Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, October 15, 1908, Image 1

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CHARLTON COUNTY HERALD VOL. Xl.--NO. 21. We are making a Big Discount for cash. Will save you $lO on Buggies and give you big dis count on wagons and harness. We sell the American wire fenc ing for 33cts. per rod. - We handle Cypress syrup bar rels. | Large stock of Buggies, Wag ons and Harness. | - Waycross, (Ga. The Heraid will, in a short time, periect arrangements by - which we wiil add a montnly magagine supple ment. ‘T'his supplement will be fill ed with short and continued stories by modern writers. It also carries a fashion department and will, we think. add much interest and in struction to the Herald for its read ers. Qur aim in incurring this ad ditional expense to ourselves is to increase our circulation, and we fecl that no family in Charlton county or surroundiug country can afford to bLe without the Herald. In making this step forward it is not our intention tc increase the sub scription price, which wijll remain the same as before, one dollar per year, cash in advance. And right here we wish to say that we will treat u'l alike, the cash or its equiva lent must come or we can’t afford to send the paper, Our aim is to go forward, not backwari, and it takes money to do it. Now is the time to subsc.ibe. Would Mortgage the Farm. A farmer on Rural Route 2, Em pire, Ga., W. A. Floyd by name. says; ““Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured the two warst sores [ ever saw: one on my band and one on myv leg. It is_worth more than its weight in gold, I would not be without it if I had to mortgage the farm to get it.” Only 25¢, at all drug stores. First Marriage at the Colony Last Tuesday Mr. Jas, D. Sapp and Miss Tivie Markham were quietly married at Homeland. The happy young couple left on the aoon * train Wednesduy for Flonda where tey cxpect to sperd the winter, i FOLKS{.N .PHAR- Last Sunday night just as most Folkstonians were indulging in their first and soundest sleep the alarm of ;fire was given by the whistle of a lo ‘comctive which chanced to be stay ‘ing here over night. The fire was !was discovered on the inside of the ' building occupied by the Folkston Pharmacy and must have been the work of an ihcendiary. The build ing and stock of drugs werea total Hoss, The building was owned by Mr. Jehu Paxton and was insured for $ 200, about half its value. The stock of drugs, instruments, library and other office fixtures, furniture etc. belonged to Dr, Dallas Williams and was insured for $650. The doc tor is going right ahead arranging for another place, and will open business again as soon as proper ar rangements can be made. THEY ALL DO, Hub—But if yov like the young fellow, Kate, why do you object to our daughter marrying him? Wife— Oh, she’ll marry him, for all that; but I want to give her a chance to say, when they quarrel, that “Mother didn’t want me to marry you, anyway.” —Ex, ARE YOU [NSURED? Insurance 1s a basis of credit as well as a protection. We write the kind that icsures. We are prepar ed to cover your property against loss by fire or storm. We write none but old line companies, AND THERE ARE MILLIONS ‘BE. HIND EVERY POQLICY WE WRITE. Insure your property a gaiwst fire and storm. W, W. Tvrer, AcT. Folkston, Ga, FOLKSTGN, GA THURSDAY, OBTOBER 15, 1908, LOW RATES TOO THE CARNIVAL All of the railroads in the State, east of the Chatiahoochee river, have announced low rates to the Jacksonville Carnival. Round trip tickets will be sold daily from Oc tober 25 to 31, inclusive, at the rate of one fare for the round trip, plus 25 cents, and will be good to leave Jacksonville, returning, on any train up to midnight of November Ist. The Carnival will attract great crowds of people from all parts of Florida, and many people in this section have made engagement to meet friends from other parts of the State in Jacksonville during the Carnival. The Carnival management an nounce that the very best, kigh-class attractions have been secured