The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, June 30, 1885, Image 4

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VANITY OF MEN. “Who buys them ?’’ asked a re porter iu a Kearney street ‘notion ehop, pointing tc a lot of tiny pocket uiirrers, with nail-cleaners, toothpick and comb, all complete. “I suppose you think the ladies are oui best cuatomefß, said the ‘notion’ man, ‘but it is not so. Meu. sir—rain men —are the pick era up of these unoousidered taiflea." “Pretty aeu?’’ inquired ihe te porter. The salesman grilled. “It don’t matter much how they look,' he said, “whtther they are apes or A polios, they want a Docket mir ror all the same. They retire every hoar or so to some seciei place to admire themselves Talk of the vanity of women! Indeed It pales, sir; it fades away into in - significance by comparison with the admiration the majority o' meu have their own mugs ” ‘•Could you mention—not f> r publication, of course, hut for in dividual satisfaction —the name of some of these purchasers 1 ’" The uo 1 ion inun locked grave. * I could not giie away the socrelt of my prison house," he said sol eiunly. "I never trust a news paper man, aud iu the present re gard I bold the confidence toese gentlemen have reposed in me as scared. Why, there are some half a dozeo who, entertaining grea re s|ieu for my cridcal judgement of physical beauty, sted in here every dry to inquire how they are look ing. Tt)6n i is, ‘Am I pale'o day, Jim ?’’ or ‘Do you think my color is too high. Jim?” or ‘That left eyebiow is grewing a tirtle heavy: don’t you think I'd better bave it 'rimmed off a bit?" IS I say yon coior is too high, mv friend is off to the barber's for ;i dab of powder, or—but ibis ii < dead secret - we accommodate oitn this shop If he is too pale we tinge him up. It is wondersu 1 , positively woudertul and the ug liest men are the toughest II theie is the slightest blemish in a a poeket mirror they won't take because, forsooth, it may not faithfully reproduce their bright, pearl, beamy.’’ “But there are different degree's of vanity among these male beauties ate there noi?” “No sir there is but one degree, ami that is the superlative, bnl there are different begrees of cam dor. Some are modest and will will declare that their moustaches or beard are always getting tang ted. Now there s a good looking blonde railroand agent on Mont gomery street whe bought a six by four mirror from me the other day which he keeps in bis breast pock« et, He is a glutton about his pei aonal beauty, he is; but a real es tate man, a fair stout young man whoeee office is near him has found out that he has this glass, aud qege the loan of it a dozen times a day." “klhen, as a matter of fact, you have more customers among gen tleinen for those pretty little artic lea than among the other sex ?" “Five to one sir ; but the per centage of those who carry pocket mirrors is small among the ladies but eight opt of every dozen carry them among the men. 'Why,’con. tinued the notion man, ‘some big smirking fellows—business men— have come in here and asked me if X could teacb them how to blush Just think of it. Ftlloows in the forties, sir wl o have not known i blush for twen/y years. He,ieve ii becoming to them if tbe\ could flush up 1 ke a moss rose when a girl glances at. them. The ancient rounder get bold of the secret and made all the rest hop ping mad .o learn it. You wout give it away ? Well, when he wan'ed to blush he <1 jab a pin in-- to his leg and keep his mouth shut.” “V\ hat did themoutb have to do with it.” “Because the pin would make him feel like swearing, and keep* ing back the blasphew was the effort that suffused ibe cheek. That s true, s’help me. Do you want to look at any nice pocket combs to-day * No. Then ex cuse me for litres a dude that docs, and the philosopher resum ed his professional air and advanc ed on the customer with interlaced lingers and a captivating smile, HER WEDDING DREWS DIDN’T FIT. “1 have urgent and important business; said a yound lady, wt en told by an officer at Essex Market yesterday that Justice Duffy did not receive callers for summons and warrants on Sunday. She carrier in ber arms a large bundle which she placed on the bench and proceeded to open ; when the J uss /ice stopped her. “It’s my wedding dress,” she Bald . “1 am to be married in it this afternoon. The dressmaker didn t make ‘he dress right at all It’s a great deal too large for me. I look 'ike a slob it.’’ and she was on the verge tears. “W/iat can I do about it? said Justice I Hilly iu bewilderment,’’ “I want toehave her arrested for false pretenses. She guaran teed that the dress would fit me and I paid her for it before I tri ed it on.’’ f “What does your mother say about it? “800 b 00. boo, she-she sa>-Bayß it fi tits me.’" * “I think I understand the ease. • remarked Justice Duffy “Go home and stop