Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, December 24, 1908, Image 8

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.‘y“){.-;\-"; MEN I you want to’ know why vou shon become tele- ) graph-eperntors and wht cchool to altenid, wtite 10 SOQOUTHIER SCHCOL. OF TERLEGRAPHY Newnat, (19, for ffée Catalog “A " 3»» e i . EVERY DOV ehonld read it Posi tiofns positively guaranteed, ppnrgs bagliicka 4 - - SONN waiiE & GO, gl LOVISVILLE, KY. P 2, 79 %0 CSTABLISHED 1897 2 p ,’_f‘\d" . Highest market price pald SENRTZS s\‘ By “ FURS Lk [ e $~, o &) and BDES (S AEEES NN Wool on B e L ALY Comamlssion. TR Medicine That is Medicine 41 have suffered a good deasl with malaria and stomach complaints, but I have now found a remedy that keeps me well, and that remedy s Flectric Dittere: a medicine that is ..¢ : i medicine for stomach and liver tronhles, and for rin down condi tions,” says W, C K'estier, of Hal iday, Ak, Electric Bitters purify and envich the blogd, tone up the nerves, and itnpart vigor and energy 10 the wesk. Your money will be refnnded if it fails to help you, 50 at allwdrog stores, Nice :Florida Oranges: e At i & Cirest oyoufrom the tree = :_ Orders filled the sam> day rec'd E 2. FOMPT SEIPMENTS : RIGHT PRICKS * b L. HURST. . | | :Box 607, Ocala, Fla. : M‘ . h Christopher Columbus. By J. A EDGERTON. g ¥y N TV He met vebuff ‘.\X‘ }1 after rebuff, b‘ul ,"\};;’ > would not give. Vv B up his dream. 4 IR cighteen years Christopher Columbus cherished the dremm of finding land to the west, Thiy time was speut in ineffectunl at tempts to get money for the undertak- Ing. Almoxt every soverelgn of Eu rope was aphealed to in vain, Poor, friendless, almost ~alone, regarded hy mauny as fusone, Colutnbus met rebuff after rebuff, hut would not give up his dream. Flually he appedled to Ferdi naud and Isabella of Npain. Ferdinand was not convinced, but llsabella was more favorably Inclined and in the end went so far as to pawn her own jew els for the enterprise. WAL the fitting out of his expedi tion the troubles of the great discov: erer were not ended. When twenty days or more out in an unknown sea, bis sallors began to wurwur, urging him to turn back. At last the mur muring broke out into open mutiny, Btill the bold navigator would not give up. Quelling the mutiny with what ever measures were unecessary, I prowmised a reward to the first sailo who discovered land. At Ilast the voy age was ended, and n goal greater than he himself knew was won, In all history there are sow more in spiviug examples of faith than that of Columbus. lie had only his own ideal to support him. Every one else doubt ed it. Nearly a score of years passed, fu which every attempt to realize hls dream met with fallure. 1t {s won derful that doubt dld not assanil his own heart. His was a faith, if not to remove mountains, at least to bring new worlds into view. 8o great were his troubles that they made him white headed at thirty. ‘They pursued him even to the end of his life. At one \ime he was thrown into prison. At nearly all times he was misunder stood. Raddest of all, he died without kuowing that he had found two uew cohtinents and {Hat his humble teip across the sejt woukl open a new era in the history of mankind, Columbus was of a genuinely reli gious nature, which may account for much of the trustful faith he had in Mis owa mward prompting. . ( ] T b 710 " Y et [ A f 8i \ i ] e ipl }':‘ 0 A ,1‘ | R e /AR There aremore MeCU'nll Patterns sold inthe Unitel} states than of any other make of patterns. This is en account of their style, accuracy IM‘ simplicity, MeCall's Magheine The Queen of Fashion) has more subscribers than ary other Ladies' Magnrine, One Bumicr: & oopta. Fvery soieeriver gots & Meduil For T, very su ots . Sorn Fawer Bebucrioa taduy oo 8 ll‘ gents Want Handsome premiu u'-t o-udon.