The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, August 18, 1885, Image 3

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HKHALI). ‘ r ' bH,ht ‘' COUNTS. ’ r t ju G-iHiesville this week Bill Mojo l'*s <o Ailan i; Iti ,b iVlnninl Las moved in *.»«* bollse <r ( ,i oeiV Brown is clerking y \ Garrison. yj, Willis Robertson, of Atlau ' filing friends at this place. ix V viil McCurdy, of Stone [yuntait. pai‘f ° ur town a visit it seek jtrs. Kelly and family of Mo |f iig., and Mrs. King of At Dr. Mitchell. ne ,een a newly married coup le other day hunting for a riiture. But such is life. Hisses Ida Brand and Annie (o|i« r , two of Logansville’s fair -1 dowers, has been visiting onr srnthis werk. Judge Hatchings returned m from J ckson court last fiat day md left yesterday for Wal -oto attend court in Monroe this Ml M County was represent jj, it.,- it<icat Fin iuers,('..nven !B 1 (V \V. 11. Hnnnicntt, Geo. A. Geo. H. Jones sml W. |, Wilson, Hr. Mack Cornet', tms served j, connection with the mareuiitilo Jll9 e u s Mr. J. L». Spence, and Uacceptctl a position with the [essra luand- We bail the pleasure of meet igMi A 1! 1' Yeal, an enterpris a merchant of Stcne Mountaio tour streets yesterday. He is first class business man, and we jib him sue ress. To day is die las', retivn day rthe September Term of t?win it! Superior Court: The return ill probably be a very small one, the Justice Courts do most of i! col lectin these days. We have just received over to thousand dollars worth of oihiiie of every description arid fie, and we will sell you a suit oni sis to thirty dollars. Come ill see. A i.mand & Co W. J- 1). Skelton, of Eastman, odge County, called to see us it week. He was tor many »rs a citizen of our villiage and mingling with his old friends lia week. Capt. Martin of Atlanta, an del Uier who cun tell nipny interest g incidents of wur times came > from Atlruta last Thursday, i bis wife, to visit friends and to in the camp meeting’. Hiss Lillie Mitchell, one of itreni'eville’s fa\rest young la («, has been visiting Miss Annie •Hatte, at the Methodist Col ege deft many wounded hearts in bnesvil/e among the young men, ■Engle & /'res s. Miss Annie LaHatte 'eft this orning for Lawrenceville, where "goes to spend some time with ‘ff'ieml Miss Lillie Mitchell, taring her absence she will visit svera l friends in South Georgia, d will return about the latter of the mou to.— Southron. ■Mge J. R. Alexander of Thom Hille, at present a Representa ,eiD the Legislature, was iu at. “danee upon the camp meeting ''Sunday, The Judge was rais Eear Lawrencevilie, but says 'has been away so JoDg that 6tr| } every body are strangers •him. di e largest and best assorted 1 bottling ever brought to 18 market cau be found at AL 'AND & CO’S, rs ’ Cringle, the noted evauge* urooinpanied by her husband 18111 attendance on the Camp lll g and gave a lecture to the . ,e ® last Sunday evening. 1116(1 preachers are something * 111 section of country and arbor was packed by the crowd * ious 10 beer her speak. ( is lather a strange proposj ( at a man in jail wants to ir u ’t a warrant: And yet le Jnformed taat one of onr ,^ 01le t 8 H6D| for a Justice of the Wee * f ’ to IVO ft WHrran t t 6 J ,r 8 party,who he was in 016,1 ba.i iasulted his wife. " *•« GI NS REPARED. “rtiei, who wish their gins re s ‘iHi|jene<l would Jo !be fi ,Ue -Lawrencevilie hodll Wefek of «*“* IJo tatii,Q ' k (guarantee satks J- M. La.nolev We regret to leun ihat Jo*ep W. Baxter an old citizen of this comity aud formerly a represen ative in the legislature is critically ill at his home near Suwannee His recovery is regard© 3as veiy doubtful. Mr. S. C. Poe has just comple ted his brick kiln at Duluth. He will commence next week the er ecuou of a business house for Mr McMiiih’an at that place. T. P Townley has the contract for the wood work. Don’t fail to call ai Almaud k Co. for Clothing. Oo to Alinand A Co amt get a good sewing machire also cook stoves and furniture. Dr. E F. Adair, of the fi'-m of Drs. Adair & Adbv, Dentists, Gainesv’le Ga. w ; ll be in L iw rtuceville Ga the first week of the fah term of Superior court, for the purpose of,practicing deutist ry- REMEMBER THIS. Remember when you attend court herr, the 7lb inat., to drop in to see ns. We want to shake ’your hand and collect what you "re due us on subscription.