crying, or yon will look hke a fright at the wedding. New York World. KING’S EVIL Wan the name formerly given to Scrofula because of a superstition that It could b. cured by a king’s touch. The world U wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purifica tion of'the blood, 'if this is neglected, the <Useaae perpetuates Its taint through generation after generation. Among its earlier symptomatic developments are l i /eina, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu mors, Bolls, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent Ulcers, Servous and Phy sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con tinue, Kbeuhiatisin, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, amt sail ous other daugerous or fatal maladies, are produced by It. Ayer s Sarsaparilla I» the only powerful and always reliable blood-purifying medicine. It Is so effect ual an alterative that it eradicates from the system Hereditary Scrofula, aud the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the same time it en riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system. This great Regenerative Medicine 1* composed of the genuine Honduras Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock. Stil lingia, tht lodides of Potassium and Iron, and o ’ier ingredients of great po tency, carefully and scientifically com pounded. Its formula Is generally known to the medical profession, and the best physicians constantly prescribe Ayer’s Sarsaparilla as mi Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by the vitiation of the hlood. It is concentrated to the high c-t practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, ami Is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi cine, In the world. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. [Analytical Chemists.] Fold by all Druggists: price eiiui* bottles for $6. AYERS PILLS. A largo proportion of the diseases wiut h cause human guttering result from derange* ment of the stomach, bowels, and liver. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills act directly upon these organs, and are especially designed to cure the diseases cau.-od by their derange meat, including C'otiHtipalion, ludigt t* tion, l)y«pi'|iHii, Headache, Dysentery, and a host of oilier ailments, for all <•! which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of iher-o Pills by eminent physicians in regular prac tice, allows unmistakably the esttiuuiioti in which the, are held by the medical prolra tion. These Pills are compounded of vegetable substances omy, and are absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious ingredieut. A Sufferer from Headache writes: '* Ayer's Pii.iA are invaluable to me, and are my constant companion. 1 have been a severe sufferer from Headache, and your Pills are the only thing 1 could look to tor relief, one dose will quifkly move mv bowete ntff free my hfu i Hon, pain. They are the iia -i ehecMve and 1 lie emSst physic lliave. ve; fount!.* It is a p t<> me to •peak in their prnTutd 1 always do so Wh< n occasion oilers. W. L. Paui\ of \Y 1,. Page & Bro.” Franklin bt., Richmond,Ya., dune 3,1882. “I have used Awck's Pills in number less instances as teoMumended by you, and have never known them to fail to accomplish the desired result We constantly keep them on hand at <Hn horn* , and prize them as a fal'e, and reliable family medicine. F<-) IVI >YpJ’ v PS. 1 * they are invaluable. J. T. Hayes.” MwiJl'exik, lunto 11, 1882. The Rw. I’llawH B. HARI.OWF, writing from Atlanta, (hi., says: •* For some years nt 1 have been subject to constipatiou, in which, iu spite ot the use of medi cines of various kinds, 1 suffered increasing inconvenience, until some months ago 1 began taking An u’s Pill*. They have entirely collected the costive habit, and have vastly improved my general health.” Ayer’s Cathartic Pills correct irregu larities of the bowels, stimulate the appe tite and digestion, aud by their prompt and thorough action give tone aud vigor to the whole physical economy. prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggist*. YOUNG, ah experience tUe wonderful AJ n inn beneficial effects of MIDDLE- A V er ’ s Sarsaparilla. jorn Children with Sore Kvei, Sore AutU. Ears, or any scrofaloes or syph ilitic taint, may be made healthy and strong by its use. Hold by all Druggist*; fi, six bottles for ffr win Id lit* worth a Hollar) Perhaps that seems a high price for it, considering how poor your blood is, and how your whole sys tem is prostrated, debilitated, and have been heard to say, undcif sum circumstances, that they would not give the toss of a copper lor the choice between life and death. Hut when it comes to actually drawing near the grave, a man naturally draws back, and says Fie docs •y* ant to die. Life is verv firocinus, .even to a bro ken-down man it is worth saviiu> One wilMbirv a bottfPhl /or’.- '.'. Bon Bitters. That one tloll.ii m start t y< >u on the road from mi.sf-t, 'to riSvfviTw, A man must take a Very mean view of ; himself who is not willing to invest 1 that much m making one serious effort to rescue himself fr< »m deadly debility, and i ctep into the en- 1 joyment of solid health. Broum s Iron Bitters vital ires tue Mood, 1 tones the nerves, and rebuilds the syster Its wo.-' >s well known. ■ Invest taut dollar i.. a Li. ittp ww £ '’RESCHT-HOIT FREF ■ .rtiMl ul. il Hirovr tmmvht on l.v . 1 Ur. n. .1 «4| ILN .% w. So ... *r»t Mist ce ••nmmU «. ’ 1871. 1885. —NOW IS THE TIME TO— SU B £ C RIB E * —FOB THE - HERALD, A ILiiv eNewspaper —DEVOTED TO THE— MATERIAL PROSPERITY OF Gwinnett County. — The Herald 1H WIDE A WADE Am] should be in the home of every citizen in the Coor/y. The Herald has a circulation of 1000 boneiide subscribers. No better medium was ever offered to the advertiser than the //erai.d, so the trade of ibis section. Write for terms “T[ VJ' Ji J. T WILSON, Jrt. T. 11. PEErUt), Proprietor Publisher. LAWRENCEYILLE SEMINARY, FOlt Males and Females. The Kxersiees of Hie above Institute, under my eharge, began on the 18th of May. ISWI, at the following rates of Tuition per month. FIRST CLASS, - *1 50. SECOND CLASS, - 2 00. THIRDCLASS, - - 2 50. FOURTH CLASS, - 3 00. Student charged 25c lnci denal Fee, per qua rer. Course of Instruction, Thorough, preparing Sudents for CoUeg ( 1 Prof. J. T. NEWTON, Principal. Marble "Works inaiiufaeturers arid Dealers in— VI LI AN AND RUTLAND A/AEBLE MONUMENTS, BOX TOA/BS, HA’AD, AND FOOT STONES. AND UNDERTAKER Church Street, Slone Mountain, Oa. March 10, 85.-ly A NEW TELEPH ONE TlieU.S. Telephone 1m the lest invention in telephones, .and stand without a rival, ami is the only la ORTIIY RIVAI, of the Bell Teleplione and is the only telephone of the kind ever before offered to the public. It is the only non-electrie telephone that is used wit h a telephone repeater, or |i , it, will wi• c' i ROOKED, ANGLIN or ZIGZAG lines, or on a line hav iug ACTE or RIGHT ANGLES Sold outright for 310.00; no exorbitant rents. They are the only telephones hay iug an Automatic Line Wire Tightener an 1 they are the only telephones that are protected by an out-door Light i mug Arrester. All souuds are delivered in clear and natural tones. They | are the neatest, most dm hble, and rerpiire less attention and repairs than any other telephone made. Send for for our illustrated eircular. Agents wanted. The U S. Telephone Company 1 NOS. 49 AND 51 WEST STREET', POSTOFFICE BOX 28, I MADISON , INI). NEURALGINE lb. Great Bjwotflo for Neuralgia aud Headache, An internal Remedy. Containing no quinine, Opium, Chloroform, Chloral or narcotics of any kind, effective mul quiet in its action. ayor’s Office, 1 Leesburg, Va., April 14, fBB4. j Messrs. Hutchinson & Bro.—lt affords me i.leasurc to testify to the great virtues of your “Neuralgiae" for the cure of neuralgia and sick headache. It is the best remedy for lliese most distressing complaints I have ever used. It should lie in every family in the country. Geo. R. Head, Mayor of Leesburg, Va. Messrs. Hutchison & Bro—l am happy to say that your “Neuralgiue” acted as a specific in mv case, relieving me in an incredibly short time. I would advise all suffering from neuralgia to try it, Yours, etc. 1,. V. MIMS. M I». enl 1 —M- >4 Proprietor., Atlanta, Qa. y c Vovu Einffl.t fox For all Inlurlesln manor beast nothing equals 11AMBURO LIMiIUSX. GEORGIA, linlej ni si Gwinnett Coutm. i\.reclnsure ( mor/gage. 11l the Superior Court of said coun ty It appearing to Hie Court by the petition of Hie Gainesville Jefferson & Southern Railroad company that W. H. Bush on toe 2(itli day day of June in the ye: r ;>f 1882 executed and de livered to the said Gainesville, .letter son and Southern Railroad coiupan ■ a mortgage on a tract or lot ol land*, situated lying and being in the coun ty of Gwinnett, to wit : Beginingat astake in the center ot the street in the town of Jug Tavern. Then run- ning up the street or road between ttie academy and uietbodist church to a red oak on Bush and Betts' line thence with Betts and Hardirree’s line, a south direction to a post oak on Hardigrees’ line, thence east to the Gwinnett bue road thence back to thebegi. ning corner in front of said W H . Bnshe.s residence, and be ing on the line of Gwinnett, Walton and Jackson counties, Containing ■ two hundi'ed acres more or less for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain promissory note tor the j sun of twelve huedred" dollars n ade 1 by the said VV. yj. Bush on the Jtith day ol ‘ one 18% and payable to said Gainesville Jefferson .V Southern Rail I Road Company and due nine months I after date with interest from date at ! the rate of eight per cent per annum including ten per cent attorneys fees, whleli said note the said W. It. Hush refuses