The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, October 27, 1885, Image 4

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WPERE PRINTERS DON’T GO. A printer djn’t rush to the dtC tor every time be is out of “sorts. Nor to the bukor when be get oat of “pie.’ Nor does be go to Lett when be wants the “devil.” - Aor to the woodpile when be wants a “stick." Nor to the Bible when be wants a good “rule.” Nor to the grn shop wbed be wants a “shooting stick. Nor to a caoinet shop when be wants -furniture ’ Nor to the bank when be wants “quoins” iVor to a girl when be wants to “go to press ” Nor to % lawyer when be has a “dirty case.” Nor to the butcher when lie wants “fat.” >’or to an old cheese when lie wants “live matter.’ Nor to a pump when be is th'rs ty and has ten cents in bis pock et- EVOLUTION AND DEVELOP MENT. Johnny aud bis father bad beeu Laving a difficulty iu the wood shed, owing to some disrespectful remarks made by Johnny respect ing his sire. “Now, sir,” said the father, bang iug the strap up, “has your opin ion of your father changed ?” “Yes, it has,” sobbed Johnny. “Well, sir, what is it now ‘Wy —wy —l think any man that'll jump on a fellow so much littler than be is is a coward and dasn’l take it up. Why don’t you tackle somebody nearer your own size The old man grabbed for the rtrap, but the boy slipped out and is a candidate for the Legislature. LUCK AND LABOR. If tho boy who exclaims “just my lock 1" was truthsi I ', he woald say “just my laziness ! ’ or “just my inattention ” Mr Cobdeu wrote Proverbs about Luck and Labor. It would be well for b iys to memorize them. Luck is wailing for something to tern up. Labor, with keen eyes and strong will, wiil turn up something. Luck lies in bed and wishes ‘lie gostmun wcu’ul bring ) ,; m the Labor turns out at six o’alnok end with busy pen or linking hammer lays the foundation for competence. Luck whines. Labor whittles. Luck relies ol chance, Labor on character. Luck slips down to indigence. Labor strides up to independs ence. Wife—What makes you so late to night, deor T Husband (v\ ith md'gnotion)—l have been ar es ed. W ife—Arrested ? Husband—Yes. I bought an um brella to day and marked on it “stolen fiorn H Smith.” The first polict man I met arrest dma 1 told nim my name was Smilhj; bat he wou’do’t believe in m »♦« r ‘* Where would you advise me to go to learn bow to play on the piano ?*’ “To the woods, dear; to the deep, dark, damp, dangerous woods." Lawklncefiele, Ga., Aug. 24 1 h 1885. Office Board County Comrs : It appearing from the returns made on Tax Receiver’s hooks for the year 1886, tht sum of 42,087,324 00 has been given in. Ordered tnai we th low iug ,»er cents for the purposes „ rei set forth as County T ,x For Jury purposes, lOcU on the *RK Gen Co “ lords “ suoo “ Supp’t Paupers 07t ts •* *ino “ Bridges, 05cts “ Pay off C. H. debt 25ets “ Total Co Tax, 57cts « sqoo Bay Creek District, 1295 G. M. Taxable property on .hooks J1G.'!,148,60 Ordered that the sum of forty tive cents on the One Hundred Dollars be evied as an additional Tax for the purpose of paying debt incurred In adopting Stock Law. A true extract fr >m the minutes of the Board. This Sept 7tli 1885. JAS D, SPENCE, Clerk. FINE RIVER FARM FOR SALE Georgia— Gwitmott County By virtue ot an order from the court of Ordinary of said county, ill lu sold befoiv the Court House door in the town of Lawrencevdie, Gwinnett County, Ga„ within tlie legal hoursof sale on the tirst Tuesday in November next, the followin'; described proper ty, belonging to the estate of Joseph H Nesbit, late of said < ounty, deed’ One 1 indred and sixt live acres of land, tno -e or less, being part ot land lot No. 334, in the 6th dist. of said tv, and known os a’l the lauds belong lug to said deceased, except seventy three acres, set apart as Dower to the widow, Adjoining the Dower on the south and west, H J Mil o on tl > north, and oiinpsou and Singleton on the east . There aree bout ninety five acres in cultivation on this farm ; fifty live acres of bottom on the Chattahoochee and forty acres good upland, all in a good state of cultivation, the balai ce oiiginal forest. There are two settle ments on this place. 