Newspaper Page Text
o e
ELocal Personals.;
Miss Violet Davis is visiting a 1
Hilliard this week.
Me. W, A. Hodges, of Toledo, !
was in Folkston Monday. l
Mr. Jesse W. Vickery sperit Tucs-!
day night in Winokuir.
Col. W, M. Olliffattended Justice
tourt ia Camden County this week.
Sheriff W. B. Lyens, of Wayne
Co., was here a short time Wednes.
day, |
Mrs, Clara Roddenbeify and son
Hilbert came up Monday from Cal
Mrs. L. E. Mallard left Tuesday
to spend a few days with relatives
at Hilhard,
Miss Florence Wainright returned
Baturday after a weeks visit to
friends in Jesup,
Mr. F. Brown, of Kings Ferry,
‘was in Folkston Monday and gave
us a subgcription,
Mrs. M, ). Paxton left last Thurs
day for Valdosta to vigit her mother
and other relatives,
Little Miss laura Gowen re‘urned
Monday aftet a two weeks visit to
her brother J. V. Gowen at Vendig,
jlidgmg from reports from differ
ent sections of the county the prose
pects for an abundant corn crop was
never better,
T. L. Pickren and J. D. Moore
left Wednesday morning for St.
George on business, and incidentale
1y to talk politics,
Mrs, M, L. Jores left Wednes
day for Jacksomville, accompanied
by Fleeter Reufroe who has been
with her grand-parents.
Miss Ella Roddenberry came up
Sunday from Jacksonville ¥here she
had been spending time with her sis.
ter Mrs. T, J. Dowling.
Miss Beulah Wainright, now of
* Jesap, accompanied by Tlittle Zella
Raybon came down Wednesday and
are visiting relatives here,
Mr. M. W. Johns and brother, of
St, George, attended Ordinary’s
Court here Monday and ordered the
paper sent to their address,
Three of Mr. J. P, Musselwhite's
little boys, of Orlando, Fla., came
up last week and are spending time
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P,
Very fine rains fell in this section
last Friday and Saturday afternoons
and our farmers are in good spirits,
Good crops are reported in all parts
of the county,
Professor J. T. Brinkley left last
Sunday to accept the principalship
of the school at Lyons, Ga. He
will spend his vacation in Middle
and North Geotgia,
Mr. Geo. J. Stewart was called to
Jacksonville last Wednesday by
‘phohe. We presume he goes to
accept a position with the Jackson.
ville Furniture Company,
Mr. and Mrs, C, 1. Mattox, of
Waycross, came down Wednesday
morning. Miss Los Mattox, of
Folkston, who has been spending
time with them accompamed them,
Mr. L. E. Mallard left Tuesday
for Statesboro. He went on busi.
hess connected with politics, with
the intention of returning today m
time to cast his vote for J.M. Brown,
Among those from Callahan who
ttended the ball game Friday, were
Miss¢s Wilson, Guinn, Ogilvie and
Mrs. W. W. Cushing, accompanied
by Mr. Wingate and Mr, W, W, |
Cushing. ‘ . ‘
The campaign is all over and peo- i
ple can now settle down to business |
agath. The farmers will certainly
appreciate this, as they will have a
chance to pursue their usual Youtine
of work.
Thomas Walker, Charlton’s mas.
€ot spent Satnrday night and Sun.
day here, the guest of hus friend
LaVergne Tyler, Tom is 19 years
old enjoys good health, and is only
.;3 1-2 feet tall and weighs 59pounds.
William Staith ’ Label Toe Divoree
V. tCharrlton Superior Court,
Lugenia Smith | October terw, 1003,
Verdict tor 10'a! divorce, Apiil Bth, 1003,
Notice it hereby given that on the (Oth
day of May, 1003, the urdersioned filed in
the office of the clerk of the Supreme court
A Charlton oty an app b:ation for removal
of the disabilities resting upon him ufider the
verdiet in the above stat:d vase, 1
Said application will be hedrd at the ferm
of said court, which convenes on Tuesday af
ter the 4th Monday in Otober, 1908
Wis Liam SMITIH.
