The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, August 25, 1885, Image 4

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TO P [EVENT FIRE*. The Fireman’s Hcnddiido cn se> ijto small c.unp'ss a vt st ainant ol useful information hav ng a tendency to prevent tires, thus 1 Always ony the best quality of ail 2. Wjjv.r rnotiop with a lame, e’/lter in lit ling or or setting it down. 3. Ntver put a lamp on the edge of a table or maute'. 4 jVeve*- 61 a lamp after dark, even if yon should have to £,o without a liget. 5. See t uat the lamp wick is always clean and /nal they work freely in the tube. 6, Never blow a lamp tut from the top. 7- Never take a light to a closet where theie are ciothes. If net* assary Togo to the closet, pine the light at a distance 8. Use candles when postibli in going adout the home anil u bedro tun. These are ch< aper am can't explode, umi s's many pui poses are ju, t a a g.tdus lump . t». Matcas tit ni t always d. kept iu s'one or esltlien jus or i uu. 10. They should never be left where rath and mice can get hod of ihem There is nothing mot to the fast of a rat than pit isphot Qua, They will eat it if they rai get -1 it. bunch of tna cites i.- aluioßt ceartian to be set file to if a rat gets at it. 11. Have perfectly good safe, in every place where matches ar to be used, aud never let a in iten be left eu the floor. 12. Never iet a match So out of your haml alter light tig it uutl you are shure the the lire is old and /ben it is better to put it in i stove or earthen dish. 13. His fur better to use th ■ safety matches, wieh can only In lighted upon /he hox wieh contsic them. 14 Have your furnaces exnn - ined carefu'y in the fall and a leaf once during the winter by a competent person A!1 ‘.he pipes and Hues should be carefully look ed to. 15. If there are any closets in the house near chim teys or Hues wieh there ought not to de, put nothing of a eombus/iable nature info tin m Such closets will soil silver hud crck crockery and burn bedding. They form a bad part us any hott <■ that Contains them 16. Nevr leave a: y wood nta* sfurnace, range or stove to diy /7 Have you stove looked to' frequently to see hat t ere no holes tor coal io drop cut. 18 Never put any not «shes or ooaD iu a wooden receptacle -16 Be shure there are no cur tains or shades that can be bl nvn into a gas light. 50 Never examine a gas meter after dark. SEEKING A FORTUNE. ’’My dear,*' said a father to his daughter, “how long ugo was it that b’corge Jackson went West to seek his h rtuue? ’ “Jus 1 a yea", the girl replied with a biuMi. “Was there anything potween you and (JeOlgt ’ t hum fi lues thought that ho was fond of mu. “He was, papa," and theg rl hut her face ou the old shoulder I premised George when he wen away that I wot Id wait tor In .j for years if necessary. “ I have a letter fro-" him ’ " Oh papal’ she exclaims t doe he—er—has hr,—oh tell what what dots he shj ? ’ • He wants tweut dollars to fit home with. IHh MUSK OF SONO The lovir.g genius of the more sensitive of Mankind once appear ed before and prayed Heavenly Father give ihy poor people a better languege ter they have words only with wieh to ex press how to tnourn, how they rejoice, how they love. “ Have I not given them the tear, asked Jupiter, “the tear of sorrow, the tear of love?” The guardian answered/ “Not even the tear gives sufficient ex - pression to the heart. Heavenly Father, give thy people a better language when to sa> how they feel the infinite longing the remembrance of the little morning star of childhood the Slow of tee auaora of youth. nub tee contemplation in mature age of /he golden evening '•’oud of a future life, as they appeure.l bright ■nd high above /he vanquished sun. Give the heart a new iau gouge, my