The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, July 20, 1897, Image 2

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The Herald- OJUcicd Organ. Town and County Tyi.kk At. I’kkju.ks, - Kdjtok 1 -ttwrenceville. Ga Tuesday, July 20, 1897, Queen Victoria does not pro pose to abdicate. She will reign on during her life, She likes the job. Ten dollars has been offered for the largest water melon grown in Georgia. It is to be sent to Hilly Bryan. The. (rike among the eoal miners still continues. Goal will "soon bo searee and the price will go up. This is troub ling the manufacturers. Maj. Hanson of Macon is now the Vice President of the Re publican organization in Geor gia. He and Walter Johnson will run the machine. Nine prisoners escaped from Cobb county jail one night last week, They vore charged with ail sorts of crimes from chicken lifting to horse stealing. Tom Watson is now engaged in letting off his spleen at Chairman Rutler, of the Popu list party. He accuses Butler of nil sorts of deception and treachery to his party. McKinley had prepared a message on the financial ques tion but about the time he got ready to send it in he heard something drop and pigeon holed it for the present. It is getting so fashionable now to have receivers appointed that a cemetery in Atlanta has applied to Judge Beck to put the concern in the hands of-a receiver, and lie appointed C. Al. Curran. G'iv. Atkinson’s immense stall has been joked about ever since their appointment. It is now proposed that he ap point SO young ladies aids, with the rank ot Colonel. That is, provided Mrs. Atkinson does not object. A conductor in South Caroli na dreamed that his train was about to have a collisbn and jumped from the second story of the building where ho was sleeping, a distance of iiO feet He fell on a picket fence, break ing his nose. We do not hear much these days about the fifty cent dollar that filled the gold standard ’ sheigs about this time last year The fact is money is so scarce that the people are falling over one m other to get any sort of a dollar that will go. The Supreme court affirmed the decision of the court below in the case of J. T. Cooper. His attorneys and friends will make an appeal to tho Governor to remit the imprisonment. The Brand jury has asked the Governor to let him off' with the fine, for they do not believe ho was intentionally guilty of wrong and has paid back to the county every dollar lie spent that lie bad collected in taxes BURNED AT THE STAKE. Anthony Williams, who out raged and murdered Miss Rene Williams, near West Point, Teiui., was captured by a mob and carried back to the scene of his crime and burned. The negro showed signs of a terrible struggle with his vic tim, his face and hands being scratched and torn. Five hun dred men were in pursuit. RUIN'IXG* MORMON CHURCHES. The Mormons had established a church at Ridgeway in South Carolina. Borne time ago it was burned. They then ar ranged to build a nice brick church, and put up a temporary structure until it could be fin ished. This lias been burned and the citizens in the vicinity have notified the party who is to let them have the land that lie will tiller if lie sells it to the Mormons. A TON OF GUM). There is gr>-at excitement i'i Alaska over the* discovery «»f rich gold mine*, in which mil lions on millions of tlio pre cious metal is l*iiug (lug nut by the enthusiastic miners. This now Eldorado lie* just across the Alaskan boundary, in Ihitish territory. Gold is so plentiful that men are getting rich on small mines and speculators are bidding high for territory. Sacks of it are carried around by the lucky miners. It is claimed to be the biggest placer discovery ever made. Thousand* of peo ple are Hocking there, v and every steamer from Sau Fran cisco goes loaded down with Wealth hunters. THE CANDIDATES, It is a long time ahead to be gin to talk about gubernatorial candidates,'but the politicians generally begin away back to lay their plans, and the pres* is occasionally discussing the question of who will be tho next Demociatic candidate. And first it may be well enough to know who will not. be in the race among those who have been talked about. Gen’l. Gordon says be will not be in it. He wants no pub lic office. Gen’l. Evans says be is not a candidate and does expect to be. When be retired from the race against Atkinsoh he determined to quit politics. Hal Lewis says lie wants to remain a private citizen, and is not hankering after any of fice. Some of the others are not so liberal. They are willing to answer, if called. Flem dnßiguon lias been dis-1 cussed as a probability for sev eral