The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, March 31, 1885, Image 4

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GUI.YXET JiRTi LU THEM OAT MARCH 31 1885. IHE WORLD AT . ARGE. There are 1,500,000 slave 1 ii Brazi. El Mahdi was a boat-builder be fore he became a prophet There ire six lawyers in /'ies.» dent Cleveland s Cabinet Drunkeui ess, say the official re turn, is decreasing in England. A Vermont individual claims to have a hen tbiny-nine years old lu all London them is said to be but a half dozen wooden hous es At Central City, Col., the Con-- gregatiocal church has been rent ed for a roller-skating rink. The House of the Michigan Leg islature voted a resolution ot sym pathy for General Grant. Fredrick Horn, a schoolmate oi Bismarck, publishes a country pa per in (Viscon-iu. Professor Bair says that "the possession of a spot of land is the most powerful of all known mo tives tr industry.' A joint stock company has been oiganized at Amsterdam under flit title of, “HollamWbe StoombooG maslsclioppij.’ Queen Victim's bestowal of the Albert medal o a simple police constable has given great satisfac tion to /lu force. Maine and Conneticutt killed the ten-horn propositions in t lieu respective Legislatures; bin Rhode Island is still fighting over one. Princess (Jolouna, formerly Mios Mackoy, has bought the Villa Pau sillipo, near Florence, and is giv ing crowded receptions. Stockton, Cal., now has a curfew Dell, which rings at 3:10 o’clock every evening, at which time all children must go home or be ar rested. William Casey, of New Orleans’ a web known citizen, has just died from a cancer in the mouth, which was caused, his doctors certify, by excessive smoking. In British India the large river Sublej, which has a descent of a 2,000 feet in 180 miles, or nearly sixty-seven feet per mile, is said to be the fastest flowing river in the world. The villa on the Island of Alba, which was occupied by Napoleon after his abdication in 1814, was recently purchased by the Jesuits, who intend lo convert it into a col lege. Scottsdale, Pa . according io an exchange, has a barber who is af flicted at intervals with a loss of speeoh, which sometimes continuer for a period of several weeks. There ure about 00,000 more fe males than males in the city of Berlin. This fact is all the more remarkable as there is a garrison of soldiers in the city which num bers 10,000 men. An English writer says Beatiice Cenci was a vile murderess. As the lady died near three hundred years ago, it is supposed that the de ectives have boon hard at work mi 1 er case. jl/any physician of practice in London keep drug shops, and on remain hours each day see patients prescribe, give advice, and furn ish medicine for one shilling each patient. One of Chicago’s retired bus! ness men Las published a volume ( containing the Lord's prayer in 180 different languages In the preparation of the work ho was engaged about four years. An Englisu professor has open ed a novel school in London. He proposes to bestow upon his pu pils an infahble i. etnory, and has a class in “never forgetting,'’ and a cure for mind wandering. A solid silver bals rade, which has stood in one of the Mexican churches since the time cf Cortez, was torn down not long ago and j taken to the mint and corned, pro ducing 60,000 silver dollars. It is a fact that cigars do not lasts quite as well sin e tLe an nouncement of General Grant’s trouble and its cause. But then lew smokers consume from twenty to twenty five strong Havanas day. Just before Mi. Author re ired from the Presidency Mr. Hell was appointed post waster at Minneso ta Lake. No doubt some of ti e fellows who want that otliee are hoping Mr. Cleveland will make ii red hoi, fer him. THENUMBER SEVEN The powers of a seventh sru were regarded as miraculous thoughout Europe down to a very recent date and it is run quite cTti taiu that the belief is entirely ex ploded to this day. A person oi this sort was known in France as a “marcou,” and was supposed to poss. ss the faculty of curing cers tain dibt&bCb by touch Were served our credulity in E gland for the seventh son of the seventh son: and in the early part of this century a Hampshire laborer, an swering o this description, was regarded as end owned with extra ordinary healing power: ai d was looke 1 upon with no litlle awe and wonder by the ignorant, CeDan it is math had a large collection of sticks and crutches Bind ’o have been presented to him by cripples whose Infirmities he had releivcd. A belief in similar powers also very generally prevailed in the west of England, in Wales, and in Ireland, w hile the Scotch fema'e fortune teller constant y arsitmes the char acter of the