Newspaper Page Text
VOL‘ XQ"‘NO. 390
Please allow me, through your
villuable paper to say a few words
to the people of this county in re
gards to the public roads of our
-county, as I have traveled over the
principle roads in the county and
feei that 1 am a competent judge
and am sorry to say that they are in
_¥ery bad condition.
It we had the hustling and enter
_prising officers in the county that !
“sowme of our sister counties have, we
_would show a greater tendency to |
“wards civilization, as good roads |
are a leader in that direction. 1
There are enough crimes commit-i
ted-in Charlton County to keep a
suficient number of convicts on the
public roads at all times to yput them
and keep them in good condition.
We need active officers to ferret out
the crimes. The county court has
sent up enough convicts to put the
" roads of the county in good condi
.tion. A county chain gang should:
b: organized and the convicts kept
at home, The writer has never fa
vored the promiscuous arrest of the
vnfortunates who happen to be pass
ing through Folkston, beating his
way on one of the many trains, and
perhaps making an honest effort to
reach some place where he could andi
would make an honest living, but’;
" the vdgrancy law should be vigor
ously applied to those who hang a
round and wont work. Qur sheriff
should keep a close watch for the
gambler, the pistol to‘tgra,, the pet
ty thief and the whisky.seller. But
alus! few of these cases ever reach
the coutt unless brought by the
grand jnry.’ If such matters werp
looked after more closely by she
sheriff ard deputies there would |be
less for the grand jury to do, anid
the county court would be one of
~the greatest blessings the con oty Eas
“ever had in- ffie!gri;], * en!fi -M g
. crime, an buildindg up its highways,
Now, lets get to work and start the
wheels of civilization to roliing:
A Tax Payer.
- To-day we present to our readers
“the pleasing announcement of Hon.
E. Lawion Walker, of Pierce Coun
ty-long and well known to the peo
yle of Appling County. for Solicitor
‘General of the ‘Brunswick Judicial
Cirenit, S ‘
The mere fact that Lawton Walk
er- has represented Pierce three
terms as representative in the legis~
lature and three terms as state sen
ator from the third district does not
necessarily entitle him to_ the posi
tion to which he aspires, but the
more logicai reason why his ambi
tion shculd be satisfied is his pecul }
iar fitness for the office. His abili—'{‘
'ty as a lawyer and his course in life
ag regards his moral duty are un-‘
questioned by those of us who know
him best,
As a mixer Col. Walker has but
few cquals, His natural turn for
making friends among all classesl
has had the desired efféct in this
bailiwick and his friends insist that
oid Appling will be fouad in the
Walker column after the battle is
over.—Baxley Banner, ‘
The remains of Mr. J. W, Leigh,;
of Waycross, but formally of Charl
ton County, were brought down
Saturday afternoon and interred in
the Leigh burying ground here, He
died from pneumoriia and had been
sick eleven days. The deceased
was 71 years old, znd besides a wife
is survived by four children; Mrs.
W. R. Wainright, of Folkston, Mz.
O. R: Leigh, of Tampa, Mr. J. L.
Leigh, of Hilliard and Mr. Frank
Leigh, of Amiston, Ala. There was
quite a crowd out to pay their last
tribme to the cld gentleman,
About 12 o’clock last Saturday
night two negroes went to the house
of another, at Uptonville, one call
ing him up, and the other putting a
load of shot from a shot ‘gun in his
shoulder, tearing it up badly, from
which, it is said, he can not recover.
. It seems that the negro that was
shot owed one of the others 7scts.
and the other rocts. It was agreed
that one should call him out and the
other should do the killing, the plan
was carried out to the letter and
without any previous quarrel or any
warning he was shot down. Purties
at Uptonville arrested the pair and
they are in jail here and do not hes
itate in telling all about it.
