Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, December 17, 1908, Image 8

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;-!-'w,hen ihneedofu % “good Sewing 'Machinei f .4 REMEMBIR. X . THE "SINGER 3 sl alwayérfy:lgfo: service & 4 THE WHIBLER & WILSOY 'f . f‘m, XM‘J); Fg ,\".‘L:’;,- ‘. B NACRINE SUPRLIES: o % ALEX MILLS, 7 ‘N Singer Sewing Macking. Agt, = Folkston, Ga. e GFFICE ¥ BANK BLDG. WHITE &0, 0% mighess acket pric votd RNRED (0 1 FURS Lot iEE SOO amd mes @ RAEER NS Woalos O NLR Lommission. e N Mediciue That js Medicige “I baye suffered a ggogd desi with poalaria apd stomach copplaiptg, but & have pow soupy g remedy that keeps me well, apd that iemedy s Electric Ritters: a medjcipe thyt is pedicineg soy stomagh apd liyer trouhies, apd for yun dodn eopdi fiong," saye W. C [ estier, of Hal jlay, Ak, FEleetric Ritters purify and eqrich the blaad, tope pp the peryes, apd jpppagt vigor apd epergy o the werk, Your mopey will be refnndef jf jt fajls to help yoy. soo at all drug stares, : THOUGHTS FOR CHRISTMAS, H#The time draws pearthe biith of | Christ.” The Yu'etide with its jo\-s! and pleagnyes. lis ““‘dance and song and game and jest,” 1s almost come, And well it is that tnis festival of pwaetness and lib-)u appeays so sare Iy and juevitably, for in its train are petce, goolwill apd chyirty, ;rastiug' always a ray of bops and fgith upon many a drear, desolate and (lespair~l ing existenge, And yet there is another aspect, pue too sgaly averlooked—an as pect for seripusness, fit for thought -1 copiemplation, On Christmag gve one was born into this world 1o “justity the ways of God to wan,” and though it may be very weil 1o felebrate His comin: we have, in our hegdlong fashion and careless habit, forgatien the sacredness of the ocecasion, apd made it largely one of foulness and caronsal. Ihe golumns of the ptess pn Christmas morn and a few days following are, almost as a mutter of course, filled with horrifying accounts of murders, deaths and homivides, with sicken ing details of orunkenness and yile ness, of vice and crime gone ram pant mad. The situation affords an aivful anomaly of a holiday wost re ligious observed in & manner most irreligious, - That the flesh is weak we under stand. That the world has not vel reached the high™ ppint of eiviliza tion when men Will not requirg the satisfaction of their coarse and sen sual desires we honestly believe. But that, fer this Icagon, we should t"!csecrnte the holiest as days, and drench the hul‘ly epd the laure) wreath with the contents of the was sail bowl we most vehemently deny. To eat, to drink, to sleep is not to live; it is to exist on a level with the fish and the swine, There is an element of thought, of meditations in the ‘li“es-—m ( ‘Devout and puye, ‘ Bober, steadfast and demure,” Vithaut which lifg is the cmpt_\'i shell—the pearl within has been, wilhdrawn, And whep the work of Christ ig upder cot g teration thees sett shopld be that of grave cheey fulness and pleasure guiet, and not of frantic deeds and sinful acts, Let vs hope that with the coming flay a clearer vision will be caught, when men will see how saon the banpuet cup is drained and realize the \'d!u.e of calm reflection. Then | and only then, will the wesry bells of Yule ¢Ring tn the valiant man, and free, The l.itjge; heatt, the kindligr band; Ring out the darkpess of the hn‘.l.; Ring in the Christ that is to he'’ ; : ~The Dawson Nows Cierybodys ‘ § agazine , FOR JANUARY ‘ will ‘tell oy somcthing you | ‘ghay not know about Farming, ‘ Fires, Pearl Fishing, Pills, | Woman’s [lnvasion, Flying- Machines, and Actors, It will give you lots of good short stories and beautiful pictures, You'll like it. Get one to-day. LOOK FOR THE PATCHWORK COVER THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY St. Joseph’s Liver Regulator is an texcelient femedy for diseases of the Hiver and kidneys, constipation, sour gstomnrh, thzziness, indigestion, . iiousness, and all conditions caunsed iby 4 dopmapt liver apd kidneys. f [tjs pleasant to take, purely vegeta [ ble, and is carefully prepared by the £<:l(l estaplished Gerstle Medicine ' Co, of Chattanooga, Tenn, Every ; family “should, use