The Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1885-1897, December 14, 1897, Image 4

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The Herald Ojtieial Organ Town and Count)/ ■£. homaii - Kdito* ' nwrencevlllp. Gh DECEMBER 14, 1807. Tile HERALD oflice keeps on Jiri]i«l, for salt!, a full line of blanks b B Hi i iintee Deeds, Handsjor Title, Mortgages on Heal l.tute, Mart gage on pers'al property Wairer Kates, Crop Leins, p’o/es reserving title, Pnnnnansof Garni.rJn'nt J'orth-eoming Bands, ,/ ins Summonses, Constables' Sales, Suhpoenaes and Fi.’Fas £jfir~ Letter-Heads and Envoi ],i supplied to order DON’T WORltt . Don’t worry about somethin}? that you think may happen t» eeuTuw, because you may die t might, and to-morrow will find vou beyond the reach of worry. Don' worry over a thing that happen- <1 yesterday, because yesterday is a hundred years away, if you don’t believe it, just try to reach after it and nut? it back. Don't worry :: bo lit anything that is happen ing today, because today will last only fifteen or twenty min utes. Don’t worry about things yon •an’t help, because worry only makes them worse. Don’t worry bout things you can help, be rau- there is no need to worry. Don't worry about things you can help because there is no need to worry. Don’t worry at all. If you want to be peni tent now and then it won’t hurt you a bit to go into the ick-cloth-aml-salves mtsiness a little, it will do you good. But worry, worry, worry, tret, fn , fret.—why, there’s neither sorrow, penitence, strength, penance, reformation, hope, h ir resolution in it. It is merely worry. WEATHER SIGNS FROM THE SI N. If at suurist' there are many dark cloudaaeen in the west and remain there, rain will fall mi t hat day. If the sun draws water in the meriting, it will .ruin before night. When the sun rises with dun, murkyelouds, with black beams and clouds in the west, expect rain. If the sun rises pale, there will be rain during the day. If the clouds at sunrise Ik. rod, there will be rain during the d-y. If the sun rise* clear, then shadowed l >y a cluud and comes .>nt clear again, it will lain lie lore night. It >d skies in the evening pre redo line tomorrows. A red sun indicates fair weather. A red evening indicates fair weather, but if the red extend far upward, especial I' in the morning, it indicates wind or rain. A very red sky in the east at ■unset indicates stormy bad winds, If ihe sun sets in dark, heavy clouds, expect rain the next day. A bright yellow sunset indi cates wind, a pale yellow wet. GIHJ.S WE ""READ ABOUT. The girl who is a dream of loveliness w hen jsho is drying her liair in the sun. The blacksmith's daughter in the country village who reads Latin Greek and Hebrew. The beautiful little governess who wine the young lord's heart. The poverty stricken maiden who, gowned in simple white muslin and a blue sash, out shines her bettor dressed sis ters and is the lielle of the ball. The girl whose wind blown tresses fall iu a golden shower about her alabaster neck, when she takes a canter on her spirted bay. The proud beauty w ho scorns the attention of the humble young artist, and learns too late that lie is a man of fame. The untutored maiden with ib” voice of a nighteugale, who brings the whole audience to her tent on her first appear ance. The heiress weo wanders about disguised as a poor girl, and lulls in love with the tislier liian's soil The girl with to or more madly jealous suitors who can keep them all at her beck and call, and induce them to do anything by a glance of her liquid eyes.