Folkston should wake up. There
are many things we need, for in
stance we need artesian water, we
need better roads (streets.) The town
council should see to it thai Folk
ston does not class with the town of
No-Good. ’
“Kind friend:, bave you eves
heard of the towa 5f No. Good, on
the banks of the river Slow, where
the Some-time-or-other scents the
air and tbe,;fpft Go-easies grow? It
lies 1 the valley.of What's the-use,
in the pm\f‘»‘,nce of Let-her slide; its
the home 'of the reckless I-don’t
care, where the Give-it ups abides.
The tovn is as old as the human
racey and it grcws with the flight of
years; it is wrapped in the fog of
the idler’s dreams; its streets are
paved with discarded schemes, and
/:ire,sprinkled with useless tears.
Charlton Couny Herald,
!ybfir paper to say a few words in re
gards to Judge Haddock’s death.
I feel that not only the county
but the eurrounding country has lest
one of the best citizens it has ever
possessed. He was a good man,
and in his death we have lost one
of the county’s old land marks, but
it is God who has bereaved us and
we can only look to him for couso
lation. _
' My heartfelt sympathy is with his
family in this time of trouble.
| j = W. E. Suces.
Elsewhere in this issue will be
found the announcement of Hon.
A. ]. Howard for re-election. Mr.
'Howard, whose friends pushed him
’mto the race two years ago, having
had a taste of public life, feels that
he can now serve the. people to bet=
iter advantage than before. He is
well known t 9 the penple of the coun
ty, having been engaged in teaching
school for a pumber of years, is now
p-esident ot the boare of edcucation
and needs no eulogy at our hands.
He is thoroughly interested in the
welfare of this county, is publicly
spirited and honest without a fault,
He favors the extension of the state
road to St. Marys with the working
of the state convicts, We know of
no better man for the place and feel
that the people of Charlton County
will make no mistake in sending
him for another term.
Suffering & Dollars saved.
! E,S. Loper, of Marilla, N. Y.,
says: “lam” a carpenter and have
had many severe cuts healed by
!Bucklens Arnica Salve It has saved
me suffering and doilars, It by far
!the best healing salve I have ever
|found." Heals burns, sores, ulcers,
fever sores, eczema and piles. 25¢
at all druggist
How about that cleaning up ordi
nance? It is one of the best that
will be passcd by the present coun- !
cil and it should be rigidly enforced. |
A general inspection of all premi,g'l
es should be made each month.
| —— : l
l For Solicitor-General.
’ I hereby announce yself a candidate for
Solicitor-General of the Brunswick Judicial
‘Circu’t, subject to the Demucratic Primary.
Lsolicit the support and influence of the vot
ers of the circuit, and if nominated end elect~
;ed to said office, I pledge a faithful dischargel
of the duties thereof without fear, favor or
affectlon. :
Yours obediently,
E. LawroNy WALKER,
1 beg to aunounce my candidacy in the next
Democratic Primary for nomination for the of
fice of Solicitor-General of the Biunswick
Judicial Circuit.
On account of the illness of the present
Solicitor-General, I'have filled this office for
him almost continuously for the past three
years, and therefore am familiar with its.
duties. G :
I solicit youy active support, and promise,
it elected, to discharge the duties of the
office honestly and to the hest of my ability,
A.D. GaLe,
For Sheriff. .
At the solicitation of many friends and
with an ambition to fill the office of Sheriff of
this county. T announce myself a cendidate
subject to the action of the Democratic Pri
mary in the approaching election. If I am
elected I shall feel that T owe it toa just and
deep thinking people, and 1 promise to give]
my whole time and attegtion to the offi~e and 1
the people’s.interest. I will appreciate your
vote. 1
Very respectfully,
W.H. MuzeLy, 1
For Representative. é
' I hereby announce myself a cafididate,%éi‘
re-election to the Legislatnre -of W
from Charlton County, subject to ‘the Dm:,g%
cratic Primary, and, if eleg& pledge “my-!
self the faithful performance of the duti&i.&i
the office, Mdens <t
Thanking the public for the past fnigiq
J carnestly solicit a continuande of the sitne,
bt Ake e o e e iy
' A. J. Howax®,
l Mr. J. J. Hickox, of Bac'hiott,
was in town Saturday, ‘
l Messrs. W. J. Rhoden, J. W. Da
{vidson, P, C. Dowling and §. E.
che were at Winokur Scturday.
