The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, May 11, 1897, Image 2

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.. )'i i HHVhim to 111" devil. MBLe of i lll' j-.vmil .: 1 v.-n 1 HUm<l p >|>'• ■ l';i --... H.. v- HjHHT'-ln'ie ■ II" im ., ■ !|lHy tinn- I)'' - t ■■' "i' rul ■- HSie anti-snake l)it<- on Ins lt*ir, Hd ho is allowed to bait lii~ n hookt Happy Grover! It is reported that Governor Taylor, of Tennessee, will re.-ign to go on the lecture platform again. Hob does not like the routine work devolving on him as the chief magistrate. Ib wants to bo free and easy and OH joy life, ■ Atlanta wants another post office. Shn has her general office and one called South At lanta, and now North Atlanta is moving to have an office Where there is an office there must be a post master. Don't you see? A. A. Morris, an Athens mer chant was arrested last week and carried to At lanta as a com nior. cheat and swindler. The offence consisted in a. false s*?t'ement of his debts ami lia bilities made to Draper, Moore A’ Co. to obtain credit for a bill o! goods. The Chinese are now making underclothing of paper. That is new. The ladies years ago began the use of paper for a certain indispensably article ol toilet. The papers were not manufactured for that purpose, but the news having been read .nit of them they answered a good purpose. (Juv. Atkinson (ionics Unit lie wants to go to Congress from tho till district. Ho says lie will not ho in the way of Col. Adamson, who is out it led to un other term under the* general rule. W. Y. does not state wluit lie is after, lie is in the Governor’s business just now Ih* will ht* heard from later. The negroes of Atlnntu got the last lick at Col. Buck They gave him a grand roeep tioii just before he left for Washington. And when the Colonel boarded his train there was Bill Pledger, who did not intend to let him escape, and lie went on to Washington with the minister to Japan. But where was Tom Blodgett? A New York woman has just given birth to three children, each one weighing 10 pounds. But tin* strangest feature i that one of the children has *hr eyes, the third one just above the bridge of the nose. The doctors cannot account for this, and the old women who throng in to see them think that the milleoium is at hand The New York World claims that if the C. S. soldiers who have .created such a scandal at McPherson’s barracks were put •in duty instead of lying around Atlanta having a good time, that, there would lie no such disgraceful scandals which re quire the gouernment to organ ur u court martial. Idle men ami women generally find some excuse to slander each other. Two farmers of Habersham county, W. T. Jenkins and L. N. Smith, have been at outs tor smile time. Past Saturday Jen kins went to the field where Smith was .at work and told him he had come to settle the dilticulty, whereupon both drew pistols and commenced tiring. Eight shots were tired, five by Smith and three by Jenkins. Smith is dying from an ugly wound in his side made by a cart ridge. ASSASSINATION IN JACK SON. Martin McKuney, a harmless old negro, while replanting corn in his field, near Jefferson, was shot by unknown parties hid in ambush. No cause can JL»c- assigned for the killing. H'cr- Bf w if \ * If wF ■r Ki'. i wie'n 111• ' men I ary eommeuts ..f a mue sermon, but a doctor must modestly decline all such no tices, and if be permits them he is arraigned for trial before the society, and may he expell ed and turned out into outer darkness. Three of the leading physi cians of Atlanta, Drs. Pinckney, Mcßae and Nicholson, were ar raigned before the society last week for violating medical eth ics. The result of the trial was that they were found not guil ty because they were not re sponsible for the publication. Dr. Mcßae was indiscreet, the committee thought, but had no criminal intention, A PARISIAN IHORROR. Two hundred people were burned and trampled to death in Paris one day last week. A charitable bazar was being.con ducted by many of the nobility m a building lightly construct 'd, and gauze was used for sep arating t -* rooms or stalls Whi ■ » building was crowded the cry •>! fir* was heard, and the jv.. j,.