The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, September 15, 1885, Image 2

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GWIKNETI HERALD. TUESDAY. SEPT., 15, 1885 T. M PEEPLES, EDITOR EDITORIAL BREVITIES Q. M. ttarner, of Gwinnett de livered the first l>ats of cotton (o Hi our Mono lain last Monday. Reports from Southern iieorgia represent. that there is great des~ tructiou iu the cotton crop by Oat terpillars. Some of the beat farmers say their shortage will amount to a t least one third There is uo doubt, from the univer sality of those reports that the destruction is fearful’ A father and son by ihe name of Maxwell, undertook to whip the son in law, Shelton, who had run away with Maxwells daughter and married her, in Atlanta last week. The fight resulted in Shelton and the old man being badly bruised and young Maxwell is lying at death’a door with bis skull fractur ed in several places The strange est part of the affair is that a me chanic, whom ncbdy knew, joined ia the fight and with a hammer felled young Maxwell to the ground while he was defying the crowd wi/h two pistole. Faiifield county, in South Caro lina has a band of regulators who are driving from the community a number of men aid women, who aie practical miseegenationists. There are a number of wfaitu men who have negro families and some white women so debased as to ac cept the attention of negro men. The regulators are moving them out with a high hand. Some of these men are wealthy bui still the* have to gc: A community has the right to protect itself but is there uo law to which they can resort. A bill has passed the Senate pro viding for the registration of vo ters in any County in this State upon recommendation of '.heOrand Jury. Ever since tte war there has been efforis made to l ave a registration law enacted, but it bas always beeu defeated, for the reason that many members'did not want the opportunity for frauds cut off The objection lo this law is that there is two much law mak ing power vested iu Grand Juries. Upon these important matters we think the Legislature should shout der the responsibility and if a law is a good one pass it, if not defeat it. In a few years, if we continue in the course we are going, ihe people will have to do the L gis Jating at the ballot box or bv grand juries, while the Legislature will meet tofrolick The Telegraph & Messenger has for some lime been urging and insisting upon an investiga tion of the means by which the Georgia Pacific K. R. secured the right of way into the General Pas aenger Depot iu Ai/anta. It is generally understood that the purpose of the movers of this mat ter is to make an attack upon Gov- Colquitt, It i« hinted, for his ene lines do uot dare to charge it, that Colquitt was bribed to sacrifice the State’s interest But it would seem that the Legislature must have been bribed too, for the aus thorny to occupy a portion of the right of way of the State Road was expressly authorized and pro vided for by an act of tbe Legits* la/ure It will be remembered that there was a big fight made over this very question at the time the charter for this rac d was granted and alter mature deli aeration the General Assembly provided for this road occupying part of the right of way. The r. AM, has been a long time getting mad It reminds us of an old citizen of this county who was such a strong Union man that he never got mad enough tw fight until about a year after the close of the war, ard then he want «d to whip the Yankees all by him aelf. Pro aably if there was not aome hope of stabbing Colquitt an der tbe fifth lib, we would not hear anything of it cow THE NEW CIRCUIT. Ah stated last week, a new cir cuit has been create* 1 by the Leg ialalure, composed of the counties of DeKalb and Clayton. The pur pose of cieating this new ci'cuit was to enable the Jugde to assist in working off the accumulated business upon Uie docket of Ful ton Superior Court. As we look at the matter, there was no real neoaaeitj for this new circuit. The counties of DeKalb aid Clay ton could hare been attached to other circuits, which would have made Holton county, a circuit in itself, and the Judge would have had nothin? to do but to bold c <uit g)l the year round, if tbe people wanted such a court. Bui the legislature determined otherwise, and established the cir cuit, and last Friday preceeded to elect a Judge. The cat.didates were L. J. Wiun r *»of DeKalb, It. 11. Clark, and W. I. Hat wood. Judge (Hark, was elected Judge and H C Jones, <>f DeKalb, was elected Solicitor. Judge Clark is a citizen of, Fu’ too county, and there is consider ub'b fee ing over* the selection of an Atlanta man, to preside in a circuit where he does not live. I'here is probably no cormlituti m al objection to it in express terms but is eontraiy to all precedent in this State untier our present sys tem . The citizens of the other coun ties have a f'gbt to be dissatisfied. Atlanta could probably fu'insh judges for the enliie State, Init the people would me up in rebell ion against it. Vnd there is just a-* much reason for providing uie Western or Blue Ridge circuit with an Allanta Judge as this new circuit. We ty.duabtud there is a very strong feeling in Dr Kalb in favor of hfcving heir county at tached to this circuit. THE LOCAL OPTION BILL | On ust Wedxiet-d y, the local option bil ppssvutbe House, as it came from the Senate, nd is a law Fur two months this ques tion has beeu before the Icgisla tme, and lli“ meiiibeis have wor ried and fretted over t/, as though it was a proliibi ion in itself I simply submits the question to be djtcrimne I by the people. The bill provides that, when olio tenth of tne quilldbd voteis of hiij coutity, petition the Or li nary for that purpose, lie -hall ol der an election. 