There were no bids for the goods
advertised for sale here Satu‘rda)
by Constable Oquinn.
Mr. J. W. Dixon and R. T. Wain
right went to Uptonville last Satur
day on a trading expedition,
Mr. W. E. Wasdin made a trip to
Uptonville Monday, Lige says he
likes to trade too.
The operator says it makes him
somewhat unhappy to think of the
expense and trouble he has put him.
self to in preparing, beautifying and
adorning his little cottage on eest
Buffalo St. and now none of the
fair sex seem to realize his necessity
for a help meet. We hope some of
the young and and fair lassies will
sympatize with him as that melan
choly look is take posses
sion of the face which heretofore
has been ever radiant with smiles.
Mr. J. W. Dixon is cutting quite
a lot of good shingles with his new
shingle laill, '
’ Mr. R. F. Anderson came up
from Ncwell-Monda}' for a short
limes are getting better at Wino
kur. There has been only one case
before the Mayor this week. Mayor
Smith says he has it in for thoss fel
lows who have no regard for lawi
aud good order. and he expects to
stop them or do some good having
them grade the streets of Winokur.
There will probably be two can
didates for Clerk of the Superior
Court of Charlton County from
Winokur, Get busy boys with your
. V' hile walking down the streets in
l?ity once I noticed a gentleman
‘Eqfi;gad of me who in speaking to peo
E;%J)e met, did not always - addres:
them in Eaglish. 1 was surprisec
afthis and I stopped at the firs:
i re 1 came to and asked who he
WHs. -To this T was told that he
F $ a minister in the city. I men
f’&?me;l of him epeaking differcnt‘
lénguages and received the reply
fihe had never entered college
z:&‘ad spent but a few days in
¢dmmon school, but he was the
1% t scholar in the city. I was
#xious to meet the home-made
gßntleman of so much culture, but
Emt long, for an opportunity was
#9on presented, From his conver
;iwn I found that he was reared in
#he country seventeen miles from
town, and being left an orphan at
f early age he was forced to work
;‘;fijflthe farm to support his mother
46d himself. He borrowed books
i the neighborhood and studied
ghem ot night. This home study
Bad brought him the deserved name
;g,'h_:il)g‘the. best scholar in every
fi'}ghbo_rhood in which he had ever
Qd. He had a reading knowledge
@ A@ve languages. : '
{ * Now, 1 meet people who say they
{Bad no opportunity to get an educa
g i “Others sa y the teachers were
%Ud and there are others " stili
" @nfiup numerous excuses. But
in my opinion &ny one can acquire
; ral education at home if he
é«g; EUH Gt oday
| are soiwritten thal ‘one can ‘leiin
the conitents at home ~and thereby
'xefééive a certain amount of ad
vancement, Prof. E C. Branson
says, “You may not be able to go
to college, but you can study the
same books and learn them at home”
“There 1s no royal road to learu
ing’ for any. Ia school or at home,
the rich and ‘poor, the great and
small if they would leara must study
for themselves. The money of the
'rirh, the greatness of forefathers, or
our own standing in a community
will not keep us from studying if we
would leara, We cannot buy, nor
can it be given.
All have the same number of
hours in the year. The difference
in after life to a great extent de
pends upon how we use these hours.
The one who spends two hours .a
day at home n study may not ad.
vance as rapidly as the one who
spends six in school, but it has been
shown by thousands of splendid ex
amples that the home study does
smount to something. In fact his
tory shows less instances of men
who depended entircly on school
for help springing into greatness
than the ones who siudied at3home.
Lincoln, Jeff Davis, George Wast{x’
ington, W. J. Bryan present senator
from Florila, and others have de
pended upon home study in part or
entirely for their advancement, |
“Then since we have so many men
of pluck and push who have gone
on to greater heights mainly by
home study the question should no¢
now be put up, “Can a man learn at
homer” Neither should any one
say he had no opportunity.
