Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, August 27, 1908, Image 8

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Excellent Health Advice. | Mrs. M. M. Davison. of No. 379 Gifford Ave,, San Jose, Cal., says: “The worth Flectric Bitters as a general family remedy, for head ache, Yiilfousness and torper of the Twer and bowels 15 s 0 pronounce that lam prompted tosay a word in its favor, for the benefit of those seeking rel’ef from such afflictions. I'here is health for the digestive organs in%a bottle of Electric Bitters than in any other remedy I know of.” Sold under guarantee at all druggists. §OC. 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED YOUNG MEN PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR GOOD POSITIONS, On account of the new 8 hour law passed by congress in the inter est of telegraphers, and also on ac count of so many new railroads being built and old lines extended, an unusual demand for operators has been created, Conservativ es timates have placed the number of additional operators thut will be re quired during the next ten months at approximately 20,000. YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPOTUNITY! Entroll in our school now and in only four to six fnonths we will have you qualified for splendid positions. Telegraph Operators reccive from $50.00 up wards. « Our school has been estab lished twenty years; its equipment is perfect; instruction thorough afd practical; positions positively guar anteed our gradyates. DBoatd ih Newnan is very cheap; the town is healthful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railroad Wires rimn into our School rooms, No othet school in the United States has such up-to date and prictical facilities for the bé‘n'gfii" of its students. Write at once for free, descriptive literas ? d’en ‘A;'b'k : ‘Sourniry Bcoor of TELEGRAPHY, Why James Lee Cot Well. Everybody in Zanesville, 0., knows {!rs. Mary Lee, of rural toute 8. Bhe writes: ‘“My husband, * James Lee, firmly believes he owes his life to the use of Dr. Kings New Discovery. His lungs were so severely affected that consumption geeméd inveitable, when a friend recommended New BDiscovery. We tried It, and its use has restored h imto perfect health.” Dr. King's New Discovery is the King of throat and lung remedies. for counghs ard colds it has no equal, T'he first dose gives relief. Trv it! Sold under guarantee at all drugy etores jsoc. and 1.09, Trial bottle free. Authorized AD. SOLICITOR, W. W. MerriLr, of Jacksonville, N SEEDS & BUCKBEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED! B ‘PlO::I."OF«FER: , Bustness’ A trial will T e R ST GUARANTEED TO PLEASE. Write_to-éay ;. Meation this Paper. P N e oy DlO CENTS e i, B iS Bt .W, Bockbes, 116 SUQIGE SINKET m AT, G:s) }fIORIDA CHAIR FACTORY Selling Ot 35.000 Chairs Direct to Conspmer §| 8 L Ek‘;"u.‘lT iy i |lii{"’, bama, e LR 5 W =Ty t > "/ wm mn‘mnm c ! | l DINING "m | coairs | WA § Bassoned cak, i!ff;,-' : cane seat, well | tande, sloag ~ | 1y brieed, | Dos'telay N erdeving, for bnn IS | every chaur s e e S W be clesed oot et Oul 8t oveo 6Sc $1.22 e ee e e o R i ’lm~tflfl‘hfl they m:z :‘d " (‘lu’r‘a‘:lull:(“k;:m sctusl manufacturer’s cost. Over 200 pattorss to selert from. All &Wy madesnd bighly Seishod. Scoad in your order today. low L i 0 Goorg, Alabama, Boutd Carolins, Flerida —————————————————— e—— o . - Box 32 FLORIDA CHAIR FACTORY, sucatonviit, ma. Money Returned u Not os R M:ww Ly Packed [N TAR XTI E.Local Personzzlsi?,; N 7 2 2 i 2 e s | Judge B. IY, Seott spent Tuesday ia Jacksonville. Mr. W. L. Hodges, of the Bend, was here a short while Tuesday. Mr. C, S. Smith, of Claxton, is visiting his brothet, J. I, Smith here Mr. E. L. Wainwright visited Savannah this week, returning Tues day. } Mr. Hardy Woolard, of Scotts ville, paid the Herald a pleasant call Saturday, : Mrs., I, IN. Mallard returned last Saturday from a pleasant visit to refatives at Hilliard. Col. W. M. Olliff, who has been quite sick with back and stomache trouble, is out again. Mr, A. L. Poppell, of Birming ham, Ala., visited his sister, Mrs. H. C. lage last Friday. Miss Sallie Proctor left Tugsday for Blackshear where she will spend some time with relatives. Mrs. T. E. Wainright, of Talla hassee, came up Tuesday and is stopping with relatives-here. Mr. ], M. Rrooks paid us a call Saturday, renéwing his subscription for another yeat’s good reading, Miss Nellic Davis is