Newspaper Page Text
§Local Personals;b |
A I N N 2
Mr. ¥ Ve Tohns, of Winokur, was
among out callers Monday last. |
Mt. H. C. Page went to Jackson-
Cille ‘Tuesday, returhing thatnight,
Mr. J. D. Hatchet, of Bladen,
was in to see ué Monday and gave
13 two sobsétiptions. 1
Ont subscription list is pot runn- |
ing over its self, but is growing at a .
gatisfactory rate. ‘
Rev. J. A Thompson will fill the |
baptist pllpit fekt Sinday morningt
at rio‘clock and at 7:30 p. m. l
Mrs. Hattie Sommers, of Gilmore,
Fla., came np Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Charley Sikes and is spending
the week here.
Mt. and Mrs. J. A. Tippins, of
Claxton, Ga, are spending sothe
time here, the guest of her fdther,
Mr. J. F. Smith,
Mr. ). A. Moore, who has been :
down here looking after his brothers |
estate, left Monday night for his
home at Comet, Notth Ga. 3
Mt. C. .. Mattox was one of ours
thahy Callers Satnrday, and while
here ordeted the Herald sent to his |
addtess at Waycross, Ga. ‘ i
Mz, B. F. Scott is putting down
the foundation, preparitory to the‘
erection of qaite an additién to “his |
tesidence on Plant Avenue.
Mr. and Mrs, Charley Sikes re
turned from Gilmore, Fla. Sunday
evening where they had been callrd-'
to the bedside of Mr. Sikes sister's
child, The little fellow died,
You have, practically speaking,
only one more week to register.
Better do it now, for you will be
sure to want to vote in the primary
on Jiihe 4th. This is the majority
rale, you know, ‘
Mrs. J.-P, Roddenberry and hittle
son came up Sunday evening from
Florida, and spent Monday with ‘
Mr. D, F. Roddenberry and family. ‘
Sbe st Fussiag ghtcrnoon for & fel
diys. vinit o relatives in Daiiglas,
o Mr K. F. Boet, the barber, will
leave with. his family next" Tueé;‘l‘i\,@;{
to spend the summer with his notth- 3
ern relatives at Red Lion, l’enn.;
Mr. Poet has made many friends
hete and the people regret to see
him leave, ;
Plain Dick Russel, now one of
the Judges of the Circuit Court of
Appeals, is a stroug Joe Brown sup
porter and says he is sure to be elect
ed. Mr. Russel has maay friends
and admirers in this coynty as was
shown in the last state primary.
Mr. A. G. Gowen, assisted by Mr,
N. N. Mizell has completed the tak
ing of the school census of the
county and they ‘find wO3O
white pupils between 6 and 18 years
of age, and 265 colored children of
schoo! age, making 1295 childien in
Charlton county of school age.
The Waycross Herald which was
A staunch supporter of Col. Estill
two years ago admonishes the Hoke
Smith supporters thus:
“Don’t get mad boys, just amuse
yourselves thinking about the quan
tity of crow you made some of us
égt a year ago. Turn aboutis fair
Mr, H. J. Davis’s residence
is progressing nicely, and which will
be turned aver in about sixty "days‘
by contractor V. C. Parker, isa
tnodel of beauty and convenience,
The home will be lighted with elec:
tricity furnished by a private plant
put ih by Mr, Davis. Every modern
conVehience will be putine It wil
be the best home between Waycross
and Jacksonville,
The announcement of Mr. G. W,
Gowen will be found in the candi
tes column. Mr. Gowen is an am.
bitious young man, of sterling abili
ty and integrity, and is succeeding
_in a business way. He deserves the
careful consideration of every voter
in the county, We bespeak for him
a hearty sufiport at the approaching
primary. eis well and favorably
knopn all over the county, being
raised about sjx miles from here and
“waa located for a while at Winokur,
and is now %perating a naval store
business h? eledo, and is also post
wmaster there,
ES 1
. « Vo I
st i
For Boicitor-General. |
I hereby announce wyself a candidate for!