3 1-2 miles from Ntrw* s. Sold for the purpose of distribution. Terms, one half cash, 'balance due at one year, with interest from date at 8 per cent. Parties desiriiig to look at the lands will call on it T Nesbit on, the place. Mary K. Nesoit LMfith 1886. Administratrix E3OSOJJTOUS SALK OK Lx UCCooper Estiioto Uy VII ti eof the direction* in the last will aml-Umliimei't «f Levi Cu<> J - e", dOeea-od. the under.-igmKt lit* eXefntors. will sell on the first dav tn Beeem’ie ■ next, lie ere tie (Vert House d* >r, In the to nt of I. wrencevUle, Gwinnett o auty, Hu, [between the legal sale he' .1, the fol llow >■» lands of said t’l ed. AM Iv tig np °ml down liiir 1 (ay 1 es ere ok, iii fin'd county and st te and in the 6th la l d distiiot, the col, * - it, X Jjo< 110. 66, known as 1 e Home Pliiee. containing 260; more or less. 2. Lot no. 91, IVn’ey nt, 125 aen , more or less, adjoining lauds of Han ged and 1). <\ TTitvt'tnore. A llead jot, no, #B, ' M aeres, more or less, niljoiiiiiigMa ids of Ed John son Cannon, end other*. 4. Gordon lot, no. 67, 200aores, more or less, adjoin ur the ho tie pin *e, Hhstd io, and I'emey lot. 5. Heiisett lot, no. 04, 20f>i acres, more or less, ail joining lauds of Webb Thomas, and 1 tit edge and other lauds of the est at e, 6. Vi* tit’i Cooper lot, no. ~‘M acres, ir o eerie adjoining lands of the home place, the Bennett place and Rollins. 7. No 61, part of the Cannon lot, 25 acres, more or less, adjoining the Head lot, and other lands of the estate The creek being the line betwten this fraction and cannon. 6 Cheater Coehrell lot , no 62 120 acres,Jfnoreor less, adjoining lanusof the h#tne plaoe, and Jack Raw’nis. This Includes the bottoms on Hay ies' olWek. 9. Ellison lot, no. 6-1, 200 acres, more or ies*. adjoining lauds of ,R tUbilge, Doualrlson and Williams. The cvet■ beii-g the line up to Rawlins correr, 10. No, 35, pari, of the Iti Hedge 'of, 36 acres, ir ore or less,. The brareli being, the line between this fraction nud the ba'lance of this lot. To lie sold in the order named. Sold for toe purpo e of distribution among the heirs at law of said deceased, Terms, one half cash, tne balUucedue at one year, wit h intei <t at the rate of 8 per cent. Bond for titles given.uu t il last payment. E, M. BRAND, J. VV. COOPER, oet. 20-td. Executors. TAX UAB^E Buord Pro pety FOR SALE. The undersigned wishing to change business and locality, offers his entire Buford property for sale, to wit; One due ing house with live rooms, good well of water in y mi, good gar den and orchard. Three lots 50x100 ft each, and one ot 100x180 ft, where the undersigned now •■es’ilcs. Also one house and lot on north Rail'oud Street Four rooms, four lire places, good nul of water. Lit 50x100 feet. Also ore house and lot, good Well of water and gunieiL,, lot 10>.\120 11. Also 01 0 wooden store house, on south raPv'oiid street, in front of de pot, 11 good ee oral husiness stand. Lot 25x100 feet. Also one farm containing seventy aeres 0:1 Hie Railroad, o te half mile from 811 f(i,-d deuot, twenty acres iu cultivation, halanee in original forest 111 d heavily timbered and well wa tered M til eabil s, etc , Will sell on favorable terms. Tilles perfect. T. E. KEN ERL V. jmy 14-3 m. Valuable Centerville Property FOR SALE. . Wishing tfi (AatlEe huStuesi tuiiFlo- V , A » J , * ‘ *** «*' “* **-*« ail it-, l.Uiiß-about Fifty tu-'.m iu Ciitmui on, lire rest forest. This land lies around and inolndes tie village of Centervile.j There is two good dwellings, and one tlni lit house, UN this, one large two s. ory dwelling, witli six rooms and six fire-places, good barn and on buildings, nearly new, good orchard, etc.. One dwelling with four rooms, garden, etc. Centervile is a thriving little village, in Rockbridge distr'et, with two churches, one fine academ”, one store and post offloe two public gins, and surrounded with industri ous farmers, it being a central point and 8 miles from the rail road, makes it one of the best country stands in the county, and would very easily sustain one or two more stores, Will sell oil favoruble terms. Titles good. T. J, MINOR. aug2s-2m. EXECUTOR S HALE. By virtue of and in accordance, with