Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, September 10, 1908, Image 8

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SABEL BROS! . =——FOR— PROMPT DELIVERY 118 ton ice plant compleie, '1 'vo ton ize plant, comgicte. ‘2 Standard saw mill, complete, with Edgar conveyor, bdlting, tools, boilers and engine, first-class con dition; capacity 20,000 feet. t Standard gauge locotmotive, loxl4 repaited and ready for steam. 1 Standard gauge locomotive, 23 tofis, ready for steam. t Narrow gauge locomotive, 7x12, repaired and ready for stcam. t Ladgewood Sskidder, rox.z, 4 driitns. i Lamlert skidder, roxi2, 4 drums. 6 Lathes, good order. 1 Drill press, good order. 1 Shaper, good order. ‘ 2 Pipe cutting machines, good order 1 Spoge apd handle machiace, gnmll order. A carload of “Alamo” gasoline en 1 gines, frcm 3 to 15 horse, none better t Ddouble-drum hoisting eugine, 6 1-4%8 1-4. ¢ Turpentine still, good order. 30 Logging cars, narrow gange and logging trucks, good order, i Porter saddle tank loccmotive 10X14, NATTOW gauge, 1 Rhode Island locomotive, 15x22, narrow gaiige, 1 22x24 top slide valve engine, com ; plete. 1 Haul up rig, complete, 1 10 Block Perkins’ king of rolaricsl shingle machine | i Klectrig light outfit 75 lights, gn()(lJ as new, | Several hawser ropes good condition’ 14 Dump cars, narrow and standard gauge, cipacity 2to 5 yards, | 1 Hocp machine, J 1 Band saw machine. | 5 Upright engines, 3 to 10 horse power. 3 1 150-Horse power feed water heater 15 Duplex pumps, various sizes, Rails, new and relayers, from 16 to 55 pounds, in stock. ¥rogs and switches, spikes, new and second-hand, 20,000 Feet second hand pipe, all sizes, Quick, cash buyers of serap iron, rails and metals, For further in formation address SABEL BROS. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. PR ISR : "~ 1w to Get Strong. P. J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress St., Chicago tells of a way to be come strong: He says: My mother, who is old and was very feeble, is deriving so much benefit from Electric Bitters. that I feel It’s my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about it, In my mother’s case 2 marked gain in flesh has resulted, insomnia has been overcome, and she is steadily growing strounger,” Elec tric Bitters quickly remedy stomach, hiver and kidney complaints, Sold under guarantee at all druggists. soc, Authorized AD. SOLICITOR, W. W, MgrriLL, of Jacksonville. N Ja e BUCKBEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED! e SPECIALOFFER: Made to bulld New Businesa, A trial will make you our permanent customer, Prize Collection ik fvarssivey 2 o A 11 the finest ; Twrnip, 7 'glemfim (v.uo-':. & beat varie: ties; 10 .M!(-‘.”flw‘ uibe—6d varietios 1o all, GUARANTEED TO PLEASE, Werite to-day; Mention this Paper. DALV APPSO = SENP 30 OENI‘S g m“ packing and receive this valuable colisction of Ofi‘l postpald, together with my big ol & b . Riria Bl dnchines So K. W, Buckbes, '%4° PUSKRSS ANREEL. - ’ s oan ) FLORIDA CHAIR FACTORY ~ Seliing Out 35,000 Chairs Direct to Consumer 8 p moae, s 8 T 4 cak, cane [ STRTT sat, bigh | H'“f ] gloms, golden le” Goiah. P 8 N -/ = > C ‘Ul—‘.-" - - L | L 7 14 Large Porch Rocker, bard wood faoe, mt tan seat and back. - Money Returned if Not as Represented Chairs Caresully Packed fllustrated Catalogue Wholesale Prices to Alt 5 DINING CHAIRS Beasoned ask, capevent, well mide, stroag 1y braced. Don'tdelsy ordering, for every ehait ia to be. clossd out at ooce B e eaa A —————— m-m-mm.n,u. people of the Bouth bad 0 secure everything they conid ooed in t\‘mn n:‘ ufil;“'l'\\“ actosl -u-';nuu" ost, Ower 200 patterss to scloct from. Al madeand bighly Gatshel. Bend order today. U-m %o Goorgia, Alabama, Boath Carolios, Florila - 32 FLORIDA CHAIR FACTORY 1533 e ‘! oRO T TAT ROR TR 5 i il;ocal Personals? ’ R R B 2 R | : i ! { MiH. 1. Beyant was here 3l short timé Monday. Mr. H. W. Anderson, of Upton ville,sspent Tuésday here. Mr. L. E. Mallard went to Kings Ferry Tuesday on buginess. Mr, ¥. Johng, of DBachlott, was tramsacting business here Saturday. . Mrs. W. R. Andeteon, of Wino kur, spent Tuwsday here haying some dental #ork done, » Mr. G. W. Holzendorf, of 8t Gieorge, was here last Friday look ing for a school teacher. My, J. J. Hickox, of Hickox, Ga., paid .us a vleasant call Tuesday and gave us his order for stationery. Mrs, Robert Lanier :nd two chil dren, of Waycross, spent Tuesday at the home of Dr, and Mrs. J. 3C. Wright Misz Nolan Hathaway returned Monday night, after a few days pleasantly spent with relatives “acksmwillc. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson and two children, of Toledo, were in town Monday. Mrs. Johnson paid the Herald a short visit. Dr. J. C. Brewer spent Monday and Tuck‘.tlay here. He is building! up a splendid business here. Read his new card in this issue. Mrs. Clara Roddenberry came from Callahan Jast Monday and 13 spending the week here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mizell, - B, H. Williams and H. H. Hath away came in Tuesday morning from the Okecfinokee where they nad gone fishing on Monday. They were rewarded with two fine trout. * Mrs. H. A, Renfroe and children of Jacksonville, are spending the week at the home of Mr, S. F, Mill:, Mr. Renfroe spent Sunday there returning to his home Monday. Mrs, J. W, Rogers and chiidren returned to their homs at Lofton, Fla,, last Tuesday, after a weck spent with relatives in Folkston They were accompanied here by Mr. Rogers who returned to Lofton last week, Mr. J. A. Allen, from near New e'l, paid us a pleasant call last Sat urday while here, extending us a pressing invitation to come out and go fishing, and guaranteeing plenty of fish. | Nothing would™ afford us more pleasure, i The Council met in regular ses- ; sion last Monday night and passed an ordinance repuiring the marshall 'to devote two hours of his time each 'day to weed cutting. Mr. R. N, ' Mizell tendersd his resignation which was accepted. J. D. Moor: was then chosen to fill the place. We did not ascertain whether the marshall would be required to put lin fourteen hours per week in order to make up for Sundays and rainy days, If not we predict that Jack Frost will come to his relief before ,the job is completed ‘ We understand that a committee was appointed relative to doing [something with the arteslan well, and they are expected to make their report tomorrow night at a called meeting. ' This is one by Justice Brewer, of the supreme court: A millwright wes converted to the lway of thinkiag of a sect which pe riodically was inspired with a fore knowledge of the imminence of the lday of doom and set the date, pre paring for Gabriel’s greeting, The date was set and the day came The millwright donned his white robe and went out into the fields to await the coming meeting with the celestial throng. The day passed /untl it was late in the afternoon, and the millwright, having arisen at the stroke of midnight on the morn of the eventful day, grew drowsy, and, throwing himself down upon a pile of hay, fell @sleep at his watch, Boys discovered him, and, with the natural mischievousness of boys they set fire to the hay. The smoke ‘and heat soon woke the slumbering millwright, and, sitting up with a k:lart, he cried with the anguish of e lost: “Just as 1 expccted! In hell af 'lter all!”