Newspaper Page Text
VOL. X.--NO. 44.
Georgia, Charlton county;
- Will be sald before the court house door on
the RS TueSday'in \pril 1908 in said conn
1y within the legal hours of sale to the high
est bidder for cash, the following property
to-wit; Lot of land No. twenty-three (23) in
block 128 in the town of St. George, Ga.,
lsvied on as the property of Ray .‘dams, also
at the same time and place, lot No. nine (9)
in block oI ia the town of St. George, “ia.,
levied on as the property of P. P. Adams;
alsu at the same time and place,!
lot No, tne:(1) io Block 3 in
St. George, Gd., levied on as the
property of William & Bertha Alderman; al l
S 0 at the same time and place, lot No. eleve
(11) in block 24 in St. George, Ga., leviea
on as the property of R. J. Abram; also at
the same time and place, lot No, six (6) in
block 53, lot No. ten (10) in block 220 and
loi four (4) in block 142 in St. George, Ga.,
levied on ‘as the property of
H. H. Albers; also at the same
time and place, lot No. eight (8) in
block 25% and lot No. eight (8) in
block 171 in St. George, Ga , levied
on as the property of A, J. Bourger;
aisu at the same time and place, lot
No. eight (8) in block 209 in St.
George, (ya., levied on as the prop
erty of Arther Brubaker; also at the
same and place, lots No. seven (7)
in block 179, lot No. two (2) 1n
block 18, lot No. three (3) in block
171 and lot No. twenty-one (21) in
block 114 ia St. George, Ga.. levied
on as the property of John H. Bragg;
also at the same time and place, lot
* No. twenty-one (21) in block 126,
lot No. three (3) in blook 192 in St.
George, Ga. ; also a five acre tract
known as No. 78 in futst district of
sald county, ievied, on as the prop
erty ot J.'W. Bask; also at the same
twe and place, lot No eleven (rr)
1o block 64 and Jot No. three (3) in
block 37 in St. Geurge, Ga. levied
on as the property of Mrse W, F.
Briit; also at the sawe time and
piace, dot Ne ‘onc (1) in block '35
and iot No. seven (7) in block 64
in Bt. George, Ga.; also.a five acre
tract No. 12 1n first district of said
caunty, levied on as the property of
‘Thos. Bluck; also at the same time
and plage, ot No. six (6) in block
209 in St. George, Ga, levied ou
as tue property of Anna borum;
. also at the same .time and place,
ot No* six, 6, gin m 37
- lot No. twenty (203&1;1 bloek6l, lot
No. seventeen (17) in block 35, lot
»;1’%«3,’, ten (i 0 In'dlock 244 and o%
No. scven (7) in block 228, lot No.
.ten (10) in block 252 and lot seven
(7) 1 block 243 in St. George, Ga.,
levied on as the property of R, O.
~Lapler; alse at the same time «nd
place, lot No. thirteen (13) in block
&7 1n >St. George, Ga. and levied on
as the property of Chris. Codington;
alsv at the same nme and place, lot
No. three (3) in block 5 in St
George, Ga. and levied on as the
vroperty of W. M, Cochran; also at
the sume lime aad place, lot No.
twenty four (24) in block 57 in St.
George, Ga., levied on as the prop
erty of Geo, W. Coombs;
also at, the 'same ,time
and place, ot No. three (3) in block
38, lot three (3) and lot six (6) in
block 154 in St. George, Ga., levied
on as the property of Claude E.
Davidson; aiso at the same and
place, lot No. twelve (12) in block
44 1m Su George, Ga,, levied on as
the property of J. F. Daniels; also
at the same time and place, lov No.
eight (8) 1n block 49 1n st. George,
Ga. and levied on 2s the property
of W, w. Fletcher; also at the same
time and place, lot No. four (4)
block 198 in St. George Ga., levied
on as the property of J. E. Fergu
son; also at the same time and place
Jot No. fourteen (14) 1n block 34 ic
St. George, Ga. and levied on as
the proper:y of S. H. Ferguson; also
at the san e time and place, lot No.
ten (10) in bleck g 2, lot No. four
teen (14) in block 61 in St. George,
Ga., levied on as the property of
Mrs. E. F. Grai; also at the same
time and place, lot No. twenty one
(21) in block 133 in St. George, Ga ,
levied on as the property ot Nellie
G. Geitgey; also at the same time
ara place, lot No. five (5) in block
133 in St. George, Ga. and levied
on as the property of Grace M.
