Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, February 18, 1909, Image 1

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CHARLTON C@EUNTY HERALD YOL. Xl.--NO. 38. Solicitor General - Jos. H. Thomas, ~ On last Raturday, Governor Hoke Smith appointed Judge Joseph H. Thowas, of Baxley, Appling Coun ty, Solicitor General of the Bruns wick Judictal Circuit, to succeed Hon. John W. Bennett. The late lamented E. Lawton Walker had been eiected to this office but did not live to assume ite dutivs, Judge ‘Thomas will serve two years under. this appointment, when th= vacan cy will be regularly filled by elec tion. : Judge Joseph Henry Thomas is a uative of Bristol, Pierce County, born it 1867, In early life he mov ed with his parents to Applng County, where he has ever since re sided. He attended tue rural schools of Appling and in these ob taineu the ruliments of an educa tion, At eighteen his father died leaving ycung Joseph about two hundred dollars as hiz share of the very small estate. With ti{}-‘j cleus he began life. By teaching school at intervals aad with the a bove very small pittance he entered:j Mercer University in 1889 and by hard work aud with thie very closest | application he was graduated from ihat well known institution frcm both the literary and law depart ments. While a student theie he . was known for his close application t his studies, The honors that he received while he was at the Univer i sity prove this. In June Igor he’ won the First Sophomore Medal in “the oratical contest; whila =t ‘grad’ nation he was the Aniversarian of| the Cice}onian Society and deliver. ed the oratiou with credit. Atter graduation Mr. Thomas re curned to Baxley. He was princi pal of the Baxlcy High School 1893 and 1894- He was also for a time owner and editor of the Baxley Ban ner. He then entered into active practice of his chosen profession, the law, Almost coatinually he has served in some position of honor aaa trust, always honorably and creditably. He served his home town, Baxley, as Mayor for four terms—in 1897, 1898, 1905 and 1906. He was Scligitor of the City Court of Baxiey fcr four years dur ing 1898, 1899. 1900 and 1901, and itls a matter of record, certainly complimentary to his legal ability, that not a single accusation brought and drawn by him was ever dismiss ed or successfully demnrred to. When apvointed Solicitor General of the Brunswick Judicial Circoit he-was finishing out a term as Judge ! of th= City ourt of Baxley, having served in this important pusition during 1906, 1907 and 1go8.« He has also served his tellow citizens as hairman of the (‘ounty I'emocratic Exccutive Committee for fve or six years. He was pever a candidaie before the peodoFor ane office. ‘ isa Ma-on Knight ofsPs thias an an Odd Fellow. In 1894 Judge Thomas was mar ried to Miss Fannie Mil'kin, the ela-l est daughter of Capt. and Mrs Ben| Milikin of Jesup anda they have three int-resting children—two daughters and a son, ; Judge Thomas is emphatically what the world calls a self-made man. His parents were compara tively poor, plain honest peaple who | lived upon the farm. From thcse‘l Mr. Thomas did not inherit wealth, but they left him a legacy far more valuable by far than stocks and bonds—they instilled into the boy’s wind and heart an uprightness of purpose and an honesty of charac ter that has characterized his every act theoughout all his walks of life. As a lawyer he has the full respect and confidence of the bar, In his practice he meyer resorted in the JuD FrLLOWS HAVE MEETING. ¢ -—— r On the evening of Feb. 4'h, Folk ston Lodge.