The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, May 19, 1885, Image 3

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TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1835. 'TSainM'S ye inkin' note*, Didtaitb. he'll prent ’em." h< /*oh. Jr - P**H»**r. V ‘ , TOWN AND G' >UNTY. Head notice of local legislation. The young men of this place Jigwiwd a base ball club. Unite sn amount of interesting Jlmauer is u.,avV;d.l.’v crowds «,! o nt of ibis Usoe. vt#n tion of public school leach • directed to notice of County Seliool Commissioner in this is -6110. jfjou want goods cheap call on ilnimd & Co- We regret to learn that l»r. A. , Suffer of Gainesville is very 6 |,k and bis recovery is regarded a 8 doubtful- Miss Emma Osborn the beaut, - f ,il and fascinating belle of Cbam [ e tfa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jt Wilson, Jr., of this place. Yesterday was the first time we ever beard a church bell toll the ' toieralrequiem at sun-rise. It wa9 oier the body of a negro. \n immense quality of ohl iron, pw t of the machinery belonging I the old Gwinnett Manufactur : Bg Company is being shipped to Atlanta- Call on Almand & Cos for stoves and furniture. fftasoeen six weeks -ince we have had rain enough to run in ploughed ground. Gardens are jear'y ruined and wheat and oats will probabty boa comp ote fail ure, except oil bottoms There wid be s rvices ai the Baptist church next Saturday and Sunday; and a so the organization of a SsDbath School. D is earnest ly deaned that ail who f el an in iciest in tlis gbiious- work will be present. The Court House is rapidly ap preaching completion. Oilmens of the County, who visit town generally go through the building jut we have yet to tind a single use who is not pleased. iTuf. J T Newton, our now teacher, arrived las - Friday and opened the School on Monday morning, with a fine prospect. There were thirty scholars in at tendance the first day and it was nol generall known that he would be ready to begin at that time. THE HOLINESS MEETING. The meeting at Buford lust week, we learn, was very interesting rod tuccessful one. A huge num ber of members were in attend ance imd on Saturday and Sunday there was an immense crowd and ‘deep sense of devotion seems to pervadetbe assembly. The s reet meetings Litre as elsewhere were krgfcly ai/endtd’by all clases. At them)/ set there was some opposi lioo manifested by those who did sot believe in the doctrine prornul ga'ed,but as the meeting moved sp ml men and women stood up to testily conviction seized even Iht doubting ones and the entire oommunity were found in regular sttendance at the church wbicl •s'ss crowded >o overflowing at ("try service. Our correspondent ihere tv 11 give fuller details next *eek. church organized. Accor linn; to announcement heretofore given, the Baptist Drc 'h this place was re-organ nadir very favorable nuepi ®-8 l»t Rev. D E. QUler, of Madison, sat ns me dor - *wr, and J. T. Wilson Jr, clerk auspicious occasion, u,ud Sothino in orferred to mar the at ® oll - v ftn d pleasantness of ibe ,ort of wganiziug. The church ? U0 " thoroughly organized with T J-L. H. IJ-irrett of f/uines -lej as pastor, and we do sirs ,fc J tru t, that ho wdl accoms mucb good this vimv in the “J* 6 of his /Waster. «,7 T -G. Boykin, the State a .v School Evangelist, of De ®fe. delivered a powerful sers i OQ church organization, at j) ~C ! fk 011 day, and Rev ■ u der preached ut night. Sunday, Rev. D, E Ruler, wed one of the most power tJ'® 0 "* of lli « life—it was t lt n- a “ b, " QBCIIUg ih Pnroandun hi s . fc ' K°spol truth, which held H, r ECe Bpell bouutl for near 7 {J Sr and a half, itg 0 J UI,1 »y School maw unet t, i; „7 nday eveuihg conducted M «•<“*« Bandav s“, mDch b’ood to the A(t ; >x ' buol cause in oar midst. , U ,k of organizing l '. ]), T. Cain, of this Pi GVk eleC,t,J pofmanent lpn g^. New orleuis syrup, 40c | n ’ , *t Alnriand & Co. BEN SMITH'S. Oafs and