Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, February 18, 1909, Image 2

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THE HERALD. Publjstred Fvary Thumdas, L .':‘;T.;z-’fzkvfil.’;:; PRIZE, 81 A YFAR ? IN AIWVANCE. m Advertising Rates Bersonabie, ‘Ofiicial,(lrgnn Charlton County ané the Town as Follsten. SB A A XX T THT TAR " W.R.WAINWRIGHT, PROP. £ L WAINWRJGH % 'ED'!TOR ANDMANAGER. 'W ,Ezl’n rad at the ])“-tqfli\.“." at TPolk ston, Ga., as Second Clags M“tar. ~".‘m< No communication will be pub 'lk'tlm(l in The Herald uniess the 'lm‘ue o{' the yriter s signed 1« Jhe article. Wiil the Senate cease from troul - 'x-.]:x_: when the Teddies are at rest? _ Y The J.ord tempers the winter t the sbotn cosl bin, oo "1s teap yeur a failure? That is #he question. e LCas'ro ran out just in tinic to es fLape being kicked. If divorces keep on increasing, the cation’s alimony bill will rival its Panama Canal cxpehses. Er s irFRR Some men never experiment suf- Siciently with the truth to find olt Mhether it pays or not. : e et LR ’ At sounds fanny 1o hear the Prees ulent teli the Sevate to miads its bwn business ; ; e . but at the Jatest accotints Mobile ' i st e b e siadeghe *ias' vot seceded, &[T , ShepPEER Rather than free text-books, som o the youngsters woudd preter e hagehall bats. ; O s : a 8 dcal member of the admiv. istranon My Bonaparte, ot course ' disagrees with Mr, Tillman. l Mr. Puitizer has gone to Panamg to see ithe is as much of a liar as he has been cracked up Lo be. EEErirrse As Mr. Carnegic extracted all the Sun from the tariff, it is now in a gerions condition, ORI A The girls witd et married this year will be able to hole their heads| ap proudly, knowing they are l'r-.‘c'l from suspicion, ’ s FERR J The unattached female who did ! notexercise her leap year perogitive 1 will have to be content three more “years ol spiniaterhpnd, 1 : CR R | Mr. Tillmaa can also point with pride tothe tact thot Frandard ()z“ Iras not-been mentivnsd in associat tiph with Bis private business trans ‘ actions, ; '_ iR El e l ‘Sly Andrew Camepls, Heddnht want to testify at the tons v 00, f’fh%'mou he declined the more inquisitors wsisted. Now they w they had let hin off. EReicene The difference between huntine canvasback ducks and a Veneziel rhup of wur is that the former i more difficult 10 bag, but wort more when you get hin, ~Wken women go dewn town and’ spend an afternoun loafing they cal it shopping, aod when wmen spent an | evening loafing they call it lodge | weeting, Not =0 much difference, after Jll, : e * The United States soldier whe re tired with savings amouiing to 13, ~ ®eofrom lus pay should write a flw‘ - His advice on low to put fE L omsence ol oel i ol Re 5 3 S TS -_Tvm Piesident Roosevers expicis :\r! lain some distinetioy by gedting 4 vhite rhineeatos in Africa, On thei sther hand, just think how distin guish>d 2 white rhino wonld fecl if it gota President. | - ELL Sey 1 The Baltimors Sun's query, “Can | L man marry cn £6 per week?” > Al gomng the runds of the press. ihe carsensus of opinion seems to e that counts, barons and things vith incomes actually miuus the fig urg named, can, and do. CErLmr 7 After aii, perhaps, we have made Mne . progress am righteousness. Chos: six honest cornciiimen out of - 4hty six crooks in Pittsbury wonlo ~ wve made work Ccoinparatively cos - or Diogenes, who was so long look ing tor even one honest man- Breseys . We are now in onr new l‘mmc, sudy Wil your orders, Send 1 vur order fur any kiud of seation Y, nd we will give you a satisf: ¢- tory job, - Never forget to subscribe for the ferald,s ORI B CGoy, Smith took hig casy tin ¢ and good aim when he shot Lis ap ‘ Jotatment gun at tae sohictior gen l-_rral, but from all appearance he his he right one, I' 15 very v tifytng to the man, ; pends ot Jadee 7| nas Lo hear of A 8 Appointmend. o L LT Build Your Flues Aright, You centinue to build the ¢him neys. and flues to your ln;\ld'ings “in ‘lthe same old way” tuen you expect to get insurance on it as cheap us lunybody eise. lLay the brick flat, drop them below the ceiling, resting vt iren rods, put tin cunder the stove, and then write the insurance agentw”me SAI il Le weli.” The flue to our new building 1s buitt :?