Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, October 15, 1908, Image 8

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+When in need ofa -- 3 good Sewing Machin REMEMBER THE SINGER 5[ sl always ready for service v ALSO g o+ Tl 3 WHEELER & WILSON 3’ I, NEEbLES AND . MACHINE SUPPLIES: ALEX MILLS, Singer Sewing Machine. Agt. , Folkston, Ga. OFFICE IN BANK BLDA, p sfeoferfectiefertoreotecteet Are You Bilious? 1f youi are sallow, have headache dizziness, 16ss of appetite, and feel badli generally, you should use a good apericnt and liver regulator. Bt. Joseph's Liver Regulator has for many years relieved these ailments. It is carefully prepared and is be lieved by the many people who use it to be the best medicine of its kind on the market. It is made in both liquid and powdered form. Drug gists and general deulers sell it, Jiquid 50 cents a oottle; powdered, in tin boxes, 25 cents a box, or five boxes for a dollar, . FOR SALE 3 miles 40-1 b relayiag rails, good as new, 7 miles 35-1 b relayiag rails, good as new, Kingwood, Ga. | 6 miles 30-1 b relaying steel rail, Kingwood, Ga. 1 Also frogs, Switches, Spikes aud Locomotives. Quick cash buyers of sctap iron and metals, SABEL BROS. ‘ JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA Where Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N, Y., & veteran of the civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says; “‘The good Electric Bitters have done is worth more than five hutidred * dol lars to me. 1 spent much money doctoring for a bad case ot stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bittefs and they cured me. I now take them zs a tonie, and they keép me stronz and well,” 80 c. at all drug stores. R ST ANFORMATION REGARDING Farm or Busincss kg_t :u.. llot particular about location. l, t? ear from owner ouly who will gell direct to buyer. Give price description und state when possession can be had. Address, L. DARBYSHIRE, Box %999 Rochester, N. Y. WTr: YOU LOOK FOR T CUSLE ( If you cbtain a Fl:carm of ¢ouh /AN ful qu li'y AR S Tho experl nead l'untar's and /'J ~SPPL o tarksman's Ideal £3° ? . Isareliable, unorring STEVENS b | N W’ FIND OUT WHY [ ‘fi by shooting our populae b “. -~ c 3 \ %" %1 RIFLES—SHOTGUNS o PISTOLS / Ask your local Hardwnre K i or Siporting Goods Mer ; ; l ochant for tho HTLIVIINS. ap d If you cannot obtaln, we P |/ ship Qirvect, CXPIORS pre -0 paid, upon reccipt ol Catus log I'rice, nd 4 contd l:‘(‘;u.\-;m for 140 Vage Ilusteated Cataloyg, inciuding ciren lars of latest additions to ounr line ontalns points en shoeiing, nmmu.] | mition, the properearocf o fregrm ! 0 Ote, Quratiractive Ten Cntoo Elthographed Hanscr mai o] where for elx contnin &tampe, J.STEVENS ATTMS & TOOL « P, O, Box 4007 Chicopee lalls, Mass, U, @, ° i ' READ THIS CHAIR OFFER FROMFACTORY DIRECT TO YOU . For Seven Days, Only $5.985 for B Dl é’:h..?’?:{'.n“.".‘%:fl'u “; Total retail value . . ~ $6.75 BTR S ks st 0 You' save on 6 Chairs and I & 4400000000000 I‘;’f[;f' ‘ N ] = l»I LT e gy 5t Thle offw bs anly made to roduce ot e o SR m Chailr fm. Jnt;‘-:vmo.l PRI CIURER TR, i E ocal Pe.mnals? VA o 2AN NN Miss Josie Mills spent Monday in Folkston, Mr. B. F. Scott went to Jackson. ville Tuesday. Mr. J. P. Mizell spent yestetday in Jacksonville, | P. C. Tracy, of Traders’ Hill, was in town Monday. Misses Fddi¢ and Rose Baker were in townl Tuesday Miss Ola Roddenberry has retnrn. ed to Jacksonville after a shert visit to relatives here, Prof. C. W, Waughtel is worried over the death of < Maud” the Col-‘ ony horse. She died Tuesday night. Mrs. G. E. Jones left yesterday morning sot a wen days visit to her danghter, Mrs, Casey, at Kingsland, C. L. Cowart, of Moniac, W. A. Crews, of