2'lie ijckel shall tie “For Sale, ’’or “.Iguinst Sale. If the county goes for, or against sale, the ordinary shall so declare, ami/he law shall lake ,ell’oe‘. at once, and from thal date, no per son s ah sell or barter, dir< o ly or uidii'cctH, or give away at his place of business; or furnish at any public place, any spirituous or malt liquors, or other.drinks that will produce intoxication. Do rn stic wines and cider are excep ted, provided t :, ey are no l sold at bar rooms by reiai'. Druggist are only authorized to sell pure alcohol for medical or scientific purps ses. THE ARMSTRONG SC AN DAI. Dr. Armstrong, an Episcopal .minister of Atlanta, and pastor of a leading church iu tlmt city lias oeu l fie Kubject of much scandal recently /, ’was published that while on hi - summer yacutiah, be was found iu Cincinnati! drunk and visitiug houses of ill fame. Such a report hr tins naturally stirred up quite a breeze among his members and h committee was appointed io visit Cim-iiina Ii and investigate the truth of these ru mors, Tbeir investigation dtveioped the following facts : While the Dr. was in charge of a church in Ricinnoud, a lawyer was excluded from the cburcii for his oad char acter. lie af-erwaids removed to Cincinnatti. He met the Dr in shat city and informed him that his niece, had ru« away from Richmond and was 'hen in a house of ill fame in that city . The Dr. announced his purpose of hunting her up aud rescuing her if pismbie and for this purpose got a hack ami commenced Ihe search, after visi iny several houses he louud hei aud brought her away His euemy, who had secretly waited for an opportun ty for revenge, put a reporter on his track who published tie fact of his visit Lg tLese houses, When the charge was in ,de Hie Dr. uut uraily desigue I to keep liis mis sion private so us on t s nei( e. hou the coma,it tea had fully iuvesiigated the matter he was as a matter of course exonerated. The uiuouii of condensed mean ne s that can be wrapped up iu the hide of some men is simply s s tounding. Ami if generally fol ic tvs that wlun sc undiels cuu get au oppcrtui i y to bias tbe cliaiaeter of a go d in t>, be se : z es it with avidity and rolls it unr der bis tongue as a sweet ni rsel. There ou'tit o be some law b, whicli such fi mis could be pun isl.ed Home. Ja , Sept, mi- r o.— One of the most he.irtrei deriug acci dents that ever occurred m this section 1 appened about six o'clock yesterday aifernom. five o’clock C .ptnin It B (.'oul er with four of his children, raging in ;go from three to lout ecu years, eut.r ed a batttau al.d lira ed down tile Cessa river, inti ntling It* meet, the Steamboat op its way io It in TheCHptain and two chi dun, five and seven j ear.-, old, w .re seated in one end of the lut ein and at the ether end he fourteen yen old d uglitc', M try, was scale I on a chair, holding her little sisfe-r, aged tilt etc 1 tie latter ask, .1 for water, when Muy leaned over to dip a cup ui/o fiie water, and, los ing tier, she and little sis ter were j lecipiuud into the wa ter. The two other child ten sent ed with their fa' screamed in as right slid clung to him,preventing him from raving file two in the water if that were possible Not withstanding this, the agonized father made every effort at rescue but in vaie. This aftem on the body of the y..unger chinl w«.-re covered. The grief of the moth er was terrible Bbe was seized with convulsion and her conditio is terrible. Au elder daughter is also overcome wilh gi ief while the father agony can haibly be de scribed. The sympathy ofonr hole community is with ti e striok eu one. 2’HE 7MBERNACLE MEETING The great tabernacle meeting a: Cartersville beg.ta last week. Thousands a e in daily attendance- Thera are large number of distiu giiishes ministers in attendance, but fiie itrepressiple Sam Jones is the central figure. Every body wants lo hear him and ho general)' preaches once or twice a day, 7Tre following extract from one of his Htirmocs is clipped from a report in the Constitution: A SIDE WIPER After a few remarks, Mr. Jones paid the following tribute to the uou praying people: If I had beeu born woman and bad married a little fellow that dulen't have enough seuse to pray with me and the children, 1 would go to the legislature and chauge my name back, and ctauge his to mine. I nevdr would chauge my name