The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, September 22, 1885, Image 4

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l.ifv woriii a P«erk*f<» j h ;_;h pnce for it. - J Wood is, • * tern is [tro , i jfiui**., a»i tsMfetfetf- ft-iyt. JieisThear.? Losay.ynti ' _ ■u-.-.s-s. that t.i* jr * > •-■i t. et*.-- of groSfeffl M»r *M c.r ♦ e between lifea.’d dtatH. Hr: t < to aaaaiivfc* tae eratt . a earn aitur i|v c .«• - -• », and say? be do» ; * t * d . 1. :e » retypT*®-fc- .*•*. drcs to at >ro kend'h* mfe t > « rfthsav n^. One (iiw ii iiu. buy a t» ttk *4 Brvum iron t,/-liters. 71 t one duiiar n 4ft» »• on the' rcsvl from muolu re v»ary« A .man as us take, a y »«at v* -a ot li»seif«ho is n<x to invest that much in mat..*- o;.e sctv -at ettortto reseuej, joselt fr aa d* adlv debility, and t Jt/m into die en joyment of solid heilth. Brawn t Iron Bitters \,V- : <*>d tones the nerves, and the syster" Its wc.*~ H wd! known, invest tn t t!<»!;ar 1 1~ ■: S Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER •9 u the first preparation perfectly adapted to care diae&e-s of the scalp ai.d the first tcc eeasfnl restorer of faded or gray hair to its batarai color, grosrth, ami youthful beauty. It has had nnuij imitators, but none hare so fully T .tct all the requirement* needful for the provjr treatment of the hair and scalp. liatA’s ,'aik KPfe*WF.m haa steadily grosrn iafsyor, ai d iu fame andujefnines* to <#ry <jpna*i«r of the globe, lit unparei ?sli An* iim ecn be attribute*! to but one uu-MB tke entire of its pmrratet. Tbe proprietor* bare often been surprised at the receipt of order* from remote coun tries, where they had never inside an effort for iu introduction* The use foi % sh v*t time of Haul’# Hair Ke-semk wonderfully tofproves the per aonal tppeanocvV It cleanse* the scalp from all impurities, cures all burners, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents* baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enable# tneoi to push forward a i*?w and vigorous growth. The etfeete of this article are not transient, like those or alcoholic prepara tions, but remain % long time, which makes iu u»e a matter -j* economy. BUCKINGHAM’S dye foe Tint WHISKERS Will change the beard to a natural brotra, or biack.M desired. 11 produce* a permanent color that still not wash away. Consisting of a single preparation, It U applied without trouble. PKEFAREIiBY B, P. HALL t CO, Nadma, N H Bold by all Dealers in Medicine* trOR ALL THE FORMS Scrofulous, Mercurial, anc* Hlood Disorders. the best remedy, because the most searching ami thorough blood-puritier is Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. S..»a by all Druggie”. 81, sL- bottles MR. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other coinplainU* are so insidious In their Attack as those atfectiug the throat and lungs: none so trifled with by the majority of suffer •rs. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trilling or unconscious ex posure, is often hut the beginning of a fatal sickness. AYEB*a CHERRY Pectoral has well proven its efficacy in a forty years’ Sght, with throat and lung diseases, and should be taken in ail cases without delay. A Terrible CoWfrfi Cured. “In 18571 took a severe ©old. which affect<*d my lungs i had a temfcdp cough, aw»d wiesed night alter night without sleep. The doctors gave me up, l tried Ayer's Cherry Pro '/oral, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded me the rest necessary for the recovery ol my strength. By 1 1.0 continued ree pf the nent cure was effected. I am now 6k years old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your Cherry Pectoral saved mt*. Horace Fail brother-** ftockiugham, Vt., .luly 15, Croap A Mother's Trllmt*. u While in th« country last whiter my little boy, three y«ur» old, was taken ill with croup; jt seemed as if be would die from *tran*u lAtb-n. One of the family ftuggested tbe use r 4 Aye.b’B Cherry Futohai.. a bott> of which was always kept in tbe house. This was tried in small and frequent dot ee, and to our delight in leas than half an hom tbe little patient was breathing easily. The doc tor said tha* tbe CHERRY Pn toral had saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude? Sincerely > ours, Mrs. Emma Gei>kev. m 159 Weft 128th St., New York, May 16, 1882 u I have used Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral in my family for several years, and do not hesitate to proi»ouj*ce it the most effectual reniedy for coughs and colds w e have ever tried. A. .1. < KA>E." Lake Crystal, Mim,, March 13,1882. “ I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with no suc cess, 1 was cured by the o?mj of Ayer’s Cher ry Pectoral. «Jo*eeh Walden/* By halia, Miss., April 6, lit “I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, believing as I do that hut for its use 1 should long since have died fro in lung troubles. E. Bragdon/* Palestine, Texas, April 22, ls*2 No case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannoi be greatly relieved by the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and it will aUratjg cure when the disease in not already beyond the control of medicine. EREEARED BV Or.J C AyerACo.,Lowell,Mass. Sold bjr ail Tir ugfc.ot*. Von Cam* At Buy I t ii* Hjq » liar-rop*iis. What an absurd idea ’ to send a sick .-nan, withataadii st<nnach. a torpid liver t-no impoverished blood, to a bar-room to * wallow tome stimulating stun iul -all it medicine! An enormous ainoirv ofimischie. is constantly done >, men who thus trifle with them k!. ?. instead of healing their di-a-a a s,they make them worse, luste dos gaining trength, they only squire the disgraceful habit of i. pang. It is a point worth noting in con jection with Brown's Iron Bittn that this valuable mtui ine is slot told in bar-rooms, and will not be. It is not a drink. 4 i-s a remedy. It is riot made to tickle die palate of old toners. It is made to hca! disease. It is not made to promote the good-fellowship of a lot ol u.b n)ous fc-Hows standing around a bar and asking each other, A\ bat w ill you take ? ” it ri a true tonic ; an iron medicine, (Staining die oidv prepa ration of Iroit which *a» safely end ~ i o t*M,f < *'• ' SEEK Beal& ilIKi HKS@QB<I c*i ftsci*a£; wrst* 3t&. i wont out, instead of acifets <Uhl ffflftfl-.. V- - MIM" T% I V»" U rather &dl w#; <ti m ? You can f-xlriar? miserable and g*'* £- ; tUing, Hull* iiw ■■ *iiv ittft A ' -u : - Sell iiifvi I-icUU t, till*! I' Vt H* are t*r* • i ’ : k :nl { you can h i?* - if a a Cl* *MIS H Otl* Ift ’ '' * * bottk TEK-s,asid taking ;r it aocorditi : 1 n Msu s. \ :... • -. r«.-s. "Si-. T"-- ■ ta*f*.a* aS '.viu-G k > .. -. ti e . 