The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, June 23, 1885, Image 4

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OFEICE SEEKERS ENCOI'R AGED. You wish a clerkship under the best govermnet the world ever saw. You wish to weigh mail bags. That place is worth $ 1,200 a year. Jt bring* you in under the civil service rule VVe admit that you organizer! a club of voters talked to thorn, argued with them, wore port holes in your trousers as chairman of their meetings, -tayed ' away from yotir family severs! weeks, hurrahed till your thorax felt like burnt bora* or liquid slot* ax. That you saved your (own to me Democratic Senator, and weie the man whose work made a Siate and the republic Democratic. But what of that? Party ser vice ain't deuce high, compared to civil service. Came up here, you honest; and therefore poor, Democratic bog j trotter- You wish to weigh mad bags f "Oan you weigh a mail hag f ’ -Yes.” “Can you weigh it correctly and put the figures down, add them up correctly, and tell how iua: y pouos of news-paper, eic., left on train No. 4, night run, Buzzleton and Squzzleton rail-rod?’ Yes.' 1 “Are you a Deiuociai at all times and unde l - all circumstances ?” “Yss.” “Have you done a thousand times more for the Democratic party than it ever has for you ?” “Yes’, “All right. VVe will now show you what a low down, miserable country Democrat you are Take off your hat, sit up siiaight, t row out your clust, look the goddess of liberty an I the re uruitig be aid straight in ihe eye. audauswei these questions;'' “What is Dalton's atomic theo ry ’’ Page 108. civil a irvice ques tions. “Don’t know '* "Define the difference between shading and shade lines and in dieate the same by a proper refer* enee to an isometric view of a cube 1” Page 110, civil setviee questions **l can’t,’’ “In an alphalieticul list of names, where would you place the follow ing foreign ranie. Edwird. Eir of '-aithnebM J. H. Merle d' Anbig ne, Thomas De (juiucv, Vasco d, Gama. tialigLac de , nmothe Fen* e!ou, Dorn Pedro ue Alcantra, Benjamin Disraeli, Eirl of B< ae* onsfield; Gustav von Krinnstasclie Erbtn, Don Jose Garciary Nunez. Gaston ChaDdon de Brisilies Page 110, cidl service ques ions "1 would ro 1 iheiu up in t bag and sit on them !’’ “Nest! Where are tarsal, the dorsaljvertebife; tendon achill es. What anti where is the peri ear linui f Page 1 It! sei vi< e ques tions. •‘Don’t know, but I think they are out in the hen coop. “Jf a letter carrtea in delivering letters taks 47,5*20 sieps in a day, each step av n twenty inches, how many miles dots he walk, « mile being s,2Bofeet ?” Page 122 civil service questions. “Not any, it lie can ge a cLance to ride.” “Correct, What an iliechhf sources of the revenue to tire gen eral government T” Page 130 civil service questions. “Tax on Uuited States bonds, national banks, navy yard con tracts, etc., “No, sir. You are off wroug. What are the chief socun of rev eue of the majority of liepublicau office-holders 1” “Please ser; it s not poliev to tell!” “What is meant by “res adjudi cata and stare dscisic!’ Page 98, civil service question. “I don’t know. Please, sis, let me go home! 111 never ask for an office again. Will never vote another Demoeraatic tickdt I’’ That is right. Go home and stay there. As you work and starve pay your taxes and abaudon all idea of ever beiDg more than a common plain btay at home, Vote as you are told Democrat Preserves are only for company. Mush and milk is good enough for you.” “I’ll tell yon a funny story about a fat printer 1 knew once He bad a linen duster on that was a mile too big for him and he was ‘fnl!.’ What 1 mean by that he wasjdrunk, ard awfully drunk, too. Two of his companions were try to get him along, when tkey net a third party, who invited them in to drink. The fat fellow wasn’t Able to stand alone, tuey didn’t want to let him fall, and he wonldn’) sit down on the curbstone until tiiey came out, so they delibs eratelo pulled him over to a lamp post and buttoned him around it by his duster, while they went in the saloon. It was the funniest sight I ever saw I was light. The let fellow had lost his cap, and /he m oon glistened and shent on his bald head like dew on a flower. When J'is friends came out of the tavern they found' him a 1 r'ght, as erect as the lamp post to which they bad fixed 1 im.” —Philadelphia Times. AYER’S Cherry Pectoral, No other complaint? are so insidious in their attack as those affecting the throat and lungs: none so trilled with by the majority of suffer ers. The ordinary cough or cold, r« suiting perhaps from a trilling or unconsciou* ex posure, is often but the beginning of a fata) sickness. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has well proven is ethcucy in a forty years’ tight with throat ami tang diseases, and should be Ukeu m ail cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured. “In 18571 took a severe cold, which affected niv lungs 1 had a terrible cough, and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave me up. I tried Ayer’s CHERRY Pec toral, uhick relieved my lungs, induced sieep. and afforded me tlfe rest necessary for the recovery of mv strength. By the continued use of the Pectoral a |*erma nent cure was effected. 1 aiu sow years old, hale and hearty, and am sat;shed youi Cherry Pectoral saved me. Horace Fairbrothml* Rockingham, Yt., July 15,1»1 Croup A Mother’s Tribute. “ While in the country last winter my little boy. three years old, w as taken ill with croup; It seemed as if he would die from strangu lation. One of the family suggested the use Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, a bottle of which was always kept in the house. This was tried in small aiul frequent do» eg, and to our delight in less than half an bout the little patient was breathing easily. The doc tor said that the Cherry Pectoral had saved my darling’s life. Can you wonder a: our gratitude? Sincerely vours, Mrs. Kmma Gfdxi y.” 159 West 128th St., New York, May IC, 1882. “I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried.' A. J. Crake." : Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. •' I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with no suc cess, 1 was cured by the use of Ayer’s Cher ry Pectoral. Joseph Walder.” Byhalia, Miss., April 5, 1882. “ I cannot say enough in praise df Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, believing as 1 do that but for its use I should long since have died from lung troubles T’. BbaodoS.” Palestine, Texas, April 22,1882 No case of an affection of the throat or tangs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and it will alwayt cure when the disease is not already boyond the control of medicine. prepared by Dr.J C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. AYER’S Hair Vigor restore*, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as maybe desired. By its use light or red hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and stimu lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a l adies* Hair l>re»*lng, the Vigor is unequalled ; it contains neither d!\ nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. Mr. C. P. Brichek writes from Kirby, 0.. Jn’y 3, 1882 : “ l.aat fall my hair commenced falling out, and in a short time 1 iiecauie nearly bald. 1 used part of a bottle of AVER'S Hair Vigor, which stopped the fall ing of the hair, and started a new growth. I have now a full head of hair growing vigor ously, and am convinced that but for the use of your preparatiou 1 should have been entirely bald.’