—Facts. Mrs. (lubb—Ves; my daugh ter appear* to huve been mar ried very happily. Her bus i hand lias not wealth, n must be admitted, but he lifls family. Mrs. Uadd—Ves; i heard lie six children.—New PITH AND POINT. No man ever got- a dollar’s worth of experience for ninety cents. — Life. Oholly—l don't think the photograper caught me expwes sion, do you? She —1 don’t see any.—Puck. Belle —Why do you refer to your engagement as limited? Is it limited in point of time? Edith—No; limited to George and me.—Judge. Miss Askins—l'm sure you had a nice time with all those young ladies at the sea-shore. Toodles —Not very good. There was another man there.— Puck. A St, Louis girl has married a man who saved her from drowning. And yet some au thorities contend that the fe male sex is ca|iablu of gruti tude. —Buffalo Express. Warwick —I think Alaska would luukc an elegant summer resort. Wickwire —Ah, you have been leading about the climate! Warwick —No, the prices.— Truth. Mrs. Green —1 suppose you miss your husband a great deal. The Bereaved One—Oh, yes. It seems so strange not to have to leave the gas burning for somebody when you go to bed. Boston Transcript. Wise —\Ve have been married twelvx- years and not once have I missed baking you a cake for your birthday.. Have I, dear? Hubby—No, my pet. 1 can look back upon those cakes as milestones in my life. —Stand- ard. Charlie Mariner (describing a canoe race) —The course awful ly choppy, and, after standing for a while on the starboaid tack, I went over to port tack Miss Tandem (interrupting) —oh, how badly you must have been punctured! ' POINTED. Front The Chicago News. Age makes sonic people wise and others only stubborn. The upper ten is composed of the winning nine and the um pire. The dance they sit out is the most delightful to u pair of lovers. What the average Kentuckian needs is a waterproof coat for his stomach. Trifles light, as hair some times turn-the whole course of a man’s appetite. No limn ever realized the pow er ol a woman’* eloquence until after he gets married. The baseball season being ended the pitcher is now at lib erty to work the growler. Perhaps it's because wash day comes next to .Sunday that cleanliness is next to godliness. More illiterate hod carriers reach tin* top of tin* ladder than men with college educations. If a friend comes to your of fice to borrow iik noy and finds you in you will lie be out, but if In* finds you out you will be m. WOMAN’S IDEA OK MAN. Women of renown have pas sed these verdicts upon men: Men are a medley, don’t you think. All men are |mnr creatures, more or less. No man is altogether evil; .there is latent good iu him. Men, the very best of them— can oniy stiller, while women can endure. ('ne eanftot know whut a mat) really is by the end of a fort night. A man must !>»• able to sup port his family, or else remain a bachelor. No man ever distinguished himself not bear to be laughed at. ——•— -«•«»- If Charles J. Bonaparte should lie chosen t > succeed Senator Gorman, us is intimated Maryland will be represented in ••the House of Lords" by a Wel lington and a Bonaparte in pol itical loving embrace. Mr. Bonaparte is a grand-nephew of the great Napoleon. MnMBMD! I f you ;re inti* lik'd to this oflice lor Subsci ipt'oii, Joli Work or Advertising, we hope you will nm fot get us. Wo hate not har assed on patrons with duns durii g the year Inn wo need avory dollar that is duo us. the amount may he small hut it i« due and