The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, October 27, 1885, Image 2

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GWINNETT lIERALb, T. M. PEEPLES. EDITOR EDITORIAL BREVITIES. Hje Kimball house coat $643,- 260. Only two children have bean born in the White House The “two Sams" are in Binning ham They fill Iheir big rent a t every meeting judge Hammond, of Atlanta, has resigned the offire of Judge of the Supreme Conrt. Atlanta has at last concluded to iet up on her artesian well and score one f&’lure for the Gate City Ordinary Calhoun, of Fulton county has ordered the prohibi tion election to be held on the 25th of November. Foreaker’a majority in Ohio i B 18,158. The prohibition candi date received 28,045, and the Greenback candidate 2963. Dr. H. H. Cary, the fish commia sioner of Georgia, will have 20,000 fish to distribute in this state next month. Parties defining carp should apply to him at snoe. Dr Felton rises up and oalls the Savannah Times a liar. The Doc tor’s experience in the Legislature seems to have demoralized him as well as the boys. No Legislature that ever asaems bled in the State has [received such universal condemnation from the presß and people as the last one. Not even Bullock’s rump concern was more bitterly denounced. Jnst aa Atlanta Is preparing to wrMtle with prohibition, the “lead ing citizens” propose to establish a bottle factory. It would proba bly ta tatter to wait until after tbe election and if prohibition car riea, establish a jug factory. Col. E B. Thomas has been made General Manager of tbe Riel tnond & Danville and Georgia Pa cific Rail Roads. Peyton Rans dolph is assistant General Manag er. Tbe new officials went over the line last week upon a tour ol inspection. The East Ten. Va. and Ga Rail Road and the Western and Atlantic are engaged in a war of rates. When it will end no man can telL In toe mean time tbe traveling public get tbe benefit of cheap riding. The jiublig^-^ At a literary convention recent ly held at Middleton, Conn., Ex- Gov. Aong, of Massachusetts, pre. aided, and Senator Butler ofSouth Candida delivered the address. NoJhing was said abou. bridging the “bloody chasm,” The chasm has disappeared. Georgia will not be represented at her own Fur. The commissioner of Agriculture bad oollected the beat specimens of state produc tions from field and farm but the attorney General decided that no part of the appropriation to that department could be used for inis purpose, The exhibit will remain .in Atlanta. The evolution question in still troubling the Presbyterian church. It will be remembered that tie Synod at Marietta last Spring adopted rasolutiona condemning Dr Woodrow. The South Caroli na and Savannah Synods have sue tained the Dootor, and there is likely to be a serious rplit over thia question, unless it is settled by tne General Assembly. The State fair began yesterday The prospect of cueap transporta tion is certainly encouraging, as the Fast Tonal, Va. and Ga. road proposes to tell tickets from Atlan ta to Macon fifty cents cheaper than the Central, no matter what price the latter sells at. Probably before the war ends they will give away tickets and throw in n chro me. Gen. fi. P. Alexander has writ ten a pointed letter to Dr. Fel ton in which be aek him to lake back certain charges made by the Dr in his speech in the House of Bep reaentatives. These statements the General characterize i utterly false and he ho] es that the Doc* tor's sense of duty as a Christian and honor as a gentleman will In duce him to retract An Alabamian proposes to estab lish by proof, the feet that John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Lin' coin, still lives and is now in Egypt- This sensational theme will proba bly give his book a g od send off and he will rake in the shekies. I. would probably add Interest if his had announoed that he would prove that J W B was ihs false prophet of the Soudan. Some fel low will yet rise up an 1 be prepar ed to prove to his own satisfaction that G Washington, Esqr., still iiwm, ‘ Editor Stead of the Pal! Mall Gazette, who stirred England and Europe with his disclosures of (he rottenness of London sccieiy, is on trial for abduction, suborna* tion of perjury, Ac. - —- Emory College has opened with nearly three hundred schollais. There are about twenty students in the technological department. Here is an institution that flour ishes without State aid every two years. Jake Dart haa been appointed Collector of the Port of Bruns wick to succeed Col Farrow. Jake is s full team as a Rail Road man and a Legislator and we have no doubt will make a competent and efficient officer. m 1 Two deputy U S. Marshals, William FPall and William Clem ents, who weie hunting a still in Montgomery county, ware shot and instantly killed by uakuown parties. A negro who was with them as a guide was badly wound ed, hut succeeded in getting back to the Rail Road and tailing the news. Mrs Grant is not as poor as tbs public were led to believe about the time of the failure of Grant A Ward. She has $250,000, set apart for hsr use, the interest ot which amounts to $17,5C0 per an num. There is no danger of the family going to ‘.he poor houae un less they go into Wall Street