Solicitor-General of the Brunswick fudicial |
Cireu't, subject to the Denfocfatic Ptimary,
I solicit the suppoit dnd influence of the vo
ers of the circuit, and if nominated ¢nd elect
ed to said office, I pledge a faithful dischdrge
of the dities thefsof without fear, favor or
Vours obediently,
ff. Lawron Waiker.
oilv st sSy el
1 beg t 6 wnfioiifice g candidacy in the next
Democtafic Pririaty for nomination for the of
fice of SAiciibr-Geveral of the Biunswick
Judicidl Citéuit,
[ On dcc6unt of the illness of the present
iSnlicHor-(iem'ral, I have filled this office for
him aldiost continuously for the past three
years, 4nd therefore am familiar with its
| duties.
{ I sohcit your active support, and promise, ‘
if elecred, 1o diccharge the duties of the |
| office honestly and to the best of my ability. l
*; A.D. Gatr,
l T ‘
| For Sheriff. 1
i At'the solicitation of many friends and
’ with an amhition to fill the office of Sheriff of 1
| this county. I announce myself a condidate
lsubject to the action of the Democratic Pri
! maty in the approaching election, 1f 1 am '
ivlo-cted I shall feel that T owe it to a just and
{ deep thinking people, and 1 promise to give
| my whole time and attention to the offine and
I; the people's interest. I will appreclate your
| vote,,
Very respectfully,
' W.H. MizyLL.
At the request of my many friends I here
by announce myself a candidate for re-elec
t.on to the office of Sheriff of Charlton coun
ty, subject to the Democratic Primary, and,
earnestly solicit the active support of my
many friends and the general public. If
elected I pledge myself to attend strictly to
the duties of the office.
Thanking th~ public for past favors, I am,
Yours respectfully,
W. K. Wainwricnr.
Tu My Friends dand the Voting Public.
" I'tespectfully announce myself a candidate
for the office of Sheriff of Charlton county,
subject to the Democratic Primary and earn
estly solicit the influence and active support
of iny friends and the general public.
Pledging myself to attend _sl‘ricfiy to the
duties epcumbered upon me, should | be
dleeted and i perform, them so, the, best, of
ity ability, with . deep gratitude for past
Biiem,. . oW 7%
e A . Respectfully, '
& 1 H. S. MATTOX. ki
For Representative, l
1 hereby announce myself a .candidate for
re-election to the Legislataré of Georgia
|frmn Charlton County, subject to the Demc
cratic Primary, and, if elected 1 pledge my
self the faithful performance of the duties of
the office, '
Thanking the public for the past favors
I catnestly solicit a continuance of the same.
Your obedlent servant,
A. J. Howarn.
To My Many Friends and the Voting TPublic
of Charlton County.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the Legislature of (seorgia’ from . Charlton
Tmunty, subject to the Democratic Primary.
1f elected I pledge myself the faithful =~ per
formance of the duties of the office.
Thanking my friends in advance and so-!
liciting their support in the approaching elec
tion, Lam,
Very respectfully yours,
D. R. Wasbin,
‘ e s e e
I bereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of Kepresemative of (tharlton coun
:ly and earnestly solicit the support: of -the
Democratic voters of the county at _the ap
proaching primary of June 4th' 1908,
’ Respectfully,
G. W, Gowen,
For Ordinary.
I hereby announce my candidacy for the
office of Ordinary, subject to the coming
democratic primary. and 1 earnestly solicit
rmr' kind >.consideration and support. If
onored by election to this office 1 shall
thank you all forit. My sver¥ wish and de
sire will be to have the approval of my own
conscience in having done ray best and proven
myself worthy of the trust reposed in me.
Respectfully submitted, |
J. J. SToKks.
For Clerk, Superior Court.
I respectively announce myself a candidate
for re.election to the office of Clerk Superior
Court of Charlton county, subject to the
Democratic Primary, and earnestly solicit the
influence and active support of my friends
ana the general public; pledging myself to
attend strictly to the duties encumbered upon
me, should I be elected, aud to perform them
to the best of my ability.