seventh daughter in order is obtain ere I t of t lks gift of second sight, ft, is not eighty years since » Bristol tradesman was ou /his ground widely known as "’the doctor,” and in 1851 there was Hviug in Plymouth a mdy cltirurgeon on whose doorplate w in inscribed “Mrs ,—, the third seventh daughter, Doc tress ’ A FREEZE-OU I'. | The revenue laideiys have soom i very thrilling ex r eric-nces some ! times. A few night ago a party of raiders went up the Marietta A North G. eigir Railroad. In the party was a very quiet bn! utterly ; fearless young fellow named Lee Cape. The party approached a ; distijiery in which live men were ; at w«rk, and us the place was be ing silt rounde 1 the moons it i tiers discover* 1 1 /but something was go ing wrong. They made a wild dash, every man going in a differ ■ cut direction. Near by was i, ! creek fifteen foot wide and eigh teen inches deep. The night was one of the coldest of the recent j severe weather. A distiller made : a bold dash toward that creek Lee Gape was on the off side of the stream end pat out to inter cept him. As the moonshiner approached one bank Lee came up on the other, both pan/ing from he violent race. Witnout hesita tioxi die fleeing 'stiller plunged in. md as he did so Lee Ciipo, trom the opposite bank, presenled a big revolver ai.d said: “Plait!” The moonshiner stooped in the middle of the stream. “Don’t run.” satd Cape. “Hello, Lee,” observed the moonshiner, standing hilf waisi deep in /he icy waters. “Ho.lo, Mose,’’ said Cape, “come out and give tip.’’ “You come in here and take me if you want me! ’ “You run and I’ll shoot you.’’ “I w on’t run.” “Well, come out, then!” “I won’t! ’ “Well stand there!” “I’ll do it!” “All right,” said Cape; you'll staud in that water and I’ll stand here. I can stand it if you ca t.” 7’iie moonshiner’ teeth bogan to chatter At last he said: “Lee!” “Hey?” “I’ll have to cave; I’m com ire out.” “Alt right." And the blockudw, ebivering and freezing, came up dripping from the ereek and Lee marched him iu to camp—Constitution. NOT DEAD YET: Atlanta papers are giving to the pub be some curious and wonderful easei that are quite interesting. It emus that a young holy ol Atlanta had been reported as dtn i but it came to the ears ol the Atlant.. Journal that site wa- I still alive, and bring ot: the alert lot ! news a reporter was sent to the n-si j dettce to learn all u! tin lac's | Bede Ibtnaway, who had been pro j nounced dead, met him at the dm j stoutly denying that she was dead. j said: ‘ Tot four years, rhvmiiitisu an i.euralgiu have resisted physician- mil a other treatment. My mnsdes sreined to dry up, my flesh shrunk away, my j inis "Civ swollen, paii ,u) ami latge, lust m> appetite, wis reduced to (HI pounds ii: weight and lor months was expected to di >. 1 e :noticed the rfi' ol'!!. B. [i. nut the aciioa of onc liall a tmUle con vinced my friends that it wo Id c rt me. Its effect was like magic, it gavi mr an apneiilc—gave me strength, re moved all pains and aches, added flesh ti my bones, and when live bottles had been used ) bad gained 50 pounds ol fi 'Shi and 1 am to-day sound and well Providing fok the dead.— We •dropped into John B. Brogdoiis eßtiibiishuQenfc last week and ft uud him busily engaged in enlarging hits store by converting the loft nto a store room. He will add a new department to his business Tie said lrn ha 1 liure/ofore provid ed for the living but was now arranging for the dead. He will open a first class un let t iker's es tatblishme t and >ith his am g meats with the arge m uiufaclute will be prep ared to offer C fHus and Caskets and a general ine of undertaker’s goods a' tower prce ll) an tuey hive heretofore been sold. He is now prepaied to sup ply the trade \vi<U any style, siz ■ and price desired. Tuere is u thing ike int.rpii e and Brugd n has —ts 13 WE£Hs,sl. 1 tic iMIJn, u ,tZaI'TK in iled. securely wrapped to any a in the United .States tor three men i reompt of ONE DOLL Art Linetal discount al.ov i . postmas. ters, agents uud club- .s.onp'e copi..a mulled free. Address ah >ni sto RUUIAHD K 1m . X Franklin Squaie, NX ~ Y U 1 20 ly A Marvelous Story « TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. <* FROM THE SON: “ thnitlewcnr My father resides at Glover, Vt. He has been a great stiff-.vr from Scrot ula, and the inclosed letter will tell you what a marvelous effect Ayers Sarsaparilla ha* had in his oasf*. 1 think his blood most have contained tho humor for Bt l 11 years; but it did not show,except in tit •f< m of a scrofulous sore on the \vi , until about live years ago. From a few spots which ap peared at that t ime, it gradually spread so as to cover liis entire body. I assure you he was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when he began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. i could easily name titty persons who would testify to tho facts in kis case. Yours truly, W. M. Phillips.'