July 23, 1908,
es s i et seem
Grorcia, CHAriTON CoUNTY,
By virtue of an ordet of the court of or
dinary of sald eounty, will be sold at public
outery, on the first Tiiesdey in july 1908, at
the courf hose in said county, betwern the
legal héifd of sale, the following real estate,
110 actés of land in lapd lot No. 191, and
172 actés in land lot No. loz in Ist land
dist of said county, bounded north by Boone®’s
Creek and branch, east by N. B. King realty
Co., South by J. M. '"Woods and West by N,
B. King.
The sale will continne from day 10 day be
twedn the same hours until said property is
i Terms cash.
"Uhis 15t day of June 1998,
MirLrs Jonns,
Admr. upon estate of W, R. Johns.
Grorcia CHarLTON County.
Byvirtue of an order of the
court of ordinary of said county, will b: sold
at the public outcry, on the tirst Tuesday in
July 1908, at the court house in raid county,
between the usnal hours of sale, the following
real estate in Charlton county. to-wit:
Seventeen ceres of headright land at Centre
village, bonuded North by lands of the 1906
Colony Company, east by W. K. Wainuight
E, Austinand E. Petty. south by Edward
Petty and west by H. 5. Mattox, also a one
half undivided inter st in Lot. or Track No.
eight of Renfroe Addition to Folkston, con
taining 114 acres, |
The sale will continue from day to day be
tween the same hours until said property isi
sold, Terms cash.
This Ist day of June 1908,
Eddie Edwards, -
Admr. estate Steve Mo xwell.
Groraeia, CaarLrony COUNTY.
J. W, VicKery, administrator upon the es
tate of Joseph M. Johns late, of said county,
deceased, having filled his petition for dis
charge, this is to cite all persons | coecerned
to show canse against the granting of this dis-
Hiirge at-the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary, for said county to be held on the
first Monday in July 1908,
B. G. McDonaLD,
Moses Crews, administrator upon the estate
of Jesse Crews, late of said county, deceased
having filied his petition for discharge, this is
to cite all persons to show cause against the
granting ofthis discharge at the rsgular term
of the court of ord'nary for said county to be
held on the fitst Monday i July 1908.
B G. McDon:LD,
e e e
Geargia, Charlton County. |
Mrs, Francis Dunn, having made applica
tion for twelve months support out of the es
tate of Charles E. Dunn, and appraisers duly
‘:\ppoimed to set apart the same, having filed
their retarn. Al persons concerned are here
by required to show cause before the court of
ordinary of said county on the first Monday
in July 1908.
B, G. McDonaLD,
Georgia, Ben Hill County.
Notice is hereby given that the undesigned
has applied to the urdinary of Ben Hill Coun
ty for leave to sell land ih Charlton county,
said state, belonging to the estate of Mrs
Viola Melntash Walker deceased, for the pur
pase of paying the debts of said estate.
Said application will be heard at the regu
luar term of the court of Hen Hil! County to
be held on the first Monday in July 1909,
Admr. Estate Mys. Viola Mlcntosh Walker.
Georgia, Ben Hill County.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has applied to the ordinary of Ben Hill Coun
ty for leave to sell land in Charlton county,
said state, belonging to the estate of Henry
Ingles, deceased for the purpose of distribu
tion. Said application will he heard at the
regular term of the court of ordinary of Ben
Hill Cougty, to be held on the first Monday
in July 1908, .
This June st 1908.
G. M, HookEg,
Adwr, estate of Henry Ingles.
To whom it may concern*
Mrs. G, W. Haddock, having made api‘nli
cation to me in due form to be appointed per
manent administrator upon the estate of G.
W. Haddock late; of said county. notice is
ecercby given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the court of or
dinary for said county to be held on the first
Monday in July 1908. Witness, my hand
and official signature. This 2nd day of June
B. G, McDoxavp,
- Ordinary.
The running of a savings account
has a tendency to wean a man from
habits of extravagance and dissipa
tion* It gives him new ambition, and
a desire to save money.
We are always glad to assist those
who are trying to ““turn overa new
leaf.” :
5 per cent compounded quarterly
on saving accounts.
6 per centon certificates of deposits
for 6 months or longer.
President. Cashier.
[ Thinks it Saved His Lite,
| Lester M. Nelson, of Naples
‘Maine, says in a recent letter: *I
:have used Dr, King’s New Discov
ery many years, for coughs and
colds, and I think it saved my. life.