-No-268, I. O, O. T,, held their reguiar meeting, and after Ithe Lodge closed an oyster roast was enjoyed by every one preseut, Eight candidates were instructed in the initiatary and first degree, and they say that they Have already received their money’s worth and are well pleased with the instrnct ions received. A team from Waycross Lodge as sisted in the initiatioh and the les sons wete well impressed on the minds of the candidates. -i It is the delight of all the mem | bers to see that thetlodge is grow- Ing, and cvery one seems interested, LOST. ’ One bird deg. Color: Chestnut browp, with feur white feetr l A liberal reward will be paid for lhis delivery at the Herald office. o———— GREAT MUSIC OFFER, Serd us the names of three or more performers on the Piano or Organ and twenty.five' cents in si}. ver or postage and we will mail you postpaid our latest Popular Music Roll coutaining 16 pages. full Sheet Musie, coneisting of popular songs, Marches and Waltz es arranged for the Piano or Organ including Rup KyAvek's famous “Elight of the Butterfes, " “sarob Manila,” and the latest popular song, ““The Girl I've geen.” { ~ POPULAR MUSIC PUB., CO. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 1 Se——————" True_'vvomanly Beauty, No woman can be truly beautiful | who has a yellow complexion caused by a torpid liver, To be beautiful a woman must have good health, and this can be accomplished by oc-l casiorally using St. Joseph’s Liver Regulator (either liquid or powders, as you like best.) It keeps the bow els open, passing off the poisoaous, effete matter, and in this way puri fies the blood and assists in clearing the complexion. All women should occasionally use St. Joseph’s Liver Regulator. Liquid, 50 cents a bot tle; powders, 25 cents a box. ] " \& '.-a,;-\-{", R ST AN i ST o “.’ / < e' ~ifl»\v # SOL ‘ e\ Ayt 4 :f;fl;}ln %, eWO PR 04 e LY hr e 5/; q‘uv“ et /011NN o T There are more Mc%‘ull Patternssold inthe United Btates than of any other make cl‘ra[ternq._ This is on ®ccount of their style, accuracy and simplicity, McORIVe Mugaziae(The Queen of Fashion) has more subscribers than any other Ladnp‘ Magazine. One year's subscription (12 numbers) costs’so cents, Latest pumber, 3 centw, Every subscriber gets a McCall Page tern Free. Suvbscribe today, 7 . Hand L o Cotalonint ol e pigns) and Premium Catalogue (showing 400 premiums) sent free, Address THYE McCALL CO,, New York, very least to the sharp practices of the shyster but always held up his profession to the very high plane to which it belongs. As a public offi cer he was painstaking and just, al lwavs the tenet that pub lic office is a public trust, and that {when one is serving his fellow citi zens heshoulddo so both nonorsbly honestly, He brings to. his | mew office, that of Solicitor General (of the Brunswick Judicial Circoit, a 4, mind well stored with legal tyaining {and also an experience obtaineda in ‘the several positiofis heretofore held tby him. that wili soon prove that 4:the: Governor has made no mistake Qin making this appointment, He will make the Brunswick Circuit a Isafe, able, fearless and honest Soli tor General.—The Jesup Sentinel, FOLKSTON, GA THUBBDAY FEBRUARY 18. 1909. | Children Meet At | Parents Hejille. e Sunday was a happy day fofon, and Mrs_ S. I, Mlls, who Il six miles east of Folksto, be ‘ LGk all tneir children being at oWI to . gether again. 8 His daughter, Mre. C. ¥, MEMul ien, of Missouri, has been at awe for some time. Thursday m@ining 5. F. Mills Jr., arrived from: (f.