Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, February 25, 1909, Image 2

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THE HERA'.D. A B ; ¢ B L A A SRS 5 LPhb,lj,shed Every Thursday. & _SUDSCRIPTION FRICE, &1 A YEAR ' IN ADVANCE. U B T ———— T D-W, W 53 TN W Advertising Rates Reasonabie, T R AT WL W ST W W G W"-? (Ofiicial Organ Charlton County and the Town of Folkston. m—-—-—— W. R WAINWRIGHT, PROP. F. L. WAINWRIGHT, EDITOR : ANDMANAGER. LeN3 S S 00 o 56,5 1 5 omo oo Faterad at the postofiice at I'olk fton, Ga, as R.cond (llaes My ter, L ———— e — No ecommunication will be pub Jished in The Herald unless tne Jame of the writer s signed to ‘tlw article, : } JAI chanre of advertiscmente or Anyihing ifitended for publication Jonst be handed in not later thaa iTue:-;(la.y night, to tecgive promypt dttgntion, _.TYz’c miilliners are Leginning 10 “thé L Lter dasigns on the women. e}flkx@& l“"nmewargl bsaad " The bate _ #hip fleet is on the homestretch, ‘ ERIE R Yon can lead u President elegt to g ].ovlisix_ma alligator s:uuk, dut you can t mike him eat i, | ; St LT Talk of another war hetween Rus _Mia anlJapaa sound: like an elfor to dguact the attentivn of Mr Hobson. ) Qrleler’s o | A little more Pacific Coast war _telk, and Mr Roosevelt mai come to fegret that he turned down that se : cond elective term, aftzr all, Ttis understond that in heminl ~of Mr Newborry the S:oretary of ;&l\g\gaw. a%;g'?t is bezinning to iR obl . Eo T : 2 ? Skakesneare, Sappho, and Swine. burne must be revisel. A New, I“York court has dexided thar lav -8 no proof ot maduess, ; TELS AT 4 A Married women‘s kissas are quoted at Sro aptece ia the Chicago-mu Ret. That is what a boariuy had "to pay for kissiag his lan lady. Fet LA AT , o Bewanie e ecpeatsd. - Tuwnone giatiiters are prepariny i eatabl] wn endjess chain of drug s throvgh the State. : Bh L _Jt may become uecessary to a couple of those Pacific Stag “Su the refrigerator anl give them a ! chance to cool off. : E TR The noiseless gun seems ta be o success, put what is most neede. “isagun whieh will be harmles ' “when not loaded. i ) CPEE T ; _We suspect eompetition bogwern Presidential messages and juag stories is destined to be sometnin | fieree laring the ol v lmiaistrati i | LS P i It 1s our veshaken coaviction tha I t@o@ations dsivinz ta qwell togoty | o 8 a 0 international poacs o | ‘eord are not go., , “from tho of nearsstatestaen and jingocs s tened around and about ihe stats, : CEr ey i Cur Farmeis, | . 2 L | Our farmers arg un iaubiedl, o interesting in tarming that, (oraic ) They are muking rcadv for this years crop. Their lands have o | bean broken and in a saw days ow they will bagia the planting of et " Bxperience has taught them that " these is a gool iving to b had righily tlling ths gsil, all nawh in this-stars can erops b oty eanily depntuvated a 3 i this seesdoa o Th ,»w are Cacap, we hayr a du'.i;".:u x,‘nl chimate, £ia: raas:s for st N in fact everything gags (o prove . anelie fgrave il maks s o e . Phthe most prosyocun; asctions They have foupdunother man n Fennezsee who has nevor read a! neéwspapcr, Of course, Fe is on tial of the trial of the Coopers, ELTHL SR, ’ Hafriman .is to have » slooonc ba: inn terminal station at Pitts | by e ke 1 ews geatlyto the ! prohibititon wave, ' M I | -4» ‘ ) Oine E fallc - . S . i Versus i 3% ain 1 Oty L rade, ! }*;/?"\'7 | /-?“-':\\ ‘ L Fan (U 5 e Q'il §%\ | @ e‘ b./ ‘..‘;‘ I"’\7@ PFcR AP, A~ o s - \ép ,fliw & g SRR A € \v.,q»f ¢ Nyt ¢ {1 \\ 4 g 4{ - (S 5 i ! ] ; wey WO | e e ",.%;, / ‘ - Ya bt [l o -"!1/ Wy ‘él:, ! | § 4\'l".