The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, August 18, 1885, Image 4

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srFFI’IVG STONES TO sro CESS. Letrn your business thorough ly. Keep at one thing—iu nowise Change. Always be iu haste but never in hurry. Observe systvm iu all you do and uuderwke. Morth doing at all g worth doing well. One to day is worth two to morrows. Be self relirnt ; do not take two much advice, but lather depend on yourself. Never fail to keep yottf appoint ments, dor be punctual to the min ute. Never be Idle but keep your Lauds or mind usefully employed excet when sleeping Toial abstinence never destroy ed a home, blighted a wife or curs ed a child. Total abstinence never robbed a man of character, manliness or iotegrny, Total abstinence never tilled a jail or au almshouse. Total abstinence never led a pure life into vice, nor blackened a pure heart with shame. Total abstinence never tilled the land with walling nor its house hold with want. Use charity with with all ; be ever genet ona in thought aud deed help otner along life’s i homey path. Make no itus/e to lie rich : re member that small and steady gains give competency and Iran quiliiy to mind. He that ascends a ladder must take the lowest round. V.U who are above were onoe beloow. To the friends of the Stuoklaw I would say, test ttie tjnesii® t ad measure Many men in the districts, us u districts measure have voted aga ost it, who would vote for it as a county measure. Drinking habus destroy, bligh' and enrse, Drinking habits iob and impov erish. Drirking habits lead into vice and shame. Which is better—total edee or moderate drinking ? A BRIGHT IDEA. "Let me have tive two cent stamps, please,” said a lady to the retail clerk in the post oftice yes terday. “Yessum,,’ he said handing them out. “Can’t you let me have t hem in one piece i> ‘ “Certainly tua am ’said t) e clerk “Can 1 send them honu for you ?” "Oh, no; I dou’i live far—only on the North side—and l am go ing rign home. I wouldn’t want to put sou to the trouble.’ “No troub’e at all said the clerk “1 haven’t nery much to do to bay, I cauld vero easily spa e an lroor.” “Yerp much obliged, ’’ srid tne lady, stuilling sweetly. “Dear me,” she said, putting on a stamp, ‘what a horrid bother it is to stamp letters! Why can’t we send letteis and let the post office send in their bill once a month?’' “They might just ae well,’ said the clerk, sjmpathzingly ‘l’d mention the fact in my next mens sage to Congress.” “Will you? Ifow nice! Bid yon musd’t mention my t.atin * May the idea was suggested by u North Side society lady.” “Dick, why don’t you join the rhurcli V “W T ell, to be plain with yon, par-on, some of dad’s family have to drive oxen, and you know a weli as I do that a man can’t drivs oxen, and live a consistent mem oer of the chnruco. Good aura mg, par son. Gee buck, you gc-h d—nolf rascal.” ‘Now Marjr, mv! a father to his. daughter, who lad a lover of tliv never mleceiiistime-of •night kind, “I have no ohjeetiou to »oor bringing compinj. to the house, but I don’t want 10 see thai Keely motor beau of yours here again ; that’s “My what beau Your Keely moter bo&u.” “Wuy <lo you call him by such | a name t “Because be in one of those chaps that won’t go. Loathe;- wheels are unde in France for tailrual and < ther cars Untauntd huffa ! o hides are cut in to strips, and these are built np into soid dies, which are strongly held together by two iron rings after they have been subjected to hydraulic pressure. AN ENTERPUI iING I.ELI BLE HOUSE Winn & Vaughan can always 1>« relied upon, not only io carry in stock the best of everything, but to secure ihe for such ar ticles as have well known merit and are popular with the people, theieby sust ' (lie reputation of bei. g ulways enterprising, aud ever