for such a theng; “As G'd is my jubge I would make the little thing take my name, so people could say lo the thing: S«y, what was youre name before you married?" The idea of a man a great b'g fellow with whiskers all over his face and sense enough to keep out of the asylum, and cun,t keel down night and m irniug and pray with his wife and children You little old thing you! Then there is another case where a malt thing marries a female “thing” and there is nothing m the family but things •—a woman professing to be a Chris ian and yet letting her children grow up year after year and never hear her vo ; ce lifted i n pray er to god. If yju are wait ing for God to let the terms down until heaven is on a level with hell, you need not wait any longer if lhat sort of people are on their way to heaven. I like this no tense law for plantations but I dont like it in ieligiou. I like a high feuse aroud 6rod Almighty fields to keep tne devil’s goats out I dont know what to do with these trilling members wo take iu every time we make a pass at the world. Our being pratcular don't amount lo a thing. The Bapti-.s ure particular, and we Melodist a'n't and one gets about as many trifling members as die other. CHAIN GANG NIGERS. I have as mush respect for au uld chain gang niggei as a Metli odist or Baptist or /'resby'erian, mat will play cards and dance. That is pretty strong aiuf it? well you quit playing cards and we will come toge her. May be the (.Id chain gang nigger never made any pretentions to religion while lie people whopofess to love God do things that have pained bun 1 1 reds and thousands of souls. That is truth apout it! You men of the world if I was you bent on geing to hell 1 would have all the fun I could on the way for its going t" be too warm down there for exercise. All I ask of yon is to quit thu tliiugs that are wrong; to shuu tven the appeaianee of evil. All <iod wants is for you to quit your meanness. BROTHER DIMMOHN DONE Ul* 1 expect you would likk topiing old demijohn along and be old Brother Demijohn in heaven What a manta to pe in heaven that let b’m be here. Some of you want to be old Sister Euchre a id old Brother Euchre and when the angejs see you coming they’ll iay yonder comes old Brother Euchre »Ld old Sister Euchre. If you ever get to heaven God has got to back you in. for you are not heading in that direction. Another says he waiting for the feeling. Well the devil preach es feeling, and the Lord preaches faith. The devil makes a sinner believe if he budges before begets the feeliDg he is a hypocite. There \va" a fellow with au ax sitting shivering at the roo! of tree, and some one said, what are you going to do! ’ “I’m going to cut this tree down. vV’ell why don’t you gef at it?” •‘l’m waiting to sweat.’’ “Well, if y ou’ll go to cutting you’ll go to sweating.” “No I’ll not cut a lick until I sweat!” What are you going to do with a fool like that? If you will get v.p and start to God you will have the feeling. What do you mean by feeling? Do you mean to blub er and shake? If you do the devil has got you bamboozled so we cain’t gei at you. If you mean erious thought you are righ’. if ! 1 was you I would come out of that crowd. If 1 was going to hel! that way I would go down to the asylum and go as sure enough idiot. “i AINT FIT,” Well another says I am wafting until lam fi*. Const diet! to save the tellows that aint sis. Ins' end of letung that be a bar to keep you from Christ make it a spring board off of which you will leap into the arms of God. .4s God is my Judge, 1 have never felt tit to be iu the church, and when at Felton’s chapel thirteen years ago I wuikad up and give my baud and turned my life over lo God, I never felt more unfit than at that very moment. I wes losl'jtu so priety acd shame and all that de grades a soul and damns the spirit of man. I reakou the rewsou ho come to mo so quick and come so gloriously was thrt mine was a very urgent case. I axes right at the gait of hell-almost in hel[! “Not ti l " is the fitusiesl excuse that ever lost a soul tiirew into Ihe face of its maker! My hope is in God. Do you kmnv thmfyou are hs stung as the thiug you commit you self to? If I am on a great ocean steamer everything she has is mine, »nb if she goes down I don i go, down until ihe last [dank goes. My wife has been like a crutch under each arm holding me up, but if 1 put my trust iu her she may be taken a way. So with my children and friends and the cnurcb. But if I commit myself to God blessed be //is holy name, 1 am as strong as Uod ill am in his hands, and I will never go down uutid he goes down forever. A PREACHER CONVICTED Gumming, Ga September 2— in superrior court just ad journed the case which attracted the most uiuution was the State vs. Rev, A M Smnger, charged with dL- tilling services The troubfe gn- out of appoiments. Stringer is sort f a free for all go as you bh : ,e preacher-a.lcind of congregational;-t free thinker The troub c oco ired at Big Creek Methodist churcl. Stringer had beeu denied the right to preach in l lint church or on the church prop erty by the trustees, but he -sent an apboinimeLf to preach and with it sent the manage with it that lie would fill it if he hud to wade through blood up to his knees. The day arrived and stringer ap peared. The peop'e were holding Sunday school in their fruildiug and had locked ihe schooluouse, which is built on tbeir property, against S riuger. After Sunday school was over the Methodist began prayermeeeiiug and had got aoout half through Mheu Stringer who had a small congregation outside, said iu a high tone of Aoice; Come up btethreu and hear the true gospsr preached without money and with out price. I was not born in (he fiat, woods to be scared out by cats.’’ He Lieu began to sing and carried Ins followers, about a doz en, justfiity yards from the church door, and began to preach in such a tone and uiaunerus to absolutely break up the Methodist meeting. The Methodist indicted him, and the jury pronoply after hearing the able charge of Judge Brown brought in a verdict of guilty' but recommended him to the mercy of the court. —Constitution. J/UItDERMD BY HIS FRTEND On Mon Jay last Sheriff William Hunt and Sbecial Bailiff. L. B Cren er arressted on the Kinehen place, four miles east of Hawkins ville; a negro by rhe name of Fierce Ross, who is charged with the murder of old Jbrry Cowan. On Saturday lust old Jerry Cowan and Pearce were seen toghther and left the farmtogoih er. Some time afterwards Ross retuued and told old Jerry’s fata-, ily that he come for Jerry’s clolln ing, that tbe old man was going off on the train. That night win n he returned again, Pearce said that old Jeary had taken the train. Old Jerry’s step-sou believd that something was wrong, and ou Sunday he followed I‘eaece’s taack to and from a ceartain qoiut iu the woods. The tsacks were made both before and after the rain. He found the spot where he was ceartain that old Jerry’s uody had been hurried and returned home and in.ormed Mr. John Pearce of the matter. All of the parties were laborers on the faam of Mr. Pearce Mr. Pearce aud the step son weut back to the place, aud after scsaUhiug into the eartu they fouud the body|of old Jerry. The facts were communicated to the coroner aud un inquest was held which developed evidence of a most horrible crime. The old man’s throat was cut fiorn ear to ear. aud oiher marks ofvidence upon his head aud hodp. Of course every circumstances and every particle of testimony pointed to Pearce Boss os the murderer. A wanant was obtain ed for him, and his arrsst was made by Sheaiff Hunk aud Baiiff Lee Cremer, who brought him to Hawk insv.lle and placed him in jail. His comuiitmeut trial wiil commence this afternoon befoie Justice A. 0. Pipkin.— ville Dispatch Canton. Miss , September 10. —Last night at a colored church ten miles east of this city, Leon Cockerll,negro school tt ache*,shot Aron, Warz. colored deacon, while th« latter was kue.ding with th cougregarion at prayer, officers have gone to arrest the murder er. The Ordinary. Georgia, Gwinnett County. Notice ts tieieliy given that :i peti tion mimed I>v Fifty on ■ freeholders in Pinknevville, (4001 district <> M., or said county, praying that the bene fit of the provision of section 141!'to 1465, inclusive, of the on le of 1882. on tin: subject of “Fence or Stool Law,” t>.' extended to said district. Inis been filed with and suiin itted to the uti dersigued, and that action will lie ta ken (hereon us provided in said sec tion, 1455, after publication of this no tice. [,). T, L/VMKIN, Or’dy. Sept 14 'BS. Georgia—Gwinnett County. A It persons having demands against .1. IV. Maxtor, demised, late of said county, are hereby notified and re quired to present them, properly at - tested, to the undersigned, within the time prescribed by law. Ami nil per sons indebted to said deceased, arc hereby required to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This September 7th 1885 . .1. T. BA XTEK, A. M. BAXTER, Executors. Georgia Gwinnett County. Notice is hereby given that a pe tition signed by fifteen or more Free holders hi the 571st Dist., 4* M., of said county, praying that the benefit oft dm provision of Section 14411 to 1455 inclusive, of the ('ode of 1882, on the subject of “Fence” or “Stock Law" lie extended to said district, lias been tiled with and submitted to tile undersigned, and that action will be taken thereon as provided in said section 1455 after publication of this notice. # Jas. T, Lam kin, Sept Bth 1886. Ordinary, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Georgia—Gwinnett County.. Alt persons having demands againit the estate of4Win It. Cham Idee, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to rt nder in their demands to the undersigned accord ing to law, and all persons indebted to said est at • are required to make immediate payment. Joint F. Espy, Sept Ist 1885—tiw Admr. Georgia—Gwinnett County. Mary K. Nesbit, administratrix of Joseph II Nesbit, deceased, lias in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell all the lauds belong ing to the estate of said