Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, February 13, 1908, Image 8

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Local Personals If you expret to keep posted as to the edndidates, you nad better sud getibe for the Herald now, It your subsctiption has or is about to ex pire, renew at once as the National Government wont allow us to curry finpaid subscription accounts. W. W, Dag¢is was in town yester day, Mr. J. W. Bryant was one of our €allers yesterday. Rev. B, F. Gay, of Traders Hill, was hete gesterday. Mrs. H. J. Davis visited relatives in Jacksonville a few days last week, Quarterly Conference was held in the Methodist Church here yester day. ; Mr. L. E, Mallard made a hus-i iness trip to Jacksonville last Sat | urday, | Miss Edna Mizeil of Kiags Ferry is visitihg hére the guest of Miss Myfa Mizell, Mr. O. ¥. Wilson left yesterday morning for Jacksonville to be gone about thrée days. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cushing are Visiting here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson. Miss Katie Gowen who is teach ing the Bachloty school, spent Sat firday and Sunday at home. Mrs. W. L. Hatchell left Monday night for South Carolina for a mon ths visit to Mr. Hatchells people. The lecture of Mrs, Loughman at thie Court House last Tuesday night was well attended ond made quite a hit, Mrs. H. Johnson and children feturned last Sunday evening after about two weeks stay with relatives in Brunsw:ck. Mrs. Willie Green who has been spending several days here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, ). 8. Mizell, return ¢éd to her home Monday. Mz, and Mrs. E. L. Martin and oTy e oy onday night visiting his* brother M. L. Martin of this place. Several New Signes have been put up in town, prominznt among whichis the Folkston Pharmacy sign being put up by Dr. Dallas Williams. Mr. Euley Stokes returned home from Macon where he is taking a ‘business course, last Monday night sick, but we hope to see him out a gain soon, Mr, D. F. Roddenberry returncd Monday night from Homestead, ¥la. where he went Several days ago to visit his son J, P. Roddenberry, who was quite sick but is now better, Dr. Dallas Williams was in Jack sonville on Monday and, from the looks of things, he tried to buy out all the medicines in the country, both standard and patented, He will call his drug store the **Folkston Pharmacy” and will have a complete line of drugs and sun - found the announcement of Col. A. D. Gale’s candidacy for the Solici tor- Generalship of the Brunswick Judicial Ciremit. Col. ' Gale is well and favorably known throughout the circuit, having filled Solicitor Juno. W, Beunncet's place most of the time for the past thrce years and needs no tormal introduction from our hands. Col. Gale has served as Judge of the Brunswick City Court with satisfaction to all. TO THE PUBLIC. DR. DALLAS WILLIAMS wishes to announce to the people of this section that he has opened an office in the Paxton building to practice MebiciNg, SURGERY and Oe- STETRICS. CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY 4. . DAYORMIGHT. . A I YTAN L IsT ENI L S L $2.00 Razors for $1.40. $228 7 ” 865 | S2OO . T gdk $1.50 Men’s Hats for $.99 gebg. M . dorSl 76 $350 ” ” for $2.50 slo.oo ' Suits for $6.75 $1L.50 eSE L g $4.50 Patent L.eather Shoes, $3.40 My Store for these Bargains. Every razor guaranteed. Call to see me. -~ Yours with lowest prices in town, E. L. Wainwright. GrORGIA, CHARLTON COUNY. l Mrs. Cathryn S. Myers, vs. Harry Newton Myers, libel for divorc:, in Charlton Superior Court, April term, 1908. To the defendant, Harry Newton Myers:- You are hereby notified that Mrs. Gathryn S. Myers has filed the above stated suit for divorce against you in the Superior Court of Charlton County, and you are hereby com manded to be and appear at the next term of said court to be held in and for soid county on Tuesday after the first Monday in April, 1908, then and there to answer said suit; as in default the ovurt will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the llonorable T. A. Parker,% Judge of said Court, this February sth, 1908. J. W. Vickery, | | Clerk Superior Court, Charlton County, Georgia. 