Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, February 27, 1908, Image 1

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20 R A Fy b & a 4 O e e e ‘ sy 2@ aa o UNGER VR SN s e L e S o S e< ] ') 2 ¢ \ok - Oee o R ST ¢ P ¥ 5 SRR cp eek A D) At T R e R e LR > » ¥ T [ Pe O W “Neledy 4 iAt ML TR 00l G g Y o 7 g J o - g R P En L i eR 4 ,s%‘:“‘- Be R s R & § e i : B : - ( PhEr e R ‘\?,’in v R _u,). o ;&;‘,;;; & a;*' iBR S R R NI R S g 4 i " o B o e RS T &l ';‘9 %" “"fi"‘ PRy R . i 1 i STy P ; : l { ki T coRE SR WRES RSRe | E PO g ; i > % r g AN TRY, W ‘,“x"‘“ o ~‘f'\ N W L TR b : A o :;\Z;.u "-2 < N i g T 5 4.”"__ gPR e ,é"fwmmf&%fl _.‘!.{:v.,., ;:“,;;‘“ - vy i e ; ¥ 4 e TN ot T T h R L R RGG TR A, T d i + ? ) s DRRCF o 1S TN R e W e T S eSI f g L i : gl Y * y R WALy U E;f;a-»?,é;s;i-“: O B o 3 T i RN el i : . \ i | Z‘,-g% Forke ANSAES | ORGSR | SRR vl %fi, [TYPRL a 8 e B X U . » ? QR AL N Wl X’* ' § Vgt e RO Y ARG, A Vi RelO TR TR ST ) R N T R R T L S » i S — % N . . iy e sfi&figfi'&s:&; e eAN (ot SR AS S ey VOL. X.--NO. 40. THEKILLINGOF | - DAN CREWS. © Oa l;st Sunday mo;’n'ing whil¢ on “h's way home at -about tep o’- “elock, Dan Crews was shot and kill - eéd bv Joe Petty. Itseems that there had heen a row and generzl fiight ov Saturday ‘evening in which the { rews boys got the oest of it, On ‘Sunday morning-in ‘company with several ladies, Mr. W, A Crews’s “sums afd Ivey Harvey were going to their home at Bfiktér, Fla, when in emerging from Mr. Wesiey Rhoden’s line, they were met by Joe Petty, Nonnie Dickson, Natian ,Rhodefl‘ aud Matltew Rhoden, = Right -here “fepiris are some what conflicting, but it 15 said that Peity commanded the party to half, whereupon he knocked Crews down with his- Win. | '."c;)ester rifle, Crefis fzilling across the dap of one of the yoyng ladies.s He 4hereupon shot pifi,‘it!ie ball taking Efiwt just under the chin and break %flg%ls ncck, ;passed “out the other ?f'sifle an({ struck a smé)l-?oy on fhf; arm. - Petty fired_a‘hothef shot which | took effect in the back of the head. - Sheriff Wainright and Coroner E. C. Kenison were ssmmoned by wire, There being eye ‘witnesses to the killing, an inquest was deemed un hecessary. - Joe Petty, Nonnie Dick son, Nathut and Mathew Rhoden - wre cnder grrest and in jail bere.. - RS L R ’ _v_,_jmim?z;_flmwfinxs IN Bt L GBS NS e s i e R UMEEN gl 7 I*‘; ;‘gfi%‘#“wfi** APN N e Bt e oiy oppnaron Jeeohtly. Jdo. your paper. ‘Evillently the Savannah geftiemy® Mr. \V.'ia:t;ley, does not fully under—! slaud wmatters in the prohibition {?) suate of Maine; and especially in’ Portland, ouve of the most beautiful’ cities in the United States. 1 f”l‘herc 1S not a city or town in New Engiand of size enough to have a newspaper that has not read ofthe! dismal failure of prohibition to pro hibit, in that part of the state, at‘ least, covered hy Portland and ad jacent districts, Never were so many pocket-bars ~ known. The *‘clubs’ inaer workings, upon inves tigation, revealed back -ailey sub stations, cellar dives, ingeniously contrivedsecret hiding places, kitch en barrooms, etc The ludicrous incident of railroad ing out of the state by locking in a car officers