The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, October 27, 1885, Image 3

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pMETT HERALD. lj ffilsott, Publisher Cotton Market. LD Office, Oct., “27th 1885 j Mi***'“* W;.; r? giddli *&**••••■• ATLANTA. JJliddliug Jf-dJ'iDg j Ordinary ,bove quotations are cor> t weekly. jOWNAND COUNTY. jjtbe advertisements* jL R Barrett was elleced |o j the LawrerceviHt Baptist c b lasi Saturday. ,t»ico/lecior of this coun ,j collected seven hundred riSu bis first round. „of the Hmmld’s patrons 110 pay in wood. A will be acceptable now. i fourth quarterly meeting of jwrenceville circuit will be tfthia place next Sundae Monday. iregiet to learn that there ia mieuHc of typhoid fever in iound our neighboring town |iAi*ille. i advertise this week, some ibis town property and sever oJ farms for sale the first day in December. « fourth quarterly meeting Iwinnett circuit will be held easatit //ill Saturday, Oct. t cotton receipts at our depot ran np to rcm sixty to eighty i per d ty. If this was bring sunny into circulaaioc it would re the stringency which has ten usiness, but probably ilf of it goes for guano. I parties indebted to the un gned, either for advertising, mption or job work are notiw bat their accounts will be lin ibe hands of an officer iectiun if no' paid before at of December Befplks & Bowles. rDi'oiue P Camp and Miss 6L. Craig, were married this lag at 10 o’clook at theresi eof the bride'a mother. Camp is a farmer, living in on county, and son of the lenyman Camp, and Miss i the youngest daughter of 8 Craig, deed. The Hrr »de« iU-ssagafrdiations. lUATIC ENTERTAIN MENT. 'publish this week the pro ne of sd eutertaiumeut to be t*. the Samiarvy on Friday the 6th, of November. The g people he ve been preparing *« iotereating occasion for time. wall admission feu will be !«d. the fund to be used in igfor school furniture for Itminary. WLARY IN* NORCROSS. 16 depot at Norcross was bro into last Tuesday night and ticket case of the Air Line tedalolen. An entrance into efice was effected through a lew and the thieve seemed on want money Flour, meat, i fob and even a keg of corn hy were left undisturbed and the ticket case take-. It ig IOWu the burglars expected to aoney in that, case but were pointed, and the case was ■I next morning down on the “*d broken open and the tick *d not b een disturbed, so far s *gent could discover. This 1 aecond burglary in that 1 recently and the citizens *l° well to keep a lookout* ICK Law in rock bridge. by a proclama Ued by Judge Lamkin and r“ in /hi* issue, tbecitizens Abridge district, on last adopted the Stock Law by 6 °t 87 for stock Law and ir Pence. k' B ‘S we believe, the third elec ®W ia that district and ,‘ 4w gamed each time, un been*carried by a major ( * all dispute- It ®°t "0 into effect r.n/ ; l six 8 bom the date of its adop will give everybody an 0 n ' ,ii y i° prepare ior it. * at it hai been fairly 8 > let every citizen of the > Do matlet what may hftve °P ,n *on before, cooperate 1 R BQcceßß by yielding ‘ui acquie. cence ia the law. 0 *°°d to Fck against *kle, but only tviias to •hr. Rn( * bring strife and ho trouble. WHY WE DON’T. BOJU MUCTICAL COMMON SENSE THAT TOD CAN PUT IN TOD FIPE AND SMOKE, The Herald is a tip-top conn ty paper, said one of our most prosperous met chants to us the other day, “but there is one thing you fellows sadly neglect, iu * our local '“git up," aud then he smote a smile. The man of the quill, ever ready to gather in formation, and to cor rect the multitudibous errors that are heaped apon him, enquired of the neglect. The P. M. (not post master) shifting his finely flavored haraja ab, said: “Blow, puff, why. my gracious, man, you don’t puff your town enough! Look what the papers have done for Gainesville and Atlanta, Don’t you see?’’ The humble disciple of Faust unfolded his rheumatic legs, ad justed his belt one notch tighter and wended nis way to his sanct um* And new the picture chaogts As the newspaper man entered bia den his eyes fe 11 upon the bright and versati'e contempora »ies from the above to a ns. A glance at their teeming advei tid ing columns, so overpowered h : m that he sank to the floor with a wild * why-they do" try, and swoon ed. . But the “devil” was near, and they laid our limp and prostrate form on the bed of the press, where kind and gentle hands soothed his pallid brow with pr'ne ters ink and last months’ past , until consciousness returned. Then with a nervous band we grasped out last week's it sue, and with a double>focus magnifying glass we scanned its payes for our p. m. (net postmaster) advertise merit. But alas! we were only wasting our “sweetness’’ on the desert a<r. Now come, do yon not see, in this fearful dramr, and its d reful consequence, “why we don’t ?” Bead and ponder well for the gods loveth s live busiuesa man. This is al’. WHY BACKBITE. We have noticed that several of our* con temporal ies have tefered to this prevailing custom in thei r wishes, and whi’e we have but little cause togrumbls, we though l the subjeot very applicable to us. Why sre we so prone to speak evil of each other? Does it do us or any one else any good ? Dows it make other people think any more of us, or does it raise us but in our own estimation? Or rather does it not have a contrary effect? Then why indu'ge n an evil that can lesult in good to no one ? If we can t say something good of our aeighocrs, let as, in the cause of charity, close our mouths and say nothing, What is that you are about to say ? Do you knew it to be true, or beve you merely beard it as a humor ? Jf i< is true, how much do you expect by repeating it? And if if is only founded on “wnat they say,” what right have you to circulate a report without founda tion, to .he hurt of some one who has done you no harm ? It is bad enough to defile the honor of any mac, but a man can, by a life of blam'ess conduit, re> establish a once blighted character, but how is it with woman whose fain name is once touohed by the poisonous sting of the blackbiter’s treacherous tongue* These evil reports wiM be remembered against no matter bow blame less her whole life may be, and she has but to drag cut a wretch ed existence without a single ray of hope of any relief. How many fair names have been blasted by a groundless rumor put in motion by a thoughtless remark. We aie all toe unguarded in this respect. We hear too many loose and un warranted remarks. We nave 100 much of it in our midst Let us frown it down. STOCK -AW DEFEATED IN NORCROSS. Last Friday was the day ap pointed for the election on Fenoe or Stock Law in Norcroes Malitia District. Both sides were early oe the ground, and all day long thv battle raged, beth sides claim ing the victory. ZWe was con siderable excitement but every body kept ia a good humor. When the ballots were counted out it was ascertained that fence was ahead. The official vote hue not been ferwardsd to Ibe Ordinary. MURDER! Parties due us for work muet make immediate payment. Yon got our work and we must have our money. That’s enough, Pattzbson & Johnson, Blacksmiths, 3t Lawrenceville, Oa- AN INCIPIENT FIRE. Lawrenceville bas certainly been the moet fortunate town in the State. There has never been a general fire since its settlement. Bat on last Tuesday night a nar row escape wa-i made* On ibai night about 10 o’clock Bedfoid Patterson and Andrew Baugh were sleeping in the third story of the corner building >n which Patter son’s bar is looted. They waked nearly stifled with smoke fying down stairs found that the building was on tire in the corner. The flames were slowly eaiing t,byii way through the floor of the sec ond stery in which Henry Robin son has a confectionary and famir ly grocery, and climbing up,fhe ceiling and weather boardiag. They went to work resolutely, while the cry firs brought of citizens to their at>EmT/a' ce. Fortunately the doors wele')cept closed until the fire was under con trol and as there was no draft to burning timber into a flame, the danger was soon over. Fifteen minutes more and the building wan'd have beyond the powet of men to have saved it. The floors, ceilirg and counters were already hot. while the bodies and glass ware were bursting open with heat. Si uated as thi* bui'dingic, if it had burned, it would have been impossible to have saved Mrs. Smith’s residence. Both of these houses being large wooden buildioge, and a st’ff breeze blowing, there