The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, December 14, 1897, Image 3

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The Herald. T ■■irrf r Uujiii^j Lawrenceville, : Ga It. VV. Peeples, Local Kditor. NKWS OF LOCAL INTEREST Sam .1. Winn negotiates loans on real estate on short notice at reas enable rates. Cotton Market. Corrected Every Tuesday By James D. Spence, Good middling,, ... o! fiddling, 6§ PV middling, 5j Two spools of thread for sc. at Cain’s. Mr. Jno. M. Swords is in town this week. Mr. C. W. Cooper Jr. is hav ing his home painted, Mr. R A. Ewing of Atlanta is in town this week Just received a car of salt at Cain's. Mr. W. C. Cole has put a -new safe in the post office - Bud Ewing of Atlanta visited home folks here last Sunday. Cain has just received a car of fine flour for Xmas. Ti e Bank authorities have be gun work on their new build il ’ g Mr. J. D. Bagwell is now spot ting a fancy horse and bug ey- Go to Cain's for Xmas goods. They soil no trash but real val ues. Mr. and Mrs. Faustuian of Atlanta visited relatives here Huuday. Mr. J. M. Martin is speaking of moving to town we under stand. We have just, received a large shipment- of Farmers Friend Plows. G. \V. & A. P. Cain. Mr. W. T. Tanner has bought the former residence of old Mr. Gouge. Mrs. G. W. Cain has been on a visit to Couvers for the past lew days. New hue of dross goods and trimming to match. G. W. A A. P. Cain. The Methodist HundaySchoo’ is arranging for a Christmas entertainment. We understand that Mnj. Martin will move to Lawrwnce ville soou. Auother large shipment of those fine pictures at Cain’s, Como and get yours free. Christmas is drawing near. Now is the time to get your Christmas turkey. Col. Jno. R. Cooperof Macon was in town this week looking hale and hearty. Buy your st v* from G. W. X A P! Cain, file best stove made. Mrs Montgomery, of Decatur is visiting her brothers Messrs. T. R. aud W. 11. Powell. The young people enjoyed quite a pleasant sociable at Mr. J. K. C aig’s Friday night. Everythmg good and nice at Cain's lor Xmas. Na trash. Mr. W. T. Taunor has pur chased the house and lot for lnorly owned Mr. Albert Dyer. As will appear from our news columns, there must be u mat rimonul fever all over the coun ty- A few capes loft at Cain’s. Wo are belling them cheap Esquire. W. S. Hannah, of I’ueketls, has moved to Buford place ho will muke his fntn.o liome. Mr. M. E Ewing has begun the work of rebuilding his store h< use. Ho will construct only a one story building this time G. W, A- A. 1\ Cain buy goods so cheap that they eau sell for a profit and then sell as cli iap as those who sell at cost. The Richardson Bros,’ Come dy Co., gave an interesting roin streal 'ast. Tuesday night at the Public School Auditorum. They had a good house. Messrs. W. H. Hutchins. John Oakes, Roland Williams and Victor Hutchins spent sev eral days last week huutiug in the Blue Ridge. FOR SALE—Oue good work mule, cheap. Call at once and get a bargain. O. W. & A. P. Cain. We call your attention to ad ditional local matter on the first page of this paper. Rube Snipe has something to say this week. Rev. Mr. Reid, the new Bap tist preacher, filled his first ap pointment here last Sunday. He made a very favorable im • pressiou upon our people. Robinson dr Burch have moved their restaurant and market from the Craig building to the Patterson building,which w#s formerly occupied l»y W. E. Brown. GOOD NEWS. Commissioner Tanner will pay the school teachers their third quarterly payment next Saturday. All teachers should be on band to receive their money. A good watch at Cain’s. Stem wind and set, for $1.60. Miss Maggie Ilayuie, an ac complished young iady of Stone Mountain, has been the guest of Miss Nancy Davis for the past weok. Mr. A. S. Dyer of Atlanta was in Lawrenceville a few days last week. Alltort has a goodly number of friends here who are always glad to shake his paw. The Gainesville Eagle says that the Populists are grooming Editor W. VV. Wilson for Con gress from this district. Well, he would make the campaign lively at least. Col. L. F. McDonald wa* in t two sesterd.ty. Gut re urued >o Atlanta in the afternoon to be present at the last few days of this session of the Legislature. It adjourns Thursday. Why not subscribe for the