the directions in ttie bust will' und testament as John H McKlvauey deceased, the undersigned executors will sell on the ltrs ; , Ti esday in No vember next, Court House door, in the town of Lawreneeville, Gwinnett County, Ga.,Twithin the ,e --gala 1 hours of sale, the following de sliribed lands and will property of said deceased, viz : Fifty acres of land, more or less, in the North cast corner of'ot No ltd in the fifth district of said county, ad join nig the lands of Joseph Livecey, N Be inett, J J FUr'd and Wiu Boil Is. Also, one hundred anp fifty acres, more or less, on the east side oi lot No 195 in the fUth district of said Co; adjoining the lands of Win Bonds. R. A Hammoi d. J T McKlvauev and the lands sei aiiart in the will of said deceased to his widow in lieu of iV.w --e-, a paid of this tract may he sold with the mill proper.,y of which notice will lie given on day of sale. Also two acres more or less,'near l he mill pond part of *ot No 196, bouui’ed O 1 three si les by lands o J T McFJvaney and on tlie other by the mill pond, upon, which J W McKlvauev now reside*? Also a two thirds undivided ill teres® in and to what, isknown us Hay ('reek Mills, located on what is kuowr as Bay Creek, in said county, including •all tlie machinery coi oeeted with the’ merchant mill thereou. Corn mill, wheat mill, bolt, smutter,several piec us of gearing not in use, co a shelter Ac. Tiie saw mill locatod just aliove the grist mil), also the shop or gin at the ford above saw mill. With this will lie sold the two thirds interest In i:ll the tqaoblnery now in said shop consi iting ol one jig saw, one cut off saw, one rip saw, one mortising ma chine and t its, one turning lathe and to ds tar turning, one SO sxw co on gin, fbederand condeUsi i, oue'pack iug screw undone pair 2 ton wagon scales. A two thirds interest in and to the lauds belonging to J s McElvane; \ Son will be void with the mill proper ty, upon widen there is located three tenant houses and one store house, 30 feet square. Sa d tract domains about thirty acres, more or less, and adjoin *"K the lauds of Burten ('amp and J T M. 1-1 vaney and the other lands of de ceased. fids is one of the finest shoals to lie found any wlie. e, and any one desir ing to invest in maeliii cry should s e It betore’.;,. l iing el wlie e. We <1 answer inquiries or s low the property to those des lg to puuchuse. All the above property sold to pay the debts ami f->rdistr ! tuition among the heirs ‘>l, said deceased. Ferriis, one third easli, balance oil twelve months time, with Interest from date at 8 [wr cent per ‘annum Bond so • tit les given uutil all is pu ; d. Buyer will take possession of the grist mill in d saw mill on t heOrstof Dece u berj e -t, a d of the g!|i after pres eiit^g : ' ding season is over, J, T McEl vaney, Nathan Bennett, Sept 17th 1885 Executors. Georgia—Gwinnett County. W L Dodd has applied for exemp tion of pe-sonalty and se.ting apart and valuation of homes.ead, ai d 1 will passuiMiii t tie same at 10 o’clock H. in.on the2lst day of October 188e’ at my office. * James T. Lamkin, Sept 28th 1886 Ordinary. AYERS , Cherry Pectoral. No com; laiatf arfto uifiToti.- in tlioit attack as those affecting the throat and lungs: acme so trifled with by the majority of sutler •rs. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex posure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. AVer’s Cherry Pectoral has well proven its efficacy in a forty years* fight with throat aud lung diseases, and should Ul taken in all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured. “In IhA7 I took a severe cold, which affected my lungs I had a terrible cough, and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave rae up. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pko soral, which relievt'd my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded me tlie rest necessary for tne recovery of my strength. By the continued use of the Pectoral a perma nent cure was effected. 