Newspaper Page Text
Local Personals;
Mt. T, W. Wrehch of St. George!
spent last Satutday hefe, |
Mt A. B. Kedlef of Newell Ca., !
was in our towh Monday, |
Mrs, C. M. Raybon visited reln-]
tives in Wayefoss Saturday and Stn- |
day. |
Migd Florente Walhright vidited
her cousin, Mrs, G, H. Stokes at Hil
liard Sunday. |
Prof. C. W, Wanghtel left on t]n-:
morning train Monday sot Douglas
Ga., on bnsindds, l
M. E.P. Cotifsoii is sip ffoin
Newberry Fla, Spendihg sothe |
time recuperating ‘
Mrs. H. Johnson and children
left {)bnerday for Callahan whifh
will be their future home,
Mr. and Mrs. S, F. Mills f(r. and
¢hild I=ft Sunday night for Rétnlig,
Texas, their future hothe.
Mts. John Koontz léft Monday
sot her hothie in Ked lion” Penn,
after spending the wifitet here.
We Eall aftefition to the fact that
it isabsolotely netcessarry to register
ifi ofd#t to Vote ifi the coming primary
which ids faif to be a hotcampaign
6o défi’t fail to register, as the booke
thii§t close about May 15th
Death has visited our midst and
removed from us our beloved broth
er G. W. Haddock who died on the
tnorning of February the 13th 1908
at 4:30 a'clock.
The reaper came that day, an
Angel visited the harvest field and
garnered the ripened grain,”
As a Christian he was ever ready
and willing to work faithfully in his
Master’s vineyvard, never growing
weary but pressing onward and up
A vacant place will ever remain
ih olif church and in his home circle
is q.eut‘én's etertial gain,
Therefore be it resolved:
Ist. ‘l'hat in the death of our
Bro. Haddock we have lost a friend
and our chirch, a devoted mémber.
. a2nd, That we bow ir. submission
to the will of Him who do¢th all
things well,
A 8 'Tn?t we tender to the De
teayed family our sympathy and we
commend them to the care of our
Heavenly Father.
4tn I'hat these resolutions be
placed on our church book and
published in our county paper.
4 4 {G. E. Jones &
Committee: 3 W, H.Jllrncc.
Spring Whisperings
1 come{ I come! ye have called me
. long;
1 come o'er the mountaihs with
light and song,
Ye may trace my step o’er the wak
ening eafth
By the winds which tell of the
violets’ birth, ‘
When the sweet spring zephyrs
_whisper |
That the flowers begin to bloom,
With their pure, sweet presence
Oftice again a cold worlds gloom,
How we love to stray among them;
See, their starry clusters gleam
Out of dewy leaves so tender
- By the woodland path and stream.
Pure and tender tho’ts are breathing
From your dewy lips, sweet flow
And we lift our tho'ts to Heaven,
To the ever vernal bowers.
Like the "stars so meek and holy
~ In the wide expanse of blue above,
Oft ye speak to bearts grown weary
Telling of our Father's love
Oft your meek eyes rest upon me,
And a tender radiance beams
As from eyes of one who loves us,
Seen in memory’s sweet dreams.
Flowers, sweet friends, you ne'er
approach us;
Faith and love forever shine
From your eyes so pure and tho’tful,
Teach us love and trust like thine,
With fond eyes I e’en behold you,
Fondest joys you do impart;
Aond your ministries so holy,
Fall into my yearnming heart.
The loving counsels whispered soft.
ly, sweetly, full of lave. '
They come like tender angel whis
From the peaceful heavens above.
Consecrated. pure and sweet,
Hut, alas! like all things qarthly,
Trancient, perishing and fleet
Through the earthly fades, dear
Father, ‘
Keep untouched the souls’ sweet’
flowers |
From the world’s cold breath pro
tect them |
In early, life’s trusting hours,
a Hacnab A, Selzer, Homeland,
= XK -.) v .
That are DREAMS
"Made for us by
You want to be first with your Spring Oxsords
and sot your bencfit we are showing the new
Spring styles early, Come injtoday and see them,
The showing consists of the newest ideas de
sighed and made up tor usin Patent Leather and
in Black Vici Kid by Peters Shoe Co.
Never in any previous season have
the Oxford Patterns approachec in
beauty those we have just received
Yours Respectiully,
E. L. Wainwright.
The running of a savings account
has a tendency to wean a man from
habits of extravagance and dissipa
tion' It gives him new ambition, and
a desire to save money.
We are always glad to assist those
who are trying to ““turn overa new
5 per cent compounded quarterly
on saving accounts. '
6 per centon certificates of deposits
for 6 months or longer. :
President, Cashier.