gambling. Over two hundred revenue cases have been disposed of in the Unit ed States Court up to fast Satur day. Among these we notioe the names of anv mber of Gwinnett boys. On last Friday the follow ing oases weie tried: William Ethridge, of Gwinnett, of illicit distilling. Sentenced to 30 days in jail- James Brown, of Gwinnett, was found not guilty of illicit die tilling. Elijay Kenedy was also acquit ted. J. B. Jones, of Gwinnett, sen tenced to 1 month in jail and SIOO fine. Charley Rose has at last been caught. He has been charged with murder, stealing a train and other offenses, but has heretofore been lucky enough to come clear. It is a long lane (hat never turns, and Charley has at last been convicted o * burglary in two eases and sen tenoed to fifteen years in tbe Pen* Miiuiry. fiu Dromer gum » r five years. The locality of o man’s crime seems to have some magic spell for him. After Rose's experience in Atlanta, he went West and it was supposed (hat he had shaken the dost of Atlanta off of hie f«6t forever, but some strange ballucina tips brought him back, and he will how have wshffef* fd? ioffia of nS?> crimes, whether the truth in refer ence to tbe others, with which be is charged, ever contee to light or not Oae C. M, Depew, a leading pol itician, of New York, has published a remarkable statement as to the controversy between Ganl. Grant and President Johnson, just after the close of hostilities. He as amts on the auibority of (7enl. Grant that immediately after the surrender, Grant stood in the breach between the President ard the leading men of the Sontb’ whom Johnson ha d determined to .have hang, io order to make trea son odious; and that within h short time Johnson suddenly ebasg ed his views and determined to call on the Southern Sta-es to send up their benaton and Representa tives, and that wirb the men in the North who be relied on, the gov ernment would pass into their hands, and that Grant again stood in the breach and defeated Jota son's plana to give the rebels ooc trol of the Government. This story looks very fishy, com ing es it does, after death hp? closed the mouths of the principal actors, and being so inoonsiß with itself and the well known character of Andy Johnson, it will hardly be credited by tbe conntiy, The question will naturally be asked, why did Depew keep this secret so long, only to be heralded to the country when the only men who knew the tru«h, and could have denied it, bad passed away f It is well kuown that for years there was a bitter feud between Grant and Johnson. That John son publicly denounced Grant in tbe bitterest terms, impugning his veracity ard integrity, and it is a little remarkable, if this stoiy is true, taat Grant did not expose him over his own name, and not wait to poor ont nis stoiy into the ears of a ward politician in an aft er dinner chat. In our opinion Mr Depew has either drawn large ly npon his imagination, or the ild Gent, was mellow with wiae when be unfolded this lotg kepi , tide, THE GOVERNORS VETO. | Gov. McDaniel has put hi* veto only on one bill passed by the Leg islatnre. This was a bill to abol ish pool rooms and tatting on fut nree. 'i’he bill may have been toe broad and sweeping in its terms, but the Legislature was certainly on the right line, when it attempt ed to break up pool rooms where gambling is taugh( end practiced. As to selling of futures, our Su preme Court has held that <hefie bucket, shops are nothing but gambling hells in the worst form. It is speculation in chances, in which the keeper is a well pat j stake holder. There has beep more money lost, more men ruin ed, more families brought to want in Georgia, within the last five years by these bucket shop# than all of the faro banks in the State, The Governor pats his veto, not upon the ground that these gambling institutions abonld be permHted, but because the bill was unconstitutional, containing matter different in the body of the act than was indicated by the cap tion. Dr. Felton assent* that the Georgia Legislature, in violation of (he Constitution, gave away SBB,OO to the Yankee Syndicate who are building the Marietta and Nor(h Georgia Rail Hoad We are not so snre the Doctor has not got on the right trail one time. 3ut then whut hut (A- Con stitution go( to do with the Geor gift Legislature? Did not the doc tor vote to prolong the session from forty to one hundred and flf iy days, in violation of the spirit of the Constiiuti , and for the giv ng away $65,00c of the people’s money to aid a few men, educate themselves, while the children of ten. thousand (ax payers are una ble to secure the benefit of the ele mentary oranches of an English education ? 