who were in search of li ‘ quors is well remembered. To day as you stand on the- busiest. corner waiting for a car, a baris open in a hotel and beer is served openly in soime of the largest dining rooms. Prohibition is & most dismal failure there. As to the increase in inhabitants: Several years ago Portland annexed ":4 large suburbun town known as Deering. thercby adding several thousand to its census population. I am a tourist; tarrying for a night or 1 would be glad to meet ““Maine iac.” Let me say to the praise of Savanuah while I have been 1n the city a few days [ have seen little or no exhipbition of drunkenness upon your streets, which I cannot say of my fair city of Portland, where Ili quor drinking is in evibence day and pnight. Yours truly, _ Maine Tourist, Savannah, Feb. 24. : Mr. T. W, Vickery’s announce ment appears this week, This is the first time Mr. Vickery has asked any favors of the people of Charl ton county and he should receive the heaity support of the people at the primary, Heis eminently quali fied to fill the office, having worked with the collector at various times. He s strictly honest, sober and pains-taking, and we believe he would take a nride in doing his very best. i The indications are that there will be strong apposition to the the bor ing of an artesian weil in Folkston this year and*we greatly fear that the fate of last year wi'l still hang over us. Experiments are now De inz made for deeper'water, Mr. W. L. Ocain has driven seventy feet of piping but he meets with first one obstacle and another. Dr. 0 Wright has spent several dollars in an-effort to get pelow the surface water, but with .fimwr success, - We continually heat some one say, “Oh, I am going to have my pump put down sevenly five or one hundred feet,”” which, they'say will do sway with the necessity for. an artesian well, claiming that it will make taxes too high toput in an ar tesian well and pipe the, town. ' Now, lets reason ,a little. * We all want better water we all admit that it isneeded.. The past year’s ex perience provest that. Those who are opposing artesiar water on ac count of high taxes arc the very ones who are’ figuring on better water for themselves, and, judging by Dr. Wright’s and Mr. Qctain’s experience they can safely’ figure on an expenditure fa: greater than ‘the boring of an artesian ‘well would cost in increased taxes for a - ber of yoars,’and then his neighbor| weuld still be using surface water. ’E'f:ff?fmunev thz‘zt xsi bcmg \fi'gt’:red_ On oW to put pitcher pumps to a Edept&?fiéfficieht tq,getygu@(\ '»Wat‘-jj kWag-édflnwgt_ratgdfivit; voulc be suf y:eg_igt‘fidr;an artesian it that would fa pislg'ev,g&réggidgu Q) \3“61}:53:011 With wholesome water, 4 if, for - siaage, the deepening of the pumps for a time how long will. | t remain good? Past ‘experience /with the the galvanized pipe shows that it is good for only a few yehrs at best, after which it begins to rust and il water with iron which makes it unfit for use, these being too wuch iron for the system, and every house-wife will tell you that it is not fit to do the family washing in. Then is "it surprising that the hehlth of Folks ton 1s not as good as it should bs? HON. E. L. wALKER FOR SOLICITOR. Elsewhere in this issue of the Jourral appears the announcement of Hon.: E. Lawton Walker as a candidate for Solicilor’ General of the Brunswick Circuit. Lawton lWalker is not only well known 1n South Georgia, but throughout the state, having served three terms as representative in the legislature for Pierce County and also three terms as state senator, Mr. Walker was born at Patterson, Pierce County, taught school when a young man, and was admitted to the bar in 1892 and has since practiced law at Black shear. He is considered one of the best lawyers in South Georgia. Not only has he a wide knowledge of the law, but is also a fluent speaker and a tireless worker, all of which make him well equipped for the office 1o which he aspires to fili. Our ac quaintance with Mr. Walker, to gether with the unanimous endorse ment and uastinted praise he re ceives from a}l who know him, would make us feel that he is the right man to—, and will succeed Hon. John W. Bennet as solicitor for this dis trict. Hon. E. Lawton Walker is the son of Mr. D. J. Walker, of Pierce county, and' a brother of Hoa. Randall Walker, of Valdosta. His law partner js Col. A. B. Estes, of Blackshear.—Waycross Journal. “Prohibition took a great many peogle’s breath away,” says the At lanta Georgian. A neat epigramatic. obituary to the memory of departed spitits, . 1 TL O ey e i i 34 y » TR e ety e et Mt R ~ AT W S Vel I"3* ¥ ) b ] o B -e’k’“ww, LN YT Rif BEEAR S T TSt SR LeiAeL,S TSTe S e ) Ry 1 PTG Y. JLEXVY & L :,,‘,‘!{,, ,'§ ol B ¥ By A S ey Pe Xy Ril FE e e Li T L sSI “.‘Nf" iy AT ;?- AT ,; A S e¢ R Rl G ,;‘fi_@ - CANDIDATES . -8 | “ . COLUMN. » & | . For Solmitor-‘(}enerafi}‘ e i T hereby announce nyself a candidate sh; Solicitor-General of the Brunswick ]l\lfirglfl Cireu’t, subject to the Dembcmlic. Primarf.v;l: I solicit the support and \infl‘\&nce of tw,}wt-“ ers of the cireuit, and if nominated end elect ed to said office, I pledge a faithful diséhnfgef of the duties thereof without fear, favor or affectlon. A e J‘ Yours ‘6hqd‘i‘eri(ly,,‘ & | > : E. Lawron WaLkek, J 1 beg'to announce my cnyda&%n thepc&] Democratic Primary for.nominatjq}};ior tlhe‘fig fice of Solicitor-Geuneral of the Brunswick: Judicial Cireanit. Bh 453 N On ageount of the illness of the present Salicitor-General, 1 have fillsd this wfice Hor him almost continwously for the” “past Hvee years, and therefore am familiar witfififw duties. o T i LB I sdlicit your active suppert,. ath;pr i 1 L if elected, * to- discharge the duties of e office honestly and to the hest of mi‘afilfil §e ; e GA&\}* o2t Nor, Sheriff |¢ot E B "At the solicitation of many friends :fl\fi with an ambition to fill the office of Sheriff & this cannty.> I announce myself a cendida subject to theaction of the Demogratic - P mary in the approaching eleétion. I Ifim elected 1 sha?} feel that 1 owe u,gn }“{ deep thinking people, and 1 pror ise qiégig ‘my whole time and attention to the rxfimt the people’s interest. 