deceased icx eept the dower s r, t‘apart tot he widow) lo wit: 288 acres more orless of Lot No 334, in the titli district of said ooun ty, for the purpose of distribution, and said application will lie heard on the first Monday ill October next. Jas. T. Lamkin, Sept 2nd 1885. Ordinary, Georgia Gwinnett County. Whereas, W. (’. Allen, administra tor with the will annexed of Mathew I Hamilton represeststo the court in his petition duly tiled that he has ful ly adm nistered Mathew f, Ilomilt ons estate. Tilts is therefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and credi tors, To show cause ij any they can why said administrator should not lie discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in October 1885 A MEM T. LAM KIM, this July Ist ’BS Ordinary Georgia Gwi.nnet, County. Whereas . It Holbrook, Admiuis lratorof.l. F, Holbrook represents to the court in his pretitioii July Hleil lliat lie has Cully uitiuiiiisn-i t-1 said .1. F. Holbrooks estate, this is herefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and ereditoi s to show cause it any they can ywh said aJinistrator do lion is non, should not lie discharged fr.nn Ids ad ministrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters st'dismission on the first Mon day in November 1885 J. T Lamkin. Oidinary. July 21st ’B6. GAORfV/A (IwiNNiTT County, hereas, W, ('. Allen administrator of [sabeila scales, represents to the undersigned in petition duly tiled that lie has fully administered Isabella Scales estate'. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned heirs and eredi tors, to stioW cause, it any they can why said adinistrator shoulT not he discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on ihe first Mo nday in Oct- tier 1885. J T. Lamkin 1885. ordinary GEORGIA Gwinnett County. David F. Little, adminisirutor of William T, Scalas, deceased, lias in duefoim applied to me to sell the Is ruts of said deceased, for the pur pose nf distribution among the heirs of said estate, subject to the right of the wife of the deceased to dower therein, to-wlt, 205 acres of lot No. 3(7 45 acres of lot no 120, 247 acres of lot no, 239, 125 acres of lot no. 238, and 4 1-2 acres of lot no. 249, all in the 7th district of said county, and said ap plication will tie heard ou the tlrst Monday in October next. J. T. Lamkin. Aug 24th 1885. Ordinary Georgia, Gwinnett. County. Andrew L. Moore and James M. Patterson administrators of John K. Moore, deceased, have in due form applied to sell the land of said deceas ed, for tbe purpose of paying the debts and for distribution among the loirs of said deceased, to-wlt; One in urtli of an acre, more or less, of land hetlie town of Lawrenceville, in said county, as lot No. 4 in the plan of said town, oil said lot is a two-story brick store house, now occupied by W F, Brown, and a law office now occupied by John C. Smith, also o. e dwelling house and lot iu said town, containing one and a half acre, more or less, be ing the place whereon the said deceas ed resided at the time of his death. Also one house and lot on Pike street in said town, adjoining lots of Rhesa McMilliau, on the west, and B E ,strick land on the east, also one small house and lot in the town of Duluth, said count , Also 305 acres of land, more or less. parts of lots, No, 50, 51, 79, 80 and 49, in the sth district of said conn ty, being all that tract of land pur chased by said deceased, from admin istrator of Alfred Williams, lying east of Yellow River, except 45 acres sold toT. E, Winn, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in October next. J T LAMKIN, aug24 Itn Ordinary. ( *L MiG! A. G.v tried Oeunty. Noli.-.* is h-reby given to all con cerned, that I have filed with the clerk of the Superior Court of said county, my petitiou addressed to said court, returnable to the next term thereof, to be held oil the First .Holi day in September next, for the remo val of disabilities imposed upon me by my interinai riage with Julia I Cox formerly Julia I Collins, which app cation will lie board and passed up at the Court House iu suid county the term aforesaid. ROBERT COX. jiiue29’B6-00dys. Georgia, Gwinnett County. J. B An irews aud T A Garner, ad ministrators of Thomas Uarnei', de ceased, has in due form applied to in** to sell the lands belonging to the ••slate of said deeeased, to-wit: I2f> a« ies, more or less, of lot No. 91, and .»0 acres, more or less, lot No. ad joining 1 mds of T. l\ Holt, Andrew tinnier and others. l’J acres, more or less, of lot No, 82, and 40 acres, more or less of lot No. 82, adjoining lands «»f Andrew Garner and others, All of said lands lyilifr in the 6th districtof Gwinnett «• nlity uu„ and said appli • -atiou will he beard mi th*- hist Mon day in September next, july 6, Jan, T, Ikumkiu, Ord’y, (lieorgia Gwinnett County. H. L Peeples and W 4 Brandon, ad ministrators of Joseph I'. Brandon, deceased, have in dm- form applied to me so leave to sell the following described lands lielongidg to the es tateof -aid deceased, exelusivcof the widow’s dower, to-wit: lOOaeres, more or less, part of lot No 27. 