will ho thankfully ro ceivetl. If you can’t call at the tittice solid Ly registotod loiter nr througlt your }»oit waiter HOW HOES SHE KNOW. Most mothers are absolutely ignorant of the most essential points of physical knowledge. I.nek careful handling in the first bath. The mother should feel Hie little spin-* and straighten out by message any irregularities found there. The mental environment of the nursery is all wrong. The teaching of nursery rhymes is wrong. Women should not try to make their daughters think their mothers perfect. Many times the daughter is brighter than the mother—‘‘Our Chil dren,” Miss E. Marguerite Eindley. lecturer. I ho output of Arizona's mines during 1800 was valued at 000,000, aud that of 1807 is e». tiinated at fn,000,0000 more. One of the ((iiickest known ways of dispelling a headache is to give some of the muscles— those of flie legs, for instance— a little hard, sharp work to do. The reason is obvious. Muscu lar exercise flushes tin parts engaged in it and so depletes the brain. A rural citizen of Georgia, who was about to bo placed on the jury in a murder case, was asked by a lawyer: ‘‘Would ycu hang a man on circumstan tial evidence?” The would-bo juror looked thoughtfully for a moment audl replied : “Well, sir, I has hung, a many of ’em on a good deal.’' There is no Word so Full of Meaning and about which such tender recollec tionscluster Binfanc^t and life 6 of Yk every Ex. (Jpec t a n t y. Mother is Mother's Friend so assists Nature in the change takin.e place that the Expectant Mother is enabled to look forward without dread to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. It insures safety to both Mother and Child, and she is' found stronger alter than betore con tincment —in short, it “makes Child birth easy,” as so many have said. Don’t be persuaded. Use nothing but “Mother's Friend" “Mr wife suffered more u» ten minute# with either of her other two children than ehe did altogether with h'w um.liavmr previously usod four but fee of “Mother’s Friend." It»- a bloM intc to anvone expecting to become a mothei, na>ri a customer.” Henderson i)ALK,t;srini,lli. Sf-nt by Mall, on of price, ft. jo PER BOTTLE, book **T • I xfjc.unt Motheui" mail'd tree, umiinm* vtlun. le information am) voluntary testimonial*. The BRADFICID REGULATOR CO..ATLANTA.QA. SOLO UV ALL DRUGGISTS. —ALL WOMEN | MlNr-TEf/THS Of r—: ... N at! the pain 1 *ndrtckn<*33(rom [ * h which women cutler is aur.ed by weakness or |[/JH derangement In | / a the organs °L T J3j menstruation. iKCI Nearly always SJHHBk J*vl when a woman is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom cick. WinS&dßi Is nature's provision for the regu lation of ties menstrual function.' It cures all " female troubles.” It is equally effective for the girl in her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the "Change of Life.” They all need U. They are all benefitted by it. For advice In cases requiring •- --lal directions, address, giving symptoms, the ” Ladies’ Advisory Department, *’ The Chaiunocga Medicine Co., Cliatu nooga, Teim. THOS. J. COOPER. Tupelo. Miss., ssyfi “ My alstar sutferod from var/ irregular and paintu! menstruation and doctor# Could not relieve her Wine of Cardut entirely cured her and alto helped my mother through the Change of Ufa." Poor soil and exhausted fields winch were once productive can a team l*o made profitably fertilk* by a proper rotation of crop* and by the intelligent use of fertilizers containing high per centages of Potash. Strikingly profitable results have been obtained by follow ing this plan. Otir figmuhlctt are not advert'mng circulars bnom c g »C« ial fsrtiliMrs, but ais practical w.,rks. c .mai i » g islet . he, oh me fcUlor. i ol lertllltalhu.. aiul a*c really neij.h.i lo larmers. lire) are .. .. i... lur *oa »..., ~ lit.KYIAN KXLt WiikKS, W i>+n»u ti., Lew YusN. tv.