Waycross, Ga.-—A vigorous cam
’,)aign in behalf of the state road ex
tension from Atlanta to St, Marys,
Ga., in Camden’ county, has been
launched, aud will be continued un
til the desired extension is anaccom
plished tact. Practically the entir2
harbor has been tendered to 'the
state, should the port of St. Marysl
be selected as the sea terminal of the
state road Besides this offer, excel
lent terminal facilities have been ten
dered at St. Marys, the right of way
through Camdeu county, graded, has
been assured, and other counties are
getting in line. Charlton "cmmtv}
grand jury at regular session next
week will reccomend the granting of
the right of way for the proposed
extension, with grading thrown in.
Ware county, already having taken
action in the matter, will further con
tribute, %
St. Marys ofters strong argument
as the logical sea port terminai of
of the state road. Waycross is on
the route, and is working hard for
the extension. The following reso
lution has been adopted by Camden
county: \
““Whereas there is an effort on
foot to build the state road (the Wes
tern & Atlantic) from Atlanta on to
the sea—in order to preserve the val
ue of the present line from Chatta
nooga to Atlanta and ia order toin.
crease its value and effectiveness and
to guarantee to the people of the state
of Georga eternal equity inrates and
service—the legislature at its sum
‘mer session 1n Jane is hereby mem
orialized to authorize the construct
ion of the state road on to the sea,
and the port terminal is wanted to be
St. Marys, and we hereby offer to
the state the harbor of St. Marys,
Ga, In addition to this offer, the
legislature's attention 1s called to
the following facts:
*That Jacksonv.lle, Fla. is the ob
jective point ard convergent ‘termi
nal of all passenger and freight busi
ness to and from Florida, the West
ndia Islands and the Bahamas, and
will eventually be the first port & |
entrance to the Atlantic from t'r)}j;f
Panama Canal when that- waterway |
shall be completea, 3 |
“Thercfore, in erder for any rait
road to do a profitable business to
and from the southeastern coast, ft
would seem necessary for that road
to have a terminal at or near Jack:
sonville. But the state road, in ok
der to be of the greatest service é)
the people of the state, must have‘éfi
coast terminal within its borders
[t must also be unhampered in tlf
scope and depth of its waterfront,
and we submit that St. Marys is the
last port on the Georgia coast neat
est to Jacksonville, and that t
frontage and depth of water is th
best south of Norfolk Va, Virtual
Iv the entire port is offered the stat
almost as a gift. -
“As the state road enters the staf
at its northwestern corner, itiis evw
dent that in order to traverce th |
largest teiritory of the a &
rect line to the sea, it would run
the southeast corner, St. Marys, a
‘thereby run directly through the ceg
ter of the state, benefiting the entige
people of the state by its closebt
proximity to all sections possible,
for a single hine, »
“‘ln addition to the offer made to
the state by the St Marys & Kings=
land ‘Railroad company, making {a
tender of its present hne from B§t
Marys to Kingsland with all its
water front, practically includ;gg
the entire harbor, itishereby agreed
and the reccommendation is made
to secure the right of way and grade
the balance of this‘line to the Charl
ton county boundary, and turn same
over to the state free of coarge,
provided the state will make St.
Marys its Georgia terminal or one
of them, . :
“In view of the large amount of
idel 13bor just at this time, and in
consideration of tbe financial dc-}
pression throughout this state as
well as 1o others, it 'is submitted
that 1t is @ most propitious time "to‘{
‘begin this work, in thatl* would net
‘ouly cost the state a great deal less
than at scme other time, but it
‘would employ the surplus labor
which is now idle and create cug%»
’dence for a reaewal of prospenty,
wishes to announce to the
people of this section that he
has opened an office in the
Paxten building to practice
Mepicing, SURGERY and Og-
State of Geor/gia, j |
Charlton County { ‘
To whom it may concern*
_ John F. Blake, of said State having in
proper form applied, as a person selected by
next of kin, for letters of administration- on
estate of Charles E. Dunn, late, of said
county, this is to cite all, and singular _lhc
creditors and heirs of Charles . Dunn, to be
‘and appear at my office at the April term of
the court of Ordinary of said county and
show cause if any they can why permanent
letters of administration should not be grant
ed to said John r. Blake on Charles . Dunn
estate. .
! Witn2ss my official signatura this 2nd day
!'of March 1908.
B. G, McDoxnaLD,
\ Ordinary,
i Georgia, Charlton County: |
{ Notice is hereby given that the undersign
ked has applied to the Ordinary of said coun
‘ty for leave to sell land belonging to the es
tate of ¥y . Wainright, for the purpose of
distribution. Said application will be heard
at the regular term of the court of Ordinary
’ for said county to be held on the first Mon
| day in April 1908. This the 2nd day of
March 1908.