—2l; If yon want, wbi e Lawns Call on Almand & Co. WHY HE.SMILES. Yon need not ask ns what causes that two-for- a quarter smile which illuminates the geniul countenance of oqt old friend, Mr. John M. \\ ilson. The leason is appoarant: A visiting angel left a bouncing girl baby at his home the other night, and Dr. Mitchell says the lictle stranger aud moth er are doing well. I will pay lOcts. per dozen for eggs, in trade, for the nexi 10 days J. A. Cofgee. SHOT IN THE LEG. We understand (hat; a shooting affair occuied near Duluth. It stems that Mr. Bcntly has a wafer meion pufoli that is u sore tempta tion to the boys in that vicinity. When 'hey pass by and see the large luscious melones l)iog so temptingly around, it required more self control than a great mauy boys lmve to keep outside ihe fence. Mr. Bently has been missing his melons frequently and deter, turned to watch the patch one n<gkt. After waiting some time two boy, entered pud when he attempted to catch them the older one got over the fence but he ctu’ght the younger one. He found they were tons of his neigh bor Herrington. He determined to carry the boy to Hib father for correction. The older brother came hack, when he saw his broth er was c mg Lit and demanded that llently tut u him loose. This Lo refused 10, do. IFhereupon a fight ensued aud Bently was shot in /lie leg. /’ho wound is not dangerous but Bently will have to hop around his patch for a while. The young man has stepped off to get a little fresh air. STATE AGRICULTURAL AS SOG'ATION. Having just teturned from the meeting of the Agricultural socie ty of the State, 1 thought ii prop er and right to furnish you foe publication, a sLort account of our doings. This county was represented by three delegaies, and one member of the executive committee —-they were all present. 74 e con vent ion met in the Court house, at 10 o’clock, a. in.,on Tuesday tlie 11th and after die usual address of welcome and responses, the con vention settled down to work in good earnest. Very few of the tlelsgaies and officers were absent and I suppose there were present at the roll call, about 300 in a", We were distributed among the citizens and consigned to homes, except those that went to the hos tel. Tlie officers were consigned 10 the hotel, and the delegates dis tributed, and entertained in a roy a. manner. The first business in order as« tar perfecting tlie roil, was the re pon of Prof. IJ. C. White, of ex periments at the Uuiversi y farm, at Athens. Professor White, from totne cause, could not be with us, and the report was des peused with until February next. We were very much disappointed, and a! ways regrat when we fail to hear the report and address of the Professor, at our meetings, we think these experiments so ably Conducted by Prof While, are of vital impor'ance to the success of tin farmer. President Living stcu, delivered a very abie ad dress. His theme was, “Stick to me Farm ajd Home, aDd have concentration of aciion-" He demonstra'ed beyond a di nbt that the agricultural interest of all sections depended upon these two questions, as well ns everything else. We also had the pleasure of hearing a fke address upon, "The nature, cultivation, and uses of Red Clover," by Mr, Newman, f Alabama. He told when, fin how to plant the send, and every thing pertaining to it, and urged us to grow more clover; thought wo would have better aud fatter stock by l s use, and more an . b Her butter. Coi, A. S, Way, also addressed us, his subject be ing, "Livo a t Home." I would have been glad if evety farmer in Gwinnett could have heard bis talk, //is purpose was to impress upon young men. and old men, the importance, the drgnity and pleasure of a farmer’s life aud home, and urged young men to remain upon the farm. He said ii was a filial