from the gieat amnsément resorts of the country, and that there will also pe a number of European novelties that have never before been seen in the South. The Midway will con tain a large number of special feat ures, and will be much larger than in former years, * : MISS OR MR,? “Fighting Bob” Evans, duting his last stay in Washington, was one evening a guest at a house where he met a number of the younger set of the Capital, As the admiral was leaving, he chanced to pick vp from the floor a very dainty handkerchief, edged with lace. He was gravely inspect ing this “‘trifle light as air,” when a rather effiminate-looking young man hastened forward to claim it. “Your sister’s, no doubt,” said the admiral as he handed it over. “Oh, no,” said the young man; “*its mine."” Evans scrutinized the young man closely, “Would you miud telling me what size hairpins you use?” he asked after a pause,—Ex. ROOSRVELTS POP ULARETY WANING | Mr. Roo@lElL is so badly scared at the sweelßU campaign that the Democrats @ making, that it is all the Republfn-leaders can do to keep hini gifhe stump. 3 majority of the Repil :‘,""";ieadgu hold that 1f Roosve b j&go Dr} the stump it would i ate the dreadful panic that actual XiSts among republi cans. ThsMbight and dismay they are t WEccp o Mselves but the putic bierstanaWquite el how badly Shtened they are. ;;:,,k 0 use respectful language oM ds the President and will ;,, ‘iggs. pbsfii!)lé; yet, it must be ad) fed that he has greatly dwindled e estimation of the ‘of “'gtyy in the last | .‘ Sp }'th was fl?urish ing eversWlke, people paid but Irh 8408 10 the great number of men thigle bas deliberatcly de ";& ars. In fact the people thought ofiated very little about what he'Ssi#l© But this man Roose. velt ‘ ' ,f_gi-Smtor Chandler of New H¥mpshire, a liar, when Chandler: laitted that Roosevell eK2 s g . 129& o secure Democratic aid in.the Sendfe to help pass the Rail road Rath Bill. Chandler proved 08 pvelt sent for him for that ‘mission dnd that proves that Chaud le fi“fl“ } ¢ liar but makes out ;iflf &Z’% L ‘méggd.y else lied. He also used. the same qud of language towards Mr, Harriman and denied ;j;’ 4 ch%gc to enable ir"; to be garried for him. 4" dr Harriman has proved i guest 16 Bis gl lit he. r_a}'geg ,t(hej to be the liar? o But the most glaring and vilest thing that Roosevelt. ever did and. which will be a blight onahis chur acter as long us he Lives, arose out of the controversy between him and Judge Parker four years ago. Judge Parker, on the stump, claimed that the Roosevelt campaign committee were nolding up corporations all over thegcountry for large sums of ‘money with which to purchase the election| of Mr. Roosevelt. Mr. Roosevelt in his impetuous Inanner rushed into print and yelled, liar, liar, liag,'and the people believed him'and elected him. Now after one year the facts came out in pub lic Mr. Poosevelt’s campaign treas ury recgived from 10 to 50 thousand dollars from practically, every large corporation in the country. Now who appears to be the liar in this case? . DIED Mrs. J. M. Phillips, who has been confined to the State Sanitarium most of the time for several years, died last Sunday. "I'he remains were brought heie and interred at the Sardis church cemetery Tuesday, LIKE A porATO. Sunday afternoon I overheard Mary and Bert discussing the morn ing’s Sunday School iesson. Bert, who had all faith in his sis ter’s superior knowledge, eagerly enquired, ‘““Mary, what does God look like?” I was surprised at Mary’s prompt and svlemn reply: “Bert, God looks like a potato.” Upon asking the child where she had received such an impression, she replied: ‘“Why you said God has eyes on all sides, and a potato is the only thing [ know of that has eyes on all sides.”—Exchange. o TRUTHFUL JAMES, ~ Farmer—See here, boy, what yer doin’ up that tree? Boy—One of your pears fell off the tree an’ I'm tryin’ to put it back. ~Brooklyn Eagle. 