-}»"‘;‘ - et 1 ':. /l" 1 PRI el 5 hE ! it ) ?? LA e l W T A RS Sk s & Tiomo irade! loine trada! | U 8 Letier far e 'ro.uh trage ' 8¢ Licep your dovling dollirg intae town | Lend Gient, gocnid the g f LUI tieves, vever sond 176 m i Around the worid tysoander v aal Cawn i | Phov cololivatod Anericoa poot wha perngl those liaes 1:;.;;'11; Bave aodel o proge footno® to thol sLect that reniy trach Wil eonse \':l;u.)i Bomia teida pinbes the rtue eXort lni get business as rosy trady aabtos 3 other werda, when the hepe mer | chant edvertises adequately in the | Wowe paper. ‘ o DU TPHAT ever aeenr to yop® | N R RIS C S S P L AT L Y S B A AN B R T ¢! ey S oy G "y 3 g { 3 - iD : _fli ] rg Qlol @ ; i R e : o B i B\ P e YR 2 4 & J 3 is &08 o ¢ 28 B\ |4 o ‘t_ i e R Sty 2Ly 283, Pt AWy b NE X TAal Ae grmnptl{‘ohmmm\ in ail conntrios, or (10 FEE. k RADE-MARKS, Caveats and Covyitghts regiy- K toeod. Send Bketch, Maodel or Voo, tor freo P roport on patentability, ALI BUSINESS STRICTLY o:unw,unn. Patent practioo exclusively, Surpassing references, Wideawile inventors shoald hova onr hand boek oalow 80 obtain wnd Sell patents, W hat in- g ventiona will pay, How to get o pariner.andot bhee vmuul;ia {nforimation, Ment free 1o uny addrass, D. SWiF T & v, 50! Seventh St., Washington, D. ©. BT R SR @ : - (S 0 Iption Offer sl|7s The BQI;: C?"frs‘;lr’:geo?cfr !toi‘\“.?‘fiiwv..r $1175 THE TRI-WEEKLY ATLANTA CONSTITUTION et e} eoo et mah sst), § U‘““—q—"—"—-—-"m——fi—-———— The Charlion County Herald » together with the superb FREE OFFERS of PARIS MODES, a woman’s magazine; or THE SOUTHERN RURALIST: g};fiéfiffifidid agricultural paper; or TALKS FROM FARMERS TO FARMERS, an epitome I 5 of farm wisdom, worth its weight in gold, All for onb%*;” s vOl 2 TR, . Mo r, Wednesday, Friday, three The Tri-Weekly Constitution i Sessan. frd. wree brightest, and biggest Southern Newspaper, A Almost a Daily, yet at the prico o] a Wo:;d;. one D 9% rF a Y._eg_!. or The Weekly Constitution—once a weck, with cach of the above (except that The Weekly Constitition is substituted for th - Tri-Weekly)—all sos one year for only $1.40 The Tri-Weekly Constitution presents at one sweeping view t,,h.ea’&g?k,area of events, The news of the country, state, nation, and the world is given in each complete issuc. Each week the departments of Farm and Farmers, Woman's Kingdom, Great Agricultural South, Farm-- ers’ Union, Rural Free Delivery, Poultry and others of wide interest, edited by experts, appeal direetly to those addressed. 4 S The Weekly Constitution contains all these special features and the difference between it and The Tri-\Weekly is that the one is issued*once a week (on Wy only) and the other three times a week—Monday, \Wednesday and Friday, P e 1T you want the Constitution alone, without any clubbing offers,’ oy can get the Tri-Weekiy Constitution at $1 per year, or The Weekly at soe per ¥eat, by»'aév ‘4‘%v'l‘hc Constijution, Atlanta, Ga. Que sample copy sent free on request, giving w_it}i{ b six of your neighbors, g @ BEE OED THE CONSTITUTION IS THE PAPER L . e R : R ) FOR RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES A club of 40 or 50 or more will keep an R. I\, 1. route above the fi%i&ifii average required for daily mail service. Tt is the great news purveyor of the W‘tfié}?fififl“thland, as good in the gulf states as on the Atlant:c seaboard. ; ffiu v - Clubbed with The Atlanta Constitution, we have the superb BREE OFFERS shown from which you may make your choice of one: Ve :-»;;fin e i (1) Talks Frem Farmers to warmers, a symposium of Southienr farm knowledge that should be in the hands of every practical farmer, young or ol - The articles