Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, April 09, 1908, Image 1
CHARLTON COUNTY HERALI VOL. X.--NO. 46. THE DEMOCRATS OF MINNESOTA ARE PUSHING THE CANDIDACY OF GOV.J. A. JOHN SON FOR THE PRESIDENCY AS THE FOLLOWING LETTER FROM THE MINNESOTA STATE DEMO CRATIC COMMITTEE WILL SHOW, April 3rd, 1908. Editor Herald, . Folkston, Ga. Dear Sir:— + You are a democrat and it is because you are a demoerat that this is addressed to you, with the feeling that you will exert yourself to give the party one of the greatest essentials to victory, a strung and acceptable candidate for the presi dency. The democracy of the nation has for twelve years been losing ground and the belief is general that under the old conditions defeat js certain. For months the party has been drifting toward an autocratic con vention, where popular choice is to ‘be subordinate‘to personal will. Minnesota democrats. féeling that party duty transcends individual in terest, have had the courage to break away from the drift and offer the party a candidate who if nomi nated can carry more states than any other living democrat, and who m}uld be pmfi%j; certain of elgfi? tion, ngel agamst the do§ ttine of despair, we take it®for ‘granted that there is no necessity for the ravens of defeat to perch on BOUENA Tgog T ' Conditious industrialiy, financial ly aud politically are such that ‘we have this year the opportunity >f a generation to win the presidency Why give it up by supinely acquiesc irg in any nomination which guar antees defeat? If you and the other democratic ieaders of the c(mntry will but re gpond to the invitation and the op purtunity extended to you by the democrats of Minnesota, we can es cape trom the blighting tradition of defeat, and rehabilitate the party and the nation by a great political victory next November. We enclose herewith a statement showing Goverror Johnson’s availe ability, his record and his princl ples. We bespeak for it a careful; ~ eading. | But don’t forget that there is still‘ Imle time to see that enough dele gates are elected 1o the Denver con vention to make that a deliberative democratic body that will give the party new hope and new inspiration and a winning candidate. -To this end, we solicit your. co operation and will hear.ily welcome and con sider any suggestions you may offer. Youwss for victory, Fred’k B Lynck FORM JOE BROWN CLUBS. The following letter from Mayor R. R. Hopkins, of Brunswick, will show the sentiment there, Mr. W. H. Mizell, Folkston, (3a, | Dear Sir:— I don’t know just how you stand in the governatorial situation, but there is a large number of us folks over here who have gotten enough of Hoke Smith and intend to work Joe Brown. If you happen to feel the way we do, we will appreciate your assistance in Charlton County by in some way forming a ‘‘foe Brown Club,” which would extend over several counties, Charlton a mong them. Kindly let me hear from you and give me the sentiment in your County. Very. truly yours, R. R. Horkixs, - SUPERIOR COURT. ~ Court convened Tuesday morning at ten o'clock with Judge T. A, Parker in the chair After the for imal opening with prayer the Jury iwas called and sworn in, when J. J. Mattox waschosen foreman. Judge Parker then proceeded to deliver one of his most able charges, lasting ibout an nour in which he laid par 'ticular stress on the illegal sale of whiskey ani the disturbing of divine rworship, the necessity of good pub lic roads through this county and ltnany other things which we have not the space to give, The cvil docket a very heavy one, was then called, most of the parties announce. ing ready. The only case of much interest was that of H. G. Crews Vs, N. B. King, taking up practicaily all of Wednesday and resulting in a ver dict for Mr. Crews. The criminal docket was taken up first thing this morning and the case against Joe Petty, Lonnie Dix on, Nathan and Nat Rhoden for murder was called at g¢;3o A. M, Che panel of fifty-five jurymen had been exhausted and but five had been seated. Those in the box, as we go to press, are; A, G, Gowen Jr, Hansel Carter, Harley Rowe, Aaron Taylor and R. A. J. McDufiie. A full account of the proceedings will appear in next week’s Herald. An organization was effected Monday niglbt in Folkston of the native 3o Carolinians who live perehbi%h‘oé:;wzb afz; enrclifed are . (. .Gowen Sr.. W, W. Tyler, H. ~ Page, W, D. Miller, J. T. Tyler, W. L. Hatchell, .C. Feath .er.sltl. - .d'. IDII* H "fla&sz i Society is to bring its* members in closer touch and for the social pleasure of its members aud their friends. The officérs elected