* J. W. Bowe.v, proprietor of the McArthur (Ohio) Enquirer, says : “AVER’S Hair Vigor is a most excellent preparation for the liair. I speak of it from my own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new liair, and makes it glossy ana soft. The Vigor is also a sure cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge has the preparation ever tailed to give entire satisfaction.” Mu. Angus Fairbairn, leader of the celebrated “ Fairbairn Family” of Scottish Vocalists, writes from Jtoston, Mass., Feb. C, 1»M0 : “ Ever since my liair began to give sil very evidence of the change which fleeting time procureth, 1 have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor, and so have been able to maintain an appearance of youthfulness a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, ora tors, actors, and in fact every one who lives in the eyes of the public.” Mrs. O. A. PRKsepTT, writing from 18 Flm St.. Charfesfoton, Mass., April H, ItHj. Suva; * Avo years ago about two-thirds of my hair cameotf. It thinned rer> rapfdlv, and I\v .1. fast growing bald. On using AVRB « Hair Vigor the railing stopped and r new growth commenced, and in about a month my head was completely covered with short hair, it has continued to grow, and is now as good as before it fell. I rogularlywsed but one bottle of the Vigor, but now uac it occasionally as a dressing.” We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the efflcacy of AVer’s Hair Vigor. It needs but a trial to convince the most skepti cal of its value. PREPARED BY Dr. J.C. Ayer A Co.. Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggist*. B it The only quick anil .positive bleod pofeoa eiuecfy On earth, for '.ho immediate and per nr.uent enre of all forms and stages of Blood Ln uses, Scrofula, Old Ulcers and Sores, Skin )ir uses and Humors, Swelled Gland. and unil-S Uhouir.ausm, Kidney Complaints, Ca airli, Feuule Troubles, Syphilis in all stages, 2- : editary Taint, arid all disorders requiring ai uiimis- ikaMc I>l d | urili.r. It does not bntain a m.i-cral nr viqctalile poison. ODe Kittle gives positive proof of its magical powei md superiority. Thousands of wonderful mres made at borne and abroad, mailed in ' look form, free to any address. No one can loubt the magical power of B. B. B , after ading ibe testimony. Large bottles, SI.OO, ot vtor $3.00. Call on your druggist, or addresi BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, ti*. jun noN fref •ration .‘I exc€*>. Anv DniMiiChjis 1 ' ,fi 1*1) W. J Aqi lN A C’B. Ko a*'n' Vq 1871. 1885. —NOW 18 THE TIME TO S ÜBSCRIBE —FOR THE - HERALD, A Live Newspaper —DEVOTED TO THE-- MATERIAL PROSPERITY OF Cwi nnett County. - The Herald IS WIDE A WADE Ami should be In the home of every citizen in the Conr/y. 1 The Hfrald las a circnlalion of 1000 bonaiide subecribere. No better medium was ever offered to the advertiser than the //kkald, so the trade of this section. Write fer lerms ||H| J. T WILSON, Jr. T M. PEEPLFS. Pnprietor Publisher. lawrenceville SEMINARY, ' FOR Males and Females. Tilt- Kxersiees of Hit* iiliove Institute, muter my charge, beganon tin* 181 It if May. 1885, at the following ratesof Tuition per month. FltlST CLASS, - SI 50. SECOND CLASS, - 2 00. THIRD CLASS, - - 2 50. FOURTH CMSS, - a 00. StuOens ciiargei! 250 Ineiilvtml ]■’<*»*, per qnarer. Course of Instruction. Thorough, preparing Sndents for Col leg' Fuji . J. T. NEWTON. Principal. XYlarble Works —mntittfaelurers and Healers in— LILIAN AND RUTLAND fl/ARBLE MONUMENTS, BOX TOl/BS, H A'AD, AND FOOT STONES. AND UNDERTAKER Church Street Stone Mountain, Qa. March 10, 85.