Newspaper Page Text
A |
[L.ocal Personals
F. D. Cociirg <pent Sunday Yere
Mr. O. S, Chancy was among
those in town Tuesday.
Mr. E. C. Kenison wasin Folk
ston Tuesday afternoon.
Col, Simon W. Hitch of Way.
cross was here Tuesday.
Mrs. W. L. Hatchell left Moaday
to visit relatives in Florida.
Mr. Jesse W. Vickery moved in
his new home lust Sczturday,
Mr. W. I, Minchew of Winokur
spent an hour or two here Saturday.
Mr. W. H. Clay of Homeland
paid us a pleasant call Tuesday.
Mrs. G. H. Robinson Teddy and
Sidney visited in Jacksonville last
Mr, W. H. Haddock of Jackson
ville spent Sunday night and part of
- Monday here.
Mr.J. F. Smith spent Sunday
visiting his son who is in a Hopital
in Savannah.
The Herald received twenty-five
subscriptions last Tuesday. It pays
to advertise in the Herald.
Mrs, John Wilson Sr. is visiting
her danghter Mrs. W. H. Cason at
Hilliard this week,
School Suprintendant L. E.
Mallard visited the schools of the
Bend the first of the week.
If appearances count for much,
there will be at least two marrieges
in Folkston n the near future.
Mr. Harley Chancy of Jackson
ville spent Monday night and Tues
day visiting in and near Folkston,
It will pay you to peruse every
page of the Herald, giving strict at
tention to the ads found on its pages,
Mr. J. F. Knox of Hickox spent
a few hours here Saturday and ex
tended his subscription to the Her-
M~ £ g . .5 ' : "4-' ;
- Mrs, G. W. Haddack visited her
davghter Mrs. Ogilvic and Mrs.
W. L. Robinson in Callahan last
Mr. Robt Jones of [raders Hiil
was among our catlers last Saturday
reaewing his subscription for ano
ther year.
Mr. S. H. Pruitt left here Friday
- and Mre. Iruitt and children left
Sunday theyare in the northern part
+ of South Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Mills were
called by telegram to Jacksonville
yesterday on account of the death
of Mrs, Mills's mother.
Mr. F. D. Mills on last Monday
bought of W. H.Haddock the place
just south of H. S, Mattox'’s place
the price paid was £365.
Robt, Mattox left Saturday morn
ing to accept a position with Phillips
and Allport. The work is in Florida
on the J and S. W. R. R,
Mrs. S, J. Yeargin and daughter
Miss Kate of Deland Fla., are spen
ding time here the guest of her dau
ghter Mrs J. D. Donahoo,
Miss Mamie Tyler left last Fri
day morning for a few weeks va
cation. She will spend the time with
her sister Mrs. 8. 1. Highsmith in
Jacksonville, ‘
Mr. and Mrs. Will Pittman of
Jacksonville who has been visiting
Mrs. Pittmans parents Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. E. Robinson returned to their
home Tuesday,
Mis. J. F. Welch and children
lejt yesterday for a months visit to
her old home in Stanley N. C. She
went by rail to Jacksonville and
thence bysteamer.
Mr, H. S. Mattox has accepted his
old position with King & Clark as
manager of their cross tie business.
He left Sunday morning to take
charge on Monday.
There was an enthusiastic delega
tion from Waycross that passed
thru here yesterday enroute to Jack
sonville in the interest of the exten
_sion-of the A, B. & A,
By Durcan M, Smith,
Hew eon'd the ordinary moan
Lu cobversation shine
%\\'i\lmut the hackneyed” weather
! theme :
As leader for his line?
Could he without an cffort think
Of anything te say
Unless he could get started with
‘My, what a beastly day?”
He may be thrown in for a time
~ With one he does not know,
They need some common ground to
The convessation flow,
And in the line of talk he looks
For something ready made.
And so to neatly fill the gap
The weather comes, first aid.
in calling on a lady f:iend
The bashful man and shy
Can’t think of anything to say,
Though he his best may try.
He stammers and is just about
To turn and run away,
Ard ther the weather topic comes
And saves for him the day.
The man with nothing on his mind,
And not too much of that,
[s halted by a friend and flads
The conversation flat,
He drags the good old weathes in
As they resume their walk,
IFor cussing and discussing that
Most any one can talk.
BunKs of All Kinds on CRED”
The Frankl'n-Turner Co., Atlanta, 6a, ™"iue:""
Best The World Affords.
“It gives me unbounded pleasure
to reccomend Bucklen's Arnica
Salve,” says J. W. Jenking, of Chap
el Hill, N.C.,, ““I am convinced it’s
.he best salve the world affords. It
cured a felon on my thumb, and it
never fails to heal evero sore, burn
or wound to which tt is applied.