* FROM THE FATHER • pleasure and » duty l<»r me to state to you tho benefit I have derived from tho use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Six months ngo T was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and thaskln cracked so ns to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever i moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. 1 commenced the uso of tho Sarsaparilla in April last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition latgitn to improve at once. The sores liavo all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respect— being now able to do a good day’s work, although 73 years of age. Many impure wna. has wrought such a cure in my case, and l ted them, as I have here tried to tell yotl, Atki v * Sarsaparilla. Glover, Vt., bet. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, HIRA..I Phillips.” $ Ay Fit’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula and nil Scrofulous Conipi.GiE-t‘ ITvcip • las, Ktzoma, Klngwoni. , Blotches, Sores, Boilft, Tumor*, ami irruptions of the Skin. It clear i.lm blood of all impu rities, aids digestion, .-'imulnteß thenetion of the bowels, and llm • rr - g ' -a viU. ity and strengthens tho whole ! ..i. I'Rkpari :> p.y Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sol’ by >ll Orudis'*; si, sir lxAtl-is for 85 AYER’S Cherry Pectoral. No other coiuid;:intsave no iiisitiions in tlicir Attack as those unvoting I he throat anti j tings: none so trifled with by the majority of Miller ers. The ordinary cough or cold, remit:, g Irhafts from a triflur-, or uncouscious ex posure, is often hut the beginning of a fatal sickness. .Ayer's Ciikury J*i:< tohal h: s wt A proven -ts eMinaev in a forty years w.ih throat ami lung diseases, and should he t.ikcu in oases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cm; d. “In 15 77 i took /i st vi. cold, vhieh affotsted my linos I liad;i terrible eougli, ;n.,l ~;,-> ed night niter night without sic- p. dhe ifot Dus gave me up. L tried AvHifl cifEiua n.. io hal, wbicli relieved my Imps, induced sleep, and afforded me the re i«sary lo- tlie recovery of mv strength. ID the continued use of the Demorai ;i }i>-nna "out cure \v:»s effeeteti. i ( .m now lj \ '‘■•l, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your Gukuky I‘i:ctuhal saved nie. If ■ »!S At I. I niHUOTHI.K ” Roe.iinghain, Vt., July 15, ]."s2. Croup. A Mother’s Ti Goto. “ While in the eountrf last wii ft r mv little hoy, three yearsold, was taken 111 with i roup; it seemed as if he would die from sii,.i * u . lation. One of the family,. *f Ayer's Cherry I’ia ioral, a I*. u.« f which uiways kept in the h<nr>v. Tins was tried m small and freqiu nt dot s aid to our delight in less than half an ) mi the httJo patient was breathing easily. Tlie ">i said that the or lev l’i ( i..[. u. 1 . .} saved my darliug*# life. Can >oti wotHier fti our gratitude? Sincerely yours, L i MR.-• I' It 'A Gl IKNI V F A West I?sth St , New Yor!‘, \' :,y If., I 1 I have used Am e s Ou rky Du- ion\t in mv Jandly lor several years, and »!o not hesitate to prooounee it the most etleetautl remedy for emigh- mid colds w© have ovr tried. A. J. < KANE ” Lake Crystal, Mini;. JUareli !>.-? ” I luff red for eight years frcrußi and after trying manv reinedh s wiih im sue ‘•ess. 1 was cured by the use of Avi ids Cm r- RY I ‘ !•:« COR A »IO>j! Ull YYAIIUN.” Byhalia, Mi.'.s., April 5, l'-j. ** i cannot say enough in pv.ase of Avi n’s ’ nuhrv Pectoral, believing as i do that hut for Its use 1 should long sir. . 1 have died from lung troubles 1 . Eit.uitioN.’’ Palestine, Texas, April 22, i >_ No case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be gr> ath : lievcd !*y the uso of Ayer's c heeky I ra > g \e, nd it. Will ahraifs cure when the di. t .e- is not already beyond the control of medicine. I’KGEARED BY ?r. J, C.Ayer &Co.,Lowell, Aliiss. SoKl by all Dru a . :.-i S 3 s ” v . p I IJ Is? '4 ' ■ . < SN CASH QIVEiy AWAY Rmokers of Blackvnfell*B GrimiuG Bull Durham HinokingrTobacco \*i] rActive Premiums as follown - a t rmsainl ctinditioiiH hero eptvilh^.i I St PREMIUM. $5,000 2d “ $2,000 3d “ 3ii,000 2k? other r k r«'iiiium«i kh hereshowm. The 2f> premiums will bo awarded December 2d, Ikm. im Premium P’ties to the person from whom we ro <«ive the largest numbert>f our empty toluuvo ba 'n prior to I>er, 16 lid will irivnii for the next largi‘»*t number and thus, in the order of tue numlx r °f b.ars received from each, t > tho twenty-fiTO nucr.'SHful oon. testa Tits. Fach l>akf must Inuir on/ original Bull Durham label. T’ H Revenue stamp, and Dantion Notice. Bags must be done up securely in a with name ami addr» ss of tender, and number of bags contaiu <\l. plainly markfsf on the outside and must lie acnt.chnixes prepaid, to Durham Toluvrvs Co.» It oiiH am, N. O. Every genuiWl paolr vfe has picture of Bull. Bocvrtu oestanuouAiiseiuint I'roiniuui* Nu S.IOO » MO #-400 ■*:ioO .