Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, November 26, 1908, Image 1
CHARLTON COUNTY HERALDB ¥OL. Xl.--NO. 27. We are making a Big Discount for cash. Will save you $lO on Buggies and give you big dis count.ocn wagons and harness, .. Wesellthe American wire fenc ing for 33cts. per rod. ey ‘We handle Cypress syrup bar e , ~ Large stock of Buggies, Wag ons and -Harness:- "™ -~ %4 A JONES BUGGY (O J A JUALS ol wilL DISCONTINUE . Oa account f the tnles of the Post Office Department we are forced to witndraw the Magazine lidition which was promised our subscribers scme time ago, the first and only issue of which appeared on November gih. : ; ’ Respectfully, .o W. W. TyLER, Metice is hercby ziven to all par ties havinz accounts or notes against tne estate of Robert 7,_Hatcher, de ceased, tohe presenttdnd all parties owing said estate to make payment to the undersgned This,; Nov. 24th, 1908. JEssE W, VICKERY, Adui'r. Estate ot Robert Hatcher. A CurisTMas \WWARNING. “In giving Christmas presents to children” said Mrs. Frederick Schoff. the president of the Nation al Mothers’ Congress, “our first aim should be to transport,-to ' overjoy, to enrapture, [ orce knew a little girl who, on fire with excitement, rushed in from her bedroom tu see her presents on Christmas morning and after one look burst into loud sobs of disap pointment and disgust. ° . «Jt was some such experience, . I have no donbt that had befallen a little girl friend of mine. ¢ ‘Are you going to give mé any thing for Chiisimas?’ she said one day to her aunt. “ ‘Yes, it you're good,” the aunt replied. : The little girl gazed at ber aunt with wistful earnestnéss. Then she said: : “\‘l’lca»e, auntie,” then, nothing useful,” ”—Cincinnatti, Enpuirer. Mr. Morse was probably selecied as an example of the Miliionaire’ in jail beceuse he violated ,the rule which prohibits stealing from anoth er thief, which is a serious thing in New York Stealing from the com ‘mon people is, of course another thirg, : BUSINESS TREND UPwARD Henrv Clews, .New York DBanker, Sees Steady Improvement. . ASpecial to The Herald.) Two factors have kept our stock market in an uneasy condition for some time past. Qur own political campaign and a disturbed foreign situation. The former dificulty will soon be ocut of the way, and within a few days perhaps the ‘market will show whether it has or has not fully discounted the results, Of the two influences, therefore, the foreign outlook is perhaps the most Impor tant in the long run, for while its effect here may be less noticeable than our own election the conse quences are ~more far reaching. European markets are always much more sensitive to international com plications than is fully realized here. At the sl'ghtest sign of international friction the foreign boursce always tremble, and American stocks are often among the first sold, simply for the purpose of protecting home issues. Thus it happens that any where between 2o and 30 millians of American stocks have been sold abroad recently, the bulk of which was necessarily taken by the market. That this new load was assumed so easily is good evidence of the strong support which is being accorded here. The tendency of business condi tions is still towards slow improve ment. There are dull spots here and there; also quiet speils in the mark=ts which disappoint those who expect too much, Suffice it to, say, conditions are improving, and that it is bgtter that progress be slow and stire than rapid and reactionary Contrasting the sitvation with a year ago, the récovery already es!abhs}r ed has been remarkable. ¢ # —_— § The Illinois man who captured “a.