1/ has been a debatable ques* tion among members of tbe legal profession, whether a citizen over eixly years of age was quali fied to serve as a jaror. Last week the Supreme Court settled the question by uolding that ?sucb persons were not disqualified but only exempt, when they saw prop er to claim (be exemption. This has been the almost uniform ruling of the circuit Judges. Two of them only, as far as we have beard, holding to tbe contrary . I 1 is an important question that is sprung at nearly every term of the Suuerior Court, aud we are glad it hat at last bean authorita tively settled. WITH A LOADED PISTOL, Taiaulab, Gas October 21, Sensational features have followed the burning of the Tatkilab hotel. This resort had been visited by over two thousand guests during the feuro ujnrf its season, when it was swept swap by fire. Mr. W. D, Youug the proprietor, end his wife were absent at the time in South Caro lina. On their return, Mrs Young became greatlo excited and alleged that she knew who had applied the torch. She labored under the idea that Mr. Martin, who keeps store for Mr. R. S, Mow, who bad just erected an opposi tion oofel, bad something io do with the burning of their hotel E-uly Tuesday morning, before Martin had got up, she went to the store with a loaded pistol in hand, with the avowe p intention of killing him. Mrs. Young knock ed at Martin’s btd room door and told him to come out at once. In the meantime Mr. T. A. Robinson got wind of wba/ was on foot, and going to the store attempted to atop the troib,e and told Martin not to leave his room. Mrs Young was detir nined io kill him. Mr* Robertson prevented it by‘ •topping the hammer of the weape on with his finger, which was badly mashed* Mrs. Young then left the building, but was so ov«r*» oome by excitement that she faint ed in the road. KILLED HIS SISTER Marion, Ala,, This place was thrown into a stats of excitement yeeteruay morning by an unprovoked and co.d*blood ed murder. A negen boy, Henry //unley, years of age, shot and killed Janie Hanley, years of age. I 1 seems the sieAr a few days ago ohastiselfth' boy for some offense which instead of subduing, made him very mad, and he voved (o kill her. Accordingly, this morning when she had gone out of the the yaid he got a shotgun and awaited her relura. When ebe came in at the gate he discharged the weapon at ler, the load taking effect in the stomach, causing al most instaLt death. As soon as the boy shot he laid down the gun> went and looked at bia sister and deliborataly walked off. Several witnesses saw the deed but were too much surprised to de'taiu (lie little fellow. As soon as (he news was spread several parties were organized and started in pursuit of the fugitive. He wss caught six miles from here, handcuffed and brought to jail where he now languishes. Georgia—Gwinnett County. J. A Wills, having in proper form applied to me for letters of o<l min istration, De bonis lion, on the estate of John Rutledge, late of said coun ty. This is to cite all and singular tho creditors aud next of kin of John Rut ledge, to be ind appear at my office on the ttrst Monday in December next and show cause if any they can, whv letters of Administration le bonis non, should not be granted lo J. A. Wills on John Rutledge’s estate /ames I’. Lankin, Oct *th ’B6 -• Ordinary, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.’ ' Georgia—Gwinnstt County.. All persons having demands agaiultthe estate of John R Moore late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands t*» the undersigned accord lug to law, and all persons indebted to said estat »• are required to mate immediate payment. A. L. Moore, Jme* M, Patterson, Oot 26th 1886-6 w Admr s A PROCLAMATION. State of Georgia—Gwinnett Coun Whereas, an election was heid at the usual place of holding elections, in the 571st district, G M., of said oountv, (known as Rockbridge dis trict) under the same rules and fegu tations as are provided for Um elec tion of Members of the Geueral ‘‘As sembly, on Tuesday the -20th day us October, 1886, at which election, the question was submitted to the legal voter- of said distriot, "For Fence” or “Stock Law,” as provided for in Sec tion 1166 of the Revised Code of 1882 ; due notice of said election having been published as required by law. Aud whereas, the returns of said elec tion have been made to the Ordinary or this oounty, this day, who afterex amiuiirg the same, declares the'!,TOl lowiug as the result of said election : Stock Law 87 For Fence 66 And it appearing that a majority of the votes cast at said election was iu favor of Stock Law in said district, Now I, the undersigned Ordinary foe said county, in compliance with the law in such cases provided, do hereby proclaim that from and after the 21st day of Api it 1886, the provisions of Section 1449 1450 1431-1452 HM and 1464, with such amendments as have been made thereto will take effect aud become operative in said district In witness whereof, 1 hereunto set my hand aud official signature, this 21st day of October 1886. JAMES T. LAMKIN, Ordinar-, ADMINISTRATOR’S SvLK. c Will be sold before the Court Hous door, io the town ol Luwreocev It , G»in nett Couu.y, Georgia, within the legal hours ol sale, on the First Tuesday in December, next, the following described property belonging to the estate of John R. Moore, deceased, One dwelling house and lot in the town of Lawreuceville, known us the Sterling let. On said lot is a splendid six room house, with good kitchen and out buildings. This lot con'aiDs one and a half acies, more or I at, with good variety of fruit, good gsntehland (fllendid water, adjoining lands of Mrs* Davis, on »k« M. IVcylCB, iaorals, alley on the west, and IrpiUs Pike ytreet This fat one of the meet desirable lots io town. f . My " ■**' ’ *■ '' Oae large two rtoiy brick stow bouse, known as the A.M Smith earner, and part <|f Ipt Noe4T in said town fronting retry street oo the east 60 feel, running back 80 fleet Ufstake on Pike street and a J Vaughan’s line. This is in one of the heal business Joculitieaof the town. „ *. ALSO One small wood office on part #f lot No. 4 sad west of said store, ad join! ug Dr. A. J. Vaughan south sod brtjck aterg on the east Pike street on the north, NTiis lot is fifty feet square. y ALSO. One wooden dwelling and lot in the town of' JjwWrencevflte, Gwinnett County, on Pike street, containing one acre moa£ or less adjoining lots of 3. A. Hagood on the north, B. E. Strickland oh the east, Pike street on the south- and Reece McMellan on the west, * ■ ALSO. One small Bouse and lot in the town of Duluth .known as the ThatPCowe lot and as lot No. 36 in original survey of said town. East Air Line R. R fronting R, It. fifty feet running back let! feet, {Hid for the purpose of par ing the deMs of said deceased and for distribution. Terms one hale oash. balance due December Ist UM, with 8 per cent interest. Bond* for tit.e until last payment 4s made, j. m. Patterson! 00t.27, m Georgi« 4 County. All nersoDs having demand's against J. W. Bailur, deceased, law of said counts, are hereby, nodded and re quired Ur-present them, properly at tested, tO’the undersigned, within the time prescribed by law. And att per sons Indebted to said deceased, are hereby required to umk.< immediate payment to the undersigned, This September 7th 1886 t J, T. BAXTER, • A. M. BAXTER, Executors. ♦ tg| \ ' ' Goorgja—Gwinnett County ■*- David T L'ttle, administrator of William T has in due farm applied to ths undersigned for lenve to sell the lands belonging to the, estate of said deceased, ’to wfl : vine fair dred and thirty mires of laud morebr less, situated ;<m Big Creek, Forswlhe ountv, Ga., and known as tha.David F Little place, and said ap SliAtionwill be heard on the first lowiaviWJJovember next. • James T Latokin, Sept 38th 1886 Ordinary, Geotf'ia —Gwinnett County, Wyfcreas, James M Patterson and William Davis, Executors of van R. Stephenson, deceased, represents to the court in their petition duly filed that J-hey have fully administers.] said vau R Stephenson’s estate, This is therefore to cite all person* concern ed, heirs aud credit* rs, to shew caus», if any they can, why said executors should not be discharged from their administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in Jan uary 1886. James T Lafnkin. Out 2nd 1086 Ordiniuy Georgia—Gwinnett County. Notice is hereby given that a pe tition signed by fifteen or more Fis-e hoders ia the 571st Diet., U. M, of said county, praying that the tieuotlt of the provision of Section 144 iet, 1466 inclusive, of the Code of 1882 to the subject of “Fence” or “Mt on Law” be extended to said disfrock has been Bed with and submitted to the undersigned, aud tlutl action wi be taken thereon as provided in said section 1456 after publication of this notice. Jaa. T, bauikiu, Sept Bth 1886. Ordinary, Gwinnett Sheriff Sales. Georgia -Gwinnetf County. Will be -old before the courthouse door in tne town of Lawrenoeville Gwinnett county Georgia, within the Jjga hours of sale, on the ttrst Tues day iu November nest, following described property to-wit. One hundred aud twelve and a half (112 1-2) acres of laod more or less known as part of iot No 118 in the 6th distaict of raid county from which two sod a half acres has been cut off, where Perry Jenkins uow lives aud being the west of said lot, adjoining lands of 8 W Knox on the north K Jenkins oo the east and south and Thamas Mathews on the west. levied on by virtue of and to sasißfy four 6 fas from the Justices court of the 1262 district G M of said county, each in favor of W T Scales and against R M Morris, as the property of said R M Moms for purchase money, Levy made and returned to me by Hrnry L Collins L 0 also at the same time and place will be sold three acres of land, more or lees situated in the town of Norcroes in snid county pait of land lot No 255. Levied on as the property ol the de fendint Claiborne Wiley bv virtue of and to satisfy one IS fa from Gwinnett Superior Coart, in favor of it O Med lock ts said Claiborne Wiley. Proper ty pointrd oat by plaintiff’s attorney and notice of levy given tenant in possession also at the same time and place will be sold one hundred acres ot land iff of the east side of let N > two hundred and sixty nine (269) in the sixth district of said connty bounded on the south by G W Russell and a A c air tine R R east by Harper west by Youngblood aud north by Hunnicutt, the same be iug land described in a mortgage. L"vied on as the property of John O Liddell by virtue of and to satisfy one mortgage 6 fa from Uwiunett Superior Court, in favor of Maddox, Rucker A Co vs said John C Liddell. Notice giv en to tenant in possession. also at the same time aud place will be sold fifty acres of land, more or less, part ot lot No 141 in the 7th diet of Gwinnett county, adjoining lands ol P a Pucklt and W K Hadaway and others, and being the south west corner of said lot. Levied on as the property of Obediab Copeland and Mary Copeland to satis fy a fi fa from