*H;«oo *275 rt:j/TT> $325 ¥3OO ¥175 ¥125 «ioo **'x» k-o ¥7O SOO ¥SO ¥4O S3O S2O *lO Tell the children to cut out a?id aava the covr.) silhouette piotafts a« they appear from issue tr. iaeue. They will be pleawed with tho collection This Rpaoo is owned by BLACKWhJIii/S BUXiXj. Of course wc mean the famous smimal a, on the iutx l of every geauitis package of Rla-'l srelVs Bull Durham Smoking’ Tobacco, livery dealer kccp« this, the If st Smoking Tobaccoma<l< None gemhiie witlrout trade-uiark of the 8011. KING’S EVIL j Was the nmno formerly given to S rofnlsi I" eat!-' of a superstition that it could b. ■ cured by a kin/* touch. The works la I wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA | ran only he cured by a thorough purifica tion of the blood. If this i- neglected, I ihe disease perpetuates i( s taint through ; generation after gradation. Among i:.- | earlier symptomatic development are Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu j mors, lioii-, Carbuncles, Kiyaipeias, Purulent ulcers, Nervous and I'hy , Gcal Collapse, etc. Jl' allowed to con tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous C.i --1 aiih. Kidney and Liver lii- .> i , 1 iibereular Coiisiiniptioii, mi l vari ms other dangerous ur fatal maladies, are produced by it. Ayers Sarsaparilla h the. onlypowerful and altcciy* reliable, blood-purifying medicine. It 'is so . r:. .-i - ml an alterative tlmt it eradicate- from s'stem Hereditary Scrofula, and ilie kindred poisons of contagious di-i asi s uid mercury. At (lie same time it in riehes and vitalizes the blood, re-torimr liealthful action to the vital org:i:e and rejuvenating the entire system. Thi nut Regenerative iVSedicirs Is composed of the genuine Honduras >V( reiiparilla, w ith Yellow J),,<■/,■. siil ‘•nyia. the TodiJcs of Pntnwivm and Iron, and other ingredients of great po ' iV"V. carefully and scientifically com onnded. Its formula is generally’known I the medical profession, and the best '>'• ieians constantly prescribe A vim's ' vi:s u-arilda as an Absolute Cure >r nil diseases caused by4ho vitiation of ■ >ed. It is concentrated to the hi b I practi -ablo degree, far beyond a, propara;'m for which like effects ■■! ! med, and is therefore the eheiipe-t, >v ■• 11 es the be -t blood purifying medi cine, in the world. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla PIIKPAIIKD lIY Or J. C. Ay or & Co., Lowell, Mass. [Analytical Chemists.] Sold by ull Druggists: price §l, six bottles tor §5. Perhaps that seems a high price lor it, considering how poor your blood is, and liovv your whole sys tem is prostrated, debilitated, and enfeebled. People have been heard to say, under such circumstances, that diey would not give the toss of a copper for the choice between life and death. Hut when it conies t< actually drawing near the grave, a man naturally draws hack, and says lie does no' "’ant to die. Life is very precious, even to a bro ken-down man it is worth saving, One dollar will buy a bottfe’ol Brown's Iron Bitters. That one dollar may start you on the road from misery to recover'.', A man must take a very mean view of bin who is not . f! ng to invest that much in making one serious effort to rescue himself from deadly debility, and , tep into the eii joynicnt of solid health, lira;, n's Iron Hitters vitalizes t.,e blood, tones the nerves, and rebuilds the system Jts w, is well known. Invest that dollar i. i,..til • .THE ** .. . ■'. '■ i , pi i bin I £tml<s yp s s&t/i THE HIGHEST AWAROSr ' , C !u the < JRBLA.T offl IV3 i- a:; * | n j\b (M rs : , i 157; .villi* INTERN AT ,\f. j' t . IMAfi, : (<T\ T . . nLUi iiXOJßiilu.N iuriiibiU : ‘ AH l»f i. i : W'fffklnjr to par tu >. {> * tat ) iuKtriiaieuttt nrc . .. vitrii so % J,i VVttrcrooiits, .S.-m’/o. Circular i \u Price - -It. OHICKERIJia £ rc!'S; 130 Fifth Avvv.-ic. N. v .. , V- The Wonderful Efficacy cf m- . SCHE&OK’S PI | l e Has bo•*« . fr--.,' c,’ u. « . ’ton ’y *» n tut it • '-sns i»!w> v * BUDvrUotMU t ; » fry uuntiiaiy / iO.t: ili L.itMl' fill} 1 CO ■!<»".• “ •nw' i fo>dav f fft OtW Ur, ♦ , fm- •. \ an ■ i npn. m • i-, •:• v' ■ ; ,J f *, •*> Tr i . > •f to day or > - -• ; , t lucbt.c . f> V ’ v'’.’