‘ gn‘t:m Catalogue ( of tl:.:c' ) &M- Catalogue (showing oo premiume) Address THE McCALL CO., New York, THE GREAT 35UTHERMREMED St. Joseph’s Liver Regulator fs at excellent remeay for disvases ot thi fiver and kidneys, constipation. eoms <tomach, ¢izziceea indigestion, Ll fouste fs, and ol condidons canged by o dormant liver and kidneys. , It is pleasant to take, purely vegeta ble, and is carefully prepared by the wiid cstabliched Gerstle Medicine !(_‘o ,of Chattanooga, Tenn, Every family should uge it, Thousands ‘nsa- it and pronouncee it the best liv er medicine on the market., Drug lgists‘. sell it, liquid, 50 cents a bot ’llr; powders, 25 cents a box. I((’:z'm"-.t,\, CHARLTON COUNTY; 1 ;' Under and by virtue of a power of sale comtained in a certain mortgage execnted Ly‘; A, A, Wainright of said Connty to Mizell & Paxton on the loth day of February 1908, and recordzd in the office of the Clerk of the |Sn].?rinr Court of said County in Morigage | Book 1,7’ pages 67 and 63, the undersigned { will scll at public outery, to the highest bid | der Lor cash, at the court-honse door in said | County, in Folkston, Georgia, within the le ' gal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Jan | uary, 1909, the tollowing real estate, to-wit: | Lot of land munber five [s] in the first Fdistrict of the County of Charlton, State of Georgia, and lot one hundred and ninety one | [l9l] in the second district of said County l;llul State, ‘ Said sale being for the purpose of paying a { certain promissory note executed by said A, | \. Wainright to, Mizell & Paxton, {]. P. Mi | zell and M. J. Taxton] for the principal sum ‘1,,,; $0600.00, dated the loth doy of Febroary 1008 and due six months after date and bear 'ing_{ interest from date at etght per cent., per I;muum, the total amount .(lnc on said note | being on the day of cale $600.00 principal, “5.";‘|5 interest, together with costs of this ; proceeding, <aid mortgage having been made for the puipose of securing the payment of ; said inaebtedness, Proper conveyance will be | executed to the purchaser or purchasers of ' said land, ‘ This Sth day of Decemler, 1908, 1 ( : Mizell & Paxton, \ ] Gl '(‘:r:nm;l/\. CHAKLTON COUNTY: Notice is hereby given that the uraersigned has applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Kobert Hatcher, deceased, for the payment of debts, Sard application will be heard at the roqu ln:f tefm of the court of ordinary fur said i“’“"'y" to qu__!,u!d__vgg‘@her first Monday in January 1900, Ay - "This 7th day of December 1908, ; - T ' Jessie W, Vickery, Administrator upon the ‘estate of Robert Hatcher, ; — | CHARLTON (BUNTY, GEORGIA: _J. F. Blak~ administrator upon the estato lt)f C. E, Dunn, late of said county 2. . ihaving filed hus petition for dischuaroe, 11y o to cite ail persons concerinsd 1o show o ose against the granting of this dischargs ar !, regular term of the court of erdinary for said county to bs held on the fi-st Monduy in January 1909. 3 | B. G. MeDonald, g | Ovdinary S This is Worth Reading. Leo ¥. Zelinski, of 68 Gibsém‘ St., Buftalo, N. Y, says: “I cured the most annoyiny cold sorz I ever nad, with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, applied this saive once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore Was gone.,” Heals all stores, sold under guarantee at all druggists. 23 ceuts, The fact that Bryan polled neasly a millon aud a half more votes than Parker is accepted as an indication that a near Democrat is betier than a »ear Republicen as a presidential candidate for the Democrat party Next time we will show what a real Democrat can do, —Ex. 7 YOU LOOX FOR T OUSLE / 1!f you obtain a Fizearm of coud'- oy /i s » fulge iy Al ¢ { . S 0 The cxperl nced Hunter's and [, ! y '“\" - ¥ Marksman's [deal ¥R #/ 15 a reliable, unerring STEVENS } X y P\ S FIND OUT WHY L ‘ by shootlag our popular " ! o 4 ‘ PiSTOLS 7k Ask your local Hardware E Wl or Sporting Goods Mer. J , il chant for the STEVENS. f;, X N I you cannot obtain, we ,/ SN ship direct, expresa pre " 2%y Prid,upon receipt of Cata. lug Price. Nend 4 cmma slamps for 140 agel Mustrated Cataleg, including ciren lars of latest r.ddl“onl ta our line. ontalng points ou shooling, nmmue nition, tho proper caroot n {4 m.! Oy ote, Ourattractive Ten Catord Lithographed Hanger maiicd Gy where for six cents in stamps, ‘ J.STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. | P. 0. Box 4097 ‘ Chicopee Falls, Mass., V.B A. e A 8 WA ser Kl TR P ATRTTIEER RT, O AN/ VN '"ADNINIC The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion* It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money, We are always glad to assist those who are trying to ““turn overa new leaf.” . . 