1 will appiie-tate. Yout vote, GP e W‘%«% W evy wfim’:fi W eek e Representaive, = To 1115 Vorsaor CHARL tox CounTi | 1 berchy gnnounee inyself & cqadigaig Te-electidit to. the Legislature of Geoei cratic Primary, and, if elected [ plerge. sy el s et 0 Y 8 obedient secvant, RS T ek | ‘ Po. Ordinury. o sty prrxnns AND eLiow CITIZENS; ’ I hereby announce my ‘candidacy for the office of Ordinary, sabject. to/ the coming t democratic primary, and T earnestly solicit i your kind consideration and support. 1k | honored by election 'to this office I ¢hall l thank you all for it. My every wish and de sire will be to have the approval of m}; own | conscience in having done my best and proven | myself worthy of the trust reposed in me. | Respectfully submitted, | J.J. SToKES. For Clerk, Superior Gourt. TO MY PRIENDS AND THE VOTING PUBLICS | I respectively announce myself a candidate for re.election to the office of Clerk Superis Court of Chariton county, subject to the Democratic Primary, and earnestly solicit the influence and active support of my friends ana the general public; pledging myself Fo attend strictly to the duties encumbered upon me, should I be elected, and to pcl-form thjm to the best of my ability. ! . With deep gratitude for all past favors, I am, respectfully, | Jesse W. VicKery, For Tax Recerver. : To YHE VoTERS oF CHARLTON CouNTY; | Believing that Tam thoroughly comptent to fill the office and as Mr. Jo¢c. Allen says he is not geing to run this year 1 hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the of office of Receiver of Tax/Returis at the coming elec tion, éubject to the f)emo_:ratic primary afld, if elccted I guarantee to serve the people justly and conscientiously to the best of ‘my ability. - ; ' T. W. VICKERY, : REAL ESTATE!? : Buyalotin Lake Side Park, * : JACKSONVILLE, FLA. . % 2 A MUST DESIRABLE PROPERTY g 2 BEING DEVELOPED BY THE Rive : = £RSIDE REALTY ComPpANy., 5 : NoTE 115 EXTENSIVE Wa- 2 g TER FRONT. 118 BrautirvL £ : BoULEVARD, ITSS Wipne : : BTREETS AND 115 AMPLE 5 : PARK ALLOTMENTS. 5 : ALSO FOR SALE, TWO £ = RESIDENCES IN FOLKS- : 2 TON, GEORGIA. : =™ B L WAINWRIGHT, s - A AT IARIRY o o ERCATIONAL : - ok %*&»Qf W %@fi}x 3“ b | hX S R R e BN BB IR RPN Rk e LY DV NI T, Bohel T N e T ses B e e TRE ne g bt JOGT Sy o R e f,&;;‘*é?fi. g UTED BY !T. BRINKTEY l ;Aa.:,‘,a_‘; . fv‘g “” '1 ) ;‘.j v~ \ L ;“%,» LR R figwu 1 o Baase e o 7‘,‘,;5:;',',;,—*,,‘{%;/ @ HOME STUDY s . SRS T N i T e QB ands of . thet cloek nfoge. Uk it & e Y R LOW IV | v B 3 vl ] R =iy e TR o e tine ; there “ate sixpy Sl s st oTR T A s Tan hour; tke;:?,mb‘ S . Are a 1 g ok LVR R S 0 | Ahkt&wen.ty-fow o ,‘.\.;“ »S'BX ¥ A o N ’ovfz‘,: ‘fi’fi\k . '.“”fiw’ &‘} 4 to make g single short Gay ?_--) oA !‘k{,\\ i Ly Y 1 R T'i T inutes are ipd®eyd very, short, il !,-;jgt*%;,, BRI g byl they dre “9'11‘% g Gays] ST e R e i -." 5; ;’D':. oT :‘ = &,’; (Y o o iS4O holndhstudyda diyd 0o M D RER TR g? & o !‘bfi- v 7&1. L hen, all® 18 PRI L gD R SO R QUEBE or al noom'« I bone ayi BN o g 27 AL wig ot Qfllmt;m‘g I, nprim ten C¥e” il cacac L ETREEE e B Lol ow, BBout it % 3e ’~ b’ study? 3UM e equai ta sevy 3 il RT Lo PTR e ey days in schook JPessilily mobed i, thai for i§§ Jual thege imay? S G, o bM b e AR o Yo e o AeTR TR el DERs oly ‘ething %0, tigke: { fl*g&u froany | iy (g red ADOTL fit{ & tithe. » SENORI e _-&‘}“ preat Pl Q“"; ‘kl Lt e e ,5..