Father” Jus then Jupiter heard within the realm -if spheres the approacl of the Muse of Sang. To h< r he beckoned a ut said ; “Descend toeuith, oh. Musi, ami teach n unkind thy language ’ Then a cue the Muse of song to us here below, and taught us tin tones; and since then the humat .hart can sneak. : . ENTERPRISING RER! RLE HOUSE. • Winn A, Vaughan can always In relied upon, not only lo carry in st ok 'he bes' of everything, but to secure ihe gercy for nidi ar ticles as have well known merit and are popular with the people thereby sustaining the reputa'iot ot being always entn'piisiug, and ever reliable Having secured tin agency for the celtl rated Dr King’s New Discovery for Con sumption, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and ev. ry : flection of Throat, i> lings, and ties/, and to show i our confident e, we invi'e you lo \ all amt gel a ‘.rial bottle free. Warren Leland whom everybody knows aa the si.. iiiauager oi the Largest Hotel Enterprises cf America, says that while h ivaMenge;’ c *n New York on board a ship going mound i <.pt Horn, in the early ilaya of •‘migration to Cat ifornia, he learned that Ox.e of die odlcer* o: the v«39el had cured hiuttelf, during the to> age, ot au disease by lue oi Ayers Sarsaparilla. Since then Mr. Leland has tecommemteu Ayer’s Sarsaparilla in nmny siiutia l cases, aud he has never yet heard oi il« > ore to effect a radical cure. Some years ago one of Mr. Inland’s f.i laborers bruised his leg. Owing to dt. la. state of his blood, an ugly scrofulot • i\»« »du. or lump appeared on ihe injured Ii:« l>. i:>‘! iible itching of the skin, with burning «> billing pains through the lumti, mu'.o l i almost intolerable. The leg btc&me eu. • moiisly enlarged, and running ulcers formed discharging great, quantities of ex in Offensive matter. No tr- atni.-nt wh of an •vail until ti c man, by Mr. Lei.and tiou, was supplied with Ayer’s Svr.vii kill a, which allayed die pain and irruvj.. healed the sores, removed the swelling, an completely restored the limb to use. Mr. Leland has personally used Ayer’s Sarsaparilla for Rheumatism, •u'.tli« F.tii* tvu'. r* after esfcful (••bserv.u •- iiiut, his belief, tlieiv is no nit . .cine t.i ihe \\ti equal to it lui ’la cute < i I.’ver Dit ordci Clo lit * fin* Cfl l of lih;li living, S» Rheum, SoiTt, Miuplb#!!.. tnitl uii ii. various forms of blood «ii. . itscs, We have Mr t \ »,a: . '.s perilf..siun t > all who may.!.. f-n ibcr evUle»*ee in rc«.h to Hit) < ; >1 curative powers - Ayers S.\ihs W'\' • \ tore© him perse ally either at lib n. iiumoth Uceaii 11«*i Long branch, or at the popular LelniM ID u Broadway, 117th anu *>th street*, Net N 1 r» Mr. Li;i.ani>’B extensive knowledge ol i good done by this unequalled . tadi- clot blood prison*enables h to give iuquile. much valuable inba iuuiion. FJRepa ri:i> nv Or. J.C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by ail J)nt; f ,ist&: C l *ix bolde* sot * A FEW HINTS FOR THE USE OF Dose.—7b mor« the botv- Y Jfcrfl* els gently, 2to 4 Pills; k thoroughly , 4 lo C Pills. P* X Experience will decide the J proper dose in each case. For Constipation, or Costiveness, no remedy is so effective as Ayer’s Pius. They insure regular daily action, and re store the bowel 9 to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, AYER’S PiLL**are invaluable, and a sure cure. Heart-burn, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Head* ache, Numbness, Nausea, are ail relieved and cured by Ayer’s Pills. In Liver Complaint, ltilious Disorders, and Jaundice, Ayer’s Pills should be given in doses large enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cli ansiiig medicine in the Spring, these Pills are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition of the