reliable H«vinir the agency for the celebrated Dr King's New Discovery for Con sumption, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection of Throat, n. ungs, and best, and to show our contideiua, we invite you to all ami get a .rial bottle free. AYER’S Hair Vigor restores, with the gl«»s aud treshnsss of vouth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich browu color, or deep black, as may he desired, lfry its use light or red hair may be darkened, thiu hair thickened, aud baldness often, though not always, Cured. It checks falling of the Lair, and sttmu late* a weak aud sickly growlh to vigor, it prevents and cures scurf auddaudrutt, and heals uca 'y every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladies’ Hair Dressing, the Viuor is une< .'tailed ; it contains ueilhei oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, gu»s«y, aud silken iu api>e;irance, and imparts a dclicais, agreeable, aud lasting {terfume. Mr 0. P. Brk hfr write? 1 from Kirby. O. Jh'i/ A, li«2 ; "Last fall my hail couiniencea falling out, au<( iu a short time I became nearly bald. I used part of a boft.e of A i Fit’s Hair VIOoR, Which dapped the tail ing of the hair, aud started a new growth. 1 have no w a full head of hair growing vigor ously, and am convinced that hut tor the use of your preparation t should have been entirely bald." J. W. Bowex, proprietor of tlie McArthur (Ohio) Kitquit'rr, says : AVI K.IH MU \ liluß is a most excellent preparation for the lia-r. 1 speak of it from my own experience, ii* use promotes tlie growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soil. The ViOoH is also a sure cure for dandrulT'. Not within my kuo.vledge has the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction." Mr. tvora F\iris \ ikv, leader of the celcbrali d “ Faii luiru Family " of Scottish Vocalists, writes Irom /in*ton, /■Vfc. 6, IK.SO. '• l.ver since my hair liegan to give sil very eriilcnce of the chance which fleeting lime proctucth, I have used AviU’s Haik ViUOIt, ami stt have hceii able to maintain an appearance of youthfulnrss a matter of consio«rahle •••mi-*- jm* net- to ministers, ora ton», a• tors, in I ii i i every one who lives in the eyes tin* public " Mlts. o. \ |*i;; -♦ .ii r. am ding from IP F/m .St., 4 h'h h stolen , */" • . i/n >l 11. Issj, says : •* 'i o years ago t \o thirds of my hair eameotf. It llmoicd \cr> rapidly, and I was tast gloving h.» Id iHi u-ing Avt.K'a llAtu Vn»"U lh« falling stoppi-tl aud a new growth commenced, ami in ah"»u a mouth in> head was compl. Itdv coy.-ietl with short hair. It has continued t» grow, and i? now ns good as before I*ll. I l egiOfil h used h'it one IfOttle of tbc \ Hi'iH, but cm Uee it oc< . tonally at a dressing " We have binnli ' < f t'miilai te«Miiu)iiiftli to the efticacv of a\i i; > II mij \ icon. U needs hut a trial to convince the mort skepti cal of its value. PREPARED RV Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co.,Lowell, Mas*. Sold ti> All DrugKifU. KING'S EVIL Was the name formerly iriveu i j -iron r%. because- of a *ui>( rsliiioii liiul ii eou.J (.• cured by a king's touch. ’I he vcoi la h wiser now, aud kttovs I hut SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purltica tion of the blood. If this i- neglected the disease perpetuates its taint tbrou-. I generation after generation. \ tnoiig i earlier symptomatic' development* ai Eczema, Cutuneoiis Eruptions, I n mors, Bolls, Carbuncles, Krysipela Purulent Ulcers, .Nervous ami I’l.j steal Collapse, etc. If allowed to cot tlnue. Rheumatism, Scrofulous « tarrh, Kidney aud Idver disease Tubercular Consumption, and tat ousother dangerous or fatal maladies, a;, produced by it, i/er’s Sarsapar/ilo ft the only power ful and hlikiij i r*li«b‘ blood-purif'iiiiff medicine. It Is so i ft. , ual au alterative that it eradicates :'r< the system Hereditary Scrofula, i. the kindred poisons of i oiilaulon* iit»* ,t and mercury. At the smile >in., it . riches and Vitalizes the blood, tcslot: healthful action to the vital oceans >■ rejuvenating lire entire system Tbisgi Regenerative Medicine la composed of the genuine Tfavdai Sarsaparilla, with ieilav la ck. Si lingia, tht lodides of Potassium ui Iron, aud o ' er in .