__ oR RO R BBt hgy it and mvanly o 8 Sarids. | b 3 fathen.canit el t ’"* "@:z fad| S R L TR RN L N, e W WY 0 D A tidhes Vet NG At nitist Haygsgrown sometifme; Beiy el it Gk d %’l‘*#} S i VAN o 4y @é el advancement. is this R AT R BLRO%a AV T %‘*’%‘?x W ‘;& gk Tg SR g,’ .; V”‘”“if“w’ I 3 bRt oik «;“1&5;5—", #3e & ’ ’;Q”u'" v »,'s;l* T ~:,,,, s g fiz— “““ ‘_;‘f 2 TUAE ‘\‘-“f‘;; “i’i ":k: ¥ (11 B sy R A % LR Tr (R e T # LR NoERR T L 2 4,:"1 e ' ‘~_<’-. 3‘ ety 3 e LA should T'deétain you loag. % Smam endeavor to present to you for cons: - - . - ¥ sideration somefacts that have al ready been delayed too long,” - 1 I need not teli the name of « this distingnighed gentleman, bt befure he died he brought tears 1o the eyes: of his great and grand aundicnces, which had become people iustead of corn, He also said maxims that now may be called to memory; he whose first andience was cornstalks now has had the whole world. Webster’s first speech was made at home with h's father tor an au dience. Of his education in youth here are his words; you may com i S mit them: ‘“My opportunities in ‘youth for acquniring an education were limited, butl had the good fortune of being well supplied with useful and attractive books and these gave me my success iu life.” A very distinguished man said, ““Tell me the books a boy reads in the home and I will tell you of his character..” Suppose the boy had not read any books what could he say? The great men took care in lay ing the steps in ihe ladders by which they reached glory and fame. Shall I tell you the name of these steps? “Moments” snatched here and there as they found them and’ they were always looking. The question now is: will the young reader do likewise or will he wait? To wait is to put off a duty duve yourself, : | RESOLUTIONS. ~ As the all wise God, supreme ru ler of the universe, has seen fit to take from ug our dear fellow-leaguery Sunday Senool scholar and friend, Yera Wright, be it therefore resol ved: _ First. That we, the officers and teacher of the Folkston Methodist Sunday School, extend our sympa thy to the bereaved family and many friends. : Becond, That we feel that no one can fill her place as a true Ep worth Leaguer. _ Third. That a copy of these re- sn&q’w’ icih best:fil& r“{gg%-‘;%gfi” hist “i‘fi‘?%g?"%"’&?w%f | P b of un Srimischiol ilVt Ly b 8 e i Sent g 0 Weyim Christiin - Apvelyiey and algo the HyrafdFor publictuon, £ el e feoungan, daizhicr nfifD’,r.:‘va}d;;,‘ rsece] #C' : Wi:,'iwt, ol Yolkstpa idhe \\’f?.%)uth M r‘csfig e O E VGI A ol =,x&}_m)-'an.q ajed Javi 23 ng"*“?bz-:‘- e Wefortihe Toss in our livi ,Q;& Wertarh frelosh i Qiir vivifls ub wawknenw thilt stw'is restivr gife ing hdiaring of Jesws; Shcis amam berof thé M. B, Chosthy having iyen ler b G Chrisk: oyersfotl Fears Mg, SUC pag faithll 1b ek “S*sf_fwa;é&fa{?*k.ciw’af flMrkj er a Q\d.?u was, will ;x’%’?fiv his p& wi gre’ o‘% Sl T £y ‘. :’,.:;’3;.‘} v"'-."‘k”f"‘:v:! e f‘shfiomu!