bowels, are expelled by these Pills. Krupt Ims, Skin Diseases, and Piles, the resulLof Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by the use of Ay Kit’s PILLS. For Colds, take Ayer’s Pill* to open tne> pores, letnove indammatory secretions, ami allay the fever. For Diarrhma and Dysentery, caused by euddeu colds, indigestible fooil, etc., AYER’S Fills are the true remedy. It he u mat is tu, Coat, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, often result from digestive derange ment, or colds, and disappear ou removiug the cause by the use of Ayer’s Pills. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, and other disoulers caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by Ayer’s Pills. Suppression, and Painful Menstrua tlou, have a safe and ready remedy is AYER’S PILLS. Full directions, in various languages, ua •Oinpauy each package. PREPARED *Y Dr. J.C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass Sold by all Druggists. •■E 1! MIS;’ Th prompt and eflmumt, it is mild and hitrmh ss. Safe and rediaide for children. Wherever known it is the niotlieiv' favorite me ieine for the infant, the eliiidren and ailults. It is surprisingly effective. lOltt lli:.S I.V* I.U|I 111 Jse The Woiidei’ful Success ill (Htlisuinp tion, Bronehitis, asthma, spitting;of Llood, sore throat, loss of voice, catar rhal t hroat affections, ehremie hacking irriti.t ing and t roulilesome coughs. Iti/iHfh on Toot/tache, ItiMiinl n lief for iuMiralgiH,tt»)th-ii taceaehe. 15c. K. S, WKLDft, Jersey ( ity, N. J. NORTH GEORGIA Mattress Factory. LI.UNKBYILLF., GA. F L>. COKT, Proprietor Manufactures hair, cotton, husk and straw mattresses, of the Lest quality and workmanship. Orders by mail piomptlv attended to. Uenovat ing a specialty. 8< nd loj Fpice List. June 2. dm. 1871. 1885 —Now is THE TIME TO— SUBSCRIBE —FOK THE IIK RAID, A Live NEwspaper —DEVOED TO THE MATERIAL PROSPERITY OF Cwnnett County -- The Herald IS WIDE AW AKE ml should be iu the home of every citizen in tL«? Coin ty. The Hkraj.d lias a circulation of 1000 boi atidc Btibt-twilSerft No betier tmitium was ever oflVrtil to (he aitveoher tlan Hie i/xHitn, so ’ the trade of ties section \\ rite for terms . J J WILSON, Jr M. FEEFLF.S, Froprieor j Fub tier. * I L4.WRENCEYILLE SEMINARY, roll Mile and Females. Tin- ftxeraicca of the iilKive Instil litc, muter my charge, began oh the 18th of Muy. IKS.',, at the following rates of Tuition per mouth. FIRST CLASS, - $1 50. SKCOND CLASS, - 2 00. THIRD CLASS, - - 2 no. FOLlt Lt CLASS, - * 3 00. Studenv charged 25 • In.'i Lmi d F l i, |) f q urer. Course of Instruction, Thorough, preparing S bleats for Colleg C *Ia3H6B Prop. J. T. NEWTON, Principal. l Sl>l3 ''ijili ''(Uhl mil \. • iffl ‘UBl‘ l Uii 'iMHI I VW 'w #1 XVlarble l/Uorlis mumil ai fin ei-i ami I tea levs in- I IAN AND Y! FT LAND 1/A RRT,E MONUMENTS, BON rot/B 1, II / AD, AND FOOT STONES.' | AN!) UNDERTAKER Cliurcli Street, Stone M< nntaiu, (la. March 10, 85.-ly A NE W TELEPHONE Tlif I T . S. Telephone is (he i, l invention i“ telephones. and stand wi 1 :t rival, mut is the “id\ i ' OitTltX Kl\ At. “1 ll“‘ H‘*il I **l**phon» and ii* tin* milv tt*ln|>ti‘.n<> (>f tl“* kind cvri'licfon* “IVi*n*d In the |)id«lii'. 11 i* Hi,. „,i|y -id,•,-!i-ii* t.-l, |d“..“* lliul is usfd wiili a 1,*1.-|i»it.»«e ■ t it. e-M v. . ' lio< )K K.n, AXI! t.IN or ZIOZAO linrs, ur on a line Inn in** ACT I*'. “I IllliUT AMII.KS Sol.l out rigid for *1“.00; no ex. *rl>it aid “'id s. They an* t!<nonly t.