The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, July 14, 1885, Image 4

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BEEFING AN OPENING. “I ctmii here,” he explained to /he police judge the other morning ‘■to hang out a signof ‘1 am blind' but I had scarcely got to tho iruin when 1 fondd two chaps working the racket Two much blindness arouses public suspicion.” “Was that the only opening '!" “No, sir. / started out to tie my head and arm up and work tho ‘Help this poor man who was hurt in a railroad aociden 1 ," but the two best corners in the town were oc cupied. One fellow had been crushed by a saw log and theoths) had beeu terribly ourned wbi.e le 6 cueing a baby. ’ “ ‘Pity the poor fire sufierers!' ” sighed iris honor. ‘About the only tuing left,” con tinued tho man, “was to be ‘Born deaf and dumb/ but while I was getting a placard printed by a gro cer’s clerk the owner of the store came in and said that he bad just seen too such chaps walking to the station. Then it was either to go to work or come here and be sent up.” “Aod you couldu t work *" “Well, I was wearing a placard, reading: “This man would woik for 25 eeuts per day but for his poor health,'when the officer col. lard me. luioss you’ll have to make an opening for me soines where.” His honor gave him a placard, rtadiug : “This unfortunate per son has been elevated for two months." CUKE FOR INFANTILE BAWL ING. Two Dallas ladies were over heard talking over the fence as follows: “What is the maZ/er with your baby ? I don't hoar it cry auy more.” “1 have cured it of bawling.” “Do you give it soothing syrup with opium in it ?” “No, l don’t give it any med icine at all. I have adopted au ectire/y new plan.” “What is it?” “When it begins to cry I smear the tips of its little fingers with molasses, and give it a few feat a ers to hold in one band, /ts at tention becomes aroused and it picks off' the feathers with the other hand. The feathers slick to tne other hand, of course, and the little darling picks them oft’ again The little angel’s mind is thus so completely absorbed with the featli ers that it forgett to cry.”—Texas Siftiugs - A WORTHLESS ANIMAL. Farmer Digging had a horse u> sell, and at the market he com menced to dilate on the animal’s good qualities. “How much will you give to him ?” shou'ed Diggius. “Forty dollars,” yelled a voice. ‘’Twon’t do,” said Diggius. “Ten dollars,'’ sbouied a wall eyed man. “He's worthless,” cried another “ Who said he was a worthless animal ?” howled Diggius. “’Twas you, you lop-eared rail- ’hopper.’’ “I didn’t say any such thing, you mule-backed lump of clay,’’ replied the mau. “I only said he was worth less than forty dollars, and now blamed if I don't thin he is worthless.” Digg'ns traded the'horse Lt a side of bacou before the close of the day, A MOViNXi TAIL. “Here, boys,” called u aim “ Come cere and ca'ch das rat. Kiggest vat you ever saw ran under that pile of lumber. Throw it over here. Aow we”l get him.’h 1 hrce or four men went to work and moved rn enormous pile of lumber, but did not find the rat, “The owner of that lumber will be mad.” said someone addressing the man who had called the boys. “Nohewon’t. I am the own er.” “Why, you must indeed be an enemy to rats going to so much trouble to catch one,” “1 did’nt see any rat.” “Then why did you let the boys tear down your lumber V “Oh, you see I wanted it mov 1 ’ ed.”—Arkunsaw Traveler. Green county boasts of two hui dred colts that are now being raib* ed in that county. The Journal aajs : “A* two years old they will have a money value of ten thous-, and dollars, and further remarks 'hat the money expended by the people for horses and mules, since the war, which they could have raised themselves would have made them rich.” We are gled to aee this enterpristing spirit gain mg ground in /he south. We have takea occasion to say lately * our county is advancing rap ,d]y in this direction. Gainesville Uast of some as fine horses as ant town of its size in the state, and many of them are homo r arsed. And now the political enemies of Senator Brown say lie attacked ‘he Jewish religion in Lis address to the coimuo school graduating class in At.l ntalhe other day, aud tha' several of the class were the children of Jews ; therefore liis re marks were offensive, etc. Sena-, tor Brown says he did not do it or flunk of such a thing. Aud we wifi bet our ears he did not. Warren Le im, whom everybody kuowa liio b..,, manager of the Largest Hotel Enterprises cf America, says that while a passenger front New York on board a ship going around Cape Horn, in the early days of emigration to C; ! if trnia, he learned that one of the ortioeiH of tho vessel had cured himself, during the voy age, of an obstinate disease by the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. Since then Mr. Liiland has recommended Avek's Sarsaparilla in many similar cases, and ho has never yet heard of its* fail ure to effect a radical cure. Some years ago one of Mr. Luland’s fa in laborers bruised his leg. Owing to tin bat state of liis biooo. an ugly scrofulous swelling or lump appeart it on the injured limb, llor ble Itching of the shin, with burning am! farting pains through the lump, made lift Llniost intolerable. The leg btcnme enor mously enlarged, and running ulcers formed, discharging great quantities of extivmely offensive matter. N'o treatment was of ai.v avail until the man, by Mr. Li:laniV.s direc tion, was supplied with AVER’S Saksaivv j.illa, which allayed the pain and irritation, Lealed the sores, removed the swelling, aud completely restored the limb to use. Mr. I. eland lias personally used Ayers Sarsaparilla for Khctinialism, tvith entire success ; »*nd, after careful observation, declares that. In bis belief, there is no medicine in the world equal to it for the cure of Liver Disorder* Clout, tho eileet; of high Ininfir, ,Sn.' Rheum, bores, Eruptions, ami all lUc various forms of blond diseases. Wo have Mr. Lkland'h permission to invito all who may desire farther evidence in rtq aid to tho CNtrao.-d miry curative powers « j AYKR’s S ails ar v , \to see him per.- . ally either at ids inaminoth Ocean l’< r I Long Branch, or at the popular Lelutu l Hie. Broadway, 27th and 2«th Streets, New York. Mr. Lur.rrn’s extensive knowled-.r? oi she good done by this iincqmtllvii .r.uMoaio; o» blood po.bffi.H enables hint t * give inquirers much valuable information. ritEPARKD DY Dr.J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, M* Bold by al! Lru.jgUt.-; Cl. ais lioltii.*#fur ;■ AYER’S Cherry Pectoral No other complaints are so insidious in their attack as those affecting the throat and lungs: none so tritied with by the majority of suffer ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex posure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral lias well proven Us efficacy in a forty years’ fight with throat, and lung diseases, aud should bo taken in all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured, “In 18571 took a severe cold, which affected my lungs i had a terrible cough, and passed night, alter night without sleep. The doctors gave ine up. i tried Ayer’s Cherry Pec toral, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded me the rest necessary for the recovery of my strength. By the continued use of the Pei i ora l a permV nent cure was effected. I am now 62 years old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your Cherry Pectoral saved me. Horace Fair brother,” Rockingham, Yt. # duly 15,1882. Croup A Mother's Tribute. While in the country last winter my little boy. throe years old, was taken ill with croup; it seemed as if he would die from strangu lation. One of the family suggested the use of ayku’s Cherry Pectoral, a bottle of which was always kept in tho house. This was tried in small and frequent do! es, and to our delight in less than half an limn tho Httle patient was breathing easily. Win* doc tor said ilia*, the Cinsfeltv Pfctoilal hail saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude? Sincerely yours, Mrs. I.MMA (il DNI Y.’* 15:) West 128th St., New York, May 16, 1? 82 u I have used AVER’S CHERRY Pectoral in my family for several years, ami do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. ,1. Crane.” Lake Ctystal, Minn., March 13, 1882 I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with no suc cess, 1 was cured by the use of Ayer's Cher ry Pectoral. fiosKi u Walden.” Byhalia, .Miss,, April 5,1882. “ I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, believing as 1 do that but for its use I should long since have died from lung troubles. K. BragdoN.” Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and it will always cure when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine. PREPARED BY Or.J C.AyerACo.,Lowell,Mass, Sold by all Druggists. ,‘- 3 \ h p ; If'- .. t-' * f ~S-, vil rnlp! ai.c OL.y ivo blood polsot eu. '.ly or. arai, in «ho immediate and per. ; ‘ i Mages of Blood ) -case-. ' . , < 11 a:.J Sores, St' „ Mi 11. . -r,, Sv filed Glaud*, aild >. Ki ty Q a . j ' r : ‘ Tr ‘ ■ In all ,ugM J T - :, m ea all Ujwrdwa requiring ,u naan* • W.,-4 ; ari.l. r . It d,*. not j <* vt-.-.-iablc poison. - One tattle gives ... ti .c p, ot of it* nfefai p ower It.-l n- : .'■•fit;.-, •neawanih of wonderful tres made at and abroad, mailed in took form, free to any address. No on. a, ! , nl)t tl.c I*lslol power of B. B. B. aft*, adi!.;-Ilie n .-oniony Larirc b. ie ». |1 m> at , ' tor fb.ttO. Cell on jour or mUttm ' BUooil CALM U>., AUoou, u* * 1871. 1885. —NOW IS THE TIME TO— SUB SCRIBE —FOR THE— I i PjRALI). A LivcNcwspapcr —DEVOTED TO THE-- MATERIAL PKOSPEIUTY OF Gwinnett County. * * V C * The is WIDE-A WADE And <houlil be in the home of every citizen m the Conr/y. t The Hoai.ii las a, circulation of 1000 bormfule subscribers. Nn better medium was evor ofiered to the advertiser than the //kkai.d, so the trade of this section.. Write for lerms J. T WILKOX, Jr. T. M. I‘EEPLPS Proprietor I I,bln 1 el. LAWRENCEVILLE SEMINARY, FOR Males and Females. 'I 111- Kx.-i si.'. s 111 * III* nlmVI■ Infinite, under my charge, hejran on I lie 181 li nl Muy, 1885, nt the following rates of Tuition per mont h. FIRST GLASS, - $l5O. SECOND CLASS, - 2 00 ’ T11IR!) « LASS, - - 2 50. FOURTH CL ASS, - 3 00. Student charged 25.; luci-Jen Pw, par q u -m*. Course of In.stni ni m, Tiiorbngb, preparing SuJents tor Coflegt Classes. I’m i • J. T. NEW TON, Fripcipal. , 5 J iHw 'mill® W M 3 %j iiJJ Willi ''‘ilujiiD- Marble Works —niflunfaeturers mid J dealers in— MLIA N T AND RUTLAND J/ARBLE MONUMENTS, BOX TO.l/J‘S, HA’AD, AND FOOT STONES. Ab I) UND EItTA KE R Clmrch Street. Sfor.e Mountain, Ga. March 10, 85.-ly ~&rm k w TE LE PIT OI E 0 TheV.S. Telephone is (lie lesl invention in telephones, and stand will I a rival, and is the mill la 011 TB 5 lIIVAI. of the Hell Telephone and is the onlv telephone of the kind ever hefoi e offered to tile public. It is the only non-electric telephone Hint is used with a telephone repeater, or Cut, | V .it , ■; . 1 U( )< IK Kl). ANtIUX or ZHI/.Atl lines, or on a line hav iiifE AIITK or UHIHT AN«SLF.B Sold outright for 7 10.00; no exorhitaut rents. They are t tie only telephones lin.inp an Automatic Trine Wire Tightener. Hil l liioy are the only telephones that are protected by an out door Light ning Arrester. All'sounds are delivered in etear and natural tones. They are the ueated , most dm hide, aud reij lire loss at tention and repairs than any other telephone made. Send lor for our illustrated eireular. Agents wanted. The U S Telephone Company NOS. 4ft AND 51 WI ST STREET, UOSTOFFICE BOX 28, MADISON, IXD. IIALdE The Great Speoifio for Neuralgia and Headache. An internal Kerne,!\. Containing no Quinine, Opium, Chloroform, Chloral or unroot ii s of any kind, effective unit quiet in its action. Avon's Office, f Limsiirno, Va., April 14, 1884. j Mjassns. Hutchinson & If no.—lt alforils mo pleasure to testify to the great virtues of your ‘>Nein*a!giiia” for the cure of neumigin and siek lteadache. It is the host, remedy for these most, distressing complaints 1 have eve r used. It should he m every family in the com try. (: no. It. 11 i-laji. Mayor o Leesburg, Va. Messrs. Hutchison & Bro- I aril happy to sax that your “Neurnlgine” noted as ti speoilio in my ease, relieving me in an incredibly short time. I would advise all suffering from neuralgia to try it, Yours, etc, L. AL SIMS. M 1». _______ tv , Proprietor* , Atlanta , Ga. "STo'jxr ISrctersist For all Injuries in man or beast nothing equal* HAMBUKQ LtSUMKiiT. GEORGIA, liu'ii ni si Gwinnmt Cuj'xty. 1 reclcsnre / in'or/gtige. 11l tile Superior ('Olll i of raid conn ty It appeai-mt; to UieCotiri In I li< • petition ol i lie Gainesville .iein-i son \ | Soutiiern Kailioad eoin)«uiy Unit W. 11. Bush oil foe "flith day day of.lime ! in the ye- r if ISSi executed and de | livereit lo Hie said (Jainesviile. Jeffer son and Soul hern Railroad compan a luorl ;:aae on a Iraei or lot of laud, silu-.iled lyina and TTetitg ill 1 lie coun ty of t; winnett, to wit : al ; astake in llte eciiler oi the >lree| iu 1 the town of Just Tavern. Thun run liing up file strei-t or r-nin between the aeadeniy and metlmdist church ! to a rod ouk oii Hush iuu : Betts’ line , tlienee with Hes ts hint Ifardia-ree's > ti,Me, a south direction to a post oak | on j fai dijrrecs' line, thence east to tin- (1 winnett 1 lie road theme back to tlielu-ai. jiiiifi corner in front of' sai<l W, It Busin*,a residence, and lie- ; injf on llie line of Gwinnett, Walton and Jackson counties. ( otitainii*a two hundred acres more or less ior the purpose (rs sreiirilif' the payment, of a certain promissory note lor the son of twelve hundred dollars' undo liy the said W. |p Bu>h on the iAith day oi unelsSy and puvuhlc to said Gainesville Jefferson \ Scan hem Kail Head Coinpany and due nine months alter date with interest from dale at the rate of eight per cent per milium ineludiiio ten per -cut attorneys le s. which said initc llie said \\. ii. lln-h refuses to pay. ft Is t»i re order ed that the sit'd W, H. Hush pay into iiito this court, on or la-fore tie- next term thereof, t lie principal, interest and attorne-. ’s fees dun on said note ' and the cost of tiiis suit, or in default H ereof the court will proceed as to justice shall apiawtain and It is further ordered l hat this rule lie published iu • tie Gwinnett TTkbai.ti, a newspaper published in the county of Gwinnett, otsee a mouth for four months, and servedunthe said VY, H. Bustiwor his special audit or al torney three motil hs previous to the next term ofthe court, March 9th., l*si. T. M. Peeples J udati pro hoc vice, Dunlap & Thompson, Peltltiouers Attorneys. A true extract from tin: minutes ol said court. This -iiili day of April 18S5. I*. T. GAIN. Clerk 0, GFOIIGI A> Mliile : Gwinnett County. <; For e/cos a ( moriguge . Til U e Superior Court of said eoun :t y. li appearing to the Court by the the petition of ('. H. Brand Receiver <f Herrin N Turner that I\ A, Kilgofe on Hit; ninth day oi May 1884, evented and delivered to said Herrin & Timer a iimrlgugeon the following tract of land lying in said county to wit : All Unit 1 1 act or parcel of land lying and beiie: in the county of Gwinnett. Tin* saint* being a part of the east half of, loi manlxT two hundred and three' in the fifth 1 list riot of said eoun t\ and containing eighty two and One haft acres, more or less adjoining the lands of Margaret!, Simon toil, Mrs.! I’raneis Tipton and others, for the j pn j>"• e of securing the payment of a < • rf.nn piomisory note, on which | Unit* is now'due and unpi id thirty-I four dollars scsty-two cents (s.‘>4- B'.’ besides interest and Attorney’s j te. s, mad by tin* said I*. A, Kilgore ! on the ninth day of May [BB4, payable j ! to Uiosaid Uerriu & Turner, due Oct., I’ 11., isst which sdid I*. A. Kilgore re ; fuses to pay, Jt is therefore ordered that said I*. A. Kilgore pay into this court on or before the first day of the aevi Ui in thereof the principal, iu i teivst and att ni nev’s fees due on saip note, or in default thereof the court will proceed as to jurtiee shall apper tain. And it is further ordered that this rule be published in accordance to law. Granted 0, 11. Brand, In pro pro. X. L. Hutchins. .1 udge 8, O. A true extract from the minutes of J .-aid Court. This April 25th 1885. J). T, (’aiN. Clerk C 5, 0. G OUtf/A l Iwinsztt County. hereus. W. Allen administrator of jsebella scales, represents to the undersitrned in petition ilnly filed that lie has lolly administered Isabella Seales estate. This is t lierefore t oeite all persons concerned heirs and eredi tors, to shoW cause, it any they can win said mlniist rator shoulT not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the lirst Mo unlay in < tel' her J T. Lamkiti Ji.i., :4tli lbti. urditialy . New Cood! !%w Fi*”* ■'•'-(■W 1 .„ _. ._ » ALMANIj dc GO, (FOUMKHLY OF (JONYEKV, OA.) Lawrenceville - . . . q, To the citizens of Gwinnett and :»,1 j »i„i ni »- oom.iios : e tukethis in *1 hod o( i l l . * cui i m y ( , t ih i , lui\e come to nawrenceville lor tli • purpose <>! ■ .]jj■ j goods and making a living, an ! in umlertakin >• this wa otter you one of the best n-sorte.l stocks „f iri . ni . rj j merchan lise ever displayed in tlii- n irkei. We |, aVd now on hand a complete ineol DRY GOODS, Ladies' Dress i^oods AATEST STt lt: s x boots and shoes, FAMILY (jrtOOETUE.S. EUit N I 71 HE, JtAIiDWAHE, STOVES, ETf(, In fact, everything to be found in a General yj C r ehandise Store. AVe desire to make the acquaintance <>( every citi zen (>t the county, but more (‘specially of the trade eomin_, to unvrenceville. V r . e l)U .y l<iiids ()/ country produce and pay the highest market .price for it. ' (’ome and s(*e us. »a m* ui'iii ■!!. •> r; - i Marcii 24 t.f izC YS'TtfWT. SoLUBIiK 'h XJATSI O MANUFACTFRKD 11Y Li EE cVE feMd,hss. PAID UP CAPpVAI, fn>O0,0()O. JOHN ffl, GREEN, MANAGER. ATLANTA, GEoR IA. Tin* brand has been In-Torn tin- public !ur years anti in every instance lias given entile satis!action. Fins season it will be otlered cheaper than eve, 380 Found OF GOOD LINT COTTON, PER TON. For sale by VAUGHAN & PENTECOST, Lawreneeville, Ga_ BAG WELL «£ GOWER Flowery Branch, Ga i Fake this opportunity to inform the people of Gw licit ami adjoining counties that tl cy are still nmmihicturing their justly celebrated HUS, SUES US MIS, vyiiti Id h ive given such univorsal s itisfaetion so rabi y, Light Running Proportions ami Stylish ish -ror many years. TWhK'price* have been re l to s ll H tbs times. Abtfjuealers in WAGON and MATERIAL, PAINTS OL*&, ETC;. / Their work is tannest ly mad/to wear, and nut the slop shop, stuff wutir. only to sell. nitrify > guaranteed. Tuankful to ulie puldio for heir'mC! 1 " 4i'' " G'"!" iti tin- past, they shall Jontimw to do tin li ut merit an increased |> u romige ill the future. For price* 'criu.s, etc., ;etln.-ss B Ul WELL & GOWER, ALitcß, ly Flowery Brintth, Ga. J ATLANTA House Moving r Raising Company - j t Houses whh Chitunevs raisoil or tntvfd with parfsaf?' L PEASE & CO., 107 D tea/ur ijtrea tp