Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, February 27, 1908, Image 8
e X mxxxvrvxE ELOC&I Personals} RN A ENN G 2 If yon expect to keep posted ag toy the candidates, you had better sud! sctibe for the Herald now, If ym‘,ri subscription has or is about to ex pire, renew at once as the National Government wont allow us to carry unpaid subscription accounts. ‘The price of political announce ments for this year will be the samc a 8 before, $5.00 payable in advance. As there are three vacancies to be filled on the board of county com missioners, we will make the price| of commissionets announcement bi s ; Mr, E. H. Wasdin was in town Monday. | " Miss Alice Welker went to Jack: sonville Monday. Mr. M. C. Chésser and son were here Tuesday. Mr, Wiley Chesser left Monday for Jacksonville, E, L. and Adophus Wainwright went to Jacksonville yesterday. ~ Mr. J. B. Jones of Traders Hill was transacting business here Mon day. Mts. G. E. Jonesis visiting her daughter, Mrs, Casey, near Kings land, Miss Goldie Wilkie left Monday after two weeks visit here for her home in Jacksonville, Mrs. G. H. Stokes of illard came up Monday and is visiting among relatives here, If you meet Houston Hathaway with a broad smile you nced’nt be suprised, its another boy. Mr. I.F M. Lanier and ,son, of Silco, spent a few hours here "Tues. day morning. Tney left on the ]J. S. L. train in the afternoon. Mr. J. J. Crews and Dbrother, of Taylor, Fla., are here arranging to push the proseeution of the slayer of their brother last Sunday. ~ Mr. B, F. Scott was called to Say annah lnst'fiaturday morning on ac count of the illness of his mother, He returned Sunday night. Mr. Frank Mizell, of Kings Ferry, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mizell, taking Miss Edna home in the afternoon. The Oyster Supper given last Sat. urday night for the benefit of the Baptist Church was quite a success amounting to more than S2O. profit, Mr. W, H. Stokes of the extreme end of the bend was « guest of Folkston Monday and called at the Herald office to renew ns subcript ion, Mr. 1 B Mallaxd C. 8. C. accempained by Mrs. Mallard visit ed on an inspection tour the Schools of the bend the first of the week, Mr. G, W. Haddock Jr. has re signed his positioa as bookkeeper with the Union Furniture Co., of Jacksonville, and is now at home looking after his father’s estate. At last prospects seem a little brighter for the building of the fam ous Hebbard saw mill here, at least there is another prospecting party in the swamp. Mr. Dan Hebbard, Mr. Oakley and another gentleman came down last Saturday and are new in the Okeefinokee with a crowd ot lumber experts, Mr. J. L. Anderson retues from the mercantile business, lLast week Mr. Anderson decided to quit the business and . began clearing out his stock. He will wind up as soon as possible, shipping some of the goods back, while he sent some to his father at Uptonville and will lemp the remainder to the merchants here, The announcement of Mr. Jesse W. Vickery fur re election appears this week. The public is familiar with Mr. Vickery, he having served two terms, and haviug proven him self not only capable but exceeding ly accommodating. Under his Systematic management the office presents a neat and attractive ap pearance. Mr. Vickery is not only entitled to the support of the public, but will In our opinion get the enomination dy a good majority, in fact it is not nOw known that he will have oppo having been elected the last .Ithout any opponcat, v P, “~<\ “\ - REDUCED PRICES. $2.00 Razors for $1,40, $2.25 " " 580 S3BOO L B2ds $1.50 Men’s Hats for $.99 s2.Bp e oel o S3BO " ' tor $2.50 sio.oo ' Suits for $6.75 $11.50 Wl Gton SEIS $4.50 Patent L.eather Shoes, $3.40 My Store for these Bargains. Every razor guaranteed. Call to see me. Yours with lowest prices in town, E. L. Wainwright. AL IRLY CLOTHING COMPANY INCORPORATED, ‘ . MANUFACTURERS. . | ~_gme SPECIAL. BRANDS =g - ““|MPERIAL" GLEATHER ’rBREECHES” o VPR NOS. 816-818-520 Wit M‘A'I,N STREET LOUISVILLE, KY. FOR SALE BY B. F.SCOTI, FOLKSTON, . A. SAVE YOUR EARNINGS. The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and .dissipa tion' It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to *‘turn over a new leaf.” 