—Ex. | l $1.22 ; SAVE YOUR EARNINGS, The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion* It %i‘ves' him new ambition, and a desire to save money. - We are always glad to assist those who are trying to “turn overa new leaf.” : : 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. ' 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. | THE BANK of FOLKSTON. .. CARTER, President. J. C. Brewer, Dentist QXY Crown and bridge work a special ty; prices reasonable; work guaran teed. Will be in Folkston on the first Monday and Tuesday follow ing of each month until further notice, y 2. Wheninneedofa = . ¢ 3 good Sewing Machine, % REMEMBER ~ THE SINGER = sl always ready for service - ALSO THE WHEELER & WILSON Olr, NEEDLES AND o ‘ . MACHINE SUPPLIES: . i ALEX MILLS, ¥ Singer Sewing Machime, Agt. - . Folkston,Ga.~¥ ‘e OFFICE IN BANK BLDG. _ e ofoeforfestosorectesectefesfaeforertontofacte LB 2NN RS, R BRSO RS E 80 = § z s = : Carl Schevitz Shoes = K You Want New SHOES, Sze Me. £ = If You Want SHOES Repaired, See Me T = If You Neéd Leather or Polish, See Me 3 2 Fine Sample SHOES-Call at My Pactory = 218 \V. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla £ l?;. mlnl;llnlwlulnl:|lnl;ll:|l:llulnlulillul‘.llulnlnlnlnllfl A Sure-enough Knocker. : J. C. Goodwin, of Reidsyilig, N. C,, says: ‘‘Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is a sureenough knocker for! ulcers. A bad one came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful sals ve knocked litout in a few rounds, Not even a scar remained,” Guaran teed for piles, sores, burns ete, 25¢. at all druggists. : | STATE OF GEORGIA, CoUNTY OF CHARLTON. 1 Hagan | VS, } Libel for divorce. -. 3 Orpha Hagan. ‘ The defendant, Orpha Hagan, i§ hereby required, personally or by at:omey to he and appear at the Superior Court, to be held in and for said County, on the Tuesday after the fourth Monday in October, 1908, then and there to answer the plantiff's complnint; as in default there of said ~ourt will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable T. A. Parker, judge of said court this day of June, 1908, # Jusse W. ViCKERY, . | Clerk Superior Court charlton county. 5 | Seald Ella G. Danghtry | Petition for (}iV(E::I, : 'm H\.si)n\l vhtrvg g‘h:‘rlfiosn“&::;y GQ‘::E?‘: g e i October term 1908, % 'o Wm. H. Daughtry, the defendant lg the above entitled cause; 3 You are hereby required to be and appe: a* the next term of the Superior court, ta hg held in ang for the county of Charlton and state of Georgia, at Folkston therein, on the 26th da)f of Ogtober A. D., 1908, then g nd there to answer the petition of file in the above entitled cause. : ': In defaylt of such appearance the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. WITNESS Hororable T, A. Parker, w ';: of said gourt. and the seal thereof, % A the ayth day of July 1908, . ' Jrss W ADORN E' i g F. D. MILLS, Cashier. Charlton County Directory .~ JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT. Thomas A. Parker, Waycross. | : SOLICITOR GENERAL. John W. Bennett, Waycross. CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. - Jesse W, Vickéry, Foikston. JUDGE COUNTY COUKT. B. F. Scoti, Folkston. SOLICITIR COUNTY COURT. W. M. Olliff, Folkston. . ° SENATOR, J. J. Mattex, Folkston. REPRESENTATIVE, A. J. Howard, Folkston. ; ORDINARY. - B. G. McDonald, Folkston G TREASURER. ;JS G’mgms_,“ Filkston, e ‘f"’J.