Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, October 22, 1908, Image 7
THE FIRST FIGHT PICTURES. { !f: > (S : i 3 2N i \f% Xiio . \,\,@ lw E=— 8= i? __fi AU Y 8 vy "!{ k'f’/z% sXA VU - as 4 [ ¥ Y s 2) (xR AR Tow Cone Agpeing! i AND,_OVERTRAMED. ” = . e A VUL T . » " g ; e oAI R = \ 20N gmm —Cartoon by Triggs, in the New York Press. Ringside photographs of the terrific go in Obio, between “Town Pump,” the Temperance Champ, and the celebrated “Demon Rum,” showing how «“Demon” was put to sleep. PUBLICITY SAVES LIVES ON RAILROADS Qdlicials Find the Wrecks Arc Less Freguent and Discipline Better. Chicago.—Publicity lis ecredited with having decreased accidents on the Harriman system of roads be tween twenty and fifty per cent. with in the past three years. This result is indicated by a report made by Julius Kruttschnitt, director of main tenance and operation, to E. H. Har riman, of a novel plan which has been tried on that system of roads. Besides decreasing accidents, pub licity has served, it is said, to im prove disciplineand increase efficiency and also has protected the roads against newspaper misrepresentations and unfair hostility on the part of communities. When the plan of giv ing the fullest publicity to wrecks was first broached by Mr. Kratt schnitt, it was coldly received on all sides. Tinally he succeeded in geot ting it tried on the Union Pacifie, and now all the Harriman lines follow it. The new method depends for its success largely upon speedily finding out the cguse of the accident, placing the blame where it belongs and let ting the public know all the mews papers care to tell about it. ™This method is so different from the one usually employed by railroads that it caused a great deal of comment, but Mr. Kruttschnitt is a firm believer in the efficacy of public sentiment when based upon a right understanding of facts. When an accident occurs on any of the Harriman roads the superin tendent, master mechanic and engi neer of the division go at once to the scene and organize a board of inquiry, composed of themselves and one or more leading citizens of the commun ity. If this board fails to ascertain the cause of the accident, a second board is formed of the general super intendent, general superintendent of motive power, engineer of main tenance of way and one or more citi zens of the community. Should this board in turn fail, a third board is formed with the general manager at 'R head. In only one instance has " 1 CENSUS OF STANDING TIMBER. Estimates Ssy the Supply Will Last About Twenty-three Years Longer. Washington, D. C.—The National Conservation Commission has caused the first comprehensive attempt at a .census of the standing timber in the United States ever undertaken. The commission necds the information to help complete its inventory of the ‘country’s natural resources, which it will include in its report to the Pres ident, and since that report is to be submitted on January 1 next it needs the information at once. In conse quence the work on the census has been started with a rush. Estimates as to the amount of standing timber in the United States range all the way from 822,682,000,- 000 to 2,000,000,000,000 board feet, a difference of more than a trillion ‘feet in the views of the best qualified authorities in the country. In the opinion of the forest service the most carefully prepared estimates yet made are those by Henry Gan nett, published by the twelfth census | fn 1900, which placed the total 'stumpage at 1,390,000,000,000 board | feet., Mr. Gannett was recently cho sen by the President to compile all the information gathered for the commission. The <ensus is expectodl Russia’s Naval Budzet Amourts to $44,067,500. St. Petersburg, Russia.—The na val budget was submitted to the Du mua. It amounts to $44,067,500, an increase over last year of §5§616,000. The construction accbunt is $8,155,- 000, of which $3,771,000 is for new construction. This decrease is due to the fact that the appropriation for construction of 1908 has not been touched. The present program in cludes the building of four battle ships, five torpedo boat destroyers and three submarines, & M 75 A b ‘i’ 8 4 3 X — ¥ @z S GRS/ N .