years. The trouble with 'iirn is that, he is not in accord with his party on the financial vuestion. He is an ardent gold bug and this is in bis way. Joe Terrell is lying low and saying nothing, but he is ready for the sacrifice if necessary. It is claimed that, lie is backed up by the State Administration. Allen D.Candler is frequent ly discussed as a good runner, | and he would make an excel lent Governor. He says, we must have a full-fledged hemo •rnt who stands on the [plat form with both feet. Hon. I’. W. Meldrim of Sa vannah is thought to be laying his plaus to spend two years in the mansion. Hon. Pope Brown of Pulaski, President of the State Agri cultural Society, is a dark horse, The presidency of this society used to be a considered a stepping stone to the Execu tive office in the days of Col quitt, but that day has passed. Henry Mclntosh of Albany is being boomed by South-West Georgia, Henry is a true blue Democrat, and will come up strong from bis section. Bob Berner if Monroe stands about as good a chance as any of those mentioned. He has made a reputation in the Legis lature, is 41 good stump speaker, and close in with the politicians “who control.” This is the slate up to date, but there is no way to ascertain how many more t here are whose ambition may t urn Ln that di rection before next spring. POLICEMAN KILLED. Atlanta is now having a car nival of crime. The papers are daily filled with riots, mur ders, burglaries, and petty thieving inomimeruble. Two recent murders have stirred up I lie people to renewed efforts to catch the criminals. A drug clerk was recently si ot down by burglars who were robbing the store. They made sure work of it, ami while sev eral parties have been arrested the evidence ugainst them is very fishy. Last week R. L. Albert, a young man raised near Conyers, who was on the police force, accosted two negroes in the cen ter of the city about 4 o’clock A. M., and wanted to know what they were doing. The men defied him, and iu attempt ing to arrest them ho was mur dered, and there is little if any clue us to who the guilty par ties are. The city has offered a rewurd of $250, and'the Gov ernor will probably add to it to secure evidence to convict tho guilty party. WILI. IT BE A NEGRO? It has been rumored that Rucker, a negro, will be up. pointed collector of internal revenue for Georgia, It was said that McKinley had consen ted to make the appointment, but the Georgia delegation en* tered a solemn protest against the appointment. They repre sented to the President thaj. such a appointment, whoso deputies would have to attend the marshal in their raids on the blockade distillers would bring about serious troubles ali over the state and materially interfere with the collection of revenue. This view of the matter is be ing considered by the President and he may decide to put in Maj. Smyth. McKinley has given Georgia another appoiutmeut. Col. Perry DeLeou lias been named *8 Consul General in Ecuador. TOM LANGFOKD .CAUGHT. __Tom Langford, the man’who was in Delk’s house at. the time Sheriff Gain was killed in Pike coenty, lias been eaptunfd in Arkansas and is now safely locked up in the jail at Zebu lon. Ho does not deny that he was in the house at tho time the shooting occurred, but says that Tom Delk is the man who shot the Sheriff'. It is understood that he will also clear Taylor Delk, who is under sentence of death in Ful ton county jail, with a motion for a new trial pending before Judge Beck. It will be remembered that the old mau has said all the time that he was not at the house when the shooting oc curred but he had gone off to bury a dog and returned when he heard the shooting. The old man’s life may be said to be in the hands of tl is outlaw. If he confirms the old man’s story, he will probably be set free, but if he swear 8 that Taylor Delk was in the house he will have to follow' Tom to the gallows. Langford came of a good family and always bore a good reputation until he fell in with the Delk gang and began steal ing cows and robbing people. THE BLALOCK COMMITTEE C’apt. Swift of Elbert, who is a memlior of the investigating committee, says that he is a candidate for no office; that as a member of the investigating committee he is only discharg ing a public duty- A remarkable statement.comes from a certain Georgia newspa per. That is, that a Democrat ic committee should not un earth anything wrong in a Dem ocratic administration, because it will be taken advantage of byj the Republicans and Populistsl to the injury of the party. That is a very remarkable proposition. The public of ficials are not the Democratic party, nor is the party respon sible for a default of its officers#, unless they condone the crim«| by attempting to conceal it. The party is not dishonest, and the best evidence of its purity, is that it will arraign its own officers who violate a public trust. The party lost no cast when it impeached Goldsmith for malfeasance. We do not know whether there is anything wrong in any department of the State go vorn ineut or not. We have- no means of knowing, nor has the people generally. But when ever the H/iuae of Representu-, tives, that Ims power of im peachment, sends its commit tee out to investigate and re |sirt the truth, the committee should have fair treatment at the hands of the public. We do not approve of the course of some of the committee rushing into print and fore stalling the Legislature in mak ing an investigation. Rut if there is anything wrong in any department it is the duty of the committee to expose it, no matter who it hurts. The Dem ocratic party needs no white washing committee to main tain its high position in Geor gia. No public officer who handles the people’s money is high enough to he exempt from a fair investigation of his of ficial acts. Ex-Gov. Boynton is a member of that, commit tee and we not believe he would staop to do any man injustice. Let us wait until the Legis lature meets and a full nqiort. is made, and then it will be time enough to criticise. WILL IT RE M’MILLEN? It is rumored that Gov. Tsy lor, of Tennessee, will appoint Representative McMillen Seua-V tor to succeed Senator Harris, who represented that State so long. The Democrats of the Senate are urging *the Governor to make an appointment at once as hjs vote will be needed U> se cure free cotton ties and jute bugging under the new tarilf bill. K. Rich, a member of the firm of M. Rich Jk Pros., of At lanta, committed suicide last Thursday by stabbing himself to death. He had been iu bad health for some time and bis brother, Dan Rich, thought he was insane. it is nothing uncommon these hot days for meu, who are wrought op in business that taxes their minds day and night, to go iusuue. THE LAWS DELAY. | While there is a clamor for a cTiange in the criminal laws of the State, in order to speed justice, there is one law that the Legislature can pass which will do more toward speeding the trial of'misdemeanor cases than any other law that can be passed. Under the present system a solicitor general may continue a case, not capital, from court to court without making any showing. “The State is not ready’ 1 is all that is necessary for him to say. He is not asked, “have you a witness ab sent? Is the prosecutor sick?” “Not ready,” says lie, and the defendant and his witnesses have to return home and wait until another court. Wo have known cases where the solicitor knew there was no prospect of conviction and delay would ac complish no good. And yet the accused with his witnesses had to attend from time to time until, though innocent, lie would pay the cost to get loose. Now we do not claim that the State should be required to make as strict a showing as the defendant because the solicitor is not always prepared to do this, but he should be required to make a reasonable showing; one that will satisfy the court that there is substance in his motion and not a meredallying with the court and delaying the business, besides putting the de fendant to unnecessary costand trouble. GOING BACK TO THE OLD RUTS. ' The farmers of North Georgia are going back in the old ruts that, brought the country near ly to bankruptcy ten years ago. There was some excuse then for men to go wild on cotton for it brought a good price, but they found that even with ten or twelve cents cotton they could not afford to buy their corn, Hour, meat, and other supplies from the West. A change in the system of farming placed the country in a much better condition, and for the last five years we have been making nearly all of our supplies. Country corn could be purchas ed at any season of the yeur, and wheat, bacon and other supplies were plentiful. The result was the farming interest prospered even with the low price of cotton. But this year we arc going backwards. The whole country has gone cotton again. iThonsands of acres that should have been in corn have been planted in -cotton, and it is a pitiful spectacle to go to our depots and see the car loads of corn, hay, brun, meat and Hour piled up there for the use of farmers as well as the non-pro ducing class. How is all this to lie paid for outside of tjie ordinary farm nnd family expenses ? The cotton crop is relied on just, as it was years ago to meet every thing. We can hardly expect