cottOL are needing rain. The crop of spring chickens is late, but I gm.BB they wdi be lip m tune for protracted and camp meeting. There is a good Sunday School at Pleasanp Hill. Prayrr meeting every night There is a man in this district who ownes a horse that is so thin tha> lie has tc keep guano sacks tied around him to keep tho wind from blowing the fodder out through ins ribs Minnows and tadpoles are suf tering very much on account of fishing paities. Dashek. Good coffee, Tibs to the dollar at Almand & Co. DULFTH. Peas, rnd Irsih potatoes. The late frosts have not iniured the young cotton as much as was thought a few days ngo. Garden vegetables growing nice ly, but a little rain would be bene ficial. Mr. A. H. Spence had tho mis fortuue to lose a a horse this week- A bad ti nets the year for a horse to die. A few days ago a negro was ar rested by constable Johuson for an assault on one Mr. Trioble. The prisoner was arrainged for trial and was committed. He made a few unsuccessful efforts to get a bonosman, and decided to give “leg bail” which he did with out permission of the court. Con stable Johnson could do nothirg but s ard and watch that nigger atmihdate distance. Mr. Scoggins new school house is ready for occupation. Mr. New (saw-mill New,) has a contract for over a 100,000 feet of lumbtr for the Air Line It. R. Business in our town is dul' just now. Draugh's isthe popular amuse ment, and the ooys need a new board to play on. Elexis. r , m,. # • Chew A (maud's best tobacco at Almar.d & Co. SNELL VILLE. Our fishing party at “No Bust nes» creek 1 ” was a delightful thing- This little creek is famous for its quanity of fish. One young man “could just catch them anywhere.” Our little villiage will pic-nic at Stone Mountain tne fourth Satur day. The darkies were excited over tin ir !a-t question at their debut i, g society. “Which wifi turn a rogue quicker, a dog or a lock.' Dog gained it. Two old darkies near here who were separated by tLeir masters and have not seen eaoh otter for thirty’ live years renewed marriage recently. Summer is here in full blast, and our villa with its groves is really a charming place Mr. John Simonton is improv ing “West end* Mr. Sawyer tms his fish pond in op radon and boast ot having ett some fish already Who can bear ill's in three weeks. Prof. Brown's school has vacated for a ftw weeks. The threshold of Christianity is being opened in our midst. Our Sunday School numbers over one hundred pupils. NORCROSS. Our merchants are doing a good business. Farmers have ceased to come to town for Guano but come for time rations. Some of ou» young people who went with the excursior to Tallu lah on the 14th inst., are quite sick. Some of our farmers are buying Western hay at $20,00 per ton. Dr. Flowers is in town in atten dunce of bis sou Erauk who is at Professor Cooledges’ dangerously ill. Our farmers are chopping cot ton and report tine stands. Corn is in fine condition. Wheat is low but prdhises an average yield. M. LOGANSYC LE DOINGS. We had a very interesting time at the meeting «jf the Logausville literary society on last Monday night. Miss Ida Brand read a very interesting selection, Misse Martha Hawthorne read a splendid composition on Fiiendabip and Miss Fannie Cox one on Rivers. The young ladies all did remarks by well. The Society elected Dr. It. A. Hammond president and Rev. E. S. V. Briant vicespresi dent for the ensuing term. The Society is growing in in'erest and numbers, and is composed of some of our boat citizens Some of our citizens are feast ing on English peas and Irish po ta oes, your correspondent was in company with a gr up of ladies a few days ago, and during a dis cussion upon the be.