-ly A NEW TELE PH O N E The U. 8. Telephone is the list invention in telephones, and stand without a rival, and is the only laOKTHY RIVAL of the Bell Telephone and is the only telephone of the kind ever before ottered to the public. It is the only non-elect rie telephone that is used with a telephone repeater, or tilt will .v > • i >i ROOKED, AffGLI N or ZIGZAG linen, or on a line hav ing AUTE or RIGHT ANGLES Sold outright for $10.00; no exorbitant rents. They are the only telephones ha > ing an Automatic Line Wire Tightener, an I they are the oniy telephones that are protected by an out door Light ning Arrester. All sounds ure delivered in clear and natural tones. They are the neatest, most dm hide, raid require U>s attention and repairs than any other telephone made. Send for lor our illustrated circular. Agenls wanted. The U S* Telephone Company NOS. 49 AND 51 W IST S I BEET, UOSTOFFICE BOX 28, MADISON, IND. HEINE The Great Specifio for Neuralgia and Headache. A;i internal Keincdy. Containing no l.Mtmine, Opium, Chloroform, Chloral or nareotics oi niiv t.iiml, e licet ive am| quiet in tfsnetioh, A volt's ( )FFM 'E , 1 I'l'.Esm lie;, Va., April 14, lks4. [ M KSSIIH. 11l TOHINKON & lino. || allOl lls lot* I'lrii'inv 1.0 tost 1 1 _) In (lit* great virtuos of your “Netiralgine ’ for the cure of neuralgia mill ajcli lieiuluehe. It is the host I'emetly lor these most distressing enmpluints I have e\ei used. Itshonhl he in eyery family in theoouptry. < 1 i:o. It. 11 EAii, Mayor of Leesburg, Va. M*■ • si's, 11 uteliison & ISro I am happy to say that your “Nenr.ilgine” aclej as a speeith* in my ease, relieving no* in an inereilibly Jmrl time. hi advise all suffering from neuralgia to t r\ it, Vmil-s, etc, 1,. V. 8I MM. Mil. IMfBmT LINIMENI wS^ n. A • Proprietor r, A tlanta , Oa. *3r©-u.r !Dr-a.grgrlat for It.* l #* For all inj urles In inan or beast nothing equal* lIAMBUttG LIVIUKMX. GEORGIA, t Cu e ni si Gwinnett County foreclosure ( mor/gage.. in the Superior Court of sail! coun ty It appearing to the Court by the petition of the Gainesville Jefferson \ Southern Hailroad company that \v H. Bush on toe Ztith day day of June tn the yer r sf 1882 executed and de livered to the said Gainesville, Jeffer son and Southern Railroad comnan ‘ on a tract or lot, of land, situated lying and being in the coun ty of Gwinnett, to wit : Beginingnt a stake iu the center ot the street in the town of .lug Tavern. Then run ning up the street or road between the academy and methodist church to a red oak on Bush and Betts’ line thence with Belts and Haidigrees line, a south direction to a post oak on Haidigrees' liue, thence east to the Gwinnett 1 ne road thence back to theliegi. ning corner in front of sa : d W, H Bnsho.s residence, and be ing on Ihe line of Gwinnett, Walton and Jackson counties. Containing two hu tdred acres more or less for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain promissory uote for the sun of twelve hundred dollars n ado by the said W. jj. Bush on the 26th [ day ot June 188.; and pavable to said Gainesville Jeil'erson Southern Rail Ro_,d Company and due nine months alter date w ith interest front date at the rate of eight per cent per annum | irc'uding ten per cent attorneys fees, which slid uote the said W. H. Bush, refuses to pay. It is therefore order . ed that the said \V, H. Bush pav into ! into this court, on or before the next 1 term thereof, the principal, interest and attorney s fees dua on said note i and the cost of this suit, or in default | tl ereof tlie court will proceed as to ’ justice shall appertain anil it is further , ordered that this rule be published in the Gwinnett Herai.ii, a newspaper published in the county of Gwinnett, once a mouth for four months, and i served mi the said \V, R. Bush or his special agent or attorney tinea months I previous to the next term of the ooml, March 9th., 1885. T. M. Peeprc* Judge pro hoc vice, IJunlap X Thompson, Pittitioners Attorneys. A true extract froni the minutes ot said court. This 25th tlay of April ’ 1885. D.T.CAIN. . Clerk 8. C, ' Tp;/ 4 : GEORGIA, ( Rule Gwinnett County. Fore/cosu ( mortfvftge. ; In ti e Superior Court of said conn ty. It appearing to the Court liy the I he petition of C. H. Brand Receiver of Herrin & Turner that P, A, Kilgofe mi the ninth day oi May 1884, excuted