5 me ' : .i-iA y • ■ itae»-. uL . ■ cey».*;t : '.sp : e^r # !-r.t S • I tiwugto I % Ury r Biit*-; ■; I *."••• * • . ***# .r*n>: - . i:. Si . . :.i .. g : .V's ' */r u **;* _ ■■ ‘ isT;T £ : ■ . I? ’ - -.i'> «iw tia *./' . . j /2*J» K. J't- . # F r. ' I - At ... comfwwr*] < ' r .. it. sF ’ ; form; Lev. -a.; t. , f •.nir ‘ j'" " r -c'i a remark:. , fr n tome, which w.d . •>_ pept i, iad.g- ; e. :i Weakne a ; ! t 1/in:/.and K ruy IF YOU V/ANT TO BILL YOUR GAME BA) AND MAKE BSC SCORES, ÜbE Emmmi iFLtS-ZEi SHOT GUNS Ail the Latest Improven.ents. -a • ♦- ■' FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman & Co SOLE AGENTS FOR E.Remimgtcn&Son: Sporting Arms and Ammunition. 281 & 283 Broadway, NEV' YOR WESTERN OFFICE, D. H. LAMBERSON c_ CO., 73 State Street, Chicago, ARMORY, - - - ILION, N. Y REMINGTOf SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES IUOE IN THE BEST BUHNER, BY SKILLED WORK* REMEMBER THAT OUR BOOBS ARE ALWAYS DELIA! One Piece of Solid Steel. NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE SLA SEND FOR CIRCULARS. REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL C I MON* X. Y. |f#w York Office. 1 IS f linniher* fc irF A Marvelous Srcßi t TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. * FROM THE SON: T*».«r "Gentlemen: My father resides at Glover. Vl He has been a great sufferer from Scr of u’a. and the inclosed letter will tell yon what a marvelous effect Ayer s Sarsapar '' Has had in his case. I think his must have contained the humor for at least tet. years ; but it did not show,except in th»* form of a scrofukc i- r* re on the w rist, until alwuf five years ago. From a few spots which &p pen red at that time, it gradually spread so -.s to cover his emir* b vlv. 1 assure you he w terribly afflicted, and ar object or pity, when he began using your medicine. 2sow, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as lie has. I could easily name fifty persudk who would testify to the facts in his case Yours truly, YY. 2>L Phillips.” FROM THE FATHER: pleasure and a duty for me to state to you the benefit J have derived from the use of $ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, Six months ago! was completely covered w'/.h a terrible humor ami scrofulous sores. Tha humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many place* whenever J moved. My suffering* were great, and my life a burden. I commenced the of the Sarsaparilla in April last,and have used it regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and 1 flsei perfectly well in every respect —being sow able to do a good day s work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire was. has wrought such a cure in my ctuse, and I tell them, as [ have here tried to tell you. ATEP’g Sarsaparilla Glover, Vt, Oct 21,1 nbZ Your* grab-fullv, Hiram Phillips/* Ayer’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofulw and all Scrofulous Complaints, eias, E<-x«*rra, King worm, Blotches. Sores, Boils, Tumor?, aiui Eruption* ot the Skin. It ch ar* the bk«od of all impu rities, aids digestion, stimulate* the action of the bowels, and thu* re*t*>ra# vitality and Strengthens the who ? »> . EBKPARED BY • Dr J.C.Ayer&Co. towel!,Mass * bv \ll *>r-upi<i»*»; *l, *1? t*c*Al *« to ■ hii NORTH GEORGIA 51 attress Factory. . OMIBESVH.t.k, «C. F. R. ( ORT. Propri f. Mtnntfa<-6nres tmlr. «-*>t t • .n. Itiisk iilifl s-trjiw liittUicase:-. <>f tt*'- t»*»t (iiiuUty ini'l ttorkmaii.tiip. OnJi r* t>y mail |»n<iu|>tly at tenjoj Id l{<.tnn : :*iiti-' a fti'mliwp KING S ; . Sf KOl l L*. MB <M% V caffs! !