-t methods ot raising peas they railed upon your humble scribe fhis opinion: and not being well versed in tho noiti cu sural business, we were at first puzzled ; when this thought came. Cook and season them well and raise them wi li a- spoon, and the larger the spoon tLe betttr Mr. .J. g. Bailey our ve even shoemaker says lie does not be lieve that shoes will ever go out of fashion again, as the demand does not grow any Uss; ami let us re mark light here that Joe, can come as near supplying his share ot good shoes as ar y one man in /nis part of the moral vineyard, “no how,” Mr. J. P. Rt ckmore has a fine carp pond in the suburbs of our town, and it contains some veiy fine carp. It is nestled in a beau tilnl lawn and is quite ornamental as well as useful, and it furnishes quite a retort for our yourg peo ple. Our town Is low enjoying sp’cndiu health. May it continue Logansvule can beast c f as hue array of young ladies as any town in this part of the State and can any in good singing at church. The Sunday Schools of this place, togtthea with the Erwit school pic nicked at Granite Bluff last Friday. The oocasior was a pleasant one, and was hugely cns> joyed oy all present. There wa3 several instructive addresses, and the rich vGu ls which were spread were fit for the Gods to feast on, If we had lime and space woufd give you a full deseripti n of the occasion. Joab In New l'ork funerals are play ing out as old foggyism. The sooner t‘ o jVree of a long line of mourner*, hired for the purpose, is abandoned the better it will be. NOTICE. All persons who have purchased guano from me this season, must come up and give their notes for same without delay. MILES E. EWING. .\J E UC U RYAN DPOTASH Y A N - QUISIIED. Mr. Wiley F. H ooJ, known to umost every man woman and chil i in MtheDS, bears the follow ing testimony as to the viriures of SWift’s Specific (S S. S) For twelve years, I suffered from Mereuaial poision, wita all of its torturing pains. I was treated by several physicians, and was dosed on iodide of poftassium abundantly. This treatment in creased my trouble. My blood was was thoroughly infected ; my skin was thick and yeiiow ; my siomach was weak so that I could not retain my food ; my pel son was broked oui with sores and of fensive ulcers and my strengh/ was goue. Mercury brought on rheraatism and potash ruined toy stomach, and I thought there was nothing left for me to do but die —so though/ many of my friends as / went hobbling along the street. 1 tried all! the remedies within reach bui to no avail. At last a friend suggested the use of Swifts Specific Like many other drowni'g men, I was ready to catch at any straw tha' came to sight, I piocured six bottles froin Dr. Long the first bottle gavm me hope. The nausea of the stomach disappeared and by Ihe tit el had taken the third the hard lumps on my neck wout away; the ulcers were healed; my complexion cleared up, my skin smoothed oft, ami my strength be-' gan to return. 1 have taken in all about thirty bot/eli, It has made a new man of me. lam a man of G 3 years, bat am strong and vigorous, eat anything and do any kind of work. I am sound and well. It is my honest cp ; n ion./hat Swift'- Specific has taken me from the grave’s ruou'hand added many years to my life, 1 would recommend i< to suffering humanity everywhere, not as a universal panacea for all disease but as a specific for all bood and skin disease such as bloop poison rheumeiisra, scrofula, eczema, to ter and catarrh, for I have seen it tried on most all of these lam ready and mote tbau willing to answer all inquires tending the above poinss. I am weil known in Athens, and refer to any one or all of the old citizens of this ecu ty. Wiley F. 7/ood, Jam 5, 'BS. Athens (in. THE BEST IN r THE WORLD J have been afflicted with a blood burnor aud imliges ion for fiifteen years- I have used vari ou- medicine, but with little pur pose I have received more ben-, eflt from Swift’6 Specific (S, S. S ) than anything else I have ever taken. Ii is the besf blood puri fier on the market. A. J. Brooks, Etb. 13, ’BS. Round Rock Tox, Treatise on Blood aud Skiu Diseases mailed free The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga, J.B