ja9tices court of the 444 dist G M of said county, in favor ot Thompson and Pattillo vs Obediab Cope land and Mar- Copeland. Property pointed out by pltfl Levy made and returned to me by W F Glawson i. o Also at the same time and piace will be sold thirty lour acres of land, more or less, ou the waters o ihe Apalachee, and on the north side of ffe road lead, ing from Dwvid Johnsons shop to Law. renceville, it being part of lot No 305 in the sth district of said county, more fully described in a deed from F B Dodd und Mary G Dodd to W L Dodd dated November 4th 1874 I-evied on as the pr perty W L Dodd by virtue of and to satisfy one fl fa from Gwinnett Superior Court in favor of Mary G Dodd vs W L Dodd. Prop erty pointed out by pltffs attorney. also at the same time nnd pface will be sold one eighty sar gin, and feeder for tht same and one Van Winkle power press, now in possession of a D Word. Levied on as the property of a I) Word hy virtue of and to satisfy one fi fa from the Superior Court of said coun ty upon the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of S c Mcoandless vs said a D Word and M L * ord Preperty point ed out in the fi fa Also at the aame time and place will be sold all that tract or parcel of land lying and being k oounty of Gwin nett, State of Georgia, known nd desig oated in the plan ol said county as part of lot No ooe hundred ond seventy eight (178) of said Connty, containing one buD J red and twelve acres more or less, bound ed as follows : commencing at the south west corner of said lot and runuiug north along tbe original west line 160 rods to M J pfffces line, thence east along said cru£!r line to J E crnces Ime on the easVqide of Sweet Watei creek, thence south along Hie origin, east line ol said l()t‘ forty rods, ihenct due south forty rods, thence south we@i thirteen rods and thence west nine!) two rods more or less to a stake, thcuci soutn to tbe original south line, thence along tbe sooth line to the starting poiot aud beiDg tbe plaoe wbesegh Jo nas oain now resides Levied on as tbe property of Jonas caio and Mary caiu by virtue of-and to satisfy six fi fas Irom Gwinnett f SupY court in favor of W B New vssaid Jo uas oain and Mary cain, said property new iu possession of defendants -i»nd 'a deed for said land having been filed ahd recorded in the clerk’s office as required by law. Property pointed out by Dun lap and Thompson pltffs attornkjfs* W. P. COSBY, Sheriff: « Oct. sth, 1886. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALfe By virtus of an drdcr from the Court of Ordinary of said county, wirt 1>« sold before the Court House door in the town jm6 Lawrenoeville, Gwin nett county within the legal . hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November rtext. the following desi rib ed lands beUmging to the estate of Thomas Garper, dec’d. to wit: . Fifty aOToifbf land more or less, known as pjtfvof lot No SI, in the 6th district of said oou. ty, on which is sit uated a mordant and corn lfs|L known as Garner’s Mills, and enqfiMc iug all of said lot of land on the >sofith side of the mill- creek, with ga 'water privileges, up to higm s wat«l' m rk on the north side of said creak. .Eighty acres of land, more or less, on the north sine of said mill creek, and boidg'lTO balance of said lot abovewegqruted, adjoining lauds of Daniel Garoer on the north, TO Hclt on the William Garner on the west. Thomson this fraction about 30 acres in-prXginal forest, the balance in cultivation. Fifty acres, more or less, part of lot No 83 in the 6th district or said couu ty and known as the North west oor uer of said lot, adjoining lands of D T Cain, T O Holt and the lauds of said estate. Ten acres in original forest, balance in cultivation, Forty acres, part of lot No 88 in said district,(less one half acre reserv ed for grave yard) Known as the home ulaoe of tire da teased, adjoining lands us Andrew Garner on the south and William Gar ner on the west. On this lot is a good dwelling auk necessary outbuilding*. Hold for the purpose of distribu tion. Terms cash. J. B. Andrews, T. A Garner, Oct sth 1885. Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Will Vie sold before the Court House door in the town of Lawrenueville, GwinnettCounty, Ga., within the le gal hours us sale on the first Tuesday in November 1885. One hundred and twenty acres of laud, more or less being a part of the Patterson aud Bazzil Jones Survey in' said county, uud is iug and being iu the 562 ml district, G. M. known is Cain's district. Adjoining lands of. William A Patrick on the'west, Tt-agle on the south, Elizabeth Davis on the South East aud 64 R Davis u the North, and known as the Widow Ma ry Davis dower t act. Sold a* the prop erty of the estate of Leyi Davis, de ceased, for distr.bution and to pay the debt*. Terms cash. <?. R Davis, Sept 24th 1885, AUrui nstrato The Ordinary . RULE t O PERFECT SERVICE- Georgia—Gwinnett County. Court of Ordinary, October Term 1885 Whereas, A H Spence the nominal ed Executor of Mrs Sarah Williams, late of said county, deceased, having in due form applied to have the last will and testament of said deceased proven in solemn form, and whereas, it appears Irom said petition that Emma Bruzetou and Alpharetta