to get more than 0 cents a pound, or about $25 per bale. This must pay taxes and all other expenses, and it will leave the farmer in debt in half the instances without sufficient supplies to make another crop. Then it will be necessary to plant another large cotton crop to pay off this debt, and the country w ill be burdened again with an -enormous debt that will take years to relieve. Raise cotten, probably at 5 cents, to buy corn, meat, flour, hay, bran and everything else we need. It seems that we will never leafn, even from adversi ty. COMES TO THE RESCUE, Under Judge Simouton's de cision, the dispensary system of South Carolina is about end ed. Original packages are be ing ship]M‘d into the State, and supply the demand for the ar dent. The dispensary man is out of a job. Hut Hen Tillman is not to be outdone by a feder al Judge. He introduced a bill ill the U. S. Senate, and it lias passed that body, making dis tilled spirits transported from one State to another subject to the State law. The bill may not have quite as smooth sail ing in the House, ~ COTTON*SHORT. Southern men who have been holding cotton during the win ter for better prices should have held on a little longer, i Nearly all the Southern mills l are short. They will hav* to HI 10 m USED Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic Hhh Soinclhinjv Good to Say of I 1* * I have used Di. Tic-lie nor’* Antiseptic in my family for Burns and Bruises and for other pur poses with the most satis factory res dts. VV 1) Jordan, Mgr Memphis Christian Advocate. Homer, La. June 15 ’92 For wound; ,burns,sprains etc- an 1 for insect hites and stings I always rec ommend Dr, Tichenor’s Antiseptic. FC( Greenwood, Bookkeeper Nat. Bank. Crystal Spi i ngs, M iss. My fami'.y think there is nothing like Dr. Tiche nor’s Antiseptic for cuts For Sale By Druggists. ship back cotton to the South or shut down their mills before the next crop comes in. To get this cotton they will have to pay the freight both ways and commission to dealers. There will be a large local demand for cotton for the next, two months and if otir farmers have been holding over any of their crop they may mak- a good specula" tion. THE FI.ANA'.AN TRIAL ON. Next Mont iv in D.-Kalh Su perior court tie vial of Ed. Flanagan far murder will be gin . Col. Gie::n, his counsel, on account of whose sickness the case has been |x>Btponed, lias recovered and lie will be ready for the defense. The ciwie wi!! tceupv nearly the entire week . In tact there are three cas. s against him. Should he be c< nv'jet.’d in one, ii is probable 'hat tin. others will not he tried. THE HOUSE SWAPPERS RE-IN ION. This is a day of re-unions, and the horse swappers of this section wishing to meet their brothers of the same profession who in the past have gotten the r>est of in a horse trade by act ing as George Washington did when he cut down his father's cherry tree, have decided to have a reunion at Winder, em bracing Thursday, Friday and Saturday of second week in Au gust. They are making big ar rangements for i he occasion and expect over I,<KK) of the* craft on hand besides hundreds of spectators who will come to wit ness the fine display of horses of all shades and colors that will be on t he grounds. It w ill he w* i til seeing, and if you want to • njoy a lew days of recreation and laugh and grow fat, don’t ini-s this re-un ion of the horse brigade. '1 h»* managers of the iv-union have made ample aroingeineiits tor accommodation t lie largo crowd, A beautiful park in which there is plenty of water and shade has been secured v* here all the surroundings are pleasant and where there will he plenty of room for wnaons and t hose 'visit ing to camp and take cure of their own stock. The stable facilities of Wind* r are suffi cient for taking cure of all the stock of those who wish to pat ronize them, ami tin* hot* Is are fully able to eaio for all tho.-e who do not w ish to bunk on tile grounds. One of the f atures of the re-union will be the pa rade on horses of I.ihki or more headed by the president of the of the organization through the main streets. Perfect order will be had and every thirg will be done to make it three days of fun and enjoyment. Mr. George T. Arnold, the president of the re-union, amj Mr. J. Wood Shrats, the secre tary, will give any information wanted by them. —Jackson Economist. If your Byeyole becomes l ightened and relieves itself of your averdupmse apply Hr. Ticheimrs Antiseptic immedi ately—not the byeyele—lint to that part of your unotumy most feelingly affected by the law of gravitation. Yen'll Is- delight ed with the result of the appli cation. You