— • ■ III* n CASTObia AVcgc table Preparation for As - siimlafiiiglhcFooiiandßcgula ling the Stomachs ami Bowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Itest.Contains ncittier Opmni,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. rtm'fie afOUUySAMt umvw/i Jmpfitn Sfii * a4lx.Sa%n» * j Situ - § ,4ru u >W * I Jif/t+nmni - f Jit, oa4m9ttSti» * I / tevr.y ,Ited - j 4 lonntU Su&tr • I rtmrm / Apcrfcct Remedy forConstioa tioa, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea. Worms Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of exact copy or wRAPPen. „ MflJ ■ 1 i- —-J— i. . - ) - -■ —MiM . I r<>1 ~ -|ol> » TinUng •i- Call at T 1 .■ + S lora 1«1 i OfiTU'o. W'r an* |i opai‘< <1 to I'nruisli All legal blanks, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Posters, Dodgers, •in<l in fact everything tint ’s p iutod, at lignro-. that i l)L v iy C'ompcM i tJon. (live it* a call when in need of any bind of work. We guarantee tirst-elas*, and work neatlv and promptly executed Wli'mi sending oide sly pnail address • i Herald Job Offico, Lawrcncevi’le, La N L. HUTCHINS, JR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I Office 111 Post Office building ll’ri mpt attention givdi to coll se lf lon* and practice iu State aud lEederat Courts. R. W. PEEPLES. ATTORNEY AT LAW. LaWMCKOUVILI.K, - - - - fig" lowt* atfrutiou given all tnisi aeei placed in Liy lignite. M. PEEPLES, ——ATTOBMET AT LAW 1 awreuueville, Tractievein The State court*. *pw •ial Hitention given u> the wiudiuir lip of estates. "Ronald K Johnston ATTOIINKT AT LAW , Lawrences ille, o*. Patronage solicited; pr* nipt exfention of buiiiifri as.ui• <l. John M Jacobs bEXTIHT, LaWKENCKVILIK, - Ga am-* mice„ver(. w. \ a. v. OaiiTa Store. W.T. Hinton, M D. PHYSICIAN a SI Rf.LON Ha* ri.A. Geoiioia, Ol calls pn.inp'ljr Attended U>, lay **r night. 40* ‘sated at hr, i. If l.w fiiau** old Hal'd, and any <*f l.i* pa tients desiring to .’.infinite treat* •neiil wilt be served by in* Guiu. Cotton Seed ! i nut prepared to p;.\ the highest cash price for c Uob a*'od (lii* season. both ut Law- i rciicovillo and Gioetor. It will I ; e money to you to »ee mo be i 'ir.i yon soil. s pt «uh—ts W. Q Cool'Eß Kipaus Tabule* tura coustlpailpu. mu ' he Kind You Have Always Bought, j »ears the Fac-simile Signature —of — ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT. VHC C«N 1 lus COMPaWV. NLW YORK CITY. Cheap Money ! 1 mil prepmei to eecuru loans on r* sl osia!*' f. r •> years at n low rale <>t intercal. Parties C«sii;ng lo obtein fonn* will do wet! to sec me I ..-fore making ■»t her arrangrineiits L. E. M TXfN’ALI). Lav i •iieevillc.Dec.. 21, —tl Lawrencevilie Branch R R. Self ll|ii- in EfT'v-t Fell, ).T, ‘feo. L*-a. Law” i <lib? ... 7a m Arm e Saw*nee ham Lem •* Mj«an*-e ... i JiMJIS *Ol Art ..* Joivfei'O' > I MAI « n Izriv - l/»# r« i.*v vilje ) p m Anise Ss»«at.*we ...... r> p m l/Tf -u* a’ >* 45 JK pII A’l • la*o *-* ' 7 Ut pHi J ti A V. i. ti> Kn-.e.v, I «I»-Msa a*: yi» <L I lioAN, t J' i* g!i( Aft •*'••* few* aa std *e * ¥ » ' W |A to wl» # If ?M > . . ’•* «*•* A'i.bwHmate a* . *•*■*; *■**•> at* y f: ► Undertz - in# line • H aid f -* # * **£ t i-tji kMtJ* IU * HI. U ft. h •■* gvIAA \% It. lAi.ktf.M I « » o . v*-> {. J * S- <'*t.» -L * a- li*« fce.A--* and •*A» .