aud pitiiotic duty foi 'he sons to remain ami lin ’d up the vveal/h and glory of the good old ino'her of their infancy; (and 1 think so too). Col. L’viugstou was re-elec ed president of the Society, without opposition, and E C (Jreer, elect ed secretary. Our executive com mittee i re from each congressional district, as well an vice presi lenls, were also eltcled- The old otlicers in ihe main were re-elected- W e have decided to hold a stale fa ; ", and it will begin the 26th of Oct., ruuning one week Hope to see more of Gwinnett down there this year than last. Cobb county is one of.lhe brat agricuhurn' ccun lies ; n the state, and the farmers seem to have more grit and push than in other counties. They have in each militia district a club and a central club with a fr : r ground They hold their first fair on the 12th, and invited anu hanled all 1 the deleuates out that wished to go. Ycur coirespon ent went,and saw what concentration of action can do. The farm products ’’n cludirg every th'Dg ta’sed on the farm end garden were on oxbibi tion. Stock of all k uds and it fact every thing you usually see at a State fair was there, and if / am any Judge was the finest I have seen anywhere. Jersey cows Devon cows, and other fancy breeds, //ors, t, oxen, mules,hogs, goats, chickens, geese, tu-key, pea fowls, apples, peaches, peas, wale melons aud everything that you can imagine was there all from Cobb county. Then the men, old aud young, the women old aud young w ith all the ch’ , c ,v en and servants a’l from Cobb county And the stump pulling man, the patent churn man, lhe patient lev el ma \ and hundreds of other things two (ed’eus to be mention ed here. But last and not least was tne dinner, enough it seems t> ut for the Universe,a suita ble premium was oiford on most of the articles, and the committees or judges were appointed from the members of our socie y. Your correspondent was on the commit tee to award prem’ums lo the cow producing the most butter for the seven days proceeding the fair tne butter being on exhibition am l weighed, the premium was given to a scrub or native cow, that bad produced 14 pouuds,. beating all the fuucy breeds on the ground, she belongs to Mr. Legg of Srnyr na d’strict, the sweep-stake for milk was a ogtade of Jersey. I saw some beautiful Jersey cattle there, one in particu'ar belonging to Bill Winn of Marietta. 1 also saw the finest yoke of oxen there that I ever seen, in fact the show was a good one all throngh and speaks in thunder tones for con cent rabon, confidence in each other and grit and perseverance, the fp-mers of Cobb are prospmous and happy and may tney remain so as they welt deserve. The crop report from delegates was exceedingly tine. Carrol| county reporting one field of cor n ten acres, that is estimated to make (1500) one thousand five hundred bushels; it was reported that one men Lad, or would make two thousand bushels cf sweet po/alces, and his way of saying them throngh the winter is some thing new and wonderful Every body was in good spirits, and the geneneral opinion is that Ga., will stert out from this year, 1885.wit,h better propects than any since 1860. We had the usual quoto of visitors among us. Governors, present and past, and Judges and other- wanting to be Gov., all w ; ’)ing to be upou the altar ali clever fellow, seemingly. Then we had among us the anti R. It. commission men. And ihe anti prohibition man, the ant' fence min, all willing to talk Ibeir theme, but to onr credit, and surpiise there was a l.otedatid conspicuous absence of officiousness among the deh-ga#cß, /bey all to a man, seem seemed lired and contented with himself and surroundings and did not see a man irooxicated while there, if the Gwinnett delegates saw or smelt any us Rady's eye water they kept it a secret from me. 'They behaved themselve.