- rushed pell-mell for the door- . In ju-t twelve min utes from the time the cry was given the roof had fallen in. In their hurry to get out men, women ami children were crush ed,and trampled to death, tin doors blockaded so that people could not get out until they were overwhelmed by the smoke and fire. Such a scene lias hardly ever been witnessed; the burned, tlm dead and dying mingled in a great heap at tin doors, while inside the building the flames made quick work with those' who failed to gel out. POOR GREECE. With all her ancient renown, the Greeks have not exhibited that martial spirit, of which his torians wrote and poets sung. Tins Turks have knocked I hem out on every aide and her troops are failing back in great disor der and losing in every buttle. The war is about ended, but for the interference of foreign powers the Turks would march right up to the gates of Alliens and demand its surrender, but it is stated that tlit# powers will demand an armistice and u treaty of peace will be signed in tv short time. The Greek army is -cut in two and ,tlie Turks are between them ami will crush them by detail. 81-METALIC CONFERENCE. Ex- Vice-President steven*on, Gen’l. J. C. Payne and Senator Wolcott, who were appointed by the President to confer with European governments relative to holding an inter-uatiomil congress to arrange for the un, of gold and silver on equal terms, left New York for Paris last Saturday. Very little is expected of this commission. Nearly all of tin European governments are un der tin* control of the hankers, and they will be slow to adopt a plan that will give the people a fair chance. The banks lmvi a good thing and have got sensi enough to know it. Spain’s proposed reform in Culm by giving the island home rule is regarded ns a trap and » snan* by the great mass ot tin people of that island. The inhuman policy of M’ey h*r in drivi-ng tin* country peo ple from their homes lias hf: thousands of people in a desti tute and starving condition.* The l S. consul at Mntan zes says that 7,000 people haw I<e»»n concentrated in that towi without means of support, and women and children are dyini on the streets from starvation and death and misery tvn'l hand and hand. Thousands g< from door to door I,egging, but the people are too poor to aid them, and tin* government doe little or nothing for them. CONFEDERATE RE-UNION. The Confederate re-union in Nashville will be held on the 21st, 22nd and 2Brd days of June. Extensive preparations will be made L r the largest gather ing ever held, and Insecure this it, is expected that a very low rate of round trip tickets will he secured. The rate of representation will be cue to every twenty members. As Gwinnett lias over four hundred in her asso ciation, this will entitle the as sociation to twenty delegates. The larger cities will send delegates in the old Confeder ate uniforms, and some of them propose carrying muskets, such ns were used by the army. GenM. Evans says that he al ready has applications from 70 camps. STONE MOUNTAIN HAS NOT SURRENDERED. ' • ■ The citizens of Stone Moun tain are determined to fight-' Decatur on the court houaej question. Ordinary Ragsdale is proceed ing to build a new court houne at Decatur, and for this pur pose has levied a tax of $2 000 on the citizens to pay the expense of the new building. The citizens of Stone Moun tain want the court house loca ted at that place, and think the building of a new house will materially affect their chances to have the county site removed. They have, filed a hill asking an injunction against the Ordi nary opening and receiving bids. This opens the fight on a new line, and will probably have to lie settled by the Su preme court. Atlanta seems to be full of desperate characters. Last Saturday night two citizens in different parts nf tlm city were li' hl up by robbers who deman ded their money. The men happened to be armed and opened lire on the robbers. Fred Cunningham, one of the men held up, was seriously wounded by the men who or dered him to hold iqi his hands. The other man, a merchant, es caped without injury and lie I liinks one nf the robbers was badly wounded, lie could not sec them distinctly but believes 111 e V Wile white men . —• a ♦ The Southern Baptistconven tion has just, closed its session at Wilmington, N. C. it was one of the most largely attend ed and notableconventionsever held in t lie South. Many of the old and leading ministers of this denomination were in attendance. The Southern Baptists now number nearly one and a half million members and in some of the Southern stales it lias a larger membership than any other denoniiiiatinn. l)r. Wliitsitt, of Kentucky, who was charged with heresy, was vindicated by an over whelming vote. ♦- The' State Treasurer of Flori da is reported to be short |oo,- 000. Ft is astonishing that so many men in public places do not know the difference between what belongs to them and other people. There seems to hove been a perfect mania in the last five years for men holding positions of frust in charge of other peo ple’s funds, to