have all ap peared in Tri-Weckly Constitution under same title and made one of the greatest features of this splendid farmers’ paper, Tt will be mailed to you imm,edi#té’!fi-f “receipt of order. (2) The Southern Ruralist, one of the best agricultural papéfs in the south. "It is a semi-monthly c¢dited by a farmer on s ovwn farm, and 14 intens: e and helpful. (3) Paris Modes, a woman's magazine, monthly, There'lwfibfls‘in it, as the title indicates, and they are right up to date. Do not think they %.."71s 'sylph-like, hipless, clothes-pin styles of the extreme devotees of the ‘changeable flirt’ alled “Fashion.” They are all pretty. and becoming and up to date, so that the ladies may 00l well-dresssd and in the style who follow them. Dut you got more than mere fashionssilhere ava storiss, poems, storyettes, incidents of travel, seasonable articles for cntcrtai_'nme”‘"c keeping, cookery, care of the person, sanitation and hygicne, plant culture and all th gpest that go to make up a monthly feast for the busy worhan who reuds as she works, whe selaxes from one task and finds charm in the ever-varying features of woman's work t}a‘ig?‘:fiféb‘emvcr done, COUR GREAT PROPOSITION Remember, cur paper one year, and THE TRI-W;:‘.EKL!‘?; TITUTION, Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, three tines a week, for one year, @ your selection of one from the three alternate free offers, all for $1.7%; or the whole con L*‘,. {except that The Weekly Constitution is substituted for the Tri-Weekly) for o ‘;& sad.. . 81.40 Send at once, Get right on. Den't miss a copy. f ‘“;:‘& for above com bination to * et £ by Lo R * . TFECQHARLTON COUNTY HERALD, Fellston, \. : S il GRS B S, a*;sam?%fl ! S T, e : ) A dutt boy; be | | e became the preat ‘ \ 3z est mathsmatical | j;« N griivs of mm{ug{%_ A 2 ] 1 F N '._!.l, ne :"r,f' Conht x:‘::m;,' uf_ofi'.ié !2 oat esorihed Togainle b s bty . fl dontaed, the vameny anple it | ries aongewith the reet. Thent Puave Beon et ast thres feinons apoles i ddatory —the oue enten by Adwar gud Eve, the oo sbol off Bis son'stiend Ly [ Wilian Teil anl Gie oo WwadAs it pyasgestod ty Gy 13190 Newitsn Iha Itsy. PO peavitation. Dezaite tho seßey of i e ighoy cviiliem, o bt chei e upsony and CGYe JGetinintied 1o etand Ly thom, NG Gnd pothier A Cuk Bay dnd : was. Lievsily Blelsd o exottisy RS | 6i9zd &t too Faot i Ll elnss aml ofa | Loy was bosted by {le Doy highas uy, {Ale Newtouidy spivit san nvsh ol by 1 toos hwtignity, witheibo coaned GOR Ly D Isade Bob. cmiy Aviinnat o R | Kicier, buat Cetdrmined 13 gy ahiead ok LBin 1y the €ass Sida ke gal aid Laaogy, for B yredbto (B hond o e Peswr Cald etayed Lse . ? [ TRO seegm e O 00k fanolont b G youngiicineemwo ot loa s e P Bo 80t Gunienteg L e v ek PR M Rrew ey JUle nioute e e L et PUDEasr ol (Rlanaties T e lp,u sl igceaiivny bim, . Moy S Feoa cstormined 1y Bnal Dol il f dod aa vk Ahst be padsiee iim‘ Pgsetart auathematical goniny ot 6ot F 0, LV oltidire sieried oel ol 156 it Lpie that fell Gl dlt Nend9i 69 h A gt e yonug pial determinedt ta i rontoshot made it falle BE 60 brsat o\] | zebtie ns Voltairy easnld swalfow i Eetory, there T 3 no veazon why it shotkt | net Lo accepted Ly the other sieptios, | Vaen By igaac fßest omadochis cany Ppuiations on tue subject of dravitip L ticn, Be was misled Dy (he erfoncens | Rotiong then held of the lenath of the i carth's radiva, Ie taerefore abandon &1 tho theory temporarily. Loter the el was correctad, when e reiurned | o tho subjeet, compreted the demon. Cetration aud gave it 1o the worid in Lile famons “Prineipia”? i - Baothe meantine he had mads his oy mott cqually famons