‘dw gt LY "o:" AR W) o e Xt %, Shidhe as'oiie i%hfi :\,tflj{nxfli fiedd, tht ke of | Snikes. Seaph. B dhe i whiet Vg ek voily, Waht ’s &h y. ¥ " ?'j“‘"'t'fi? -,,)“‘ @ e iige lgions Wen, Vi (Y. s st yohr g@é ¥hs, &ndg.gldfifgfl Bk AT R LA S Ri T b e §‘r Tgther Whigh Uis' dg Headdh.”, Fera 'yl By, beify 4 | A WRIR SR B MTI Sl TR Sl e S true b ey Riglligporiate sl o dedetaafftost wigh <o Kot Wer, Mflfgcm*wwmfl*m religiots Work, {{fi@r g*ysapng onpa the Hoble -actd of Aintdneds? that foHloweddimtrey padh.” 45 ;22 ;;-’S'ffi@mm ofth fira Hgent fo7; WE Th : S B oyt deagus [0 more, than’ o ayvear, andiwpsenely el rcreatisl. this worlioh FRtRRS . g T Letautif ol s pepbiher that sgon wéalie elleddby Pikipe Sav- A e agmfif Fera ffi?’f’*fif&%"@? Serkine {iiiegtlpcsie .By ve: INFRNEE lato ThE At andheagain and K -‘ Yerwith, set aiid avoind the. feeyofdeing, * . wes ol KT &mnm'?“ T Wainuright, Stelli Pickoen, Lefld Robrszik ! WP R e % P T‘j«’fit - ERERL Ny | 2T Wil hes’m%w Mépe ot sos ‘@ftw qays, Al who wish den ot o e b ety aads e % w%fii R o I I e e u"‘““ C,g e 7, e s i 50C e BOOTRA e e o Dr, Danily Dentist.™ To Continue for 15 Days. Best Calico, 6 I=2 cts. per yd. Good Yellow Homespun sc¢, per yd 2octs. Dress Goods, 15cts. per yd 25CtS- 35 !!‘ 17 l_zc e L .All other Dry Goods at reduc=- ed pricese j 7 Clothing and Ilots of it at 10 per cent discount. All kinds of hats at reduc ed pricess bA4 We have just received some ' New Goods which will go in this , salee \ WWISTINCGT PR T :/ g Try usif you are look= ing for bargains. Yours for good service. MIZELL & PAXTON e rw—ww——'vw“g‘"” 3 o g ptG Ll % i l, |g4 A%, 4 €, o vy - » . gl st P e R iWI AR oS A m 3 fi'@ ok dk ’fi B@&‘ 3% S I ST ST “% LR R fl“fi@wfi”&? R ol Mrs 1 Sidfese M. Sickeetip” e W TR LS TR SR L R o 0 well krdwp indChr &Q copmt:r: et -, sTN N P 5@% S Susd Foyeniey am sk nguing yorve i ety .HE PTR Sl e “‘_“' L B S o ‘«& .::’.‘ et phiced,of trpsidor I fidmbers o yaig., Hrie s Beci o 01*9&%’29@ : W . Hag? oy 250 :‘!-'.v“.@* ‘-‘ ;".:? e "“" Sipht or ton chrseetiiveyinty. | gy L 3 2 T R R s T wils g itfecely &, ;p}'evw’sw ‘to 7 fh%e it b Eolestohics TG i pe-slani et BN sfate Tiagislasire. fide frof Pir.* Stolews' ififlrmities hé.is ony of the | b T bTRN A e oßt conscieptibus mengin Hhifs L SR 411‘ Bl i " ‘,t i thi ¢ f}?v“;_%.;fi»"i; 'u“pfn o’f‘,‘z\‘x‘c‘\cu‘ufiq v, dnd, fzom lumé‘w LY e et W TTG R R M e F:) i(‘ )\ as, beefl:"m‘fi?w? tfld . u’hy‘z Qindtreher GERTighiles ptediel, i e iey A w SRV R :io _(»l:l;s>§l_!.lc’>n .fgp'. f;’;‘t;:r:"‘:gf; v-h‘..,:.: PR LR AR B e eSt ‘;‘:w ; THEWBRLDS GREATEST SEWIRG MACHINE » She AL S ek o iEallie. Ll [ 0 LIGHT RUNNING % ¢ W Baw SRy L wlen fi.« 088 o » %i é! , x4' " R Y R L R B s ;’fiu ¥ AR é fiv{i}!\-.:,fi1.. »%( «*;*;, Yo 477 TN ¥ i & o R X . R %St ) ! 'v‘;“:‘ul‘ P »\».;‘.l;‘. * BN e \ ','!l7)’l['{ Mg . S . r) ‘:32.-;3%‘? ./ 38 SORST o 8 R e AR il L o' - BRI AN A f!l] TR »..5‘,” R N ‘f',.;y“.‘.;;3:;3‘_};;l;‘&:(‘,‘7-‘_{,%3 Fae : T R e R e ;‘j. T T TS R ¢ O o 't'm,fl/ “Lm"lg;"fft “E *Aryon wfin\qi?hbr.n. 7 hragt ) g‘fimn&.g sk Bhuttle er o Mingls ;l‘?u‘\‘a:\l‘ ey ; ’ ¥ H&*wiu;;;hi:;.tniu:cwrita@‘% ik 88 yrdbw gewiie FAEHINE COMPANY s Lot Oragee, Masgsae KT Mol %g&%afim“ Benl epardliaet gbg oM€ Shagol ima 660 wear,, T 40 Ti ot oend B, Bl o&30 VB UL L PRI ]& " { ) "‘f;fi?" 1""" s ; "‘” TR 3 : Dedlers Wanted'