W. R. WuNwricHT, l
Administrator upon estute of F. 1. Wainright |
Georgia, Chariton County:
| % Moges Crews, a resident of said state, hav
ing duly applied to be appointed guardian of
the persons and preperty of Will Crews, |
. Charley Crews, Moses Crews and Julius i
~ Crews, minors, resident in said county, no- |
’ tice is hereby given that said application*will |
be passed on at the next court of Ordinary §
i for said county to be heid on the first M on- |
’,day in April 1908. |
I Witness my haud and official signature
| this 3rd di y of March 1902
| B. G.-Meliogary,; ’
; Ordinary, Charlton county, Georgia.
F Georgia, Charlton County; : {
‘| Will be sold before the court hnufie .duor%
{on the first Tuesday in April 1908 1n said
‘county within the legal hours of sale, for
cash, the following property to-wit; three‘
acres of land, bounded on the south by lands
of H. A, Renfroe, west by cemetery and‘
Hurst tract. north by negro church lands and |
east by T. L. Pickrenar dT. A. Christie. I
Levied on as the property of G. H., Hide, I
under and by virtue of a tax fi fa. issuad by |
lthe'tax colleator of said county to satisfy. his |
| school tax for the year 1007. !
bl Levymade by J. . Hobinson, Deputy |
- : sheritf and trided over to me this March 2 1008 |
W R, WanNwricnT, Sherifi.
Mys, Cathryn 8. Myers, vs. Hany Newton
Myers, libel for divorce, in Charlton Superior
Court, April term, 1908, i
To the defendant, Harry Newton Myers:-
You are hereby notified that Mrs. Gathryn
S. Myers has filed the above stated suit for
divorce against you in the Superior Court of
Charlton County, and you are hereby com
manded to be and appear at the next term of
said cout to be held. in and for
soid county on Tuésday after the first Monday
in April, 1908, then and there to answer said
suit; as in default the sourt will proceed as to
justice shall appertain.
Witness the Ilonorable T. A. Parker,
Judge of said Court, this February sth, 1908.
J. W. Vickery,
Clerk Superinr Court,
Charlton County, Georgia.
Goed For [EyerybOdy,
Mr. Norman R. Goulter, a promi
nent architect, in the Delbert Bu:ld
ing San Francisco, says: I fully
endorse ali that has beensaid ot elec
tric bitters as a tonic medicine. It
Ns good for everybody. It corrects
stomach, liver and kidney disorders
ina prompt and efficient manner
and builds up the system.” Flec
tric Bitters is the best spring medi
cine ever sold over a druggist’s
counter; as 2 blood puaifier 1t is un
equaledg soc. at all drug stores.
Considerable interest was aroused
when on last Monday morming it
berame known that a movement was
on foot for J. Price Robinson’s ap
pomtment for Judge of the County
Court. The county officials notified
Governor Smith immediately of the
death of Judge Haddock uand re-‘
quested the appointment of Mr, B.
F. Scott, as a suitable person to fill
the place, and it was confidently ex
pected that Mr. Scott’s commission
would be forth coming, but as time
went on and no appointment came,
mattess began to assume a myster
ious aspect. The climax was reach
ed when an Monday it became known
that Robinsoa’s petition might be
the cause of the delay, Prompt act
ion was taken and in fifteen or twen
ty wminutes time, Col. W, M, Olfi
was delegated a purse made up, aud
he was on his way to Atlauta to
‘have a personal interview with Gov,
Clothing, Hats and Furuishings
Best Values =- Moderate Prices.
Upost request we will mail you a copy of our
Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full
; description and prices.
Goods on Approval.
Upon request we will send Goods by
Express C. O. D. subject to examination.
B.H. Levy Bro.& Co.,
Savannah, Ca. s
cendguarters for Yarm Fences.
il 1 f i\
iLA bet L) T
LN Rntaiibsibisatsdbantia kR X F SR
R ittt doidmiodedbratnr bt Rt
I ) u-—-——-——---maa By
e e
Ll i N o = ok RRN ATN T A et TS PSR IS o Sy
‘ Made of large, strong, high-grade steel wires, heavily galva
lnized. Anply providcs fer expansion and contraction. I:
practically everlasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great
a suain is put onit. Does not ».atilate nor injure stoek.
| 2 ¥
| Turns Cattle, Horsus, dogs and Pigs
. ZVERY ROD GUARANTEED by us and guaranteed by the ~
manufacturers. Call and see it. 'We can show you how it will
I save you morey and fence vour fields so they will stay fenced.
+ For Sale by Mizell & Paxton.
'.;'_."lr' ® . ; :
Our misfortune is your gain if you are
needing any thing in our line., While we are
trying to raire some cash to save our busi
ness from being closed out, we are selling
our entiae stock BUGGIES, WAGONS and HARNESS
At Actual Cost for Cash.
We have a large and well selected stock and are mak- |
ing agbod many sales to the people of Waycross and
surrounding country and would be glad for you to call
and see the BARGAINS we are offering.
-~ J. A. vones Buggy Co.,
| Waycross, Georgia.