25 ¢. at the drug store,
' 4 ’
+ Whiskey, Wines,
Mail Orcer Hopse For Money.
Prompt Servicel Try us Once.
7 i edd-s P e :
XQ//:/;A// / //1‘1%./// :,77,;,
7 T
(Penpdodntevette, < HAla.,
i:- s /'/- _}V))/‘/-rv’//l/r' //‘
Miss Rena Smith left here Sunday I
afternoon for Uptonville preparitory |
to opening school there Monday. i
Several couples of young folks!
took a run up to uptonville Sunday
evening on 22 retirning on 21,
Quite a crowd went from here to
Pablo last Sunday. The party con
sisted of Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Ocain,
Mr und Mrs. W. H, Mizell, Mr-
John Roddenberry, Sr., Miss Ella
Roddenberry accompanied by some
of her smaller brothers and sisters,
and Mess'rs H. C. and Hardy Rus
sell. , |
\ Little Bernice, Mr. Jesse Vies.
ery’s little girl was badly bitten on
the arm by an old hog on last Sun
day evening while spending the
night with her grand parents, Mr,
and Mrs. John Vickery. Mr. Vick
ery asked Mrs, Jesse Vickery to go
with him to see some fine pigs. The
pigs in trying to get through the
fence were caught and squealed,
whereupon the old hog attacted Mr,
Vickery, who had Bernice in his
arms, knocking him down and Dbit
ing the child on the right arm. The
wound, though not a serious one
was quite painful, being bitten en
tirely through the arm,
Mr. B. A. Thomas the barber now
has his family herc Mrs, Thomas
and the chiidren arrived last Sat
urday evening they are occupying
the Sikes little dwelling south of
H. C. Page,
The running of a savings account
has a tendency to wean a man from
habits of extravagance and dissipa
tion' It gives him new ambition, and
a desire to save money. :
We are always glad to assist those
who are trying to “turn overa new
leaf.” )
5 per cent compounded quarterly
on saving accounts.
6 per centon cestificates of deposits
for 6 months or longer.
President. Cashier.
William Smith l Libel for Divorce y
‘ .""-. / ! Charrltpn Superior Court,
‘ Lugenia Smith. | October term, 1908.
~ Verdict tor to'al divorce, April Bth, 1908,
Notice is hereby given that on the 16th
day of May, 1908, the undersigned ffled in
the office of the clerk of the Supreme court
of Charlton county an application for removal
of the disabilities resting upon him under the
verdict in the above stat:d case.
Said application will be heard at the term
of said court, which Tuesday af
ter the 4th Monday in October, 1908.
\ July 23, 1908.
) b e B
1 The Remedy That Does.
“Dr, King's New Discovery is the
remedy that does the healing others
promise buut fail to perform,” but
fail to perform,” says Mrs. E. R
Pierson, of Auburn Center, Pa. .“It\‘
is curing me of throat and. l,ugg
trouble of long standing, that other
treatments relieved only temporars
ily. New Discovery s doing me so
much good that I feel confident its
continued use for a reasonable length.
of time will restore me to perfeet
health.” Thig renowned cough an
cold remedy and throat and bng
healer is sold at all drug stores at|
doc. and 100 Trial bottle frce,fi;‘
"I will be at Folkston on the first.
Monday in each month until further
notice, e
J. C. BREWER, Denust.
lC E . ;
In future we will supply our cus=
tomers with ice in any quantity from
sc worth and up, Sunday heurs from
8 to 11 a. m. Special price for
large quantities.
#_‘m '
Iu fature a supply of Till's fam
ous ice crcam can be found at the
Foikston Pharmacy at all times.
1t Can’'t Be Beat. *
3 "’
The best of all teachers 15 expers
ience. C. M. Harden, of Si%;,
City, North Carolina, says: “I find
Electric Bitters does all that’s claim
ed for it. For Stomach, Liver and
Cidney troubles it can’t be beat. I
have tried it and find it a most ex
cellent medicine.” Mr Harden is
right; it’s the best of all medicines
also for weakness, lame back, and
all run down conditions Best, too
for chills and malaria, Sold umder
!guar:\mce by all druggists. 50.,
This fall I can furnish thomgh
bred Barred Rock eggs for h@(ch
ing at $1.50 for 14. Let me book
your orders, My chickens will lay
an average of 220 eggs yearly, ‘They
are prolific layers, L
“Talk aoout your piano, '
Talk about your show,
The sweetest music to my ears,
Is tohear the Barred Rock erow.
S. H. Prurrn
Charlton County
| Directory
' Thomas A. Parker, Waycross.
Jobn W. Benpett, Waycross.
. Jesse W, Vickery, Foikston.
‘y B. F. Scoti, Folkston.