>" ■* '* . . . t>« of thr Muwd. Ift *¥ Btniwl Cvfjuwott* i .*>!»• j Burs. BoiK Csrtii • i ■. ' l*«rulc«t Iktrs Nr-r.t • - r slrat Collapse, II a I II . . larrt:, KWnry- •>-,i■« l.ivei li - T*bcrr*lar Con-!!lupti in. .wi-**ti>!-r «iAij.'-t!-<i' its fatal n>■ l pruduotd by it. i/er's Sarsapcnii - th" sTStcn Hertdltary S* rof 1 < *. t!W kimlrwl pn—..f . -i •. and nwrourv. At tlx ■» i. • rO-ii'-- »ad vttaltZ' -> 1b - l-ttotl. : ' - u b-altbful acth>a to lsw* vital or--:-- njHVMitißjtb- mi if-.- 'i -f Regenerate vs : ' ]« composed of cr ’i // <v#*yjtfjyj riUf* , vrlth Y&P'- h ■ “ • 1 i Iron, and © '-r imr* - u-< f*f - teiicr. eamuity' isu#! ;>-!** jK>u:i'led. Ir* *» to the medksl prof*-* i n- -■ Bak&afaei 1 .,1a Alto . ?'■ '• For all ilbo: -* theMbO’L. IH • • !*i: : -t pr., •! other propor-' ■ are claimed snl .■- *• : acwoii as tbo b ~iac, in the wo.' l Ayer’s S au. PliEf * nil}'- l* * Dr J. C tyer .1 Co ■ [An»!rf!< ! b *- * Fold by-', !’ :■•••! boll!, -■ for v<,* '■bM . 'J‘ ■ Mr ’ „ ; r -v; : *- - ■ • ’ c?.!y (faick and positive blood poisca !y ou earth, for the immediate and {*er v- ■ r •!•• if-. and stages of Blood t i -. Scr d-Os 1 I'Xers and Sore#, Skin a- ! Humors, S veiled Glands and , ir.,' umatis::i. Kidney Complaints, Ca- I* un;Ce Troubiet*. Syphilis in all Plages, : >tary Taint, and all disorders requiring i.L’.iS ukuhle b!of<l pnrff.‘*r. It does not a mineral or vegetable poison. One tty 0 « itlvc jiroof of Its magical power ri* i ity. Thousands of wonderful :*-• •'!« at iiorisC and abroad, mailed lu . t f-rm, free to any addres*. No one can ■ e majpesl power f f B. B. B , after Li*-'; b- Ties, $1.00,0i r "■ n y >ur dnC; -t, or address BALii CO , AtlanUr, Ga * • Dt rtuunfelsi'driric. It was neutral irroiuid prir.L.'ther.iL::-iice between Sherman and J ’ i;*on. Soldiers of both armies filled | rinrr'ouchc -v iththet 'baceoi*tore«lthere, t i. after the surrender, marched home a rd. R- on ■ *rder» came from East, West, j rth and Soutli, for “more of that elegant tobacco.” Tin n, ten men ran an unknown : ; ry. Now it employs HX) men, uses the ’ n’: and pick of the Golden Beit, and the Durham Bull ritho tradc-m ~rk of this, the l-c t tobacco in tac world. Blackwell’s Ball Durham Smokimr Tobacco has the largest , :de of any amokiny tobacco in the world. t Why! Simply because it is the best. All | dealers have it 1 rade-mark of the BulL *look si „ DURHAM tTiri „ Bt i&r bull PSb/V'w If h«Mpone forwrack -.use of Bl.t. kwfflV Bull rfslmjnSm Durham rimokmur To • V baooo, as be was t- Id. he _ m, * •« wouldn’t have been A MiPa, cornered by the bulL ii nil tl ta t- io .„. .iriia. ,i i ,ii -,c it: :;;ia/f Yf.ur i,\■-r is tbr- j jib, !;crl!;t|is,;u;d you ittay. l.v stud ; to fiiliotts. '1 he way to help too ] out of the difficulty is to. take i 4 ;w. v’f Iron Bitters, which sets dkordcrol ii’. ■ : at work iu style. Don’t le fir- ? c angry/ Yotir i;e .stion is l„.d, lit.U ui •« IS your d sjsjgition. If you \. ii fry : Drowns Lon J .lit'is, ><..