conclude that they have the right to use these funds in private speculation. rHK STATE SEIZES THE NORTH-EASTERN. Richards A Co., the lessees of the North-Eastern Railroad, having failed to pay the rental is required by their contract, the Governor issued his procla uation last week taking charge of the road for the state. R. K. Reeves, who was in charge of the road before it was leased, was appointed agent ol the state to take charge. He will probably control the road until it is sold. TIME AHO IT. The I'hiversity base hall team ■uieeeds better in Atlanta than it home. Last Friday the Vthens hoys defeated the North 'andinns in Atlanta. They in •'ited the Tarheels to go home i ith them and let them have mother chance. This was ac cepted and on Saturday the two **ams met again and the Ath nS Itoys were badly defeated rigid before their own people and sweethearts. THE GEORGIA CRACKER. This paper is getting up a Mineral Edition, which will give a full report of the iniuiug and mineral interests of this section of the State, Parties having mineral lands should communicate with R. R. Res pess, Atlanta, Ga., who is bus iness manager. He wants all the information that can be obtained in order to make the elegantly printed pamphlet a success. BEYOND PREVIOUS REC ORDS. The Mississippi river was last week nearly two feet higher than it was ever known to be before. The strain on the levees was so great t hat a boat was not allowed near the shore. Tlm guards would fire on any bout running near the shore. One of the most interesting murder trials now in progress in the State is that of Douglas Cooper for the killing of Claude Diinsou in LaGrange on the 24 of last December. The young men were formerly friends, but fell out about a negro quarrel on the side walk. Both sides have able counsel, and the case w ill be fought with ability. WHIPPED A CONVICT TO DEATH. Bob Cannon was convicted Inst Saturday in Wilkes Superi or court of whipping a convict to dentil. He was sentenced to pay a fine of sr>oo or one year in the penitentiary. Tom Wat son defended the Cannon. LAWYERS CANNOT BE BONDSMEN. Judge Lumpkin lias decided that lawyers cannot betome bondsmen for their clients on any cases pending in courts. He holds that an attorney of court cannot become security on any appeal or other proceed ings. FATALLY 111 RT BY FOOT PAD. ’ A NF.WRO STABS MISS EMMA i'. MITH, AM) TRIES TU ROB HER. At White Plains, eight miles north of Winder, Miss Emma Smith, o( that place, was fatal ly ntnbbed because she resisted an attempt at highway robbery. Miss Smith spent the night at a neighbor’s and about- 12 o’olock Tuesday, while return ing home and almost, iu sight ol the house, was accosted by a negro, who demanded her mon ey. When told that she had no money, he drew a large knife and, with an oath, slashed at her. The knife entered the left side. Miss Smith lily upon the pub lic highway for an hour before being discoverd. Her wound is pronounced fatal by her physi cian. Citizens are in hot pur suit, and if the negro is caught a lynching may be expected. Miss Smith is able to talk and says she is certain the negro is Lon White, who worked on n neighbor’s place.—Alautn Con stitution. Since putting the above in type we learn thut the young lady has died and that her as sailant is thought to be a white man, who was blacked at the time of the assault. Over the County. SNELLYILLE. The farmers are about t Imuigh planting. Rev. E. L. Langly preached an able sermon to a large oon gregation Sunday, Messrs. Darling Gofer ami Ed Itritt, of Norcross, were down Sunday. Preaching Sunday evening at E. L. Lauglys’s by Kev. W. 11. Haslet The writer had his first Irish potatoes last Wednesday. Miss Lillie Pate has returned home from a pleusant visit to friends and relatives at Carl. 1!. L. Shell and family visited relatives in West End, near At lanta, a few days last week. Th entertainment given in honor of Mi-s Hutchins, of Carl, at Judge T. A. Pate’s Saturday night was very much eujoytd by all present. The Snellville annual celehru- I ion will be held wit h Huy 111 s ('reek school the'JUth of July What voiiiig man wrote his last '(ill an April fool and post ed it on cow trough? Say Ab,l April fools don’t make good food for cattle. Watch out for Cates district at the County Fair next fall or we will wear the blue ribbon, for we cau Least of the best far mers in the county. meadow! The young people in the Hourthern part of our town en joyed it singing at, Mr. John Cooper's recently. Mi-s Sallie Stone, a charming youn lady of near Duluth, vis ted relatives at this place Sat urday. Rev. Austin preached at Trinity last