is no telling would have followed. The prob ability is that that entire side of the square would have* be*n in ashes befoie day. It w&s Vriost fortunate escape, especially in vew of iha fact that means of fighting flsjp\-For ten years we have urged zeus the importance of providing some tire apparatus —a book and ladder company if nothing else— but they prjfer to trust to luck. Oars is a brave town. Mr, Pattersons loss is estimated at from five to seven hunkreit dol lars- Ur. Robiusonsis small* NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. On account of a press on our columns this week, w* are compell ed to postpone unf < next week, our usual notices of ihe advertise ments of B C Langfoid, Logans v'lle, Veal Cloud A Cj, Buford. B F White, Suwanree, W T Sindh, Buford, A. T. BattPo & Co., Law renceville. _ Do not fail to read the advertise-, incuts. Lawreneevllle Dramatic ‘lroup. 1 LAWRENCE! 'LI PE»*'NABV. Friday evening, November, 6th. For tha purpose of raising funds *o purchase furniture for tbe Sem inary. —o - ‘•OUT IN THE STREETS." —o — A startling drams in three acts with the following character per sonations ; 001. Way ns J- C. Smith. Solomon Davis J. W. Vaughan. Dr. Medfield J. A. Coffee, Pete W. J. Beeples, Pe*icsman ► Mat Bates, Mrs. Wayne Lillie Peeples, Nina Wayne (her daughter) [Cora Spence, Mrs. Bradford Essie Winn. Minuie (her daughter 6 years old) [Mmnie Peeples, —o— c.ypsie Scene, Songs and Tab* leau 4 io conclude with the laughable farze, “JUMBO JUM” —o — Jumbo Jum W. J, Peeples, Mr. CobbietoD M. a. Bom, Lawyer Cheatham Mat Bates, Ho nry Mervi'le J. M, Jacobs, Laborers J. M. Jacobs, Mat [Bates, A. P. C»i , Mrs. Gobbleton Lou Bates, Adelaid Gobble ton's Ward) [Eat* Winn, Hannah (M*id) Anna Bora. A full Orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. Cons one Comb ail, and enjoy a social even ing of fnn and assist a good cause, Admission ‘2O cent**, children half priev. Curtain riet> 7:80 sharp. Centerville, Ga., Oct. 24th 1885 Mr Editor.— The election for fence er Stock Law, has juet pest off, with right smart fnn with the boys, sud now w e bope ibatj all on Doth sides will be content, with tbe best of feeling toward each oth er. The differences of opinions i should not create any ev»> motives in any one. We think that if all will treat the Stock Law upon its int action it v> ill be a good thing for them a'l, and they all w ill be come satisfied with itb, Tbe peo ple of old Rockbridge are a good sod hospitable people, and we are glad to say that although wbeu first election was held there was some hard words coucer.Nuig the matter. Now all seem to take it in 'he best of humor. Unci' Jeff Britt says that it remiuds him of th'i olden times around Je uea Jem. He says, “How often would / have ga'hered yon under my wings as a hen doth ga'her her brood, and ye would no'," But uow thrre is no condemnation un to them who art under the Stock Law. Friend JOHN B. BROGDON’S Stock of nobby toady made clothing, is three times as large as any in Gwinnett, and for prices can't be touched. - - • • •mm • mm - . Yard wide sheeting Sets, at Al rnand & Co. Jeans frcmiocis upwards at Al mand & Ce. We are selling tiuware at prices never before heard of in this mar ket. Jusr think of a ten inch wash pan for 6c at Houston &. Powell. Gems nice shoes $1 per pair at Almand A Co. —mm • sm # —' We are headquarters for schoes, and feel safe in saying we can save you money by buying from ut. Houston & Powell. Clothing—Men’s suits $4.50 at Almand & Co. Ladies Cioaks, from $ I upward at Almand A Co. a Sewing Machines and C<ok Stoves at Almand A Co. Come and price our stock of oofs and shoes, and if we do not sell yon, some one else will have to give them to you. Houston A Powell. pWiss Goods inprokmon atsAlmand « Co. V v « -‘Vice prints 4cts at Al uand \A Go.;, Coed coffee 91b« to the dollar at Almand A Co, Jeans from 10c ts 35c per yard. The 35c goods we guarantee as good as any in the market. Hous ton and Powell. Go to Houston & Powell and get a good whole stock brogar shoe for ous dollaas. Men’s size. e 17 Iba sngar set $1 at Almand & Co, Guns $2 at Almaud & Co. Klne Stone for sale at drug store iu Lawrence at 3lbs. for 25 cents.