With deep gratitude forall past favors,
I am, respectfully.
Jesse W, Vickery.
el I T e
The running of a savings account
has a tendency to wean a man from
habits of extravagance and dissipa
tion' It gives him new ambition, and
a desire to save money. :
We are always glad to assist those
who are trying to “turn overa new
leaf.” 2
5 per cent compounded quarterly
on saving accounts.
6 percenton certificates of deposits
for 6 months or longer.
i _
President. Cashier.
| For Tax Receiver.
- Believing that lam thoréughly comptent,
to fill the office and as Mr. J. €. Allen says:
he is not geing to run this year 1 bhereby an
' nounce, myself a candidate for the of office of:
l Receiver of Tax Returus at the coming elécl
tion, subject to the Democrate primary and,
if elccted I gharantee 1o serve thé peopl
justly and conscientiously to the best of f
ability. ~
I heteby annoufice myself 4 candidate for
Tax Receiver of Charlton county, subject o
the Democratic Frimary. If elected, I prom- ‘
ise to discharge the duties futhfully and
to the best of my ability, and will ‘appreciate
the votes and sipport of the voters ot the
eounty. |
; For Tax Collector i
As Mr. J. J. Stokes ‘has announced for
the office of (yrdinary I will annvunce my
self for the oftice of Tax Collector: at th
next Democratic Primary and, solicit the
support of my-many f{riends, promising t
perform the duties of said oftice to the bes
jof my ability. g Gh e
i L A. G, CowEN SR,
Folkston, (‘-;l.. Feb. 28th, 1908. A
Ihereby annogace myself a_candidate ,{ur
the itk bf tax collector,” subject to the ap:
pmaching Democratic Primairy. ¥rom the
experience I have bad in tux asscssor nfiice:‘*f
feel that 1 can perform the many dudies ens
cumbent upon said office to the- satisfaction
of the public in general. P
‘Thanking my triends for past favors and
soliciting their support in the approaching
election, lam, ®
* Very respectfully yours,
J. Co Avwes,
To the Voters of Charlton County:—=
I hereby announce myself a eandidate sos
the office of Tax collector in the ‘coming
Demoeratic Primary, and will appreciate thé
votes of all my frienas.
J. B. Baker, °
For County ‘Treasurer
1. hereby announce myself a candidate ft'{r
re-election to the office of Treasures of Char'k
ton County. If nominated “ and elected 1
. 2
promise a faithful performance of the .duties
of the oftice, and as in the‘pqfit,\éndenvor to
take care of the county funds with a view i:n
their safety. Thanking the public for the
past favors | am ¥
| v Very respectfully, |
| 1. S. Groous.
; —_———— *®
For County Commissicner -
I hereby announce myself a candidat: for
County Commissioner, subject to the action
of the Deinocratic’ Primary, and promise, if
elected, to fil the office to the best of my
ability. - I'earnestly solicit the support my
friends generally. ; _
" Yours truly,
J. E. RoslNson, -
At the solicitation of many friends and with
a personal desire to see some of the maint
issues of the recommendations of the Gr:
Jury i)m into effect T announce myself a can
didate for County Commissioner, subiect to
the Democratic Primary June 4th, 1908.
Soliciting your \'me"\nd pm:nkifig to dis
charge the duties of the office to the best Q§
my ability in the upbuilding of Chariton
county, 1 am, s
Very truly,
‘ C. C. THoMas.
i T
By the request of many fdends I herely
announce myself a candidate for County
Commissioner, subject to the Democratic
Primary, and if elected 1 promise t. perform
the duties of the office t 0 the hest of my
ability, .
1 earnestly solicit the support of my friends
and the voters of Charltou county. i
J. W. Davipson,
.. Notice is hereby given that the undersign
-2d has applied to the Ordinary of said connty
lfur leave tosell lands belonging to the estate
‘of W. R. Johns for the payment of debts and
for distribution. Said applicution will bLe
heard at the regular term of the court of
Ordinary for said county *o be held on’ ths
| first Monday in [i ne, 1098.
| . This 4th day of May, 1908.