«*l«*r>lioiics having tin Ardnmnln*'Wiro ngntcin*!, HII-1 tl,<*\ HIV tin* “liiy 1 ; .11 . *ii»*s Itinl an* |>rt.l< i led liv all out door T.igtil ning AlTfstrr Alt sounds nv dcliyt lid in eloar and niilnral tones. Tliex are (lie neated, most dm hide, and require less, attention and repairs that liny other telephone made. Send for lor our illustrated eireiilar. Aaenl whiiliml. The U S Telephone Company N 0« 40 AND 51 WEST STREET, POSTOFFICE F.ON 28 madison. tnd. NEHLCII The Great Bpecifio for Neuralgia and Headaoha An internal liimeily. ( outn iniii gno < v >iiiilii»**, (>1 »i ll iu, Chloroform, Chloral or ini rootles of any kind, effective and quiet in its notion. AYoii'.s Office, t Tjki.siH Ri;, V.\., April 14, 1884. f M Kssns. H i tohinson & Buo. it affords ino j.loasmv to testify to the grout virtues of your “Neuralgme’ 5 for tho ohm* of neuralgia and sink headache. H i** Iho Lost reined \ for these most (list resting ooiuphFlnts 1 have ovn used. It should Lo in every family in the com try. Geo. li. Head, Mayor of Leesluirjr, Va. Messrs. Hutchison & Ui-<» 1 am happy to say that your ‘Neuralgine” noted as a specific jn my ease, relieving me in an incredibly short t ime. [ would ad vise all siifferinn from nemulgia to try it, Yours, i‘to. L. V. SIMB. M I). IMfBTOT Linimenl —————Mia— mrnmm——m Proprietor* , Atlanta , Qa. TTo-sa-r for It.*** For all Injuries In man or beast nothtugequal! lIAAinURU Ll>lAlKisX. <*EOft ]A, i Rule ni si Gwinnett County. | Fori'clo.sni’o ( mor/gft^e. in the Superior Court of >ai«l conn ty It appearing to the (’oiirl by the petition of the Gainer illr .L Hcison \ 9outhern Itailioad company that \V. H. Bush on toe :*til h day day of .lime in the yet r of 188!* exeeut**d and d»*- llVelci to t he sjiid Gailiesv ilte, .Icffci son and Moidhei n Railroad compan . a limituage on a trai l orlot of land, situated lying and being in the eoutt ty ot (awinnett, to wit . Beginingat rt Stake ill the renter o! tin- street in the tuwnof ligTavern. Then run ning up the street or road bet ween the academy and niethodist church to a red oak on Bush am* Belts’ line thence with Betts and Manligrcc's Lin , a south direction to a post oak on Hareligrees’ line, thence cast to the (iwinnett road theme back to tlie begi. ning corner in front of “aid NV, 11 . Buslic,* residcime, and be ing on the line of Gwiii. ytt, Walton ami aekson counties, Containing two hundred acres more or less for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain promissory note for the sun of twelve hiiedivcf dollars n ade liy llie said W. jj. lfush on tin* till*li day ol line lskj; and payable to said Gainesville Jefferson x Southern ICail Itoail Company and due nine months I after date w ith interest from date at 1 the rule of eight per cent pel annum ineluding ten percent attorneys fees, ; which said note the said W. H." Hash ' refuses to pay. It is therefore order I oil that the said W, 11. ]sush pay into into this court, on or before the next j term thereof, the priueipal, interest ! and uttornei's fees duo on said note and lhe cost of this suit, or ill default tl ereof the court will proceed ns to ' justice shall appertain and it is lurther ordered that this rule lie published in the Gwinnett Herai.ti, a new spaper published in the county of Gwinnett, mice a mouth for four mouths, and served on the said VV 11. Bush or his special agent or attorney threo months previousto the next term of the court, March !Hh., ISBS. T ‘ M. Peeples Jud ge pro hoe vice, un lap & Thompson. •' idttitioners Attorneys. line extiait from the minutes of court. This 25th day of April li. T. GAIN. Clerk ». C, : GEORGIA, (Utile Gwinm-U (Vmnly ■’ Foip/oof.n ( ninrlgHire. In it •• Nii|i. iiur Cimrt of »ai(l i-oun t.V. It :i|i|m ulillji In Hie Colll t ti\ (li,- I Hu- r. 11. lii.iii,| li.i'i-ivi-i .>1 lit ri in \ Tiirin-i that C, A. KilputV j “ii Ihi' niiilli ilay iii May ISB4, x<-i l ll ' ami il< li\ in il In sail) tii-mn \ '|' n lln a mm l”il.'i- mi I li.