‘ &A,..J“;a" - i o R e *aa‘-’*‘:‘" A W A pars 1§ ORI 7el v, |, ~N z i /,, IR A | /A I bl 4 /.gu" hfip‘rfigé FWHTING ™ Lands On ] ORCES 7 TING ™ LakDs O DeMoi's. \Do Goes o e gopgs, - - o N w2Bl s ~ » "j, ——y PRy Conr) O S o = ;;:.m\ ‘,') : o / ‘“ummm ’\ RS o ovorton "b ‘\ Cuams o : 7.‘:( l< ,'" }m SNSH‘ ‘ ] v Vi, FigT i \ “Town Pune {‘ \ ‘ Asunke/ D e k) the general manager thus been called | upon to act. The board of inquiry does its work ; quickly and not infrequently a news- | paper representative is a member. | The newspapers are furnished with | a correct bulletin of the facts. This | practice has greatly diminished tho ! mewspaper appetite for wreck data,! unless the accident is in reality a big g story. 3 | The effect upon the discipline has been marked, for every man in the operating department knows that if | he is <derelict in his duty his home | community will know of it, and he | will be discredited among his friends. | Men can stand being hauled onto the| “carpet” in the general manager’s | office, but they cannot stand the light | ©of local publicity. i 3317 VICTIMS OF NEW YORK I sozmnss RAILWAYS IN ONE MONTH | Report Shows There Were 5280 Accidents in City in August. ,i New York City.—There were 5280 | railway accidents in New York City in August, according to figures sub- | mitted to the Public Service Commis- j sion by its secretary. They resulted | in the injury of 3317 persons. Of | that number 2247 were passengers, | 539 were railway employes and 531‘ were neither passengers nor em ployes. Forty-four persons were killed, fifteen received fractured ‘gkulls, four lost legs or arms, thirty- ! four had legs or arms broken and | dangerous injuries were inflicted on | 138 other persens. The total num ber of persons dangerously wounded | was 235, i ‘The report shows there were dur- | ing the month 121 car collisions, 894 | persons and vehicles struck by cars, | 652 persons injured when boarding | cars and 1233 when alighting from cars. Forty-one of the victims were hurt by getting in contact with elec tricity. ’ | to give an accurate basis for comput ing how long our timber supply will last. The consensus of opinion is that the present annual consumption of wood is about 100,000,000,000 board feet, or something more than that. One leading authority has placed it as high as 150,000,000,000 board feet. Assuming a stumpage of 1,400,000,000,000 feet, an annual use of 100,000,000,000 feet and neg lecting growth in the calculation the exhaustion of our timber supply is indicated in fourteen years, and as suming the same use and stand, with an gnnual growth of 40,000,000,000 feet, a supply for twenty-three years is indicated. Letters to county clerks asking for statements of forest areas in their counties have been forward ed. Seven thousand lumbermen and timber land owners have been asked to suuply similar information. In all, nearly 150,000 letters have been sent. These letters also ask for a wide variety of information, includ ing not only the lumbering and mill ing industries, but all others, even indirectly dependent upon the use of wood. ‘'Whole Village Frozen to | Death in Siberia, Seattle, Wash.—Frozen stiff and having evidently been dead for a long time, all the inhabitants of a village of Siberian Esquimaus were found on the Siberian coast by a party of Indians who went in a canoe last June to see their comrades, Their provisions exhausted, the Esquimaus had eaten the walrus. skin covers from their houses and the clothing that covered them. This tale is told by the Rev. Edward O. Campbell;, a Presbytexian missionary, TRUITS OF OBSERVATION “Have you ever seen a grapeshot?” “No, hut I've often watched a cher ry-bounce."-—Baltimore American. Wo Drive Qut Malaria and Baild Up the System Take the Old Standard Grovg's TasTe LEss CHILL Toxic. Yoa know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on ever gottla, showing it is simply Qui nine uns Iron in a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grown peopds and children. 50 While New York and London are talking about the displacement of horses through the growing use bt electricity and of automobiles the number of horses used in Paris grows at a rgpid rate, THREE WERKS [ Brought About a Remarkable Change, Mrs. A, J. Davis, of Murray, Ky., says: ‘'\WWhen I began using Doan’'s Kidney Pills, kidney ARV disease was slowly S, W poisoning me. Diz- NIRNER zy spells almost ’.’ made me fall, sharp SO/ patns like knifo TRNIREAL. thrusts would catch SERE® me In the back, and ro— finally an attack ot grip left me with a constant agoniz ing backache. Doan’s Kidney Pills helped me quickly, and in three weeks’ time there was not a symptom of kidney trouble remaining.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y. Out of 42 existing blast furnaces in Belgium only 31 are at present in operation, as compared with 26 at this time a vear ago, Hicks’ Capudine Cures Women's Monthly Pains, Backache, Nervousness, and Headache. ‘lt's Liquid. Effects imme diately. Prescribed by physicians with best results. 10c., 25¢., mé 50c.. at drug stores. It is a mistake to suppose that just because a man is in the swim he has a clean record, \ IF YOUVE ‘.\ o NEVER WORN \¢ j _ AOWERy | %= YL SESLICKER d : ’ ‘ vou've yet 4 to learn the bodily NR comfort it gives in aer \ the weltest weatha-i ‘ ‘ MADE FOR = 'Z] HARD sfim‘m S I i GUARANTEED ) & i\ WATERPROOF f | *a3oo ‘ § |AT ALL GOQD STORES — CATALOG FREE BB), ~y 9 , , louen co, ROSTON. USA. e § SRI | TOWER CANADIAN CO. LIMITED. TORONTO, CAN INUB I Ass —_ LIVER TROUBLES m e TtEARE TRY A BOTTLE STIMULATES THE LIVER TO NORMAL ACTION e T . I\ 5 . o WINONA, MINNESOTA, smmmmmmerasns ‘ A 7 -‘"b";'.'-"'ra-_., Makes 70 VUifferrnt Articles: Household Remedies, Flavoring | S R s , Extracts all Kinds, Tollet Pwuonl. Fine Soaps, Etc. L Y Canvassers Wanted in Every County. | ’}u’vb‘.g"fl“ 40 Yenrl‘ Experience, $3,000,000 Output, | BEST PROPOSITION EXER QEZERED AGENTS | mncnjuu Palls stump 7 foet diameter. Only TUMP Steel Sknn: Puller Factory in the werld R making their own Steol Casting fi Gunranteed for 660 horse power .nfl'. w» 4 Catalogue and discounts. Address : ZIMMERMANN STEEL CO., = Lone Tree, lowa. e e ——————————— “ Givesr gy ¢ Quick o % Relief. e g Removes all swelling in Bto 2o ) Y days; effects a permanent cure A A in 30to 6o days. Trialtreatment - fl'{.\"\, @ saameiven free. Nothingcan be fairer W Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons N\ NN i Snecialiste. Box @ Atlanta. dr R R RAR s General Break Down Neglected female troubles frequently lead to a general break-down. Better not wait tiil your case is as bad as that, but take Cardui in time. However, even when in bad shape, Wine of Car dui has cured others and may cure you. It will pay you to try it, as did Mrs. Rena Hare, of Pierce, Fla., who afterwards wrote: “I was a sufferer from all sorts of female troub les, had pains in my side, drawing pains in legs, e o v P 575 e R —— OFTEN THE CASE. “Pa, what is a toast,” “An excuse for a drink.”—Detpoit Free Press. e el TETTERINE—~A RELIABLE CURE. TeTTERINE i 8 a sure, safe and speedy eure for eczema, tetter, skin and gealp diseases and itehing piles, Endorsed by physicians; ;zraised by thousands who have used it. ragrant, soothing, antiseptic. 50c. at druggists or by malil from J,'l'. SEUPTRINE, Dept. A, Bavannah, Ga. This is a great world. A feller prays for rain, and it rains, and then the grass in his front yard grows about a foot, and he has to pay $4 to ‘have it cut, | PROOF. Mrs. Knicker—How do von know iyour husband was working down in | the office? ; | Mrs. Youngbride—l telephoneq and ! Ventral said ‘‘Busy.”—New York Sun. ] St STR i RO e P 1 A CURE AT CITY KISSion. ' Awful Case of Scabics—Body a Mass | of Sores from Scratching-=NHoer ; Tortures Yield to Cuticura, } “A young woman came {o our city mis . sion in a most awful condition physicaily. Qur doctor examined her and told us that | she had scabies (the iteh), incipient pave sig, rheumatism, ¢te., brought on from ex | posure. Her poor body was a mass of sores | from scratching and she was not able to { retain solid food. We worked hard over ? her for seven weeks but we could sece little I improvement, One day 1 bought a cake of | Cuticura Noap and a bottle of Cuticura | Resolvent, and we bathed our patient well | and gave her a full dose of the Resolvent. { She slept better that night and the next i day 't got a box of Cuticura Qintment. In | five weeks this young woman was able to I look for a position, and she is now strong | and well. Laura Jane Bates, 85 Fifth | Ave.,, New York, N. Y.. Mar, 11, 1907.” l Is it not true that some men auto when they ought not? ANTIDOTE FOR SKIN DISEASES, That’s what TETTERINE is; and it is more. Itis an absolute cure for eczoma, tetter, ringworm, erysipelas and all other itching cutaneous diseases. In aggravated cases | of these afflictions its cures have been J)ho nomenal,. It gives instantrelief and effects permanent cures, 50c. at druggists or by mail from J. T, SmuepTrlNE, Dept. A, Sa vannah, Ga. Stranger—Well, if vou insist, but 1 was thinking of taking it with me. R e CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS, Constipation sends poisonous matter bounding through the body. Dull headache, rour Stomach, Feted Breath, Blearsd Evos, Loss of Energy and Aq{putite are the surest signs of the affliction. Youxa's Liver PiLvs Posmvely cure constipation. They awaken he sluggish liver to better aotion, cleanse the bowels, strengthen the weakened parts, induce appetite and aid digestion. Price 25 cents from your dealer or direct from the laboratory. Free sample by mail to any address. J. M. Youna, JR., Waycross, Ga. Testing a New Court, The efficacy of the new Centrai American Court of Justice is to be | given a prompt test. The complaint l of Honduras, 'that interference by Guatamala and San Salvador has en couraged rebellion against the Hon duran ;government, has been answere.| by a strong cautionary decree issued to the offending governments. It now remains to be seen whether this decree will be respected or enforced. If sucecessful in maintaining neutral ity it will not only prove its value in prompting the peace of troubled Cen tral America, but will afford an ob ject lesson to be studied and followed | in the wider theatre of international relations.—Boston Herald. | Pale Del: W d Girl ; | | ale Delicate Vvomen and Girls [ 8 ‘The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the [ | | system. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it § ' @ is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless, and the most effectual form. For adults and children. 50c. i '{"?logmore goods brighter and faster colors than uny ether dye, One 10c. package colors all fibers, They dye in cold water botter than any other dye, You | e Ava any garmant \lu:izr_rll)‘v-‘miigtt__‘:&_'l:m-Alj)erree bo()kle!—r-_»vl_l‘r»)v\_/_-(_u uyt,’f'lllulmr:f;“n-n_xulv Mix Colors. MONROUE DRRUG CO., Quincy, Hlinois. e S S——————— ete o poct Lk -+ T ITTl——————""= « > % AT ick Women B e T ——————————————__ AN UNSURPASSED &% : o REMEDY ¢ i (¥ Piso’s Cure is an unsurpassed re- N %P 8 medy for coughs, colds, bronchitis N PUY osiuna, hoarseness and throat and m ®] lung affections, [t goes direct to fhud the seat of the trouble and generally & [{@] restores healthy conditions, Mothers pon ¢ can give their children Piso’s Cure 19N} with perdect confidence in its curative U" F:wm and freedom from opiates, [l ’ amous for half a century, / s At all druggists’, 25 cts, P & &8 O AT | SRR oY R i el oW & B 5 7:'-’-“ oS ‘\ <X D WV &\ ' 'f:s ; Q\ M) ' SN § QAR : J ‘W S z ' & | e, d | T y \ ! i," | Y m"’ 3\ - \ W K\\\ RN\ RERLS : @ 4 lm\ : @ i LYDIA E. PINKHAM | No other medicine has been so | successful in relieving the suffering ' of women or received so many gen ‘uine testimonials as has Lydia E. | Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. . Inevery community you will find - women who have been restored to ‘health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg «etable Compound. Almost every | one you meet has either been bene fited by it, or has friends who have. ' _ In the Pinkham Laboratory at 5 Lynn,Mass.,:my\\:«nnanany(luynmy | see the files containing over one mil ' lion one hundred thousand letters | from women seeking health, and here are the letters in which they } openly state over their own signa | tures that they were cured by Lydia ' E. Pinkhamn’s Vegetable Compound. | Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable | Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable - Compound is made from roots and herbs, without drugs, and is whole - some and harmless. _ ' The reason why Lydia E. Pink “ham’s Vegetable Compound is so ' successful is because it contains in gredients which act directly upon i’ the feminine organism, restoring it to a healthy normal condition. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia | E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound | to restore their health. | it i b ARy e e Georgia Normal College ¢ ¥ & g And Business Institute FOUNDED AT ABBEVILLE 1898. REMOVED TO DOUGLAS 1008. Best equipped Business College in the South. Coursé«; Sciunzific, Teachers’, Business, Penmanship, Etc. Write for catalogue and specimens of Peitmanship. W. A, LITTLE, Prin. A.A. KUHL, Prin, Com’l Dept., DOUGLAS, GEORGIA T . e ¥Y~A e S ——— . . The University and Gommercial School, Abbeville, Ga,, individual training preparing students thoroughly for college and university work. giir‘;-(:r,e:t{ (lztn-(e given to :-}}mm-wr building as well as thorough training intellectually, Courses are complete and thorough. French, Greek, Latin and English Literature taught by able teachers. The Commereial Coursxes ambrace Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Arithmetic, Correspondence, writing, Banking. TFull ¢ourse in Telegraphy and allied work. Ample gronnds, good board, ten months' tuition ; all for §l5O. Write for deseriptive booklet to C. M. GORDON, Prin. Commercial Dept JOHK A MILLER. A 8., Superintoncent, could not sleep, had shortness of breath; in fact it was a general break-down. P IRAG “I suffered like this for four (4) A years and could mot find any relief, ¥ f until my husband insisted on my try- (s = B ing Cardui. The first bottle gave me PPy g relief and now lam almost a well wo- 3j\ 1 : man.”’” Try Cardui. YWY All reliable druggists sell i, MRS, RENA HARE.S VALUABLE Wt Frctnitellutiascabo, “tione eaimond for R T e es ot LI MR ATR Y PRI TVL T, e T B A ™5 KiF ( y { ) : p Ve n ) ’' b '. 5 - 3 v [ ‘ () L™ B '.4 ; g FOR MEN If you want a pull(r of .-Ploor that yon don"t har: botlllqne‘oza ym%r foot into and weara woek until they wot etrotshod It the Shape of goer e o | MABE Y e FanEfeiola PR BROCKTON MASS, s -] V.B.A | Saved--Our--Baby That i 3 the testimny of thonsands =of MOTHERS who have used “Dr. Vhoenton's Lasy-Teevhédr. [t 1s & guaranteed r mady for Teathing, Summer Diarrhses, Flux, Indiges tion, and all Stomaeh and Borwel troahied of' [NFANTS. Itis also the best thing yiu ean zive your baby fora C YLD, it will cure u eold in three days or less. It you want svmething that will earry your baby through the moat trying perio Vin its litfe, send 25 cents tons and we will send you a box by return mail. For sle by all druggists and country merchants, Doeants, or . Zasy-Teether Madicine Co., Hartwell, Ga. Write to-day for free HOOKLET, “The Baby* A “How to Care for It Ur, Grigg’s Family Salv r, Grigg’s Family Salve For Eczema, Tettér, ltch, Wosmaed| Chapped Hands, Piles, :‘g‘.‘tfl?fif,‘ Burns, Sores and all L.?T: A Skin Diseases. :fi}, ‘gi{ifi‘! J. I Kitchons, Jackeor, Gu., "s%. RGP IR anvu: T have used your sal\e fop TR “\\:" ifl B pilor, and would not take §I,OOO for '-‘,‘ o R the benefit 1 got from one Lox, v‘;&'\'v‘w“‘cfl.l Hnldunc!e'r g:mr}:g‘n_mn%t? pl;;&., AR AN mey baok. s s B i SRR 17 o), e You oannoe Ban it o slorcs, | Medicine G Gainesville Medicine Ce., GAINESVILLE, GA. B[_E_M OF MUSIC v% ST, LOUIS, MISSOURI. i The oldest, largestand best music school in the State. All branches of music taught. Send for handsomely illustrated eatalogue tothe BROTHERS EPSTEIN, N ‘V.('Ol'-'lll\!lj)l" and Olive. Directors LN S . .R Y ) / ) L) ‘@ ') .e m’!& R L 8 ‘;i‘ 1 w '!r-""‘- ')‘7 [ o 0 .1 AR ; ¢ ! MmN ] s ) QL s < 6WA £ “ ¥ Nk iy RN \ T\} ‘ ‘v,.@"‘n' { KON A 3 o E“‘?"&‘fiffi‘:flué:‘n’ D SNBSS L ey e A‘ W. L. Douglas makes and gells more men's $3.00 and $3.50 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world, he cause they hold their shape, fit better, and wear longer than any other make. Shoes at All Prices, for Ever'x Mamber of the Family, Men, Boys, Women, Misses & Children W.L.Douglas $4.00 and §56.00 CHlt Edge Shoes cannot be equalled at any price. W. L. Douglas $2.50 and $2.00 shoes are the best in the world Fast Color Kyeleta Used Erelwsively, o Uake No Substitate. W, 1, Douging nume and price i 8 stamped on bottom. Sold everywhere, Shoes mailed from factory to any part of the world, Catalogus free, WL DOUGLAS, ‘157" Spark St... Birockton, Mass. o ————————————————————— R“EUM A'"SM now curable; thousands cured; re sullupeed’;;wurunlemfivon;fnce low. Write quick. DR. 8, T. WRIGHT, Peru, ind. Luy’ S‘Ki{;fi;y;"U( AR VMe BHARDO Of your & human foot whiz{"eé'youlx"iwgiz‘l‘lrtc e wd‘ o‘?s have the style to suit yon, maties hew 00l ticular you are. Look fzr ti)g ‘l)lg:m" i ” FRED. F. FIELD CO., Brockton, Mass.