Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, November 05, 1908, Image 8

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+When in need ofai good Sewing Machines ~ REMIMBIR & THE SINGFR e &1 AiWa srardy 100 52000 “3 9o ALSO 4 { fils WHEELER & WSOB Oi, NEEDLES AND . MACHINE SUPPLIES: ALEX MI LS. 3 Singer Sewing Machine. Agt. < . Folkston, Ga. & OFFICE IN BANK BLDO. . L—H—H—l- foforforforforfortosfenferfestestunfe INDIGESTION.' This trouble uenally arises from a disordered liver, [lf you wili arouse, the liver to throw off the effete ac cumoulations through the rmpcr‘ channels, you will soon feel better. your appetite will improve, and th(:‘} whole man will be more wide-awake and healthy. For this purfos St Joseph’s Liver Regniatorls a fine remedy. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful efficacy- Druggists and general merchants sell it liguid socents a bottle; powdered, in tin boxes, 25 cents a box., See adver tisement in this paper. FOR SALE 3 miles qo-1b relayiag rails, good as new, 7 mules 35-1 b relayiag rails, good as new, Kingwood, Ga. 6 milés Fo-lb relaying stecl rail, - Kitflgwood, Ga, Also frogs, Switches, Spikes and Locomotives. Quick cash buyers of serap iron and metals., - SABEL BROS. JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA The books are now open, the city taxes for the year 19c8 are due and everyone is requested to come for ward and sctile, as the books will vositively close on Dec. 20, and i fas will issue for all unpaid taxes. Oct. 19, 1908, J. D. Moore, Marshall, o A Ly BUCKBER'S SEEDS SUCCEED! P SPECIAL OFFER: Made to bulld New Basiness, A trial will MAKS yOu our permanent customer. Prize Collectlon fesus, it varitios; et illb ; Taralp: 7 lon’i‘ltfi :}-E:'hl. w.v?:l';' 0 ~Bowerlu Ihe inall, -y an'u?n‘r{g'b TO PLEASE. Write to-day; Mention this Paper. PRIV AL PPN PPNI to SEFMD !o CENIs laabl oover postage packiog and receive this valaable A Trstrmctives Beantiil Bosd ot Plars By bis 4 tello all abous the h«t ""’Ni’lll; o(K!;“nod', Plants, oto. HW, BIJGHMO, e goc%uirnl,txfi. PP 7v W Vet 1, . DYy S N a ‘\_‘v...,_," F,. "_,\ EAS -l @\4\ D \" o) N . Ay YOU LOOK F 1 T CUSLE { if you cbain a Fiearmy of ¢2uh - Sy /7 X\ falgr 'y s { '\ The experl nczd Vuntyr's and & l{/f.‘,a' ,fl‘i""“"‘. fackeman's Weal 7;‘ | \# r'isau'isb!e.u‘cn“; JIVINS 1 \ S PN S’ FINOD OUT Wiy . F by shoatlag our popular ) 5 " g RIFLES—SHOTRUNS A 8 g A PISTOLS /’ Ask your local Hardwnre d 'f‘ or Iporting Gomds Mer / , ‘ chant for tho L2VIINVG, F s i If you eannet ohtain, we "/'.,‘/ SoLaß| ShlD Clirect, CXDTERY pvg R » s !':fl.‘ ujnon |'(‘t'«~i£\i..<',";.;: A 107 Prico. Send 4 l'!‘u!:-l'i:.: :;’:nm forl ;T.:\T: Hlustrateqd Catalog, ineinding eiron lars of latect additions (o o 100 Gontalng poinis 0 Moo e, ¢ e : nitlon, tho proper earodd n' | o ey § eLe., ete, Ourattractive %o . ¢ i Lithographed Manccs van, o 0 ) where for six cents In B nps, J.STEVENS ARMS & 700", ¢ P, O, Box 4007 Chicopoe Talls, Masa., T, 1. ! m ¢ READ THIS CHAIR OFFER ; 't FROMFACTORY DIRECT TOYOU : For Seven Days, Only $5.95 for - S 5, Dtk Gal oden St o 8 Goe ol sL i 4000 Roal? Motal iohueock highly fnihed 375 Total retail value . ... $9.75 ?ur l&:«ad-r otm-p Chalrs and this BIEO MOCKOrall £or. «oivvrinernnnnss 5.08 You' save on 6 Chairs and .”mtl'l..‘..'sa..' "‘_Z‘.-‘f‘»,et e 4 i o] R i e} S— e S e L) = ~ =7 17 '—_—_———-‘_____ :&1" "SO " B get secr: i S g et s o e, gt v v "'—"_"_———-—-—-.__._.—_ Florida Chalr Factory, acksonvine, e s 5 "”'*"—'""""“"‘311 ELocal Personalst%' P 2 SRR 3 Mrs. J. V. Gowen, of Fendig, 15 visiting relatives Lefe thig week. ‘ Cut prices on all goods for cashl at Dr. Williamé’s. He'll please yml.i Elder A. W, Pattetson, of the Primitive Baptist Charch, will preach in Folkston Sunday, ‘ Little Misses Ethel and Bertha Williams, also Master Wilcher Park er attended the Carnival last weck.‘ Writers’ supplies—vyes, we have them. “We try o please you”— Dr. Williams. Mr, and Mrs, TL €. Page left last Monday for a short visit to Mr. Page's parents at Dillon, S. C. Miss Janic Chancy came up from Jacksonville Tuesday and is spend ing time with her parents in the country . Migses Violet and Nellie Davis went to Jocksonville yesterday to ‘:nlcml the wedding of their aunt, ! Miss Scott, I Messrs. C, W. Jaccbs and Id Petty left this morning for Oakdale, La., to accept a position running a skidder in a logging camp, Mis. . A, Foster and Mrs. 0. IF. Oxford, better known to her; Folkston friends as Miss Dora ¥os. ter, of Vaidosta, are snending the week here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. McDonald. [lot drinks? Sure! Come, try them. “We try to please you.*'-- br. Williams, Mrs. . L. Keen, of Waycross, came down Saturday and staid until Tuesday with her parents, My, and Mrs. N. Roddenverry. She spent a few hours in town Toesday with her sister Mrs. BF. Scott return ng to Wavcross in the afiernoon. - Cane and potatoes are good 1 Charlton again this year Lasi Cuesday Mr. J. E. Robinsen hand ed us a stalk of ca{ne, of the Simp son or white variety that measured seven feet and eleven inches long and was fully matured for six feet, The Herald was substartially rc-‘ wmbored lust Saturday by My, 3 i A. Allen who brought a turnip that, so far as we have seen, takes the premium. It was of the whi‘e or. flat vanety and measured twenty five inches in circumference. We hd not weigh it but 1t made enough for dinner and supper for scven hungry people. Meet me at Dr, Williams's office for cold or hot drinks. “They try to please.” ™ Owing to the iilness of Judge T. A. Parker last week the Superior Court was brought to a suddeén® and nnexpected ending Thursday, which worked quite a hardship on this county and to those who are now confined in the jail. The Court was ladj«mmed by Solicitor-General Jno. W. Bennett. Bail was granted the two Rhoden boys in the sum of sloco each, which was furnished on Saturday and they were allowed to ‘retun to their homes. Among those who attended the Jacksoaville Carmival last week were Mrs. J. P, Muzell, Mrs. B. G, Me- Donald, Misses Nellie Davis, Ethel Lynch, Loula Johuson, Eddie and Rose Baker and Mamie [yler: Messrs. J. A. Wainright, J. J. Mat tox, H C, Page, J. M. ‘Roddenber ty, J. C. Featherston, W.D. Weeks, J. 8, Peterson aud Gordon M ain right, all of Folkston, and J. C, Al len, George Roddenberry and Ailen Wainright, of Winokur. ° Newspapers and magazines at Dr. Williams's otfice. YOUNG MEN! rtyou want to know why you should become tele graph gperators and what school to attend, write to SOUTHERN SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Newnan, Ga, for free Catalog \.” EVERY BOY should read it. Posi i S b ana iet avivansand g SAVEYOIIR FARNINGS X et it e dntl M ._““_.,&wr@.-a_-—u-——-——— The running of ai;:wgs account has a tendency to weana man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion* It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. - We are always glad to assist those who are trying to “turn over a new leaf.” e 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. < : 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L.. CARTER, President. J. C. Brewer, Dentist «'} .‘ Sy H T e 1,.‘4“._9;91.7.-—7 h* =5 3 . ‘ I I 3 : Crown and bridge work a special ty; prices reasonable; work guaran teed. Will be in Folkston on the first Monday and Tuesday follow ing of each month until further notice, GYORGIA, CHARLTON COUNTYS Will be sold before the court house doar in said county, on the first Tuesday in De cember, next, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest idder for cash, all of the fol lowing described property; all of - land, lot No. 107 in the first Land District, cxcept' 140 acres in the North West corner. Said property levied on as the property of John M. Crews, under and by virtue of an execu tion issned from the Superior court of said county in favor of officers ot court and against John M. Crews, and will be sold to ‘Satisfy said execution, oo SV TRBE e . .<This Nov: Sff, soull. 