are as follows: A. .G.Gowen Pres., H. C. Page Vice-Pres., Dallas Williams Sec. and Treas. If there is any one in this locality born in South Carolina, who desires to connect themselves with this or ganization as active members, or anyone who has lived in that state who desires to become honorary members, kindly communicate with the Sec. Dr. Dallas Williams. DR. SEIGLER, ‘ DENTIST, of Jackronville, will be herenextTuesday and Wednesday. Call and have your teeth attend ed toatlive andletlive ' prices. Hotel Denmark. The movement now before Con gress for an inland water wav from Bostun to Key West should meet with the heartiest approval of every man South. Not only those along the coast but from the interior as well. This means the opening of a canal from St Marys to the Gulf, and with the state road built to St. Marys South Georgia and Florida in particular will reap large rewards in increased values, increased popu lation and many things that would go to make this the Eden of the couatry. e e OAI 5 TOLEDO. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Johnson visit ed relatives at Hilliard Sunday. Mr. W, A. Hodges and daughter, Miss Dola visited Mr, George Hodges near Hilliard Sunday. Mr. J. I. Johnson, of Nassau, went to Walter Jobnson’s Saturday on business. Mr Walter Stokes was at Toledo Saturday on business, FOLKSTCN, GA THURBSDAY, APRIL 9. 1908. IDEMOCRATIO%gE XE: CUTIVE COMMIT- At a meeting held at the house last Tuesday night the et ocratic Executive Committe fo\‘ next two years was ‘elected. M ’F. Scott was elected chairman, was decided to hold the county pi mary at the same time of the primary, June 4th, zgoß. {i ments Were fixed for the variousgafl fices, a complete list of which Wj appear next week. ( were given until May 15th to ‘ settlements of their prop(>rti,‘ their names will not appear ‘Those assembled declared iq or of Jos. M. Brown for gdv without a dissenting voice, " & | ?@i COUNTY COURT Last Monday was a busy qz; Judge Scott, it being his %‘ the quarterly term. Quite:_‘ 2 B of cases were disposed of. Insc cases conviction, in otheri‘,p‘ & guiity. Judgements were & some, while others were The damage cases brought by Robinson »against - mayor Mig marshal J. A. Wainright and W Tyler, editor of the (‘haifl’ifi‘ ty Herald was withdrawn ' | nrosecutor as soon as called, t being absolutely nothiag ; with. o e ‘;‘ R;:icfl:\'ing to. cur :imcl ‘ weeks Herald relutive to the mgta! being delegated with powers | ‘Mayor to ievy fines and settl The whole thing seems to have been a misunderstanding on the part of Marshal Pickren, the mayor hav ing recently assessed 2 fine on the Ipv'incip:lls 0 a fight giving the mar islml instructions that in cases where the parties wished to plead guilty he might occept the money and let the matter go. Marshal Pickren, in accepting the money from J. A, Hathaway, did nothing more than he thought was right, The money was promptly turned over to the town and proper credit given. | CHURCH DIRECTORY. | AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH. ~ Preaching and Conference on the fourtk Sawurday at 11 o’clock A, M and en Sunday at 11 A, M. and at TP N ~ Prayer Meeting every Tuesday at TN ~ Sunday School every Sunday at 9;30 A. M. G. W, Haddock, Supt. } Woman’s Missionary Society, ev ery Wednesday at 3 P. M., Miss ’Mattic Deunmark, Pres, Everybody is invited to attend each service. M. E. CuurcH SouTtH, OF THE | FoLkstoN CirculT. ‘M. Booth, Pastor, B. F. Gay, Assistant, Preaching at Folkston enery Ist and 3rd Sunday at 11 A. M. and 4 }P. M. ~ Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at . M Sunday Schoolat 3 P. M. ev ery Sunday. Preaching at Uptonville every Ist Sunday at 3 P, M, Preaching at Bethel every 2nd Sunday at 11 A. M. and at Traders Hill at 3 P. M, | Preaching at Mills’ church every 3rd Sunday P. M, Preaching at Temple every 4th Sunday at 11 A, M, and 7 P, M. All are cordially invited. OO ST BSN At present the prospects are brighti for a large assortment of campaign lies in the most attractiue designs, ANNOUNCEMENT _ On acconnt of the need of money las well as our desire to get the news [frors each community in the county, with raised hat we cannestly solicit j‘brrespondents from each communi by. We solicit the smiles of the ladies And misses, the hurrahs of the boys ind the subscriptions of the men f the entire county. Let us have fie movements of your neighbors, Oo¥ they are progressing with their arm etc. . Tell us a joke on them nd let them come back at yon in a j_endly‘ spirit. On our part we., romise to do all we can' to -make our articles presentable