. hi«. r tec’**. cm V h|.U i. {. ' : n' ! - ;-tr*vrfh tV ••• •- - ' •• *rL 'V -i I-, ,<•’ * K r •'Uff at _ • . -'ll- ~■£*.4 \ r. <\ • i Yk - 3r* frcfecncl: V;>* • C* , .*•>*♦!<*«, i,: ■ iT C- - V. .... . : i v l pnputar Wt»akiy «•„>- y P"| f d'int.l to (, . .. r.I f-Tor C i.'t» S, r 1e 3» invcidons mid patei.ia a inost valuSuill 18 * ‘f J iu J > . ! K i - tion * f»*rnw)v iia !'k olintr nMf.Ti. it v hieh "'“bout. Tl.« l : ularuy ->i , Dho is Ft. .1 that its iir fi<jua!s that of ft'l e ther Pfij.ers of tnr.u»- CW il 5 ' IV.CO. ?j2f,a } A.r. J;;-. r:,t }S,V 1 V s - fMd bv all nnvvdni,. s. MUBN Ai u„ 1 üblishera, No. m Broadway, N. Y. B — ATENTS. pra t; tn e be f, ire the Pm ant Ofuoe, and have prepared more tbnn One Hundred *ihcut>- piitl apulic.tiionß b-r p.iienta in tuo ITnitrd Rtates and foreign conntries. Cbtvciits, Tiad»M arks, Oopyrigata, and nil other pnjicrs f< r gj '.sag to in v out ora their ny’aa in tho t*i!>t«d HtatcK, ftanadn, England, I‘Vanco, Germany and other foreign oount-riea, pre dj ~p;i - r-dat short am ieo and on reaaonulde teriu.“. information as to oV.taining i>&t«.nts chocr f dty given without i-harge. lift mi-hooks of •f* iiiurni if,, q nuit free. Patents obtained ? hro ;• h idi.t.u & Co. are noticed in tho Hdentiho ' nv. irec. 'lhe advanlnge of such notice is timi r-itwd ty all pv no ins who wi»n to tiiopi e : 11 t-1v put ent s. ' .on j uITNN & CO., Otftce fciClKfiXli'lC .\jjt . an, 381 i‘raiidway, No* York. . he* en. I>i% %V. 1 4 * . ’"i v /if. ». ». lr*t Mii W«nl. / u.iof GIVEN AWAY ATTENTION. SMOKERS! e A' s-i:;-.- for ttic prein u: ■•ent in - ui.ivc amount,ottered by Blackwell* lam hai.i Toiawco Co., must observe the following ennditnms on which the premiuniß are t<> ho invar led: All baas must boar our original mill Durham label, C. S. Revenue Stamp, find Caution Notice. The bags must bo done ur FcPtiruly iu a package with name and anflrcMi of - t mlcr, and number of bngN contained plain ly marked on the outside. Charges must i-.i prepaid. GmfctlHows November 30th. All pack xgt 8 should be forwarded December Ist, and mu t reach us nt Durliam not later than ]ie<rnp vt l ’lh. So matter where you reside, send .(| !r rmckAge. advise usbymallthnt you nave 1 me O ht"l state the number of bags sent '. in pi of ' Dccessful contestants, with number oi ( HRS returned, will he published, Dee in I Hold; New York, Herald; Philude! phia 'finips; Durham. N. Tnhaceo Havt N. vv Orleans rimes- Democrat, Cincinnati. /«* qvr .-r: Chicago. Daily News: San Francisco, Uirovielf. Addre-s. Hi,At K WKM ’S IMT.HAM TOBACVO GO., JM’RMAM N. C. V - ' v gennirn | aclms picture of Bull our next anuougoement. a %^ A PfaclpmaUGn, G i ’IORGIA- By Usury D. M<- DanieL Governot of said State.' Wlnreu-, Oflieinl inforniiition tins 1.) eii l-eeeive at tliii'depiirtiueut Ihuf iti til of April. 1*8:;, in the comity of Cy. iimett ti lmirdei' was eoiuniitled upon the body of Andy If lake )>y Moiu'oe .T(dms'. and that'said .fopiis tin- lli'd from justice and is siiil at ImiV( . i have thcnglit propii- them- I• n , to i.-stie (bis my jiroelamation, cnl'y opci-jiig a reward ot lire 11 imdn d Dollars f .Tt lie apprcliensioii and delivery of said Monroe .iohns to i lie sheriff of said county. And I do moreover eharge and re quire at! officers in this state, civil and military, to lie vigilant in en deavoring to apprehend the said Monroe Johns, in order that he may be brought to tl'iul for the offense with wbicl lie stands olu lged. uiveii under my hand ami the great, i-al of tlie slate, at the eapitoi in At lanta, this the ninth day of March, in the year ot our Lord one thousand eigt i luiudred and eiglity-.'ive, and in lb independence of the I ailed Si, - of America Die one iuuulied and i-intii. 111’.MIV D. MeDAXIF.Ii, 13 y the i.overnor: oovernor. X. ('. Bapketx. Seereiai'v of Slate. P oclamotion, GEORGIA, Gvviin.eit G nnty. i (Inlmur, s OfiH-i 1 j Lawi.cmt . ii.i.K. (J;r Minch 10: i S 5 'Vi . i-ecs, by t'lu pi-< visiuiis ~ 1 :m Act ('? lbe Gt-iiera! Assembly „f said staiu ajn ii -I b. lie (Jovcrnur on the 21 in lay i--r Dee mlu-r l"i. (bt* Onbieiry ui'suiii count.v is i\<i|ib'c(l to onb i- .in cit'd ion by'( lm <|ua|hiUc<' voti i - ; s;i i comity, wlioiic t one linnib ed qimliiiicd yoli is <n ~: i i conn ty uli.ill tile a petition in Hie,. i;co in tin'll cc.n;. asking (lie benebi of (lie I'T'ovis, n ol said ad. At which elect ion tin-qie. stum ol jirnldbitinc (ue Mena -icliiiiitq or sale o: viniocs malt oro,b -i liquors in said l onel y shall be I'cn'i ininco. And. win r< as, oil tile foin lll daj o •'lm eii. Its:., i.eUi ions wre liliyl in mj oflh e, Allied by inure Ilian one Imn (led. i|ual:iiieicvofers ol' said county • -I- iny : j,, ian c. im be i>rd.ired as i'i“vrded lor in -.i•. 1 A t. Now, i i.i- 1 . iv, l,.iam.