245 acres, more or less, part of lot No. u>B. 133 acres, more or less, part of lots Nos. 208 and 200. 250 acres, more or less, part of lot No.. 105. 25 acres more or less, part ot lot No, 210, tia acres, more or less, part of lot 107. WO acres, more or less, part of lot No. 'OO, it being the remainder of (lie lot from which Mow er was assigned. All iu the 711 1 dis trict of Gwinnett county, and said application will tie heard on the Ihblt Monday ill September next, July Mb 1885. ‘ yy® Jaw. T. Lamkin, Ordy, Lawubnokfiklk Ga., Aug. 24 h 1885. Office Hoard County Coiurs : It appearing from flic returns made on Tax Receiver s hooks for tlie veto 1885, tin sum of 42,087,324 00 lifts been given ill. Ordered t nai we levy the follow ing percent- for tile purposes 11 1 ‘ 101 11 set forth as Comity T ix for 1885. viz For Jury purposes, Wets on the tIOO “ Men Co “ Idols " 4100 “ Stipp’t Paupers oh ts •■ -quo Bridges (tacts “ 4100 Pay off C. If. debt 25cts “ 4Uto Total Co Tax, 57ets “ 4100 Bay Creek District, 1295 G. M. Taxable property on .books 4103,148,50 Ordered that the sum of forty live collision the One Hundred Dollars tie levied as an additional Tax, for the purpose of paying debt incurred* in adopting Stock Law. A true extract fr mi the minutes of the Board. This Sept 7th 1885. JAS D, SPENCE. Clerk. Owinneft Sheriff Safes. Gc rgia -Gwinnett County. 'Villbe old before the court house door in tne town of LaWrenceville Gwinnett county Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, on the tirst Tues day in October net t, the following described property to-wit. One steam engine, known as (tie Canton Monitor engine, Vo. 6. with its machinery and fixtures, all com plete, now iti possession of John Dea ton and J. M. I teuton. Levied cm i s the property of John Deaton and J M Deaton, by virtue of a ti fa issued from Gwinnett Superior Court, iu favor of C. Aultinan& Co, vs. said John Deaton a d J M Deaton principals, and T S Garner, security. Said engine is located now at the town of Buford, in said county, and the same being machinery of great weight, difficult ind expensive to move, will be sold before the court house door in Lawreuceville, and de livered in Buford, where now situated Property pointed out by F M John son, plaintiff’s attorney, \V. I\ COSBY, Sheriff. Sept, Ist. 1885. I ‘a Inable Gaterville Property FOR SALE. Wishing to change business and lo cality. l offer in v farm for- sale, con taining about Fifty acres. About 35 in cult i vat ion, I lie rest forest. This land lies around and includes tie village of Centerville. There is Iwo good dwellings, and one tent ut house, on ibis place, one large two story dwelling, with six rooms and six fii e-places, good bam and out buildings, nearly new, good orchard, etc.. One dwelling with four raouis, garden, etc. ('eufei’ville is a thriving little village, in Rockbridge district, with two churches, one fine academy, one stun-and (lost office, two public gins, and surrounded with iudustri-i mis farmers, ii being a central point and 8 miles from Hie rail road, makes it one of Hie best country stands in the county, and would very easily sustain one or two more stores, Will sell on favorable terms. Titles good. T. J, MINOR. uug2s-2m. T A/. / ABLE Buford Propty FOR SALE. The undersigned wishing to chauge business and locality, offers his entire Buford property for sale, to wit; One dwelling house with five rooms, good well of water in yard, good gar den and orchard. Three lots 50x100 It cacti, and one lot 100x180 ft, where the undersigned now resides. Also one house an.l lot on north Railroad Mirer l Four rooms, four lire places, good well of water. Lit 50x100 feel. Also one house and lot, good well of water and garden, lot 101x120 ft. Also one wooden store house, on south railroad street, in front of de pot, a, good central business stand. Lot 25x 100 feet. Also one farm containing seventy acres o:i the Railroad, one half mile from Buford deuot, twenty acres iu cultivation, balance in original forest and heavily timbered and well wa tered, with cabins, etc , Will sell on favorable terms. Titles perfect. T. E. KEN EH LA". juiy 14-3 m EXECUTORS SALE OF L ML Cooper Estate By virtue of the directions in the last will and testament of Is*vi Coop er, deceased, tile undersigned, bis exec Jlors, will sell on the first Tues day in November next, before the Court House door, in the town of Lawrenoeville, Gwinnett county, Ga, bet ween ttie legal sale hours, the fol lowing lands of said deceased. All lying; np and down big Haynes creek, in said county and state, and in the sth land district, thereof, to-wit, 1. Lot no. 98, known as the Home Rlac>e. containing 2(KI acres; more or less. 2. Lot 110.94. Penley lot, 125 acres, more or less. 3. Head lot , no. 08, 20» acres, more or less. 4. Gordon lot, no, 07, 200 acres, more, or less. 5. Beuxett lot, no. 04, 202>„ acres, more or less. 6. Viuuui Cooper lot, no. Ci, 200 acres more or less. 7. No 01. part of ttie Cannon tot, 25 acres, more or less. . 