1 am now 62 years ! old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your , Cherry Pectoral saved me. Ho RACK FAIURROIiiER.” | Rockingham, Yt., July 15, !B#2. Croup A Mother's Tribute. •‘While in the country last winter my little boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; Jt seemed as if he would die from strangu lation. One of the family suggested the uso of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, a bottle of which was always kept in the house. This was tried in small and frequent dotes, and to our delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The doc tor said that the CHERRY PECTORAL had saved my darling’s life. Can you wonder at our gratitude? Sincerely yours, Mrs. Emma Gfpnf.v.” 159 West 128th St., New York, May 16, 1882: “ I have Used Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral in my family for several years, ami ik> not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds w e have ever tried. A. *l. CRANE?* Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. “I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, And after trying many remedies with no suo cess, 1 was cured by the use of AYER’S CHER RY pectoral. Joseph Walden J* Byhaiia, Miss., April 5,1882. “ I cannot say enough in praise of Ayeß's Cherry Pectoral, nelieving as I do that but for its use I should long since have died from lung troubles. K. BraodonV* Palestine, Texas, April 22,1882 No case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be gi eatly relieved by the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and it will always cure when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine* prepared by Or.J C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mass. . Sold by all >)i uggiata. A Marvelous Story * TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. T FROM THE SON s ?«fiS»2ST “ Gentlemen ; My father resides at Glover, Vt. He has been a great sufferer from Scrof ula, and the inclosed letter will tell you what a marvelous effect Ayers Sarsapar v \ lias had in his case. I think his blood must have contained the humor for at least ten years ; but it did not show, except In the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about five years ago. From a few spots which ap peared at that time, it gradually spread so aa to cover his entire body. T assure you he was terribly afflicted, and an object ot pity, when he began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. 1 could easily name iifty person who would testify to the facts In his case. Yours truly, W. AX. PuiLLlPi.** FROM THE FATHER: pleasure and a duty for me to state to you tho benefit I have derived from the tue of «, Ayers Sarsaparilla. a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tho humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, aud the skin cracked so zs to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, sud iny life a burden. I commenced the nse of tho Sarsaparilla in April last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respect—being now able to do a good day’s work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire wnaC kas wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell them, as 1 have here tried to tell you. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Glover, VU, Oak 21,1882. ~ Yours gratefully, Hiram Phillips.” | Ayer’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches* Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, aud thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole svstem. PREPAP.F.I' BY Dr„ J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell,Mass "tob’ by all Druggist.; *l, six. boUi°* so h& A FEW HINTS FOR THE CSE OF ir p'S Dose. —To move the hoto lYels gently, 2 to 4 Pills; thoroughly, 4 to 6 Pills. _ .ff | Experience tcill decide the PI i— proper dose in each case. For Constipation, or Costlveness, no remedy is so effective cs Ayer’s Pills. They insure regular daily action, aud re store the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Ayeb’s PiLLtsare invaluable, and a sure cure. Ileart-burn, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Dead, ache, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved and cured by Ayeb’s Pills. Iu Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, and Jaundice, Ayeb’s Pills should be given In doses large enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, these Pills are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition of the bowels, are expelled by these Pjlls. Eruptions, bklu Diseases, and Piles, the result.of Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by tho use of Ayek’s Pills. For Colds, take Ayeb’s Pills to open the pores, remove inliammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, indigestible food, etc., Ayek’s Pills are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica,often result from digestive derange ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause fey the use of Ayer’s Pills. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by Ayer’s Pills. Suppression, and Painful Menstrua tion, have a safe and ready remedy ia AYER’S PILLS. Full direction*, In various languages, a<* •ompany each package. PREPARED BY Dr. J.C. Ayer ACo., Lowell, Mass Sold by all Druggists. Till ITT ■ ASlI! I t EMERY WHEELS-, fcIMDINC MACMIUirs i Monroe On. A B BURNHAMS rjk turbine* Aspgucn pamphlet free by BURNHAM BROS.YOtJK.PA. Rovit, Rich Red Blood. W m ti Is country i* : lire all Ihq s, ano we are all *uHtled to have Us wapTu! »I(kx law Wvit which ryprseS ■tough the veinswf eniperfc. T There a* pri&ets andßnaiiotv Aires, languishing m feebleness and broken-down bodily health, who would be glad to have the strength of the humblest laboring man. And there are many people who are neither kings, emperors,' nor millionaires, whose blood is thin, whose circulation is poor, who are suffering from lassitude and debil ity, and who know not the pleasure of a hearty meal nor the enjoy ment of being able to do a good day’s work. If such people will put some .. ji into their blood, w ll “u Iz. and enrich it. They car. do u -*>. the use of Btown’s' Iron Bute:.,? the purest artd most exceihnt iron medicine ever made. Thousands who were weak, languid, paie *nd prostrated, are now happy to say ■ bat Brown’s Iron BitteisTrough' [ hem up iml gave then. n< w sis“. . You Canr it Jiuj it ii. « Bar-roo/ as. What an absurd idea 5 to send a sick .nan, with an ailing stomach, a torpid liver, and impoverished blood, to a bar-room to swallow some stimulating stuff, and csll it j medicine 1 An enormous araoun of mischie, is constantly done by men who thus trifle with themseiv°s. Instead of healing their diseases,they make them worse. Instead ui gaining trength, they only squire the- habit of Ur ling. It is a point worth noting in con lection with Brown s Iron Bitiers , that this valuable medi ine is not sold in bar-rooms, and will not be. It is not a drink, ft is a remedy. It is not made to tickle the palate of old topers. It is made to heal disease. It is not made to promote the good-fellowship of a lot ol bib ulous fellows standing around a bar and asking each other, “What will you take? ” It is a true tonic; an iron medicine, containing the only prepa ration of iron which can safely and beni-fii-ial 1 ' We t-tl.-i"! inm fl-.e The tieat evidence In the world of the purity and excellence of Blackwells Bull [ Durham Bmoking Tobacco is found in the fact that the fame of this tobacco increases from year to year. This could not be the case il it were merely “ gotten up to sell," or had any dubious or dangerous ingre dient* In it Among millions of users of all nationalities, surely some one would find out if it wore imrure, injurious or unpalatable. For 18 years this tobacco has been acknowledged to be the best in the world, and every year the Bull Durham brand grows more popular, the demand for ■ jt wider, and smokers ■ —* more enthusiastic over its A delicious natural flavor. Ask your dealer for it Get the genuine— trado- I mark of the BulL There is no mischief dons where jg** Smoking Tobaooo is used. she Preacher’s Quiet Habits, Sedentary and studious mes Sometimes become prostrated be fore they know it. Those wliti spend much time in close mental work, and neglect to tike enough exercise, often find their stomachs unable to do the work of digestion. The liver becomes torpid. The bowels act irregularly. The brain refuses to serve as it once did. Their preaching becomes a failure, and there is a state of general mis ery. So many ministers have been restored to health by the use of Brown’s Iron Bitters that the clerg) generally are sneaking to the-iv friends of this medicine as the very best tonic and restorer they know of. It restores thin and watery blood to its proper condition by toning it up with the purest and most invigorating preparation of iron that science has ever made. It is pleasant to take, and acts immediately with the happiest re sults, not only on the parsons, but On other folks as well. J v fifti •! 