—ts. Winn & Bonn. Biogdou’s Floor trade is boom ing. He received last week a car load (110 barrells) Tennessee Flour. It iB good and cheap, and “don’t you forget it.” has a wnakneis for flour, so aays bis competitors say. He is so weak ou it, be keeps tbe prices under them. TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. SECOND ROUND. 1 will be at tbe following places at tbe times stated, for the pur pose of collecting tbe taxes of Gwmuetl county, for tbe year 1885. Duluth, Monday, Oct. 26 Martin*, Tuesday, “27 Norcross, Wednesday. “ 28 Berkshire, Thursday, “ 29 Rockbridge, Friday, “ 30 Cates, Saturday, “ 31 Hog Mountain,Monday,Nov 2 Lawrenceville, Tuesday “ 3 Cains, Wednesday, “ 4 Ben Smith’s,Thursday, “ 5 Harbins, Friday, “ 6 Bay Creek, Saturday, “ 7 Buford, Monday ** 9 Suwanee, Tuesday, “10 J. N. VERNER, Tax Col. Sept 29 2t DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. Notice is berebv given that the partnership heretofore existing between Ray <fe Gower, at Nor* cross, in the general merchandise business, was dissolved on the llh day of August, 1885, by mutual o >iiHciit All persons indebted to the old firm must make Immediate payment. This Oct 13,’85. Ray & Gower. DESSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. Notice is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing be tween Winn 6l Vaughac, drugists, is this day dessolved by Mutur 1 Consent, Mr. MarioL A, Born hav ing purchased the interest of J. W. Vaughan. The business will be conducted hereafter in tbe firm name of Winn & Born. All parties indebted I j the old firm either by note or account will be required to make immediate payment in order to close up the business. A. M. Was, J. W. Vaughan. September. 25th 1885 —lmo. Electric bitters; the greatest remedy of tbe age at Winn & Born —ts. - We are selling out a job let of Tobacco, for ‘2sc per pound. Goods shat can not be bousrut at the Fac tory for neat that amount. Hous ton and Powell. Go to Lawrancev\lle drug store and get full line of diamond dyes, —ts. Winn k. Born. Ladies shawls cheaper than the cheapest at A'mand & Co. Glassware and Crockery cheap • r than ever before at Almand A Co. Special Announcement ! B. F. White, SUWANEE. - GEORGIA llus now in store an elegant rtook of DliY GOOD , NO I IONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HA /N, CLOTHING. HARDWARE. DRUGS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, TOBACCO aud Cl CARS, Which he ofte**a to the trade as low as any house in North Georgia He calls special attention to his stock of' Mewing MachinKs and attachments There is no use going nty where else- I will furnsh them Highest Market pricE paid FOR Country Produce and COTTON. The public are invited to examine my stock and prices- i ain prepared to compete with any house North of Atlanta in prices and quality of goods. B F WHITE, octl3-3ui HIGHEST HHII'E PAID FOR OOTTOW * PRODVCa OF ALE KINOs J.B'Brogdon DEAIER IN } DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS GROCERIES, HARDWARE Eu., Etc. • : And Everything Kept In A First-Class Retail Store SuwANNicK, L A.,SKrr., 7th 18«;>. Referiug lo the above would call the attention o" the public to the fact that I low have in store, and arriving daily, a vety lurge stock of Dry (iooda- Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cups, Uroceries and everything kept in a first class More bought from the leading houses in Haiti more and New York, d ring my recent trip to those places, and ut prices that I ever saw goods, in my twelve years ex perience in the Dry Woods aud Clothing buaineas. With the large slock 1 bought 1 ain prepared to supply the wants of a larget (rude, and to do this, 1 propose to sell this stock of goods, at prices no other merchant in this part of the country can ! duplicate. Don't miss seeing this stock for 1 intend to have the trade, if good goods, and low prices will get it. Yours Truly, JOHN B.BBOODON. SPECIAL WUUtJE John B. Brogdonn larg* and hand some store room haa been rearranged Tbe establishment la now a novel ot beau t; aud convenience. Among Brogdou** specialities, are Min dress goods,boots and shoes, bats and caps and the largest stock of ready made «lotting, to be Ibuod north of Atlanta. This