to pay. It is therefore order ed that the said W, H. Bush pay into into this court, on or before the next term thereof, the principal, interest and attorney's fees dua on said note and the eost of this suit, or in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain and it is further ordered that this rule be published in the Gwinnett Herald, a newspaper published in the county of Gwinnett, once a month for four months, and served on the said W, H. Bush or his special agent or attorney three months Srevious to the next term of t he court, larch 9th., 1885. T. M. Peeples Judge pro hoc vice, . Dunlap & Thompson, Pettitioners Attorneys. A true extract from the minutes of said court. This 25th day of April 1886 D, T. GAIN. Clerk 8. C, ;GEORGIA, t Rule Gwinnett County •; Fore/cosu ( mortgage. In tl e Superior Court of said conn ty. It appearing to the Court by the the petition of C. H. Brand Receiver ot Herrin & Turner that P, A, Kiigofe on the ninth day oi Mav 1884, evented and delivered to said Herrin & T irtiei a mortgage on the following tract of land lying iu said county to wit.; All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in tbeeounty of Gwinnett. The same being a part of the east half of lot number two hundred and three (#**) in the fifth District of said coun ty and containing eighty two and one half acres, more or less adioining the binds of Margaiett Simon ton, Mrs Francis 't'ipton and others, for the purpose of securing the payment of a I certain promisory note, on which there is now due and unpt id thirty four dollars and sixty-two cents i|3i. (52; besides interest and Attorney’s tecs, made by the said P. A, Kilgore on the ninth day of May fBB4, pay aide to the said Herrin & Turner, due 'Kit,, 15th., 1884 which sdid P. A. Kilgore rt ! fuses to pay. It is therefore ordered that said I*. A, Kilgore pay into this court on or before tbeflrst day of the next term thereof the principal, in terest and attorney’s fees due on snip note, or in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. And it is further ordered that this rule be published in accordance to law. Granted C, H. Brand, In pro pro. N. L. Hutchins. Judge 8, C. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. This April 25th 18S5. I). T. CaxN. Clerk o, (\ GEORGIA (iWINSWt COUNTY. i Win. J. Jones administrator of N. S. Johan, represents to the court in * thi* petition duly Hied that ho has fully administered said N. S, juhau’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons heirs and creditors to show cause if an theyesn why said ad ministrator should nut be discharged from his administration and receive letters of Dismisalou, on the first Mon day in September 1885. JAnES T. LAmKIN 1 Jti y tli7 1886 Ordinary New Store ! New Goods! New Firm ALMAND& 0q (FORMERLY OF CONYEfU, (iA., Lawrence vills - .... o To the eitlaneof Gwinnett ~„1 :utj,.i„i„ g e 0,„.,i M| We take this method or i'llormhm V o i .1,. have come to uawieneeville for the purpose of A* f-oodn and making a living, and in underlukiu - of oflfer you one of the host assorted stocks,?, merchan lise ever displayed in tliis market W now on hand a complete ii.eol 1)111 DRY GOODS, Ladies' Dress Good MTESV STYLES l\ Ws%., BOOTS AND SHOES, FAMILY OROCERfEi FURN t 7 U R E, HARDWARE, STOVES, £r fn fact, everything to be found in a General M ehandise Store. We desire to make the acquaintance, of ever? ,it zen of the comity, but more especially ol the tn, coming to Lawrenceville. flfjfcf We buy all kinds o< country pioduce u nJ pt he highest market price for it. Come and see us. March 24 ts T®T®NE soluble guano MANUFACTURED BY (ME cOVE gANQ low Bedford, Vasa. PAID UP CAPITAL ff>flo,ooo. JOHH M« GREEN, MANAGER. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. This brand has been heiure the public lor yean and in every instance has given entire satisfaction. This season it will be offered cheaper than ev^ 380 Pound OF GOOD LINT COTTON, PER TON For sale by YAUGIIAN & PENTECOST, Lawreneeville, Ga. BAGWELL <£ GOWER Flewery Uraai fc Ga rake this opportunity to inform the people of Gw nett and adjoining counties ihat they are still manufacturing their justly celebrated CMS, 118 UD VMS. Widen have given such uni versa 1 satisfaction f"i' i rability, Light Running Proportions and Stylish ish for many years. Their prices have been red to suit ths times. Also ! WAGON and CARRIAGE MATERIAL, IRON, COAL, PAINTS, oils, etc Their work is honestly made to wear, and not the slop shop only to sell. Satisfact ion a^way> guaranteed. Thankful to i the very libeial patronage given them in the past, they ahall conw their utmost to merit an increased patronage in the future. For prices, terms, etc.., address BAGWELL &GO WEB, March 24-ly Flowery Brtueb, o» ATLANTA House Moving R aising Company Houses wiih CbiniD* vs iaifc< dor irn vs d witb perf iiMlti O L PEASE & CO.y 107 » tree