‘s ‘l\ I.a.nkin Oi dim r , ,r -aid coanty, in uni>n r ':ct Ai, - .ml in. lo her* t.v ing r, 1 iml an . c Hon t . h, |q. ;t ( i'|„, asiml |>!:.d s 1 ;■ Itoldinq i led ions in Die -c\-- .\bdiiia Di-irids ol said ei.nn- i »->Y • a.-, illi .Hi c. .. ot A|, o ; 1 CV li !,! || , I i.c s i.c- laws aid rer alal ions as ap I'D’ ll < 1 ' V - or i.. :oe (’did a n.. -o', i xe.q,| ; n,a ~,,i s twq.t:>li.( ••■!: >nd b-l of voters, slid! In :• i r... of \ha a. |..;,;ci in i 'lidi ih , •i> -i,.a. |... scaled :t|, Slid I ra:, i; , ,| 1 the »'h i k ol Ihe 'Zion t ■ofor j comity amt the other d-j (1 i■! Ui ■) l lie la d ,i;.: r-. ol 'i d , ;, b i; o'ejock M ioi lln day ce d sm c.cb saio elect ion ' A 1 sa d lion llioso o].|)Osilif: till nmnulaiuriito „ sale of spiriloiis, \ in oua malt erolii'i ini .xieadnq l.qnors sl.til have v. rdien or prin'ed on -,lk ballots- -No Wiiiskv - And those fa voring Hie luannla-liu-iuo or . ;!, . t syiritons, vinous, malt or other in losiealing liquors sliail have writ ten or prinleUon their ballols “For \V liisky - Heel ion IS i f ..aid Ad provides: “That at an a election held under the provisio is ol ,his ad, no peisonshiill be allowed to vote at.said elediuli. e.\ eepi at the voting preenict in the uia lUiaDistrict in wuieii no resitles, oi which the Ordinal v o. said c ouiiy sliail give notice in his order direct. in;: said o e -I ion to tie held.’ In witness whereof 1 have hereto se my hand and otlieinl signatuTethe dav-and .year above wnlen. JAMF.ST I.AJiKIX. (irdinary. tax ki:<-idVi:its m>m« i; 1 Ist round. 1 will 1 a tr the ful'o wing places it the times -tied for tl o piu pe.i <- of r< < eg the Tax L;. turns n * Hwinn: uii.v, for the yt at 1885: Mi l-tins, Tim.. da. Apt,! 2nd. Bert hue, 1 ’: v, “ Hid. Rockbrhh: .IU t- d;t *•, “ fi h CttW‘b, Ttu set . v, *• 7th Bay Cud;,\V< iL.e-dai," Bth Earbirs, r I ':u: Jay, “ !• h Ben Stmiil s, Fr.d-.y, “ Hi h Caine, Biiturcay Jl;t, Hog Mom: tut',Mot;day“ 13 h j’ute.rei, “ u.tsiii y, 1-BSi Kutvat i.. t, H\dotsdav- . Dulu !’, 'i I tils da' iti o Norn of, I', id:•• 1 7th Lav r■( ret vd'e, • ■ hi. lv i n.i< l.t It. ( i t id. in mo ve quirtu, uiu.l; i*.. ,j ..uucißa;,., i-. make return of ll ed own t ,< , « r ty. If I 1 ..’MM ,1 s T x lttcievei. .4 'f -0 S' 1 he Emperor Louis Napoleon smoked only the finest cigars the world c >«Ud pro duce. Prof. Hertford says the Fmperor b cigars were made specially for him in ila \ ana from leaf tobacco grown in the Golden Beil of North Carolina, this Ix-ing ths tinest leaf grown. Blackwell** Btill Durham Hmokiiiu- Tobacco is made from tho name loaf used in tho Fmjieror's cigars, io abso lutely pure and is unquestionably the best tot»aci*> ever ofl'eud. Thsckrray’s gifted dsughtor, Anne, inf heraketchof Alfred Teunyeon, in n<irj rr a tfriuAly, tells of her vimt t*> the great poet.' Hhe found him smoking Blackwell’s Bull) dharu I' baoco.sen himbj Hon. Jamatj Bussell Lt well, American Minibter tvAhe Court of Bt. Jamea. X:i th»M days of adulteration, it in acorn fort to smokers to knot* that the Bull Dur. bam t:>rand is absolutely pure, and made from the l*«t tottacco the w-orhl produces. lihwkv/eH’s Bull Durham Smoking To hvvo is the but cud p:;. tr t made. All dealers have it. None genuine without the travle-msrk of the Bull IS IT A m i Home ore ‘aid that Pot«*’t ww a j |joi*on. Who makes lla assertion exi ept i those win de-re to mislead mim! fan . bug you? Hi who iknounees other reme'di'* j ns frauds, H quietly i lli ilug u ’-'lie com j jrou’i 1 oi his own—beware 0( all such. Ask your phyiHun or vOnr druggists lif P 'tush 1 proilneei all the horror | ciuimcd for it by I nose w iio are <om | pellcd to traduce other preparations in ! order to appear r p.-ctahle tbemsi lves. V'. e claim Hint Potash orojjerly com j bined with otln-r r medics makes the ■ grandest blond remedy ever le own to man. And we claim that li. Ii I! is that ri medy. If . tlliciisl with any form of blood poison St rdliiiH, Klie'imnti-m Catarrh, f)id Ulcers and Suns. Kiduty Com plaints. Femnl' Rise sis, etc- the B 15 I!, will, cure you at once Send to Blood iiidin Co., At'Aida. Ga.. lor a copy of- lie ir book FRKK (iwhnu'it Sheriff Sales. Will be sold before (In- Ciiiii I House door ill town of bmnenei ville, in said eoutit v, wi l hip the legal hours of -ale. on the first Tuesday in Aprii next, tiie following property, lu w it: undivided half interest in and one Ivv i horse Kelipse engine and boiler and one Drown eoflon gin, feeder and c mdenser. levied on us the property of \V. K. ltagsdale liy virtue of and' to satisfy a niertgage ti fa from (lie Superior Court of Rockdale county, in favi r of Cain ,V (Juigg vs said Yv. ii. Rug.