‘C. Allen, Winokar. e TAX COLLECTOR. ~ J J. Stokes. Folks on. T SHERIFF. W. R. Wamwright, Folkston. SCHOOL COMMISSTONER L. E, Mahaid, F;)’kston. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, S. F. Milig, Chairm.p, Folkston. J:. P, Miz 11 2 R Lvd e J. L. Johnson, Toledo. TOWN OF FOLKSTON, MAYOR, J P, Mizell. COUNCILMEN, | B. G. McDonald, | H. ]J. Davis, i T. L. Pickren, : W. M. Olliff. 3 I C Page: i . RECORDER. . T. W. Vickery. TREASURER. : H. J. Davis, : . MARSHALL, - R. N. Mizell, _Watch This sz‘gcel If%r L MIZELL and PAXTON'S. : Our Fall and Winter Ilines of ‘ ' ready=to-wear Clothtng and Furnish. j . ings for Men, women and Children : are now readye ; We have a large mail order de j partment, in the hands of compe » tent representatives, who will make : your interests their own. : ; A complete catalogue, covering L our various departments, will soon . be ready, and will be mailed upon : request free of charge. : W.ife for samples and self-measurement blanks. B, H. Levy Bro. & Co., : Savannah, Ca. ifi IR ‘(:?/"/7"/‘5?7?/ 2 éf[j/j///é { W.B. MYERS, : L Dealer in Ve-}i [{%hicles, Harness andj 3%;'Sadollery, Successor% {to Vehicle & Harness; ’%S Co. also to Sabel | g Bros. Wagon & : Buggy Dept. 5 g 514 to 318 W, Bay Bt., ? {0 Juksil, Fla.% Y e e S >’Botter bs Sure Thaa Sorry”’ ] ANAAAA AR AT AR AAAAA A~ “ITISLITTLE ¢4 ¢4 CONSOLATION" To get a bargain in that may magnify the sight and make the wear er feel that he sees better, when the glasses improperly fit, may improve the sight or ruin it permanently. If vour eyes trouble you, cobsult the oldest and best DR. M. SCHRWAB'S SON, 11 Laura -St., ]a&sonviHe, Fla. DUVAL HARNESS CCMPANY . Manufacturers of and.dealers in Harness Saddles, Lap Robes and Horse Goods gen. erally. Haund-made Harness and repairing a Specialty. 217 W. Forsyth St Jacksonvile.Fla FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN The new twelve-room house, sit uated on Main St. in the heart of town, one block west of depot. Large lot with barn, all under new fwire fence. ~ For further information see or write, ‘ ) Mrs. CHARLEY SIKES, Folkston, Ga. R RN SRR AN AN n Cas rto All Parzs of the City. : TELEPHONE 030. E = Rooms 50c¢, 75¢ and SI.OO a day= - SeßCsunat e sTR eT T B nL LT e e e S —§ . ~ ZAHM’S ECROPEON HO (EL. i ='r‘l<v,n ANGLEHOLZER :: ProprietorE EW?nes, Liquors, Beers and Cigars ] O T e SR R R R e A Il = MEALS AT ALL HOURS. I 3e7 . ‘ //4:)(5) ©. Q,%}{Z'{ . LC/;,/ | 7 8 i) L a 7/ E (/{v{,t/c/.iflcv—-ii«u—z—:/é%, c_j/g; .1i...1fl...-n--fi-’n----! % : ' {%Duval Shoe FactoryQ | 22 Main St., Jacksenville, Fla | Old shoes made new. ‘ "~ Work gnarauteed. ‘ Nefv machinv:fy just installed { A fullline of shoes in stock * * ] *% ¥ New shoes made to urder Plenty of polish, leather and [i findings, . 'i A. M FQOR, Mzr. A Paying Investraent, o M John White, of 38 Highland \ve., Houlton, Maine, says: ‘““Haye been troubled with a cough every winter avd spring. Last winter I triecd many advertiseG remedies. but the cough continued until [ bought a soc. bottle of Dr. Kiag’s New Discovery; Lefore that was half gone, the cough was all gone. This wincer the same happy result has followed; a few dosesonce more banighed the annnal cough, lam now convinced that Dr King’s New Discovery is the best of all covgh and lung remedies.” Sold under guarantee at all druggist. soc. and $1 00. Trial bottle’ free.