stock i propose to make ooe of tbe main feat ures of my large business. I bought all ray stock direct troai tbe best manufact urers in Baltimore and New York, and bought them io person, and with twelve years experience io bundling ready made clothing, enabled uie to buy this stock at a saving of at least, twenty per or nt, under tbe prices other mer chants pay drummers for goods. This twenty per cent I propose to give to my trada, and all ( ask is, for any one to call and look at this stock, and it I do oot save you money, don-t my my goods. NOTICE TO IEBTORS AND All persons indebted io tbe es *»U of Geo. W. Verner, l»*.e of 3winnett county, dec’., are hereby aot’fiedU make immediate pay ment; and all persans holding claims against said es'ate are uo* tified to present to tbs under* signed verified as required by law. D. F. Verner. M. T. Yuanek. dmrs; Sept. 28tb 1885. A Few or John B, Broodon's Bar „ CAINS, 1000 yards good Jeans, at 6£c per yard. A big bargr<n. 3000 yards nice new Fall calico, i not remnants, at 3c, worth sc. 2000 yar Is, yard wide abee'ing, at 5o per , r d. 1000 yn-ds, yard wide sea Is land at sc, worth 7o snywhere. 2500 yards a' 1 wool filling, wor sted good*, m any color, at 10c 1 per yard, wo h anywhere. 15c. 10 dozen pure linen bosom, re- 1 , iuforc y rte at 50c,the best 50c sh rt in .rgia. My “D'amond’’ shirt is indeed a i “diamond.” It is the best fitting, beet goods, best known shirt on ‘he market. Capt. John Keely, of Atlr da, 1 os sold the “l>i»mond” ; for several years He claims it to 1 be tbe boss shirt. Heavy shirting st 5c and 6c per yard, at Houston and Powell. NOTICE TO PVTRONS AND TEACHERS OF PUBLIC SCHOO. S. I will pay 68 per cent on teacb ers accounts tbe preeent year. T.E. Winn. —2w. C. S, C. Children Haques at Almand & Co. WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY AT J B. BROG DON'S. | 12 poinds good coffee. 15 “ “ brown sugar. 13 “ granulated, “ 35 “ grits. 12 “ rice. 30 “ nails. 20 11 inch plugs tobacco. 20 yards good sheeting, 20 “ good sea island yard wide 164 “ “ Jeans 33} “ ‘* cal’c . 1 pair ladies sewed shoes. 2 paits children sbte° 1 pair boys boots. 10 yards all wool worston. A big bargain. New Fall calico’s 4 to per yard, at Houston and Powell. SPECIAL NOTICE. Patties due us either by note or account, for Guano or Merobun dise, due Oct., 15, are notified that payment must be made by Nov. Ist, or else we will he com palled to sue. We have carried you. friends, through the dull months, now immediate payment must be made—we can’t carry you any longer. A J, Ven. A Son. Stone Mountain, Ga. October, 20, 1885-—ts. FOR A LIFETIME I have suffered for years with an eruption—bse.tking out at in tervals all over my body. At h”'" " l.wru.'/l 1)0 ll.l|lSHP. which were b-lib pn fit ai d au noyiug All other remedies bad been exuausted, when my merchant here, induced ire to try Spiffs Spe jifie. After the use of seveial bottles I was entirely cured. The eruption hereditary, as my father was similarly affected. He had also been entirely cured. I rec commend it t » others wno are sim ilarly affectod. I consider it a God-send to this generation, and my house shall never be without it J. D. ROBB. Sparta, Ga., Fovember 21,1884. Swift's Specific ie entirely vege table. Treaties on Blood and Skin Disease mailed free. Thr Swilt Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ca., or IG7 W. 22rd St N. Y. MIRAUULOUS ESCAPE. W. W. Reed, druggist, of Win chester. Ind,. writes .* “One of customers, Bis Louisa Bike, Bar touia, Randolph Co., Ind., was a long sufferer with Consumption, and was given up by her pkysi - clans. She heard of Dr* King’s New Discovery, and began buying wof tae. In six months’ time she i alked to this ciiy, and is now so much improved sbs nas quit its use. She feels she owes b« r life ♦o it." Free Tr*»l Bottles at Winn & Born’s Drug Store. Editor Herald • Will you pleaee inform me what Smith's Bile Beans are, what they are used for, ana why he calls them the above name ? .Subscriber. Sm'tb’s Bile Beans are s pill to regulate tbe liver aud releiva bill iousneas. They are made in tbe shape of a bear, and tbe w u'd “bile," if you will notice tbe ors thography, has reference to that greenish