and delivered to said Herrin X Timer a mortgage on the following tract of land lying in said county to wit: All that tract or parcel of laud lying and being m the county of Gwinnett. The same being a part of the east half of lot number two hundred and three in the fifth District of said coun ty and containing eighty two and one half acres, more or less adjoining the lands of Margarett Simohton, Mrs. Francis Tjpt, m and others, for the .purpose of securing the payment of a certain promisory note, on which there is now due and unpt id thirty- four dollars and sixty-t wo cents ( jCli -62) besides interest and Attorney’s fees, made by the said P. A. Kilgore on the ninth day of May 1884, payable to thasairt Herrin X Turner, due Oct., let ii,, 1884 which sdid P. A. Kilgore re fuses to pay, It is therefore ordered that said i‘. A. Kilgore pay into this court on or before the first day of the tie't term thereof the principal, in terest and attorney’s fees due on saip note, or in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. And It is further ordered that this rule be published iu accordance .to law. Granted C. 11. Brand, In pro pro. L. Hutchins. Judge S, C. A triii extract from the minutes of said Court. This April 25tli 1885. I>. T. CaiN. Clerk a. C. GEORGIA (iWINNKTT OOTTNTY. "'in. J Julies administrator of N. IS. .hihun. represents to the eonrt in this jm*l it ion duly tiled that ho lias fully administered sttid N. S, Julian's estate. This is therefore to cite ail poisons heirs and creditors to show cause if iui they can why said ad ministrator should uot he disetwreed from his administration and receive lea ter* of UisHiission, oil the first Mon ■ da} ill Septemliei' ISSS. JAmKST. I.AmKIN hi .Ha} til. I6tts Ordinary New Store ! New Goods! ; Firm ALMAND & Co (FORMERLY OF CONYEH., <U Lawrenceville - . . . To the citizens of Gwinnett uutl adjoining COm^ We take this method of inlonning vouth.t have come to Lawrenceville lor tin- purpose oi - r W( g-oods and making a living, ami in ,mdc!tukiu • ,H offer you one ol the best assorted stocks,,? 1. " merehan hse ever displayed in this market wT* now on hand a complete ii.eof ’ vh uv DRY GOODS, Ladies’ Dress Good LATEST STYLES IN BOOTS AND SHOES, FVMILY GROCERIES, FURNI TU RE, HARDWARE, STOVES, ET( Tn fact, everything to he found in a General Mi ehandise Store. AVe desire to make the acquaintance of ever? nit zen of ihe county, hid more especially of the trnl comin fe to Lawrenceville. e bu .V all k .' 11,18 (,r country produce and pa the highest market price for it. r Come and see us. March 24 ts YSTONE Soluble guano MAN UFACTUREI > BY CLaRK cOVE gAIO New Bedford, . PAID UP CAPIT AII $.">00,000. JOHN iH. GREEN, MANAGER. ATLANTA,'GEOR IA Thi« brand has been before the |>ul>lic lor years and in every instance lias given entire satisfaction. This season it will be ottered cheaper )ha’ll eve 380 Pound OF GOOD LINT COTTON PER TON For sale by VAUGHAN & PENTECOST, La wreneeville, Ga. BAGWELL «£ GOWER Plvvsrf Eran( k, Ga Take this opportunity to in form the people of Gw nett and adjoining counties that they are still manufacturing their justly celebrated CHS, USES ID MS, AVhicn have given such uni versa I satisfaction h>r rability, Light Running Proportions and Stylish ish lor many years. Their prices have been t*en to suit ths times. Also dealers in WAGON and CARRIAGE MATERIAL, IRON, coal, paints, oils, etg Their work is honestly made to wear, and not the slopshop only to sell. Satisfaction always guaranteed. Tnankful to 1 a, the very libelul patronage given them in the past, they shall ooniu their utmost to merit an increased patronage in the future. For prices, lerms. eic., tulilrcss BAG WELL & GOWER. March 24-ly Floworj Brvftcb, U 8 ATLANTA House Moving —A N )- Raisin g Company Houses with Cliimutys 1 air>< d or movtd will i» 0 L. PEASE A i'o, 107 Deca>nr street, At.»“