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER, F. D. MILLS, President. Cashier. KeepingnOpen House, Everybedy,is welcome when we feel good; and we feel that way only when our digestive organs are work ing properly, Dr. King's New life Pills regulate the action as stomach, liver and bowels so perfectly one can't help feeling good when he uses thes pills. 25¢ at all’ drug stores. CorRECTION OF PRESS REVIEW 20, ¢« GREATEST LLUMBER Cut.” Through errer, the total lumber cut of 1907, in Press Review 29, eGreatest Lumber Cut,” which was mailed to you, was given as 37,550, 736 board feet. It should have been 37,550,736,000 board: teet, AL gy Tl Ll T T S Tl Tl W Al a 0 IHE BUPLIC, PR DALLAS WILLIAMS ~ wishes to announce to the people of this section that he hag opened an office in the Paxten building to practice MreuiciNg, SURCERY and Og ! STETRICS. i CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY | DAY OR NIGHT. Neighbovhood Favorite. i Mrs. E. ID. Charle, of Harbor, : Maine, speaking of Electric !‘-iltcrs.}‘ says: ‘lt is a neighnorhood favorite! here with ns.” It deserves to be a favorite everywhere. (It gives qui('k% relief in dyspepsia, liver compiaint,! kidnéy derangement, malnntrition, | nervousness, weakuess and general| debility. tts action on the blood. as a through purifier makes it especially useful as a spring medicine. This grand alterative tonic is sold under "gflarantce at ajl drug stores. soc. i)x-‘.um;x.‘\, CHARLTONICOUNTY. A By virtue of an :mler' L('if the court of Ordinary of said county, will i:he sold at public outery on the first 'l'u."s:';ayl P 4 3 i : L in March 1908 at the Coarthouse in said jcounty, l)x:t\'.'m;n the usual hours of sale thel I following real estate situate in Charlton coun- | ‘k ty, to-wit: One hundred and sixty-three acres | lof lot number 6o in the second district known ! a 5 the Jesse Crews place.” Terms cash, This 7th day of Jabuary 1908. Moses Crews, Administrator of Jesse Crews. l GORGIA, CHARLTON COUNTY. To whom it may conzern: Eddie Edwards having made npplica'ion‘ to me in due form to be appointed permanent ‘administrator upon the estate of Steve Max |well Jate, of said county, notice is hereby ‘given that said apphication will be heard at I ‘the regular terint of the court of Ordinary for | said county to be held on the first Manday in | March, 1908. Witness my hand and official | siguature. | This the 3rd'day of February, 1908. ] N R et e | STATEOF GEORGIA, 45 CQUNTY Or CHARLTON. 'l KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PKE 'L SENTS that the firm of ] J. Green& Com fi }pan);. co-partnership composed of Jessee J. b | Green and Wm. M. Toomer, is now dissolved. | All liabilities of the firm except ninety-nine % 3 -599._0\)) f‘'fs.;fl,‘.‘?.“" AL Foomer and 'qne o} 4_,?fr;,ff@""'é‘fe,r:am‘%fl?fi‘éigiiai?Yg ulgxgadx}e " fi. Wiliams, are assumed by’ Jessee J. t Green and W. 1. Toower -in said eq-partner b | ship. ; ’ : y | Withess our hands and seals in daplleate. i ‘This 318 t day of January, 1908. E - J. 1. Gaeen, (LS . : W, M. Toomer, - (L. S.) gy ‘.“}"::5:1 ;’, 60 YEARS' SRR cXPERIENCE R S N ;i o W ey : A N Ve ogl AR s {ff« Ny R Y R £ P .- 4 ) a Ry o /i By 05 A s .'vfi‘i A s b 3 i 1 B . R R X! e .