discoverios ¢of caming ligki diviiing white Tiowt-sile the prlwarr colors nnd Qeteriinine IHes diferance of refthction betvieon theiy In also did muehin resfosting the telo B3eons, Cmave a athiomatios intespnl aml Jiderential enlening epd made ot er eontribntions by sofende Which ninw el Wit ns the dhiof infelivet.of bis age Ai A R eS e & f Gatie . T ~ S WATE QLD EaR. towsvinee, 1. LU WIS ead BIDES (R % PP LT ity commton VS iRN e T - They Wani What CBL:Uy VL S Y e e= w W BN - . =t ROy yvaht- i ‘::, R e RN TG e 1 P i WIS/ N+ L :;"gf; ks b/ /) F:@ e e BN L A P s AR Y V3l A, ' ‘ /@,’Vi,( I [ gfifi e<) G ) ) e A RS P 2 3 RE L A e ety R B AR A ) N R < W R /,/ 7 ' e ey G o, A 4 <3 3 Kgeiee ol b 1 UL 7‘,- Tfi. Y [' - r_;"r. :X i\ ey o 3 g L TR RN ER L 2 %JR-‘ L g ARy e o "finj Ly s 3 " b LA v o kR e o£y vy p.] "E'HP’"[&Z\"«’Y ek . - 5 ey o e oA 'i“‘:«.:-‘ .“ y X e S oo 3o : b ?4*;3’3 the groat cities fill may: PO nl e biz nowspopors wid 4?;‘%%8 Wlien. they wanl what A SRR WL They- vt it thes P';% GEOTBE A ANT A D columns l S ABoTe hing can Lie done in (his L R ETroR ey B e VS } (w;,‘ig%g!.:.f FRIS aper—tha introduction | Cfig‘;_w@;fntmj to 150 wanteo, | ; ffvw‘c:n bave anvihine for sala, for ra{!‘tfii'f@éfi:f@x;f;;:ut;zv; Hoyen want to buy ! GRS e 1 on wa st to ot ) pastiisn ier 1T 3o want (o hire soime il T A »&»fi?lu‘nlfi’? wiil belte ron \\'?;n;l e e ¥ : e | S eont B e{tricant compared | U;‘,i&:%"l.-fir(i('%!ii‘:.' posult, AR D AT SEEDE P Pes BUCKBEE'S SEEDS SUCCZRD! o ‘d‘% T SPECIAL OFFER: [Biads to belld New Business, A trialwill B i]%;agg’;qnlp. 7'53;7:‘»1\‘;;?;"; :f:“ Z..E:e :(:: TS oi s Wdtg to-day; Mention this Paper. Wm°aw~m S SEND 10 CENTS eo s ontplh, e MTS ‘ u.!'l about the Beet verlet!es of Sceds, Plants, oto, A O o ™ i v Yo o N oTR < L) : \ : G Dollar Saving Days, 3 g & 2 .: Prosperity dates from the first dol- f _lar saved. If you are earning ’: . money you ought to save some- . thing. What youdo now : in the way of saving may : determine what the fu- . ture will bring you. : ~We pay interest on . savings accounts : compounded quar=- ¢ terly at b per~cent, on : time certificates 6 per-cent. ¢ 9 us open an . account with ‘ < ' ‘ T : o i) .; b 5 . ¢ € We are prepared to serve the pub lic inan acceptable way. Have ¢ you tried us? A : . THE e 8 , € § orE - s BANK : OF 8 - 3 : - FOLKSTON . ' 3 Cevings Cepartment Tne Atlaitic National Bank, - Jacksonville, Flcrida, | & [lnterest at 4 per cea o2cancpa " s COMpOu s ded qua terly in & Savings Deparén .., EDWARD W. LANE, President, FREDW HO(T, Vice-President. : Banking by Mail s Very Simple Matter. eY DS A open an acccount, send iyO ur name and address with your first deposit. The money miy : be sent by registered mail, postoffice money order, express mongy order, or draft, or by check on your local bank. As soon as this i first deposit is received the bank will send you & pass bouk, in i which will be written your name and the amount of your deposit. 1t will also send yoa signature and identification card, which you + will sign, fiil out and return, Your pass book must accompiny : 01l deposits and withdrawals, You can withdraw money by mail § just as casily as though you visited the bank, Your signature to 5 a blank withdrawal receipt, which we will send you to fill out, is = all the identification necessary, We will sead you our check - for = the amount you withdraw, or, if you prefer, we will send you the 5 cash by express or registered mail, : When answering this Ad. pleass mention the g Charlton County Herald, _. l.egources over Eour Million Dollars. CFFICERS. THOMAS P. CENFAM, Cashier DELMER D UFCHURCH Cashier