\'ias, also Mrs. W. L. Jon s from @laba ma. Saturday Mrs H. A, R Mroe, of Jacksonville, arrived, and Sun. day morning Mrs. J.'B. Bakégfrom uear Folkston and F. D. Mills, ol IFolkston, met them there, @l'heir youngest son, Edgar, is 's'till_; iving with them, Theday was spe;_‘ve_r) [leasantly, i % ’ Notice % | J. J. Mattox, his aygents, ants and confederates, are forbidden ‘ from trespassing any _fu.rtht':t:_f;‘ the lands of A, G. Gowven, Sr.',-f;}nfie')‘ peralty of the law, and anyd‘_.; with proof to convict of any tresp? 5Dy said parties will be libex‘-’ally’_‘?t.;f‘rd ed. . This Jan. 12th, 1909@; | : A G. (':0" Sr. The Jumpinz Off 4 b “Consumption ~had",;:; its grasp; and I had a‘lmst hed the jumping off place whe advised to try Dr. King’s Nae Do it saved my life. Imy réyefrxifiimffié gan with the first bottle, and after taking one dozen bottles T was:a well and happy man agzfin,” savs George Moore, of Grimesland, N. C. Asa remedy for coughs and colds and healer of weak, sore hmgsl and preventing pnuemunia, Newn Discovery is supreme, §oc and s‘l< at all druggists. Trial bottle free , & Wardin. Miss Allen’s school is progreésmg nicely under her management. : Tom Rhoden «ud wife spent Sun day with homef)!ks in Camden, Miss Hattie Liles is s.pcnding a few days with Miss Lizzie O'Quinn. E. D. Wainwnght made a trip to the river swamyp Saturday. = Miss Gussie Roddenbery s spen ing several day . with howmefolks, Ander Strain <pent lagt Sunday with Elias Strickiawl, AL Mr. Mark Netile was in Ba_chlott last Monday. 2 Rev. J. C. Liles will prea_vc!l,' at the O’Quinn schoolhouse next Sat urday #und Sunday. Tl “Blucabyes.” Telegraph posts along n rallway are arranged thirty to the mile. v ‘§4 Concelt s the soap bubbleffotf?'“ very large, very smooth and ascendan 3 until pricked. : ’ R NI TieN R bll 7 S e eA 1T "S 5 BUCKBEE'S BULBS SUCCEED! GG Wl i SPECIAL OFFER: &Y AT lade to dalld Few Nusiness. AYW '«'f triod will gnoko you a permanont oubs S ¥ tomer, Paticfection gunarantecd oF your B J’ money reiunded, 7 Souvenir Colleotion ), e Date i 5o Towing Denuiltu) sarts: Orape Uyseuth, Festbes fiyes 1{: nth, ffir.‘lngpf.mvhlu;: lna,;&n:::: Mn.:-:llku,.' . Its uleg, Muowdray, Croous Ohilc 02, Anemd 1 4 ,?.:";,v',"uu-.m'.::' D-:v‘m Tullp, ):uwt ';'.:?x'fim '; ' age Telip, Oza'is, Fronch, Bemaa end nml yoeiutin, ceriy and late Polips, e, el { i ARANTEED TO PLEASE ' Welto to-day Mentlon this m v &itNE) 28 CENT. .. ¢ s pumage Gl poczing ard seceive thia yalushle colfsetion | Vostpald, Wozeiher with gay big IHustrated lofrist i viful Deed, Belh and Plant Tack, Tells sll &iost the Neag Lon o Bords, Bulte and Flante, it st Y yrmomerasion of tinwens, ficosesil b E O < soon of shargh ¢l ehis Colleotion B eaiaadloos 4 Tullp Boil Fhe prestent Gorsd wondery wawn. 1o s i atens leword € qusrier, 6w L 1243 BUCEBEZ ST, A% % Buckbes "~ mooxeom, lu. M 1 s - ik el > TAT e T S PN S N ‘ 6 Sia Sl iR L | School Report. Report of Homeland school for the month ending Feb, sth, 1906: Total enrollment 23 Monthly enrollment 22 Average atteadance 16 Pereent of attendance o 1 Names of pupils who have rot been absent during the month: ~ Jim Fink, Sylvan Fink, Jim :Sax. on, YEppla Herringten, Georgia Sapp, Maud Sapp, and IFannie White. S f.. T. Parker, Teacher, Wanrtep—Tracners, BCHOOL TEACHERS— I bave ‘the questions and answers of the last seven State school examin: tiors in print. Will mail them ail for on dollar, Descriptive circular free, B. 8 Horoex, Box 27, Edijty, Ga. S N O ound a Spider \ ‘ : » ‘ H H‘ € of the Paper. ‘ or » . L . R Q \,’,:h R (s, Ol ‘\Y { Bagas iy | VG < O 'J ! G R s N GV Wi TT e /& X ¥ i " AN ; ~ R A b :'l\ *‘ P O B W b W et PR LSRN 5 Ty o e e R e o Y 2 ot ~ | } : ‘ L - ; " \ -Be M W RREe AR OUIS] e LRSI * When Mark Twaln wae editing the