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. . . 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. ~ THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. 1.. CARTER, President. OLYMPIA HOTEL | New house, new furnishings, hot f and cold baths. Room- by day or ' week. ! 933 W. Bay §t. Phone 3483 | " One Block from Union Depot. { jJ. C. Brewer, Dentist "/"‘" T LA ] "«-n,,%~ ‘;’:u“b?m» l LI YT LY Crowun and bridge work & special ty; prices reasonable; work guaran teed. “Will be in Folkston on the first Monday and Tuesday fnllow-‘ ing of each month until “further 'nutice. | e \ erybodys ag'azme ! . FORJANUAPS-¢ ' will tell yeu sométbiizg you l may not know about Fa}'l!ling, Fires, Pearl Fishing, & Pills,. l ~ Woman’s Invasion, ‘Plying ' Machines, and Actors. Itwill give you lots of good short stories and beautiful pictures, You'll like it. Get one to-day. LOOK FOR THE PATCHWORK COVER Notice. Notice is hereby given to &ll par ties having aceounts or notes agains: he estate of . W, Moore, deceased, to present to, and all parties owing said estate, to make pay ment to the undersigned. This, Dec. 12, 1908. W. H. Bruce and J. A. Moore, Administrator’s of G, W. Moore’s estate. & : Y ' - ‘ .)/' : . ] e P L £ Good r. A\ \b\\‘\ 1”7 RS SN v . BN Health }. ‘ : P A . B |(wAl ‘ To enjoy 3 good health " keen the liv er in good condition, otherwise the effete matter and bile will accumulate in the |eystem and oause disease, - Liver Reaulator , g (Liquld and Powders) is.old-cstablished, reliable, tho | endorsed, and is specially refimn for use in all disordersof the Liver, lnch and Bowels. (i ] It has becoma popular and ind! | |Ne irln a gr-dt many homes as 8 VM |systetnic Regulator aud Invigorster, 1t is pleasant to take, purel VW‘ | fun»{ \\'fllbcnclit‘ii t:kenngdl'm o { Itrclieves Bilionaness, adache. : j :‘ilne;t. Lysa of Anmegu-bg«.??«?wneng | isorderseau ¥ Col ‘fu‘rxl:‘iaiu of the fleer m%?imt It should be in every home Qflf ? {by all travelors, Aw b Its timely use will often save axpensive qn'n!sr‘;:fnti“-;x] ssee[fl of 5.11‘“9:1. i 5:» oy 8 ;:j_w!x\_;;:i!.. instead of parn: u'« - W Frice, Liquid per botéle, 50 cen "o “ [derod, per boge 28 cetitie Pare ste and j gent ::‘-‘ :"(;‘((\‘%l{\il;gbn;;& & o ':.",“2 S (Hample ot p DO iree |an application. A&in-. T g;; > i’ oJ - e 3 £ e N —— .14 TR F. D, MILLS, Cashier. | J BI Fm,-l}l ES’AU”AI\E ] Best Regular Meals in City for | 25 ceunts. | 917 West Bay St,, Jacksonvil'e, Fla, | One Block from Union Depot. LOUIS PAPPAS. Trop. | S ——— e ———s. ARUEIRIRIEI R 3B RS RURNSALENEIIN e iBN }E F.A THOMAS. ; - Susg : v e DOGTUY, .'v,ci.:;.,,g 'gand Log-Carts. Can §‘ ifurnish Cart-hubs, £Cart-dogs Etc. on' :short notice. Can} :paint your Buggies 8 i Wagons andsurrey } :Knows all about: :Shotguns, Rifles: :and pistols. In faci :allkind of work. £ Will take any kind : l g"fif'”c‘éu'ntry produce :in exchange for: : work. ; :Call and cee me ai :my new stand n>>- e " gnsa, & - Whaelwright and : Elackemith. Foikston, Ga. 'l'l“IIIIHIH.lilllllilllIlillIIIIll?lllllllllllllllllillllll.h‘“'“ll,-., A Dangerous Operatio® is the removal of ths appendix by a surgeon. No one who takes Dr. King's New Life Pills is ever sub jected to this frighttul ordeal. They ‘work so puietly you don’t feel them. i'[‘hcy cure cownstipation, headache, ‘biliousness and malaria. 25c at all drug stores, J V'.