spending! time in Jacksonville with her grand parénts, Dl, and Mrs. A, C. Scott. Miss Nellie Mattox made a short vigit to the home of her uncle, Mr. C. .. Mattox, in Waycross last lwcek Mrs. A. B. Carswell, of Hortense, 1s spending time here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mizell, : Mrs, W. L. Robinson, of Mon crief, Fla., is here at present, the guest of her mother, Mre. G, W, Mr. Charley Sikes left about week agn for Gilmore, Fla., where he will engage in fishing on the St. lohns river. Miss Violet Davis and Master Herman, accompanied by their father, Mr, 11. J. Davis, visited at Hiiliard last Sunday, Miss Victoria and Master Tom mie Beard, from South Florida, are visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mizell re turned to their home ia Savannah last Monday, after some time spent with relatives in this vicinity, FOR SALE AT HALF PRICE for cash, 25 city lots in St. George, Ga, Address S., care Charlton County Herald, Folkston, Ga. Mr W. F. Bailey, of Lake Butler and son, W. S. Bailey, of Jackson ville, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ]J. Paxton the first of tne ~week, ; . Mr. T. P. Abrams, the bridge man who fell and was so severely hurt on July 3rd, has recovered and left last Sunday for his home in Ricbmond, Va, Mr. T. A. Christie and son, W. Z. Christie. who is visiting here, went to the Okeefinokee Monday to fish. They carried plenty of ice, bait and coaking utensils. ' Mr. ]J. E. Robinson returned from Jacksonville Sunday with his daughter, Miss Bessie who has been ,in the care ot a physician there for a month, being now much impraved in bhealth. Tax Collegtor elect, J. C, Allen spent Maturday here, Mr. Allen will move his “family here in the spring. Mr. Allen complimented our article of last week on better ments, He thinks it would be the wisest thing for the town and coun t¥ 1o da as this article suggested, Mr. Marion Howard happened to an acvident 1 few davs ago which came very near resulting in the loss of his right eys, In straightening himself up his face struck the sharp end of a boara, lacerating the flesh near his eye. Dr, Wright was con sulted and the wound was stitched ‘together, SAVE YOUR EARNINGS. i | The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion' It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying téf“turn overa new leaf.” ' , 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER, President. Ella G. Danghtry | Petition for divoree, vs. i In the Supetior Court of Wm. H. Daughtry: Charlion County Georgia ¥ i October tefm 3908, Vo Wm. 11. Daightry, the defené;&f in the above entitled cause; ol You ure hereby requiréd to be and dppear a* the next term of the Superior court, to be held in ana for the county of Chatlton’ and state of Georgia, at Folkston théréfi&,w' the 26th day of October A. D., 1908, then " and there to answer the petition of filéf'?fif«ahe above entitled cause. fe In default of such appearance tfi@,:‘ifioutt will proceed as to justice shafll appertaig. WITNESS Honorable T. A. Parker, Judge of said court. and the seal thereof, on this the 27th day of July 1908. (§2 e RE P ? Jesse W, VICKERY, © CITATION., 3f: 1 (sEORGIA, CHARLTON coUNTY! B o Mrs. Cagsie Fitzimmfions having made ap: plication for twelve months suppoft out of the estate of Loltie Fitzimmons and gppeais ers duly appointed to det apart the same hay ing filed their returns all pemn% are hereby required to show cause before ths court ot Ordinary of said qafinti;*oxfi‘-ifiéyfim{ Monday in September 1908 why uflhppli} ‘ cation should not be granted. -10 This of August 1908, « . © : B. G. McDoNaLy, Ordinary, ; STATE OF GEORGIA, : P COUNTY OF CHARLTON, e J shn Hagan l , L i 11 Libel for divoree. Orpha Hagan. s & S The defendant, Orpha Huogah, §§ igergl»y required, personally or by~ l,ttm;lgig to be and appear at the Superior Cotirt, to be held in and for said County, on the Tfiwiqfier the fourth Monday in October, 1668, then and there to answer the planlifl‘i"r omplaint! as in default there of said ~ourt %eed as to justice shall appertain. Witress the Honorable T. A. Parker, judge of Said court this day of June, 1908, tbh Jisse W. VicKERY, Clerk Superior Court charlton totnty. | Seal. ‘ i Sue DENTAL NOTICE. I will be at Folkston on the first ‘Monday in each month unfil further irn')lice_ St aUL e 1 J. C. BREWER, Dentist. ~ In future we will supply our cus ‘tomers with ice in any quantity from 's¢ worth and up, Sunday heurs from 8 to 11 a. m. Special price for large quantities, S When in needofa .