Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, April 16, 1908, Image 8
E ; [.ocal Personals: C. C. Pickren swent 1o Tacksonviile Sunday, . Miss Katie Gowen is at home this week. Mrs. H, J. Davis went to Jacksone ville Monday. Dr. Dallas Williams went to Jacksonville Monday. Mr. T. A. Chnistie went to Jack=~ sonville this morning, Mr. T. H. Davis of Uptmmllc% was in Folkston yesterday, The friends of Mrs. E. W, Seals will regret to learn that she is quite sick with fever. 1 Mrs. Sam Chancy left for McKin. non, Ga Tuesday. She will prob ably spend some time there, Mrs, J. D. Hatcher and two children were here Monday and left for their home at Bladen Ga. Thete was a periy who came down from Waycross Mondayv to try their luck atangling in the St. Marys rive.. Mr. W, R, Rider was a caller at this office Monday renewing his substripton for a full year’s good reating. Mt, AM. Dickson Asst. I'reasurer of the ¥la. Ice Mfg. Co., of Jack sonville was a pleasant caller here Monday. _ Master Gussie Williams, of Lake Butler, Fla., came up yesterday and will spend some time with relatives here. Mrs. W. 1. Robinson left for her homé at Dyal last Tuesday after a week spent here, the. guest of her mother, Mrs. Haddock. Rev. E. L. St. Clair will preach at Philadelphia church on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before Sunday night. Every body invited. - JohnC. Walker buys the first *piece of land that he has ever owned. L. E, Mallard succeeded in landing : ”B Mg,be @ price of Folk- The two little girls of Mr, and Mrs. A, ¥. Christie, cos Jackson ville, ate spending some time with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, T. A, Christie, Judging from the raid made by the police in Savannah Tuesday hight and yesterday it seems that they have determined to blot out the. ‘‘bhind tiger” evil there. Mr. E. A. Parker, of Barnesville, Ga., who has been here since Satur day night prospecting with a view to investing in Charlton county lands, left Tuesday evening. What promised to be one of the most interesting courts turned out to be aimost a farce. Of three murder cases only one was tried, that of the two negroes. They each drew a life sentence. See anouncement of Mr. D, R. Wasdin forthe Legislature. Mr Was din is one ‘of ‘this County’s well known business men, having lived here all his life, he needs comment from us, and we predict for am.a large: vote. Mr. H. 8. Mattox left Tuesday for Savannah where he goes to have an operation ' ‘performed by the Doctors there, He has been a long sufferer. Mrs. Mattox accompanied him and will return as soon as he has passed the danger period. Having closed a contract ’ with the Florida Ice Mfg. Co., ot Jack sonville, the people can now rest assured of the fact that they can depend upon us for ice at all times, The Ice Company being under con tract, will give us prompt service in tumes of ice scarcity, or ice famines, as such time are usually called. In the Candidates’ Column will be found the announcement of H. S. Mattox for Sherifi. Having been raised in this county and hved here all his life Mr, Mattox 1s known to the people. He has served the county as sheriff eight vears in the past, making a good officer. As a man and as an official he is too well pkinown to need any comment from CANDIDATES \ COLUMNN. f For Selicitor-General. | 1 hereby announe: wysell @ candidate fur! Solicitor-General of the Brunswick Judicial | Circu’t, subject to the Democratic Primary. i I solicit the support and influence of the vot:. ers of the circuit, and. if nominated end efect ed to said office, T pledge a faithful diséharge of the duties thereof without fear, favor or. affectlon. Yours obediently, E. Lawron WALKeR, 1 beg to inhourice my candidacy in the next Demozratic Primaty for nomination for the of fice of Soliclior:General of the Biunswick Judicial Citeiiit. On 4dccoint of the illnéss of the present Solicitor=General, 1 have filled this office for him almost continnously for the past three yeafs, and therefore am familiar with its duties. I solicit your active support, and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties of the office honestly and to the best of my ability. A.D. GaLg, For Sheriff. At the solicitation of many friends and with an ambifion to fill the office of Sheriff of this county. I announce myself a candidate subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary it the approaching election. If I am elected I shall feel that I owe it to a just :m(lI deep thinking people, and 1 promise to givel my whole time and attention to the offize and the people’s interest. 1 will apprectate your | vote, | Very respectfully, W.H. MizrLL. At the request of my many friends L here by announce myself a candidate for re-elec tion to the office of Sherift of Charlton coun ty, subject to the Democratic Primary, and, earnestly solicit'the active support -of my many friends and the general public. If elected Lpledge myself to attend strictly to the duties of the office. Thanking th~ public for past favors, I am, A Yours respectfully, C WL R, WAINWRIGHT. To My Friends and the Voting Public. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the uffice of Sheriff of Charlton county, übject to the Democratic Primary and earn estly solicit the influence and” active support of my friends and the general public. Pledging myself to atténd strictly to the duties encumbered. upon me, should | he elected and to perform them to the best of my ability, with deep: gratitude for past favors, Tam, Respectfully, H. S. Matrox. | For Representative, To THE VOTERS or CHARLTON COUNTY; I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the Legislatnre of Georgia from Charlton County, subject to the Demc cvatic Primary, and, if elected I pledge my self the faithful performance of the duties of the office, Thanking the public for the past favors I earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. Your obedient servant, | A. J. HowarD, To My Many Friends and the Voting Public 4 ‘of Charlton County. I heveby announce myself a candidate for the Legislature of Georgia from Charlton county, subject to the Democratic Primary. If elected I pledge myself the faithful per® formance of the duties of the office. ~ Thanking my friends in advance and so liciting their support in the approaching elec | tion, I am, i | Very respectfully yours, | D. R. Waspra, | e Y ¢ | For Ordinary. % ‘To MY FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS; ( I hereby announce my candidacy for the‘ affice-of Ordinseyy subjeet to the coming democratic primary: and I earnestly solicit. Knur Kind consideration and support. If onored by election to this office 1 shall thank you all for it. My every wish and de sire will be to have the approval of my own conscience in having done rmay best and proven myself worthy of lhc trust reposed in me, Respectiully submitted, | : J.J. Stokes. | For Clerk, Superior Court. TO MY FRIENDS AND 'THE VOTING PUBLIC; I tesgeclively announce myself a candidate for re.election to the office of Clerk Superior Court of Charlton county, subject tos the Democratic Primary, and earestly solicit the influence/and active support of my friends ana the general public; pledging myself to attend Strictly to the duties encumbcered upon me, should I be elected, and to perform them to the best of my ability. With deep gratitude for all past favors, I am, re‘;)aectfully. ; Jesse W, VICKERY. For Tax Receiver. To rHE VOTERS o CHARLTON CoUNTY; ~ Believing that lam thoroughly comptent to fill the office and as Mr. J. ¢. Allen says. he is not going to run this year I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the of ogice o Receiver of Tax Returus at the coming elect tion, subject to the Democratc primary and if elccted I guarantee to serve the people, j\‘\:(‘ly and conscientiously to the best of my ability. T. W. VICKERY. SAVE YOUR .EARNINGS, The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion* It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to ““turn over a new leaf.” ; 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER, F. D. MILLS, President. Cashier. I hereby announce myself a candidate for 1 Tax Receiver of Charlton county, subject te ] | the Democratic Primary. Ifelected, Iprom ise to discharge the duties faithfully and, to the best of my ability, and will appreciate | the votes and support of the voters ot the !coumy. g - ' Respectfully, D, F. RODDENBERRY ! For Tax Collector A As Mr. J. ]. Stokes has announced for the office of (yrdinary [ will announce my self for theg office of Tax Collector at the next Democratic Primary and, solicit the support of my many friends, promising to perform the duties of said office to tae best of my ability. A. G. CoweN Sr. TFolkston, Ga., Feb. 28th, 1908. i > To MY FRIENDS AND THE VOTING PUBLIC oF CHARLTON COUNTY; ) I hereby announce myself a candidate for | the office of tax collector, the ap proaching Democratic Primary. * From the experience [ have had in tax assessor office 1 feel that I can perform the many duties en cumbent upon said office to the satisfaction of the public in general. i Thanking my friends for past favors and soliciting their support in the approaching, election, lam, G 5 5 R ‘Very respectfully yours, Wi R ¥‘ ALL&"N.:.!A A : 3 To the Voters of Charlton County:— j I hereby announce myself a eandidate ;forl the office of Tax collector in the coming Demaocratic Primary, and will appreciate the votes ot all my frienas. J. B. Bager, | For County Treasurer To THE VOTERS AND MY FRIENDS: : I . hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Treasurer of Chagl ton County. If nominated and elected I promise a faithful performance of the duties of the office, and as in the past, endeavor to take care of the county funds with a view to' their safety. Thanking the public for the past favors 1 am Very respectfully, * 1. 8. Groows. For County Commissicner To THE VOTERS OF CHARLTON COUNY; I hereby announce myself a candidat2, for County Commissioner, subject to the actioft of the Democratic Primary, and promise, if elected, to fill the office to the best of my ability. 