Do not understand me to urge
home study in preference to school
or college—no, not at all. They
do a great work and their werk s
far superior to the blind study one
does at home, But boys can visit
neighbors even when they do not
‘know the way, and although hc;/
‘may get lost, and it takes them
longer to go than the ones that are
led, still they can by trying get
there after awhile, Therefore |
should say, “Young man, if you can't
get a whols loaf, take a pa:t; if you
can't go to college or university and
learn it all, you can surely stay at|
home and learn a little.” (
'(' lif you obtain a Fi-earm of doub'- |
@/7 X\ ful qu lily
REPMEENNS Tho expert need Huator's and
& 2V C 3
;i‘ ¢ ?,' Marksman's Ideal
TR 4 Isa reliabla, unerring STEVENS
1A £
{ k e, by shooting our popular
\ »
‘ (/ Ask your local Hardware
Lo &8 or Eporting Goods Mer-
B AR chant for the STRVINK,
iTI Mlf you cannot obtain, we
/’.,/ BXA ship direct, express pre
‘V/,,‘ Y, pald, upon receipt ol Cata.
i log Price.
Send 4 conts In stamps for 140 Page|
Nlustratod Cataloy, including circu
lars of lntest ndditions to our line
Containg poinis on shooting, emmua
nition, tho pronver careaf n firenrm,
ete., ete. Ourattractive e Color|
Lithographed Hanrep mailed any
where for six conts in Rinmps,
P. 0. Box 4007
Chicopee Falls, Mass,, 1", o 2
While Harry Thaw is insisting
that he 1s sane, he probably is satis
fied that the other inmates who talk
that way arc mad as March hares.
LTi L e
o o
Gosby Patent Air-Tight Baker and Heal;r
“f& ke i %!W: AND :
%\§ ‘:‘ ,‘ag% ;A oy (1 &
;§! 178 s w 7 COORS TOO.
"g ‘: . i {:;'" “:'l. .
g 5 SB4 The Most Convenient, Useful g
‘.:" " g A e 3 -——-—-—.——_._4~—- '
P oawessiag ] and Economical Stovs for the |
'+ clome Ever Made, . . ;
M - L e
T ——————————————————— G " m\‘f SRS i o
It warms the coldest and largest room in R “&,«?\h’r&l»‘» e
the house, making it cozy. The busy /AN .\ "
housewife can cook or bake anythinz 1 R e —— 0]
from light rolls to a Thanksgiving or [AI caan '
Christmas turkey, Still it looks just as S i
neat asany heater made. It is nr-tifit f-:—;;: : & L
and a fi_“t fuel saver. Thousands are be- 85 5 ' s
i% Thousands of housekeepers are il b
en iastic. Fine Cast Irom tops and [ B - :
ottoms, making it last for years without : ‘ T
tepairs. Made only b'yj A 7 7 ‘
Box 2745, RICHMOND, VA. : e
eo o S, amammmana T T T SR e OTR
To Continue for 15 Days.
S—— ) P——
Best Calico, 6 1-2 cts. per yd.
Good Yellow Homespun sc, per yd
2octs. Dress Goods, 16cts. per yd,
2octe. - " . AT R-2a '.f
All other Dry Goods at reduc
ed prices, . ; ' :
Clothing and lots of it at
10 per cent discount. :
All kinds of hats at reduce £
ed pricess
We have just received some
New Goods which will go in this
Try usif you are look-
Ing for bargains.
Yours for good service.
:n«'f J& L 5| |
Ry T ,
) 4
5 of
. 3 r’; ol
: y _flm" ’
Lt 1 EEe)
‘,{Vj‘ ‘ ".‘u\,‘ F
4. SRR NG 2
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" s R AT RS P
g g g L IR "'~(-«,'«v¥':,. oo v
S ‘ S aowss R
egr s Lrnate Trmog Stutie Sotary
Sewing Machiac write to -
Orange, Mass.
Many sewing machines ara made to sétl regardloms of
Quality, butthe New }ome is made 1o weae,
Our guaraunty neves rums out \
Seld by autherized dealers enly,
Dealers W anted: