The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, August 03, 1897, Image 2

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The Herald- Official Organ Town and County Ttlbk M. I’kiepi.ks, - Editor ' Hwrencevillp. Gs Tuesday, Ang, 8, l SOT. The terms of a final treaty between Turkey ami Greece have been agreed on. It is reported that the Gov ernor offered the place of State Librarian to Gen’l. Evans, bul that he declined it. The labor strikers in West Virginia und Pennsylvania have not been settled yet. Ihe situ ation remains serious. Tom Watson has at last con cluded to bury his hatchet and advocate peace instead of war in the Populists ranks. It is rumored in Washington that John Sherman will soon resign and that he will be suc ceeded by Wbitelaw Reed. Prof. .1. S. Stewart of Ma rietta has been selected as Pres ident of the North Georgia Ag ricnltural College at Dahlonega The government will send a companv of regulars to Alaska to aid the civil authorities m keeping order in the vicinity of the gold fields. The Blalock committee was in Athens last week trying to find the agricultural farm re ported to be lying loose around there somewhere. Mrs. Nobles’ case is still pend ing in the Supreme court of the United States. Gus Fumbles is in jail. Gus is having a pretty good time on account of the old woman. The Gainesville Chataugua has been a decided success Many of the best, speakers of the State have instructed and amused the large audiences t hat. dniiv assembled. In the recent Epworth League convention at Toronto, there were 20,000 delegates present. Georgia was represented by 2f)f» delegates, the largest num ber from any Southern State. Judge Bleckley aptly puts the case in discussing lynch law. He says it amounts to this: ►•Let past, crime be met with present crime in order that fu ture crime may be prevented. ’ The Legislature ought to pass a law requiring a sheriff wlm will not defend his prisoner from a mob to turn over his pistols to the prisoner and give him a chance to defend him self. Geu’l. Rivera of the Cuban army, who was reported to be deaii, is a prisoner in a Cuban fortress and rapidly recovering. He succeeded Muceo in com mand of the field operations of the Cuban army. The Chicago platform is be ing endorsed by the conven tions and conferences of the party in all the States. It is the test of Democracy, and there is no disposition to yield one iota to sutisly the gold bug element, President. McKinley will go to Ohio to attend the re union of his old regiment. This shows how deeply the Northern sol dier feels the ties which bind old soldiers together in the North. They are not tired of the idd soldier racket . Judge Beck lias granted Tay lor Delk a new trial. The old man may yet g<> free. There is great curiosity a* to what Tom Langford will swear when put on the stand. Ip to date he has been as dumb as an oys ter us to the old man’s connec tion with the murder of Sheriff Owiu. Dr. J. W. Roberts, pastor of Trinity church, Atlanta, says that the newspapers are respon sible for the frequency of lynch ing and mob law in this State. He insists it is the sensational reports of the daily press that inflames the minds of young men and encourages the vicious. The Doctor has very nearly diagnosed the case. An eclipse of the sum is caus ed by the moon passing between us and the sun. There is never a total elipse, because the moon is not large enough to hide the entire sun. An eclipse of the moon is caused by the passage of the moon through the earth’s shadow. In the eclipse lust Thursday a little more than one-third of the sun’s surface was obscured. There have been 4'J eclipses of the sun in the last eighteen yeurs. The Spaniards 1 ave been in forming the world that the in surrection in Cuba is about over, Last week the insur gents, 800 strong, attacked a town only ten miles from 11a vauua, carried it by storm, killed 40 Spaniards, wounded 14‘> and then sacked the town, with a loss of only two uien. The insurgents were splendidly armed and well mounted. I bis does not look much like they were couyuered, FLANAGAN GUILTY. SENTENCED TO HANG AUGUST 25. Last Saturday morning the jury who had been considering the case of Flanagan, in De- Kalb Superior court, since the day before, returned a verdict of guilty without, recommenda tion, and the judge promptly sentenced him to be hung on Wednesday the 25th day of August. The execution will be private. It was ascertained that the long delay in bringing in a ver dict was caused by a difference among the jurors as to whether I hey would recommend impris onment for life. The jury promptly ngreee on a verdict of guilty. Then they began con sidering a recommendation. Rev. M. D. George insisted on recommending him to mercy; Jim Wood and John Morris sided with