‘;_ti,?g;;i;yiy s 0 we are in the same ~ Let those that own property in (he Mlock in which we are, change the sues aud cat oor iniurance pre niuw lower, $I 75 The 1209 Subscription Offer $I 75’ s The Best Offer Made for the New Year 8 THE TRI-WEEKLY ATLANTA CONSTITUTION e AN e The Charlton County Herald - - i -~ together with the superb FREE OFFERS of PARIS MODES, a woman’s magazine; or THE SOUTHERN RURALIST; a splendid agricultural paper; or TALKS FROM FARMERS TO FARMERS, an epitome |75 of farm wisdom, worth its weight in gold. All for onig ', . . ' : s : Monday, Wednesday, Friday, three __T.__h__e_ __.T_ "'wee'dy cons_t'tUt'on times a"wnk.' The newsiest, best, brightest, and biggest Southern Newspaper. ' : B eFn Oulty. 4ok ot e poion oo & Bocnt One Dollar a Year or The Weekly Constitution —once a week, with each of the above (except that The Weekly Constitution is subsgituted for the Tri-Weekly)—all for one year for only $1.40 The Tri-Weekly Constitution presents at one sweeping view the whole area of events. The news of the country, state, pationgand the world is given in each complete issue. Each week the departments of Farm and Farmers, \Woman's Kingdom, Great Agricultural South, Farm ers’ Union, Rural Free Delivery, Poultry and others of wide interest, edited by cxperts, appeal directly to those addressed. : : The Weekly Constitution contains all these special features and the difference between it and The Tri-Weekly is that the one is issued once a week (on Monday only) and the other three times a week—NMonday, Wednesday and Friday, If you want the Constitution alone, without any clubbing offers, you can get-the Tri-Weekly Constitution at $x per year, or The Weekly at soc per year, by addressing The Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. One sample copy sent free on request, giving with it six of your neighbors. FOR RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES A club of 40 or 50 or more will keep an R, I, D. route above the minimum average required for daily mail service. It is the great news purveyor, of the whoele Southland, as good in “the gulf states as on the Atlantie seaboard. Sg Clubbed with The Atlanta Constitution, we have the superh FREE OFFERS shown from which you may make your choice of one: R W oy (1) Talks From Farmers to Marmers, a symposium of Soutg;:l farm knowledge that should be in the hands of every practical farmer, young or old. The articles have all ap peared in Tri-Weekly Constitution under same title and made ane of the greatest features of this splendi fatmers’ paper. It will be mailed to you immediately upon receipt of order. (2) The Southern Ruralist, one of the best agricultural papers in the south. It is a semi-monthly edited by a farmer on his own farm, and is intensely practical and helpful. (3) Paris Modes, a woman's magazine, monthly, There',fij;_ ions in it, as the title indicates, and they are right ups to date. Do not think they ai ¢ all of the sylph-like, hipless, clothes-pin styles of the extreme devotees of the changgafiexfhfi' Hled “Fashion.” They are all pretty amd becoming and up to date, so that the ladies nay feel well-dressed ‘and in the style who follow them. But you get more than mere fashions. Fhere ave storfes, poems, storyettes, incidents of travel, seasonable articles for entertain ments, home keeping, cookery, care of the person, sanitation and hygiene, plant culture M,‘);‘;}tgt_that go to make up a monthly feast for the busy woman who teads as she wor%‘;f” Ixes from one task and finds charm in the ever-varying features of woman's :*;”w» to be never done, OUR GREAT PROPOSITION Remember, our paper one year, and THE TRI-WE@.Y" CONSTITUTION, Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, three times a week, for one ¥ aiy, amd your selection of one from the three alternate free offers, all for $1.25; or the whfii ombination (cxcept that The Weekly Constitution is substituted for the 'l‘ri-\\'eekly):g'oy,;;.’«;,‘jf. sae el 0. 9140 . Send at once. Get right omv Don't tiss a copy. A dress all orders for above com- Faon | Lali S - TFE CHARLTON COUNTY HERALD, Foliciita, PR it s R et WAT 08 12 0 ST ! i S 0 laany people are going cores lzsgly throvgh sis. wjx!mu-tp asw .:f:n;‘;;;ht as Vo whint Nife ;fcfl'g: I\;,@ what this life means ~to themeslige: .0 their !e!ifi.vmm, ;md. to J‘ijz God. Lifeis what “\'-:nr m':z}{g-#f; Can you look buek at the pagt ay your lif¢ rs filled with noble tecdds? That you have been hmeflii uue and uprights - Lhat your jne flience has clways bgen for ‘?g(j{@g if nat your past iife has been a&i’,}g Awake, look aroungd you, andgfi% aow easily you cin live alife \zhfiifi“‘ "”f“ be 4 benediction to . \cr“fTQ?i vith whom you ‘come in Q}n;,fggg Rid your heart of malica, h}’f}’ @ %:Ic;,cit. and let love, g(;dl:n;ss!,;'iz& orothaly kinduess reign supremely, i,c:m:m};cring that Christ is suuy: Sevicor and that if this life is htg ’ iuto the life of Christ you have ttg' ‘;)r ymise that eterual life s‘m!:i!:e: y(wurg. ‘f:‘ | SR g A Sure Tip on Seven Small Bfs and a Big Cinch. o 3\* : ,\F/ % e ) ;-7\'/ WD T N \ f/‘\f\\/é o /' }<o ";fi" ‘q.."