Lockridge, heirs at law of said deceased, are non-residents of said Slate and are citizens ol tbe State of Tennessee. This is therefore,! to cite u/l and sin gular said partiis to be au appear at a Cou. t of Ordinary, to he held in and for said county of Gwiuuelt by 10 o'cioek A Mon the first Monday iu No vember next, then and there to show cause if any they have why said will should not be proven in solemu form aDd and admitted to iccord and letteis testa mentary issue to A H Spence as the Ex ecutor of su'd will. And it is further ordered that this rule be published ouce a week for four weeks in the Gwinnett Hi raid before laid court Witness my hand un I official signature Janies T. Lamkin, Oetoth 1885. Ordinary LAND SALE Georgia—Gwinnett County By virtue of an agreement hatweoo the heirs at law of lsiuh Knight, lute of said eouuty deceased, (all ol .-aid heirs being of lawful av ), tho ndersigned as agent for said heirs will sell t»elore the Court House door in the town of I aw renceville Ga. wilhin the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday iu November next the following described lands of said estate. Jiixiy eight acres more or leas part of lot N o 16 in the 6th district of said oounty and known as the dower set apart to Roth Knight as the: widow ol said lsiah Knight by the Super ier Court ol said county, the me'es and bounds of said land wiit tully appear by reference to a plat of survey on record iu said court. Adjoining lands of M Mason J T Knight N Wight Thomas Chris well an d others. Sold for tbe purpoat of die* ribution among tbe heirs of said deceased, under an agreement between the parties iu in terest. Tbe deed to said land will be signed by all the heirs at law so aa to make a perfect title ta the pnrenaser. Terms cash. J. T. Knight, Oct sth 1885 Agent . ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary ol Gwinnett County, Ga. will be sold before tbe Court House aoor in tbe town of Lawrenccville, Gwin nett County Ga„ withto tbe legal hours of sale on tne first Taesday in Novem ber 1885, the following described prop erty belonging to tbe estate of W. R. Chamblee, deceased. One tract of land containing foTty five acres, more or less- being a part of lot No 301, in the seventh district of Gwin nett county, known as tbe borne place, adjoining lands of Thomas Smith od tbe east, E W Vince aDd Wyatt Wilson on tbe south, J 1 Riggins and right of way of a k c xir nine Railway west and noitb- On tbis place is sinated a well finish *d eight room Irame dwelling, and Necessary outbuildings fifteen acres in cultivation, balance iu old fields and orig inal forest, also at tbe same time and nfecc two hundred acres, more or lets, of iot No 297 in said seventh land district of said county and state, adjoining lands of Thomas and Wm Smith and others on tbe north, C D Ewing and Henry Bryant on the east Mrs Wm Wheeler and Wyatt Wilson on the south and E W Vaneejand Wxatt Wilson on tbe west, xbont one hundred acres in culti vation thirty or forty acre* of which is creek and branch bottom, balance ebief ly in oiigioeirorest. Sold for tbe pur pose of pay iug tbe debts of saSd deceas ed and tor distribution. \. Terras of sale one third cash, orfc figrd iu twelve months end one tniad in years wijh interest at eight per »nt from date. Bond_for title till last pay meet is made a • J. F. Espy. Oct sth MBS administrator PERFECT SERVICE Georgia Gwinnett County Court of Ordinary, Sept. 16, 1886. Whereas, A H Baxter and j T Bax ter,' the duly qualified executors of toseph W, Baxter, late of said coun ty deceased, having in due form ap pliqoto Have the last will and testa ment oPsaid deceased, proven in sol emf form: find, whereas, it appears from said petition that John F. Bax ter, Jos. A Baxter, Mary Brown, Ida Goforth and Sallie, Baxter, and the following minor hen's of-Ruben W: Baxter, deceased, to wit: Mary O. Baxter, Ruben Baxter, and Edward Baxter, heirs at law and' legatees of said deceased, are non res idents of said State, and are citizens of the State of Texas. This is, therefore, to cite all and singular said parties to be and appear at a court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, by 10 o’clock, a. m. on the first Monday in November next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said will should not be proven in solemn form, in ac cordance with the Statute In such cases provided. And it is further ordered that this rule be published once a week for four weeks in the Gwinnett Herald, before said court. Witness my hand and of ficali; signature. Sept. £i 1886. Jas. T. Lamkin, Ord’y, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold before tbe Court House door in the town of Lawrenceville, Gwinnett ccuuty, Georgia within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in November next, the following described land beiougiog to the estate ol Geo W. Verner, late of said coun ty deceased. One hundred and sixty (160) acres, of land, more or less, part of lota Nos. 123.1»7 and 166, in the 7th district ofsahl oouuty.formerlyjknown as the MoIMU place, adjoining land* of Crow on the west Bates on the South and East and Young on the North. On this lot la a comfortable residence whet e J Venter now resides, fifteen