin u in . 7 10 4 OT> vtbiiitn, s no a (Ni 7 430 Howell, (in 74* to ! 7 :« 4 is Payton 7 38 o to i 730 453 Cnaitahooetiee,.. 7 ilfija .311 ; j 7 40 5 1C Concord 7 34 f, (Hi ’ 7535 23 ... Mableton 7 17 558 8 (HI ,30 Austell,,' KlO 33 i 8 OS 5 47 Salt Hpriiuts 1 04 f, 30' 8 31 0 13 lloUfdllHvill 0 50 4 Oil S 34 0 15 ... inst on, 0 .37 I 4.3 j!l no;7 13 Viltln Ulca 024 ,3 20 d 0017 4.3 . ..Temple Ii Oil 353 ! 0 37 8 31 ... Bremen 5 50 220 151!l 03 ... .Tallapoosa 5302 40 . 1008 il 31 Muscadine, Ala . 5 10 1 30 8025 1004 . . Kdu ardsvllle 5 111 215fi 0012 1035 . . .Iletlin I 47 1225 a m 1050 1 100 . Davisville 135 1158 1101 1113 . . .Choeoloeeo I 38 1143 1113 1130 ... .DeArimuiville. .4 30 1130 1135 1148 . . Oxford I 10 1050 1150 1150 . . .nixanlia .. 4 07 1050 a in 121 HI i:n» ....Anniston 3 47 1045 pin 1350 .‘Ucrclalr 325 1000 .225 335 1 05 .... I'.asluboga 5 10 11 45 353 1 33 liincoln 3 (13 11 18 00 1 55 Riverside, 2 5118 50 12 2 051 Heddoii 2 40 848 25 2 30 .... Eden 3 33 8 25 1 43 350 .. ,*Cook,s Springs. . 3 10 158 2 00 3 34 . ..Broiuplon 3 (HI 7 31 3 10 3 40,... Heeds 1 40 7 15 3 45 1 30,..,*Iroudule, 1 05 0 35 4 (Hi 5 00 An Rirni'fdmm bve. 1345 0 (Ml | pm ami pm p m 5 30pm Hii minglmiu Arr 1330 p in 10 20 Ai r Meridian 5 30 11, ill j OOlani ....New Orleans loiHipm 3 OOyi ill .. faekson, '035 pm 5 (Hl’a in ....Vicksburg 8 ihi p 111 j Head Down *ElagHla's Read L'p Westward—Connect at Oxanna with E T V & G„ and id Birming ham with C N O & T P and Fj & N. Eastwakd—Connect at Ailanta j witli It &I)Ga It R Cent it It of ! Ga E T V & G W A A an \ A A VV | P A'R. I. Y. SAGE, Genl Supt. 1,. S. BROWN, Genl Push Agt. LA W RENCEV/LLE It It rrive Lawrenceeville,,7:o a m Arrive a Suwauoe, 7:40 a m Leave Suwannee .. 7:38 p m Arrive Lawrenceville... 8:22 ;> m The rain leaving L iwro uaiviile at 7:00 a. m., makes close connec iou with the “Belle rain” a Su wanee, arri vmg in Alaua a 9:20 a. m. Returing leaves Atlanta . 0:15 p m and arrivingat Lawi ville a 8:22 p. m. EDWIN BERKLEY Sni'eiiuten lent NOH t' J-EASTERN 11A11.KOAD. Su PEI NT END ENT S OFFICE, thens Ga. May lOih 1884 Ou and after May 12th 1884, ; trains on this road will run as jl - lews : 1 NO stt j Leave Athens 8:00 a m I Arrive at Lula 10:00 a m i “ “ Atlanta... 1:00 ptn “ “ Tain. Falls.. 12:50 pru I NO 511 j Leave Athens 1:30 p m j Arrive at Lulu 7:00 p is | Arm. e Atlanta 11:30 p tn NO 5i L’v. Talu. Falls 7:40 a tn “ Atlanta 8:40 atn j Arrive ai Lula 0:50 a tn j Arrive at Athens.... j 1:30 pm j NO 52 Leave Atlanta.; 4:40 p m i Arrive a' Lu1a....?.. 7:40 p m Arrive at Athens 0:20 p to Tam ii.\n Falls Accommodation.! Lv. Talu. Falls j 6:45 pm i ! Ar. Rah’n Cap. June. | 7:50 pm ! L’v. Kab’n Gap. June. | 8:30 p in .Ar. Talu Falls | 9:30 pm Tallulah f alls accommodations will run on Wednesdays and Sat- j urdays. All other trains daily Sundays excepted. Connection made at Lula with passenger trains on Richmond A Danville Railroad, both east and west.— Tickets for sale at, General office, College aye., to all points, and in formation furiosi cd with pleasure. M. SLVUGHER, Gen Pass Agent. H R BERNARD, Sup. 13 . WE ETCS,SI Th I’Obi i ijAZK UK will be mailed securely wrapped, to any a * i in the United States lor three moo n receipt ol ONF DOLLAR , bioeral discount allowed to postmas ters, agent* md clubs. .Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to Kl< il Aftl) K, FOX. . Franklin Square, New York. l-UO-ly A dressing which is at once agree able, healthy, and effectual for preserv ing the hail \ Faded or gray 'hair is soon restored to its 11l liMi t If VS IMPIMVKD STAND’D TURBINt Is tile I'esl ennsU i ted and finished, Rive bet ter perecntHge, i i> re power and is ao l for i less money per horse power, than ano other Turbine in the world No 2 Atlanta Ex. daily. No 4 accom irodan’ daily. STAND’ eKNTH’OTtMIi BAGWELL «£ GOWER, Flowery Mranoh. Gn« l oKo this opportunity to inform the people of Gwin n(’'i .uni adjoining counties that they are still manu(acturing their justly celebrated UiSES, IBS ill ViEiS, W hien have given such universal satisfaction for Du rahility. Light Running Proportions ami Stylish Fin ish lor many years. Their prices have been reduced to suit ths limes. Also dealers in W-WiOX and CARRIAGE MATERIAL, IRON, CO \L, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. Their work is hoiicatiy made Io wear, und not the slopshop shiff made only to sett. Satisfaction u'.way* guaranteed. Thankful to (lie public f#i t if very libctal palronin-c Riven them In the past, they shall continue to do (heir utmost to meiit un im ieascd patronage in tbe future. For prices, lertua. eic., address BAGWELL A GOW ER, March 24-1 y Flowory Br tncfc, Ga. EDYSTONE soluble guano MANUFACTURED BY WSCOHlCMuMtiihi. PAID UP CAPITAL $500,000. JOHN M. OHEEN, MANAGER. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. ’Phi* brand has been before the public for years, and in every instance has given entire satisfaction. This suason it, will be ottered cheaper than ever. 380 Pounds OF GOOD LINT COTTON. PER TON. For sale by VAUGHAN A PENTECOST, Lawreneeville, Ga. ATLANTA House Moving \K) Raising Company Houses with Chimneys raised or moved with perfect safety. ’ O. L PEASE k CO., U>7 Deea/nr .Street, Atlanta. Ga. IK Vi* ATI j NT. GE HGI A. —MANUFACTURERS OF Gossypiiim Phospho. THE GREAT CJRN AND COTTON FERTILIZER. A Special Manure for Southern Lands aud Crops ft contains all /he Elements of Plum Food in their Best Form. It has stood the Tcs' of years, and is now reirirdrxt as one of The Safest and Best Fertilizer la Use, Thousands of E rmcis in Georgia, A'abama, Tennessee and Floridr. and many of die most prominent Agricultural Clubs use it. Set,*"To whom we refer. It is one of the Highest grade fertilizer* sold in Georgia. (See Agricultural Department Reports.) We in vite tests alongside the bast Fertilizers in use. We offer it low for Cash, or on Time b r currency on Cotton. We are the original and only manufacturers of Gossypium Phospho. Us great success and wonderful popularity, has brought i to the markets several imrnita tions. None genuine unless branded on each sack : Manufac/mel by GEORGE W. .SOOTH’ & CO., Atlanta, Ga. - - -- - - Orchilla Guano, The richest X VTURAL BIRD (tUA.NO now on the market! Does not fire the crop in dry Seasons. The finest base for Composting to be had. It should be put in the ground or Compost early. Pendleton’s Guano. Pendleton’s Acid Phosphat. NONE BETTER. Our stock of Seeds, Farm Implements, Churns, Feed (’utters, Corn Shelters, Planters, Cultivators, Reapers, Threshers ENGINES, ETC. IS FULL AND COMPLETE. MARK W. .JOHNSON & CO., 27 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga.