Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, October 22, 1908, Image 8
Ao AN R I L LeWW9 9@ 9 @ When in need of i good Sewing Machine REMEMBER o - THE SINGER ff 8l wlways teady for sorvice AL G THE WHEELER & WILSON } Ot, NEpvLes anD o MACHINE SUPPLIES: - ALEX MILLS, Singer Sewing Machine. Agt. Folkston, Ga. OFFICE IN BANK BLDQ. : ""Are You Bilious? If you are sallow, have headache, dizziness 10ss of appetite, and feel badly genetully, you should use & good apetient atd liver regulator. St. Joseph's Liver Regulator has for many years relieved these ailments, It is carefully prepared and is be. lieved by the many people who use it to be the best medicine of its kind on the market. It is wrade in both liquid and powdered " form. Dirng gists and general dealers sell it liquid 50 cents a oottle; powdered, in tin boxes, 25 cents a box, or five boxes for a dollar, FOR SALE 3 miles 40-Ib relayiag rails, good as new, 7 miles 35-1 b relayiag rails, good as new, Kingwood, Ga. 6 miles 30-lb relaying steel rail, Kingwood, Ga. ‘ Also frogs, Switches, Spikes aud Locomotives. | Quick cash buyers of scrap iron and tnetals, | SABEL BROS. 1 JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA | Where Butlets Flew. ‘ David Parker, of Fayetie, N, Y.,‘ a veteran of the civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says; ““The good Electric Bitters have done is worth more than five hundred dol lars to me. 1 spent much money doctoring for a bad case ot stomach trouble, to little purpose. 1 then tried Electric Bitters and they cured me. I now take them cs a tonic, and they keep me stronz and weli.” 50 ¢. at all drug stores. .’fi S “Full of Lite” Northern Grown P‘e'dfi‘&ez have @ repulation of 28 yenrs of ; i b::,‘ growing bcfnud them, It pays to Seasonable lonlgmz- - BHANS \ Fa lul Red Valemting , . Sysn Bushel Ref ) uiarly &, syasißushel o Sim i idtiey Wi goo oy a e i ey Wax $4.50 Bashe l&t{&h’i‘r ‘f'(d'x ¥ ;:,75 Rushel ‘urrie's Proof Wax , $#4.50 Bushel PEAS Kt Early Alaska . , . $£31.50 Bushel W f.arly fl""l“’ ¢ v+ » 3550 Bushel Totsford's Market Garden ;; Bushel | Mckbed's Lightuing Express $5.00 Bushel | SW Radish, Tomato and a full line of | 8, Plants and Bulbs ut lowest growing prices. Send for complete catalogue or submit a list_of your ru‘\llrcmonla and will quote prices, | y direct from the grower—Save Money, tite today. Mention this paper. H. W. BUCKBEE 1843 Buckbee St., Rockford Sced Farms, Rockford, I, R I s ' ot / g Ah; .m ? ’”“\t-‘v,'. i oot b R TDR Y ‘~‘f, PR E /| VL T clh P 7 P TIR RN AT § ik A\ 1 J‘* "/'} \m (W ¢ Ll 2 ’9 “*Out-of=doors' with a STIVINS— best thing for a growing boy! . Lc.rnlnfi to shoot well and h beguiring gualities of | N SOLTCONTROL, DECISTON, AND MANLINISS ‘ areall due to STEVENS FLILALMS EDUCATION. Atk your Dealor for Movons Rifkos=- Shotpruns-—~Pistols, Tnsist on our time hosered make, If you cannaot ohtain, we ship dipeer, oxpross prenald vpon L rargipt of Qatajo TP, FY BRI AL L) know abo t U STEVENS !te ‘.‘...‘«4';: ‘l‘l?:n“.m ;llu.:ual::“l':l‘ls v:.‘l L‘YA‘ l::: " o fony N‘l\fl N #anp o pay pwt ge, Denutie ‘ i )\ Ten 5‘.: .;0 Ilnnrvr-- e dvonration o your ‘” »~--_~.‘-‘:' n‘?‘;—_n fr 4 conte instamne L JETEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. 3 P, O, Dox <OO7 ) | | Chigepas Falls, Mass., U, 8, A. & L J o I 3 ahaie £ READ THIS CHAIR OFFER FROM FACTORY DIRECT TO YOU For Saven Days, Only i§.Bs for ot Coklee? el v“-hlfi"& "; § fetall value . ... 89.75 save on 3 moooooootoo"c.' [34:‘::7" g,m' O ‘:L“', | I.s_’ =sy R 0 e A Y SN ) Asfelly packed end to your et P e paee offe: X -‘i_n.:t with this M—__.______ Chair Factory, socksonrune. 'El;ocal Personals? | iSR e ¥ Col. W, M. OUiff spent yester day aftetnoon in Jacksonville, . Mr. and Mts. J. W. Rogers, of Lofton, Fla., spent Sunday here, M 1 ]. M. Stokes, of St. George, paid us quité a pléagant call Monday, Mr. Thurman Jacobs, who has beeu home on a _week’s vacation, returned u)‘.,llickpx last’ Monday. Mr. J7F. Smith left Sunday for Birmiugham, Ala, to inspect a turs pentine plant with « view to pur. chasing. “Mrs. K. R, Gordon, of Trilby, Ela,; apent a few days hete last week, the guest of her mother, Mrs, Kate Willtarus. ’ MNIQ Rena Smith accompanied her brother, who had been home on a visit, batck to the Savannah Hos pital last weck, ‘ " Miss Effic Haddock left Monday for Waycross to spénd gome time with her sister, Mrs. C. 1. Mattox, [who is quite sick. Quite a number of Waycross people came down Sunday and at tended the wedding of Mr, Keen and Miss Roddenberry. Miss Myra Mizell and Dr. Dallas Willlams went to Jacksonville Sat- | urday and attended ‘“The Merry Witldow” matinee, returning the same evening, Mrs, W. M. Oiliff and Master Al ton who have been awayffor some time, returned Saturday evening to the great dehght of the Colonet, ‘They were accompanied by Miss Salhie Proctor., : Mr. Matthew Brown, from near Kings Ferry, brought us a stalk of sugar cane 9 1-2 feet long, which considering the dry weather this fall, is simply fine. Mr. Brown says his father has an acre that will average R R RN £hloregbere i 'l'lit"»b&ks, the city taxes for the year 198 are due and everyone is requested to come for ward and settle, as the books will positively close on Dec. 20, and fi fas will issue for all unpaid taxes. Oct. 19, 1908, ' J. D. Moore, Marshall, Next Tuesday, October 27th, Court will convene here, and it is expected that many people from ali parts of the county will be in at-| tendance, The murder trial of jncl Petty, Lonnie Dixon and the Rhod en boys will be the leading issue, | The new house of B. A, 'l‘hnmas.i the barber, is progressing nicely | now. They have expernenced some delay on account of having to wait for material, but things are moving along nicely again, and in a short time he will be in his own domicile. So much for push and pluck. Mr. Thomas came here in the latter part of June, and has prospered boyond expectations, KEEN-RODDENBERRY Last Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Miss Bertha ~Roddenberry, near here and Mr..D. L, Keen, of Waycross, were united in marriage, Rev. G. E. Joues, of ‘the Folkston Baptist church, performing the cere mony. I'he bride ‘and groom left on the afternoon train tor Waycross, where they spent the mght, leaving lnn the following day for a tour of about two weeks through Alabama return through Florida. The ceremony was witnessed by about 200 people. Many rare and valnable presents were given, As the train pulled up to the station the bride and groom received such a shower of rice as they . will not be able to forget the balance of their Itves. : YOUNG MEN! Ifyou want to know why you should become tele graph operators and what school :o§ attend, write to SOUTHERN SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY. Newnan, Ga,, for free Catalog ‘_‘A."l 'EVERY BOY shonld, Posi ifi.v.n- positively guaranteed, J SAVE YOUR EARNINGS, - The running of a savings account has a tendency to,wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion* It gives him'new ambition, and a desire to save money. - We are always glad to assist those ~ who are trying to {‘turn over a new leaf.” ‘e « 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. - 6 percenton certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER, President. 7 R ot N.& _..4-—-— QT Crown and bridge work a special ty; prices reasonable; work guaran teed. Will be in Folkston on the first Monday and Tuesday follow ing of ecach month until further notice, ee et et 5 CHARLTON 'COUNTY, GEORGIA; Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed has applied to the Oxdinary of said coun ty for leave to sell land belonging to the es tate of G. W Moore, for the purpose of dis tribution. Said application will “be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said Connty, to be held on the first Mon day. Nov. 1508. This, 5 day of Oct. 19a8. " W. H. Brucs, J. A. Moorg, ‘Administrators ot the estate of G. W. Moore. ; CITATION, L G:pkclA, CHARLTON County: To whom it may concern; : “I. T. Hatcher having made applieation (o me in due form to have J. W, Vickery ap ponted permanent administrator upon the estate of Robert Hatcher, late, of said coun ty, notice is hereby given that said aplication will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for suid county, to be held on the tirst Monday in November, 1908, Witness my hand and official signature, this, sth day of Oct.ber, 1008, ’ B. G. Me¢Donatn, Ordinary. e eeee et e GeorGIA, CHARLTON COUNTY: Will be sold on the first "Cuesday in No vember next, at public outery at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to-wit; ['wenty acres of land in lot number 114 in the second District of said county, described as follows; Bound ed on the North by Buffalo creek, East by right of way of A C. L. Ry, company, South by lands of the estate of Joe Johos and West by lands of P. C. Johns, Also one acre more or less located at Bachlott, same being the still site of Hickox and Miller, One slxteen barrel turpentine still and fixtures, located at Bachlott, Ga., one bay horse with blaze fa~e and one top buggy. One two-horse wagon and harness, twelve barrels of rosin, stock of goods consisting of dry goods, groceries, no tions and hardware. Also all turpentine leases and privileges of the firm known as Hickox & Miller, located in said county of Charlton, Said property levied upon as the property of J. J. Hickox, to satisfy an execution issned trom the Superior court of said county in favorof Meinhard-Schaul & company against i sald J. J."Hickox; said property being in pos session of the said J. ]. Hickox. Said prop erty will be sold snbject to a mortgage held by the Downing company against Hickox & Rozier and against said property, This, Bth day of October 1908, W. R, WAINRIGHT, Sheriff. T —— - Would Mortgage the Farm, A, farmer on Rural Route 2, Em pire, Ga.,, W. A. Floyd by name, says; “‘Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured the two worst sores [ ever saw: one on my hand and one on mv leg.” It is worth more than its weight in gold. I would not be without it if I had to mortgage the farm to get it." Only 25c, at all drug stores. _ SAUCE FOR THE HEN, Mothere—Alice, it is bed time. All the little chickens have gone to bed. et Alice—Yes, mamma, aud so has the hen.—Larper's Bazar, 4 F. D, MILLS, Cashier. Had a Close Oall. _ Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the widely *known proprietor of the Croom -';"Hote], Vaughn, Miss., says: “For jseveral mouths [ suffered -with a ssevere cough, and consumption 'seemed to have its grip on me, wken a friend recommended Dr. King’s New Discovery. 1 began taking it, @nd three bottles affected a com plete cure.” The fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, and Ithroat healer 1s world wide. Sold lat all drug stores. s¢c. and SI.OO. h’rial bottle free, - lnas for its basis PERFECT HEALTH. The clear brain, the healthy stomach, the bodily organs exercising in harmony, are the first essentials of a Simple Life— A UFE OF PEACE AND SATISFACTION. ' Noone can know the pure delight of simple living whose nervous system is kept in a state of temsion by Constipa tion, Indigestion; Dyspensia, Biliousness’ ‘and other discases due to inaction of the !‘vflo " ¥ e ¥ The Simple Way to seek the. Simple Life is to:seck the remedy for these con ditions, This remedy has been found in our great product— ' 'S ST. JOSEPH 0 Liver Regulator (In Both Liquld and Powder Form. ) " It has made life brighter and happiness and peace possible when all was dark .and distressed. It reaches the centers of life and purifi~s them. It encourages the Jiver, stomach and bowels to a freer and imore mt}xral activity, i Itis the Simple Way to a Simple Life of Health, Peace, Contentment. | - Many persons attest this fact who have realized its truth by actual experience. Bt. Joseph's Liquid Liver Regulator zi srglmpt. iltxtuc!lliun. e'xu-«l-;lingl{dxi;lla(tluble @ Nt to the taste, 18 80 rug :&u ln?:’lcalers at 50 cents a bottle. o Bt'xloo_eph's Liver Regulatorin pow de" rin is put u[) intight tin boxesand re als ltficems a box, five boxes for a dollar, ‘lt may be taken dry or made into a tea or ifters, . J-‘u]l directions accompany every tle and box. ‘Garstle Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. > AHealthy Family. “Our whole family has enjoyed good health since we began using Dr. King’s New Life Pills, three years ago,” says L, A. Bartlett, of Rural Route s, = Guilford, Maine. ?ey clearse and tone the system in‘a gentle way “that does you good. 25c. at all druggists. OUR STOCK IS NOW PRACTICALLY COMPLETE Have Just Received a Lot of New Goods and are Now Oftering Some Rare Bargains to Cash Buyers. Below We Quote You a Very Few Prices. ' Good Calico from Sctse to 7 per yard 12 1-2¢tse Dimity for IlOcts. 17 I=2otse ' ®° .20 0 Pawtucket Shirtings and Wastings for 15cts. per yard 10 to 12 1-20 ts. Madras, 1 yd wide only Bcts per yd Cassimeres from 25 to 75cts per yd Ruching from 15 to 20cts per yd Ladies, Children's and Misses Supporters, 10 to 50cts Ladies and Children's Belts from 15¢ts up Valenciene Laoes & Insertions from 3 to 15cts per yd New Line of Embroedery & lnsertion from 4 to 3gets'per yd Full Line of Ribbon from 1 to Ilscts per yd New Lot of Pearl Buttons from 5 to2sscts per doz Ssocts Window Shades, 3Scts or 3 for SI.OO Some Big Bargains in Shoes : . Souip Car Loap o AMERICAN FENCING ExrecTep 1n A Few Davs. BOUGHT AT PRICES TO MEET ALL COMPETITION. i : MIZELL AND PAXTON. - | ' § | Our Fall and Winter lines of I i ready-to-wear Clothtng and Furnish. _; ings for Men, women and Children I are now readye | We have a large mail order de- E partmefif, in the hands of compe b tent representatives, who will make | your interests their own. Sk 1 A complete catalogue, covering ; our va?ious departments, will soon - ’ be ready, and will be mailed upon | request free of charge. p v | W.ite for samples and self-measurement blanks. . .Y Tt & D =S 5 So - B.H. Levy Bro. & Co., X T Savannah, Ca. BUCKBEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED! L SPECIAL OFFER: Made to build New Buiinesa. A trial will make you our pertatient cust.omg{. Prize Collection sash, 17 varieties; Let- BNt S il et e O IGUARANTEED TO PLEASE. Write to-day; Mention this Paper. BTN NP G I PSS PSPV e SEND 10 CENTS ... oover packing reteive this val e B atroctives eauitrel o aed s B ob® R tells all about the Best varieties of Seeds, Plants, etc. S 1. V. Bockbes, 45 PEERRE SUACET. Y A i’ ;\t\j I:{‘- = %\ :,:;'9:. @ - 4 Bt W (i e - sv~ A% N *Better be Sure Than Sorry”’ Gl D T “ITISLITTLE ¢ ?\‘ | ¢d CONSOLATION" To get a bargain in glasses that may magnify the sight and make the wear er feel that he sees better, when the glasses improperly fit, may improve the sight or ruin it permanently. If vour eyes trouble you, consult the oldest | and best. DR. M. SChWAB'S SON, 1) Laura St., Jacksonville, Fla. ! DUVAL HARNESS CCMPANY ‘ Manufacturers of and dealers in Harness, | Saddles, Lap Kobes and Horse Goods gcn-! erally. Hand-made Harness and repairing a i Specialty, 217 W, Forsyth St Jacksonvile Flai “ SN S A IRRRR RN GERMAN -- CAFE -- AMERICAN ; TRY OUR REGULAR MEALS FOR 25CTS. . SHORT ORDERSA SPECIALTY UPSTAIRS GERMAN COOKING ONLY THE BEST AMERICAN COOKING 2201 2 W. BAY ST., JACKSONVILLE. FLA., Tor WEINbERG, Prop’r, A New house, new furnishings, hot 1 and cold baths. Rooms by day or | ot W, By’ Ph | 93 . Bay St. one 3483 (ir)e_gpgkrfrom Union Depot. “ RN TN EAEN - Cas rto All Parts of the City. - TELEPHONE 930, a B Rooms 50c, 75¢c and SI.OO a day" l B i i i iB ‘ o T ey u ZAHM’S EUROPEON HO(EL = =I~‘RF,D ANGLEHOLZER :: prnprietori EWines, Liquors, Beers and Cigars= e —————B§ @ MEALS AT ALL HOURS. E = C 37 ‘el £ o &. %/ A : o 7 wif Jv e 4. : iunnunpunlimnun l &, A § o X '~ Duvai Shoe act.orfi% 22 Main 81., Jacksoaville, Fla. Old shqes made new. | Work gnaranteed. New machinery just installed | ' A fullline of shoes in stock * * ! ¥ * * New shoes made o vrder | | Plenty of polish, leather and } k findings, i A. M FOOR, Mar. 1 p L e T N PR A ’ = Carl Schevitz Shoes i T R S OST < P 05 AT EW PNAk S E If You Want New SHOES. S'¢ Me. & If You Want SHOES Repaired, See Me & If You N-ed Lenther or Polish, See Me 8 Fine Sample SHOES-Call at My Factory 2 218 W. Bay St Jacksonville, Fla g & 5t ;"M’-IA pbd’AfikAN’ Best Regular Meals in City for 25 cents. 917 West Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla, One Block from Union Depot. LOUIS PAPPAS, 'l'roß.