•» T M A f * -«ff«.rd • V.*g* - ‘ur- t ** ’ •»*■■■« of tin t- i . I r sale l-y A. M k Ho. - ' o U ltf.l* I . ... > <HWM Rtpaua Tabulee cure liver l roubles ilin ins Tal ale* cure nlzslnosa. itt|. <ns T*luile> i iire dvspensl* Hl|i»iis Tatmle* cure loridd liver. Mipaiis Tal.ules < ur« lidig. slum. The fii'-t groat international expedition Was held in Loudon in ififil. It Insrcd Itl day*; there were tS.otm.ono vi«itora. the receipts were #2,500,000 and the expenses sl,f>Oo,oyp. —~ ♦ • ♦- - - Tax Notice. THII’D AND LAST ROUND. TAX HOOKS CLOSED AM) H FAS I SSI T- 11 DECEMBER 20tll. I will be at Iho following places on the dates given for the purpose of collecting State and County taxes for 1807: Meadow I’. O. Mon. a in early, November 22. Duluth Mon. Nov, 22. Cruse I’. O.'Mon. p in, leave at* 4 o'clock, Nov. 22. Pinkneyviila Tnes. Nov. 2!J. Braden I*. O. Wed. a m earl)’. Nov 24. Berkshire Wed Nov. 24. Gloster Tlnirs. a ni early Nov. 25 Martins Thins Nov. 25. Pucketts Mon Nov. 20. Joe Deaton’s Mon. p m late 29 Cains Tnes. leave 2 o’clock p in, Nov. t!0. Judson Ilardigreo’s Tues. p in, late, Nov. :>(». Ben Smiths Wed. Doc. 1. Auburn Wed. p in late Dec. 1. Harbins Thurs. leave 2 o’clock p m, Dec. 2. Dncula Thiir--. leave J o’clock p m, Dec. 2. Lnwrencevilie Tues. Dec. 7. Rockbridge Wed. Dec.B. Cates Thins. Dee. 0. Bay Creek Friday Dec. 10. 'Trip Fri. p m late Dec. 10. Hog Mountain Sat. Dee, It. Goodwins Mon. Dec. 18. Sugar Hill Tues. Dec. 14. Lawrene-vjlie Sat. Dec. 18. Lnwrencevilie Mon. Dec. 20. C. A, Fleming, T. C. G. C. Norm: m dkrtoks and (111. nm uts. All person* indebted lo the estate of,Mrs. S. H. Moore, 'lec’d., are hereby notilied dial prompt pay ment wLI lie reipiired, and all per sons holding claims against said estate will present them to the un dersigned, verified as required by law. VV. I*. Moon k, W S. MOORK, N'ov,'. , jid 1 s*<7. Administrators — Itipans Tabuloa. Kipana Tabules: one gives relief. Ripens Tabulae assist digestien. i i. a Tatrjles cure 6 nausea. Kipans Tabules: rft druggists. Rlpi'ii i Tablllea cure tiatiiletlee. Kipans Tabules: pi* isanl. laxative. Itinms Talmles cure bad breath. Kipans Tabules cure biliousness. Kipan■■■• Tabules cure headache. A dministrators Sale By vir'nc of an order fr in the Court of Ordinary of Gwinnett e nntv, Goorg a, will b*• s* Id b< - lon it.,- court b iu-c (].io v in the town of Lawei c.-vil'e, iu said county, ti ' ln* lirst Tuesday m .L»’"iatv 1N()8, 111** following de -criiio ; 1 itid- I* '!■ nging to the e-t io (i .1 >*(ph Goodwin, late of . i .| c. unty, .'ceeas d: NO 1 Or,» llaiidred ud Fifty (15°) I W's of laT ii, ill re or less, being • . ■ tl of lot No t lfiG and 11 0 acres . ft' of lot No I iif>, in tl t 7* land, district of said conn tv, bo nnleil si, the North by la ■* of .1 in •* i. Tinetl, on the Si u h by Mrs. M. E. Brown, on tin Wist by la da of Henry Huit kl'tii l in 1 East by lands of Mi*- M. \. (I iii iw ii, ami known as tl i tjo ’drt hi Imiue place, This piuce i* Hituated on the Pi ,i litreo road, four miles from fluluth. Ibis a good 7-room risidence and rnrhuil lings, Mi n M's in i iilliva'ion, I)limes in oiigb al ion * , I here son the pla**.** *. good orchard, and it is fine’y wateteii, N i>. ti. » Al-o at the aine time and p in- wdt bo -ol s'xly acres of t o I. more or I* sv, kunw’ii as part ol I !.