Sunday. Mr. Rose Jenkshas purchased a new buggy. I wonder what young lady will take the first ride. Mr. Paul Boggs’ wife and mother-in-law were the guests of Mr. J. F. Brown Sunday. Your correspondent visited Trinity Sunday and was glad to note that their Sunday school is in a flourishing condition. Mr. A. J. Parson is superinten dent, Tom Hall secretary, Jack Man assistant and Lon Lancas ter chorister. L. H. Cooper has an English cow. A no\i kind of cow, ain’t it? Mr. J. I Herrington burnt a coal kiln recently and found a a rat’s nest in a foot of the cen ter of the kiln that wasn’t burned a particle.. What young man was it that wanted to take his girl home from meeting last. Sunday in a road cart, and she refused? You must, get a wagon, Johnny, and take the whole family. Mr. John Cooper was thrown from his harrow last Thursday and seriously hurt, but is im proving fast. Mr. T. L. Newborn and E. V. Weathers are going up on the river next Saturday night fish ing. Everybody tbat wants to go meet them in town at four o’clock, p. m. SWEETWATER. Our people are up with their work and have nothing to do but built and fish. •Several of our young people attended the exhibition at Lux omni Thursday night. They report a nice time. T 1 ere will be an all iluy sing ing at Bethesda cl inch the iird Sunday in this mouth. Prof Jim Webb will be there. Every body invited. John Beiichnmp of Atlanta visited his mother-in-law, Mrs. Malijda Duren, last Wednes day . . H dry Trainin'l of Duluth is spending a few days with his uncle, .1 11 Shaw, "ear here. \Ve are -" 'ry to note that W D Wynn <>f Atlanta has come home on the sick 'ist, and hope he may soon recover. J A Alford made a business trip to Snellville last Friday. It R Miner of Cruse came over last Sunday and earned one of our pretty girls to Oak land Sunday-school. We can't say we welcome-yen this time, Rosco. W L Greason and J It John son visited Oakland school last Sunday. They report the school on a boom. Euless wo are ladly mistaken tin re will be a wedding here soon Walter Webb slipped in again lust Tuesday, thinking nobody would sie him Site is gelling uneasy about you, Walter. Has the Cress correspondent gone into a hole arid pulled it iu alter him ? L-t us In-ur from you, brother. A ci rtuin girl dreamed that her sweetheart was dead, and the next day she went to see if it was so. It is said that Marion Phillips is v> ry fond of going to null YELLOW "lUYER. After n few in mills rent we will send you the Lews again. Our farmers ar»* plowing corn and chopping cotton. Wheat is looking fine. A large crowd attended church ut Camp Creek Hie Ist Sunday. There were 11 baptisms the day before, all colored. Mrs. Donnie Burton lias been very sick, but is better now. One of our young men fails to take Ins but off when lie goes to see his girl. Take it. off, brother, if you are bald-headed. Mri. Davis and dai ghter wore in our burg one day last week. J. A., T. W. and W. A Lee and .1 C Williams went to Slone Mountain Inst week. Keuowus seen riding through our town r cently smoking hi, little mini pip*. w’• i -li Imd a stem about a foot long to keep from scorching bis mustache, which is almost a quurlei of an inch long. He would occasion ally look down ut the baby ami smile sweetly. The l.ilhiiru Imys have put up a telephone line. It is run by Allen Young, Darling Me Daniel and Willis Dickens. Mi.. Dan Nash of Clarkstuu Lino Of SPRING 4 SUMMER MS. AT- (t.W.& A. P. Cain’s # VI am aia. We have just received our new line of Spring and Summer Goods. It comprises a variety of the very latest and newest goods. In our store can be found an elegant line of • • I >ry Notions, 81ioes, Ktc. Our Dry Goods were all bought in the East, and we have nev er had a better or cheaper line. You will find our store filled with goods, and we are able to make you prices that cannot be duplicated in this part of the country. Our aim has been to sell goods cheap and sell them fast, and the success we have had since we commenced business in Lawrenceville proves con clusively that our manner of doing business is approved and ap preciated by the people. We have never been in a better posi tion to sell goods cheaper than now, We have the largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS in town, and you will find our prices are cheaper than they have ever been before. If you will examine our stock you will see that we can save you money. We call your special attention to our new line of Clothing and Slioch just received. We can show dozens of different styles of Cloth mg and bhoes—the biggest lines ever shown in Lawrenceville. V. e have a few Standard and White