Geitgey; also at the same time and
place, lot No. tour(4) in block 41
in St. George, Ga, levied on as
the property of Mrs. M. Glover; al
-80 at the same time and place, lot
No. twenty=three (23) in block 31
in st. George, Ga. and levied on as
the property of 8. L. Gregg:
also 4t tne same
time and place, lot No. ten (10) in
black 210 and lot No. four (4) in
block 2in St. George, Ga., levied
on as the property of Mrs. Emma
Herrin; also at thesame
time and place, lot !No. five
(5) in block 259 in St. George, Ga.
and levied on as the property of‘
Mrs. Charley Jones; also at the
same time and place, lot No. six [6]‘
in block 257 in St. George, Ga. and‘
levied on as the property of Frankl
Kennedy; also at the same time and
place, lot No seven [7] in block 253‘
in St George, Ga. and levied on as
the {property of lEmma Kennedy;
also at the same time and place, lot
No. ten [lo] in block 16; iot No.
twelve [l2] in block 16, lot No, elev
en [ll] in block 20,10 t No. nineteen
[l9] in block 31, lot No. nine [9] in
‘block 17, and levied o as the prop
certy of W. B. Kittringham; also at
the same time and place, lot No.
ten [lo] in block 40 and lot No. one
[l] in block 30 in St. George, Ga.
ind levied on as the property of E.
. Laird; also at the same time and
place, lot No. twenty one [2l] in
block 57 in St. George, Ga. and
levied on as the property of S. 8.
Leed; also at the same time and
place, lot No. four [4] in block 148
and lot No. eight [B] in block 148
and lot No. twenty-four [24] in
}block 44 in St. George, Ga, and
levied on as the property of L. M.
Little; also at the same time and
place, lot No. eight [B] in block
234 in St. George, Ga. and levied
on as the jroperty of Henry Mack,
also at the same time and place, lot
No. nineteen [l9] in block 29 and
land iot No. one El] in block’ 6 in
St. George, Ga. and levied on as
the propertyfof Mrs, M. Mizell; al
so at the same ume and place, lot
No. three (3) 1n block 167 in St
George, Ga. and levied on as the
property of J. D. Mason; also at
the same time and place. lot No. ten
‘.[.o] in block 162 in St. George, Ga
}and levied on as the property of
Miss Cornelia Newby; also at the
same time and piace, lot No. five
5] in blocks3s and lots Nos. four
{4} and nine (9] in block 37 and lot
No. two (2) in block 42 1 St.
(reorge, GGa. and levied on as the
property of Thomas Newton; also
at the same time and place, lots No,
fourteen (.4) in block 36 and. No.
six (6) in block 41 1n St. George,
Ga, and levied on as the propertly
of J. A. Newton; also at the sawe
ttme and place, lot No. two (2) in
block 29 and ot No. six (6) in block
107 in St George, Ga., levied on
asgthe property of | C. Overstreet;
al%‘ at . the g same, time and
plage, « lot Q!o; ten, : 10, - 0
bloZk 184 in St. George, Ga. and
]Oemlin; also at the same time and
place, iot No. twenty three, 23 in
block 97 in St. George, Ga. and
levied on as the property of T. W.
Oliver; also at the same time and
place, lot No. tweive, 12 in block
148 in St. George, Ga. and levied
on as the property of W, A. Palm r;
also at the same time and piace, lot
No. four, 4 in block 136 and lot No.,
nine, 9in tloek 241 1n St. George,
Ga. and levied on as the property
of L. A. Peacock; also at the same
time and place, lot No. six, 6 in
block 153 1n St. (George, Ga. and
levied on as thc property of G. F.
Pinder; also at the same time and
place, lot No. four, 4, in block 195
in St. George, Ga. and levied on as
the property of Albert lare; also zlt‘
the same time and place, lot No.
five, 5, in block 157 in St. George, l
Ga. and leviea on as the property
of F. A, Powell Jr,; aiso at the
same time and place, lot. No two,
2, in block 112 in St George, Ga,
and levied cn as the properto of A.