* No •_’lb and 2-td in the it. land iliiie of -aid county, ■nil I 1 HU ll " West by the <h > t 'it liver, on the I N irth by lands of Wub on Little and on ilie East li> lain's o I, Nf. B'rickland. C. this l be! are lib acres i f ii. e i i\. r it 'turn, 1 acres iu pine • d I In' .i ce is cleared, part 1 . ■ n't' ■ i'ioii and part in past •in is a 1-room liou e • ho dim.* - and tl fu'l twn , 1 1.or*e fai m. ’ N **. :t > • an in on ub ii one half in- I • ■ ■* i" iii»: Irui chise Known as . ry 'Oi ill" (Tiattahoo • i. T.i ferry has its ! i lot di scribed as ■s li i tight nf-wav fir ■ i the fiO u' T s of e l i, . e described. i' t m ti e ferry and ■■ ly b« mi'il sep e nil Iqt No. 2 tt- Ills •i- I I 1 I. V deems be-t ti i | urpoM f dtalri- I nung tile heirs ut said U * 5..1, i .l'es pi rtcct. 'I feun, ca»li. I'n i< • d. ■ii mg f.*i seu the ■ "'ii c i.l Ol the (Hidei egli d Mary A.Gooiiwiv, Adtii'iistratiix. Ll i s ■ < s' K.'li ■, (i wiuuet*. COUJ- D, Nov 2'i d 1V17.—111 I C i 1 Kl>. All | uti's.iio not 1 tied that 1. land layi . neur town, uuw u ;e- a| 1 itnre and tlit. park, luuiig tthui* tin* railroad, are pS' d All I I e»ptt*»llig on said InimU are foib.ddi 11 T. M pF.Kri.Ks, /Qandy cathartic V?ji& calxeXhy CURtCOnSTIPATIOI^^ 25 ♦SO - 5 "***** DRUGGISTS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED!? r * 1 w " f o r»*r*r«t« in, r.i-.i i.,„. nuuvuuiuui uunanai IjD U U, f . rrlp or i .-1,,,-.1.i,t rsu»r (,„J nati,[nlrf,iill«. K. m . I*l, ,M*l hooklrt frop. Art. SI CK 1,1 MI iIKMTIT CO., I hi, *ne>. Hnntrp,!. I’on.. or Art, lork AN ARMY. Ducle Sam’s army is not as big as it vvuj in IH6I-5, but his soldiers now, as then, suffer from Kidney Diseases con tracted by exposure, bad water, etc. A small army of old veterans have been cured of Kidney and Dladtler diseases. You too can be CURED For over two years I was in such a bad way with rheumatism of the kid neys that I was obliged last summer to go to West Penna Hospital. I was somewhat relieved after being there four months, but soon took a back-set. I saw Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills jAlvertised in the Pittsburg pa pers and procured a box, which gave me such wonderful relief I got a seo oud box, and am now a well man and working every day. I believe 1 would have been laid up all summir if it were not for them. I give you this letter so that some other old soldier may see it and do him the same good l hat they have me. Iw as three years in service in Co. A, 76th Penn Vol. A. J. McFarlin. Alleghany. N. Y. HOBBS Sparaps Kidney Pills. BOBUS REMEDY CO , Pbopbistobs, CaicsM Dr, Ilubb, PUn ForSstein LAW RENCEVT LL& CA..byA. M. WINNASON. Druggist,. * A crocdile takes 80 seconds to turn completely round. Everybody Say* So. Ca*carets Camiv Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age. p eas ant and refreshing to tho lasic, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bow e!s, cleansing tho entire *\ stein, dispel colds, euro headache, feu r, Imbiliml constipation ami biliousness. I'iense buy and trv a box of C. C to-day; 10. 35, r*o cents. Hold and guaranteed to care by all druggist*. There are more than 100.000 chil dren in tha national schools in Ger many who Stutter. Educate Your Itowcls With Ca,carets. Cat.dy t'stbsrttr. cure coastipatlou forever. lOc.iftc. If C.