1 earnestly solicit the support my friends generally, X Yours truly, ¢ J. E. RoBINSON. A Twenty Year sentence. . “I have just copleted a «twenty. year sentence, imposed by Buckien’s Arnica Salve, which cured me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago,” writes O. S. Woolever, of Leßays ville, N. Y. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve heals the worst sores, boils, burns, wounds and cuts’ in the shortest time. 25c at all druggists. Georgia, Charlton County; P. J. Osterman and others having applied for a new public road beginning at the south end Flonda Avenue, the city limits of St, George, Ga. and running through or between lands of T. W. Wrench, D. C. Welch, 3. C Hodges, L. R. Gainey, P. S. Osterman, J. W. Moore, R. N Chism, L. E. Rowe, J. P Frushy N. B. King, I. G. Rowe and others, said road terminating near the home of M;., Rowe. It being further stated that said road is a road now in use running from St. George to St. Mary's river and that petitiou for same is on file in this office. - Thisis to notify all persons that said road ‘will be granted in terms of the law if no good cause is shown to the contrary, April 7th 1908. L. E. MaLLARD, Secry. Board County Commissioners. | Death was on His Heels, 1 Jesse P. Morris of Skippers, Va., ,had‘a close call in the spring of 1906, He says: “Ac attack of pne umonia left me so weak and with such a fearful cough that my friends deckared consumption had me, and death was on my heeis. Then I was persuaded to try Dr. King’s New Discovery, It helped me immedi ately, and after taking two and a half bottles [ was a well man again. I found out that New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and lung disease in all the world.” Sold under guarantee at all druggists soc and~ sl, 00. Trial Dbottle free. | GEORGIA CHARLTON COUNTY. To whom it may concern | Miles Johns, having made application to +me in due form to be appointed permanent admifiistr.«mr upon the estate of W, R. Johne late, of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the reg ",';(jki.r term of the court of ordinary for s'xid] %ount_y to be held on the first Mondwy in May 11098, Witness my hand and official signa turs, This 6th day of Apnl, 1908, B, G. McDonald, : . Ordinary. ’ o o A WSS Georgia, Charlton County. ‘ To whom it may concern, | J. A. Moore and W. H. Biuce, having" made application to me in due form to be| appointed pernmne'nt administrator on the es- { tate of George W. Maore late, of said county | notice is hereby given that said applicali()nl witl be heard at the regnlar term of the courll of ordinary for said county, to be held on the | fist Monday in may, 1908. Witness myg official signature, This 6th day of April, | 1908. , l B. G, McDonald, ; ] . Ordinary. | He Got Wh}tt He Needed. ' "pre; years ago itlooked as if my time had come, ‘‘says Mr, C. Farthing, of Mill Creek, Ind. Ter. “J was go run down that life hung on a very slender thread. It was then my druggist recomimnended Electric Bitters, I bought a bottle and I got what I needed—strength, I had ome foot in the grave, but Electric Bitters put it ~back on the turf again, and I've Dbeen well ever since.” Sold under gurantee at all druggist Hoc. IN CAMP OR FIELD —-AT " MOUNTAIN OR SHORE There {s always a chance L to enjoy some shooting {7O SHOGTWCLL YOU MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A RELIABLE IREARM ¢ the only kind we have been making for upwarcs of firty years. Our Line: FIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS, RIFLE TELESCOPES, ETC. Ask your Dealer, and insist on the STEVENS. Where not sold by Re tallers, we ship direct, gexpress pre paid, upon receipt of Catalog price. Send or 140 Aage illlstrateds eatalog. Anindispeusable bonk of luudy refercnce tor man and Lo i | shooters. Mualled for 4 ceats in stompstocover postage. Benutiful Ten Color Hanger forwarded for six cons in stamne, J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CoO. P. O. Box 4007 -— Chicopee Falls, < Mass., U.S. A, “\’ _i’\“ e Rl ] ai, 7o — .'_":.",‘/" v | C e e \ SERING AND SUMMER Clothing, Hats and Furuishings FOR MEN, WQMEN and CHILDREN. Best Values =- Moderate Prices. CATALOGUE. Upon request we will mail you a copy of pur Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full - description and prices. Goods on Approval. Upon request we will send Goods by Express C. O. D. subject to examination. B.H. Levy Bro.& Co., Savannah, Ca. .1g L o ; /ieadquarters for ~arm Fehcees” T S ‘ = 53 o R g e AMERICAI FENCT eUK B 2 o NS § kot Bus AR s e.. s = it et s 6 1T R O T R 1) ei N U OO G B S ) TR Tl LT T iRt R dke . L P T T e e *!3' e e ee e gt _-h«. i I R B I N Yy e B G S oe 2 s MADE IN ALL MEICHTS Made of large, strong, high-grade steel wires, heavily galva nized. Amply provides for expansion and contraction. Is practically everlasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great a suain is put onit. Does not ».ctilate nor injure stock. - s 2 Turns Catile, Horsvs; dogs and Pigs . CVERY ROD GUARANTEED by us and guaranteed by the ® manufacturers. Call and see it.- ‘We can show you how it will ‘ save you morey and fence vour fields so they will stay fenced. For Saie by Mizell & Paxton. Watch this Space Next Week for Special J. \. Jones Bugay (o Waycross, (a.