M. Peeples; also at the same time
and piace, lot No. eight, 8, in block
199, lot No. ten 10, in block 202 |
and lot No. fifteen, 15, in plock 29 |
in St. George, Ga. and levied on as]
the property of B. H. Roberts; also
at the same time and place, lot Nu.
nine, 9, in block 74 and lot No.
one, 1, in block 204 in St. George,
Ga. and levied on as the property |
of J. M. Ruskin; also at the same
time and place, iot No three, 3, i l
block 234 in St. George, (a. and|
levied on as the property of Zr'relda’
Rand:ll; also at the same time and |
place, lot No. one, 1, in block 241
1 St. George, Ga. and levied on as
the property of Mrs. Etta Stewart;l
also at the same time and place, lot
No. twelve, 12, in block 147 in St,
George, Ga., levied on as the prop
erty of G. W. Stephens; also at the
same time and place, lot No. six, 6,
in block sin St. ceorge, Ga. and
levied on as the property of Shaw &
Lanier; also at the same time and
place, lot No. three, 3 in block 41
in St, George, Ga., levied on as the
property of 5 C, Thomas; also at
the same time and place, lot No.
sixteen, 16, in block 57 in St |
George, Ga., levied on as the prop
erty of H. R.sWoods; alse at the
same time and nlace, lot No. nine,
9, in block 55 and lot No. two, 2
in block 46 in St. George, Ga., ley
ied on as the property of J. O.
Waller; also at the same time and
place, lot No, nine, g, in block 249
and lot No. thirteen, 13, ir block
133 in St. George, Ga., levied on
as the property of Frank Wilson;
also at the same time and place, lot
No. eight, 8, in block 261 in St
George, Ga., levied on as the yrop-
erty of Raymond . Williams; als
at the same time and place, tract
land No. thirtcen, 13, of Sam’s a
dition to Folkston, Ga., containis
30 7 10 acres levied oun as the pro
erty of the Ga- & I'la. Developmen
Co. per Benj. Sams, agent.
All of the above described pro
erty levied upon under and by wvir
tue of fi fas Issued by Tax Collect
or of said County for school tax fd
the year 1907. :
Levy made by J. E. Robinsor
Constable and turned over to mj
this March 4th, 1908.
W. R. Waixwricnr, Sheriff,
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in A pri
1908, at public out-cry at the court hous
door in said county, to the highest bidder fqj
cash, the following; described property, to-wil
Forty acres of improved land, number 1o
in first district, Charlton county, Ga., levi
on as the property of G. W. (looper. Al
at the same time and place, forty acre tra@
No. sixty-seven [67] in first Distriet
said county, levied on as the propen
of J F. Jermgan. At the same wMme an|
place two forty-acre tracts No. 'thiity-thre
[33] and thirty-four [34], in first dis(rict €
said county and levied on asthe "property of
Irank Newman, At the same time and plagi
five-hundred acres, more or less, of Headtight
land in said county and bounded :on as foff
lows: — R
North, by E. S, Herrin’s, East, by Satilli
River swamp, South, by P. (3. Riles’s lansl
and West by .S B. Roddenberry’s land, <let®
ied on as the property of E. 8, and Julia
Strickiand. Aliof the above property levielk
‘on, nnder and by virtue of fi fas issued by tag
collector of said county for state and county
taxes for the year 1907, ; Lok
Levy made by J. E. Robinson, constab
and turned over to me this March 4th. 1908, §
: W. R. Wamglcirt, Sheriff, &
- N
W. H. Tracy and others having ap‘)lied”. Far
the establishment of a néw public reac fi,
gin at the corporate limits of the town of
Folkston, Ga. in 32nd G. M. District of said
county and run ina south-easterly’ directigh
throughJands of H. A. Cannon, ‘( -Vi
ery, fohn Roddenberry, _less& W. Vickgl
and. J. W, Johnso® and® B 8
through lands of I. A. Cannon, aud
A. C. 1.. Ry, company, and termin _ng gt
the new ferry on St. Mary’s River, recently
established by W. H. Tracy, a distance of &
bout three miles. e - B
This is to notify *ll persons that on ahd
after the 7th day of April, 1908 said new raad.
‘will be fihlfily granted if no good dßuse J
shown to the codtrazys 100, T
s TAh dgyof Mch.gpoobis o . SN
" L_E. MALLARD, Secy. i
E. L. Wainwright and others hay I
ing applied for the establishment of
a new public road to begin at the
northern end of Church St, in Folk
ston, Ga. and 32 District of said
County and run in a northerly di
rection through the lands” of Venie
Guyon, across the right of way of]
the A C. .. Ry. Co. and through
the Hitch lands parallel to the Bell
Telephone Co.’s right of way and
through the lands of the 1906 Col
ony Company and terminating at
Homeland, Ga., a distance of about
one mile.