1 21% La IMI Ths oi.jy quick nr.d positive blood polsoi on earth, f<>r the immediate and per ! - **« ni cn<‘f all and stage* of Bl<x>d -«-tscs. Scrofula, Old Ul.ers and Sores, Skin ■ t'l i :.!i l II iors» Swelled Glands and i* :s, llho:imatism, Kidney Complaints, Ca -• Pfautlo Troubles, Syphilis in all stages, Lcrcduary Taint, and all reqniring wFt naiui?!aV::i’)lo ‘ Idor-d purifier. It does not .’vKJU&i a mineral or vt-jetable poison. One g-i’Mes proof yf its magical powex md Ripcriority. Thousands of wonderful au-es made at home and abroad, mailed iti »<>k form, free to any address. ?so one can ! -sibt tne magical power of B. B. B , after tiling the iestiiuouy. Large bottles, SI.OO, 01 * *or $5,00. Call on your druggist, or addresr BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. FREE'. ,1: - t.i*» 1 y t‘nr»‘ or s-m .mil Weakness, Lost »■••• j***t u'l d confer., ’m.tit'ht on byliuMf* : iclioii or nn Any Intitu'fNi has the liiirre lien fcs. Ilr. W. M4|tL> A Vib. No. UU «cst UUC ttor—i. «*. BAGwELL A COWER , Flowery Branch. Ga Take this opportunity to inform the jicople of Gwin nett and adjoining counties that they are still manufacturing their justly celebrated Which have given such universal satisfact ion for du rability, Light Running Proportions and Stylish Fin isb for many years. Their prices have been reduced to suit the times. Also dealers in WAGON and CARRIAGE MTKRIAL, iron, coal, paints, oils, ETC Their work is honestly mode to wear, and uni the -lop stn-.p stuff made only to sell. Satisfaetion a'.wuys guaranteed. T i:\ukrnl to (he publie for the very liberal patronage given them in the past, they .ii ul ooiitimio In ilo their utmost to merit an iui reused pttronage ini lie liiiiire. For prices, lernis, etc.j, address BA WELL A GOWER, March 24-ly Flow ry JJrtocb, Ga. Bffiarfel© works —manufacturers an.i .leulersin- ITALIAN AND RUTLAND I/ABBLE MONUMENTS, BOX TOJ/BS, HA'AD, AND FOOT STONES. AND UNDERTAKER Cliurch Sued, Btoue MouuUin, Ga. AC arch 10, 85,-ly LA WHENCE V/LLE li R Arrive Lawrenceeviile, 7:0 a m Arrive a Snwanee, 7:40 a tn Leave Suwannee .., 7:38 poi Arrive Lawrenceville... 8:22 o m The rain leaving Lawrenceville at 7:00 a. m., makes close connec ion with the “Belle rain” a Su~- xvanee, arriving in Alana a 0:20 . a. m. Returtng leaves Atlanta <. 6:15 p m and arrivingat Jjawi .ace villa :i 8:22 p. m. EDWIN BERKLEY Snperinten lent Bash ngkii Department On aud after May 31st 1885 Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line Division will be as follows : NOUTII WAR I >. Express I Mail No. 51 i No. 53. Dili*/. I Daily. Leave Atlanta 6,00 pm | 8.40 a ill Gainesville 8.08 “ 10,52“ “ I,uia A 8.3:! “ | 10.55 “ *lt flap Jn’e B 0.18 “ I 11.25 ” 1 Toucoa <J 0.5! “ I 11.50 “ ‘.Seneca D 10.56 “ I 12.51 pm “ Greenville..K I 12.27 “ 2.23 ‘m “ “"■"■hilling F | 1.42 am 3.34 p Gastonia... (J 3.50 “ 5.26“ Charlotte.. n 1.40 6.10 •* souts Ward. I Express | Mail I No. 50 I No. 52 I Daily | Daily ll’ve Charlotte | 3.00 am j 1.00 pm Ar. Gastonia 3.50 ’• 1 .41 “ . “ Spartanburg 5.57 3.34 “ “ Greenville... 7.13 “ 4.52 “ “ Seneca 8.54 “ 6.21 “ “ Tocooa 0.55 “ 7.21 “ “ R Gap June. 10.37 “ I 8.13 “ “ T.ula ll.o; “ 8.39 “ “ G inesville.. 11.33 “ | 9.05 “ “ Atlanta ) 1.40 pm 111.00pm’ ACCOMMODATION TRAIN (A. LINE BELLE GOING NORTH Leave Atlanta 5.50 p in Arrive at Gainesville 7.40 p in ACCOMMODATION TRAIN (A . L . BELLE) GOING LOUTH. Leave Gainesville 7.00 a 111 Arrive Atl»uta 9.25 “ NO 18- LOCAL 1- HEIGHT GOING SOUTH Leave Ohar,otte 6.40 a. m. Arrive at Gaffneys 11.10 “ ‘‘ Sp-rtanbur. .1 25 p. m. “ G“< mvil e.. .5.16 “ “ Central 7.45 “ NO 17—LOCAL FREIGHT. GOING NORTH. Leave Central 6.20 a in Arrive Greenville. 