4 Gt et s | GEORGIA, CHARLTON COUNTY, i By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public cutety on the first Tuesday in March 1908 at the Courthouse in said oomuty, betwesn:the nanal haure of asic Hhe following real estate situate in Charlton coun ty, to-wit: One hundred and sixty-three acres of lot number 60 in the second district known as the Jesse Crews place. Terms cash, This 7th day of Javuary 1908. Moses Crews, Administrator of Jesse Crews. Suffering-& Dollars saved. . E,S. Loper, of Marilla, N. Y., says: “lam a carpenter and have had many severe cuts healed by Bucklens Arnica Salve It has saved me suffering and doilars, It by far the best healing salve I have ever found,” Heals burns, sores, ulcers, fever sores, eczema and piles. 25¢ at all druggist IN CAMP OR FIELD —-AT MOUNTAIN OR SHORE There Is always a chance to enjoy some shooting T 0 SHOOT WELL YOU MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A RELIABLE FIREARM : the only kind we have been making for upwards of fifty years. Line: RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS, B RIFLE TELESCOPES, ETC. rour Dexrler, and inslst on the ENS. Whkere not sold by Re we ship direct, expross pro- i tpon receipt of Catalog price. | Plucnd tor 140 Rage fllustrateo| f siog. ‘en lndln&ennblo dook off | Py re an‘ r man and bey " nt:"::;’eov:ru::n A .‘n'::-f:-em . l‘elfl*‘aor. Hanger Brwarded son six eents in atamps. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL Co. I, O, Box 4097 3 Chicopee Talls, e Mass,, U.B.A. ‘? v i, St e x A B N Bel -i‘ P || .—;/ *L “:', " dm T Neighborhood Favorite. Mrs. E. D. Charls, of Harbor, Maine, speaking of Electric Bitters, says: “It is a neighvorhood favorite here with us.” It deserves to be a favorite everywhere. It gives quick relief in dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney derangement, malnutrition, nervousness, weakness and general debility. Its action un the blood. as a through purifier makes it especially useful as a spring ‘medicine, This grand alterative tonic is sold under guarantee at all drug stores.. goc. FALLS CITY CLOTHING COMPANY IN?ORPORATED. . .MANUFACTURERS. . , @-.\spsdiAi. BRANDS —a".— “IMPERIAL”“ L «“LEATHER BREECHES” DRESS PANTS AND SUITS CORDURQY AND : sog e o S WORK PANTS. ©yod e dlecl wase wuiN stßmr LOUISVILLE, KY. FCR SALE BY\ B. B >COTII, FOLKSTON, A. SAVE YOUR EARNINGS. wWWW The funning of a savings account has a tendency'to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion' It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to ““turn over a new leaf.” e , , 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. « 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. : THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER, :e F. D. MILLS, . President. @ Cashier. A petitoin is being circlu"‘ed asking council for artesian water. We hope that is not as far a;% he matter is to go, every man, an and child in Folkston shou]d:.e. mand good water. We canqg; af ford to have a repetition of;s B ViARI DS GhEATT ST SETHE Mkt B LIGHT RUNMING 4 - ;AR - e ‘?;’ '.:%3‘ ’vi 4 71’ A g REWiNnUY A 9 ’.“9. V _"/- & I W S ‘ fifli“{fl’ % [l R ’ B = L T T Y SRy Cadadric )t NN | i 0 e Al l pIESE AR eBl 2 | Al NS G ISR / s _“l R ‘ r'.