The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, July 28, 1885, Image 3

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J^^Jr.rxUUhtr. COONTV. L|„ ec ,UM"ii.«™ «•* "*'l" I lb i* 9Be L. perilous of our county Offering for of, wn - Llo-vn nss been coiupli tely r uD with drummers this [l I of o ur town farmers will LU crop* oe their putt lies \r»- l_j- e Laiukiu, slipped oft auu tjpto Bufoid last Thurss L, 4K sorry t° state that Mr E, Shackelford is ve yill with Lotd fever. KL string baud discoursed sweet music at the drug Ltbe other night Em„,iimou service were held ÜBaptist Church last Sun -1 Doming- L furniture for the ntw court Lbae beea ordered, and will tin position in a few weeks |-the famt souud of the Eg march is heard in the L (U (Patch OUt. & Co . have just receive ■ lirge lot of shoes. Go and Hibenr It Eh, patent lifting process/hat Lot the boys have introduced ■deed wonderful. ■i of our schools are in a Hours Eg condition. 7'liere are a Lit over one hundred studen's Biily attendance. flgaeatbet when you waul tur Lad that A. T. Fat.illo & Co., Lon bind eight different va* E county makes a very Billowing this year There is white and 51 eo lored tax dude young men is Mil to eologbe Especial'y upon visiting young Brand, hat returned jßKuuic, wLieie lie went to rtp ■ Gwinnett County in the B' lay School Convention. officers, mo we learn, into their uew House on the first August. lodges in need of any would do Well to from them immediate* Strliairmaii of the Hoard of Commissioners offers a Ice brick for sale in this tlever county Treasurer. EBrown, has the thanks lekaeo force for a sample icellent porter. ! time is expected »t Su- Mxt Saturday, occasioned iuoday School Convention, eeembles at that place, gf&pe crop promises an W yield this year. Several eilizens are now feasting 1 Inoiouß fruit. Dow °ur friend Tlmmas A -151 lL ® tl to the front with I chicken story of the sea Ba J s tuat he has a chick' was hatched by a pats ,oe to fin 1 a time lot of ‘Wus muslin is at %«ie and Bessie Me. 1 charming aud beautiful lle ' °f fiufanla, Ala., are »few weeks at the Globe gills seem to wield an aar y iullutnce over some uu g men. Bedford Pat ' -<*rley Vaughau went “ Tll 'e last night to wit- Performance ?'^ ls should lememher “ e,tJ, ‘y "efore (he 2nd ''ugU't i a rbe time for t!l Feirview Cemetery. ' u have relatives and “ Urried there w .uld do &1 this iu mind y ,^' i a l jle *sant call from °° d; *he erstwhile ® "ptist Banner, which *hed j u Gainesville. We j t L nite tha * time has dealt ' bls venerable father w y LlB ose/'ul life be *°y Jeers yet. F ° R SALE. n^ H tir umUr 18 ae« Db eva porator, reduced prices, 17,11 1885. Li/ AuBRO “ i ' “I’M GOIN’ WAY CAP'N." V HEItALD BCBIBZ RUMINATES OVfclt THINGS IN GENERAL AND CUR ADVANTNGE TO IMIGUANTB. “Yes I'm goit' to Texas, Ibis ball, Captin, would have went last year, bui my corn turned out only tolerable, and cotton was powerful poor, but with good sea sons 1 can make enough to get out of old Gorgy this Fall. ’ Thus spoke a stout robust, man, to a Hf.rai.d scribe, the other dav AN by a man who is comfortably situated, surrounded with a pros perous happy and contented fain iiy and euoug • of ibis world's goods to insurekn easy subs stence -hould tie ibei,.tely "pnit up stakes, to liunt a mydii/'ut ophir, lias always been to us, a puzzling question. But ye/, right here in old Owiu.» nett, you can find that restless, uover satisfyirg thirst for a new er and better country. One where a “living” can be made with less labor and expenses. But we leave our “Texas Bti lick" friend, and sit down quietly, uu tier our .wu vine and fig-tree, aud listen to the gentle summer zepli yrs play among the stately oaks and as we partake of its lile giv ing essence we rumiuale upon the tide of immigration, as ii unceas iugly rolls we t ward ; of the hip py homes made -ad aud desolate, in search Of the land which "flows with milk and honey,” of the blast ed anticip it ions and if we could read the inmost hearts, of one half ot our wes'ern jmigrants, we would find written in unmistaka ble characters, Disappointment ! Instead i f riches, they have poverty ; sickness aud disease have usurped t lie life giving . owers of health, and their once happy homes in f*eor ia, have givei place to the emigrants rude cabin. Bui why piolong this ar.icle, ’Tis t'ue we have not a fairy land neif\ of one exempt from laoor and care; bet compare climate, productions, and general condi /ions of comfor/ with tboee to be had elsewhere, and you will find them to compare more than favor ably. You wid quickly see tliai we have not improved our natural advantages adequately, bill you will find lliat Nature has done her part well, and if we but use good habits of painstaking an ecouoiny, we will soon build lip a delightful couu/ry. The immigrant who comes within our borders, wil rind good sense and good feeling among our citizenry, aud in most omniunities people of culture and letiueinent. \Ye iuvi e you 10 come aud see for yourselves. The inducements referred to are agricultural. Those for man ufactures are equally great. All /he needful conditions are here for the development of the most profitable manufacturing industry in the wtiole country. We would not over-estimate eur ad van'ages. There aie drawbacks to all good things, and compensi dons to all evils. Neither would we encourage Utopian views but we think, all things considered we have one of the most desirable countries to imigrauts in the South. NVe have many i liings to numerous to mer .ion in thisuhort article, but we leave it to a future one. In concluding these ruminations the Herald scribe extends to all in quest of health, contentment and happy homes a cor lial welcome. Oome and see nti THE ELECTRIC GIRL, Miss Mattie Lee 1 rice, the rival of Lulu Hurst gave one of her un ique entertainments here last Sat* unlay nigbt. Sbe lift ber audience mystified by ber wonderful electric power. Sbe is only sweet sixteen and weighs 110 and yet wiih ease raised a chair from the Hoor upon which three gentlemen were sit ing whose aggregate weight amounted to 57f> pounds. Anoih er remarkable test of her remarka ble power. The most remarkable was twisting a stout hickory stick in a withe using only the palm of ber baud cn the end. All at tempts to account for tins won derful power have failed but /here is no questioning the fuel she pos sesses She can t account foi it and does not try. IMPORTED DO 6/S Mr. Cortland Winn has the only thoroughbred Spanish pointer dog in i his pa*7 of the Country. He is indeed a beauty, Mr. Charley Brand, has also a tine fu/i-blooded Peruvian Fice, just from its native couuiry. These two dogs, are, perhaps, the only species of tb ir ranee in this | art if the Sod Ih, Y u should ee them. OUR FLORIDA LETTER. Editor Herai.d— l have seen an riiele in y ur pup r signed H. C. H. giving some account of a pleas mt flip to South Ga , and finish ing oft wilh some remarks in re gard toFio ida, at d tile people of Florida, their customs &c., that I think is likely to mislead people. And leaving Georgia aud Florida in an unfair comparison. lam a Georgian by birth, and spent 35 years there, save some four yeais I spent in Virginia aud surround, mg country from ’6l to ’65 I love the old Siate, my family have been identified wi‘h bet since before he Revolution : She justly stand as ihe Empiie State of the Sou/ti I rejoice in her prosperity, and grieve with her iu her soriows from s.orms or other causes, but Georgia cun boast that she does not owe her pro-peiity to enmity t..warb any other Std'.e or section but the enterprise ai d pluck ot tier people, aud un/ural resources which are abundant. But / think it unfair iu one of tier cb'zeus to visit her citizeus to visit her sister Florida, and go back to tell evil of ah kinds aud have nothing good to say. I is a reflection upon the gieal compa ny of Georgians, who are now making their homes here. I have beeu here near seven years, have travelled over much of the State from Tallahasse to near Charlottes Harbor, iu Hillsborough //t-ruan do Folk and Mauutee counties 1 have traveled much, slept in many houses, and eat with many fami lies, 1 will jus here say that once i.i nxly iiujF, I slept in over 50 . ouses. i have a Nor ti Georgia girl for a wife, who has been tnuob with me And our verdict is tha/ we see less chinch bugs here in I*2 months iliau we have seen and felt in one iiiglit in Georgia. There me places here, viz, about —or in large hammocks or wet praririe land wLeie the mosquitoes are bad. Bu t there are in my places in all Ibis county where a bar is not usi. Whatever may be said of the "range business here a man that has a grove finds that he has something besides his daily licks to depend upon for a living and many Georgia boys (bat would have been rentii g .and if had staid here, are here the posstßsors of IGO acres, with an orange grove that lurnisiee them a fair income and would give them a good capi ta! to stun bnsintsv with in any of er pluce if they were wmind to sell and yet they dou’i sell. Al most any older settlers here have some land to sell, cut theie is but i very few thut would leave the State if they were to sell all their lands. I am s[ end : ng my 9th summer iu Sou h Florida, ana find decidedly more pleasan l here than iu South or South West Georgia sue mercury ranges several de grees lower hort than in Macon during the summer. I at ribute that to tho cloudy weather togetlr er v.ith the breezes iu tnmmer We seldom have an entire day o* suns., iue from the 15th of June to to the last of September. My father lived 50years upon the same place iu Georgia aud was yet de pendent upon the annual crops. Here he minht have Lave had fruit rees that would nave made him independent. Let Georgia men rejoice in the good they have but don’t let them run uown some or.e else, of so close kin as Florida. As to hea'nh this section, the West of Hills borough Co. will compare favor tbly with any place iu the United States, 1 have never known a section of Georgia that would near equal it for health the yea r round. Now Mr. Editor I have no laud to sell and am only interested in a genial way in ibis Slate as I a>u ill all othe. States. And have ouly written this to show persons who may read both articles that Flori da has two sides. H. Clear Water Harber, Hdlsboi rougb, Co., Fla. July ltilh 1885. FLOWERY BRANCH. Fiowery Branch is as quiet ar.d serene as a Juse morning. Our esteemed townsman, Mr. Hdi Boling and family, are mak ing a business and pleasure trip hrough Gwinnett iud Walton conn t ies. If anybody desires e handsome buggy f‘ om the notod Manufactory of //agwell and Gow er of tuis place just call on Mr Boring as he has some buggies with him. Miss Mattie Lee Price of famous Electric girl in i the Rival of Lula Hjurst, and who hails from Bar low county g ve an Exhibition of her wonderful powers here Thurr. day night. Sbe is 15 years old and we gbs 110 pounds. She toss ed Alpb Sears, a man who weighs 220 pounds, about the stage as if he was a baby. The combined strength of 3 large men was noth ing before her. Nits rs Mitchell & Newman made uii expensive ti'tp through the Mounts ns a short time since but space will not a'low us to givt a description of it ibis time. 7’ney visit*d a number of Gold mines it Ihe neighborhood of D«l ‘onega. They say it is perfectly wondeifu* to zee those hugh tuoucaina of Ltuupkin county literally washed down to procure the precious met als that lie imbed* d in theii depths. Flowery Branch has had qui'e in acqusition to her society this week by the arrival of Misses Bank, Gardner mid Book, three beautiful and accomplished young tidies of South Carolina. We u) so had a call from Mr. Black us sou Ii Car din t who is vi-i mg h s broth i, our pleasant aud affable Agent. E. THE FARE SATURDAY. The fare on the R lilroud from this place to Snwantie, next Situi lay; on aecout t of the Sunday School Ceiabralioi. will be as fol lows : Whole R -und Trip Ticket J , 50c. Half Bound Trip Tickets 25c- T-ckets will be good to return on Monday’s train. CAINS DISTRICT w ■ tell ue where R. R J. has gone. He has beeu gone s i long. Wake up Mr. KK. J aud let us bear from you one on re time before you d/e. Farmers are giviugthe tii ishing pinch to their cr p->. Tuey can soon lay heir plows and hoe for a season and re-t from their work nn it fodder is ripe and coi 'ou is open. Crops un a genual /king are promising, and an abundant hums/ is anticipated. Itenbin Teagle and Frank Ap pling are ou a l»u< m threshing wheat for the neighbors. The poor steam engine, how often hey have to cry out for water, or if ituytliing gets out of irder, the engine with its shrill whistle has to raise the alarm of danger If they ouly don’t > >ke a sore throut from the effects of so much signal ing aud exposure. Mr. W, J. Jennings has a flours it-bing school at Prospect church He is an experienced teacher and and offers liberal terms to those desiring to patronize him. Mr. Jinnings wears a s'ift hut, wouder what’s going to happeu ? Romuless. ON THE WING, NVhile out on a pleasure tour we have had the pleasure aud goon fortune of passing through <>wiL lie/t County. Let me say to the people of this true, honorable and prosperous oul county, which was named after the distinguished Georgian, Button Gwinnett, the first signer of the Decluruti-.iT ot Independence from the Empire State of the South, /hat the bes crops we have se u anywhere in Georgia are in Gwinnett; The corn is excelled by the riv ta bltoius of South West Georgia, he co ton in a comparative sense is uueaqualed by the feitile valt leys of the Mississippi, the frui trees are unexcelled by the high' lands of Scotland. Whereas what few grape vinos we tiave seen ari unsurpassed by Arabian plains, or Ihe vine-clad hills of fair Italy, the men are energetic, the women are kiud and hospituble, and the young ladies are as charming us the lovely character set forth iu living fea/ur* sin the well known ‘ ipsy Mao/,” Upon our Irrival at Legalist ills, we fouiJ it to be a lovely little town and from the many “good things’ to eat, tve think ii should have been name I Loaderville But after entering Lawreucevill* we were soon convinced that this was the Eden of the county. The many beautiful shades make it so attractive, and above all the new R iiurt bouse, is unsurpassed in North Georgia and is an honor and an ornament not only to the county but also the State The citizens of liwiuneti should cease gurnmling about the co-t of their court (loose. Through the Courtesy of a little 1 boy we weie furnished with a copy of the Gwinnett Hkkalh. After we pronounced it one o! tLr liveliest and best county pa- i pers in the State! Why dees not eveij citizen in the county tuk* it and encourage its efficient Editors to bring out all the resources of the county, Ere o'd sol had beeu burned in the still anil peaceful wateis of the Pacific, we had faltered Ly the way-side, to fan our dripping brow, here we came in cohversa. lion with an old gentleman, who told us we were near the place win-re the //og eat up the Mouu aiu. A short distance from the two store* atul post offl- o, in a boa tiful prove, we beheld a large Church and » fice Academy. Upon uquirv we loan 'd from the old gentleman lhat Prof. N. E. Can uiup, i fri, nd ot our l>o\ -hood, wus e-chi g tieie. //e has about *-v. n v iiii - studen's and is said t b oi.e < I tin- Id s t ius iuctois in the couut v . The old geutleman said lie was satisfied the generous marled people of that vicinity vould. if they had not already, name the Academy Canning’s im it uto in honor , f is icULtlcei. Viuid the silvery ta»s o ( the sal'ow moon we arrived it Bnfoid where we wili hive mote -o ay Atoi* F H b brown's Irstitnt.: - 9 A thorough, pr,.e ieal common chool, with the a 'vantage of a •i 'Guile Military company, a urn sic d,purtuieu , ni.der the dirtc ilull of Mrs. N. R. VY itlianiM, and a itciary society /hat meets weekly, on Saturday evei.inga. AH wi bout extra charge, and uuiter Hit general superintendence of Prof. Oscar Brown. ihe young ladies aud geti/lumen are especially solicited to at'end auu further promote this iustitu lion. Ju y 14 ts. RELIEF FROM CATTAKILf. Prof W F Joliuaon, Friucipul of the Public Schools iD Beutun, Arkansas, under da'e of March 17, writes .* This is to certify 'hat I have been a sufferer from catmrl for nearly 13 year?, tieing a p >rtionof 'be t ime incapacitated for hus nesi- Pried a i uiutier of most eminent pi ysicians North and South, -neu over sroo.$ r OO. I was partially deaf, a quantity of bones resembling fish scales came, ot t of my nose and he”d and I w it *i one time redin ed to 70 pounds 'Pen bo ties ( f S S S, cured me sou id and w« 1 and 1 am bo to-day. It is the best blood purifier l have ever usel. W. F. Johnson FHEEBETIS My wife has been suffering for s. veu long years with what the physicians called mflamatinn of he veins. I tried doctors :ini'- and again, without depriving any benefit whatever. A. the suggestion ts my drug gis J C Hightow r, I was indue td to try Swift's Specific, which in an incredible short time restored her ta perfect health I tuigh say a g eat dtal more about the medt cine, and will say that i/ ought t-» be in every house, It is a clnup d icior; having saved me hundreds < f dollars. C F Duncan. Clayton, Ala March 28, 1885. Atlanta, Ga., April 16,1885. Treatise ou Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free The Swift Specific Co., Drawei 3, Atlams, Ga, GLASS HOUSES: “THEY who liae in glass houses »JH ULD MIND HOW THEY CAST BTANES ’’ I i* am using to sea how tendei footed c* r/tan blOod remedy pro prie ors I ave bi come < f late. Thy make much ado about “upes amt imitate s“ when none are 1 1 sight L’he proprte.ors of B. B- B would iay most empiittciy hat t |ier re medy stands upon its own merit Shotl Iwe attempt hi imitute it would not be those who do not understand the iiuhliih operand! f lhat witch /hey offer. Our own loug exp riencin the drole sion precludes such an idea The field tor blood remedies is large and broad affording ample room for u'l present aspirants the do not de sire co close the doors tigiinsl us. B. B. B. is the quickest remedy does not jot tain mineral or vege table poison; does not imitute, au I is in .<he field as an honorable com petitkr for public favor and its success is without a parallel. To bring health and happinea to puttering women is the mission of Bradiiqjd's Female Regulatoi. Try it and you wi'l be convinced Send for our Treatise on Wi - | man. Mailed free to any ad- j dre s. Bradfield Regulator Co., A'lan ta. Ga, “hacts are stnborn things,” and sufferers from chills and tever generally find thier complaint a very stubborn f,ct, until toby comment the use o Ayer's Ague Cure. That tutdii iue eradicates the noxious d lison from the sys tem, uud liiAariuble cures even the worst cases. As well expert life without air, i without purebloo ). Cleanse uhe blood with Aye's Sarsaparilla. Fannie leaning on my knee. With her questions bothers me; Uncle you know e.vritbing Ad a bout the birds aud tiees VII about the flowers «nd bees Now ptay explain to me one tiling When 1 feel some wild disorder, Is iuv bea r t or liverout ot order Tbeu I know the dear child menus She wants a botle of Smith ‘sjbiie Bile Berns. For sale by Winn & Vaughan, Druggist, Lawrenceville //a. Price twenty five cents per bottle. '-iiSSCIJI-riON FREE’ ir lit** HueMr (*\iru ofSe-nunul Weakusss, ixm . uuii«*Mt mill all •DvorUer. brought on by hitli ‘r»tMMi «»r vJg-pv-. Anj l>rug§ut but the (litre ' * «»r. * J««|! VS A Ife %*•« bl«l A# *tfs Htih mo nd Jt Dnnvill Itli ■am "m M'S*mm Zm F VS I NGIH Dlcahtmen r On and afler M.y .‘Ust JBSr> Passenger Train Strvice on the Atlanta and «Jharlot'e A t L he Division will be as follows \<>liTU WARi >. i Kxpres* Mail \,i. .'il 1 No. ,V|. I Hally. I Daily. I .cave At lant a.... | ( pm | s.m « liaiin-avillc 1 s.iw “ i jo ;{•»** " r.iiln. .a | - I 10.55 “ *lt Oap .ln'c H ! !I.IS •• i 11..-., - « Tuecoii <’ 11,53 •• Ij]so ,< ' s >'nc.-ii D | lii.s« •• ' l:Lsl|> m '* tlreenville.. K lii.'.'T | zza a. " K I 1.42 am ii " Dasl ima (; ;i.50 •• I • i 'harlot tc ft ini j oio .. SOUTH W Tfi'fT ! F-Xpies, Mail 1 N’fi. 50 ; No. 5z I Bally Daily IVve Charlotte. .. |",00 a, n ntoiim '!'• llKSKillia .. 3.511 *• | 1.41 •> '* Spartantnir* 5.57 ■* 334 „ lirt'ciivltlc. 7.13 “ !45g »• •' Senncn 8.54 “ 0 -»i „ “ To 9.55 '• | 7121 •• “ K llaii June. 10.3; •* 1 a I.t •* i-"h. n.»: •* svw •- •' tluincsvllle.. 11.33 >* | 9.05 >• tilanra | I.4'Mi iu | ll.iKhmi lOOOMMODATIONTRAIN (A. LINK 8E1.1.L GOING NORTH r.eavti A 11 :tIIIII 5 30 II lu Arrive al tiaiiiesvlllc ”7,49 j, VOCOMMODATION TRAIN tA. L. 8E1.1.Kl going south. i-eave llainesville . ,7.iW a m Arrive Atlanlu 9-15 .. NO is- LOCAL n HEIGHT GOING SOUTH Leave Charlotte...... .6 40 am Arrive at Gaffneys.... 1 1 . Id - Spartanburg.l 25 p. in. Greenville.. .5.16 “ “ Central 7.45 “ NO 17—LOCAL FREIGHT. GOING NORTH mave Central 8.20 a in Vrrive Greenville 3.2/ a. in “ Spartanburg... 11 17 *• “ Geffreys 1.22 p. tu. “ Charlotte 700 “ A IttTeitttit I l uiiiH nn I tils mail carry |isa Ui<cra. All inii,.tciiK«i- trains run iliruiigh to Dunyille mnl Kictnuoiid without change, coiiiicding ill Dan vide with Va. idlaud ltwy., |<> all eastern oilwa, and at Alliinlu wilh ail tin* » diverging. No 50 leave* Rich mond at 3.Z5 »* M and No ilWn rive* Un-re al 4,'Jtlf*. M'J leave* Ituji u nid r.UO A. M. 53 arriv* ihore 7.UIL ♦ m. In- local I’reight* stop at ai-we* aro -1 ion* to te 3o miinilc-t 'oi^ r Ht'FKF.T Si.HlKl'lN i ITII UI'T CHA VtiK. 7# On iraiii* Njs 50and 51, New (fork ami Allamn via Wu*lnneloH aud Danville, and a!*o (ir.—n-iUfFo and Ashville On ti a.ii* No* 52 and 53, Richmond ami Danville, and WushmittoWhinl Au gu*la, and Washington nud!W(t ni 1,-, an*. Returning oil No jC deeper (ireenslKiro to Richinoml / W Through Ticket *oll *ulo at l 'har lotto, Oreenville,Benecu,HuuiTauhiii'g and Oailiesville lo all poiaile Noiilii' Southwest, North and K,iL-t.. V With N ii front Athens R “ N K R U to ii Uuifi Tallulu Falls. <’ •' K. Air I int t . X lamu Fiber ton t .-Ruigersville 0 “ Blue Ridge Kli "fS tronj Wufhttlia, Ac * I A O R R to and frm Ni wtnrry. Alston *:td Columbia l i 11 i J I O tu 4 tr'ut list Ua 11 villa. Uston Ac. Chester A Lenoir to A Iroin Chester, Yorkvtlle A Dallas J N C l)iv A C C-A to A Itfe Oreeasb, ro, Huleig dwin Berselxy. Supenitt tel dt-nd. A. L. Rives, 2nd V. P. &, Gen Manag M S aughtr, Gen I Fasenger Ag> Gwinnett Sheriff Sales Georgia -Gwiunet/ County. Will l»e uld before the nciurl house door in trie town of I.awrcncevilli Gwinnett county OeorKiu, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in August next, the following de scribed property to-wit. One steam engine, known a* the Canton Monitor engine, No. ti, wi its machinery end lixturers, all com plete, now ill possession of John Dea ton un d .M. Denton. Levied on us tin- property of John Deal <ll and M Deaton, by virtue of a Ii fa issued from Gwinnett Superior court iu fitvoi of C Aiiltman ami Co , v*. said John Ileaton and J M Deaton priiieipuls, and TS Garner, security. Said engine is located now al the town of ituford, ill said county, and the time being iniu-liiiiery of great weight, ditticult and expensive to move, will be sold before the court house (loot in Lawreueeville, and de livered in Ituford, where now situated ITopcrty pointed out by F. M, John sou, Plaintiffs attorney. W. F. COSBY, Sheriff'. July 4th, 1885. GoorGia Gwinnett County. Whereas, W. 4'. Allen, administra tor with the will annexed of Matin w I Hamilton reprt siats to the court in Ids petition dulv tiled that lie ha-fiil ly mini nisleivd Mathew I.Hoinillous estate. This is therefore to cite all prisons con- erned, heir* and credi tors, To show cause ij any they oii’i why said administrator should not he discharged front his administration and receive letters ol' dismission on tile lirsl Monday iu October 1885 JAM KM T. I.4MKIM, Ibis July Ist 85 Ordinary DR. L G. HOBBS, 14 Whdehal l Street, ATLANTA, GA, Kai. Tin »tis :m<l Nosr Disease* a specialty. Jnly7-*f LAW RENCEV/LLE R R irrive Lawrenceeville 7:0 a to Arrive a Suwanee 7:40 t in Leave Suwannee . . 7:118 p m Arrive Lawrencevilie... 8:22 o m The rain leaving Liwre mevilie at 7:00 a. in., makes (“lose connec ion with the “Belle rain" a Su wanes, arri/: i ; i i Vtn i t 1 • a. in. Returtng leaves Atlauts 0:15 p m and arrivingat Liwi oce ville a 8 ‘2 ! o >n EDWIN BERKLEY .'nii'ciiiiten lent GEORGIA 1 *WINNKTT COUNTY. Win. J Jnims administrator of N. S. Julian, rrpraitillli to Hie court ill this petition duly tiled dial li<> lias fully administered su'd N. S, n han - estate. This is On resole to eile all person.- heirs and creditors to show eause if an tliev ran why said ad ministrator should not be discharged fr in liis adinihistratiou and receive letters of Dismission, on the first Moil day in September 188 j. ,'AmKST. I.AmKIX his : ; in; IPWi Oidiua W, tUSrl'-T' : iJ r r 3 Immii " " CHOLERA oun HANGER The great Southern remedy FOK BOWEL TROUBLES, CHILDREN TEETHIN6, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY AND CRAMP COLIC. | ri*— C •' DR BIcR.EKS HUC K laEBERRY CORDIAL shpuld be kept in every hou tiiold. It is one of the most and efficp'ious retnedie-v there is for summer com plaints. How nece uiv it is, at a season o* the year when violent and audderv attacks of the bowels are so frequent, you should have some speedy, relief at hand. It wiiLsavs much paiu aud anxiety, as well as large doctor bills. The wearied mother, losing #9e*p night after night in nursing the little one suffering such a drainage ‘tpon its .system froiD •he effects of teething, should use this invaluable medicine. lo* sale by all w at 50 cent* a bottle. ac. stamp for Kiddle Book, to WAI/riCM A. TAV I.oßt. AIIMUtA, Gil. Mot ice to 5-.^.. j j V: * "' I '' MER S „ IF YOU WANT TO PURCHASE A Cotton Seed Oil mill V COT “ON f,’IN, A COTTON FEEDER, A COT TON CONDENSER. A COTT ON FRESH, OR A SAW MILL, Pulleys, Shafting. Haageri AS l> MILL HO UK. Witte to II- for PRICES ami DISCOUNTS. _W« make it 10 y.iur interest to buv iliiect from us. K. VAN WISK L K <( CO., Mann/aeturtrs, _ ” ATLANTA, GA. •fOTIO ETO THE TRADE V’e „. v « .iiscouots to tlm train 5.19.3 ATI a N F (> ] GIA. —MANUFACTURERS OF— fiossypi um Phospho. THE GREAT CORN ANI* CO7TON FERTILIZER. Special Manure for Soul hern Limit* ami Crops It contains all the Elements of Flan Food in their Bbbl Form It has stood die Test of years, and is now regirded as One of e Safest and K©it Fertile i Use Thousands ofFaruieis iu Georgia, A'abama, Tennessee aup Floridr. and many of .he most prominent Clubs use it * fair To whom we refer It is one of the Hig - grade fertilizers sold in Georgia (See Agricultural Lepartment Reports) We in vite tests alongside the bast Fertilizers in use. We offer ii low for Cash, or on Time for currency on Cotton. We are the original and only manufacturers of Gossypium Phospho lie grea> success and wonderful popularity, has brought i .to the markets seveial immita tions. None genuine unless branded on each sack : Manufacluied by GEORGE W. SCOTT A J J., \tuiu, Ochilla ©uano The richest NATURAF BIRD IJANO now on the market! Does not fire the erop in dry Seasons. The finest I>aße for Composting to be had. Mr It should be put iu the ground or Compost early. # 3-a mo. PaadletDa’s VvA Pi mu 1 ;. NONE BETTER. Onr stock of Seeds, Farm Implements, Churns, Feed Cutters, Corn Shellers, Planters, (’tiltivaturs. Reapers, Threshers EnCINES, ETC. IS FULL AND COMPLETE MRK W. JOHNSON & ‘J7arietta Street, PRECAUTION! DR. RIGGERS’ HUCKLEBERRY CORDIAL.