: MiLes Jonns,
Administrator upon the estateof W.R. Johns,
Cé.orgin, Charlton County;
{ “ P.J. Osterman and others having applied
for a new public'road beginning at the south
end Flonda Avenue, the city limits of St.
| George, Ga. and running through or hetween
| lands of T. W. Wrench, D. C. Welch, 73. C
{ Hodges, L.. R. Gainey, P. 8. Osteétman, J
W, Moore, R. N Chism, 1.. E. Kowe, 1.
Frush, N. B. King, 1. G. Rowe and others,
| sßlid road terminating near the home of M.
Tt being further stated that said toad is a
foad now in use running frem St. George to
By Mary s river and that petitiow for same is
on this office.
(> This is 10 1 otify all persons that said road
will be granted in terms of the law if no
good cause is shown 1o the contrary, :
_ April 7th 1908, A
e L. B MaLtato, :
i . Seery, Board Gounty Cowimissioners.
bis & e e s
Genrging Charlton county: 58
- Natice is hereby given that the undersigh
‘has applied*fo'the Ordinaty of " satd " cdunty
for Teave to sell lands belonging to the estate
of Steve Muxwell, for the payment of debts,
Said application will be heard at the regu-’
lar term of the court of Ordinary for said
ounty, to be held on the first Monday in
June; 1008, This 4th day of Mav 1008,
¥ Fddie Edw: rds,
Administrator upon the est. of Steve Maxwell,
State of Georgia, Charlton county:
Will be sold before the court house door
in said county. between the legal hours of
‘sgle. on the fust Tuesday i june, 1908 to
’lhe highest bidder for cash, the following
described real estate to-wit, Lots of land Nos.
five, six and eight i the first land district of
sald county. Said property levied on as the
property of G. W. Wainnght, under and by
virtue of an execution issued from the = court
of Ordinary of Wayne county, in favor of
J. E. Wainright et. al. and agunst G. W,
Waintight Exr."and will be sold to salisf).‘
said execution. This May sth, 1908,
o W. R. Wainright, Sheriff.
s A ’ ¥
- The State Examination for teach. ]
ers will be held on June 19th andi
2oth, These preparing for exami.
nation should read Page’s and
Roark’s work, also Dutton’s School
‘Management. ' ‘
~_Done by order of the State School
Commissioner. ‘
This April 28th, 1908.
1. E. Mavrard, (. S. C.
8-day Clocks worth $4.00, cash price now $2.50
SI.OO Cobbler’s outfits’ ' " : 75cte.
Wire Egg thgs, Bcts. each '
Cake turners, scts. each .
I 8 In. Meat Forks, locts. each L
Abig lot of Embroidery and Insertion, sto 1 o cts. per yard, a!so a nice line of lace
We also have a nice line of all-over lace and all.over embroidery.
. Dress Shirts from 35cts. to SI.OO
We have a nice line of well assorted shoes at very close prices—Also many other bargains
. for you. 10 see us,
Yours to please,
Clothing. Fats and Furuishings
Best Values =- ~Moderate Prices.
Upon request we will mail you a copy of our
Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full
description and prices.
~ Goods on Approval.
Upon request we will'send Goods by
Express C. O. D:subject to examination.
B.H. Levy Bro. & Co.,
Savannah, Ca.
Send the Cash
With Order.
SBS oo Barnesville Buggtes for
865 .00 :
- $75 oo North. Carolina .Buggies
for $57. 50 :
$65.00 Lyunchburg Brggies for
SSO oo
$£40.00 One Horée Wagons for
S6O oo Two Horse Wagons for
SSO 00 « ¥
$35.00 Two Horse Wagons for
Awerican Wire Fencing 1346 for
33 per rod
24 inch Well Curbing Pipe for
SI.OO per foot.
We have a large stock of Harness.
We are selling our entire stock at
actual cost, except Wire Feuncing
and Sewer Pipe, which we are sell
ing at a small profit,
Waycress, Ga,