him at the outset, but soon yielded. This left the preacher alone, but he held his ground up to the last. A motion for new trial was made by defendant’s counsel, which will bo heard on the 14th inst. They think that they have ample grounds to set the verdict aside. During the trial there was a large crowd about the court house, and while the jury was out they gathered in knots in the yard, discussing the case and the probable verdict . Had a verdict, of not guilty been re turned there would have been a scene. Even with a verdict, of guilty, and under sentence, there wire many wild rumors of the approach of a mob, but these turned out to be sensa tions without much founda tion. Had he been acquitted in this case there are others pending and they would have stood for trial. There was an immense mass of testimony by medical experts going to show that the prisoner was insane, but his dear state ment, of his case before the jury doubt less satisfied them that lie had too much sense to go about shoot ing people. ABOUT LYNCH INGS. The pulpits in the State ai'p joining the press in denouncing the crime of lynching. Certain papers and some public men in the State have been justifying ami excusing the crime against the State and organized society. H needs but little encourage ment to incite evil disposed men to take the law into their own hands. Thoughtless youths and vicious men, hacked up and encouraged hy this public sen timent, will take the execution of the law into their own hpr.ds not only for ra|>e and murder, but for other crimes, and law lessness will rule in tiie laud. These men do not stop to consider that they are making criminals of themselves, subject to be indicted, tried and pun ished. Rubiic opinion has much to do w ith the prevention of crime, but public opinion cannot change the pluin law which holds every man who engages in mob violence as guilty of the highest crime known to the State. Men engage in this rebellion against the State who would not singly go out and murder their neighbor. They have er roneous ideas of the duty of citizens. A public sentiment that jus tifies tiie commission of murder to punish murder encourages border ruffianism, where life is cheap and the law is set at de fiance. THE GOVERNOR OFFERS REWARDS. The Governor has offered .|.">(K > reward each for information necessary to convict the first two |M*rsons who were engaged in the lynching of Dr. Ryder. Other ruwurds arc offered for others. He proposes to take active steps to punish flic guilty par ties. It is said three of the men are well known and their identity i-stniyished beyond a doubt. Rut it is said that no grand jury will indict them. Is it possible that in such a county hh Talbot that the grand jury will utterly ignore their duty under their oaths ? Tic* mere offering a reward has never secured evidence to convict a single lyncher in the State. More heroic measures must be taken, or courts will be powerless to enforce the lew, THE PERRY CASE. Steve Perry is still confined in Fulton county jail, and will probably remain'there until the 18th inst. It is understood that his counsel will make an extraor dinary motion for a new trial on the ground of newly discov ered testimony that is of great importance. The great trouble in his de fense was his inability to prove the brutal assault on bis wife, which he claimed was the cause jf his shooting Lanier. Mrs. Perry was an incompetent wit ness, and therefore her testi mony was not before the jury, and the defense had to rely up on his statement, supported by such circumstances as could be obtained to corroborate it. It is evident that the jury did not believe it, for it is hard ly to be presumed that twelve intelligent men would, even under the charge of the court which excluded from their con sideration any assault which may have been made on his wife, have failed to recommend to mercy a man who had shot the one who outraged the moth er of his five children. Since the trial, and since the decision of the Supreme court, Perry has received letters from a man of good standing, who has been out of the Stale, stat ing that he will swear that La nier admitted to him the as sault, and wanted to borrow a pistol to defend himself. This would clearly establish his defense, and would have certainly changed the verdict had it been before the jury. Newly discovered testimony as a ground for new trial is not favored by tin 1 courts, and if the judge refuses to entertain the motion, then the case will be carried before the Governor, who will be asked in yiew of all the facts to commute the sentence. Mrs Perry visits her husband almost daily, nnd cherishes the hope that lie may yet escape the extreme penalty of the law. She feels Unit her husband is suffering for defending her, and is untirring '■* her labors in his behalf. Whih in Decatur jail she visited him almost daily, and she says that all these stories published ill the Consti tution about, certain women visiting Perry in jail are false. Shelias investigated them fully and is satisfied they are only part of the scheme that Ims been so industriously worked so prejudice the public mind against her husband. WILL HAVE TO GO. The appointment of Rucker as Internal Revenue Collector for Georgia has created a Hurry in official circles. Many of the deputies who have heretofore hold office in this department are not willing to serve under a negro. it was at first reported that they would resign in a body, hut this seems to be a mistake. Some of the men say that they have no other means of support ing their families, and are dis posed io hold on if they can. It was sUUid that they were under the avd serypjo rules, and that they oould Uot bo re moved except for cause. Rut it is now understood that they arc subject to removal at the discretion of theif chief. Whether they aro or not, if the Collector wants to got rid of them in order to put Re publicans in, a way will be found, lie can simply refuse to give them work, and no work, no pay. They will have t > hunt uuother jolt. And they had ns well pull out now. The Republicans are clamoring for places, and with that party the rule that to the victors belong the spoils is well recognized, and while they may allow some of them to hold on for'a while, they will have to go. __ CLARKSVILLE VS. TOCCOA. Habersham county is excited over an effort to remove the county scut from Clarksville to Toccoa. An election will he held on the 19th inut,, for the people to pass on the removal. As it requires a two-thirds vote it is hardly probable that the people wilt decide to make tile change. There are two serious objections urged to the change. Toccoa is on one side of the county, being only six miles from the State line. Resides this, in a large part of the coun ty the people would Ituve to cross a mountain to get to Toe coa. STONE MOUNTAIN GETS IT. The long contested question about the removal of the county seat from Decatur to Stone Mountain has become a lively issue in DeKalb. When the question of remov al was submitted to the quali fied voters of the county, the friends of Stone Mountain turned out and voted. Those opposed to removal were led to believe that if they failed to vote it was equivalent to a vote agai nst removal. The construc tion placed on the law affecting this question was that two thirds of the qualified voters of the county must vote for re moval and not two-lhirds of the votes cast Ht the election. The result was that, in that election Stone Mountain carried the county by much more than the requisite two-thirds. The question was carried into the courts and Judge Candler decided that as two-thirds of the qualified voters had not voted for removal that the court house would remain at Decatur, and a tax was levied to build a new court house, but when the Ordinary advertised for bids to contract for the new building he was met by applica tion for injunction. The case was carried to the Supreme court, which last week rendered a decision in favor of Stone Mountain. That court holding that the law only re quired two-thirds of those vot ing in the election. Stone Mountaiu was much elated over this victory and will go to work with a will to secure the county seat. To do this it is necessary to secure the Legis lature. For after the county acts the General Assembly must ratify that action. The light will now be trans ferred to the Legislature and a big contest may be expected. Both sides wifi strain every nerve to carry their point and On- fight will be a notable one. Stone Mountain starts in with a majority of the votes cast in her favor, biji (liejr were 2,000 people who f uib if to vote. How they would have voted is not known. TO BE SWORN IN. Henry Rucker, the new Col lector, will tie sworn in next Friday and take charge of the oflice, relieving Collector Tram mel who has presided over the office for four years. It is un derstood that Smith Easley, a' prominent Atlanta negro, will be put in us chief deputy. It is reported Unit if Rucker appoints negro deputies to go witli the marshals on raids that, the deputies will resign. With every ruid there is a collector who seizes and destroys the stills and seizes the goods. The white deputy marshals are fear ful of trouble. —— 1 - South Carolina has a red hot race now on for United States Senator to succeed Gen’l. Earl, who died recent ly. Irby, Evans, McLaurin, Dun can and are in for the war. They are canvassing the State together, and the speeches are full us personali ties. Each man attacks the others, but it seems that the whole- grqwd i H after Senator