Brogdon (Suwannee, i>a.) “THE SPOT CASH MAN.” Once more to the front with his large store rooms, chuck full of new spring (goods, a t prices that will lay all competition “in the shade,"" in f »ct > I have no compe tition in Spot Cash basin- -s-s ms I was the first man to place goods strictly on a spot cash basis, and making prices so much lower iliau time merchant , has built up my large trade, and my present stock will eclipse anv previous stock and for Spoi Cash, 1 propose showing you “bargain,” which you never saw before. The. follow it g are a few items and prices nm<le oil va rious lines of goods. 2000 yards beautiful figured lawns, at 4c. worth Gc. 2000 yards In Her figured lawn, Je, worth Sc. No such an us-ori meut to teioct fr ,ni in any store oorth of Atlanta. 500 yards beautiful wool dress goods, all colors, at 10c, worth 15c. A very large stock of ladies dress goods in all the new spring shades and styles, at 10c, 12c, Ise, ltic, 18c, 20c, worth 15c, 18c, 20c, 22c, 25e, and 30c. No such stock to 1 e found in this part of the country, from winch to select a nice dress at ft reasonable price. 500 yards of line Victoria lawn at 10c. ' oods which always sold at 15c. 000 yards of betier grades Vic ti ria. at bottom prices A good stock of Swiss, Tollman's, Nan*- sooks P. Ks, Lace stripe P K’s c.. etc., 1000 yards blotched dermatic and sea islands, a/ prices never heard of before. HEADQUARTERS FOR HATS, for men, boy 3 and girls. My stock of ba,s never was more com pie e and prices .s<> low. My st ok of and chil drens’ sailors, are very a tractive in styles colois and prices, Come and see /hem, and get diem a t Spot Gash prices. It wid pay you as Spot Gash, means a saving cf 25 to 35 per cent, BHvES, SHOES, SHOES, I have some bargains to offer you, I have knocked the bottom out on ptices. Look. Ladiis’ nice serge shoes, only 75e, worth $1: 1 lie best ladies eighteen serge SI shoe, in Georgia. Aadi/ s grain ba's, at $1.25, worth sl.(>o. La dies’ glo’c grain bals, 51,60 worth $2. In iact, I carry a fit si-class stock, m all grades of shoes f.r men, ladies’, mi-se--, children and babies. iVty stock of wurrau ed shoes never In s been so large in ladies and childrens. These goods are manufuc ure d foi me with a guarantee on eveiy pair. Gome and see them. FLOUR,. FLOUR, FLOUR. In this line, I am headquarters, as the .trade well knows this -fact. 20 barrels New Orleans syrup, at prices, lower than the lowest. 20 bugs of enffee at a great bar, g: in come and See me. and look at ihe large stock I carry, And see die saving on Spot Gash baying and ;heaud ad van/age of selecting from this stock. Reapec/fully, JOHN B, BROGDON, Sp’t Cush Man GAINESVILLE. Hardware, guns, pistols and cartridges, doois, sash, blinds, ag ricultural implements of every description, buggy and wagon materia 1 , paienf wheels, e'c., rubber and leather biling Agents for all kinds of machinery, such as engines, saw mills, thresh ing machines, mill rock, sinus lers, etc cane mills, evopora'ors, solid and chisel-tooth saws Wri eor call on us for prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Bell & Appleby. Mar24-3m Gainesville, Gu. PIECES OF BONE. For four I have been af llicte 1 with a very troublesome catarrh of the head. So .errible has its nature been /hat when I blew my nose small pieces of bone would come out of my mouth and nose. The discharge was copious end at times exceedingly offensive. My blood became so impure ha/ my general health was greatly im paired, with poor' appetite and worse digestion. Numerous medicines were used without relief, until I began the use B B. 8., and three bottles acted almosi like magic, tjirce their use not a symptom has re turned, and I feel in every way quite resiored /o health. lam an old citizen of Atlanta, aud refer to almost any one living on But ler, and refe>- to almost street and moie particularly to Dr. L. M. Gilhnan, who knows of my ease. Mrs. ELIZABETH