- with credit to themselves and coun ty. I could write much more of interest but this is getting too long to keep you and yours in a good humor much longer. J. RERSONAL MENTION. Our town is ironged With visitors tbi.v week lhe following is as complete a list as we can got up. Miss Ida Kirb.v, daugb'er ol of Jngde Kirby of .Yew mi.u. Miss Clara and Miss Cor„ Tbo mas, daughter of Capt. L. R. 7’uo mas of Atlauta. Mr. John, Wilson formerly at attach <e »ts this office, wLo i.- uow with the Suny South. Mr Will and John Medela'd of Stone Mount an. Newton Robinson and famly of Atlanta. John l'osbll and Wash Huns tou of Decs'ur IN MEMORIAM. The snbjerJ of .his noli, e, S stir Mi'da A. Carroll, was born May 24th, 1827, and joined Liberty Baptist church July 2->th 1840, and was bap ised by Rev, I Cook. She was a daughter of William and Sarah McDaniel, and was married to Bro. James C. Carroll, January 10, 1854, nod de parted /his l'fo June 16th 1885, Sister Carroll has been rn invalid for nea ly sevent ecu years, her suffeitngs at limes being great, she patiently endured it aO. being fully resigned to the will of God. She pre-sed away from this uit friendly world in the fn’l (’•iutnpb oj a living faith, *ili ; ug her rela tiona and friends that she was go ing to that blissful home beyond this vale of tears. Sister Carrol leaves a hnsbrud and 'ltree chil dren to mot" n their lose. A/ a y the God of a'l sustaiu them and all the family circle now clothed with this sad bereavement >n the loss of a dear wife, a fond and lov ;, ig mother. We hereby tender to the her aved family tht sym puthies of this church in their sad anil sore afflictions, hoping the' - '' loss is her eternal gain. May the the great comforter of his people santify this bereavmen', to the good of a'l the relations and and friends of die deceased Respectfully submitted Mas. Es.iUne Johnson, ( “ Jane Nash, -< Com. “ M‘".tua Stf .rns. ( J. R. Cain. Ordered spread upon the chv> -eh a copy to be sent to the f/tuxNKTT Hekvld, with a request to publish. Church Clebk. BUFORD. A survey 'ng party left our town last week, after having finished the survey of the Cov'Qgton and North Georgia R >1 Road to the .Air Line R. R. at Greens cross mg, three mdes above Buford And still we have cit-'zens com ing to //ufortl. to live ard waning land, It is still se .sonablo and the vegitable kingdom is on a boom. Big meetings are in progress now, and many are joining the Churches. Tlie prospect of plenty should cause all to feel thanktul and hum ble and ia their leisure serve God. The Lawrenceville BiptistAss sociation meets with the Suwanee Church three miles south of Bu ford on Fiiday the 21st. insf Nine years ago it convened at the same place. Some will not be present this jear that were there then. Mellons, peaches and sweet cider, and ripe chickens ard sweet potatoes and nearly a t other veg etables ate plenty now. Anon. ROISON O \K. Spartanburg, S. C. Maxell 13, 1883.—Yotr most valuable medi cine, Swift’s Specific, has done me so much good that I feel like say ing something for the beneli* of those wuo suffer like I did. 1 was poisoned by poison oak. and saw not a weli day for six years, until I used Swift’s Specific In the six years I useu almost every kind of medicine, bat none hud the de sired effect. Aftea using six bot tles of Swift s Specific I am restor ed to periect belt Li—with no sign of that awful poison left. David Nesbet. I had for thirty-eight years suf fered every spring and 6Utnme with poison oak, which 1 contract, ed in bathing wuen a boy. I tried everything for it, including many physicians, but without any bene fit I took six bottles of Swift’s Specific. S. S S., four yeaes ago, and it cured me sound aud well. Three summers have passed, acid 1 have bad no retuan of it. Joseph Beasley. Columbus, Ga. BLOOD TAINT- I was suffering from blood pois on and murcural Rheumatism, and had spent SSOO for treatment with no benefit, and it seemed that I was doomed to '*ie. Caught at Swift’s Specific as a drowning mat. would at a straw, and it has saved me from a horri' le death, and cured me sound and well. It is the greatest medicine in the world- C. H- Si M I.EY. Quineey, 111. HORROR OF MINERAL I’OIS ONING. I housatuls : f p.rsous are poison ed in America by ihe continued use of Mercury, iodide of Pulas stum ail 4 itlur minerals, f. rva nous d'seasts. The Meioury works it way into tlie tissus, pro l duemg rheumatism aud decay ol the baies The lodide of Rat as-iuni eates hwuv hecoutiigol the stomach, and diioSi up the gastric juices which dlge.-t the food, and the patient lingers along in a'ong or is glad to die to get away from misery. Swill’s .Speci fic is a comple e antidote to all this poison It eliminates Mers cury from ihe system, removes the evil eft'ecisnf lodide of Rotass um. aud filings back health and happi * ‘B9- Tieatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free The Swift Specific Co., Drawer J, Atlanta, Ga, Don’t fill ll e system with qui nine in the effort to prevent or cure fever and Ggne. Ayer’s Ague Cure is a far mote poteui preventive and remedy, with Ihe advantage of leuving in die no poisons to produce dizziness deaf ness, headache, and other disord ers. The proprietors warrant it Young old ai d middle aged, a lexpeiience the wonderful boner fiend effects of Hyor’s Sar-aprillu Young children suffering from sore eyes, sore ears scald-head, or or with any wit h anv scrofu'ous or syphlitio taint, may be made healthy aud s.vrong by its us. Brail fields Female Regulator will gi>e a blooming color an olass tic step and cheerful spirit of sal low complexion, heavy drugging motion and meloucholy deposi tion. Send for treatise on ‘“Health and happiness of Women," mailed free Bradtield Regulator Co., Atlanta Ga. Many persons suffer from horrid dreams and frigh.ful heart pains, accouipi nied by nigh'mure. If ihe liver acts properly it temovas obj ctionable matier from tne ind in order to pause tqo liver to act pivpeily lake Sini'Vs Bile Berns on go ng to bed, R, co, two bits per per bottle. Every day we see accounts of some one who has had Ins “load of bde removed,” uud b a system put in'borough rep ii- by us'ng Smith’s Bile Beans. Read their praises of thir wonderful remedy. Two bits per bottle. RBJLROAD RACKET. My wife has been a g.ea. suffer er from catarrh Several pbysi cians and various patent medf cines were roß.rtod to, yet the dis ease continued unabated, nothing appea.iuy to make any impression upon it. Her constitution fii ally oecme impliacated, the poison being ; n ber blood- I secured a bot,l tof B, B. R, and placed her upm its use, amt to our surprise the improvement began at once, and her recovery was rapid and complete. No oth er preparation evir pro luce 1 such a wonderful change, ond so all foimsjof Blood disease I cheerfully reccomend B B. B. as a superior Bloop purifier. R. E‘ Dodge. Yurdmasu-r Georgia Rtu'road, Atlanta ba. Georgia, Gwinnett Coun'y. M. Jackson, administrator as Lewis A JacYson, deeejused, has in due form applied lo me to sell one dwelling house and lot whereon it is situated in the town of Noreross (i win nett County fronting on (’hureli street opposite the residence of JL K. (-Jem ents and adjoining lot of I*. 11. 1L Gower on f it* West, and adjoining house aud lot now oeeupied by p, K Tapp, on the east, aud eontfcirmig oi.e a re, inore| or less. Also one stoie house and lot in Noreross, adjoint g stone house lot of .... Durham, on tie North; the store and dwelling ol of F Buchanan on the south, a pnbhc s'reef on the West, and the Uower old jot on the east, and containing 1-8 of an acre more or less, and sain appli cation vvi'l i>e heard on the first Mon day in October next. This Aug. sth 18H5, J. T. Lamk'c, Only. 13 WEEKS ,$1 The I’UUIUK (4A/.HI’I’K will mailed, securely wrapped, to any in the Uni tart 8 tales lor three in receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount- nllowtd to postmas ters, agents and data. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to HI Oil Alii) K, FOX, Franklin Square, New York, 1-20 ly LAW HENCE V/LLE It R Arrive Lawrenceeviilo,... .7:0 a m Arrive a Sttwanee, 7:40 a m Leave Suwannee .., 7:38 p m Arrive Lawrenceville... 