(J C rail, (tritggi*i* refund money, 'Vliy should wc tie so careful to plraso men anil so enrolo-s about pleasing God? DlHiit, of the Blood and Serves. No one need jufl'er with neuralgia. This disrasr i* tiuickly and permanently cured iiyHro\,u*’lron Bitter*. Every disease of the hloud, nerves ami stomach, clirouw or otlierwise, etiecntnbs t*. Browns’ Iron Bitters. Known ami used for nearly a c|uarier of a century, it stand, to-day lore most tumour our most valued remedies. Browns’lron Itiiters is sold by all dealers. Every good man l-avce a track of light behind him a* lie passes through the world. OABTOIIXA. God will still be on Ids throne to morrow unit we should therefore not fear the future. tlnst Trib.fco S|ii« »»it Soi.ik* Your l ife- Aw«r. To quit tobacco easily »nd foreicr, be im| Mile, lull ot Lie, nerve and vigor, tulie No-To 13a0, the wonder-worker, that makes iveuli men Birong. All druggists, SOo or tl. Cure guaran teed Booklet and wonplo free. Address Starling Itemed/ Co., Chicago or New York The weters of North America are stocked with 1800* it iff*, re lit varieties of fish. . An Uncertain Dicing*. Th«T6 i« no disease more uncertain in its nature tlian dyaprpeia. Physicians sij that the grinptoma of u*» two therefore inoMt <ll Men]t to make a corrret ilhiuiiosis. No matter how severe, or under wltit di<ioii*L‘dTßpe]»siAyou. Krowns' iron Bitters will cure it. InvaliiHhle in all of the Btomnoh, hi ami nerves. Browns’ Irou Bitters is sold l»y rII dealers. The hide of the hippotamus, in tome parts, is two inches tliick. CABTORIA. -^zC«fsasr It is estimated that Japan’s tia tionn) debt will in 18!iS amount to 49ft,700,030 yen. No-To-Bac for riliy Cent*. Cusrnntcrd lobntco habit euro, makes weak men strung, blood pure, fci' All druggists A firm In Omaha advertised th* other dav the most htgt ly sensational bargnlu sale of Uue shoe* since Adana went barefoot, CASTOR IA For Infauts and Children. An ord*r Ims l*een r reived fr* m Hi meets for llfteen folding bicycles, which are made ill I'anbury, Cotm. T<» Cure CtmiUpaUttu Forever. Take CuNcurata Cund.v Cathartic, ltte or Ha lf C. (’. V. fail to cure, druc*;iHt« refund moaay A New Jers.y inaii ha- v >ted 143 times in 7<l yeurs su«l is proud of hi* r.*c:ird. CABTOHIA. ** : Sg fan / mLYosTIvrWS! orsMf3/A / tTT m \ Sick ok (NDictsTioH I fHHiar I NeHvous- UU/o{/SKfSs\ wBS/ pfAOACMC. J \ Ua unoice ocwKNtsK armWSwr Mi. oss ok Si a mack J; Anpertrc Q/W.J&. Cy/xtyttfufOK ffaarQtNuiNg W thoutTme lik/ncss Ano SiaNATUNC orM A.Thcosjro on FnonvOf I tSCH WSAPKN. M.A.THtDFORn Mgb.ffl* 1 ftoMN.OA. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. F I pikimiont ai it t.ieen. Pnn,tensed Schedule of I'asseuger Teatns. In KflTect May #, ISBT. v. , T NorHibound. Wo.lw V O . SH w#. .TU l*aily| Dally, iun. Dally. E Atlanta, 0. T. 750 a u O 0 4 BSp u"5Tp " Atlanta, K. T. Boou iyo p 5 35p USO a “ Norcroas 931 al 0 28p 1 St) a " llnfurd 10 03 b T(J6p ... " (rtiinesvilte. 10*i.j a r*p ~7u n Sdfl a “ T.ula . ~ .1100 u •> 4a .. K ÜBy 3W-W “ lluruelia 1123 ni - 8 85u Ar. Mr. Airy 11W a!. ... 8 40p Lr. Toccoa tt 54 nj s as p flu „ '• Wntmiustar 1880 m 4j* « “ Seneca 12 48 p 4 18 p 4 81 a “ «'antral 180 pi 4 4.3 t, l 4ii '• t-treenville.. 281pir, 30 545 a " Bparlanburg. 847 p 8 18 p | 887 a Halfacre 428 j. T 15 a Blacksburg.. 447 j> 7 08 p 7 85 a “ King's Mt ... Slop' T 88 a “ DasMnin 885 p' 8 20 a 7,v. <'harlotta.... 840 p' 8 80 p 9 30 a Ar. Danville II 28 p : l2 00 ft 180 p Ac. Richmond... 800 h 0 00 n 0 40 p Ar Washington. 1 -0 42 a* 9 40 n •• Baltm’dPßß.i | H o*l a' 'llßs p I; I‘htladelphlo.j 10 15 a iff, a " Nog Y0rk,..1. ... 18 48 ml. ofe a rst.Ml Ves. .. Sontlibonnd. s„. g.-, No> g; '"-11 Daily. Dally. ITTTa TNTp T ; Philadelphia. 850 a 065 p .I Haltimore. .. 0 22 a 9 2o P AvasUiugton. II 15 alO 48 p tv- Uichmond ... 