Herald now? If you will let us place your name or. our books between now and the first of January, the paper will bo sent to yon next year for the binall sum of 50 cents. Come while we sing. Rev. J. L. R. Barrett, who was once pastor of the Law rencoville Baptist church, has decided to serve churches next year in connection with evan gelistic work. Those desiring his services can address him at Gainesville, Ga. It is very probable that Mr. J. R. McKelvey will loaso the Lawrenceville railroad for ano ther term of years. It is cer tain that the road will contiuun to he opperated. It will be n dark day for our town when tliin road ceases to run, KING —FREEMAN. Married on Dec. Bth, at the residence of Esquire John G. Hood, of near Dacula, Mr. W. E. King and Miss Flora Free man. Esquire Ifood performed the ceremony. MARRIED. Mr. W. \V. Harper, of Au burn, was married Inst Wednes day night to Miss Aliie Jones, an accomplished young Indy of Brooks Station. The marriage took place at Fayetteville. The Herald extends congratula tions. THE TEACHERS TO BE PAID. SBOO,OOO in checks were sent out by the State School Com missioner last Saturday to pay the school teachers of Georgia. This will be good news to the pedagogues who have labored faithfully and waited inij a tiently for rewards. But it will come now in time for Christmas. A SL'GGESTION. Mr. Editor —As the time is drawing near when it shall bo com 1 necessary for the town to elect a mayor and council to look after the town’s affairs for another year, I ask space iu your columns to suggest the fol lowing ticket to servo tho peo ple in that capacity: For Mayor, L. F. McDonald. ForCouucilmen —W. H. Pow ell, W E Brown, G. W. Cain, J. 1) Spence. These' gentlemen would make a good board- A Voter. COI'NTY COMMISSIONERS. The death of Joseph S. Dob bins has caused a vacancy on the beard of County Commis sionors that will have to be fill ed soou. We learn that a petitioa has been circulated iu the upper part of tho conuty urging th» election of Mr. J. \V. Beaty of Suwanee. Another petitiou has beeu circulated in the western part of the county asking that the commissions' be appointed from that section, but not naming auy man. Tho present efficient board will probably elect a successor in Juuuary and it is sate to suy they will give the county a good man to fill this importaut posi tion. • LETTER LIST. List of unclaimed Letters re maining in the Post, office at Lnwrenceviile, Ga., December 1, 1867; Miss Delia Car, Mrs. Sallie Childers, Mrs. Merlendie Hub her, Mrs. Aliie Jackson, Mrs. M. E Patrick. J. E Emberton, G. Groeu, Alfred C. Newel, Charlie Pat ten. Jas. P. Richardson, Alford Smith, J J. Tiuney, H. Wilson, Henry Williams. All of which if not call for iu 80 days will be sent to the Dead Letter office at Washington I>. C, W. C. Colic, P. M. BE VACCINATED. ft is rumored that there are j two cases of small pox at or near Auburn in this county. j bother this is true or not it is time our people were vaccina- ! ted. There have been a num- i her of cases in Atlanta and while the authorities there have used extraordinary precaution to prevent the spread, going so far as to enforce vaccination by ordinance ami the arrest of persons refusing to submit, still it may gradually creep out in the country. It is so easily contracted that persons may have it before they know they have been ex posed and in this way spread it, especially along the railroads. The only safety is in vaccina tion and while this is not regar ded as an absolute protection, it i- u great safeguard fromcon i meting the disease and in the event the party does take it the disease is in a very mild form Too much precaution cannot he taken to avoid this horrible diseaso. Hence, it is to the in terest of everybody to protect themselves as best they can. Be vaccinated! IIE WAS WELL SUPPLIED Last woek quite a good deal of excitement was created when two revenue officers invaded the peaceable town of Norcross, and began to wander about with a suspicious look upon their faces. Now, Norcross has always enjoyed the reputation of being a strictly moral town, and no one would have stiß peclod that oven if a fellow got snake bit over there he couldn’t get enough whisky to prolong his stay on this mundane sphere unless perhaps ho might get