770 by o ' W. R. WAINWRIGHT, SHERIFF. - By vintue of an onder of the cour: of Ord-| nary of said county, will be suld at public | outery, on the first Tuesday i Deceniber, 1903, at the court house in said county, be ‘tween the usual hoars of sale, the following real estate, situated in Charlton county to ‘wit: twenty-five acres of improved land in Lot No. 11 in Ist land district, with dwelling &c. thereon, bounded on South by D. F. An }ucrson‘ West by Juha A Wainrigh, North- West by Henry Caylor, and commonly known )ns the old F. D, Wainright homestead, also all of lot No 4in Ist district, except 50 sold iln O IL Pailey. Also ali Jf lots Nos. 5,6, 'B, 130, 131 and 127, and 4135 acves of lot li\'n. 128 in Ist district of said county. The sale will continue from day to day. between the same hours, until all of said property is sold Terms cash. This, 2nd day of Novemler, 1908. W. R, WaAINRIGHT, Administrator of estate of F.D. Waiaright. CHARLTON COUNTY, GEORGIA: By virtue of an order of the court of Or dinary of said county, will be sold at public outery on the first Tuesday in December, 1908, at the court house in said county, be tween the usnal hours of sale, the rollowing real estate, sitvated in Charlton county to-wit, described as tollows: lots 1,2, so, 13, Iy, 25 containing 490 acres each, 285 scres lot No, 11, 459 acres lot No. 92, 440 acres lot No, 18, 818 acres, lots 19 and 20, this in first district, lots 1, 67, 69, containing 490 acies cach, 390 acres lot No. 68, 290 acres, lot Na. 63, 480 acres, Jot No. 64, 270 acres, lot No. 05, thisn the second district, headwright lands, 00 acres 1 1-2 acres, The sale will continue from day to day between the same hours until all of said property is sold. Terms cash. This, 2nd day of November, 1908, W. H BrucE and J. A. Mooßrg, Administ-ators of G. W, Moof's estate. Seyen Years of Proof. 5 “I have had seven years of proof | tast Dr. King's New Discovery ig! the best medicine to take for coughs| and colds and for every diseased condition of throat, chest or lungs,” says W, V. Heary, of Pacama, Mo, The world has had thirty eight 3’5 of preof that Pr. King’s New Dis| covery is the best remedy for ¢o :‘” and colds, ia grippe, asthmd, hay| tever, brouchitis, hemorrhage of *«’"i | fungs, and the early lt&flif n [sumption. Tts timely “‘ | prevents the dlvgltlm;{;_ | | monia. =old under ‘guar :j’w i '-ali diug siores soc. and § 00, L Prral besade spews it SO F. D, MILLS, , Cashier. How is Your migestion? Mrs. Mary Dowling of No. 228 3th Ave.. San Francisco, recom mends a temed ¢ for stomach trouble. She says: “*Gratitnde for the won derful effect of Electric Bitters in a case of acute indigestion, prompts this testimonial. I am fully con vinced that for stomach and -liver troubles Licctric Bitters is the best remedy on the muiket to-day.” This great tonic and alterative medicine invigorates the system, purifies the blood and is especially helpful in all torms of female weakness, soc. at all druggists. : ° FOR SALE at proper prices——a heater and \bnke}:’ combined, odorless, and one 'tha\.t you will be proufl of. One single barrel. trigger action Stephens shotgun, ‘One hammerless double ?.gh‘;t;;gl.‘sli?tgutx;'yet at factory. ~All first class and brand new. See or Sre i Heiatd -~ Needs an Assistant. The corn in the farmer’s bin doecsnot plant itself. Nomore can Nature, alone and un aided, always perform the enormous tasks that are so often forced unon her. Nature Needs an Asazistant, Perfect health is the result of study and ‘ research, It has taken centurics to under stand the human body and to find the best ‘ condiiions and remedies to davelop a health- ' ful equilibrium, Any one with asick stomach, sluggish liv- l er, bilious, constipated and nervous is not | at all likely to rezain their Leallh unaided, | | Nature Needs an Assistant. |’ ST. JOSEPIH'S | Liver Reguiator -13 NATURE’S BEST ASSISTANT. ! This remedy has proven itself the true and | teied friend of the human family by giving I prompt relief when taken for Constipation, | Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Dizzi ness or other troubles incident to a torpid or inactive liver and a clogged up srstem. It is a pleasant remedy of great power, and Nature's assistant in the highest degree, | ismade in both liquid and powder form, i: pleasant and agreeable to the taste, prompt i in action, and leaves no sickening, weaken ing after effects, , It is an ldeal Liver iedicine. 