"L W. M: Olliff, Folkston.
& J. J. Mattox, Folkston. ~°
¢ _A.J. Howard, Folkston.
. B. G. MecDonald, Folkston
. I‘3";s§EA7sUߣR:“:‘l_‘ -
¢ J. 8. Grooms, F.lkston,
3.2»1 J. C, Allen, Winokur, |
¥ ] Stokes Folison.
.‘ - W. R. Wainwrigh*, Folkston.
-L. E, Maha:d, Folkston, ’
S. I, Milig, Chairm.n, Folkston.
P Mzl "
LB Llad - i
J. L. Johnson, .Toledo. . . ,
J. P. Mzell. '
B. G. McDonald,
} H. J. Davis,
T, L. Pickren,
W. M. Olliff,
e I C Page.
T. W. Vickery.
k. H. J. Davis,
| H. H, Hathaway, :
Go to Mizell & Paxton’s
They'll Surprise You in Prices.
Clothing, Rats and Furuishings
Best Values =- Moderate Prices.
Upon request we will mail you a copy of our
Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full
description and prices.
Goods on Approval.
Upon request we wili send Goods by
Express C. O. D. subject to examination.
"B.H. Levy Bro. & Co.,
Savannah, Ca.
‘ G. E. Jones, Pastor.
‘ Preaching and Conference on the
fourth Sawnrday at 11 o’clock A, M
and cn Sunday at 11 A, M. and at
a 0 M,
o Prayer ’l_\l\eéff}(g“é‘yery Tuesday at
SP, M.. 25 | Sl \~
'Sur{flzii'gchoul every Sunday .at
9;30 A. M., J. F. Smith, Superin.
“ Woman's Missionury Society, ev
ery Wednesday at 3 P, M., Miss
Mattic Denmark, Pres,
Everybody is invited to attend
each seryice. '
M. E. Cuurcn Sopss, OF THE
- Fouksron Circurr.
M. Booth, Pastor, .
i ~8. F. Gay, Assistant.
~ Preaching at Folkston every st
and zrd Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7
P. M.
Prager Meeting every Wednesday
at 7 P M,
Sunday Schoolat 3 P. M. ev
ery Sunday.
Preaching at Uptouville every Ist
Sunday at 3 P. M,
Preaching at Bethel every 2nd
Sunday at 11 A, M. and at Traders
Hitl at 3 P. M.
Preaching at Mills’ ehureh every
3rd Sunday at 11 o’clack A. M,
Preaching at Temple every 4th
Sunday at 11 A, M. and 7 P. M,
All are cordially invited.
Just Right.
“I have used Dr, King’s New Life
Pills for several years, and find them
just exactly right,” says Mr, A. A.
Felton, of Harrisville, N, Y. New
Lilfe Pills relieve without the least
discomfort Best remedy for con
stipation, biliousness and malaria,
‘25 c. at all drug stores,
'GEORGIA, BEN HitL. Counryy
By virtue of an order from the Court of
Ordinary of Ben Hill county, will be sold at
public outery, 1o the highest bidder for cash,
on the first Tuesday in August 1908, at the
court house door in the county of Charlton,
infhe city of Folkston, between the legal
hours of sale, the tract of land in said county
more particularly described as follows —Lot
number twenty-one (21) in block number one
hundred thirty-eight (133) also lot number
fifteen (15) in block number seventy-three
(73) in the city of Bt. George in the county
of Cherlton; as shown by the recorded plat
5 P ge i
of said city. ¥ 5 NEAE T%é 3
This July. 6th, 1908, Nl
B. C. MosHEr,
Adin'r. Estate Viola Mclntosh Walker,
‘Grorcrs, Ben Hivl Uounty,
By virtue of ap orderfrom the court of
Ordinary.of Ben Hill eounty, will be sold at
public ‘Qulery, to the highest bidder for cash,
on the first Tuesday in August 1908, at the
court house door in the County of Charlton,
in the city of Folkston. between the legal
hou-s of sale, the tract of land misaid county
more particularly described as follows; —Lot
number one (1) ili biock humber onz hundred
sixty-three (163) xlso lot fmbar ‘twenty-ong
(21) in hlock nu:n’b:r‘ forty-six (45) in *the
city of St. “leorge, in.ths county of Charlton
as shown by the recorded plat of sail city.
TLis July 6th, 1903.
G. M. Hookzr,
Adm’r ‘Estate of Henry Ingles,
:Kentucky Rye &;
:Bourbon W his-:
§ Shipped Promptly, §
§ lity Gyaranteed. 2
gScnd for prices and give me ag
_-g #: trial, g
:R. D. MeCormick, :
: Jacksonville, Fla.,
g No. 201-203 Bridge t 2