- dale. Properly ponded on( in said ii fa. Also at the same time and place will lie sold one town lot in tlie town of ltiiford, (.winnett county, Georgia, located on tlie south side of (he At iaiita mid Chyriotte Air Line railway', known as the (larner warehouse, being part of land lot Xu, 3fi in tlie Hih district of .-aid count v, containing forty- (40y]>y twenty-four (:M) feel. l.evied on ns (lie properly t.f T. S. (turner, by virtue of and to satisfy one ti fa from the Superior Ceurl i f Fulton county, Geo: gin, in favor oi F Vtiii Winkle vssaidT. H. rJamer. Also, at the same time ami place, will lie sold, one so am engine, known as (lie “Clinton Monitor." engine. No. b. with its machinery and iixlurers complete, now in the possession of .lolm Denton and .1. .31 Deaton. Devi ed on as t lie property of .1. M Deaton, and John Deaton, by virtue of of a ti !’a issued from Gwinnett. Supelior Court, in favor oj Ault man-S. Co„ vs said John Denton and .1 M Dfaton, principal, and t’S Garnet', security. Property pointed out bv F M .lolin son, Flaiutill's Attorney, Property v. ill be delivered at Bu ford Geotgia. W. P, COBB V, aheriff. March IS*:,. DEPCTY SHERIFF S U E. - Will be sold l>efore IlieCourl House door in tlie town of I.invreneeville Gwinnett County Ga.,within tlie legal hours of sale on the lirs, Tues.l.iv in April next the following described lands to wit. One acre of land more or less si I - unfed, lying ; being in the eovpo de liniilsol (ie* town ot Diilm li in said county of ‘Gwinnett hounded as Ou (he- ea-I by rvneevilie street, on tlie fSouth by lands ofKW Bendy on Die west anil non b by lands i'.lOXevv. Levied oil as Die jmipef i v of 'nines 8. Love, to satisfy one ti fnfrom tlie Justice court, of the -tnlst eisuiit. Henry county Ga, in/iivor f IV. I>, and O. \V Ford vs said J, s. Love. Levy made and returned to me by \VF Herrington I, C. '\\ M ME BOR N, March 3rd ’BS Deputy Sheriff. Richmond A - Danville li li Fash NOFff D V F.vr On and after' Oct 12tb 1884 Passenger Qraiu Service on ■ Atlanta and (Jharlotte Air Li Division will be as follows : 'NORTHWARD, Express Mail No. 51 No. 53. Daily. Daily. Leave Atlanta.... (i.(K) p iii | 8.40 a m Ar. Gainesville 8.13 “ i 10,30“ “ Lula A 8.11 “ j 10.54 “ “it Gap Jn’e B 0.2(1 •• j n.2(l “ “ Toeeoa C 10.1)4“ I 11.55 “ “ Seneca D 10.08“ j 12.51 pm (H oenville.. F; 12.40 “ I 2.28 “ “ Spartaubrg F 2.00 aiu pm “ Gastonia... G j. 2". '• | 5.20 " “ t liavlotte.. 11 5..0 | “■ soCTil W \ it ? ) ; Express I Mail No. 50 j No. 52 | Daily | Daily I.’ve 'Charlotte—l 1.45 am I ilidpin Ar. Gastonia 2.30 “ I 1.11 “ “ Spartanburg 4.28 “ j ;:.:U “ “ Greenville... 5.45 “ 4.53 “ “ Seneca 1.28 “ (}.•.*<> “ “ Toeeoa 8.32 “ 7.32 “ " U Gap June. 9.20 “ 8.25 “ “ Lula 10.00 “ 5.50 “ “ Gainesville.. 10.38 “ 0.“5 “ “ Atlanta | 1.00 pm 11,30 pm ACOOMMOIiATION TllAt.N (A. LINE BKLLE GOING NOItTU I t.eave Atlanta 5.30 ;> m Arrive at ( iainesville Hitt [> in ACCOMMOOATION TIiAIN (a. L. BELLE) GOING SOUTH. l.eave Rtilnosville 7.00 a m Arrive Atlanta 8.20 “ NO IS- LOCAL e HEIGHT OOINO SotHH Leave Charlotte 5.35 a. ut Arrive at Gaffneys... .1ft.07 “ ‘ Bpartanburg.l2 20 p. m. “ Greenville.. .5.27 “ " Central 8.10 “ NO 17 -LOCAL FREIGHT. GOING SOUTH. A-avo. Central 4.45 a m Arrive (irecuvide i Oti a. m. Spartanburg.. .10.40 “ “ G a Ureys 1.17 p. m. tfnarlet'.e 7.25 “ Alll't eigla (i a ins nil tliiii loud carry pas ■ eiigers. All p t--etiger trains tun i ta l tig a ,o Ujut viiit! and Uielmiond 'viitiei , li'.mee, eolineeting at Datt •-e ■ u b\ a. idland ltwy,, to nil am. i n eiiami at AUauta with alt e.i. . it ei :: me. No 50 leaves ltieh . . ! d and No 51 arrives .. i ei •' : I’. M 2 leaves Richmond I 2.W1 A, Vi. ( I :,;i iv s there 7.00 A. M. I' leaf ) > .■!:: tits stop ut'above stil liiiie. :.'o le iio ininules til l id.f tst.l- mx'fj CARS WITH on • UANtiK. On trains Nos 50and 51, New York .it'd Atlanta, via Washington and Danville, and also (.reensLoro and Asti vi tie On trams Nos 52 ii ml 53, Itieljnond and Danville, and Washington and Au gii. VVasliiogtoii and New Orle -1 ate. Ueturilitig on No 52—bletqjer I (jreenslioro lo Richmond t ’ Through Tie.kets on ale at ('lmr i lotto, Clreenv ille,Heneeu,HparHuilairg, j and ijiaii.csvilie lo ail points South, ! Homliwcst, North and Kast. A vt mi A hn' it. to a iroin Athens It “ N tj d U iu A item ' Tah’ula Culls. 