Virgh‘nin City "Euterprise he recejved from a superstitious subseriber a lot ter stating that the writer had found 4 spider In hig. copy of the paper and wanted to know whether that was good or bad luck. © Magk replied in his “An swers so Corresponderits” columun; Old Subscriber—The finding of & ‘spider in your copy of the Enter prise was neither good: luck nor bad. The gvider woas mercly loole ing over our pages to find out what merchant wos not advertising, 6o that ft could spin its web ueross his door and lead a free and un disturbed exlstence forever and ever, Aud Mark ait the mark. Doces it his sou? Romance &f and lis Moral, e NG, P | DRSS . N & 4 &%M} ,'~’"'J3.v g 4 @& ¢ AUI | N (2" L, | & %l 117 ”*‘i’ ‘; \-é'//;‘, i 1 A a 7 \ S v \—X2 27 , % % 7 :N L ' <,'. . Y ‘l'hoy're going to be married very soon, And that is why they necd a table . spoon, But when they're wedded they will 5 need a sct, ‘And many other things they'll have to s Thoy'lf buy their opoons ‘and likewise ~ forks and knives % storez that ADVERTISE to * . pleass young wives, Death ofMts. Chaffee, of Homeland.- ‘Mis. Lorate Chaffee, of Home land, who bas been sick for some time died Tuesday afternoon at iwo o’clock. She would have Leen 54 years old the seventh of May, She was from Weidman, Isabel Co Mich and had only been here a short time, her husband having been here sice the first of last year. A husband, five sons, and two daughters are left, QShe was a good woman, and was liked by all, Ihe interment aes v the Colony cemetary yesterday morning at teu o'clock. gt ‘The bereaved family have the sym of therr many friends. | Buffalo. | . - B. D Johus, of Bachlott, visited his wnele, P, Cy Dowliag, Saturday. ol J. Herrin visited at the howme of P. C. Dowling's Suaaday, Miss Leltie Davidson visited Miss Nancy Dowling Saturday- Mr. Harris and family, of Nakun ta, visited friends on the river Sat arday and Sunday, James Rowell spent lagt week at his home. Mr. Rowell 1s 110 years of age and is the oldest maa in Chaslton Ceunty. : “TNrown Eyes,” - ' Bachlott, iWM, B Tl W vant i Ways Mr. Jackson Johus was in town one day this week. Mr, Newburn Rogers visited homefolks at Lulaton last week, | Mi. Hailey Miller made his *:sual trip to Hickox Sunday, Mr, Tranklin Johns spent « shor time at Folkston [hursday Mrs. Awel Johns is visiting hes sister near Winokur this week, Messrs, Cleveland Miller and 15, ¥, Marshall spent I'uesday at Wi. nokur, ’:Mn's. W. A. Blackman and sons, Richard and Robert, are visiting re latives near Waycross, ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ Mr. Jeff Johns and sister, Miss Jane, attended church” at High Bluff last Sunday, Migses Rose and Delia Johns, of Wayne, were guests at the home of Mr I[ranklin Johns recently: Shipwrecks and Courts Martial, The custom of lmldlng courts martinl fn the British navy after every case of ghipwreck has a curious origin, In 1741 the Wager, one of Commodore Anson’s vessels, was wrecked off the copst of Chlle, most of the crew being saved. The men and some of the juy. for officers held that they were no longer amenable to discipline because their pay ceased with the wreek, but the captaln, whose name was Dayy Chenp, differed, treated them as mutl veers and shot one of his midshipmen,. ITe wag then deposed, and most of the crew made off In three of the boats, Later when it was proposed to proceed agninst the so ealled mutineers the Inw ofiicers of the crown deelded that the men had been correct in thelr yview. This discovery Jed to the framing of section 91 °of the nrticles of war, which proyldes that in the case of shipwreck, destruction or capture