« v. ill itnd the di'v -live driven J ‘on’? Ire J ; '/■: :> . /,’ \ l«l ate I ! . ■ :.r fi. au ...'yostr t/ rv! j., thin, i md Mat t .art -l 1; c tlouhlt, or thick i cum-, i. Bin s Iron ; Jotters will pot lii.ii into your i circulation, eunrhi).- the blood, 1 making it a toy;.! , .1 color, and giving you the !.irt tigih you neevl. The trotihini, the weary, tin: despondent, the ttc-rvi us,‘he debil itated,'and the Libor tird r st. rt pose, rcfresliiix-pt, at t rei oasiruc tion in the u.-v <T that princeo f 'lonics, lirown slt ni . " . The . druggist charves a <t a Lottie Sir it i LOAA'H OF MON’/.Y- Sepo'.iYed o> ini:" vi> 1 !.■ rtn i in ft vvllll*c*,t and M a inn v. ~ii f f-K :on five years tune at eighl cent int -res*. Sept, 29 Ih 1884. W’ni F,. Simmcn** Weak mid the Impmn The merry Lute ir.< urnin hrew-k. a* it lightly daucta over he rocks *:.d stAirkles in the suvsh eon its way down to the river, is [. re and clean. It is active; thcrcic V-t s 1 healthy. It is vkor >us; the* fore. • But the slukcish pool, where -he j current k> not enough tc keep the watof m n.olion, ri stag, naot and L>Ui. 'Dirt aril ijubbtsh* are thrown Lr o an f tiy there. - Imp' ' es ?"'!■ • ’ *n» make -t j r r - ,d an object 1 \VL •...•; 1 . o .-ngandri .1 and red, and vig i •••uriy courses iflj accustomed rou.'aJs through arte-| i ries iiiui .•. i• -vsteni is hearty* tmd i* - .. . \. 1 When tile l: < ; thin and pool I and weak, ii puntics and detile-1 ts crti p into it. and it has acl * to cast ". sa out. Then] l a system runs down. | wu s Iron Li;,. -■ cent airs the! i ■ . preparativn o; ». ich can ! ■ :.v ' the birixf, arid i,„.kc it pure vigorous, anti healthy. A dollar i Settle, at the nearest druggist's ri r Ayw r' s TJ< *! ///or, For ig Gray Hair lo itsnatih talilyand Color. ■ A dressing ! which is at IsiM <a ' r once ,agn?e --* able, healthy. 'Wfisy* -and elfeetual - , ing the hair tj-, • Faded ar.gray X is *no)t restored to it , color, v'Uk the gloss anu , youth. Thin hair i . i i, falling liair cheeked, and • - often, though not always, use. Nothin" can n • hair where the follicles ar WHkf*"i- But sueli as reinaii ts sl* S' vefidne ..- I>V V : Mod «. jnr teas.! of lbuiuig tin Vi a- pasty sediinent. it will * clean and’ vigorous Its j urea- > ! use wifi prevent the liair yi n- ig .grav or falling ott. Al pn ; r«nt bri!<th'e«« • from those deleterious snl>- , w hich make some prepara. • d '-.ns and rnjmious t(! •i: . t • \ -'or <em only lii netH . ii it:!mi it. If wanted Merely <*r a TI AIT ’ DRESSING, | i-.orfiitvy :■? r ; ;jj iq-. found so desir i . (' >■ friiiMii-. neither oil nor j he, I; !»-. nol soil white earn ; sii‘i■ ■. !i„l \-i*t last - long on the hair, ;. i:. . i a rich "lossy lustre and a ; grateful perfume. ri: r t’A i. t.n by Dr. J. C. AYER St CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical anti Analytical Cite mist a. fioi.D BY ALL DKUOGIBTS KVKftYM HERB e* Cu. illuit’-uffte Lns Manner of U*ing k .Sjj; Dll. EU( 'H.'** \ f * g ri<" OL. A j : : 1 tr •' r if* Pk Ml J ' : if f Y-\\ ' .Vy- v " y L ‘ 'it ' I , iL -, C ’ } <i« it-'/m~ "-‘C T r ! ' 1 m A v» j ---■»«•- J d ** - * inciTtviiii. in whi. h U're- ; /’ - ;; -t. m-.«i !>.mj U iKC?! • ;.f , I • » !.ir/flr tl.,'.if ai*? i . «•> i > l::e-c«avs:ie- nn-l cliamkifi L*v »*,? * -■ !- inetbiisK This „i Yn Dt. ■I < - iv.i' cures |a enurelv s». I ' ’- -B 'B/»f MM' louche. Its IT-<* , : • 1 c d tlin» a eh! 14 can tin iersLu;! ii* 'MI > x|)||{ q dlircetiodd • i • c t. V, hen n>*| with t|«* iißtre ' k *C«*id lit lb i : *\ ' n few aiq.i .Vi'ii'-.- ; - :j tjJt sAnnfi “ • i ■*•»»rs*-x - i n *t - wmi* rv, thick mu ;; . purn'enl. . if 1'..:,-;*! Tlib.Jfr In no»k:uri at il tbr •: r f fAi" - K.-i’i'-ne ineaih, CM ■ -«t cut -meil and ©?■«*»», d. . i ‘ • "r *■ *'■ t.i'L.. l .,- 'viL-k, ete j .v.l M* r .f an: hriely to k ■ Line. iir. vi:re'*. t atari h Hcruesy, wheni?-r *' ‘ IL 1 . 2* f i *rc*.tlPoU' ite, uu a- I * .s ;.. W'iui Ho* < • ! { eitlmTs* | » '' '.' -O’- Cl 0,.» j ,Ic. It, . f !>t. w! . is : j C *. .. i: is si,., *!. . •< v *: '< ‘>r , -.i i 1 j "! ' ’ t- C Urtr ri k-aVI, i.-.+iti ; SUM:.:. • t: v■ t;t.».n- bv ell UrugqiaOt, c * fit ;»(•*• r r r. n.r~r.,.-r, *• V r t ?LE .tiOin'd Ot' 17 We may moralize'aj much as’.. { ph . u i.Rr,*:i pain; hut the ft t is duit we •ion’t it while it last.- - and we want to get rid of it as .soon is we can. WI tether censed by rheumatism,gout,disordered liver, weak nerves, it; 11 nlar kidney s,bud Llixkl, or anything else that is just the reverse of what it'should be,the I sooner if is out ot the system the h >ppicr wc are. Whether pain is ; the n suit of impnwlence or ofacci | Jcul, or is sent as a lun'shuifeiit Jot j ur: ins, may Ik a nic*- quest:«m. tor ho philijs iphet .' to argue; buyjieo t>le who are sulterino want first to l>e rid; >f tne pain, after which those whoarefondofaigumentmay argue I tlie matter t-> their hearts’ content- Above all the* ry,argument aitd ihilosopity ronic-s the delightful f < t‘tlKUji«o .. i Ikon RircfcHß c v*f, pain a’.v.i., Suflerc-rs run no , ; i. .n o , ,„g tins .nedieiue, the only • ■ pound containing iron which I Carnes no mischief with jt. Those j who have used it will tell yon so: j and you can try fni yo.trselfbv buy- I *1)0 3f„ -thn-t-tt -, r ,„ , ,1,-,,’..-.rtjj, Mar b 1 e Vv' orlts - ai*J .talers in— ■ 1 IAN AND KI'TLAN 1> -VARItLE MON t MEN I S. BOX T ».VBS. H ,VA D. AND FOOT .STONES. Aaß UISDEKTAKtiU I h v HH H rival tW bhi • Ihe atftt Wldn.noof fhV kiwi yo-i IM-Corv offered Uj th« |,ii|.lm-. II i|> lie onlKlioli-* let:UH U‘lf|>Uo.>e llial i- u**d Wltli a f«le|.h..p. ••*»*■_a«< r< t "kV v ..; nnuKKlt, \XU LIN or ZltilAU lm«*, or **n a ing Al’TB or Klfill'E A NGl<fiS Sold tmtriiibf fortlO.UO; nofXA>rt>itantrt*nt!>. i Tfn-v 810 (!ifonlvtf!f[>lio!!, - »!:i * iiiir an Amount.. I .mo A iiv rijrMMM’J. u.l 1b,., uivSh.'.m vl. i.-1-ii - Otat aro prou. t.-I man »uN.«i 1.ij.1 I ‘ nun" An-.-i.-r. An'o inid- «>■ d*>li\. rod in «loat and i.atmal toms. »h«y " MIJ. »KS duihW-. ami r.-.tni.v 1.-^,sUl.-mi. and Ihau am oil t «i u-k-plioiu- liuido. Sond for lor our dlii-n ut.-d •■m ular. Avails Ths r S Telephone Company NOS-- 40 AND -.1 y r.ST s rfkt, fostoffkf, BOX .28. MA It fSiI V. IX IK ■ms Tb# Great Bpaastlo for Neuralgia and Headache. V.i «n 4» ri«il Kimu'dv. 4 Vmftt iniii (*n nin*, opium, < Tilorofornt. ( idot i; •'*>!!*> “f nitv kirn!, eff« ilSve ami in is a<-lion. A V«*!f S » wn, Va.. April 14, f tfe 4. Mias huh. lint hinxa & M affo tru- j ii jisisn is. iiitli# "nn i \irt id >nm *‘.\» hnil*rin«*'‘ f»»r Hu* « lire iit‘iinil*ria :iiui si*-k iidulaiht'. Il is le-'t rttfDsjs li.r t Im*SO lilt'll liistlis? t itinpiaiitls I have i-vi'i umiL It shou In* m cvt r\ family in tin*<h*ui fr> . H. 11 LA I*, Mayor «> f.