5 We have a large number, of letters from ‘ satisfied patrons wlo have Leen benchive | and cured by it. I St. Joseph's Liver Regulator issold | by druggists and general merchants, or you can send to us forit. Price, Liquid, 50 cents a bottle. Powders, in tin boxes, 23 cents a box. Sample of powders and booklet sent free on application, e : GERSTLE MEDICINE CO. | Chattanooga, Tennessee. ~ ~ UNTIL DECFMBER Ist WE WILL SELL AMERICAN WOVEN " WIRE FENCE 1346x12 for 32cents. per rod. “ TERMS, SPOT CASH i YOURS FOR BUSINESS, ; e s % ; OQur Fall and Winter Ilines of » ready-to=wear Clothtng and Furnish,. 3: : ings for Men, women and Children ' : are now readyve : We have a large mail order de- ! - partment, in the hands of compe- * . fl_tent representatives, who will make : your interests their own. - ; : A complete catalogue, covering ; : our various departiments, will soon . be ready, and will be mailed upon ; request free of charge. ) W.ite for samples and self=measurement blanks. % : i i Savannah, Ca. 5 ol i id . PGEEDS Puckbee's #Tull of Life” Northern Grown Pedigreed Seeds have a reputation of 38 years of successtul seed growing belind them, It pays to plant the best, Seasonable Specialtieg:— BEANS Earliest Red Valentine . . $3.50 Bushel Refugee—Extra Early . . $3.25 Bushel New Stringless Green Pod . $3.76 Bushel i Wardwell's Imp. Kidney Wax $4.50 Bushel Davis New White Wax . . $4.75 Bushel ! Currie’s Rust Proof Wax . $4.50 Bushel PEAS | Extra Early Alaska . . . $3.50 Bushel New Early Gradus , . . . $550 Busliel Horsford's Market Garden . §3.50 Bushel Buckbee’s Lightning Express §5.00 Bushel Lettuce, Radish, Tomato and a full line of Secds, Plants aud Bulbs at lowest growing prices. Send for complete catalngue or submit a list of your requitements and will quote prices. Buy direct from the grower—Save Money. Write today. Mention this paper. H. W. BUCKBEE 1843 Buckbee St., Roekford Seed Farms, Rockford, il e : e X .-,,-,. o i “’Better be Sure Than Sorry®’ Tk ¢ > T ISIAYTEE ¢ ) M N » | {0 CONSOLATION f To get a bargain in glasses that may il magnify the sight and make the wear § er feel that he szes hetter, whcp the § gclasses improperly fit, may improve the 4 sizht or ruin it permanently. If vour eyes trouble you, consult the oldest i and best ‘ DR. M. SCRHWAB'S SON, 8 1) Laura St. Jacksonville, Fla. § B — DUVAL HARNESS CCMPANY Manufacturers of and dealers in IHarness, Saddles, Lap Robes and Horse Guods gen. ‘erally. Hand-made Harness and repairing a specialty. 217 W, Forsyth St JacksSonvile Fla GERMAN -- CAFE -- AMERICAN TRY OUR REGULAR MEALS FOR 25CTS. SHORT ORDERSA SPECIALTY UPSTAIRS GERMAN COOKING ONLY THE BEST AMERICAN COOKING 2211 2 W. BAY ST., JACKSONVILLE, ¥FLA., Tor WEINBERG, Prop’t, OLVMPIA HOTEL New house, new furnishings, hot and cold baths. Rooms by day or week. . 933 W. Bay St. Phone 3483 " 'One Block from Union Depot. GEEEEE NN RN IR EE SR = * Cas rto All Parts of the City. 55 = TELEPHONE 930. = Rooms 50c, 75c 21:d $1.60 adayi B L 3 m ZJAHM’S EUROPECN HO (EL. FRED ANCLEHOLZER :: Proprietor Wines, Liquors, Beers and Cigars B e e @ MEALS AT ALL HOURS. & st S : - s ' £2B 6 Doy M B i . N o 7 = % /Zfr: 40/}1»1&&‘/4, ()/4?3 AIR RSN NS I AERENETED e --‘.*:-_"-s.?:'.-::v.-::::n—.-._-.:.::_'m '}:gDuval Shoe Factory® i “m‘:«rw A LT LT AN NPT bes | 202 iain 1., Jacksenviile, Fla. Oid shoes made new. Work gnarantee-d. New machinery just installed A fullline of shoes in stock * * | | *** New shoes made to vrder | | | | Plenty of polish, leather and | i findings, | A. M FOOR, Mzr. ’ e sbet s e | NEHadFUEIBHMIEIRNEBIRIENE, SUEBISURISHRISHANRNAIRIIINEND B ’ = :Catl Schevitz Shoes: = "Ts You Want New SHOES. S ¢ Me. = | = If You Want SHOES Repaired, See Me 3 L 2 If You Nred Leather or Polish, See Me 3 ' 2 Fine Sample SHOES-Cail as My Factory - { = 218 W. Bay St,, Jacksonville, Fla 5 | » - OL VAT IA fibSIAUfiAN’ Best Regular Meals in City for 25 cents. 917 West Bay St., Jacksonvil'e, Fla, One Block from Union Depot. LOUIS PAPPAS, 'l'rog.