his clutches on some good lady’s camphor Louie; however, this was not the case, for when these revenue officers scented the air in that neighborhood it was not long before they discovered the fumes of condensed corn about the house of Josh Mitchell, and after arming themselves with a search warrant they went in, and 10l and behold, nineteen gallons of whisky were found and seized. DIRECTORS MEET. The directors of tho Gwin nett C’ouuty Fair Association met at tho court house on last Tuesday for the purpose of pay ing the cash premiums. All the prize winners that were on hand received their premiums, and the money to pay those not present was turned over to Treasurer Jacobs to be puid over by him. From the reports of the district committees the or* test for the best acres of corn and cotton were as follows: Cotton— W J Tribble, 2,756 pounds seed cotton to one acre. W J Tribble, 1,890 pounds. B T Brand, 1,601 pounds. R Hess, 1,754 pounds. D J Langley, 1.799 J pounds, S 0 Cruse, 1,700 pounds. T A Pate, 1.750 pounds Bottom Corn —T A Pate, ouc aore, 87 bushels arid 50 pouuds. G B Cathey, one acre, 715# bu. Georgo W Striaklaud, one acre, 67$ bushels. I' eland Cohn —W A Summer lin, one acre, (57 (5-7 bushels. Marion Powers, one acre, 88 8-70 bushels. Y A Houston, one acre, 87 22-70 bushels. It was determined that a fair be held next year and that ar ticles of association for perma nent organisation be drafted. Shares in the capital stcck to be placed at $lO oach. CIT Y*CO P RT. The city court is iu sessiou this week. The following cases have been disposed of up to the hour of going to press. The State vs J D Barnett. Forcible entry and detainer. Verdict not guilty. The State vs Jessie Cooper. Assault and battery. Verdict guilty of a battery. The State vs J A Cain, Shooting at another. Settled on payment of costs- The State vs John M Swords. Selling whisky without lisoeuse, Verdict uot guilty. ThsStato vs J A Cain. Carry ing pistol concealed. Settled on payment of costs. Ths State vs Jas. Townley. Hunting on posted lauds. Ver dict guilty. Following is the jury serving at this term. J. L. Knight, A, M. Hamilton, J. C. Cole, J. A- Kilcrease, W. L. Andrews, C. P. JnckHou, G. W, Teague, C. L. Hutchins, A. A. Johnson, It. E. Hamilton, W. D. Jenka, R. N. Holt, G. A. Huff, W.C. Gofer, W. S. Forester, J K, Craig, R. P. Garner, J. R. Cain. i Christmas Comes But Once a Year. I And the on,y way to get your share of Holiday Good i is to call at ••• John M. Wilson’s, The Recognized Headquarters For mmmxm el au s , He lifis brought forward this season a stock of Hoi -5-V nit iday Goods—the l:ke (if which - hasn't been seen in • i, Lftwrenrevillo for many a year. He has been in the business so long, and having for years made a special ty of Christmas goods, lie knows What the People Want, and in pursuance of th?t knowledge In* bus the goods to displ y that wil* suit tho most, exacting! ' * *• ~ , r. Call and See ills largo assortment of Vases— all prices and all sizes. You will miss ; omething il you don’t see them, for they catch the eye of all who look upon them. His sioek of Chinq.ware is complete ami beanti ful, and would make a nice present to anybody. But For The Children! : it • —and it veem that ('lirirtimas was made for the children—be cm show yorf'hll manner of toys at prices from n kle up. Dolls, Shell Boxes, Stoves, Watches, and mi sorts of toys too numerous to men "y - ■. • .■ tion. Go to see them—we eap't tell half of what you can see. ir I X TIONSv Is something everybody will buy. Such as Candy, Nuts. Apples, Oranges, Cocoanuts, Reisins. W ien you buy such things you want them F resh and Fine, and this is the place to get chem Besides these things he has a nico fresh line of Canned Goods and Family Groceries „ ‘M Ts Wn TVTice: seeing his stock, Christ xi XwU. m as won’t be Christmas to you He loads the town when it comes to furnishing Santa Claus! . (ft J oil ii M. Wilson. SNELLVILLE DOTS. A number of cin's were dis posed of in the Justice court Saturday. We arc sorry to know that E. L. Lnngly has rosivued the pas torate of the Baptist church. G. W. Cain, on- of Lawrenee villo’s most prominent business men, was seen on our streets Saturday. Raising out nip would be a paying industry In re next year. Tho matrimonial wave has struck