McLaurin, who was appointed by the Governor to fjlt thu V#r fancy until an election could bo held, D is a repetition of the dis graceful campaign a year or two ago. He is believed to have tin- inside track and all sorts of combinations are beiug made to d*>f«at him, Four pluck one is Um rule- COOPER IN JAM,. John T. Cooper, former may or of the city of At lanta, is now in Fulton county jail serving out a sentence of l| months im prisonment for embezzling tin. county funds. He hail made full restitution t*. the county, and the jury that tried him and the grand jury joined a large number of citi zens in asking his pardon, hut the Governor refused to in terfere, IL< will spend a sum mer vacation at L’apf. N’eJmes’ sanitarium. GETS FIVE* YEARS. Rev. Bridges, who embezzled the school funds of Floyd county, while he was acting as school commissioner, was con victed last week and sentenced to five years in the jumitentiary. Hie counsel will carry the case to the Supreme court. Greatest Triumph Of MODERN CHEMISTRY. Not Liniment, Not Salve, but Clean, Pleasant Liquid. SEPTIC is pre supe’rior'to anvthinp S k SCaldS t EtC " 9 R ' CCHENOR'S ANTI-> Doctors, Dentists and Druggists. an y th 'ng known to nqedical science. Endorsecr New Orleans Oct. 14 ’B9. I have used Dr. Tiche nors Antis ptic on my plantation with most sat isfactory results. G K Pratt, M D. Winchester, Mo- Sep 1 *9<» J)r. Tichenors Antrsep tic is the best remedy 1 have found for cholera morbus. G E Lewellyn, M I). Learned, Miss. Mar 12 ’92 I found Dr, Tichenors Antiseptic all that is claim ed for it- it is as staple here as quinine. J II Rhodes, M I). Hamburg, m -, Sep 5 ’96. Dr. Tichnors Antiseptic has given satisfaction in ABORT TAOS. The Blalock committee has stirred up a row over the tag question. Commission Nesbit has heretofore been paying from $1.60 to #2 00 per thous and for tags that go on guano, shewing its inspection. The committee claimed that these same tags, or others as good, cou' l have been pur chased so _ 1 1- uls ath 'iisand Tlljs yi n' the Commissioner advertised for bids. A largo number of bids were received. Mr. Goal man of Savannah got the contra t at £>l centsa tlio'us and. This In ilia at first iikea small matter, but when it is explain ed that there are millions of these tag-, they aggregate a large sum. babTnoja. That is the new name of an old diseii n that has been prev alent in tliis country since the Indians left. They used to call them fools, crunks, lunatics, etc The fellow that goes around shooting folks for fun is no loug r insane, nr a mono maniac, but he has paranoia. And you know what that is, don’t you ? Of course you do! POLICEM \N KILLS A CITI ZEN. Policeman S. H. Bankston of Atlanta shot 11 ml instantly kill ed Charles Welch, a white me chanic, in Atlanta last, night, lie claim i that it was done in self-defense. THE kTust"HALE? John Holland brought into market, at Dawson, (ia., the first bale-of new cotton. It weighed f,ilf) pounds and sold for 12 cents. Savannah received her first bale of cotton last Saturday, W. J. Jfiiyfjeld, who was sent to the chain gang f„i ajtomut ing to murder Mr, Swift in Kl bertou, has made his escape, Jfrank It. Elliott, yard master of (he * ah<w| 4' r li'ne, wga run over by an ejigjnw upt| kjlied iu the. yards in Atlanta just Saturday Kafo Ji pkiiji, a negfn, is in jial jn jf'runklin county changed with assaulting Alps. Ijegrge Taylor, lie admitted his guilt. The striking working men, whose families are almost on starvation, ||ave ip>t seen any sign ye( of that returning tide of prosperity. The P,evident sent a special ill**“sag ■ to Congress urging the appoint up'nt of a money com mission to investigate nap king and curiHiiey laws, Dr A \V. Calhoun, one of the oldo-t physicians iu Geor gia apd lather of Dr. Calhoun, of Atlanta, died at his Jjoup* in Ncwiimi last Monday. Cousin John Thrasher, Wash Collier end Geo. W. Adair, three of the old pioneer citizens who Ia ul the mud sills of At lanta, gre having a re-union in that city, 'limy are all lively old im u. way up near the four score v ars aml can tnjl inter esting storms of thy early settle ment of the uity. every respect •l L Martin, m r>. Gentlemen— Please en ter our order for ICO grot-s of Tichenors Antiseptic. - L L Lyons & Co. I ,\ hoiesale Druggists. New Orleans, La. ( Jentlemen-Please enter us for another 100 gross lot of Dr. Ticheoors Anti septic, and ohlige E .J Hart tV* Qo- W holesale Druggists, New (Means- La- Pickens, Miss, Nov 27, ’9l I find Dr. Tichenors An tiseptic a valuable house hold remedy. I always keep it in my house, T VV Wrighti m n. President K. B. Andrews of Brown l diversity Ims been forced to resign because he ad vocated free silver. Let the people keep tally. Candidate* for Governor are beginning to submit to inter