«‘*‘st»urg, Va. M. ssi>. lititoliDort Bin- ! am tiappf t«» >mv won "N. iii aele.l a a h >{»>■]*}. ■■ t :*»•-. i*Tit \ in- iii>- in an , in«*r» <libi> 'slu»rl tim**. 1 ivotilt! :nl\i><*a!l * t,; , s- !«- it, f.. tr\ »i. .• ia .. u . li. \ . MM.<. M |>. „ Proprietor i, Atlanta, Q*. SSTo-vir rn- for For all lnjurlesln man or beast nothing equal* HiJUitSG LIMJiKNX- | Ochilla Guano The iidlest XATURAL BIRD UA\O now on the marketl)oe.~ not fire the crop in dry Seasons. The finest base lor Composting to be hath Bay* It should be put in d>e ;r unit or C<impost early. Pa id [iota’s, P diton’s A.ail Pd)apiit NONE BETTER. Our stock of Seeds, Farm Implements, rhnriis. Feed Cutters, Corn Shellers, Planters, Cultivators, Reapers, Threshers EnCINES, ETC. IS FELL AND COMPLETE. MRK W 17 ii licit aSi reel. B J WELL <£ OWER Flowery F>ran( h. a Take this opportunity so inform the people of C\y nett and adjoining comities that they are still nianulaet nriug their ju>t Iv celebrated cmuEwnvw Wlitien have given such universal s itisf.iel .raid v« Light limning Proportions and S i'll -or many years. Their prices have he itos t (Its times. Also dealers in I W A (iox and ( ,'A RRI AG E MATERIAL, iron, coal, paints, oils, etc Tlioir work i> honestly mpileto wear, ami not Iht* slop shep stuff ma.lo • utly l« sell. Satisfaction a’ways pnarmiteeil. Tliaukful to the public for j Ills \. ry tiiH iul pat r. maze uiven them in the past, they shall continue to i| u their utmost to iuri it an im leusoU ptl romco in tin* future. For prices, erins. we., address BA WELL A UVVER, Mitrcli 24 ly Finwry Brtncb, Ga. ATLANTA House Moving RaisigComp New Store! 1 New Goods! New Firm i Co f 1 ‘ 1 MU A <1 OM ERg, Lawrenoevilb - - - . . T" ,1h ‘ < of («winnett and adjoiniug coawi f \\ t* lake this method of inloi miug yoa th ha\L' loinc to i.awioiifvvilln lor the purpose nl s° all,! li'dkin- :i living, and in undertaking tt otter you one of tin- host assorted stock* of « luerehuu list- ever displayed in this market. now on hand a eoinplete ineol DRY GOOD , Lades’ Dress Con FATESr SrVLE.S IN BOOTS AND SHOES, FAMILY ROCEKIE.S, F U R N I TU R E, HARDWARE, BTOVSI Tn faet, everything to he found in a General eliandise Store. We desire to make the at <|naint&nee of even zen ol the county, lull more especially of the to i.avvrenceville. 'tf XV e huv alf kinds o< country pioduc# an the highest market price for it. Come and see us. Ml M ..Kill 24 1* YSTONE £ tUBLE XJANOI MANUFACTURED BY f LMgalJi!* ini, I PAID ITP CAPITAL $500,000. ! JOHN M. GREEN, fiUNACfIS. f ATLYNTC MR (A. 1 This brand has been before the public lor ■ and in every instance has given entire aatiafactioiß This season it will he ottered cheaper tbanß 380 Pound * I OF i.OOD LINT COTTON. PER TON. i I For sale by V UGH X & PEN ECOS , I Lawreneeville, U THE BOOKWALTER I PORTABLE ENGirJ iacoiafACT,rrcEcauvE. DUFAJii-e ml TEEIi TO WORK -WEU . U' <i!vß tai. fBD- POWk* | IT »S JUST YHf Cis ai 1® •>•!¥* -1 Cotton Gins. *j Corn Mills, H Wood Saws, Creameries, l Hay Presses. J Machine Shops. 'ap LOW °l! CS TOR F.. r CLASS E < ‘®*** , . S HORSE POWER CNC J.U Ajia eoi’oKk. - - *_ . • • 4 . HORSE .-0-. i... *3 • Aim . * * I <4 MUSE I OWBB EliOtNE ASi« WOiLSS. *_ . - * 8-, aOKOL I owl* LHUICL - Our New DssGHf-tlrt r:;T.p!s:et - P“L-* S.ftl n* Nteam Pc:.;. Adarc.i ... - ’• J t j