‘ bride on an election bet wiil have a long time to figure out whether he raally won or lost, - FOLKSTON, GA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1908. To ApPLICANTS FOR IJCENSE 7TO TeacH ix CHarvroN County: I trust that all who intend teach ing during the first part of next year (except those holding a license) will be present at-the coming exami nation, to be held on December 18th and Igth, Itis the sense of the County Boatd ot Education to discontinue as far as practical the special or private examination of teachers, but require all who wish to teach to take the regular state examinations, Permit me to suggest that ail ap plicants review the different branch es on which the examination will be based; and be prgpared tor make a creditable showing. The Common School text books and ‘‘l'eachers’ Manual” and “Dutton’s School Management are the. principal books needed. - ' The “Teachers’ Manual‘ ‘car. be obtaincd from the- State School Commizsioner,+ Atlanta, Ga., and “Dutton’s School Managemént”’ ¢an be had by sending to Sopthern School Book Depository, Atlanta, Ga. Teachers are required to'show concern enough_ along educational lines to become efficiert *in their work and able to advance their pu pils. The time has now arrved when parents are investigating the advancement of their children, and a teacher who fails to show improve ment in the progress of his pupils wiil soon be a back number, Solet’s all come forward and show more interest in these things than we have been decing, : Hoping to see you on the “morn.. ing of the examination, [ am, Yours very truly; L. E. Msrisrp, €. 8. (% Watched Fifteen Years, “For fifteen years T have watched the working of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve; and if has never failed to cure any sore. boil, -ulcer oF burn to which it was applied. Tt has saved us many-atoctur bill,” says A, Vi Hardy, of East Wilton, Maine: 25c. at all'drug stores, =~ = | BN TERTAINMENT : gt Friday evening gggny of the vol hg people cf Folkston were en te!%_ncd'from 6.30 to 10 o'cluck at .trifj'Ome of Mr, ‘and Mrs. L. E; Mallud, {ari;y games were played and the ufl‘ng }w;:as enjoyed by all. : . Those present were, Misses Stella 1{ ‘ Ethel T.inch, Florence : gl};’f&fih\hmu Tyler,’and Messrs. fi;_;:"“"e‘e‘ks, J. C, Featherston, Fok Wainright, G 'W. Haddock, o'T. Tyler und E. L. Wainwright. CoxsTRUED TO HER DISADVANTAGE [ ~‘§§;ll,gge Schoolmistress—As for lym;, Willy Tl‘.ompkins, yours is a do;{bl(_ offense. Why didp’t* you ‘gw? your apples when the other &9% did? f‘._‘;.t‘h'illy’;—Please, ‘m, T thought you &fiy wanted egpugh to make a pic! ;';_;-‘.f%ißu‘y or boost” iz tie slogan of sp’ériety, and no man is sofii)b()l' :&f‘;}”he cannot do one nt them. - SETTLEMENT REACHED EOE Y { ‘ ,‘ Ir, G. S. Wolford, of the Ccor “f‘h‘ne Insurance, of Cedartown, ;;spent Tuesday night here, ad jhsting the claim of Dr. A. D. Wil Hlams. whose drug stote was burned Ogtober 11th, 1908. On account f the lack.of proof at the time, the ;’ggg@,_ggf'.givcn sufficient time to * up ,;,l,l'cau.’-: ivoices. o A number of onr farmers are join ing the Larmers’ Union, which sh(ifils that they are beginning to wafi& up and take notice of the ad rvafgvt:ziges- to be obtained from such an organization. The Farmers’ Un iolrds very strong in some parts of the state, Il‘“'\l.l?llll‘l.?flllllllllIi‘lllllllHl“lllIHlIll7|llllil|1|I\III‘IIICHI ;.-:; \ 7';’:‘. . 4 i : Nice Flori- ~ - - = s {oo g 8 Oranges] é Direct to you from the trce § ';é Orders filled the same_day rec'd = = PPOMPT SHIPMENTS : RIGHT PRICES = { L. HURST | = Box 607, Ocala, Fla. = lSi‘lll.’llllhlIIIHIILIX!Il'll('llll’lxlll CHEIRIB RN I: ; e e e e s e s e o County School Commissioner Mallard is arranging to Liave an ed ucational rally some time in the near future. He will expect every school trustee in the County present The State School Commissioner will be invited. The School e’ntcrtaim;d many of the people here yesterday after noon, ‘with a .very interesting Thanksgiving program. It was ' ex ceedingly intercsting and well rend ered. . Several short talks were made by some of the visitors pres ent, and all went away well pleased with the entertainment and the progress the school is making. J. D. Moore and C. M. Wright went to Fernandina Monday to place things in readiness for run uifigitheir boat, which will soon make two trips a week from Traders’’ Hill to Fernandina, ; | Tomorrow evening a ILaterary Society will be organized at the school houge, Let gveryone, both old and young, feel interested in the work and be present. : . To-day i Thanksgiving. ~Let us all be thankful that it is nct any worse with us than it is, | i Thauksgiving Services. ‘ There will be ‘Thanksgining ser .vices conducted at the llaptist‘ church this evening.. Several talks} lwill be made and some nice papers i will be read. Everybody should fattend. i e e