8:22 y m The rain leaving Lawre iceville at 7:00 a. m., makes close eonnec ion with tue “Belle rain” a Su-- wance, arriving in A 1 taa a 9: 20 . a. m. Returing leaves Atlanta 6:15 p m and arrivingat Lawi mce ville a 8:22 p. m. EDWIN BERKLEY Supeiiuten lent Georgia Gwlnneti County. WUerea* . H. Holbrook. Adminis trator oi j. p, IJyllu:odß repie(Nßnt»'to the court. In his pretition duly tiled that helms fully administered said J. F. Holbrooks estate, this is herefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditoistoshow caused any ihey can ywh said aduiisfarator de bon is non, should not be discharged fr nnh's ad ministrator should not las discharged from h's udinbi-tiulion and receive letters sf dismission on the lirsl Mon day ’’i November 1885 J. T Lamkin. O.dinary. July 21st 'BS. CONSUMPTION. I hare a positive remedy for the above dlseue; by Ite nse thousands of cases ul the worst kind ana of long ■laudintr havelmen cun d. I n-leed ••ostrmigi - ray faith la tMaflieacjr,that I wl t send two non id s together with a V A I.UAHLE TKKATISK on this <).»•»•« lu any ts c* r Uiveei press sml V O addr« aa pa T. ▲. ai.u vM.lai P.aViSt , Mew York* Georgia Gwinngt Com ty. Whereas, W. C. Alton, lulininistni tor wilh (ii,. will annexe.l Mm hew I Mainilton repn-seststo ll .mil in H- li.'lilipn duly 111.-. l liinl hehii-ful ii'lui iilfitiHTfiMuthew 1, 1 tuiiiiltoiis estate. This i- (herolnre lo eite all poisons emi'-erned, heirs and eredj. Ini'S, To show eiiuse ij any they ean wliy said adininist nitnr sjii.nhl hoi he discharged Imm Ids ad in i nisi nil ion and reeeive letters «>( dismission on (lie Ilrsl Monday in 1 l.Tolier ISH, r i AM KS T. I .AVI KIM, i lns duly l-i 'So Ordinary Ll L L HGEBk, 14 W hitehal' Street, ATLANTA, GA, l ye, Kar, Tlii'oul and Nose Diseuse- U speeiall v. julyT-* f 11 IHMIA U S 5T IMPROVED ix STAND’D turbine 1- tlie best eail“lri ted 'vvl »n«t llnisho.l, give bei l>‘l’ pei'eenlage, I ore tlfl I"'"’ 1 ' nmt is so I for j [ij iess money per horse -■AST power, than aim other ► Turbine in Hie world tsA Now pam'ddel sent free l>v BURNHA d. BROS.. Yo'rlr. Pa. Brisk For Bale. Ahtmt .‘HMHHI Hrick lor sale, left over from ('ourl House, Tin* luieks will average from l-.’l lo 1 ‘i luird, will umkegood ehimnevs. PrU'e four dollars per thousand, ('oinettnd gel them ai tmee, s»» that the (’ourl House yurtl may he eleuited off. A nutuher of doors, window frames, and a lot of good sleepers for sale. J VS I) SPUN ’K. Chm Ud (’o (’out, July 27’8f>-2m. J, A, HfJjST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NORCROSN, HA. Will practice in Hie Superior Courts and courts of Ordinary of the coun ties of (iwinuott and Milton, and in the usllees’ court of iiolli counties. Special and prniupi attention given to collecting, Feb D-'BS-(lmo. Von Cannot liny It in Ihf f Har-roonis. What an absurd idea it is to send a sick man, with an ailing stomach, a torpid liver, and impoverished blood, to a bar-room to swallow some stimulating stuff’, and ca.ll it medicine! An enormous ainourff of ntischie. is constantly done oy men who thus trifle with themselves. Instead of healing their diseases,they make them worse. Instead of gaining trength, they only inquire tlia isgraceful habit of^ti'tpling. It is a point worth noting in con lection with Broiois Iron Bitters , that this valuable medi ine is not sold in bar-rooms, and will not be. It is not a drink. Jt is a remedy. It is not made to tickle the palate of old topers. It is made to heal disease. It is not made to promote the good-fellowship of a lot of bib ulous fellows standing around a bar and asking each other, “What will you take ?’’ It is a true tonic; an iron medicine, containing the only prepa ration of iron which can safely and beneficially be taken into tlie system IF YOU WANT TO FILL YOUR GAME BAI AND MAKE BIG SCORES, USE Remingtoi IFLES-Zn] shot GUNS All the Latest Improvements. ♦»» FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman & Co SOLE AGENTS FOR E.Remington&Son: Sporting Arms and Ammunition, 281 & 283 Broadway, NEW YOR WESTERN OFFICE, D. H. LAMBERSON L. CO., T 3 3tat« Btreet, Chicago, ARMORY, - - - ILION, N. Y REMINGTOI SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES IADE 111 THE BEST MANNER, 8Y SKILLED WORKI REMEMBER THAT OUR ROODS ARE ALWAYS RE LIAR One Piece of Solid Steel. NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BLA SEND FOR CIRCULARS. REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL C« II.ION, N. Y. law York Office* 118 Chombers Htro ' IV. . JVi.y Li... rallld. Considering all the ills that attack Fttle children, it is a wonder that any of the poor little youngsters live to grow up. There arc children who are truly objects of pity. T tu.y seem almost bloodless. Their cr eeks are thin wnd pinched; their eyes are hollow; tmd their skin is tightly drawn foreheads. There is nothing hearty about them. They Jo no' enjoy their lives. Th£y are suffer tg from the debility that lends tomvrasmus. Poor things! D< a good deed for the pale, pool, puny, pallid ffiild. Bandits mother a bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters. Here is even for the .most-delicate, the most debilitated; for the child almost given up for dead. Iron in the blood is what the child needs to bring it up. The Httle digestive apparatus \. ; U re cover. The pale cheeks will fill out The wc». v groat, of the child w ill be exchanged lor the merry prattle of infan*'! - gladness. Your druggist will Itll ■<>■: wi'-t wonders IWvwn'n Iron '.actor'. . y-i i < liildrc" TIII ITC ftsksisfEa I fl WWm A If V* Murhilir Mini*. 8 AA EA A ■ A_ i i -4 "e "v B wh ß e e"sT! I htINOINO MACHINES I M.»uu. O* . ft. CHOLERA -oun DAMIR The Great Southern remedy KOR BOWEL TROUBLES, CHILDREN TEETHING, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY AND CRAMP COUC. nk. BICKiERS’ HUCKLEBERRY CORDIAL should he kept in every household. It is one of the most pleasant and efficacious remedies there is for summer com* plaints. How necessary it is, at a season o» the year when violent and sudden attacks of the bowels are so frequent, you should have some speedy relief at hand. It will save much pain aud anxiety, as well uy large doctor hills. lhe wearied mother, losing sleep night after night in nursing the little one suffering such a drainage upon its system from the ettects of teething, should use this invaluable medit ine. For sale by all at 50 cents a bottle. ac. stamp for Kiddle Book, to WAUiH i. T.4V1.0H. Atlanta. GA. Notice to ~ FARMERS, IF YOU WANT TO PURCHASE A Coton Seed Oil mill A COTTON ( .’IN, A COTTON FEEDER, A COTTON CONDENSER. A COTTON PRESS, OR A SAW MILL, Pulleys, Shafting, Hangars AM) MILL WORK. Write to us for PRICES and DISCOUNTS. We make it to your interest to buy diioct from us. K. VAN WINKLE <f- CO., Manufacturers, ATLANTA, GA. O ! ETO THE TRADE—We give discounts to tlie trade. 5.19 3 ATIj NT OB lIOIA.. —MANUFACTURERS OF GrOssypium Phospho. THE GREAT CORN AND CO7TON FERTILIZER. Special Manure for Southern Lauda aud Oops. It contains all the Elements of Plant Food in their Best Form. It has stood the Test of yoars, and is now regarded as one of Te Safest and Best Fertile 1 Use Thousands ofFarrneis in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee anp Floridr. and umny of die most prominent Agricultural Clubs use it. #oT To whom we refer. It i« one of the Higl grade fertilizers sold in Georgia. (See Agricultural Department Reports.) We in vite tests alongside the l)Bst Fertilizers in use. We offer it low for Cash, or on Time for currency on Cotton. We are the original aud only manufactnrers of Goseypium Phospho. Its great [success and wonderful popularity, hits brought into the markets several immita tions. None genuine unless branded on each sack : Manufactuiod by GEORGE W. SCOTT & CO., Atlanta, u». OcMlla uano The richest NATURAL BIRD UANO now on the market! Does not fire the crop in dry Seasons. The finest base lor Composting to be had. Bia!f* It should be put in (be ground or Compost early. Peapjeotn’s Guano, Pendleton’s Acid Phosphat. NONE BETTER. Our stock of Seeds, Farm Implements, Churns, Feed Cutters, Corn Shelters, Planters, Cultivator#, Reapers, Threshers EnCINES, ETC. IS FULL AND COMPLETE. y MRK W 27a rietta Street, PRECAUTION! DR. BIGGERS’ HUCKLEBERRY CORDIAL.