‘;‘;q‘, L b q A By A © ¥ R A }"‘ AN - San R At Pl IR £SR A PSSR S S o ERORE e ,r»“ IR Trace Marks @i A DesiGNs FYVYY COPYRIGHTS &€, Anvone sending a sketech and dcscrlgnml may quickly ascertain our opinton free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly contidential. HANDBOOX on Patents sent free, Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the - -~ Scientific American, A handsomely lilustrated weekly. Jargest cir culation of any %cien:mn journal. Terms, §3 a year; four months, §l. Sold by all newadealers, MUNN & Co,zeloraumay. New York Branch Ofiice, 626 ¥ Bt., Washington, D. C. The Jumpnig off Place. ’ ‘ “Consumption had me in us] grasp; and I had almost reached thc‘l jumping off place when I'was advised “ to try Dr, King’s New Discovery;% and [ want to say right now,itsnvedi my life, Improvement began with the first bottie, and after taking OI]CJ‘ dozen bottles I was a well and ha pp_\'! man again, 'says George Moore, ot‘ Grimesland, N. C. As a remedy for coughs and colds and healer ofi weak, sore lungs and for prcvcntinglj pneumonia New Discovery issu preme. 50¢ and sl.oo at all drug-i gist. Trial botfle free. ‘ , el s CHURCH DIRECTORY. | AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH. | ‘ Preaching and Conference on the fourth Sawurday at 11 o’clock A, M. and on Sunday at 11 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M, l Prayer Meeting every Tuesday at 7 P M. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:30 A. M. G. W. Haddock, Supt. Waoman's Missionary Society, ev ery Wednesgday at 3 P, M., Miss Mattic Denmark, Pres, Everybody is invited to attend ieach service. THE SOUTH'S GREATEST Mail Order House | l‘ d;l i vl iq\h.» / E Is now ready o fiil orders | for Men’s Women’s and | Children’s REAJY-TO | WEAR CLOTHINGC, HA'LS, : AND FURNIS [INUS. Stocks larger an! more complete than | ever before. EBES’]‘ QUALITY, MODERAtE 2RICE . OUR NEW’ FALL AND WIiN . TER CATALOG SENTO!N REQUEST - B. H. LEVY, BRO. & CO SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. i = - e : sl () 2 d T & £ g : " o a Headguarters for Farm Feonces. 23 A TD Y O R TR My AR RRNTy 0 A 4 T%n Hel i o il P QAR R R N X RAT haN) N i i RAE B o o S 5 E W B U IREE B deh Ue e i} 'flgfif:% ’u\‘:?::.-..r_-;?===‘. "’.‘.fii?’».‘fl:ffilv)flrkx‘:?v‘czh’. '«:'a:;\;-.wn R RTINS S 5 A e © i :'l"— P g 1 E (o i I ke " Qlf ,C',’Nm?"'h”‘",fvm”;n“»‘fam'&um-"'i"'“;" A,Yh—v»‘:\’nw:xn—.rnngw.fl—c -,:u.-v, m'}'w..-; ‘%‘ M }rg oo dadl o e e g R R by R feradn S e Bty eet -u-w-E.\-..:.u i eskS SSR By booagdl L b FOl ol bl ok ke § “'lg'i?z'f;'t 4 nu—fi-fl -.m.ef,m—‘.‘m-;m-‘.‘rm};an.';»:;~..‘-,=-.r.v BN Rty v it W .}v’\_ “ N 3 48l f 3 ¢ ¢ ¢ 3 B 3 i "?'5“-"l3' %xflms:v-;'fiv\--!l*»‘v-.-l'\-s:u;‘-vl;1»1\-’7&&:.;;’0-—.;19:' \'&ib‘.r.:,m.(—-v,msvm e ’-um--:r-m_ ":‘3" = s‘4‘}:-4;«; R e e eeo i’( Laspas iR laE s ¥ e {.‘}ffi-rmp%m‘,x“\},,..g.,.m:.,.,,.'..«..’.‘_L‘-.‘...i\«.-,.» i eiy e e e *,‘A P ;;,,‘:\‘,.:—;,f,-.r,;v=-u.g s b es e s e v L s Re, | eSS R }:;:\.:;‘-;,.,4..}..‘“,.; i sty f,‘w_.;k_._,__.x,u_._.,:,x_,,q‘y_.,__w LSRRG ORI SRR T 3 & lit"'-;‘.‘ ;_.' "~ crapdoet S e Baiti e, Sor st Vi sel si i A i bk net b ~’-:§p~a SRRt S ol e el o~ e e bR R B RB R AR is T T R s fied @3% e Fy oar B AARNT L haE i el CoNERANG BAU MIIOEYD o \ 5 4 Jr : ; 1 MaGa. gs Jarpo, strong,-high-grade sieel wirsss heavily. galva @ hized. dlagaply providesetor expansion and contraction, .Is 4 praciidßly everlastisg "leyer goeg wrany, no maltér how greai % 3 strainis dut o it. | Deesmct mutilate nor injurestock.s - et % . Av AP o ".fi_-(_ = 2 A N mry 'ty S S PN mg 3 - pos ioiile Maroo Momea n».«‘-é me % Turns Catile, Borses; Hags and Migs ’:r' ) e : - ; : fi CVERY ROD GUARANTEED by us and cuaranteed bysthe . swgnufacturers, Call and see it. We can show you how it avill ¥ save you money and fence vour fields so they will stay fenced. : . For Sale by Mizzll & Paxton. 7 ey ™ll LA JONES BUGGY COMPANY, WAYCROSS, GA. $5,000 Stock Buzgies, Spring Wagons and Surreys. $3,000 Stock Tur pantine Crossties and Farm Wagons. $2.500 Stock Farm Implements, Stalk cut ters, Disc Harrows, cultivators, cotton and Corn Planters, Ferti lizer Distributors, One and Two Horse plows. $2,000 Stock Har nass, Team Harness, Single and double Buggy Harness, Plow Harness. SSOO Steck lap robes Whips, Horse Covers, Saddle Blankets, etc. We seil American Wire Fencing. We need the money and are making prices to get it. J. A. JONES BUGAGY CO., WAYCROSS, GA. 5 head of horses for sale.