or twenty acres of bottom, 38 acres in cultivation and a good orchard. It is conveniently located, abe ut half be tween Lawrenceville and Suwannee, on Yellow River. Bold for the benefit of his heirs and creditors ut said. Terms cash. D F VERNER. „ M T VERNEN, Sept. 28, 'B6, Adrnrs. Geobgu Gwumrr-r County. Whereas. H. Ho brook. Adminis trator of j. F, Holbrook represents to the court in his prelitiou duly filed that he has fully administered said J F. Holbrooks estate, this is berefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors to show cause if any they can ywhsaid admistralor de bon U non. shonld not be discharged fr*m ids ad ministrator should not bo discharged from his administration and receive letters sf dismission on the first Mon day in November 1886 J. T. Lax kin. Oi dinary. July 21st 'B6. Georgia—Gwinnett County James D. Spenoe, Administrator of John H' Spence, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell a town lot in the town of Lawrenoeville, belonging to the es tate of said deceased, and being tbe residence of said deceased at the time of his death, and said application will be.h“ard on the first Monday in No vemlier next. James T. Lamkin, Sept. 24th 1885: _ Ordinary Georgia—Gwinnett County. 8 F. Taylor has in due form applied to me for permanent letters of admin istratiou ou the estate of Elender Da vis, late of said eouuty deceased, aud I will pass upon said application ou the first Monday in November 1886. James T. Lamkin, Sept26th 188° Ordinary EXECUTORS SALE OF la IHCooper Estate By virtue of the directions iu the last will aud testament of Levi Coop er, deceased, the undersigned, his execjtors, will sell on the first Tues day m December next, before ttie Court House door, in the town <>f Lawrenoeville, Gwinnett county, Gu. between tbe legal sale hours, the fol lowing Lands of said deceased. AU lying np and down big Haynes creek, in said county and state, and iu the 6th land district, thereof, to-wit, 1. Lot no. 66, known as the Home Place, containing 260 acres; more or less. 2. Lot no. 94, Penley lot, 126 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Bag gett and D. C. Hawthorn. 3. Head lot, no. 68, 260 aores, more or less, adjoining lauds of Erl John son, Cannon, ana others. 4. Gordon lot’no. 67, 260 acres, more or less, adjoining the home plaee, Hhad lot aud Penley lot. 6, BeiiNett lot, no. 64, 262}f acres, more or less, adjoining lands or Webb Thomas, ana Rutledge and other lauds of the estate, 6. Vinuiug Cooper lot, no. 63, 260 aores, more or less, adjoining lauds of tbe home plaee, the Bennett place aud Rollins. 7. No 61, part of the Cannon, lot, 26 acres, more or less, adjoining the Head lot, and other lauds of the estate The creek being the line betwteu this fraction and cannon. 8 Cheater Coohrell lot, no 62, 120 acres, more or less, adjoining lauds of the hame plaoe, and Jack Rawlins. This includes the bottoms on Haynes’ creek. 9. Ellison lot, no. 34, 200 aores, more or less, adjoining lands of Rutledge, Donaldson aud Williams. Tbe creek being tbe line up to Rawlins corner, 10. No, 35, part of the Rutledge lot, 36 acres, more or less,. The branch being the line between tbis fraction aud the ballanoeof tbis lot. To be sold in the order named. Sold for the purpose of distribution among the heirs at law of said deceased, Terms, one half cash, tne baliancedue at one year, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent. Bond for titles given .un til last payment. E, M. BRAND, J. W. COOPER, oot. 20-td. Executors. FINE RIVER FARM FOR SALE Georgia—Gwinnatt County By virtue of an order from t he court of Ordinary of said county, ill be sold before the Court House door iu the town of Lawreuceville, Gwinnett Conuty, Ga,, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday iu November next, the following described proper ty, belonging to the estate of Joseph H Nesbit, late of said county, deed’ One hundred and slxtfive acres of laud, more or less, tieing part of laud lot No. 334, iu the 6th dist. of said coun tv, aud kuowu os all the lauds l-eloug iug to said deceased, except seventy three acres, set apart as Dower to the widow, Adioining the Dower on the south and west, H J Minot on the north, and oimpsou aud Singleton on the east. There aree bout ninety five acres in cultivation on this farm ; fifty five acres of bottom on the Chattahoochee aud forty acres good upland, all in a good state of‘cultivation, the balance original forest. There arc two settle ments on this piace. 31-2 miles from Nororot s. . Bold for the purpose of distribution Terms, one half cash, due a one year, with interest from date at 8 per cent. Fartii'S desiring to look at tbe lands will call on T Nesbit on the plaoe. Mary K. Neabit Ootffith 1666, Administratrix NO MORE EYEGLAftSS* No Weak MOt< * Mitchell’s |E ye Salve A. tain, Saio.JeffectiVe remedy for MokgiMfß Producing Long Sightedness, and Re storing the sight of the old Cures Tear Drops. Granulation, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes. Mat ted Eye Lashes, and producing quick „ relief and per manenf , ' cure Also equally efficacious when up d in other maladies, such as Ulcers, 1 v vers, Sores, Tumors, Burns, RheuuV atißiu, Piles or wherever inflammation exists, Mitchell's Salve xiay be used to advantage. For falf By all diuiniiitg at 26 rents m n cm? Though prompt and offleieut, ii la »Ud aud harmless. Safe and reliable for children. Wherever known it is the mothers’ favorite medicine for the infant, the children and adults. It is surprisingly effective. TORC HES 15c LlC|(!