KNOX Baldaeps may be avoided by use of //alls Hair Reneirer, whicti prevents the falling oil of the hair, and stimulates it to renewed growth and luxuriance I’ also restores faded or gray hair to its original dark color, and radically cures nearly every disease of the scalp. An old mau named Jerry Mis Quiver buffered much from at obstinate liver He took Smith’s Bile Beans (,Uused by all the great queens) And thus Bayed ibis flight o’er the river. Price Twenty-five cents per bottle. Smi hs Bile Beans restore the app tite, prevent dyspepsia, cure all disorders arising from a dis ordered liver Twenty five cents per bottle Ayer’s Sarsapilla lias such cons centratid, curative power, ti at is by far the best, cheapest, and surest blond-purifier known. NEW ADYER USE.MENTS, «E 0 CW Tli ugh prompt and Hllclcui, It is 'fild and harmless. Safi and reliable tor i-liilditui Wherever Know n u is the mothers' favorite me n ine for the infant, the children ami adults. I! is surprisingly effective. TOKt IIKN 15c 1.14)1 111 *5«- The wonderful Success in eonsnmp tion, Bronchitis. asthma, spittimuof blood, sore throat, toss of voii e, cal n - rliai throat affections,elironic hacking Irritating and troublesome coughs. Hough on Toothache, Instant relief fyr neuralgia,toothache faceache. IC,. . K. S, VVKLLB, Jersey ( it v. N. J. TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACH El: S. 1 will lie in my ofliee oil the days below indicated for the |nn pose ofe\- amininu and contracting with Public School Teachers. j Lnwiellcev ille, May Tint - Harliin saod ) Marlins. i Hog Mountitin. May UOtli.) (1 lodwin s, i Duluth and ) Gains. . I Gates, l Herksliire. June (Itll. i Itoeklli’idge, i Bay Greek. j lieu Smith's, June 13th INorcross, ) Sugar Hill. T K. WINN, G. s G. May lti, 1885-td, Local Legislation. Notice is liereliy given otinleiiiiou to apply to tlie general assonihly of Georgia,at the next session thereof for tin- passage of the following local hill, to-w r it: ‘ A Bill to tie entitled an Act, to prohibit the manufacture or-sale of spiritous, malt or intoxicutingliipiors within tliree miles of Harmony Drove Melliodist elm.-eh, in tlie -tnCiili dist., ! g. m., Cn tlie county of Gwinnett, of j sai-t Suite, amt forotlu-i purposes. K w aibington, N. M. llu/.lerigs, I. ; I, Brand, J 11. Timms, M 1.. Braden, | J. I! l anklord it. G. i.imklord, A. M Brooks, K, V. Hawks, \V. A. llnzlerigs, M. S, llazk-ngs, 11, M. Newton. \V S. T’lniniß,.), a I iinnis. G B. Jordan, J A. Ross llimous 'I lionipson, J. I’. Vanglm, T. I’. Gofer, T. \\ . Brooks, K. I’, Lankford, VV. ti. McLain,J 11, Let-. IV. J. Lanklord, -I, A, Jordan, li, J, Caldwell, S. L Most-ly, VS. a. Gobcr, 8. A. Scott. VV N. Iluzi- rigs, S K Jordan, C- O. Simms, VV. T. Burns G. 11. Allen. J M-Thomason, VV. I* Oofir, Jolm Nash K a. Curlen, 1,. 11, Garter, l*\ J, Carter, It. F, VV ills, May 16, 1885 Samuel C- POK, jP lastc-.rev anti Jiriti mason Lawuesoevii.i.e, Ga. Takes this method to inform the puhlie generally, that he is stilt at l tie above place, and is now prepared to contract f r a.iy kind or work in liis line, f am now-engaged ii tire manufacture of brink, amt will do your work on short notice. Satiatne- Lion guamnleoe. Coutraetinga spec ralily. maylU Um. Local Legislation,. Notice is hereby given of iiifeiition to apply to the General Assembly ot <*eorgiii, ill the next session thei eof, for the passage of (lie following local hills, to wit: “A It’ll to be mt ill led An Act to prohibit the manufacture or sale of spirituous, mult or intoxicating liqu ors, within three (3) miles of Pleasant drove Methodist church in the 405th district g. m., in the county of <4win nett, and for other purposes. “A Bill to he entittled An Actio prohib-t the manufacture or sale of spirituous, malt or intoxicating liqu ors, within three (3) miles of Bethany Baptist church, iu tlie 571st dist.,g. m in the county of Gwinnett., and for other purposes," Mauv Giti/.kiis, This may 8,1885. TAX Kl l l IVI/K S \OTH K 3rd and last round. I will be at the following places at. tbe times stated for die pur pose of receiving the tax returns of Gwinne/t County for the year 1885. Martius, Tuesday May 12t.b. Berkshire, Wednesday “ 13/b. Rockbridge Thursday “ 14th. C ites. Friday “ 15 h. Bay Creek. Saturday “ l(!th. Harbins, Monday “ 18th, Ben Smiths, Tuesday “ 19th. Caines, Wednesday “ 20th. ilog Mount.’ Thursday “ 21st. Buford, Friday “ 220 d. Suwannee, Saturday 23ud. Duluth, Monday “ 25th, Inorcioaci. Tuesday “ 20 li. Lawrenceville VVedn's.’ “ 27th. W'i 1 remain in Lawrenceville un til Saturday 30th. Resident reoholders are requir ed under instruc'ioqs /o make 1e • turns of their own property D, vV. Andrews. Tax Receiver. 13 WKEHS,SI The POIJCK GAZRTTK will m died. secure y wrapped. to any in the United Stater lor three in' receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Lioeral disemint allowed to postmas ters. agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree. Address all orders to RICH ARD K, FOX. Franklin Square, New York I 1/ 1\ J, A, HUNT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, XOR CROSS'. (;a. Will practice in the Superior Courts and courts of Ordinary of the coun ties of Gwinnett ami 'Milton, and in the Justices' court of both counties. Special and prom pi attention given to collecting. Feb if-*BS-Lino. LAWRENCEY/LLE it It Arrive Lawrenceevilie,... .7:0 a m Arrive a Suwanee, 7:40 a m Leave Suwannee ... 7:38 p ru Arrive Lawrenceville... 8:22 o m The rain leaving Liwre iceviile at 7:00 a. m., makes close connec ion with tha “Bjlle rain” a Si w&nee, am viug in AUna a 9 20 a. in. Returing leaves Atlanta . C:ls p m and arrivingat L twr ace viileaß:22 p. m. EDWIN BERKLEY Superintendent r BURNHAMS J&} STANDARD TURBINt h-nJt*, PAMPHLET fH£E BY BURNH A M BROS.YCX/K.PA, Gwinnett Sheriff' Safes Oe -Gwinnett County. W i 4d before the court house iliui in in- limit of Lnwreiieevillo (■win not I county Gem-gin, within rtio legal hours of wile, on the first Tues day in .nine next,‘the: following d<- s« r'.lx'il burl' 10-wit. One sorrel horse about eight yenrs eld mid ’I hands high. Levied on as the piviietlx of Kphrhim I'. Nix and K.liznbi th N xto satisfy ohe inorlgiig! il fa issued from Gwiunn Superior j Court in fa' oi tv. .1. Nash vs. -md K. T, Nix and I lizuheth Niv. I’rojiorty j pointed out in said ti fa. Also at the same titneand place will lx, sold a certain parcel of laud lying in the the town of Buford Gwinnett County Goi-rgy ui'julning Uie lands of I). Chair, .1 King on the north tle.xondcr on the east and Jackson street on the South off of original land lot no J'.M and containing seven acres more or less, landed on as the property of of T. S Oat tier hy virtue of and to satisfy one It fa issued from tie .1 list ices Coni t of the 1026(1) Hist.: ft >1 of Fulton county ileorgia in favor of V| ux Franklin. \s -lid T. s. I».irni-r. Piopetly pointed out lit defendant, levy made rnd icturto !l to me hy T, (liurton, h, ’. Also tit the same time and place wit lie sold I.Vi ae es of laud ino.e or icss giiotvu as th.) iilai A. Huff place in t lie 11 n I ti-t. ol f« win net i eounty, ad joining itindsol Vl.iry A Thornton on Iho eas Oeoroge Tragic on the north: Jack II igg on the west and Vli-s! iirogdon on the south and known as the place where John A lllitT now resnlos, le x icd on as the prrperty of John A, Hull hy virtue of audio sot'sfy one li fa from t tic .malices court of t lie lelih Hist., it VI in favor of \V C Cole vs Hud Hull principal and J A Hull garnishee, levy made and let in tied to me li\ A S Nuddrrrh 1,. C, Vlav rail 18S.V W. I’. COSBY, Sheriff. GEORGIA, little ni ai Gwinnett County. ■’ Fore/coHute ( mert fj.lfso. In II e Superior Court of said eoun ty. It appearing to the Court I>\ the the petition of C. 11. Ilrttnd Receiver of Herrin Turner that I’, A, Kilgoie oil the itinlli day oi May ISS-4, exeiilvd and delivered