~ & : : good Sewing Machine, REMEMBER THE SOORE sl always ready for service ALSO THE WHEELER & WILSON g O, NEEDLES AND 4 - MACHINE suguss: ALEX MILLS, Singer Sewing llohm’%. Folkston, Ga. OFFICE IN BANK BLDG; AR R BB R R R s e —————— e b 2 Fine Sampte sm&wal&gflv z 218 W. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fld 5" :’v|u.ngnqu|uqxrquqnmnqxlQu@w"‘MMumuq F. D, MILLS, Cashier. Charlton County Directory JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT. Thomas A. Parker, Waycross. SOLICITOR GENERAL. John W. Denpett, Waycross. CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. Jesse W. Vickery, Foikston. JUDGE COUNTY COURT. B. F. Scoti, Folkston. % SOLICIT)R COUNTY COURT. W. M. Olliff, Folkston. SENATOR. J: J. Mattox, Folkston. REPRESENTATIVE, : A. J. Howard, Folkston. ; ORDINARY. B, G. McDonald, Folkston . TREASURER, wdnlS Oroome, Fuliaton. . o *‘?m,‘};_fie‘"”igd Sl b - TAX RECEIVER., ©" ~ J.C. Allen, Winokur, TAX COLLECTOR. J J. Stokes. Folks on. L SHERIFF, W..R. Wainwright, Folkston, S SCHOOL COMMISSIONER L. E, Maha:id, Folkston, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, S. F, Milis, Chairm.n, Folkston. J. P.Miz 11, » Sl Lo, d, -~ Y J. L. Johnson, Toledo. : TOWN OF FOLKSTON, s MAYOR. ) J. P. Mizell. ’ COUNCILMEN, B. G. Mchonald, H. ]J. Davis, T. L. Pickren, | W. M. Olliff. H. C, Pige. .. , : RECORDER, T. W. Vickery. TREASURER. B 3 Davis, MARSHALL, - R. N, "Mizell, MIZELL 20d PAXTON'S. | 2 ? f (;"/‘, e ‘ CLOTHING B At 33 [-3 per cent Discount P%’?& . f‘!',igf; This season’s goods, made by 8% "8 t HART, SCHAFENER |4 I and MARX, i The Stein-Bloch Co. ¥ I\t £ And Others, known to be the *j{f % Country’s Best; and sold 4@ & % with our Guarantee. ' By % «Satisfaction or Money Refunded..s This is the one big opportunity for Kou to procurea FULL VALUE suitat ONE THiIRD LESS than full price- -~ = its an investment- - -The suit will still be b good all of next suminer.. 3: Bq He LeVy BI‘O. & '.COO’ } Savannah, Ca. She Lakes Good Things. Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West Fran klin, Maine, says: “I like good things and have adopted Dr. King’sf New Life Pills s our family lax- | ative medicine, because they are! good and do their work without. making a fuss about it-”"l'hece, pain . iess purifiess sold at all drugists. 25c. 1 A B RO 0 S 3 %’Hs"mgfif"fi@é figdéad@?’j’?g : X n % - Dealer in .\,/e,-s. :;§}l§;sl~es, Hamé,ss;.,_aflii%} {Saddlery, Successory {to Vehicle & Harness} § Co. also to Sabel § ;'3 Bros. Wagon & § Buggy Dept. R 3 bl 4to ::8 W, Bay St., :2 & Jacksonville, Fla, { i 1 B o RN SRR »Botter be Sure Tkar Sorry”’ R RAAA AAT AAAA A DLk To get a bargain in g]:isf.é% that may magnify the sight and make thc’ wear er feel that he sees better, when the glasses improperly fit, may improve the sight or ruin it permanently. If your eyes trouble you, consult the oldest and best ~DR. M. SCHWAB’S SON, Iy Laura St.; ]acksc;nville, Fla. DUVALHARNESS CCMPANY. Manufacturers of and dealers in Harness, Saddles,” Lap Robes and lorse Guods gen. erally. Hand-made I{arness and repairing a specialty, 217 W. Forsyth St Jacksonvile Fla Buu KS of All Kings o cRED"' (;l---:-“’--n-.:’ Ihe Frank!'n-Turner Co,. Atianta, Ba. ™“thae" HENRE AR BN ENAE Xa Cas rto All Parts of the City. | a 5 TELEPHONE 930, | E Rooms 50c, 75¢ ar:d SI.OO a day} = @ ZAHM’S EUROPEON HO(EL. i =FRF,D ANGLEHOLZER :: Proprietor | EWines, Liquors, Beers and Cigarsi B e e @ MEALS AT ALL HOURS. i " C - 7 ARy H/28 é. L%’fl/// 7 i = oA / a7z | i %flc L/denttr%, C/’/{li . Forsgro Feet, - “I have vfoiu'nd' Buckleh’s Arnica Salve to be the proper thinz to use for sore sees, as well as for healing burns, sores, cuts, and all- manaer of a'rasions.” writes Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland, Maine Itisthe pro per thing too for piles. Try it! Sold nnder guarantee at all drugsists, 2e ! 'Q‘Duval Shoe Factoryg 202 Main St., Jacksenville, Fla l Old shoes made new. . Work gnaranteed. New machinery jusf installed =3 A full line of shoes in stock ** * % * New shoes made to order Plenty of polish, leather and findings. A. M FOOR, Mgr. | AT A BARGAIN. - One acte of land with two dwell ingg ho'tses on it. One two story house, six roons eatirely new, one small house, all under fence near court house. All for for sgso cash, or sl,o¢o on easy terms, C. N. Mills, Folkston, Ga.