by the enemy a #hip is held to remaln In commission pending Inquiry by a court martial, The Pigs of Brittany. “Drittany Is all right,” the traveled man said cautiously, “but beware of the pigg there, The Breton pig is not fat and indolent like ours, Ile is as lean and fiery as a wolf and twice a wolf's slze., All over Brittany yon see him, swoggering up and down the white voads in search of roots, bherries, frogs, anything-for lhe must forage for himsclf—his master never feeds him. Step ont of his way, or he will snarl and leap at you, ‘““T'he DBretons are great drunkards. sometimes they fall asleep beside the toad. They awake with a sharp paiu in the arm or leg, the paln of a hungry hog's tecth,” — New Orleans Times- SI.OO A YEAR, - Homeland. - Get busy for Charlton County, Keep yonr eye on Homeland, . i o ‘“.—_"rl Our Sunday School is doing fine, on Feb. 7th, we had 64 and on the t4th, 54. e Homeland is looking up, Homeland is Nor jooking dquv Homeland wants you to get busy, It you want to gee a large town. So get busy, - E Pull for all you are worth, And keep busy, Make Homeland the best place onm earth. ; | Watch Homeland grow. The Soutoern Express Co, hag opened an office here, ¥, A. Arim braster has been appointed tempors 'ary Agent, - i : Kwityergrowhng. : - What's thai? Homeland building a school hovse did you say? Yes, and its going to be a fiae one 30x40 two story brick. Kvrybody in Home * land are taking part to push 1t along and our soliciting agent cays the Folkstom people are helping. ‘Thats good, thank you, ; Keep swmiling} ‘ Red Lion, I'a., Feb. 7. —The fol lowing tale comes from Homejand, Ga., where A+ Scott Frey, & well known gunner, of this place, is witl | his wife, spending several weeks, Mr. Frey while out gunning severat days ago bagged ten birds and two rabbit, On bis return from the flcm e, l‘rc *rm‘“; the back porch. Rutusming io # few howrs Mr. Irey was sarprised to tind that both the birds and the rah bits had been distroyed by a cat. This was a sore disappointment to Mr. Frey, who is very fond of rab* bit, His Homeland neighbors are asking what became of the cat, ' The School Houge bailding com ‘mittee would be pleaged to receive any donaticns of labor ar money M. J. Fleber is treasurer of the school fund, : - GW, Waughtel'is making exten. sive nuprovements on his place, Auother pull for Homeland, Mr. Thompson and his friend from North Georgia returned from their bear hunt. They did not get bruin, but Mr. Thom json slys he cleaned so many fish while they were gone that he doesnot want a ny tor the next three moons, Our Postmasier has received a new Jot of post cards. Better get some befor they are gone, M. ]. Fieber and F. A. Armbrus ter went to Jucksenville on the 13th, 5\ Say a good word for your neighe bor. % "Work has stopped on My, Chafe fes” house on account of sickness. The doctor says that while it is a hatd case, he hopes thatall wiil pull through. Toey are trying to get a nursefor them, hope that all wil) come out well and strong and that ‘\'.'c may soon hear the sound of the saw and bammer again. Mr. Ruhling and Charlie Kennedy went to Jacksouville on the rrth on a business trip, ! Take another pull for Homeland, ~ On Saturday, Feb, 13, Homeland had an Edison Phonogravh Concert the proceeds which went towardg buying lamps for the church which are needed very mucch, Dollars and cents were realized, There 1s quite a ot as gmoke in the air *‘that is tobacco smoke.” Some of those that are making the the smoke, spell these words: Cigar Factory for Homeland. Keep on with the smoke and make ita reality & More for I‘iqmglfgnq next time,