views. They are not hard to natch and are as tame as lambs. I'lir-y milk without kicking. Thousands of people are rush ing to the new gold lields in Alaska. A few of them may find paying dirt but nine out of t'“ii will be dead broke before they have been there a month. I lie New York World sais that trusts and other stocks have risen 170 millions since Congress has been monkeying with the tariff bill. The Wull street speculator is iu his glory again. Had not Atlanta better have some inure laws to protect the people from the midnight bur glar ? All we have to do now is to pass laws and the crimi nals will come in with their hands crossed ready for cuffs. Solah! Now another Georgia wonder has been found. Miss Bishop, of Oconee county, is file young lady who has been manifesting the same powers that Miss Hes ier and others astonished the public with. She is only 14 sears of age. Miss Lilly Hinson, a young lady of exc. llent family, has been arrested and bound over in Fulton county for stealing s'>o while at church from Mrs. W. I). Williams. Mrs. Wil liams claims that she had the nrmey in an envelope. The young lady indignantly denies her guilt. Maj. McKinley was cute enough not to send to the Seim ate a large number of appoint ments tbut bad to be confirmed. He knew that would breed trouble, so he quietly waited until Congress adjourned and then mad,! his appointments. Congress will not meet until December and by that time he hopes the Hurry will he over. Another crank lias made his appearance jn Atlanbp He elaine d to he a Igwye} and em ployed Col. Glenn mid the medical experts to go into a case with him in Rome. It was soop ascertained that he was in sanp and he was lodged in flip station lioiis.o 1 efuj'p he filled somebody. His home js in M issisdppj And now a uoimtry editor has h' eii knocked down and I'obbud. The thieves did not know he was the editor of a country weekly or they would have let him alone. Who ever dreamed that a country editor went to town at this season of the year with anything on him worth stealing ? The fellows were either just practicing or mis took him tor a speculator. Country editors ought to wear a badge when they visit the city. For Sale. The undersigned, as agent for lh - Maddux-ltncker Hanking Co., "her- f'-r sale on very liberal terms it I we -lory brick store hmp*« i|) sh« town el Siiwanee, it being ei|u-lialt Of t lie Kieg-Teagle building. This i- the most desirable loca tion in the town for a business house, being dose to the depot aud fronting 25 feet on ftailroad street and running back 100 feet. A small cash payment will be re huired The bat mco cun be made pavahleto si|il (lie pi|rctiaser. Parties dpiiring io purchase wilj common cate with me. June 7, ’97. T. It. PaarLsa. Gentlemen— Please de livcr to us at your earliest convenience 100 gross Di Tichenors Antiseptic. Fin.ay it Brunswig, W hoiesale Druggists, New Orleim?, La. Boonshoro, mo, Aug 1 96 One of my eustorueis aaye that Dr. Tichnors An tiseptic is the best medi cine he ever used, and he will not he without i(. In tact all the samples I dis tributed have given satis faction- Thos, FI inn, m n. New Iberia, La, June 7 1 have used Dr Tiche nors Antiseptic in my practice for ten years, and -CAIN’S STILL THEY COME[n Have you seen our new line of Organd ies ? If you haven’t, you should come at once, as they are going fast. Our line of French Figured Organdies at 15c are being advertised in Atlanta as a leader at 1 9c. We also have the plain French Organd es in all colors, including white, with lin ings. In this lot came another beautiful line of Shirt Waist goods. Also a new lot of black and figured Sat teens. Hoys Waisfs tit A lovely line of Summer Lap Robes. With the assurance of a good fruit crop comes the necessity for fruit jars and jelly glasses, We can supply you with either the Mason or Woodbury jar. We also keep extra rubbers. ville City School.^- JAMES A. HARWELL, Supt. Opens September 20th and continues for 9 scholastic months, Healthy location. Moral and religious influences good. An excellent corps oL teachers- Expenses per month—Board $9, $|Q and $ 12. . Tuition 50c, 75c and $ 1 -00. For Catalogue and other informatiotf? address the Superintendent at Auburn, Qa-, or J. P. Byrd, Secretary Board of Edu cation, Lawrenceville, Ga cheerfully recommend it to my friends and the pulL li> A C Gayle, DI) 8- Now Orleans, pec 4 88. I am constantly using Dr Tichenors Anliseptis in my plactic-- I find it very eflicacious after the ex tract ii. g of teeth, By niu'ng a srnaU quantity on the gums it alleviates pain and arrests the How of blood. G P Moloney, J tent a I Surgeon Benton, Ky. Aug 22 »6 All of my customers whom 1 have heard say anything about it are well pleased with Dr Tichenors A lit iseptic- It If Starks, m i).