Toledo and R, N Chism, of St. George, were in town Thurs day. Rev. G. E. Jones and daughter, Miss Govie, attended the Associa tion in Jesup from Thursday to Sunday., Mr. Ed Petty had the misfortune to lese his horse last Tuesday, The arimal was taken colic while here and died in a short time, Mr. J. . Hatcher was here Mon day. He informs ns that he will in a few days leave Bladen and will be permanently located with his family ar Homeland, Mt. Jos. Mills, from pear Folks toh, Rev. J. C. Thompson, of Homeland and Mr AF Carmichael, of St. George, attended the Assc ciation at Jesup last week. The Folkston Graded School is progressing beautifuliy undet the management of Prof. VaaVoorhis and his assistzats, Mrs, C. W, Waughtel and Miss Ethel Lynch. The enrollment now exceeds one hundred. oL ey ; Mr. N. B. King, of St George. was here Saturday en route 10 his home from Wayeross. He renewed ’his subscriptior to the Heiald, re. marking at the sume time that he did not see how any Charlton coun ty man w{w was in business of any kind, could afford to do without the Herald, ~ Dr. Williams, uncaunted by his recent misfortune, went to Jackson ville Tuesday night and will spend aday or two with the wholesale ‘houses there, getting stock for a new drug store and material to re furnish his office. The docror says he will be ready in a few days to give his patients and customers better ser vice than ever. Cards are out announcing the approaching marriage next Sunday, of Miss Bertha Roddenberry from near Folkston to Mr. David lanier Keen, of Waryeross. Miss Rod denberry is one of Charlton county’s most charming young ladies. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, N. Roddenberry. My, Roduenberry it will be remembered has served this county faithfully for a number of years. The groom ta-be is a progressive young business man of Waycross. He 1s engaged i the manunfacture and botthng of soda water aod coca cola, THANKS Me B. G. McDonald requests us {to extend tbrough tne columns . f this paper his thanks for the noble ’fight made by so many of his fellow townsmen against the fire last Sun ‘day night, It is thoge who so brave ‘ly stood by him to whomw he gives tthe credit of saving his dwelling | and store, e —————— ! YOUNG MEN! Ifyou want to know why you should become tele graph vperators and what school to intcnd, write to SOUTHERN |SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY Newnan Ga, for free Catalog “A.” EVERY BOY shonld read it. Posi tions positively guaranteed -3= | SAVE YOUR EARNINGS, ! The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion* It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to “turn over a new leaf.” 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER, President. J. C. Brewer, Dentist “w""“"--n--u -~ MT g LS ~ Crown and bridge work a special ty; prices reasonable; work guaran teed. Will be in Folkston on the first Monday and Tuesday follow ing of each month until further notice, i i . e et CHARLTON CounTy, GEORGIA; Notice is hereby given that the undersign= ed has applied to the Ordinary of said coun ty for leave to sell land belonging to the es tate of G, W. Moore, for the purpose of dis tribution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary ‘for sald County, to be held on the first Mon day, Nov. 1908, This, 5 day of Oct. 1908. . % W. H. Bruce, : . Jc A, 'Muofls, Administrators ot the estate of G, W. Moore. 53 CITATION. »~ s GRORGIA, CHARLION COUNTY; : To whom it may concern; ‘ ; L. T. Hatcher having made application to me in due form to have J. W. Vickery ap pomnted permanent administrator upon the estate of Kobert Hatchet, late, of said coun ty, notice is héreby given that said aplication will be heard at the regular tatm of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the tirst Monday in November, 1908, Witness my hand and official signature, this, sth day of Oct ber, 1008, B. G. McDonarp, Ordinary. GeoraGra, CHARLTON COUNTY: ‘ Will be sold on the first Tuesday in No-- vember next, at public outcry at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the followirg property to-wit; I'wenty acres of land in lot number 114 in the second District of said county, described as follows; Bound ed on the North by Buffalo creek, East l»y‘ right of way of A C. L. Ry. company, South by lands of the estate of Joe Johns and West by lands of P, €. Johns, Also one acre more or less located at Bachlott, same being the still site of Hickox and Miller, One slxteen barrel turpentine still and fixtares, located at Bachlott, Ga., one bay horse with blaze face and one top buggy. One two-horse wagon and harness, twelve barrels of rosin, stock of goods consisting of dry goods, groceries, no tons and hardware. Also all turpentine leases and privileges of the firm known as Hickox & Miller, located in said county of Charlton, : Said property levied upon as the property of J. J. Hickox, to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior court of said county in favor of Meinhard-Schaul & company against said J. J. Hickox; said property being in pos-. session of the said J. J. Hickox. Said prop erty will be sold snbject to & mortgage held by the Downing company against Hickox & Roaier and against said property. g This, Bth day of October 1908, W, R, WainNricHT, Sheriff. ABULBS B ; '\ "“l \ BUCKBEE'S BULBS SUCCEED! W SPECIAL OFFER: @V | Made to build New lhdnu‘. A \‘l ' éki'rfhfi‘.k:‘mm'w% money refunded. Souvenir Collection 3"niinmie RIS TSR S Urepe Hyvan e R -.':E..},“ou;f“ Feeik Ramth Sad Pt Ryt GUARANTEED TO PLEASE Write to-day Meation this Paper | umm.flmll)qal.m MI—N. eollestion eattial Bosks Burh St Thaat Boch. et o e e varteties of Becds, N.M:‘-‘ Ia W W‘flu&“l di.n I\l-Nlhv-\lm ' 1543 BUCKALE &Y. \\ V. Buckbes ““Socxrono, mr. 3 X 0N My ) A .\ 4y '§¢ é\‘"‘ \ ’AN ) /I'.‘.'F !"'\"l,) " F. D. MILLS, ~i Cashier. . Had a Close Call. Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the widely knowh ' proprietor of the Croom _Hp.té!, Vaughn, Miss., says: “For several mo.ths I suffered with o sevefe cough, and consumption seenied to have its grip on me, when a fr'i'tnd recommended Dr. King’s News Discovery. 1 began taking it, andithree botiles affected a com plete cure.” The fame of this lifc saving cough and cold remedy, and thrfi{:t healer 1s world wide. Sold at all drog stores. scc. and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. ([@rggeems |1 o T HIYER | 1 *|"SESuikroß || 3 cogeui:xucorzt; ‘, - |[E e Medigineof 125 (arTanooGaTENn, | B o suear i & PR s e\ 13, e 4 P AVA A , 1 A&ffissz e OV A L f‘@° e i 8 et || E\ e e ¥ RO TR i'f-;},—! e SERIAL MO 12 ”;. i S | 16 S et . This is an exact representation of the earten containing a b ttle of B¢+, Jo seph’s Liquid Liver Rezulator, but it is ;much larger than this illustration, and Bl‘inted in black ink ona yellow earton. ‘Druggists and general merchantssell it at 80 cents a bottle, or you can get it di rect from us at the same price. This is y & delightful liver mcdicine~prompt, effective, and exceedingly pleasant to the taste, Try just one bottle to satisfy yourself=and you'll buy more, GERSTLE MEDICINE CO. Chattanooga, Tenneeseeo. g DA AR A A NI BAS AN A A Healthy Family. ~ *Qur whole family has enjoyed #ood health since we began using br. King’s New Life Pills, three years ago,” says L. A, Bartlett, of Rural Route «, Guilford, Maine. They cleatse and tone the system in a gentle way ‘that does you good. 25¢. at all druggists. OUR STOCK IS NOW PRACTICALLY COMPLETE Have Just Received a Lot of New Goods and are Now Offering Some Rare Bargains to Cash Buyers. Below We Quote You a Very Few Prices. Good Calico from sctse to 7 per yard 12 1-2c¢tse Dimity for IlQcts. 17 I=2¢ctse. " 'e 35 v j ‘Pawtucket Shirtings and Wastings for 15cts. per yard 10 to 12 1-2¢ts. Madras, 1 yd wide only Bcts per yd Cassimeres from 25 to 75cts per yd Ruching from 15 to 20e¢ts per yd Ladies, Children's and Misses Supporters, 10 to 50cts ~ Ladies and Children's Belts irow 15cts up Valenciene Laoces & Insertions from 3 to 15cts per yd New Line of Embroedery & Insertion from 4 to 35ets per yd Full Line of Ribbon from 1 to 15c¢cts per yd New Lot of Pearl Buttons from 5 to2gcts per doz Ssocts Window Shades, 35cts or 3 for SI.OO Some Big Bargains in Shoes ; SoLp Car Loap oF AMERICAN FENCING EXPECTED 1x A Few Davs. ~ BOUGHT AT PRICES TO MEET ALL COMPETITION. . . MIZELL AND PAXTON. o EALL & WINTER = OQur Fall and Winter Ilines of ready=to-wear Clothtng and Furnish. ings for Men, women and Children are now readye We have a large mail order de=- partment, in the hands of compe=- tent representatives, who will make your interests their own. A complete catalogue, covering our various departments, will soon be ready, and will be mailed upon request free of charge. 4 ~ W.ite for samples and self=measurement blanks. B.H. Levy Bro. & Co., Savannah, Ca. ?i&rfiffifi&’fif??fk@é@ft@fifllg f 4 QA % W. B. MYEKS, : % Dealer in Ve-g thicles, Harness and% \Saddlery, Successor} {to Vehicle & Harness} ¢ Co. also to Sabel § § Bros. Wagon & § D N ¢ Buggy Dept. A Jacksonville, Fla, R ~ X “"Better bo Sure Than Sorry*’ AR AR AR AR AR AAR A AT~ “ITISLITTLE ¢4 ¢¢ CONSOLATION" To get a bargain in glasses that may magnify the sight and inake the wear er feel that he sees better, when the glasses tmproperly fit, may improve the sight or ruin it permanerctly. If vour eyes trouble you, consult the oldest l and best. DR. M. SCHWAB'S SON, 1) Laura St., Jacksonville, Fla. SIS R M B TL TS BRI R S opre e gt DUVALHARNESS CCMPANY | Manufacturers of and dealers in larness, ‘ Saddles, Lap Robes and Horse Goods gen- | erally. Hand-made Harness and repairing a | Specialty. 217 W. Forsyth St Jacksonvile Fla | GERMAN -- CAFE -- AMERICAN TRY OUR REGULAR MEALSFOR 25CTS. ; SHORT ORDERSA SPECIALTY UPSTAIRS GERMAN COOKING - ONLY THE BEST AMERICAN COOKING 22012 \WW. BAY ST., JACKSONVILLE, FLA., Tor WEINBERG, Prop’r. ' MPIA L 1 - New house, new furnishings, hot i and cold baths. Rooms by day or || week. R : | 933 W. Bay St. hone 3483 l One Bloc{ from Union Dee‘ot. HEENEEE NSO NGNS NNE) S Cas rto Ali Parts of the City. 8 TELEPHONE 930, ’! B Rooms 50c, 75c and SI.OO ada '“-—*———::—_! B ® ZAHM’S EUROPEON HO EL. i BFRED ANGLEHOLZER :: Proprietor § EWines, Liquors, Beers and Cigafsi e e ot Ret oy @ MEALS AT ALL HOURS. B g s 3 / ; BRSAR N g—% f . ‘ i <L itval Shoe Factory&j 202 Main St., Jacksenville, Fla. otk s o o 6.4 eok o 4 O!d shoes made new. | Work gnaranteed. | New machinery just instulled A full'line of shoes in stock * % | #* % Ncw shoes made 10 order % ! Plenty of polish, leather and l i findings, A. M FOOR, Mzr. ' :‘5A'll.)IlIlH!Hl(lli‘l”ll)lhiulll.illH."llllil‘“llll"lu'lllfllll. s Sh - Carl Sch : arl ochevitz Oes £ I You Want New SHOES, Sce Me, 2 I You Y ant SHOES Repaired, See Me = ~ If You Nced Lesther or Polish, See Me a ' Fine Sample SHOES-Call at My Factory § 218 W. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla 3 :sl Pll‘;lllllllllll?l.‘ilill:lIV|lHlfllll'fl.”'"l!llllll'.llllllfll"'"" OLYMFIA Fta’AUfl?fl Best Regular Mealsin City for 25 cents, 917 West Bay St., Jacksonvil'e, Fla, One Block from Union Depot. LOUIS PAPPAS, Trop.