“qu\c e W ' OBIE PAPER TLAKE f I you're-a Merchant wou favor Fogi Trade. ; et 1t you favoer ITome Trade you'll fight for it. ; It you Pight For It Right you'll get it If you get it you'll be Helping Yourself. Ulysses S. Grant, R AR T ¢ 1 T TR fPCeTTON. ’l:4 N RN A 1N e || /e did not K«ffia%’ E L] know how to ‘ L mmeeeße T L g R T W Pto the time of the civil war R § Lissses 8. Grant was practical ) ';fi;fl)t*ifq:;}nown. Then fame came P enoon, Lim suddenly and over ng&f 1t swvas as-thesuzh ali of ‘_fiipctpnrt of his life had Leen 2 T{w’ff;fi g ke, .a preparation. Ouce in fiw&lfi!” are, be was there ty stay. No [OS @senpe for him. -He must play s part hierceforth with tha cyes of f}flg@fivt;fid‘ixpan bim. It is guestionible i /mfintrfiojoyud this publieity, but, whatever his personal feéelings, he had Li¢ dozged determination to go throngh - with whatever was thrown in Lis way. l '?i’,;&"rqnwnr!; of his wife that, “Mr Grant i 3 aa obstinate man,” showed « m"{)@h@@nf guality that wmade for the geperal's . success. . This tealt was shdwn eéven in his boyliood. 'The story i 3 often told of his feat of loading logs analded and alove. Usually severa, moen qid g worlk, and the duty of the “glencer lad was to haul the logs to the sawmill, One day he found the men ibsent. Instead of goiug home, as miost Loys world have done, he deter fiined to do the loading himself, s 0 iy vented a contrivance which by the aid of one of the Lorses enalled him tc per?&'m the task. This act made hiw famous in the neighlorhood. . Bajldsg tenacity, sheer hanging on whatever befell, persistence ibat veves It go—this seemed to be the predom inant characteristic of Grant. lie did not Lnow how so quit. Once started’ on a task, he seemed to have a pliys leal inability of stopping until the thing was accomplished. 1f he could not gmash his antazonisi, he wouid wed# bini out. Ife never planned for retreat. Perhaps he did not know how to retreat. liis pian scemed to be tc It flrst and keep hitting, to drive on and on till he won, to fight and still _flg’ht until eitlher his antagonist or him- ‘ - Belf wwas incapacitated for farther con “fliet. I propose to fight it ott on this l fl?w it it takes all snmmer,” he wired to Washington, and the succceding ‘eampaign showed that he megat al and a little more than he said, - JOHNWHITES. GO, B . LQUISVILLE, KY. PV e e BLISHED 12897 BN 'I_J,:.-f' (é\;{v (" ; rprice paid SRS '&u At s Funs ot )f‘?; f’z,‘y 3 raw T A and HIDES (& SAT S G e AL . Boy v Dollar Saving Days, "5 Bty Prosperity dates from the first dol- : lar saved. if you are earning : money you ought to savesome- - thing. What youdo now -- : in the way of saving may L j determine what the fu- N ture will bring you. S We pay interest on i 4 savings. accounts | compounded quar- : terly at 5 per-cent, on 3 time certificates 6 per-cent. S [.et us open an | ‘ account with We are prepared to serve the pub licinan acceptable way. Have you tried us? THE BANK OF FOLKSTON i "‘,E':b &ty (.Ln..‘.v b 1 iviaii Doy sonoe Mattar, -:——:~_-3—E~l_(—l—r-:l—§-:——.b~y lv '1 et agecount, send yO. Ur DA Yoo Sk pe st s W O L e on NolUss monagy e e L D) Anist Ol 3 O M { ¢ \w os6on as this HTSL deposii is lede WG WAI Vbl A bt hlVfi, 1 Whieh Wikl be wiitten yOul name and the <mowid o your deposit, lowiid also saa Ou signature and wentificatien card, which you will sign, il ove wia relurn. - Your oocs ook musi accumpany g all deposits and withdrawals. You can withdraw men@y by mail €& just us easily as though you vxf:‘:tcd tbe bank. Your signature to § a blank withdrawal veceipt, which w+ will send you to fill out, is ® 41l the identification necessary. We will sead you our check for -the amount you withdraw, or, if you'prefer, we will send you the § cash by express Or registered maill . | g When answering this Ad. pleass mention the § - Charlten County Herald. ,