4 NEWELL - A. B. Kesler and Sam Crews made a Lusiness trip to Jacksonville Monday. Miss Rozclla Crews, who is teach ing school at Newell, spent last Sat urday and Sunday at her home. A. B. Kesler and A. A, Wainright are cutting quite a lot of piling. Miss Effie Lowther, of Winokur. spent last Sunday with ber aunt, Mrs. Harris. The A. C. L, work train, which is conducted by Conductor Surrency is stopping at Newell this week, load ing quite a number of cars. Governor-elect Jos. M. Brown will probably visit Folkston during court week. The Waycross Herald, in Its issue of October 13th, says that he will in a few days resume !his tour of the state, He is putting aside all business that does not de mand his personal attention, for thel‘ purpose of being able to keep his promise to visit all sections of ihe state of Georgia and meet the people whose executive he is to become. He has accepted several invitations for the prasent month, and in behalf of the people of Charlton county the Heraid has extended to him an mvitation to visit Folkston during court week. . S — - FOR SALE at proper prices—a heater and baker combined, odorless, and one that you will be proud of. One single barrel, trigger action Stephens shotgun, One hammerless double barrel shotgu, yet at factory. All first class and brand new., See or write the Herald. Savings Department The Atlantic National Bank, Jacksonville, Florida. = Interest at 4 tlp" cent per annum = compounded quarterly /in g Savings Department, EDWARD W, LANE, President, FRED W. HOYT, Vice-President. ' il s aVery Simple Matter. M To Openyan accpcount. send your name and address with your first deposit. The money may be sent by registered mail, postoffice money order, express money order, or draft, or by check on your local bank. As eoon as this first deposit is received the bank will send you a pass book, in which will be written your name and the amount of your deposit. It will also send you signature and identification card, which you will sign, fill out and return. Your pass book must accompany all deposits and withdrawals. You can withdraw money by mail just as easily as though you visited the bank, Your signature to a blank withdrawal receipt, which we will send you to fill out, is all the identification necessary. We will send you our check for the amount you withdraw, or, if you prefer, we will send you the cash by express or registered mail, When answering this Ad. pleass mention the Charlton County Herald. SI.OO A YEAR, BUFFALDO. Miss Nancy Dowling spent Satur day night with her friend, Miss Let tie Davison. . Miss Lettie Davison visited Miss Althea Dowling Sunday, Miss Althea accompanying her home, Mr. M. F. Howard is quite pleas ed over the arrival of a ten-pound girl, . Mr. David Oquinn, accompanied by Mr. Frank Lee, visited at the home of J. W. Davison Sunday. Messrs. Lige Wasdin and Eugene Roddenberry started out early Sun day morning for Smyrna. Lige said ‘I bope we won’t have such tough luck this time.” Miss Aggie Oquinn visited Miss Lettie Davison Saturday, BrackEves. ’ HIDDEN REMINDERS, ~ Sister Ann—Did you get any marks at s:hool ter-day, Bill? Bill-——Yus: but they’re where they don’t show,—Sketch, Buckbee's “Full of Life" Northern Growa Pedigreed Seeds have a reputation of 38 yearsof successful seed growing behind them, It pays to plaut the best, Seasonable Specialties:— BEANS Earliest Red Valentine . . $3.50 Bushel Refugee—Extra Early . . ig.zs Bushel New Stringless Green Pod . $3.70 Bushel Wardwell's Imp. Kidney Wax 2.50 Bushel Davis New White Wax ~ . .75 Bushel Currie’s Rust Proof Wax . $4.50 Bushel PEAS Extra Barly Alaska . . .. $3.50 Bushel New Early Gradus .., . . $5.50 Bn*l % Horsford's Market Garden . $3.50 Bushel Buckbee's Lightning Express $5.00 Bushel Lettuce, Radish, Tomato and a full line of Seceds, Plants and Bulbs at lowest growing prices. Send for complete cnal(flme or submit a list of your retiulremcml and will quote prices. Buy direct from the grower—Save Money. Write today. Mention this papet. H. W. BUCKBEE 1843 Buckbee Bt., Rockford Sced Farms, Rockford, It Resources over Four Million Dollars. OFFICERS. THOMAS P. DENHAM, Cashier, DELMER D, UPCHURCII, Asst. Cashier