to said Herrin it T irner a mortgage on Hie following tract of land lying in said comity to wit : All Hun tract or pur. cl of land lying and being ill the con lty of U wlimctt. The same being a part of Hie cast hall of lot number two hundred and three i JOd) in the fifth Distret of said coun ty and containing eighty two and o e half acres, more dr less adjoining the lands of Via gnie . Simoiilon, Mrs. Francis T'ip.n t end others, for the purpose of si earing the payment of a certain pnurisory note, on wnieli there is now due and unpi ! d 1 hit tv four dollars and sixty- wo cents (&J4- tiJ) besides interest a id At.orney’s fees, made by the said I’. A, Kilgore on the ninth day of May 1881, payable to thosaid Herrin & Turner, due Oct., Ifitli., 1884 which sdid I’. A. K’lgore re fuses to pay, it is them fore ordered Hint said P. A. Kilgore pay into tills •court on or before the first, day of the next term thereof the principal, ir (crest and attorney’s fees due on snip note, or in default tliereof the eiairi will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. And it is further ordered that this rule he published in H< oordanoe to law. Granted C. H. Erred, In pro pro. X. 1,. Hutchins. Judge 8, O. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. This April 251 h 188fi. I). T, Chin. Clerk >s, (’. GEORGIA, i Rule ni si Gwinnett County. - Fo.ecjosure ( m or/gage. In the Superior Court of said coun ty H appearing to the Court by the petition of the Gainesville Jefferson & Southern Railioad company Hint VV. H. lfiisli on toe 26tli day day of June in (lie ye r of 188:1 executed and de livered to the said Gainesville, Jeffer son and Southern Itailruad compnn a mortgage on a t ract or lot of land, situat ed lying and being in the coun ty "of Gwinnett, to writ : Begiuingat a stake in the center of the street in the town of Jug Tavern, Then run ning up Hie street or road between tlie academy and melhodist ehureh to a red oak on lfiisli alu 1 Belts’ Ime tlienee with Betts ami Hardigree’s line, a soul h direction to a post oak on Hardigreos’ line, Hienee east to tlie Gwinnett 1 lie .oad thence back tothebegi ning eoreer in front of said \V, II .Busings residence, and lin ing on tlie line of Gwinnett, Walton and Jackson count’cs, Containing two hundred ae.-es more or less for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain promissory note tor the sun of twelve hundred dollars n ado > She W. ]{. Hush on (In- b’lilli day ol June 188); ami payable to said Gainesville Ji flVr»on & Southern Kail Hoad Company and due nine months after dale with interest from date at (lie rate of eight per (sent per annum melt ding ten per eent attorneys fees, vvlilelisaid note the said W. H. Hush refuses to pay. It is therefore Order ed that t lie said VV, 11. Rush pay into into tliis court, on or before the next term thereof, (lie principal, interest and attorney’s fees due on said note and the cost of this suit, or in defuclt 1 1 ereof tlie court-will proceed as to justice shall appertain and it is further ordered that this rule he published in the ( winnktt liKHAU), a newspaper published in the county of Gwinnett, once a month for four mouths, and set red on the said Wj 11. Hush or his special agent or attorney Ih-e.i months previous to t he next term of t ho court, March 9th., 1885. T. M. Peeples Judge pro llbe vice, Dmdup & Thompson, Pettitiouers Attorneys. * A true extract from the minutes of said court. This 25Mi day of April 1885. I*. T. CAIN. Clerk H. C, CITATION FOR NEW ROAD. GEORGIA, f Upon peii' GWINNETT Cf'lJ TV. < tiotl of ill VCCS ( citizens Made to the Hoard County Commis sioners of said eoutt y at (hair June term 1884 praying said Hoard to es tablish -t public road comineaceiug at Mrs. banders residence on the road lending from Woodwards mills to Bu ford, and to follow t lie old settle.tcut road throng t he lauds of Klie banders to Geooge Mart ins. thence t hrough | la lands of Moses