-redienrs of cleat i tency, curcndly and ‘cientiticalir c poutided. Its formula is generally kino to the medical pmfessloli, and tin I. physicians constat; Iv preset the Ai ki 3AK.SAPAHII.LA its !> Absolute Fare For alUllsctises e- ■ » by the \ii 1., t loa the blood. If t- e, ,• •• rifl'd to the I. est practical*: ‘ d re far lievntid t other preparation to. which like rtb are claimed and i- ilicn fore the etn-ape > as well as the b f blood |ut If' in - 11. lu the wot id. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PfIhFAKKI) ut Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co , Lowell. If** ( Auul> ilftil UlieinUtv. Pold by all IM ugk’tat*: I'li. t* $\ Ifnill»-s for Royal, Rich lied Blood. In this country wo are all kings, and we are all entitled to have as good blood as that which courses through the veins of emperors. There are princes and million aires, langu .hing in feebleness and broken-down bodily health, who would be glad to have the strength of the humblest laboring man. And there are many people who are neither kings, emperors, nor millionaires, whose blood is thin, whose circulation is poor, who are suffering from lassitude and debil ity, and w ho know not the pleasure of a hearty meal nor the enjoy ment of being .tide to do a g 0.«.! day’s work. if such people will put some». >i into their blood, they wi'* “tv I /. and enrich it. They cat, do u- u ‘ tlte u:e of brown's Iron Bnt< the purest and most iion | medicine ever made. Thousa tus , who were weak, languid, pale ‘lid prostrated, are now happy' to say : chat Brown’s Iron Bitters brought . '.hem ud and gav e then: new life.’ s CONSUMPTION. I have a positive remedy for the above dleeaae ; by ite use thousands of rases of the worst kind end of long’ staodiuz have been car. <l. 1 tideed, >oMniu*is isy f»!'h *• l'*efficacy, that I w| I aco.i TWO ROTTLFS FKBK, together with a VAI ■EA t’ l ■ K I KKATfSg on this d.aeeee to auj irffervr (ilveej ptc-t and P .O. »d4r as. VH. T. A. HLO M.lll PtaVi at., >«« Yerk. UNITE Sf! fc'MERY WHEELS NtlMOUte MACHIS>«» uJZTit g. IR7I IQAC • m■■ lOCwi —NOW IS THF. TIME TO— SUBS GIBE —FOR THE— HERALD, A Live NEwspaper —DEVOED TO THE -- MATERIAL PROSPERITY OF Gwnnett County Tlf Herald IS WIDE A WAKE nd should be in the home of every citizen tn the Com fy. Ihe Hekai.d Lm a circulation of 1000 borafide subscriber)?. No et'er medium was ever offered to Ibe advertiser tLan the //e*aiu, Jo tne trade of ihia section. Write for terms, J J. WILSON, J a *t. PEEPLFS, Poprieor Pub bar LkWRENCKVILLE SEMINARY, FOll Male and Females. The Uxcrsices of Hie nlHive Institute, under my charge, began on tbs 18th of May. 1880, at Iho following rat os of Tuition per mouth. FIRST CLASS, - si 50. SECOND CLASS, - 2 00. THIRD CLASS, - - 2 50. FOUR H CLASS, - !« (Mi. Sludeuv charged 25c luei.Uml Fa l |> k [ii 'dr. c o Course of lustrum 100, Thorough, jjrepariag Smleats for CoU Pkof. J. T. NEWTON, Briocipal. Marble Works —manufacturers and Healers in k LIaN AND RUTLAND-VARBLE MONUMENTS, BOX TO.I/BS, HA’AD, AND FOOT STONES. AND UNDERTAKER Church Street, Slone Moiinlaiu, fia. March 10, 85,-ly ANEW TEIjEFH © ne The U S Telephone is tlie- lest invention in telephones, and stand without a rival, and is the only h> ORTHY RIVAL of the Bell Telephone and is tile only telephone of the hind ever lie fore offered to the public. II is the o’nlv non-electric telephone that is used