imis | ! PORTUNE Iroß Tovs ror THE POOR 1 I'be poor childven of l"iusburg luml Allegheny are to receive benefit‘ | through the expenditure of an es- | itale valued at $31,c00, left by thc; late George B. Nutt, The will pro vides that the estatte shall go to the wife during her lifeume and then is to be divided among his children equally, If the children all die pefore their fnother, at her death the estate is to be spent for the purchase of giffs and playthings! ,for poct children, especially thosei (ininstitutions.” It was the wish of the degedent that the money be ex-_! pended in gmall sums, to distribute it ovg-.;r as large an area as possible and benefit as many children as ’possib]e. st : 7 NOTICE. " , A teachers’ examination will be held at the court housé on Decem- f ber 18th and Ig9th, 908, , All teachers holding license under speciél examination, and all -pariias desiring to teach in 19¢g are requit ed to take this examination, e Done by order cf the Sm;:;flé})ijol Commissioner. ‘ »q,c“gfi Pliie ot iR SRR T AR A I Lil g ) U Wy S Savings Department g The Atlantic National Bank, Jacksonville, Florida. Interest at 4 per cent per annum compounded quarterly in Savings Deparfment, EDWARD W, LANE, President, FRED W. HOYT, Vice Pretident, 8 . ¢ A = Banking by Mail s aVery Simple Matter. o L e A ncccount; send z your name and address with your first deposite 4he money may £ be sent by registered mail, postoffice money order, express money . order, or draft, or by check on” your local bank. As soon as this = first deposit is received the bank will send you a pass bouk, in E which will be written your name and the amount of your deposit, = 1t will also send you signature and identification card, which you £ will sign, fiil out and return. Your pass book must accompany ® all deposits and withdrawals. You can withdraw money by mail = just as easily as though you visited the bank.” Your signature to = a blank withdiawal receipt, which we will send you to fill out, ig : all the identification necessary. We will sead you our check for § the amount you withdraw, or, if you prefer, we will send you thé: £ cash by express or registered mail, 4 ; When answering this Ad. pleass mention the ; I'3“ E Charlton County Herald. i SI.OO A YEAR, ' o Mr, J. 8. Groows, one of Chari ton’s best farmers, was in town a few days ago, and told us that from Ithrcc acres of land he has raised one thousand bushels of sweet pota. | toes, « They are worth: soe “Pep : bushel mukiug his potato erop alone wortn $500.00, besides his corn, sv .g;nu(::mc and other products which he has raised. Mr, Grooms is not the only farm ‘er that has done well this year, but | (all have had much success. : | We are proud of our farmers and ‘are glad that they have had a goud year, Charlton has as good farming | lands as will be found in the state, land these who are thinking of coms | wencing farming, we say Gharltow { County 15 the place to begin, | R ! Mind Your Business! b ; If you don’t nobody will. It is your business to keep out of all she !trouble'jou can and you can and wili keep out of liver and bowef trouble if you take Dr.. King's New Life Pills. They keep biliousness, malaria and jaundice out of your system, 25 c. at all iltug stores. - Buckbee's “Full of Life" Northern Growm Pedigreed Seeds have a reputation of ylflymrld succgsful seed growing behind them, It pays te plant the best, . Seasonable Specialties:— BEANS Earliest Red Valentine . . $£3.50 Bushel Refugee—Lixtra Early . . $3.25 Bushel New Stringless Green Pod :3.70 Bushed Wardwell's Imp. Kidney Wax §4.50 Bushel Davis New White Wax . . fiqs Bushet Currie's Rust Prg’of Wax . $4.50 Bushel EAS Extra Early Alaska . . . §3.50 Bushel New Early Gradus . . . . §5.50 Bushel ’ - Horsford’s Market Garden , 5 Bushel Buckbee's Lightning Express $5.90 Bashed ce, Radi 'omato and a full line of Geeds, Plants anflulzn at Jowest growing gricq. _ Send for complete mmlnf;'up or submit & Jist of ‘your requirements and will quote prices. b . Buy direct from thefm.zver-&vc Money. . ~ Write today. Mention this paper, ot Gl o Rl WL ICKBEE g e(RS LR S - ..% ‘, ‘.. . ;”’l@n. ,'v,.(‘: : - 5 i Resources over Four Million Dollars. OFFICERS. THOMAS P. DENHAM, Cashier, DELMERD, UPCHURCI, Asst. Cashier