12 55 p 2 00 a 200 n tv. Danville 080 p 5 a 'sliTa Ar ( harlotte .... 10 00 p 0 So s 111* a Lv. I lastonia 10 50 p 1 It p “ Blacksburg. 1182 p 10 49 a 200 p ' " HalTneys .U 47 pi 220 p Spartanburg. 12 28 a 11 37 a 8 15pil ■“ Oreenvills.... 120 ailß 28 p 420 b l . , .. “ Central 2Of a Ila p 515 pi “ Hancca 294 a! 1 36 p. 6 M p 1 ®. W’estminster I tSB p 1 E ’ - Toccoa * IS a 2 ii p| 488 p Snu >lt- Airy | T3O p T^TI Cornelia TBS p «$ • . Lula 4 09 al 8 13 b! 808 p 067 a * (ininesville . 4US a: 881 pi 885 t> fZ) a " Buford ! 907 p 148 a Koreross . .1 #4B p 427 • Ar. Atlanta, E. T. 0 10 a (55 pIOUOp 980 a Albmia, C. T.i 5 to a 3 s', p H.p p jitO | "A” a. m. “P” p. m. “M" noon. “N" night. Nos. 37and 3S—Daily. AVnaUlngton and South western Vestibule Limited. Through Pullmiu •Iccping ears between New York »ud New Or leans, via Washington, Atlania and Montgom ery, au.l als*) bctu ran New York and Memrhia Via Washington, Atlanta and BinnlDgliim. Flrsl cia * thoroughfare cache* betwocu Washing ton and Atlanta. Dining cars servo all in us la an r*,u’». Nos. 35 and Bf—United Btateß East Wail run* solid between Washington and New Or leans, via Southern Railway, A. AV. r it. R. aud Zj. A N. U. I!., b,u; - eoinuosisl of isiggag# car and *:'a-hos, through without change Mr pas** 'igor* of all classes. Pullman * a f**om sleeping oar* be!ween New York ni New Or! :*ns, via Attuntu and Montgomcryb Leai mg Wusiilngion i-a<-n Saturday, a tnuri*) •Iceping *ar will rim thi**ugh ’* *-tacan Wastw tngion and *hh Eraucioco airiioue cbai,,’% N"S. 11. 37 ami I.' Pullman sh’epiug enrr. be* tween Ri -lnnond atul Chsrlo to, via Danvi!'*w •outhboun i Nos. 11 and 87, northbound NO lit Tha A’ Line Hello tram, No*. 17 And 18, b# tween Atlanta and Mount Airy, (fa., daily e» con* Sunday. W. 11. <1 KEEN, J. M. CTT-P, Geii'l Siipt., Trnlnc M g'r., Wa*-hin.'i*,n. D. C, XVaahington, D. QL W. A. TURK, S. H HARDWICK, Oen’l Pas*. Ag’t . A»*’t Cton’l Paas. As t., Washinglm,, D. c. Aiiantn. 11^ 1 9* ■ Arc You SicK / iOf Being j i SicK? \ L Then let u* suggest a cure. , ‘ Ten to one the trouble started * \ with your liver. A torpid liver i causes Rheumatism, Nturalgia, f i Constipation, Dyspepsia, Head- * V ache and a doze" other ailmente. f i ! r #ftndNeurdlsio [ QJR-Er ' goes straight to work c-n the N liver. It cleanses that oigan; 4 makes it active again—the acid v ' leaves you’re blood and you're f cured. Testimonial below: ' . 1 cured my wif* of neuralgia ej ' ‘ .even year.' alandlng by the use of . your mediclni! after lira best dwtora j la ClUelmiali faUed r It W I’AUMK V lit W. Fourth Street, i inMnaoN. ’ f Aik Your Druggist or Merchant To* It / CULLEN t NEWMAN, * Sale Proprietors. Knoxville, Tenn. v HUN DOWN WITH DYSPEPSIA « STOMACH Liver AND HEART Arrt* t*i>. Almost in Despair But finally CURED ( By Tsklnar AYER’S PILLS "For aftc.n years, was a gr»at «uf forei from bi*llgr*iii*h ill it* worst loim*. 1 tasted th* skill <•( many doctor*, but grew worse and wor»«, until I became to weak 1 would not walk City yards without having to sit down and rest. My stomach, liver, and In-art be* am* aftact «d, unit I thought 1 would surely die. I tried Ayer s Fills and they helped me right away. 1 continued their use aiui ah. now entirely well. 1 don’t, know of anything that wit) so quickly relieve and cure the terrible mi tie ring nf >lyi pepsin as Ayer’s Fills."— Jobv C. I’Kii-i turn,, Brodie, Warren Co, N. C. AYER S PILLS Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD’S FAIR