8 2i a. m. “ Spartanburg.. .11.17 “ “ Gaffreys 1.22 p. m. “ Charlotte 7.00“ All freight trains on this road cirry passengers. All passenger trains run tbrojgnt to Danville and Richmond without ehaffge. connecting at Dan ville with Va. Midlaud Rwy,, to all eastern cities, and at Atlanta witli all liur i dive ging. No 50 leaves Rich mond at 3.25 p in and No 61 arrives t. ■ cat 4.20 p in, 62 leaves Richmond 2,03 a in, 63 arrives there 7.00 a in. The local freights stop at above static, s 20t030 minutes. BUFFET SLEEPING CARS WITHOUT CHANGE. (In trains Nos 50 and 51, New York and Alia la, via Washington and Dan ville, and also Grew ishoro and Asli ▼ille. On trains Nos 52 and 53, Richmond ami Danville, and Wasiiington and Au gusta, and Washington und New Or lcins. Returning on No 52—sleeper Greensboro to Riontuord. ’Through tickets on sale at v'har lotte, Grecnvilie, Seneca, Spai tanhurg end Gainesville, to all points South, South West, North and East. A With NKKR. to & from Athens B “ N K R U to A irom A lulu Fulls. C “ E. Air Line to lal from Elberlou ' Bowtrsville D “ Blue Ridge R h .0 & horn Walhalia, &c, “ t'i (j B K to snd frm Newberry, Alston snd Oolunibia A t S 4 4J 4 C to A fr’m HaiiJorao;iville, Alston Ac. Chester A Lenoir to A Irom Chester, Yorkville A flullas M N C Div AC C-A to A frir Greensbv ro, Kaleig inviN Berkelly, Supenintendend. A. L. Rives, 2nd Y. P. & Gen Manag M. Slaughtr, Gen’l Pasenger Ag •3 WEEKS ,$1 The i’OLIOh, JAZKITf will mailed, sr cutely wrapped, to any in tbe Uuited States tor three tn eoeipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmas ters. agents and clubs. Sample copies moiled free. Aildret-s all orders to RICHARD K, FOX, Franklin Squire, New York, WOmAN HF.AL'I'II AND HA'.’i iNKSS AltK MATTKItS OF GREAT CON CEKN TO ALL MANKIND. NKAR M AKIKtTA, G A. Some montlis uyo I bought u bottle n Dr Bradtield’a Female Regulor and us"d au my family with great satisfac ios have recoominended it to three familiei oud they have f mud it to be just ' wiiat it claimed (or it. The li males who have used it are now iu perfect health and alible t attend to their household duties Kkv 11. B, Johfson I Ktatk of Gkoraia, Troup Co. I have examined the recipe of nr. Joseph Bradhold, and announce il to be a comhinatioD of medicines ol great merit in Ihe treatment of all diseases of j for female lor which he recJnrnerids it. I Wm, P. BkaSi.y, M. D Sl RINUFIKLD j'KNN. I,r. j. Braufiki.d : Dear sir—My daughter lias been suffering for man* years with that dreadful iiffiefion known ug Female Disease, which has cosl me many dollars, end not withstannding I hod Ihe bc-Ht tiio best medical attention 1 could not find relief. 1 have used many other kinds of medicines without at.v ef fect, i bad just about given her up, was iut of heart, but happened in at the store ot W. V . Koker several week si ee and he knowing ot my daughters affictioo, persuaded me to buy a bottle of yaur Female Reguliftoa. She began to improve at once. 1 was so ilelighTed with its cffedls that I bought several more bottles ol it, Knowing wlntiilo about itj if to iy one of my family was suffering with tnat awful disease, 1 wo»ld have it il it cost SSO a botte for j can truly say it has cured my duunhtei sound and w fl rnd myself and wife do most heartily recommend your Fkmalf, Rkgu i.atur ;a be just what it is aeceoniinend j ed to be. Respectfullyll, D. Fkvtaqtsoii Treatsse on Health and Happio i Woman mailed Iree. The Bkadfifld Rkgul r, Box 28 AToAtlaa For Sale by Winn and Vaug NO MORE EYE GLASSES Mitchells*' .Eye Salve A certain, Sato,” effective remedy for MahMamifys Producing Long Sightedness, and Re storing the sight of the old Cures Lear Drop*. Grauulation, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Mat ted Ej e Lashep, and producing qaick relief and per inanenf cure Also equally efficacious when us u in other maladies, such as Ulcers, L..