it. Thousands (yse it and prgnouncwe it the best liv ‘er medicing on the market. Drug gists sell it, liquid, 50 cents a Dot ftle; powriers, 25 cents a box. i Buckbee's “Full of Life"” Northern Grown | Pedigreed Seeds have a reputation of 38 years of i successful seed growing behind them, ‘lt pays to plant the best, ’ " Seasonable Specialties:— i BEANS ‘ Earliest Red Valentine . . $3.50 Bushel Refugee~Extra Early . . $3.25 Bushel Ncw,%}[jflgless Green Pod . $3.70 Bushel Wardwell’s Imp. Kidney Wax $4.50 Bushel Davis New White Wax . . $4.75 Bushel Currie’s Rust Proof Wax . $4.50 Bushel PEAS : Extra Early Alaska . . . $3.50 Bushel New Eatly Gradus . . . . $5.50 Bushel Horsford's Market Garden , $£3.50 Pushel Buckbee's Lightning Express $5.00 Bushel | _ Lettuce, Radish, Tomato and a full line of | Secds, Plants and Bulbs at lowest growing prices. | Send for complete catalogue or submit 4 list of - your requirements and will quote prices, - Buy dircct from the grower-=<Save Maney. ~ Wiritetoday., Mention this paper. H. W. BUCKBEE 1843 Buckbee St., Rockford Seed Parms, Rockford, I Grorgia, CHARLION COUNTY; : Under and by virtuz of a power of sale cotttaified in a certain mortgage executed by A. A, Wainright of said Connty to Mizell & Paxton on the foth day of February 1908, | and recorded in the ofiice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said - County in Mortgage | Book ““1," pages 67 and 63, the undersigned will sell at public outery, to the highest bid der for cash, at the court-house door in said County, in Folkston, Georgia, within the le gal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Jan uary, 1909, the tollowing real éstate, to-wii: Lot of land number tive [s] in tte firsi! district of the Uounty of Charlton, State of 1 Georgia, and lot oue hundred ard ninety one | l(l()ll in the second district of said County and State. Said sale being for the purpose of paying a certain promissory note executed by said A, A. Wainright to Mizell & Paston, [J. P. Mi zell and M. J. Paxton] for the principal sum’ of $600.00, dated the lotliday of February 1008 and duae six months after date.and bear ing interest fron date at etght per cent., per annun, the total amount due on said note being on the day of sale $600.00 principal, $43.15 interest, together with costs of this proceeding, said mortgage having been made for the purpose of securing the payment of said inaebtedness, Proper conveyance will be | executed to the purchaser or purchasers of said land, This Bth day of Decemlber, 1908, | Mizell & Paxton '«h«m(:m. CHAKLTON COUNTY! » i Notice is hereby given that the urdersigned ]hus applied to the ordinary of said county lfnr leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Robert Hatcher, deceased, for the lpaymem of debts, | Said application will be heard at the regu lar terin of the court of ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in January 1900, ‘ This 7th day of December 1908, ‘ ’ Jessie W. Vickery, | Administrator upon the estate of Robert E Hatcher, . e — i e———— | CHARLTON COUNTY, GRORGIA: | 1. F. Blak> administrator upon the- eslate. qu C. EL Dunn, late of said county dedeaed | Imving filed hispetition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause. against the granting of this discharge at the reguldr term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the fisst Monduy in January 1009, | | 1. G, McDonald, ' Ovdinary, This is Worth Reading. leo. ¥, Zelingki, of 68 Gibson St., Buffalo, N. Y, says: “I cured the most annoyiny ¢old sore I ever had, with Bugklen's Armica Salve, applied this salve oncea day for two days, when every trace of the 8 or: was 1™ il all stor Soldunderguarantee at alldruggists, {5 cents. : SAVE YOUR FARNINGS. The running of a savings account has a tendericy to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion* It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to ““turn over a new leaf.” ‘ 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER, President. J. C. Brewer, Dentist '\ Crown and bridge work a special ty; prices reasonable; work guaran teed. Will be in Folkston on the first Monday and Tuesday follow ing of each month until