Martin. R. W. Kennelt. Airs, Martha White, burkiu Robert*, and Abner I*. Itobeiis, intersecting the Suwannee and liuford road one mile K-ist of Suwannee, said petition was at thesametiiue referred to the road ooimnissionne.s, of Goodwins and Sugar Hill Districts, wlio made (heirreport conformably to law, to the December term las t and having in said report reccomine’idea the open ing of said road. It was ordered at the March term 1885 that CtaCou lx-' published'ill the GWINNETT McltALll lor 30 days prior to the June teem 1885. A Inn- extract from the minutes of saiil Hoard Aortl ft 1885, J AMES I). SI'EXCK. Clerk Hoard Co. Coins., Qli ins H A M'S iMriIOVEU STAND’D TURBINE the best eonstri ted oiul tinished, give iiet Ci JiM ter percentage, n ore P’tUWlfl j >ow, ‘i- and is so I for vtSlll [Ld less money- jier horse power, than aim other ff —• lU-' Turbine in tin- world ftal' New pamphlet sent free bv BURNHAM, BROS., York. Pa. K S. V, BRIAN T, STUDENT AT LAW, Logansville, Ga, Ail business entrusted to bis care will receive prompt attention. Collections a specialty. Apr.l4-ly CHOLERA OUR DfflEß IHE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY K< > K -r- BOWEL TROUBLES, CHILDREN TEETHING, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY AND CRAMP COLIC. -*«*■» * • . r.. . ‘ hlv. Hit i< ,r.RS' Hl'( Kl r-.HKRRV ( < • DIAL should he kept in every household. It i' one of the most pleasant and Hfu >us remedies there is for summer com* plaints. How necessary it is ;\t n season of t! \c.u when violent and sudden attacks of tlie bowels are so frequent, you -houhl ha ve sonn speedy relic lat hand. It will save much pain ami anxiety, a*- well > l.n: dot tor hills. Ihe wearied mother, losing sleep night after night in nursing the little one stdicring Midi a drainage upon its system from the effects ol teething, should use this invaluable medicine, hoi sale by all druggist* i*t 50 cents a bottle. Send ac. stamp loi Kithllc Book, to >\ U.TI.U A. 'I tVLOH, Atlanta, Ua. Notice to a ■’ ' ■ M> -rn. ” - v. tv J • , ' : -ift# I FARm E R S „ IF YOI WANT 'lO I*l KOHASE A Cotton Seed Oil mill, A COTTON GIN, A COTTON FEEDER, A COTTON C >N DENSER. A COTTON PRESS, OR A SAW MILL, Pulleys Sliafting, Hungers AM) Mill. WO UK Write to us for PRICES and DISCOI NTS. VYo make it to your interest to buy iliiect from us. /;. VAN WINKLE d CO., Manufacturers, ATLANTA, GA. NOTICE TO THE TRADE- Ve give discounts to the trade. 5.19.3 iiEiii riiiif iiigii 'll m Min 'iluiw '-wl iilfi „ ini '1 'tin ut ‘Mjp ATL NT (iJ HOI A. —MANUFACTURERS OF— (lossy pi urn PllOspliO. THE GREAT C RN AND GO7’TON FERTILIZER. A Special Manure for Southern Lands aud Craps It contains ali flie Elements of Plate Foal in their Best Form. It lias stood ilie I'est of years, ami is now ragtrded as one of The Safest and Uest Fertilizar in Iff©, rhotiHunds ofP uni as* io Ge-.i mi, Aabima, Tennessee and Floridr. and many of die most prominent -Xgrfcußurnl Clubs use it. To whom we refer. It is one ->( tlit* Highest grade fertilizers sold in Georgia. (See Agricultural Department Reports.) We in vile tests alongside the bast Forfilizet sin use. We oiler it low for Cash, or on Time fi.r currency on Cotton. We are the original and only m iimfactnri rs of Gissypiuin Puospho Its great success and wonderful popularity, has brought i -to (he markets seveial inunda tions. Nouc genuine unless branded -n each sack : Mioufaofmel by GEORGE W SCOTT it GO., - /I nit (i . Ochilla Guano, The richest NAI’URAL BIRD now on the market! Does not fire the crop in dry Seasons. The finest base lor Composting to be had. It should bo put iti tbe ground or Compost early. PeippiDta’s .xj.ii) Panilatn’s Acid Phosphate NONE BETTER. Our stock of Seeds, Farm Implements, Churns, Feed Cutters, Corn Shelters, Planters, Cultivators, Reapers, Threshers ENGINES, ETC. IS FULL AND COMPLETE. MARK W. -JOIINSOX & CO., 27 Marietta Street, At) a PRECAUTION! DR. DIGGERS’ HUCKLEBERRY CORDIAL.