{'é’“ , i\\" 7 ¢ . P B 8 el v b RR I g 2 SAR e P AAR P T ave v 1 ,‘&"// e AT ' " Ityon want eithera Vibrating Shuttle, Rotary Shuttleer a Sing!s Thread [Chain Stiteh) ' Sewing Machiue write 1o THE HEW HOME SEWING MACEINE COMPANY l Orange, Mass. Many sewing machines ara made to sell regardless of I quality, but the New Jlome is made to wear, Our guaranty never runs out . Bold by aunthorized dealers only. l\ Dealers Wanted. | The friends of Mr. JP. Stallings \wtll regret to know th.t he is still tquite sick with La gaippe and fever ;He seems to bLe very much emac at i‘ed’ having to be aided to turn in j‘his bed. ' summer’s sickness, Fail to give us water and you take the rlsk of its being worse, and whatls more, it will codtinue to grow worse as the population increases. Bond the town, give us good water and prop erty values will increase sufficiently in a short time to pay the debt. THE SOUTH'S Mail Order | Mail Order House Is now ready to fill orders for Men’s Women’s and Children’s REAJY - TO WEAR CLOTRINC, HA IS, AND FURNIS INGS. stocks larger an’lmore complete than . ever before. i BEST QUALITY, MODERAtE PRICIS OUR NEW_ FALL AND WIiN TER CATALOG SENT ON' REQUEST B. H. LEVY, BRO. & CO SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 5 0 0 £ { Gosby Patent Air-Tight Baker and Heat i LOSDY ratent Air-11 dkCr and neater 8 |el e The Most Convenient, Useful BA| | ) wfig and Economical Stove for the, & sk L V] T ———————— B P e = dome Ever Made, , . J o . L ———————————————————————— - >IT DOES DOUBLE DUTY <ER. T RS O e '.:_s.:‘s:'(::, . '\,‘j It warms the coldest and largest room in e B *“'“C\“”/” A " E: the house,'making it cozy. The busy s SRR 0 ; housewife can cook or bake anything [§ B I e e — O g from light rolls to a Thanksgiving or @MI L A, ;> Christmas turkey. Still it looks just as |"8 IR~ S ] g neat as any heater made. It is air-tight \§) €3 ' ‘w; = i and a great fuel saver. Thousandsarebe- [* & SL LR i, ing sold. Thousands of housekeepers are o R R B | % enthusiastic. Fine Cast Iron tops and |&% | : ; 1 = hottoms, making i: last for years without | ST T e ¢ repairs. Made only by og R ¥ : : et iy N 4 _ UNION STOVE CO., Inc,, @gfi Bex 2745, : RICHMOND, VA. e eel SR i e 33 Headguarters for Farm ‘Fences. AHERICAN FENCE . wf‘- = R A R e A el B T e co ’R,flm‘% : s ¥ " S Y- = .’ " A R euditna o . feciaraile i e s SO Ne i : ; i --= 2 bRI e EL... b I e x' ;‘%.egt,:tmtw L e o 24 b B e - e s B MADE [N ALL HEICHTS . - AMade of lavge, strong, high-grade steel wires, heavily galva nized, Awmply provides for expansicn acd contractior. Is practically everlasting., Never goes wrong, no matter how‘-gtpat a strain is put on it. Doés not rqutilate nor injure sto?k. i @ g > /4 Tuins Gatile, Horses, Hogs and Pigs CVERY ROD GUARANTEED by us and gharanteed by the manufacturers. Call and seeit. We can show you how it will .. save you money and fence vour fields $6 they wiil stay fenced. For Sale by Mizell & Paxton. GEORGIA, CHARLTON COUNTY, To whom it may conzern: Eddie Edwards having made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estatc of Steve Max well late, of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in March, 1908. Witness my hand and official siguature. This the 3rd day of February, 1908. 0 STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY Or DUVAL. . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE SENTS that the firm of J. J, Green& Com pany, co-partnership composed of Jessee ]. Green and Wm. M. Toomer, is now dissolved. All liabilities of the firm except ninety-nine {599.00) dollars due W. M. Toomer and one half of whatever amount, if any, may be dae F. H. Williams, areé assumed by Jessee J. Green and W. M. Toomey in said co-partney ship. 5 Witness our hands and seals in duplicate. ~ This 37st day of January, 1998. i J. T Gaeen, (5 S.) W, M, Toomer, {L.-5.) , 60 YEARS® : EXPERIENCE : Traoe MARKS £ DESIGNS - CoPYRIGHTS &C. qifigk,l(;n:s?e?gn'lnn. 3\l'l!‘ 3'.,?2.2,‘.‘.‘".. wmner-x inventinn i 4 probably patentable. Communioa. ey niamt T ol o 5 P BB ntants taken through Munn & Co. raceive special notice, tw'lfiut c::fi:e. in tfica A handsomely {linstrated weekly. reest ofr. ST oo fll!nndm.“. J fi M!nu:&m.&um.wmmg!{ %_ Keeping Open House, Everybedy is welcome when we feei good; and we feel that way only when our digestive organs are work ing properly, Dr. King's New life Pills regulate the action as ‘stomatfi liver and howels so perfechly fiJ can't help feelipggood whep be ugeg thes pills. 29c at all drug storgs.