further notice, 1 gazme. is printed for folks who want to keep up to date on big things, and who don’t want to be bored to death while they’re at it. So its chinks are filled with good stories, good sentiment, “~and good humor. Read the publishers’ talk this month, and you’ll see just where we stand. ; LOOK FOR THE PATCHWORK COVER [heSi ple Lif has for its basis PERFECT HEALTH. The clear brain, the healthy stomach, the bodily organs exercising in harmony, are the first essentials of a Simple Life— A LIFE CF PEACE AND SATISFACTION. No onc can know the pure delight of simple living whose nervous system is kept in a state of teasion by Constipa tion, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and other diseases due to inaction of the liver. The Simple Way to seek the Simple Life i 3 to seek the remedy for these con ditions. This remedy has been found in our great product-— 'S ST.JOSEPH (in Both Liquid and Powdor Form.) It has made life brighter and happiness and peace possible when all was dark and distressed. It reaches the centers of life and purifies them. It encourages the liver, stomach and bowels to a freer and more natural activiiy, Itis the Simple Way te a Simple Lite of Health, Peace, Contentment, Many persons attest this fact who have realized its truth by actual experience. St. Joseph's Liquid Liver Regulator is x;mmpt in action, oxcu‘d.inxl{ palatable and pleasant to the taste, It issold by drug wists and dealers at 50 cents a bottle, St. Joseph’s Liver Regulator in pow der form is put ul- in tight tin boxes au? re tails at 25 cents a box, five boxefi‘or a dollar. It may be taken dry or made into a tea or bitters. Full directions accompany every bottle and box. - Gerstle Medicine Co. Chattancega, Tenn. b Y B b ("_‘.',.‘- N .i‘ ~?.'.‘.< BUCKBEE'S BULBS SUCCEED! iWI iy SPECIAL OFFER: @\ Y Made to bulld New Nustmess. A | S trial will maka you a permanent ous tomer, Batisfoction guaranteed or your money relunded. ¥ Souvenir Collection i M AT TOTIRTAg Ceau TIOT woris Brmpe Hyacluth, Feather Hyes B cluth, Boring Boowllake, Late, Spaaled Iris, Selllas, § arle, Tt inuneulus, Snowirop, Crovus,Chtonedox s, Anemone, R’Mfl. Moote Bre Nurelotus, Dorwin Tullp, Paret Tullp, Verleeated Pallage Tolip, Oxada, Froueh, Roman sud Puteh Hyaelnthe, F cerly and late Tulina, eto, cto GUARANTLEED TO PLEASE Weite to-day M :ntion this m SENI) 25 CENTS o corer postage aud packing & d reecive this valuable selisetion £ Buids Poscpald, toge ber wiih by blg Tlustrated, Instraetive, e utiful Beed, Bulh aad Prant Dock. Tells all abebit the Best carietion of Se da, Bul'e aad Flants, 12 Commemoration of a cuntinugus, sucessstul business sivee lih, B vi l|~xv;n: h;o:(.l’";nvl N this Callection 1 . Wrlendan Horacd Ty ON Tha peates woader lnln . 1.v0,. Tule Batd :M-hm.h't'qux......d R w 1.3 1543 BUCKBEE BT, @ H, . Bucidee Rocxromp, 1y 3 X N ; FUNE R A~ | :‘ . x ) 5"’7 t‘ . ) \ 1" : ,( 3 | N 8 3 s ol RS o R ’ i \ L s\\\:.—'\ W | TR | - - - - s o valoadly F. D, MILLS, Cashier. PBTRRI R BRI R W o = i F. A, THOMAS, : :Can build anew,: : Bugoies, Buck--gil : boards, Wagons,: :and Log-Carts. Can: :furnich Cart-hubs, . : Cart-dogs Etc. on: : short notice. Can: : paint your Buggier : Wagons and surrey : : Knows all zbout: : Shoiguns, Rifles : :and pistols. In fact: : all kind of work. : Will take any kind: :of ccuntry produce : :in exchange for: : work. : Call and see me at: : my new stand near i the Court Honse." :F. A. Thomas. £ Wheelwright and : B cksmith, - Folkston, Ga. - !j»ll!Ihl-Illil!'llll!tll!l-'llll1'N-ll'l"l“.“l'il"llil"l!‘rl! snanm A Pangerous Operation, is the removal of ths a ppendix by a surgeon. No one who tukes Dr. King's New Life Pills is ever sub jected to this frighttul ordeal. [hey work o puietly you don’t feel them. Chey“cure constipation, headache, biliousness and malaria. 