8 Chester Cochrell lot, no. 02, 120 act es, more or less, 9. Ellison lot, no. :t4, 200 acres, more or less. 10. No, 35, part of the Rutledge lot, 35 acres, more or less. To he sold iu the order named. Sold for the purpose of distribution among the heirs at law of said decease.!. Terms, Cash. E, M . BRAN D, J. W. COOPER, aug. 24-2 m. Executors. IB 01 COBS' Though prompt and efficient, it is mild and harmless. Safe and reliable for children. Wherever known it is the mothers’ favorite me lieine for the infant, the children and adults. It is surprisingly effective. TO It 4 IIKN 15c l.iqnu 25<>. The wonderful Success in eousuinp .(in, Bronchitis, asthma, spitting'if blood, sore t hroat, loss of voice catar rhai I hroat affections, chronic hack in*- irritating and troublesome e.iug hs. ” Kutnjh on Toothache, Instant relit t tor neuralgia,toothache fttCPHcllH. ]sf', L. ti, WEL Lh.Jeisey City, N.J, Georgia, Gvvinuett. Coun y. M. C. Jackson, administrator of Lewis A Jackson, deceased, lias in due form applied lo me to sell one dwelling house and lot “whereon it is situated in the town of Note rose G win nett County fi’ontiiigoiit’hmvhstreet opposiie Ihe residence of B.F. I’leui cuts and adjoining lot of P. 11. 1!, Gower oil the West, and adjoining house and lot now occupied by P. F Tapp, on the east, and continuing m e acre, more or less. Also one si ore house and lot in Noreross, adjoining stone house lot of Durham, oil the North; the store and dwelling lot of F Buchanan on the south, a public street oil Ihe West, and Hie Gower old lot on tile east, and containing 1-8 of an acre more or less, and sain appli cation will be heard on Hie lir-t Mon dav iu October next. This Aug. sth 181(5. J. T. Liunkir, Only. GEORGIA, Gwinnett County John F Eshy, administrator, of VV. R. ('humble, deceased, lias in due form applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave tosdll tin* fol lowing desoeibeil lauds belonging so Hie estate of said deceased, lo wit : 45 acres more or lessor lot Nq. 301,anil 200 acres mor ) or less of lot No, 297 all in the 7th District of said county,and said applications will be heard on the tirst Monday in October next. J.T LAMKIN. Ordinary. September Ist. ’BS. WOmAN HER HEALTH AND HAPPINRMM ARE MATTERS OF GREAT CON ( KRN TO ALL MANK IND. Near Marieita.Ua. Some months ago 1 bought a bottle n Dr. Mnullit Id's Female Regulor and used an my family with great salislae ios I have reejommended it to three familiei ond they have t mud it to be just what it claimed for it. The females who have used it are now in perfect health and abide I attend to their household duties Rev 11. B, Joheson. . State ok Ueoraia, Troup (Jo. I have examined the recipe of nr. Joseph BradSeld, and announce it to be i combination of medicines of great merit in the I real men! of all diseases of for female lor which he recommends it. VVm, P. Bkasly, M. D Sr rinueield Tens. Lr. j. Hrahkibld ; Dear sir — My j daughter has beeu suffering fur many I years with lhat dreadful uffietion known j s Female Disease, which ha- cost me | many dollars, end not withstaunding 1 hod the best the best metrical attention I could not find relief. 1 have used many ] of her kinds of medicines without ai.v el lect, I had just about given her up, was ut oi heart, but happened iu at the J store of W. \' . Edker several weeks si ee and he knowing ol my daughters illation, persuaded me to buy a bottle of vaur Female Regulatoa. She began to improve ut once. 1 was so delighted with its efledts that I bought several more bottles of it, knowing whrt i do about itj if lo- vy one of my family was uttering with tnat uwlul disease, I wo’dd have it il it cost SSO a bolte for j can truly say it has egred my d aim liter sound and w fl rnd myself and wife do most heartily recommend your Female Regu lator ta be just wliat it is aeecommeml cd to be. RespectfullyH, D. FEVTAgTson Treutsse on Health and Happin vVnman mailed Iree. The Bradfiki.d Regulator, 0 Box 28 Atlanta, For Sale by w uyLand Vaughan BIT AM JIB. HOW AN ATLANTA VVOMAM WAS MADE TO SEE AND HEAR. AN INTERESTING BTOBY, Miss \lmue Wallace resides with Mrs George Flcklan d4l Mesfee street, At lanta (ia., and from tier own lips a Uol stilutlon reporter learned the following appalling story, Several months ago she became almost totally blind and deaf and deaf, and could not luslc anything except suit. Her bones became the scat of intense pi in, lies joints were swollen and painful and eventually her wlioie body uud ,imbs liecame covered with splotches and small -ores. Her appetite failed, nnd she grad ually lost flesh and strength, and had but little use of herself as her limbs and j muscles were puralized She, as well as well as her friend and those with whom I she lived despaired of hej recoveiy. Her j stifle rings, compined with loss of hearing j and taste and blindness were truly beart rcNding. aII rreatment Irom physicians and the se of medicines seemmed powerless, Rea disjase was rheumatism and blood p>i son —! as she seemed well and bt'arto the re porter asked what wn ufiht such wonder iul