animal fluid secreted in tbe liver. Brioe, two bits per t ottle. fit* Preacher’s Quiet Habits. Sedentary and studious met KKnctimes become prostrated be fore they know it. Those wlw spend much time in close mental work, and neglect to take enough exercise, often find their stomachs unable to do the w ork of digestion. The liver becomes torp ; !. The bowels act irregularly. Ihe brain refuses to serve as it oucc did. Their preaching becomes a failure, and there is a state of general mis ery. So many ministers have been restored to health by the use of Brown's Iron BiUers that the clergy generally are speaking to then friends of this medicine as the very best tonic and restorer tlicy know ofl It restores thin and watery blood to its proper condition by toning it up with the purest and most invigorating preparation of iron that science has ever made, i It is pleasant to take, and acts ; Immediately with the happiest re sults, not only on the parsons, but * an other folks as well. J CHOLERA oun DANGER The Great Southern remedy ROK BOWEL TROUBLES, CHILDREN TEETHINO, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY AND CRAMP COLIC. DR. RKRsKRS HUC Kf.EBKKKY CORDIAL should he kept in *very koutuheld. It is one of the most pleasant and ert)ct»<“iou*> remedies there is for summer eoiii* plaints. How necessary it is at a season o» the year when violent and sudden attack* of the bowels are so frequent, you should have some speedy telief at hand. It will save much pain aud anxiety, as well as large doctor bills. Ihe wearied mother, lotting sleep night after night in nursing the little one suffering such a drainage upon its systetn from the effects of teething, should use this invaluable medicine, for sale by all dniggLis at 50 cents a bottle. MTSend 2c. stamp for Riddle Hook, to ai tkh a. tavi.oh, Atlanta. Qa, Big Show WEDNESDAY OCT. 28th AND WILL REMAIN ONE MOUTH. This Show will be the closing out sale of A, T. Patti 110 and Co, On December t-t the firm of A T BattilloA Co., will Iu dissol ve<’ J. N liioinpson r*id J. A, l»att 'Io, ie irmg. In order to be bettor side to setfe with them at that ‘l me, w« i ave decided to off i our en' re stock of (foods at about ros with freight i Id Our stock is complete, and we nvb i our old customers, and the public gen* rally, to exanuue oi r prices Lotore buyln-r, and we aHsure assuae you, we o»n save you (rom 10 to 20 pev *■ <nt. onyour p *cb> ms Our friend who owe us wl'l p'ease t'*e notice taat their ac counts and notes must ALL lie pui 1 up to enable u , o moke this set* t emenl, ami w-, hope none w II w it for ns to »eud a man to see the.i, or wait for the'r accosts to be put iu the bauds of an officer. Very Iter pc itfu'ly, P T. BATTILLO & CO, Have You Hearn it ? WELL, W.T.Smith, AT BUFORD, WILL TELL YOU NEXT WEEK. WAQBNS, BlftittlfiS Ml GABBIAOIS. Illaclssxnitliin’ Horseslioein’ and general repairing done by the best smith in this section. ▲ Fill Lla« of BARNES* from seven to Twenty Dollars. —■■ ■ ~ . 11 ■ * COFFINS, CASKETS and COFFIN Hardware All 1 ask in this line is a trial, I have beenjin the coffin business nearly all my life, and will sell them cheaper than you can buy them at any Railroad town, come and see me. D. C- LANKFORD, Loganaville, Ga, The Climax Reached Creates a Seasatlea, In waking our bow to a generous public, who have stood firm in the past, wc desire to say a few words lor their “edification,” Competion may blow and oiler you goods at, or oelow cost, expecting to make their profits on some other staple an tide, but wc {five you goods at prices that can not be lor stalled. You may -‘bank” on our prices, a* wc advertise at one price and sell at the same -one price is our motto, In offering our large stock of Dry Goods Clothing, Jeans, llata, Boots, Shoes, Family Groceries, Furni ture, etc. we simply say that wc look competition square in the face and laugh at their prices, rnrinstance IT POUNDS OF OOOD SUGAR FOR SI Coflee and other staple groceries proportionately as cheap. FURNITURE , COFFINS and CAsKETS. In this line ol goods we have as neat as nobbv a 1 line as can be found anywhere, and will sell as cheap. I ect27 2m VEAL, CLOUD and CO, Buford Ga PRECAUTION! DR. BIGGERS’ HUCKLEBERRY CORDIAL.