our town with a torrific shake. Only five couples have marched out upon the carpet since our last, wok's letter Mr. Ed Goug>* *u married to Miss Mortice Ilornbuckle. We failed to learn who performed the ceremony. At Esquire T. A. Pate's last Sunday after noon, Mr. 0. O. Brand was married to Miss Anna Cooper, Esquire Pate officiating. Both were runaway matches. May they all live long lives of hap piness aud prosperity. Several of our l> ye took in the dance at Mr. James Wat son’s at Centrevillo Tuesday night. Csutfeville can certain ly boast of having some very pretty young Indie* We uoticed Editor W. G. Me- Nolly ou our streets Saturday. He was looking after the inter ests of the L'lwrei.ceville News. W. L, Ilarri* ami Tan. Cain, two prominent young students of Lawreuccvilln City school, were down to *ee the former’s parents Sunday. Hon. T. M. Peel les attended Justice court here Saturday. The Snellvi lln Sunday school will have a Christmas tree for the young pe.ipie Chriitmas night. How would T. A Pate. Esq., and Capt. T. M. P-epics sound for our next R.-p eseutatives? There couldn’t b two better men found in the county than these two gentlemen. Ths wedding bells never c-aso to ring around here. They rang out merrily on last Thursday evening. Sir. C. C. Colp was married to Miss Lula Jones, Rev. G. W. Jackson of ficiating. Also Will Whaley to Miss Ada McCart, J. A. Han nah officiating. Ami on Sun day afternoon John W. Hay to Miss Genie Gofer, Rev, E. 1.. Langly officiating. All of the above newly wedded couples are the sons and daughters of our most promiueut farmers. We bespeak for each a bright aud happv life. PI’CKETTK Rumor reports a blind tiger in our district. Last Friday was court day at this place. J. D. Wallace aud family visited relatives in Buford last Sunday. Tho sociable at Mr. Journey Chesser’s was highly enjoyed by all’who attended. Miss Claude Sanders is the guest of Misses Josie and Bertie Mnuldie this week. Mr. anil Mrs. A. O. Bowman visited J. W. McElvuney and family last Sunday. J. L. Wallace was in our midst, a short while, recently. •Yuses Mary Cheek and Es ther Fowler, two pretty young M>es of Hog Mountain, at tended the sociable last Satur day night. Mr Nathaniel Bailey of Cedar Hill has moved his fam ily to this place. Mr. L. H. Iladaway is in the peddling business. Prof. Jackson has a flourish ing school at Hog Mountain. Mr. Journey Mauldin of Hog Mountain visited Hall comity Sunday. C. W, ItoWinun visited rela tives in BatWd Sunday, ,i ,'«t W. 1., Andrews leaves this morning for LawrenceviKe to spuud a few days. CM»AK LED RESULTS FOB YOUR MONEY. Deeper GoesTlie Knife, Down Goes GTlie Price, A.T The Weather _ ___ _ . suggests these G. W. &A. P. CAIFS. ge h s e t P the e p. S a U cf PnCeS * * * [to buy $ o + bvS°h2 d e o t wmA S / a ! i H?J e a Ves in autumr > change color, influenced nwhf bP te P de P c y of our prices. To be brief, volumes fTrp gh qiiP aTJ j ab ° ut our - bar gains in the great clearing out of the barpninQ +h^? U d require a P en of unequaled power to tell or tne bargains that greet you at our Big Busy Store. Remember, the Insurance company has already paid 20 per cent, of your purchases. de^art b mpn\ G hL h^! S « M f me ,^ -SU * ch proportions that each ” e c?ur VSr^; h t S ,orced ltself mto prominence by its magnificence. coinstitutp^u/ hailr°i e nu T l f rous ever, and our prices constitute what well informed buyers term bargains. Do you realize that Ghristmag—the great gift giving season of the whole civil uorld.-is rapidly approaching ? And do you not know, judging the future >} it* p.ot that the nearer yon get to the charming season the more difficult it Leeomes to find just what you want, and what it will cost to buy “? So uowthev ate making selections and storing them away in dark corners.' Remember, -•sijWc Have Put The Knife Into Our Entire Stocks No change in business- No selling out at cost. We’re here to stay and Decernh r has caught us with a big stock of goods, so there wiP he a reduc- Uon of per cent lower than any house in town to reduce our stock. The nub ile will profit by our loss, but we mean business. It is wonderful, wonderful how our Suits and Overcoats have l.eeu selling for the last two weeks, hut they should sell and will sell at the discount we