and inters mg. " Try us a while. ; \ i ¥ Vill'Not Be a Candi § date. { On account of different rumors hat he would be a candidate for irst one office or another, Mr W. D. Gibson requests us to say that he 15 not, nor wili he ever be a can didate for any office. Flenty of Trouble 1s caused by ctagnation of the liver and bowels. To get rid of it and headache and biliousness and the poison that brings jaundice, take Elf)r. Kingls New Life Pille, the re fiable purifiers that do the work ithout grinding or griping. - 25¢. at all drug stores, ‘ E&gia., gb.?rltnn County. T yrhom it may concern, JMA. Moore and W. H. Bruce. having i ?gafilfiéalivm tome ‘in due form to be @ppointed permanent administrator on the es tatevof ‘Farge W. Moore L te, of said county icpgi &;q;y given that said application z‘g at tf\: regular tcrx;e (;f c;he court L _ Y lor sai 3 on ' e e official signature, This 6th day of April, 1908. B. G. McDonald, . Ordinary. GEORGIA CHARLTON COUNTY, “T'o whom it may concern- Miles Johns, having made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent | administrator upon the estate of W, R, Johns late, of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the reg ular tern of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in May 1098, Witness my hand and official signa ture. This 6th day of Apnl, 1908, | v B, G. M¢Donald, b Ordinary. } Lo wllwop porproqlne Lq Dlo§ - 900 SUNZ 105 U Sjueiend N 0 AeIM O dpTUI ST OWORYN 2D Mling ‘Lnend » nalpaefia;ll:)s O IPLUUL DURAIL L OVULEUIMDS SUL]Y 2 *ssen ‘obDuead ANVAINDD INIHOYIN BNIMIZ SWOH MIO 30t 01 O)1IM dTaTgNY Smacy [yopas wany,)) puoaiyy, opsuiss v doamny Alvjoy Ouys BUjuiq, f Bauy) e UM LOAJ] VTt g ) SR oy . i o “El@*{".«' - ’ ML, U g e (i Y i AR G 0 Ao B ) N, £ N ok et .’v\\. ,'\' ‘\ l|" ‘~, . B ..."o’-, 9> NIV 1y /,‘ e i ot Filmred My AP A M) i\ O AR FY %\ Awe bl W o ‘ § ) %, RN R L ONNE RO ""ny X (% i / w”’;k Yy e o »a ia % B 4 b gey O Kald - B Ny a 2 ¢ 0% pom qon® Y w ihi v Al o % FHIHOVA ONIMIS ST TMIUG SOTHNM JHI wyn .» Dealers Wanted. 60 YEARS'® EXPERIENCE TrADE MARKS DESIGNS oy asr SIS B n o 8 on qM&o‘.:.flm"n' én'r :unm%'x‘x froe wgtetbul’n .‘.’: faven! 8 probably W Communios e i TGI SFeet ts taken through Munn . réceive special notice, m&.m. o tho Wd’ fllustrated weokly. ILargest efr. on of i al, T y ooF ahy ierig fooro, Yt 00 ma (o, 28181080 y, Ngw’mrk %¥ 8t Washitogton, D, If you value good health, then do your partin keeping Folkston in a sanitary condition. It would be well to adopt the following resolu tions as taken from hezlth notes published in Jacksounville, Fla. “That I will keep my back yard as ciean as the front, That I will cultivate a love for flowers. That [ will cultivate fiowers for my love of them. That I will cultivate eter nal disguss for the filthimes of flies and the annoyance of mosquitoes; a wholesome apprehension of the danegrs of both; and upon my prem ises neither shall breed,” The Bank of Folkstor, Located at Folksto‘n.‘Geprgia atthe Close ot Business, February 1 4th, 1 goB. - Branch of Liberty Banking Company. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, $22450.46 Overdrafts, 35.92 Baoking House, Furniture & Fixtures, 4719.63 Due from Banks & Banke:s in other States, 8101.48 ('ash, 2297.1§ i “l"oml, R 37604.64 A LIABILITIES, 0 Undivided Profits, less éprrem : Expenses and Taxes Paid, #8883.39 Due to Banks and Bankers in this Stste, 10000,00 Indyvidual Deposits Subject to Check, 19400.,03 Time Certicates, 2020.86 Cashier’s Cuecks, . 34.54 Notes and Bills Rediscounted, " 3000,00 Savings Account, 2205.82 Total, : $37604.64 STATE OF GEORGIA, ‘ County of Charlton ‘Before me came F. D. Mills, Cashier of The Bank of Foikston, who being duly sworn, savs that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. @ g ; . F. D, Miups, - S o-andimubsoftiee boforeme s mea o AP 1908, Y ; TR S T T.'W. Vickery, N. P. & Ex, Off. J. P A Big Stock of Shoes to be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices, We put this Sale on in Order to make room for New Stock which will arrive in a few days. NIZELL & PAXTON SI.OO A YEAR, ’ The St. George Gazette in sup porting Judge A. D, Gale for Solici tor General says Col, Gales record is written in the superior coart of of every county of the Circuit, and he has fully demonstiated his wubi'i ty to discharge the duties, Itseems to us that it was the failure of Col. (rale at the last term of Charlton Supericr Court to do his duty that is going to give Col, K. 1. Walker a majority iu this section, with plen ty of ttme at his command. Col, Gale adjourned courtleaving prisons ers in jail.