23¢ at all drug stores. | S TF YOU LOOK FOR TROUBLE M *{ If you cbtain a Firearm of doubt- S /7 R - ful qu lity P ) The expert nced Hunter's and Ry R ' 4 / BT o Marksman's Ideal ‘7 e S o/ Is areliable, unerring STEVENS s P4’ FiNDOUTWHY ; by shooting our popular o s ‘ PISTOLS i / i Ask your local Hardware /i ’7! or Sporting Goods Mer , chant for the STEVENS. f;, / If you cannot obtain, we Yot 2 B ship direct, express pre “," Y paid, upon receipt of Cata / log Price. Send 4 ceuts in stamps for 140 Page Hlustrated Catalog, including circu lars of latest additions to our line. Countains points on shooting, nmmu nition, the proper careof n firearm, C., €te, Ourattractive Ten Color Lithographed Ilanger mailed any- L jwhere for six cents in stamps, J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. : P. 0. Box 4097 Chieopee Falls, Muass., U.S. A. Marked For Death. . “Three years ago I was marked for death, A graveyard cough was tearin: my lungs to pieces. Doc. tors failed to help me, and hope had fled, when my nusband got Dr. King’s New Discovery,” says Mrs. A, C. Williams, of Bac,.Ky. “The | first dose helped me and improve ment kept on until I had, 3ained =8 vounds in weight and my heaith was fully restored.” This mcdicine holds the world’s healing record for 'coughs and colds and lung and ?thrqal diseases. 1 prevents pnen fmo?h, Sold at all drug stores, soc ]‘“d,y SI.OO, Trial bottle frec. s FALL & WINTER=:! Our Fall. and Winter Ilines of ready=to-wear Clothtng and Furnish. ings for Meny, women and Children are now readye We have a large mail order de partment, in the hands of compe tent representatives, who will make your interests their own. A complete catalogue, covering our various departments, will soon be ready, and will be mailed upon request free of charge. W.ite for samples and self=measurement blauks, B. H. Levy Bro. & Co., Savannah, Ca. \/ P S S e R TSR (R R P VR e oY " i ADIES DESKS} *e 0:‘ 30 -4 ’ : o‘o .§. . - i 3 3 FIREL ¥ ‘s’ : L & .8’ i .3‘ X 25 handsome desks wili ve giv- .:. ogo en some of our custom3ars this ' :g: :g month. Let us tell you about it. 4 oio New catalogue now ready. Yours :z: ’;’ for the asking. : Buy your chairs :2. ¥ directfrom the Factory and save ,:: ,gw -meney. Rockers make the best & :: Christmas presents you can get. '8: »§¢ Write today. % s FLORiIDA CHAIR FACTORY,%: 2o Jackeonville, Fla.%g .20---‘--A‘--‘AA‘--A-_AA;.A‘.,. \ ' JE\® - AND I\ - Ship vs yonr “cross-ties. ILiberal inspection, prompt retnrns. Write for circulars. Present prices, stand ard ties delivered, Fernandina 46¢. AMERICAN TIE & TIMBEP CO . BK. BrßowN, Gen, Mgr. AR A S I T 500 LN AT LSRN IVATIEG Y i >’Better be Sure Than Sorry”’ 1118 léITTLE ¢ 0 ¢ CONSOLATION" To get a bargain in glasses that may magnify the sight and make the wear er feel that he sees better, when the glasses improperly fit, may improve the sight or ruin it permanently. If your eyes trouble you, ccnsult the oldest and best. DR. M. SCHWAB'S SON, 1) Laura® St., " TJacksc nville, Fla. DUVAL HARNESS CCMPANY Manufacturers of and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Lap Robes and llorse Goods gen. erally. Hand-made Harness and repairing a specialty, 217 W. Forsyth St Jacksbnvile Fla GERMAN -- CAFE -- AMERICAN TRY OUR REGULAR MEALS FOR 25CTS. SHORT ORDERSA SPECIALTY UPSTAIRS GERMAN COOKING ONLY THE BEST AMERICAN COOKING 2211 2 W. BAY ST., *JACKSONVILLE. FL\., lok WEINBERG, Proy'r, New house, new furnishings, hot |} and coid baths. Roome by dav or | Wal ‘ g £ hi L AAI R iAt L e X R ENERINEER IR SRR RE @A et Cas rto AN Parts oi the Chty. E TELEPHONE 930, I = Rooms 50c, 75¢c and SI.OO a dayi e o i B ® ZAHM’S EUROPEON HO('EL. EFRF.D ANGLENOLZER :: Proprietor EWEnes, Liquors, Beers and Cigars B s e = MEALS AT ALL HOURS. B/ Oy (f(‘» ;.Bfl-z, ’C/;f g gL %] : 7 A &7 g }Zgzaé.ta-'n/ut /%, <.>//4. - - iafifi!'llllllllllllllllllll!l. i 4 Agnll)uval Shoe Factory%} 302 Main St., Jacksenville, Fla. old shoes mfldc new. . Work gnarauteed. New machinery just installed A full line of shoes in stock * * * % % New shoes made o order Plenty of polish, leather and findings. A. M. FOOR, Mgr. HEVAUMIRIRIEIR I RIESNIRIS RIS IRURIRIRISUBIBIBINIINIE + Carl Schevitz Shoes : Lar evitz Ohoes : = If You Want New SHOES, See Me. 2 =' If You Want SHOES Repaired, See Me 3 = 1/ You Need Leather or Polish, See Me 3 E Fine Sample SHOES-Call at My Factory 3 = 218 W, Bay St,, Jacksonville, Fi: 2 fil 'lllllllll\lllllul:IllIllll(IIIIIHIIlllIIlIIIIIIIIHIIlllllll.llllllll.l oLV RESTIURANT Best Regular Nooicin Tty for