I have found 1t a reliable remedy
for throat and lung complaints, aad
would no wore be without a bottle
than [ would be without food.” For
nearly forty years New Discovery
Las stood at the head of throat and
lung remedies. As a preventer of
pneumonia and healer of lung
troubles it has no equal. |
Suld under guarantee a all drug
gist, bo ¢ and sl.oo. Trial b()ttlci
e€s o v T
I wiil be at Folkston on Monday,
June yst and every Mouday there
after uuntil further notice, preparcd
to do dental work of any kind.
Call early and make ergagements.
: ‘: .j. £ Bfiuifzwuk, Dentist.
" e——
ICE. |
In future we will sapply our cus—i
tomers with icein ary quantity from
sc worth and up, Sunday hours from
8 to 11 a. m. Special price for
large quantities, :
: \
LOR. ‘
In fature a supply of Till's fam
ous ice crcam can be found at the
Foikston Pharmacy at all tifes.
A Grand Family Medicine.
“It gives mc pleasure to speak a
good word for Electric Bitters,”
writes Mr. Frank Conland of num
ber 436 Houston St,, N. Y, «It’s
a grand family medicine for dyspep
sia and hver complications; while
for lame back and weak kidneys it
cannot-be too highly recommend
ed.” Electric Bitters regulates the
digestive functions, purifys the blood
and imparts renewed vigor and vital.
ity to the weak and debihited of both
sexes. Scld under guarantee at all
drug stores. soc.
el |
Mrs. €. A. Howell, accompanied
by two of her children, of Hatch
‘Bend, Fla, spent Sunday with her
‘sistcr, Mrs. B. G. McDonald, Mrs.
Howell left Monday for Elon, S. C.
to be presant at the graduation of
her son,
Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Gordon, of
Trilby, Fla., who have been spend
ing a week here, the guests of Mrs.
Gordon’s mother, Mrs. Williams,
left Monday night to visit Mr, Gor
don’s mother, who is quite sick. at
The contract for refilling the can.
al, acros the swamp road was jet
by the County Commissioners on
last Monday to Mr. R. A. Hardee
'for the sum of $78.50. There were
a number of bids in, ranging from
the above to $450.
t Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright and
Master Jim returned last Friday
from Charleston, S, C. where the
doctor went some time ago to better
prepare himself in certain lines of
study:- Qpportunities being favor
able, he was able to shoiten his stay
Charlton County
- Thomas A. Parker, Waycross.
John W. Bengett, Waycross.
Jesse W, Vickery, Foikston.
B. F. Scoti, Folkston.
+ W. M. Olliff, Folkston.
- J. J. Mattox, Foliston,
¥ A. 1. Howard, Folkston.
B. G. McDonald Folkston
- J.B. Grooms, ' F\.lkston.
J. C. Allen, Winokur, =
- J. J. Stokes, Folks on.
W. R. Wainwright, Folkston.
2L.’E, Mabard, ¥Folkston,
S. F{ Alilig, Chairman, Folkston.
J. P| Miz. 11, "
I B; Lloyd, "
J. L Johnson, Toledo.
J. P Mazell,
' B. G. Mchonald,
, H. J. Davis,
‘ TL. Pickren,
i W. M. Ollift,
_ H. C. Page.
T. W. Vickery.
H. ]J. Daws,
: H. H, Hathaway,
Clothing, Rats and Furuishings
Best Values =- Moderate Prices.
Upon request we will mail you a copy of our
Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full
description and prices.
Goods on Approval.
Uponrequest we will-send Goods by
Express C. O. D. subject to examination.
B.H. Levy Bro. & Co.,
Savannah, Ca.
Send the Cash
With Order-.
SBB oo Barnesville Buggies for
" $65.00 e
$75.00 North *Carolina Buggies
for $57. 50
$65.00 Lynchburg Buggies for
SSO 00
$40.00 One Horse Wagons for
$60.00 Two Horse ‘Wagons for
SSO 00
$55.00 Two Horse Wagons for
H 45.00 o .
American Wire Fencing 1346 for
33 perrod
24-inch Well * Curbing Pipe for
SI.OO per foot.
We have a large stock of Harness.
We are selling our entire stock at
actual cost, except Wire Feucing
ani Sewer Pipe, which we are sell
ing at a small profit,
)A JonesßuggyCo
Waycress, Ga,