This is to notify all persons that
on and after the 7th dayv ot April,
1908, said new road will be finally
granted if no good cause is shown
to the contrary.
This the 2nd day of March, 1908,
S. F. Mills, Chrm. Board of Co.
L. E. Mallard, Secy,
5 acres of land more or less, in
the town of Traders Hill. Known
as a part of Dexter Page place, Lot
4 section 4, town ship 4 North
Range 23E 47 acres morc less, in
Nassau County Fla. just across
W. H, Tracy.
If you expect to keep posted as to
the candidates, you had better sud
scribe for the Herald now. If your
subscription has or is about to ex
pire, renew at once asthe National
Government wont allow us to carry
unpaid subscription accounts
It’s Judge B. F. Scott row, his
first official act was to draw a jury
for the April term of county court.
Miss Mary Courson, of Upton
ville, accompanied by Mr. J. ],
Green was here yesterday,
Mrs. G. H. Robinson and daugh
ter, accompanied by Master Sidney
and Teddie went to Jacksonville to
. The Lucky Quarter.
1s the one one you pay out for a
box of Dr, King’s New Life Pills.
They bring you the health that's
more precious than jewels, Try
them tor headache, biliousness, con-i
stipation ana malaria. If they dissa
point you the price wili be cheerful-l
'y refunded at the drug store
K 3 ! !
(.- For Solicitor-General,
* hereby announce wmyself a candidate for
olicitor-General of the Brunswick Judicial
_‘b‘réu‘t. subject to the Democratic Primary.
T golicit the support and influence of the vot
‘ of the cix'cuil. and if nominated end elect
ed to said office, I pledge a faithful discharge
of the duties thereof without fear, f."\'ur or
R fiectlun. '
/ * Yours obediently,
Pl E. LawroN WALKER.
. 1 beg to aunounce my candidacy in the next
jfemncratic Primary for nomination for the of-
Lice of Solicitor-General of the Biunswick
i;]’udicial Circuit.
. On account of the illness of the present
Solicitor-General, I have filled this office for
Fhim almost continnously for the past three
years, and therefore am familiar with its
duties. ke ;
[ solfeit your active support, and promise,
if elected, to discharge the duties of the
office honestly and to the best of my ability,
. : CALD. GaLk,
For Sheriff.
At the solicitation of many friends and
with an ambition to fill the office of Sheriff of
this county. I announce myselfa cendidate
subject to the action of the Democratic Pri
mary in the approaching election. If I am
lelected I shall feel that T owe it to a just and
deep thinking peogle, and 1 promise to give
my whole time and attention to the offi~e and
the people’s interest. I will appreclate your
vote. i
¥ Very respectfully,
] % 3 W.H. MizeLL.
b ettt ettt
I\* req”‘of my many friends I here
by announce myself a candidate for re-elec-
Lion to the office of Sherift of Charlton coun+
ky.-suhj‘tt to the Democ Primary, and,
arnesllfs%licit the acti&lpporg of my
Ananyfriends and the general public. If
e "wt\y;gfl’efige myself tcf attend g::gtly to
TR e L 3 o ¢
» Tianing R sos past SAERE g,
For Representative.
1 hereby announce myself a candidate for
: re-election to' the l,egis.]atnre of Georgia
from Charlton County, subject to the Demc
cratic Primary, and, if elected I pledge my
self the faithful performance of the duties of
the office,
Thanking the public for the past favors
I earnestly solicit a continuance of the same,
Your obedient servant,
A. J. Howarp,. -
For Ordinary. ; l
I hereby announce my candidacy for the
office of Ordinary, subject to the coming
democratic primary. and 1 earnestly solicit
your kind consideration and support. If
honored by election to this office I chall
thank you all for it. My cvery wish and de
sire will be to have the approval of my own
conscience in having done iy best and proven
myself worthy of the trust reposed in me.