changes, 1 1 aed a medicinajreccommended by a riond. celore takinj one bottle I beguni to see and hear- the next one lelr-ived ell rheuin&tie pains and improved my udpe titej When I had coin pi tedsl'ix (jottles my sith and hearing were fully restored sente yf taste- returned ill splotches and so.tei disapperred and licoled and my strength and restored. I now feel ae well as I ever did my friends as well as myself ane astounurd. What was the madicine ? asked the reporter. Booanid Blood Balm—B It It-- was the great remedy that acted so powerful ly ou my disease and clifted me, I never experienced ;uiia udpleasant symptoms from its use and its aciton is so quick that it surprises ail. Blood Balm Co. Atlanta (it* will mail i* 32 page book free, filled will? magical effects. NO MORE EYEGLASSES lVlitcliell’s Eye Salve A certain. Sato, effective remedy for Producing Ling Sigbtcdness, and Re stcring tile sight of the old (.hires Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Mat ted Eye Lashes, and producing qaick relief and per manenf cure Also equally efficacious when us d in other maladies, suc-.i as Ulcers, F, vers, Sol es, Tumors, Burn-*, Rlieuiu ull-111, Pilesor wher-v er intlaiu mat ion exists, Mit.'heli s Salvi* nay l.e used to advantage. F or sale by all druggists at 26 cento AYER’S®: Hair YigoM V'»tu, huled or htllr J .JB l; its I „ light „ r , . ’"* U ■ kur. J. Un * u clo-.-kH 1.-.lhug of the h»ir . , H v o# k icuv „ r . and cure* 8,-u.T a,„,, **rj disease S'-al|'. As ,-t I.allies’ Hal, i, uiioifiia|•„ , ,lyu - n,ul " n Ita,, , ufl 11^waule, auditing inuluuV t’* : .nig out, an.t tn .* ** irc °nuuH^^Bj " '--I’l. i A. I II s II UR \ IH..R . ’’ * -■'"'til-bo, „„| a’tanJ, 1.1 w* now ,i lull h,. ailllt , * ' »■». >" * most os.-client uir,,.,., , e ‘ -l'-k r „„ ,i,v " r u ’« " l!ik '‘S 't *' -I d.,3 Soft i|, ’.‘“'B in,., t r,|oe has the preparatiuu Allt. .toll's Psikhairn, 1ci.1,, , *V ’ 1 simso IU) ha., I.iou i'Bi fine procureih, | have us ‘t \ I,OIK, a.1,l so have Ivu, able u m,i»BB an 4|»i>earaiife „r v0.aum,,,,, to, s, actors, IN,| ill 1,0-1 111 Lio eves ol 111, ’ “* Mk*. o. t. I'lthsi'urr, wr:’liitf r ,„» • I' •• vvars .'.out 1a.,-third. 'IT- It I verv ranidlv Lc.^B last growing bald, m, using AvsbsLßß V HOIK the falling stopped and a new tr^Hl it• ■ 1 •-i v Covered with Short Lii^H 1 t 1" inol i . grow, and ,« u„»J7 1,. ■1,.rc ,1 1011. I regulal 1\ used but of Hie \ limit, hut low use it a dressing.” We have hundreds of similar t,. the effleacy of Avm's "sods hut a trial tj convince cal of its value. PREPARED by Rflj Dr. J. C. Ayer&Co^Lowtll.Mi^B Sold by all Druggiiu. jMR KING’S EVIL I Was tic- i- i,ic toi • "-'•au-.- of a sup. < arc I liy a kill-:'- toil, U. I'tio « now, urnt kuo-.i's that S( lion LA 1 can only lie cun-d ti\ a tt, .inu.l, lion of llie blood. If this is lie- di-1-n-e |I r|wlu«li-* It- lattil ill o'en.'ialiou uftoi gnu nil lull. cin-lii-r sviiiptimmtic d>-\cli.piu.-nta iM /ema, < iitancous I > o|ilkhi» mors, linils, Cal limn irs, bi I'liiuleut t leers, .Serious aim steal Collapse, etc. 11 allowed i. limit-, Rheumatism, Scrofulous tarrh, Kidney and Liver Tubercular Coiisnni|itkm ... "I- lilln-I duimi-ii-us ui lulu! uisuuiie pi oduved by it. • or s Sarsapunin /.• rhf powerful n,rt ft/ l-jHthtpi*# halki'it. it!-- o il mi alterative that 9 entdirsles Ir^^B -l'tela llul> N rut 1114, . d (mi ■ and lin-i iii i v At Ihe -arm i I the blood ,1- tn-allliflll m In lb" illnl ha l InJ I lit' i -1|! 11la. Regenerative Medicine H IS I :.i!,I 11l of lira coin- 1/ III' ft.l/i'f/es "< /, .oi. -uni o iii ji • In-ills of unit O-ll culi-o.llv and 111 dl a’O . -U,II I- .1. IN lot Hilda I- ariii-iulli iin-dii it pi hi , :iv p. o-^B AV. S A FAR It f.A as 1 Absolute Cure I r, r ail dis. • t.y Ihe Itp* blood. it ' 'al'-d fa - ~^B if.:.- ,1 -O'- far b* ‘ >ud ni,i,:. lip ■l ull., d uni '■ tl„-iefoiet!i-.'i-v-B| ... II || m t Li- best l.looJ liUllfvina ia^B •iue. 11l the world. IH Ayer’s SarsaparillaM ERtI'AHEP BY ■ Di ,/ C Gem & Co . Lowell, [ \iiai>tieal Chemists. |H Sold l>> all Dni-ei.ds pii.r»l, bud ins for ili IF YOU WANT TO FILL YOUR GAME BA AND MAKE BIG SCORES, USE Remingto IFLES-Is SHOT GUNi All the Latest lmproven.«nti. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR address Lamberson, Furman Un SOLE AGENTS FOR E.Remington&Son: Sporting Arms .ml Ammomtiw 281 & 283 Broadway. WESTERN OFFICE, „ D. H. LAMBERSON U 13 Siste Street, lW ARMORY, - - - ILION ’ N GEMINCTOI SHOVELS, scoops, BPA .U IADE IN THE BEST BANNER, IT REMEMBER THAT OUR GOODS ARE One Piece of Solid » ’ NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE SEND FOR CIRCULAR* REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL C JLION. »• V< Bf.w York »«.*. US Ck.u.b.r' j J, A, HUNT, attorney AT I,'*- KOHCROSA Will practice in the ,a'j« and courts of Ordinary and 1 lies ~f Owinnett and M"u»: ttt ie the IIP ticca' court onod; wu Special and prompt att to collecting. Fell 9-’BS-fimo. . E. s v. mbias?. ATTORNEY at LA*> Lngaosville. -. AH tmsiuees entr care will receive prompt Collections a specialty* j - J