|R *fte. a The wonderful Success in uonsump jdOn, Bronchitis, asthma, spitting of blood, sore throat, loss of voice, catar rhal throat affections, chronic hacking irritating and troublesome coughs. Sough on Toothache, Instant relief for neuralgia,toothache faceaohe. 15c. E. 8. WELLS, J ersey City. N.J. Tho iiiH tor’H Mistake. One of the old mistakes of tlie profession was so think that there were no other ways of curing dis ease except those which had been handed down from iormer times. It is not to be denied that the Doctors have done great things for the world. But when it come 9 right down to the real curing o{ disease, it Must be admitted that Brown’s Iron Bitters has done en ough toearnthegenerousgratitude of this whole present generation, including the medical profession. There are no mysteries or secrets about the compounding of Brown’s Iron bitters. This preparation ol Won is the only preparation which will not injure teeth or stomach. In this it is beyond comparison better than the other preparations, which are mischievous and injurious. You need not fear a mistake in trying Brown’s Iron Bitters. Your druggist has it. 11 gives vigor to the feeble, and new life to the dyspep tic. Children take it, not only with tafety, but with great advantage. 6 TJiE xVOIMI OFtal We may moralize as miirk.'B please about pah,. hut, •hat we don’t and that we want to get rid J® fioon as we can. Whether rheumatism, gout, disordered® weak nerves, irregular kidiS-rB blood, or anything else tim ’ * sooner it ts out of the sysw® happier we are. \YhethVr?• V the result of imprudence orfi® denLorissentasaounishnSß our sins, may be a nice q ue l ■ die philosophers to argue 1 tile who are suffering wamfi ® whoarefondof argument may the matter to their hearts' cuWH Above all theory, argument® philosophy comes the delic® fact that Hko. .-,-’ s Ikon bif-riß drives pain away. Sufferers run® risk in trying this medicine the ® compound containing iron J® carries no mischief with it tl® H ho have used it will tell yJ® an* ■ -'an try for yourseltlyb® nig u bottle of the uoaresst )*>... lit,, wort), tall® Perhaps that seems a high ® for it, considering how p wr blood is, and how your tern is prostrated, debilitated enfeebled. People have been to say, under such that they would not give of a copper for tbe choice Let*® life and death. But when it to actually draw ing near a man naturally draws says he does no* • ant is very precious, even tv 4® ken-down man it is worth savi^V One dollar will buy a Brown"j Iron Bitters. That®! dollar may start you on from misery to recovery, AiH' must take a very mean himself who is not willing to that much in making one effort to rescue himself debility, and step into theß< joyment of solid health. tiroUu Iron Bitters vitalizes tne hi®, tones the nerves, and rebuilds® system Its wo.b is well kn<® Invest that dollar i k . a bottl IF YOU WANT TO H* fILL YOUR GAME Bl AND MAKE V BIC SCORES USE j Remingt# IFLES-d SHOT GU# All the Latest lmprov«m«iM —— Hi FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCUiH. ADDRESS V 1 Lamberson, Furman® 1 ; SOLE AQENTS FOR H!! E.RemingtonAS® •portiag Aral* MMI SSI ft 283 BroadwH NEV inSTBBN OFFICfi, w. D. M. LAMBERSON !■ tt Swu KnN. C ARMORY, - - - IUON, H (lEMINGTI SHOVELS,® • COOPS, 8 p adH itlf II THE REST llllfL If HUttnH 1 ' HMIKI TUT Ml SO 811 IK 11*11 H 11 One Piece of Solid NO HOUR OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN mB". bind roe circular*. Im REMINGTON AGRICDLTUKiH; ILIOR. *. v. Ira Ysrk OSm. 118 CUrtsi®* Wlu .i \ on are InTronH^ Don/ be dismal! Your liver pid, perhaps, and you may be^Pe 1 to be bilious. The way to out of the difficulty is to ■ticl Brown's Iron Bitters, disordered livers style. H Don't be cross and angry! digestion is bad, and Yquf disposition. If >' ou w “Hiis BroVn’s Iron Bitters, youwffl*, the digestive difficulties away in short order. 1 Don’t be despondent! weak because your blood and you cannot face think you cannot Bitters will put iron circulation, enriching the making it a royal red giving you the strength The troubled, the , despondent, the itated, and the bilious rird pose, refreshment, and "''- ' '■f tion in the use of that Tonics, Brown’s Iron But* druggist charges a doll u a -IB twit* ZH»i . jor, Phiij Considering all 1 Fttle children, it is a wont)"*:! any of the poor httle y* uo live to grow up. ~ o There are children who ‘VRj and pinched; the ii e) es . ™ snd their skin is t ,vet their foreheads. nothing hearty about the® jo no' enjoy their bv»J’ suffer lg from the lead* ;o marasmus. * D< a good deed [or poor, puny, pallid '‘“i l ' mother a bottle- Bitters Hta'C is . most deiicate, the most* for the child almost dead. Iron in the blood «’ tu child needs to bring 1 little digestive «d cover. The pale cr.eefci The weary groan of «* 1 prsitWUu exchang'd for the ~ , fcrfamri.-gladness \* tell \c. uiiat uomtei» hr, dune tut =‘- S’