can always buy it from A. M. Winn A Son formic. Papa and Mama: Don’t for get McDaniel’s Baby Powders when baby is tevthmg. burns, spraii.s or other injuries. We use it for all manner of hurts Mrs. 0 E Holt. Ellisville, Oct. 6 1892. Having used Dr. Tbhe nor’s Antiseptic in ray family 1 can recommend it as a good and sale mod icme, pleasant to taste and smell. Mrs. E V Clark, Prop. West Side Hotei. I have frequently used Dr Tichenors Antiseptic with great success and have more faith in it than any medicine manufact ured, II H Henry, Editor (Jlarior- Ledger. Over the County. PROSPECT. I # , Our section lias l.eon visited by a good rain and the farmers seem to he very thankful for it. Mr. Dan Sexton, we are sorry to say, lias been quite sick for a while. Prof. ITadnway is conducting a ilonrishing school at Union Acadainy. .110 has fifty-three scholars. ' Mr. Hadaway is a good teacher. i Mr. Isaac Tengle, of Klbethel i attended Sunday school here Sunday. Mr. Frank Clark and Miss | Alma ltohmson was seen on our I si roots Sunday. Mr. Ohio Whitlock and Miss Hester Robinson wont to New Hope Sunday and report a nice time. Mr. Quillian Gunter and Miss Ritbia Cluck wero here Sunday. Miss S.illie Hood visited friends mar horn recently. Mr. Moon visited his dughter near here Friday. Mr. Ezra Gunter and wife were the guests of Mr. Dan Sex ton’s family Sunday. We wish everybody the great pleasure of reading the Hkr ai.d. —■ —• • ♦ SNICLLVILLE. Nice refreshing shower came Saturday night. Mrs. Davis, we aro glad to say, is slowly improving. The schools in and around Snellville are in a nourishing condition. Mr. Green Newsome, one of our oldest citizens, is very sick and not expected to' live long. Several from this place took in the picnic at Yellow River Saturday. They report a nice lime. R. C. Ozmer spent Sunday with home folks at Lithonia. S C. Williams will soon com tncnce the erection of a hand some house at his old home place above here. Rook agents are as numerous as mosquitos in this section. Mr. Fawster, of Luxomui, gave an entertainment at the academy Thursday night. Mr. Clark Hopkins, of Reav er Ruin, was the guest of friends hero Saturday night. Mrs. Emma Ashwood, of Chattanooga, is the guest of Mr. Wood this week. G. F. Snell, who has been under the treatment of a phy siciauMii Memphis, Term., lor stuttering, has been completely cured and returned home Fri day, to the delight of his many friends. There has been a misunder standing of tin* dates for hold ing Haynes Creek Old Sacred Harp Singing. The executive committee changed the date from July 21 and 22 to the 27 and 2S. Let all tuke notice of the change and attend as a good time is expected. TAKE The Herald. ONE YEAR, ONE DOLLAR Senatobia, Miss, Nov 28 Having used Dr Tiche nora Antiseptic on a colt cut by barbed wire 1 can cheerfully recommend it as an excellent remedy in such cases- P B Wait, Sheriff Scooba, Miss Oct- .°,O ‘9l Having used Dr Tiche nors in cases of sprains, cuts, etc, 1 have to say it is the best reined}' I ever tried. Mrs- E L McCaU* Little Rock, Aik Sept 7th A liottle of I>r Tichnors Antiseptic is my constant traveling companion, ft -CAIN’S •4AHD still they come^ Have you seen our new line of Organd ies? If you haven’t, you should come at once, as they are going fast. Our line of French Figured Organdies at 15c are being advertised in Atlanta as a leader at 1 9c. We also have the plain French Organ d ies in all colors, including white, with lin ings. In this lot came another beautiful line of Shirt Waist goods. Also a new lot of black and figured Sat teens. Hoys I A lovely line of Summer Lap Robes. With the assurance of a good fruit crop comes the necessity for fruit jars and jelly glasses, We can supply you with either the Mason or Woodbury jar. We also keep extra rubbers. City School,. • JAMES A. BAGWELL, Supt. Opens September 20th anti continues for 9 scholastic months. Healthy location. Moral and religious nfluencesgood. An excellent corps of teachers- Expenses per month--Board $9, $lO and $1 2. Tuition 50c, 75c and $ 1.00. For Catalogue and other information, dd ress the Superintendent at Auburn, a., or J. P. Byrd, Secretary Board of Edu cation, Lawrenceville, Ca. not only docs all that is claimed for it hut more, H H Rottaken, * Fish Cotnmissioner of Ar* kansaj- Cocoa, Fla, Aug 27 90 Dr Tichenors Antiseptic is comparatively a new medicine in this section, hut has given perfect sat isfaction so far and 1 con sider it one of the Lest I have in the patent line. -f. P. COOPER. Cave Springs. Ga- Fob 18 Please send me another case of Antiseptic- Every body up here ran ts it. S W Pettis. Price 50 Cents.