Sewing Machines, the rnade. As we are going to quit the machine business, we will close these out at below manufacturer’s cost- We have a beautiful line of Millinery which weare selling cheap. Below is a partial list of what we carry : H New line Henmttas, all colors, 12 to 50e A beautiful line of Nan hook, figured and stripped, I to !)e HI no k Lawns-pluin and figured W bite Lawns-plain and figured. A nice line of Checked ti u si i n. A beautifu 1 line of Duck -ail colors, best grade 10c lilac'< Satteen. A beautiful line of tay lor made Suiting-latest out A big lire of Organdies pin*', v elluw, black, blue arid slate n n elegant line of Dim ities. Dress linen. Cotton plaids, to 5c Dig line of Calicos, all colors. Turkey Ked In digo Blue-all colors sum mer ctlico, best grade 5c B g lot bonnet and ditss ginghams 5 to tic Big lot Screen, different prices. Cotton checks 3£ to 5c Vv'E KEEP A COMPLETE LUTE OF HARDWARE Consisting of Plow Stocks (Heymon and Georgia Paltutt) 2 11-.rse Turner Plow* I low Gear, Guano Horn.,, Scovel and Handle Hoes * * We also have a few of the Reed Cotton Planter and Guano Dhl ibutors com bmed. Hits is without doubt the most complete planter and distributor male and we have reduced the price limn JIOOO to #o<K). Come early as we htv. only a few left. We also handle the Brooks & l)owlow Planter We have a nice line of Table Cutlerv, Pocket Knives, Razor.-, Guns, Crocks iy. Mechanics tools, Hetzs Pickles, bauce, Catsup. Baskets, .lugw re and all kinds of Heavy Groceries, ■ an< * was at the bed-side of her siek daughter, Mrs. burton, last week.’ Dr. Kelley of Luxomni can be seen passing through our ville quite often, attending the sick at Possum Corner. Some of our young married people seem to think a great deal of the old folks at home, as they vieit them quite often Your corn spomlent attended an exhibition at Luxomni last Thursday night. It was a grand success, and reflects much credit on the school Prof. Dubose is one of the beat in structors in the county, and has given eminent satisfaction. It is said that a certain young gent Stood in the door ami watched his sister-in-law cut stove wood. One ot our young ladies says she has hewn fishing for a Tropt for soma time, hut can’t catch him. Mr, blackstock is smiling all j Bunting,different colors White table damask,pure linen, 35c Red table damask 25c Seaisland, made at Mon roe mills, over yard wide, at 5c Percale, - stripped, red, blue and black. Perkaline. diffeient col ors Silk thread, assorted colors. Chambry, different col ors, Turkey red lloss. Sheeting-Shirting. a n elegant line of Shirt", Collars and Cuffs-new-* est styles. A beautiful line of t e.G bows and scarfs. A big line of hats at all prices. Ladies, mens and miss es hose 5c up Ledits and gens kid gloves. Ladies silk gloves ami m its. Ladies and gents hand kerchiefs scup' over himself. It is a girl. J M Thurman and sot. of bra den were here last week. Dr. Dickens is moving to Nor eross this week. Norcross gait, s a valuable citizen. HOOMOUNTiiiT Some of our farmers are chop ping cotton. Wheat is looking tine. Alon zo Guthrie has the finest we have soert. Mr. Ibtvis, of near Shiloh, was here Sunday. Mr. Dallas berry of Flowery branch was here recently. Mr. T. A. Maypardof muder passed through this place last week. Jchn M-Jacobs —I>EXTISI\- Lawkkncjcviu.k, - - _ q a JfMT OfficeoverG. W. A A. P Cain’s Store. Ladies belts, white, kid and leather. I, idles belt buck lea. . Gents belts. New line corsets, differ ent prices. _ Ladies underveste, 10e up. (ie.nts underwear Pat. hooks and eyes. Counter pins. Towels oc up. Zephyr-all colors, 5c o t Ctochet cotton, all col ois, sc, large spools. K‘astic, different prices Baby Caps L >l. of j'-aus at co t. Su p infers at a I prices. .Window shade**. Aca Bed ticking. Matress Peking Hickory shirting. Hig line of jewelry. I mhrel'as, Valentines laces. B ack silk lace Mull and Hamburg Ftu broidery. i»ser ion, Velvetine braiding- Etc. Etc, Etc- Notice ! THIRD AND LAST ROUND 1 will he at the following plan s, on the dates named, for (lie purpose of lec-iving htata and bounty Tax Returns for I oil i: Monday May 10 Berkshire Tuesday *• ] | Rook bridge Wedn’sday“ 12 ' at, ‘ s Thursday" “ |g Martina Friday “ 14 Pinkney ville Saturday “ 15 Law renceville Monday “ 1J Harbins Tuesday “ jg ben Smiths Wedn’aday“ 19 ai,m Thursday “ 20 t ucketts Friday “ 21 log Mountain Saturday *• Duluth Monday “ *»i Goodwins Tuesday “ -»5 f "«‘*r Hill Wed,;’»day“ 26 Lawrenceyille Thurtday *• 27 Friday *• 28 Saturday “ “0 Ku I*. Minkh, lax Recaivera^ *' l '! MunulT Don ’t fordfl get McDaniel's baby a hen baby u Uvtki.g. '