0 “ K. Air Line lo Ac from klberlou A Bowersvillc D “ Blue Riiige K it to Ac Iroiu Wuihulia, &c “ (’it I el Newberry, Alston ehd Columbia v c j c S J .v C to A ir’m ■ I 'i 1 sr« > i vi!!: Alston Ace. t h,. ter A: Lenoir to A Ironi Chester, Yorkvllic Ar D«ilae li N t Div ACC A to Ac (rm (Ireensb. ro, Uuleig n.viN Bi.iAi.iAY, iSupeniLtendejid. A. L. Rives, 2nd Y. P. A Gen Manag M b aughtr, Gun’l l’asouger Agt New Store! Slew Goods! New Firn ALMAND 6c Co (FORMERLY OF CONYERti, GA.) Lawreneeviiie - - - - . . To the citizens of Gwinnett and adjoining conntie We take this method of’ informing you tha have come to i.awrenoeville lor the .purpose of L goods and making a living, and in undertaking tH oiler you one of the best assorted stocks of merchan Use ever displayed in this market. yf e now on hand a complete ine of DRY GOODS, Dress CSoot Z-ATEST STYLES IN BOOTS AND SHOES, FAMILY GROCERIES, FU RNI TUBE, HARDWARE, STOVES, In fact, everything to he found in a General ] chandise Store. We desire to make the a quaintance of every /en of the county, but more especially of the t cominjj to Lawrenceville. i/ We buy all kinds o* country produce ant the highest market price for it. Come and see us. eau w ts *« «■« 11 » m* i > ■ :.>Wi March 24—ts LAWRENCE VILLE SEMINARY FOII Males and F'emales. The Kxersices ol the above Institute will begin on the 2d unday in unry, IHBS, nt the lolloping ratpsof Tuition per month. FIRST CLASS, - $1 50. SECOND CLASS, - 2 00. THilt!) CLASS, - - 2 50. FOURTH CLASS, - 3 00. Student* charged 25c Incidental Fee, per quarter. Course of Instruction, Thorough, preparing Students fort Classes. REV J. F. McClelland, Pure The Ordinaly. GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. To whom it may concern; Pony (J. A. Whitby having in due form applied to tin- undersigned for tlie guardianship of the persons and property ol William 11., Mary ('. and Martha C. Whitby, minor children of Minerva A. Whitby, iateof said couit i tv, deceased, notice is h.reby given i mat his application w ill he heard at my ollice on the lirst Monday in M; y next. Tliis March 18, 1885, ■IAS. T. LAMKIN, Ord’y. Georgia, Gwinnett County. Whereas, It. 1). Winn and T. K. ■\l tche.ll, of said county, administra tors de bonis non, with the wilt an nexed, of Thomas Mitchell, late of | Clark county, on., deceased, repre sent to the. court in their petition that l hey have fully administered Tin mas Mitchell's estate, This is to cite all persons con j cerned, heirs and credit ns, to show cause, if any they can, why said ad tutuisl tutors should not he discharged front their administration ami re eeive letters of dismission, on tile tirst Monday in duly, 1885. J. T. LAMKIN, Mareh 31, 1885. Ordinal v. GEORGIA. Gwinnett County. Whereat, Wra. P. Cosby, udminis- < . trator of Jesse 'ioolsli; , represent- to ! the court in Ids petition, duly tiled, that he lias ftiily administered Jesse Goolsby's estate, This Is, therefore, to cite all persons j concerned, heirs and creditors, to show euuse, if any they can, why said i j auiuinistrat >r should not he dis i chained ft ant his adminisl ration and I receive letters of dismission on the | ill’s! Monday in July, 1885. i This March lflh, 1885. J AMKS T. LAMKIN, t trdinary. i GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. P. IJ. 11. Gower, administrator of . Layman Stone, represents to the,’ ! Court that lie Ims fully administered I Layman Stone’s estate. This is therefore to cite alt persons eon- . eemed, heirs and oreditors, to 1 show cause, if any they can, why j -aid adminisl rator should not he iiseharged from his administration ittd receive letters of dismission on j the iirsl Monday >n June, 1885. James T Liunkin, Eel> *1 ;!ino Ordinary | GEORGIA, Gwinnett Cow Notice is hereby given to aUi concerned, that on the mt* ll May, 1888, 0. W. Venter,»» county, departed this life * and no person has applied™, isi rat ion on the estate of said Venter, in said state, ana jjw ; i-ir.iion will be vested in tttei the Superior Court or WJP . and proper person, on toe day in April, next, unless cause be shown to tic 1 contra Feb. If, >5. J.T.I-A“K GEORGIA, Gwinnett O"” 1 William P. Moore, odmißW* .lame.- Kohcrts, Court in his petition dim he has fully admimstettd en s’ estate. This is tl’erefoK .ill persons concerned, 1 11 (1]) dors, to show V’M'f ’ VouM why said udiuinwtiato , in y discharged from ,lls . a , m i* and receive letters of « the lirst Monday ■"e-'ordii J AS. T. LAMKIo, o Dee. 31.1884 NOTICE) TO I>KBT uB3J CKKIUTOIG' All persons indebted to V m T Scnl°s. late rs , deceased are hereby not'WJ mi red ate payment, and ■“ J „ iug elunns against Mid sent them to the undersigned, required Ju.,. 5, lbHf). Georgia Gwinnett t' oUI) N 11 Kay has aid' 1 * 0 pas of personalty, ami J the &■* the ai 10 oclock a 11 ‘ .1 an miry 1885 at my otn j „ James t w )f Dee 30th 1884 _ — 1 Gcorg'a-C-winne’f To all wh. m h UPP 1 K Hill has ui« >m I> let undersigned lot P e '{“ estate 0 ad mi nisi ration mi Wj ouD ty tut Hill jt'o fjTsald and I will I'm'* "I p, Kebn ia [ on the first Monda. James t l»j c 11 1884 #~-0b