archiv ing. Remember, your pleasure after buying is a part of our profits. We will suit you uwe lose by it, because such losses are future profits. Our Colored Woolen Dress Goods, \vitli trimmings to suit, have just arrived from Babimore and they need no re* duel ion as they weie bought at such a great discount. So you must remember the bargains we give in such will bring your hack, and that is why we make a lit tle each time, so as to have you come often. «»u shall have a feast of values in Hats, Caps- Shoes and Gents Furnishing Goods. Our stock is complete in every respect, so by that we can suit you in the latest style that will not puzzle your pocket book or fancy. There is only one song and dance, and that is yours. CAPES, CAPES. CAPES. Winter capes at summer prices will be the order of things this week. 1 he truth is, our over zeaious cape buyer bought too many, and the rainy davs of the past week we were busy marking our capes down so as to give the purchaser the benefit of keeping warm. Remember, our Umbrella stock is immense and we must sell them, and will at your own price. Wu had rather leave the half untold than toover tell our story. Kti i'ii i 1 ii re, Eu i'ii i tnre: J In* work we will offer Special Inducements to the early Christmas buyer. We know times are hard, hut many persons are buying something to beautify and adorn their home* in place of the trashy, useless things hitherto used. Our Bed-Room Suites, Bedsteads, Chairs, Bureaus. Bed springs, Mattresses and Tables are such that will catuh tho eye, please the sense and fill the heart of every human being with joy mid gladness that will take the trouble to visit our store and buy during I lie moat happy season of the year. It will pay you to walk through our store during the coming week. Everv nook and corner will be crowded, but don’t mind that—crowd your way in and wee the bargains we are offering. We are the people! Carpets, RiigvS. We have l»**n getting ready for (be holidays for some weirs Tne joyous Chris!mas fide will soon be upon us aud you. There is nothing so appropriate as a handsome Carpet, Hug, Matting, or a pair of Table Covers; Lace Curtaius or such that, will make home happy. Examiue at your leisure, and buy at our pleasure. J3T Remember the place to get bargains is at G. W. it A. P.CAIN’B, Known as The Ladies Furnishing House of LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. Mr. K. 1.. Aduittn*, who kept Camp's niit 1m iii thin county, was found dead in bed Saturday morning. When hit w ife went to wake him tor breakfast, she found life extinct hut he had evident ly been dead but a abort time. He waa advanced in yearn and probably died of heart failure. Coroner Mathew* organized an inquest amt impaneled the following jury: J. F. Nowell, W. T Sorrel!*, T E. Smith, W. K. Sorrell* and J. 1,. Gris fin. They returned a verdict that hi* death reunited from natural cause*. —Walton New*. " MS To Rent. A three room h use on l’ike street: apply to Two*. K. Winn. 1$ l' c KI. KX ’h*a K.nTT a SAUVK The ties: Salve in the world for Cut*, Bruise*,, Sal Kheuui, Fever Sores, Teller, ('hupped Hand chilblain*, Corns and all Skin Kruptious, ami positively cure* Piles, or no pay equired, 1 i guaranteed to give perfect satislac lion, or money refunded Price a 5 cent* u box For sale by X, M.Wimi LawreuoeviUe Ga FOR KENT. Several hotiMii, ranging from 2 to s rooms, nwitrally located in LawrencevilieS. Conte to s>e me if you want a Nsliwap home for ls‘,»s. W. J. Hons. Into. Notice. Parties interested can tiud us at Ewing & Coffee’* stand ready to receive payment on accounts due us. M. eTniuso A Sox. HOUSES FOR RENT. I have sajeral dwelling house* for rent, located right up m town, tiood gardens and every thing wed arranged, l arge or tuiisli house to suit tenant. Call on U- X. T. Pattkksov. FRFK DEALER: Notice is hereby given that four wupka from This date my wife, Kiitum A, McDaniel, will by my con*»Hit become a public or free dealer with full power to contract and be contracted with a* completely as if she were fetpe sole. \V. A. McDaniel, Grape Vive Ga. Deo. Ist ISW7. TWEE Mi Hi. Marietta, Ga. Largest Retail Mill South. MARBLES—-Gkoeoia, ] i aman, V KH,WON’T. GRANITES— FokIiok and Do mestic. VAULTS AND STATUARY. Write ter De»igna and Prices, A. M. ]