with a telephone repealer, or r i VC. . • ROOKRD, ANGLIN or ZIGZAG lilies, or on a line hav ing A UTE or RIGHT ANGLRS Sold outright for $10.00: no exorbitant rents. They are the only telephones having an Automatic Line \\ire tightener, an-I they are the only telephones ( hat are protected tiv an out door Light ning Arrester. All sounds hi e delivered in clear and natural tones. The) are the neatest, most dm hide, ,-.nd require less attention and repairs thun any other telephone made. Send for for our illustrated circular. Agents wanted. The U S Telephone Company NOS 40 AND 51 WEST SIREET, POSTOFFICE BOX 28, MADISON, IND. HULK Iks lire si Spsolfio for Neuralgia mad Htadauks. An ints-imil Kemedy. ('ontoiiutig no quinine, Opium, Chloroform, ( liiorul or narcotics of any kind, ellective and quiet in its action. avor’m Office , i Leesburg. Va., April 14, 1884. f Messrs. Hutchinson Si Bro.- -It affords me pleasure to test if y to 1 he great virtues of your “Neiiralgitie” for the elite of neuralgia and sick headache. II is the liest i eiin-dv for these most distressing eomplahits I liave ever used. It should lie in every family in the com.try. Geo. R. Head, Mayor of Leesburg, N il- Messrs. Hutchison x, Bro— I am happy to say that your “Neuralgine” aeted as a specific in iny ease, relieving me in an incredibly short t ime. I would ud vise all siiflei ina from lieiualtpa to iry it, Yours, ete, L. V. 81MS. M J>. BRST ENI Proprietor!, Atlanta, Oa. WJr. blc *ST©-u.r IDrwe'Sfl-*'* for It. - ** For all In j urles tn man or beast nothingequal* UauuubO Linlmkxx. ttEOR IA, ( Rule ni si Gwinnett County. I Foreclosure ( mortgage. In the Superior Court of said eoitu ty It appearing to the Court by the petition of the Gainesville Jefferson & Southern Haiti oad company that W. H. Bush on toe 20th day ilay of June in Ihe ye: r sf 1882 execut ed and de livered to the said Gainesville, Jeffer son and Southern Railroad coinpan a mortgage on a tract or lot of land, situated lying and being in the coun ty of Gwinnett, to wit : Begioingat a stake in the center ot the street in the town of ugTavern. Then run ning up the streef or road between the academy and melhodist church to a red oak on Bush ant? Belts line thence with Betts and Hardigrees line, a south direction to a post oak on Hardigrees' line, thence east to the Gwinnett road thence back to thebegi. ning corner in front of said \V, H . Btishe.s residence, and be ing on the line of Gwin jtt, Walton amt ackson counties, Containing ] two hundred acres more or less for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain promissory note for the sun of twelve huedred dollars n ade by tin-said W. H- Bush on the 20th day ol line 18%; and pay able to said . Gainesville Jefferson & Southern Rail j Hoad Company and due nine months after date with interest from date at ' the rate of eight percent per annum including ten percent attorneys fees, which said note the said W. It. Bush refuses to pay. It is therefore order ed that the said \V, H. Bush pay into into I his court, on or before the next term thereof, the principal, interest 1 and attorney's fees duo on said note and the cost of this suit, or in default tl ereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain and it is further ordered that this rule l>e published in the Gwinnett Heralu, a newspaper published in the county of Gwinnett, once a mouth for four mouths, and served on the said W, H. Bush or his special asreut or attorney three months previous tothe next term of the court, Siarrh 9th., 1885. T. M. Peeples Judge pro hoc vice, Dunlap iThompsou, idttitioners Attorneys. true exit act Item the minutes of court - This 25th day of April O T. CAIN. CieiJk S.C, | GEORGIA, (Rule Gwinnett County. -( Foie/r-osu ( mortgage, (it tt e Superior Court of said conn ty. It appearing to the Court by the the petition of C. M. Brand Receiver of Herrin \ Turner that H, A, Kilgofe on the ninth day oi May 1884, excuted and delivered to said Herrin it T truer a mortgage on t lie following tract of land lying in said county to wit: All that tract or par. el of land lying and being in the county of Gwinnett.' The same being u part of the cast half ol' lot number two hundred and three i 203) in the tilth District of said coun ty and containing eighty two and one halt acres, more or less adjoining the lands of Margaret! Simon ton, Mrs. Francis Tipton and others, for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain promisory note, on which there is now due and unpt id thirtv four dollars and sixty-two cents (SB4- 82) besides interest and Attorney’s tees, made by the said P. A. Kilgore on the ninth day of May jBB4, payable to the said Herrin & Turner, due Oet., loth., 1884 w hich sdid P. A. Kilgore re fuses to nay. It is therefore ordered that said P. A. Kilgore pay into this court on or before the first day of the next term thereof the principal, in tercel and attorney’s fees due on saip note, or in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. And it is further ordered that this rule be published in accordance to law-. Granted C, H. Brand, In pro pro. X. 1,. Hutchins. Judge S, C. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. This April 25th 1885. I). T. CaiN. Clerk a. C. G A OKI? /A Gwinn-jtt County. hereas, W, C. Allen administrator of Isabella scales, represents to the undersigned in petition duly tiled that he has fully administered Isabella Seales estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned heirs and eredi tors, to shoW cause, if any they can why said admistrutor shoulT not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismissiou on the Hist Mo inlay in Oct- her 1885, J T. Lauikm n tUjl;,lUt. ciu.iaiy New Store! I. New Goods* I New ri - wm> ■ i ■■ ALMAND & I ■ i I ( ‘Di ll CP a I 1 1 Lawrencevills - . . H O fl To the citizens of (Jwiiinett and adjoining Pn H We take this method of iulormiug vo „ II have come to f.awrenceville tor the purpose <H and making a living, and in unilertakittHi offer you one of' the best assorted stocks oH» merchan lise ever displayed in this market. H now on hand a complete ihe of H DRY GOODsI Lad es’ Dress cl /-ATESi’ STYLES IN K BOOTS AND SHOES, | FAMILY GROCERIES. I' FURNITURE, H hardwahe, I stoß ■'l! In fact, everything to he found in a Gt-itcHy chandise Store. . H|j We desire to make the acquaintance of zen of the county, but more especially comin 6 to uawrenceville. Hj Htx [F -£/* We buy all kinds o< country pioduvfl the highest market price for it. H l ' Come and see us. H March 24 t' | H YSTOAE I So VBLE CUAIi MANUFACTURED BY H LaRKcVL pH new I til PAID UP CAPITAf, JOttM Me (laBSN, MikKiOV ATLANTA, GEORi. IA I ■ i This brand has been before the public■* and in every instance has given entire satisf®, This season it will be offered cheapci I Hi 380 Pound H OF UOOD LINT COTTON, PER TON. I For sale by VAITGHAN & PENTEf’°H liitWi'eiieeviß BAGWELL & GOVifl ■ - i Flowery Br*«( fc- * J Take this opportunity to inform the lj e,J 111l 11 nett and adjoining counties ihattuy 1 manufacturing their justly ee ' e ),a umimiß m Mil Whticn have given such universal H-itial-J 1 * rabi “ y, Light Running Proportions ish ■“ror many years. Their prmes to s UV V ths times. Also dealers in WAGON and CARRIAGE MATERIAL IRON, CO.\L, PAINTS Their work is honestly made to wear, ami not u kfal 1 only to sell. Satisfaction always , heyjh »ll " the very libel al patronage given them in tne p u future their utmost to merit an increased p* l * r r t, GO'' E® l For prices, terms, etc., address BAUWfc Bi March 24-!y ATLANTA House Moving Raisig Comp Houses with iilunejlacved wilhftr