Respectfully submitted,
J.J. STOK¢Es, |
For Clerk, Superior Gourt. ‘
T respectively announce myself a candidate |
for re.election to the office of Clerk Superior
Court of Chariton county, subject to the
Democratic Primary, and carnestly solicit the
influence and active support of my friends
and the general public; pledging myself to
attend strictly to the duties encumbered upon
me, should I be elected, and to perform them
to the best of my ability.
With deep gratitude for all past favors,
I am, respectfully,
! Jrsse W, Vickery, |
el l
For Tax Receiver. |
Believing that I am thoroughly comptent ‘
to fill the office and as Mr. J. ¢. Allen says 1
he is not geing to run this year 1 hereby an
nounce myself a candidate for the of office of
Receiver of Tax Returns at the coming elec
tion, subject to the Democratic primary and,
if elccted I guarantee to serve the people
justly and conscientiously to the best of my l
ability, !
T. W. VicKery,
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
Tax Receiver of Charlton county, subject to
the Democratic Primary. If elected, I prom
ise to discharge the duties faithfully and '
to the best of my ability, and will appreciate
the votes and support of the voters ot the
" For Tax Collector
As Mr, J. 1. Stokes has announced for
the office of Ordinary 1 will announce my
self for the office of Tax Collector at the
‘next Democratie: Primary and, solicit the
support of my limny friends, promising to
perform the duties of said oftice to the bes!
nf.x'n_v ability.”
A, G. CowrN Sr.
Folkston, Ga., Feb. 28th, 1908,
Wt L 1
Ihereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of tax collector, subject to the ap |
proaching Democratic Primary. From the
experience I have bad in tax assessor office 1
feel that I can perform the many duties en
cumbent upon said office to the satisfaction
of the public in general,
Thahking my friends for past favors and
soliciting their support in the approaching
election,y Tam, ;
Very respectfully yours, }
LG Arven,
For County 'reasurer |
T hereby announce ‘myself a candidate for
re-election to the office of ‘l'reasurer of Charl
ton County. If nominated and elected I
promise a faichful performance of the duties
of the office, and as in the past, endeavor to
take éare of the county funds with a view to
their safety. ‘Thanking the public for the
past favors § am
Very respectfully,
1. 8. Groowms,
No Use To Die.
I have found out that there is no
use to die of lung trouble as long as
you can get Dr. King's New Dis
covery,"” says Mrs, J. P. White, of
Rushboro, Pa. «I would be alive to
day only forthat wonderful med
icie. It loosens up a- cough quick
er than anything else, and cures
lng disease even after the cfit
pronounced hopeless.” ‘Thig most
reliable remedy fiéc‘m mchfiéfm;‘i
by all druggists. soc. and SI.OO.
Trial bottle free. |
A Big Stock of Shoes
to be Sold at Greatly
Reduced Prices,
We put this Sale on in Order to
make room for New Stock which
will arrive in a few days.
Again there is a vacancy among
our Crattsmen for it has been the
pleasure of the Master of the Uni
verse to call from our midst our be
loved Bro. George Washington
Haddock, He has been called from
labor to rest in that Ledge above.
We, us a lodge, have .'*vst one of
our most consistent ®rethren, his
wife, a devoted husband, his e¢hii
dren, a faithful parent and the com
munity, a valuable citizen,
So many friends miss him now,
for death has cuoled that heated
We grieve when thus we have to part,
As though it almost breaks the
heart, !
As we gather around the brother,
In the bright fraternal chain, .
To part upon the square below,
To meet in heaven again,
Oh what wourds of precious
* Those words ‘“Mason” are!
We meet vpon the level and we part
Upon the square.
But soon we’ll meet to part no more,
upon that last and final shore.
We recommend that a cupy of
this memorial be published in the
Charlton County Herald and that
the family of our deceased brother
be fornished with a copy alsc,
{ L. E. Mallard,
Committee: < B. . Scott,
((:, k. Jones.
The people of Folkston and sur
rounding country can get ice at any
ime from now on in large quanti
ties of 100 pounds and over, A
car load just in. Picnic parties can
always depend upon'yd'for Ice on
short notice,
-~ Yours for buliness,
\l{l W. Tyvex,
e e e 4
Best Healer in the World,
Rev, F./ Starhird, “of East Ray
mond, Mgine, says: I haye used
Bucklen’siArnica Salve for Bevesal
years ou thy. apmy woundsand: other
St dorc, and AW - bes
with great BUCCELs I Thwsveterihary -
business.” Price 25¢. at all drug