‘- e ‘l 2B o § fetn bt {] BUCKBEE'S BULBS SUCCEED! \ ] ¥ SPECIAL OFFER: @V Y Made to bulld New Buiness. A W S trial will make you a permanent ous. W ) tomer. Batisfaction guaranteed or your W money refunded. PR Ifn ep! Souvenir Collection 3} siron s nmien 5% TollowTig DeaunTia! sorts: Urape Hyaclnth, Featber Hyee cinth, Bpriag Bnowilake, Ixia, Spanish Irls, Sctllas, Sparaxle, Nanunculus, Bnow'rop, Crocus,Chlonodosn, Anemone, f;‘.coau, Poets Eye Narclsnus, Durwin Tullp, Parret Tullp, Varlegated Foliage Tultp, Oxalie, Frenck, Reman and Dutoh Hyscinths, carly and late Tulips, eto., eto. G@UABRANTEED TO PLEASE | Write to-day Mention this Pczr SEND 25 CENTS to cover postage sud packing a .d yeceive tile valuable collection of Bulbs Poatpald, tozether with my big llustrated, Instrustive, R Deantiful Seed, Bul® and Plant Book. Tells alk abols the Best BN varietion of Becds, Bulbs aud Plants. M In Commemoration of s continueus, ruceessful business R eince 1571, I wi.l present free of abrge wiih thie Collection 1 Babvlenian Horncd Tulip Duld The gr ateve-fapal wonder B of tie age. This Buls alose lsworih & quarter. o 1843 BUCXBEE BT. ..- \H. W. Buckbes ™ 'Rocxrom, m. 4 W AL » v ) Loy LY 3 Q ) [ 4.) P \ "/'q‘v)': @Q_.“.') PR SO RY E |AV \; \ f ([ V 4 S ‘rv-» \\‘# _,m ; w v AW B\ & & @AY hl7 Marked For Death. “Three years ago I was marked for death., A graveyard cough was tearing my lungs to pieces. Doc tors failed to belp me, and hope had fled when my nusband got Dr King’s New Discovery,” says Mrs. A, C. Williams, of Bac, Ky, *The first dose helped me and improve jment kept on until I had 3ained 38 I pounds in weight and my heaith was fully restored.” This medicine “holds the world’s healing record for ‘couglis and colds and lung and throat diseases. 1t prevents pneu monia. Sold at all drug stores, soc¢ 1l SI.OO, Tiial bottle free. VAL YUK "tHIERS .b % e THE SOUTH’S GREATEST MAIL | ‘ ORDER HOUSE ; : IS OFFERING A DISCOUNT OF i | . i §{ ON ITS ENTIRE REMAINING = | $ - LIMESOFMEN'S,BOY'SAND i CHILDREN'S iSuits, Trousers & Overcoats i _ ALSO -} | § *WOMEN' S, :-MISSES' -AND CHILDREN'S TAILCRMADE w /SUJTS AND CLOAKS AND ~MEN'S, WOMEO'S-AND CHILDREN'S WINTER R UNDERWEAR _ B L ; B.H. Levy Bro. & Co., ‘ Savannzh, (a. , B T T T L R M W S e Y ] LAADIES DESKS . FREE f. ; N«l 4 : :: 25 handsome desks will be giv % en some of our customers this ¥ ~month. Let us tellyou aboutit. ¢ .g. New catalogue now ready. Yours ! '0:, for the asking. Buy your -chairs + direct from the Factory and save | ~ money. Rockers makethe best ¢ Christmas presents-you can get. §. Write today. ‘ : z: FLORIDA CHAIR FACTORY,, >§. Jacksonville, F la.a so i N il et e A | T | Ship vs yonr cross-ties. Liberal ingpection, prompt returns. Write for circulars. A AMERICAN TIE & TIMBEP CO 8, K. Brown, Gen. Mgr. 5 “’Better be Sure Than Sorry”” .“ITIS LITTLE ¢ f\l ¢d CONSOLATION" 4 To get a bargain in glaéses that may j magnify the sight ani make the wear -8 er feel that he sees he'ter, -when a i S4aSsUS lliprupetiy i, iy Lisprove sight or ruin it permanently. If your eyes trouble you, coasult the oldest § and best. DR. M. SChWAB'S SON, ‘ 1n Laura St., Jacksonville, Fla. § W-- DUVAL HARNESS CCMPANY Manufacturers of and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Lap Robes and Horse Goods gen. erally. Hand-made Harness and repairing a specialty, 217 W. Forsyth St Tacksonvile Fla ~ GERMAN -- GAFE -- AMERICAN | TRY OUR REGULAR MEALS FOR 25CTS. [ SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY UPSTAIRS IGERMAN COOKING ONLYTHE BEST_ AMERICAN COOKING E'.‘z: 1 2 W. BAY ST.,JJACKSONVILLE, FLA., ToE WEINBERG, Prop’r, = Cas rto All Parts of the City. - - - TELEPHONE 930 ; Rooms 50c, 75¢c and SI.OO a A A ZABM’S EUROPEON HO (EL. FRED ANGLEHOLZER :: Proprietor. =Wifles, Liquors, Beers agfi _(_:igf_'j A E MEALS AT ALL HOURS. - - £/25 © By S B . 7, s %c«té&nu;//é, c_gz. S NEEEENROEEEYREREERS S e . S <Duval Shoe Factog: 302 Main Bi., Jacksonville, Fla. bt oot s bt o Old shoes made new. . Work gnarauteed. New machinery. just in.talled : Gyt . aby ! dCI I Plenty of poiisi, eather and A findings, A M OOR, Mgr. g . Carl Schevitz Shoes - = 1 You Want New SHCES,S - Me, & ® M You antSHOES Rem'd, SeeMe 3 % HYouN edLether or sh, See Me : Five Sample SHUES-: alf as My Factory 3 § 218 W. Bay st lacksonviile, F g - -