- vers, Hdres, Tuniors, Burns, Rlieum atism, Files or wherever inllammation exists. Mite hell’s Salve nay housed to advantage. ><THib I > oil ctiggislsfll 25 cents ■1 0 Bf Though prompt and efficient, it is mild and harmless. Safe and reliable for children, W herever known it is the mothers’ favorite medicine for the infant, the children and adults, it is surprisingly effective. TORCHES 15*. I.l((l li> 25c. , The#voi|derful Success iu consulup n, Bronchitis, asthma, spitting of blood,sore throat,,loss of voice, catar rhal throat affections, chronic har k in° irritating and troublesome coughs. ° Rough on Toothache, Instant relief for neuralgia,toothache’ faceaclie. 15c. E. S. WELLS. Ji rsey City, N.J. Q BURNHAM'S IMPROVED % STAND’D TURBINE —-jfcL-dklJ Is the best eoustri ted anil tinisbed, give bet W - *jS ter percentage, i* ore MjPWFTfT power and is so I for wHubf b‘ s ß money per horse / L; power, than auo other Turbine in the world "F. ptde.l sent free i, v M, EROS., York, P 9| ■ W iemiil, IVl* lioidnt. lion! ™ x 55 p| > *' "• 8.-t o( Elegant (ii.lil stone Me.-vo auituts, Gent-'' 1-uko George Diamond Pin, Amt thyst Stone Hii.grf nlaicl with gr*ft. Amethyst Stone Heart Piii.Gr.Lt plan**. Wedding Rina, S*t K.qchiid Ear Droutc I.wllhh FlcfWerad and HHrered Ha; Pin, Ladles' Fancy Pin and Drops, Gold plate Ooll.’ir Buttno, Gents’ Quid plat •Hi Watcn Chain aim Hat ot EKga a ThreeG..ld plated Studs. T-.- W 1 •mirtLoi tntfi. st-f’.iui/or fSO ■ fi 5# MGSiF arnfr. / Vl/i-A* >KWKAR Y ■ 4A D UCtMtINTS Ti) A(, FN7 \ ■ ■ S-* aa*OS» Clinton Placa. New f irm The Bottom ‘Busted. Can’t Be Undersold] A. J, \ EAL Sc SON, Stone Mountain, Qa To our host of friends in Gwinn»tt and surroundmpon wbo have honored us with their unstinted phtrouaire in ttA oona^ send GREETINGS'- PMt - We cotue to the front this Fall, with one of the larg*. must complete stocks ever bioughf to this market, comprising Ijj line of GENTS’ FURNISHING* GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS. SHOES DRY GOODS, NOHcNS. HARDWARE, GROCERIES, and FERTILIZERS. And in fact everything usually kept in a first class store. ty a what we say ™ We Can’t Ee Undersold i Aad will give you goods at prices that are hey end competition we buy direct from Headquarters, and in large Jots, and will ’ DIVIDE PROFITS WITH YOIJ. .1 ' * J - Our shoe and hat departments can’t be excelled, ev*n u, city of Atlanta Remember this. Our Family Grocery Department is comple Flour and Bacon for the million ] Here’s a pointer! Now remember wit you wan’t anything—no matter what it is—call on and we will supply you, A J VEAL and boa. 00.20-ic Stone Mountain. C eo. E. King & CoJ COR. PEACHTREE AND WHEAT STS. ATLANTA, GA. I Wt* Sell HARDWARE and TINWARF CHEAPER I Than any House in the City. You can save money ■ buyiiig I‘rom us. 0ct20 ; « E. W HEWITT, DEALER IN Doors, £*asli ? Blind BUILDERS HARDWARE PAINTS. OILS Etc Etc Etc I 84 Decatur Stre’et, ATLANTA, GA. 0ct.20 3 m - ■; ” mew ; j Fall - Winte GOODS ? f n o The subscriber is now receiving his Fall and Winter stocm New Goods, comprising a general stock cf Dry Goods, Gents I Ladies Boots and Shoes. Ladies Diess oods.ents Hats, Pieceoods I •Jeans, Cassimers, Etc., Notions, Hardware, GLOTHIM©, r ■ her childreni boys, youths’ and men. Can fit anybody. tics, Sheetings, A’hirtings, Etc., roceries, ; Bagging and Ties I All of which he proposes to sell as cheap as the same qo*!*® Gerais can be purchased in any house in the State. M TO MY PATRONS I return my thanks, and can but <hey will continue with me, promising to do my utmost to n> ■ their interest. . J I'd all is extended a cordial iffvitation to examine his sjo® making purchases. No bouse has better facilities for hatklliog M chesp. He means what he says, t ■ GAN BE FOUND IN HI? HOUS •' < ' « 1 the best siock of Ready Made Clothing, in better fits ard more of them, than any house in North Georgia, ■ Atlanta, vvnich he wiil sell as cheap as any house in thff ° ’ ■ eepiing the fatter place. J AMES D. SPUN < J Sept. 14-3 m, Lawreneeville, LA.WRBNCEVILLB SEM I N A R Y, FOR male and Female* I »v The Fall session of the above Institution will begm « at , he folio w 24, 1885, wit h the same corps of teachers as the last term, ■ rates of tuition. . * c r I FIRST CLASS, - *} n s n °’ SECOND CLASS, - * THIRD CLASS, - - 2 50. FOUR H CLASS, - 300 Studeus charged 25c Incidenal Fee, per qnarer. {or Co l^ Course of Instruction, Thorough, preparing Suae ■ C1 “”' r,„. J. T, NEWXOS. w»^|