- I'oUViyviiiif trail us hliiil l> inr in said i iiiiiily to wit : All •■bill Hai l or par. rl of land lying and •“dll': ill I hri iimily ol IJwitiliet I. Tin -aim lx-iii“ a |nirl of Ihr rast hall id lot Hiiinliir Iwo himdrvd ami ihivi (dVJ) in I hi* li 111 1 1 tistrirl of sail I i-on ii- I \ am) I-Oiitilhlilig riglily two ami oik halt in-res, mure or less adjoining t he lands of Mareaieil Sinmiiton, Mrs. : Crani is 'l'i|iloti and others, for the ; pii' pose of securing the payun-iit of a eertnin imitnisory note, on which there is now due and imp; id t.liirlv l'“nr dollars ami sixty-t wo cents Kl) besides interest ’ and Attorney's i tees, made by the said I*. A, Kilgore on t lie ninth day of May iBB4, payable to tb.isaid llerrin & Turner, due Oct., 1.11 b., I.HtH whichsilid IJ.1 J . A. Kilgore re fuses to pay, It is therefore ordered that said P. A, Kilgore pay into this court on or before the first day of the next term thereof the principal, iu ten t and attorney’s lees due on snip note, or in default thereof the court will proceed as In justice shall apper tain. And it is further ordered that this rule he published in accordance lo law. (.ranted C. 11. Brand, In pro pro. N. L. Hutchins. Judge S, C. A true extract from lhe minutes of said Court.. This April 25th ISBS. I). T. CaiN. Clerk a. O. G OE(?/AGwixnjTT County. hercas. W. Aden administrator of (siiliella scales, represents to the undersigned ill petition duly tiled that I lie lias fully administered I sale-1 la Si-ales estate. This is t herefore to ei|e I all persons concerned heirs and credi tors, to slioW cause, it any they can why' said admistrator shoulT not tie discharged from his administration, and receive letter* of dismission on ihe llrst Mounday in Oet< her ISk.’i. J T. Lam kin , u olyho ISSS. urdinaiy New Store! New Goods! New Firm. ALMAND& 00, O<lM 11A OF OMEEI, A./ Lawrenoevilla - ( To Ihe citizens of Gwinnett and adjoining eon, .tie, AVe take this m thod of informing you th t have come to i.awtenceviile tor the purpose of Til goods and making a living, and in undertaking tli oiler yon one of the best assorted stock* of Jn mer. han Itse ever displayed in this market. W h now mi hand a complete ii.eol 8 DRY GOODS, Shades’ Dress Good AATESC STYLES IN BOOTS AND SHOES, FAMILY (lUOCEEIi H FURSi /11 RE, JS HaKOWAHE, STOVES, In fact, everything to In* found in a General chandise Store. We desire to make the ai i|iiaintr.nce of ever? z**ii of Ihe county, but iuoiv especially of the t comin s to l.awieneeville. i? \/ We liny all kinds o< country pioduce and the highest market price for it. Come and see ns. • ; March 24. t s T.STONE So ÜBLE GUANO ..MANUfACIURED BY LaRKcVE galfl new \M,k PAID UP CAI ‘IT AI. !»r*<>o,ooo. JOHN M. GREEN, MANAOEB. ATLANTA, GEOIMIA. Tliis brand lias l>oon hrion* tlu* public* tor y< o»d iu every i list mice has gi\eii entire satisfaction This season it will Ik*, ollered cheaper than 380 Pound OF GOOD LINT COTTON, PEK TON. For sale by YAT.TGH A N A PENTECOST, Lawreneeville, li BAGWELL & GO WEI Flowery Pfaaob a rake this o| »| >ot t unity to inform the people of h ne'.t nmi :it|joiiiiii*r counties ihat they are tfil manulae.tnnng’ their justly celebrated wins, iss ui wins, Whtlcn have given such universal satista-it rahi y, Light Rnmtinuj Proportions ami > ish -or many years. Their priee* have he to s V ihs times. Also dealers in WAGON and CARRI AGE MATERIAL, iron, co al, paints, oils, E Sh* Their work is honestly made to wear, and not lhe slop sh«(^*J ab |i only to sell. Satisfaction always gua tnleed. TnwiWlid J" tlie very liheial patronage giveii them i.i the past, the, su.sii 1 tlielr ill most to ineril an increased pat.,mage in the iinurc. For prices, lerrns. eie , address H VGW ELI* A EH. March 24 ly »• ATLANTA House Moving RaisigComp Houses with himneymoved withper